
robotdevilffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -ab 192k -i pulse -f x11grab -s 1024x768 -r 30 -i :0.0 -acodec pcm_s16le -vcodec libx264 -vpre lossless_ultrafast -threads 0 /home/user/capturedvideo.avi00:25
robotdevildoes not work00:26
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JotaPeHere is a type of online suport?03:37
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kellydivineI'm using Netrunner , it comes with KDE Version 4.10.4 , sometimes screen goes black when i watch movies via VLC player and i stoped the screensaver but still black screen comes after 10 minutes ! any idea05:05
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andiboii just installed 13.04 64 bit09:35
andiboiand have problems with window focus09:35
andiboion kde09:35
andiboithe window focus doesnt change when i click a window09:36
andiboialso my sitecom (realtek) wilan adapter is not recognized09:38
andiboican anyone here help me plz?09:40
eliaspI have a weird issue on my Kubuntu 13.04 box… when logging in via SSH as a regular user, all locale values  are set to POSIX… as root (sudo su -) they're set to the value in /etc/default/locale (en_US.UTF-8)10:00
eliaspdoes anyone have an idea why this happens?10:00
eliaspsshd_config has "AcceptEnv LANG LC_*" set, so this shouldn't cause the problem10:01
eliaspfirst I thought this would happen because I use zsh, but setting the shell of my regular user back to /bin/bash doesn't help either10:01
chachaneliasp, bashrc?10:03
eliaspchachan: the default one, but as it happens in zsh AND bash, I don't think that's the issue…  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5870632/10:04
eliaspwhere is /etc/default/locale usually processed? I couldn't find anything which would source this file…10:04
chachaneliasp, didi you restart ssh after "AcceptEnv LANG LC_*"?10:09
eliaspchachan: it was set all the time, I didn't explicitely set it… but yes, I restarted sshd anyways ;)10:10
chachaneliasp, and you are sending "SendEnv LANG LC_*" from your client?10:10
eliaspchachan: no, but I never had to do this at any point in the last 15 years or so ;)10:11
chachanI'm just checking what this doc says :) http://wiki.debian.org/Locale10:12
eliaspchachan: ah, I'm right now reading also this: http://debian-handbook.info/browse/en-US/stable/basic-configuration.html#sect.config-language-support10:13
chachaneliasp, oops, that's not a directive to be sent, sorry10:13
eliaspbut no success or any deeper insights until now…10:13
eliaspchachan: what does your /etc/default/locale contain by default?10:16
chachaneliasp, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5870661/10:17
eliasp/etc/default/locale is apparently not installed by any package (according to "dpkg-query -S /etc/default/locale") but seems to be generated at a later point10:17
eliaspchachan: thx10:17
chachanI'm in Costa Rica of course10:17
eliaspchachan: sure, I was more interested in the variables which are set in your /etc/default/locale10:19
eliaspthis is just weird…10:19
eliaspon Gentoo, this is relatively straightforward… set any env variables in /etc/env.d/some-file, run env-update, then source /etc/profile or logout/login… but on Debian, this all feels rather complicated/intransparent ;(10:20
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eliaspchachan: what does your /etc/environment contain?10:21
chachanjust that line10:22
eliasphmm, ok… same here10:22
eliaspI hope for something like "source /etc/default/locale" or so ;)10:22
eliaspIt's even explicitely specified in /etc/pam.d/sshd: session    required     pam_env.so user_readenv=1 envfile=/etc/default/locale10:29
lordievaderGood afternoon.11:29
BluesKajHowdy all12:07
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_droidhi people, I have kubuntu installed onto my laptop and my touchpad is too sensitive. Does anyone know how to decrease the sensitivity?13:01
chachan_droid, System Settings > Touchpad > Cursor motion13:11
BluesKaj_droid, system settings>input devices>touchpad>cursor motion13:14
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_droidok, and from there where do I go??13:24
_droidthere are 3 factors Min. & Max. Factor and Acceleration Factor13:26
BluesKaj_droid, dunno , i use a desktop13:27
BluesKajthe rest of the options don't show in my input devices13:28
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yahyaadoes anyone know of a app that I can use on kubuntu to load music onto my ipod???13:49
BluesKajyahyaa, try exaile-ipod-plugin in muon or apt13:54
n0yddoes amarok not handle ipods?13:54
yahyaaok thanks13:54
n0ydI would think there would be a Qt solution, instead of exaile which is GTK iirc13:55
yahyaai dont know havent tried it!13:55
yahyaabut i will try that also13:55
BluesKajn0yd, maybe it does , I don't use either13:55
n0ydyahyaa: if you google ubuntu ipod, there are tons of hits13:55
n0ydand a wiki entry...13:55
n0ydthough i would recommend a kde/kubuntu app, rather than a GTK/Ubuntu one13:56
BluesKajor amarok-ipod in muon'13:56
BluesKajgives exaile13:56
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gstnetHello, kwin-style-qtcuve and kde-window-manager in kde 4.11 beta are removing each other.14:51
BluesKajgstnet, best to ask about kde beta in #kubuntu-devel14:56
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hyper_chhi there, why isn't there an alternate install cd anymore for kubuntu?15:17
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hyper_chhi there, why isn't there an alternate install cd anymore for kubuntu?17:55
valroadieOk so I am having a problem...ever since I updated my adobe flash it has completely quit, ok. I tried lightspark, it only plays a select few videos on youtube only, not sure why. Gnash...well I won't get into that heh can anyone suggest a solution to this flash problem? Thanks!17:57
hyper_chvalroadie: use chromium with html5 trial18:03
hyper_chno flash needed18:03
valroadieAh! Good deal, I will try that thank you hyper_ch.18:04
hyper_chvalroadie: chromium works fine... not sure about FF or konqueror - https://www.youtube.com/html518:04
HighHohyper_ch: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2012-August/035675.html18:04
hyper_chHighHo: installer fails if you setup manual encryption18:05
valroadieYeah I have been using FF to no avail and rekonq is just...bleh lol I am still trying to figure out how to change my default browser from rekonq to something else as any program uses it and it also gets stuck to my taskbar every time I boot even if I take it off.18:06
hyper_chsystemsettings -> default applications18:06
valroadieAh! Thank you xD Too easy lol18:07
valroadieSo is it only certain videos or all work with the HTML5 trial? I have chromium now and signed in for the html5 but it is still giving me nothing :/18:15
HighHoValoradie, Its been a while since i used it, but I know there used to be an issue where it only worked if no adverts proceeded the video18:17
HighHoCant say for sure if thats still true, a quick google should tell you.18:18
valroadieI wonder if the VLC team is working on a total video handler for the web browser? I mean thier player plays everything on the desktop so...18:20
valroadieAh it works! Woo he18:23
BluesKajvalroadie, HTML5 proitocol is supposed to do what you describe , but I'm not sure what engines it uses18:32
valroadiewell it is working for most of the videos so it's not so bad as of now ;)18:38
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[trip]I know that I can drag a window to the side to resize it to half the desktop, but is there a keyboard shortcut for that?19:25
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[trip]Found it buried in shortcuts...19:28
[trip]that took awhile, heh19:28
lordievaderGood evening.19:48
reindeerQ: Trying to install LuminanceHDR from source and it complains about missing lib "Could NOT find Exiv2, needs at least v 0.12" but exiv 0.22-2 is allready installed. Also when trying to install a required libexiv2-dev, error is "libexiv2-dev : Depends: libexiv2-11 (= 0.22-2) but 0.22-oneiric~ppa2 is to be installed" any ideas?19:59
reindeerand yes, "libexiv2-11" is also installed20:00
F41lI'm at whits end here. I'm trying to load Kubuntu onto a Dell Lattitude 10 tablet, (Atom 1.8GHz Z2760). I cannot get the thing to boot from any external devices (flash drive, usb cd-rom, etc). I have tried both 32bit and 64bit CDs and flash drives. Secure boot off, on, etc and so forth.20:02
F41lI read the UEFI wiki and other various forum posts. But nothing has helped as of yet.20:02
F41lI -really- want to get Win8 off this thing and use plasma20:02
reindeerF41l: If you have "boot from cdrom enabled" in the bios AND the ubuntu cdrom is working, it should work.20:09
reindeerand no, im not KDE expert, but lets say that if a car has fuel and you have the keys, it will start. If it does not, well then we have to look under the hood a bit.. :)20:11
F41lreindeer: Well, I'm a professional PC technician, and solve a lot of really arcane computer issues. but after about 4 solid hours of trying everything I can with relation to settings in the BIOS, I cannot get the darn thing to boot to an ubuntu installation CD or flash drive.20:26
F41lIt has boot usb devices enabled.20:26
F41lBut the BIOS does not offer legacy booting, it requires EFI, and I believe it's also relegated to 32bit (however, the processor in question theoretically should support 64bit).20:27
F41lTo my understanding, the 32bit installation media for ubuntu (and it's flavours) don't support EFI booting.20:27
reindeerok, well then you have good knowledge of the basics, was just checking. Have you tried if the cdrom boots in another PC?20:28
reindeerthere is the md5 checksum for the iso but maybe the burn went bad. Try to rule out a faulty cd20:31
OerHeksF41l, correct, UEFI needs 64 bit, does that dell tablet bios have the option for legacy bios ?20:35
F41lOerHeks: Not that I am aware of.20:37
F41lI read that wiki page extensively.20:37
F41lreindeer: CD works splendidly in other machines. I made a new one just in case (both 32 and 64bit), and it also works in other machines.20:39
F41lFlash drive too20:39
F41lusing Universal USB Installer, as well as the ubuntu startup disk creator.20:39
F41lBoots in other machines, but not this tablet20:39
reindeerok, well that was my 2 cents, im off, good luck! ;)20:39
F41lI plug in the usb drive, I can go to a file browser to set a custom EFI boot setting, and select the bootx64.efi manually20:40
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F41lI could always try PXE booting it to my clone server..... not sure if that'd work over Wifi :D20:43
OerHeksi just wonder, win8 boots in uefi 32 bit, but there is no 32 bit uefi extention, so win8 must be using a hidden legacy function.20:50
OerHeksYou could make a complaint about vendor lock-in.20:51
F41lWell I think I got an idear.21:01
F41lhttp://ipxe.org/ supports wireless networks.21:02
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F41lI have a http://www.fogproject.org/ server on the network we use for doing various fresh installations of OSes.21:02
F41lCould see if I can get IPXE to boot, and just clone the damn drive.21:02
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valroadieCan anyone tell me an easy way to stop KDE wallet service from popping up?21:40
zuperfreakdisable it21:42
valroadieAnd how would I do that? :P21:42
valroadieNVM! Found it21:43
valroadieThank you21:43
valroadieOk so I have changed the theme on kubuntu and I was wondering if it has to do with the text being white on a white background in my web browser? I have all of the options checked in my browser to use the OS theme but it still uses white text on a white background :/21:55
valroadieNo ideas eh? ;)22:30
zuperfreakThe OS text in white on white after the theme change? or browser text is white on white after the theme change?22:45
valroadieJust the prowser22:46
valroadieI have tried changing the theme back but it stays the same :/22:47
zuperfreakand you didn't edit the broswer theme at all?22:47
zuperfreakIt could have been a bug with the theme, did you try restarting kde, then seeing if the issue persists?22:48
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iharpI'm using 13.04. My browser severly hesitates before transmitting data. However, when running a speed test, my up and down speeds are exactly where they are supposed to be. Any thoughts?22:55
iharpI can post my specs if need be22:55
SonikkuAmericaiharp: Browser?23:01
valroadieYes I have restarted (sorry for late reply I am cooking lol) I didn't edit the browser theme no, only to check the box that says use OS theme. zuperfreak23:01
iharpYeah. I type Facebook.com or anything else.. Then it just sits there and waits and waits and waits.. Finally it gets there. While watching network trsffic for Tx and Rx nothing is happening until right before it goes to the site23:02
SonikkuAmericaiharp: Er... *what* browser?23:03
iharpand Rekonq23:04
SonikkuAmericaiharp: OK. If it were a Rekonq issue I'd tell you to use it or Chromium. Have you tried with Rekonq or Chromium then?23:04
iharpI tried rekonq. Still the same thing.23:05
SonikkuAmericaiharp: Did you try a Plasma web slice?23:05
iharpIm not familiar with the terminology. The difference in Desktop types?23:06
SonikkuAmericaiharp: There's a Plasma widget that handles web slices.23:07
SonikkuAmericaiharp: (Or Web page previews if you will)23:07
iharpok. let me check\23:07
iharpIt's very slow23:10
valroadieCould be a anet issue? Can you browse faster on anything else connected to your wifi? Phone? Other computer?23:10
valroadieOr should I say can you download stuff at a fast rate?23:11
zuperfreakValroadie, have you tried another broswer? FF or Chrome?23:11
iharpI've got 16G ram, i7 3820 Processor,    And 25m V 5 ^ internet speeds23:11
iharpWindows works just fine23:11
iharpI can't believe I said that...lol23:11
valroadieYes, it effects both of them...but I'll tell you what man, I am thinking of putting crunchbang on here anyways at some point tonight so...I think I am just not going to worry about it ;) Thanks though zuperfreak23:12
zuperfreakNo worries, sorry I couldn't be more help :P23:12

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