
=== JZTEch101 is now known as JZTech101
=== Logan_ is now known as [Live]
Noskcajmfisch, ping01:35
beunocjwatson, FWIW, uploads/downloads are working in our staging environment, it's slightly tricky to manually test since the requests need to be signed for downloads, but not that tricky  :)01:39
=== Logan_ is now known as log
=== log is now known as Logan_
Noskcajcan someone help me with setting up sbuild? It seems something is wrong with step 4 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SimpleSbuild07:37
cjwatsonNoskcaj: What's wrong with it?08:35
Noskcajcjwatson, I've got it working now. The issue was it was very hard to differentiate between the code for "sbuildrc" and the next instruction08:36
cjwatsonNoskcaj: um, ok.  I don't see how the formatting could be improved; it looks fairly clear to me08:39
NoskcajI'd missed the second half of part 4.08:40
cjwatsonNoskcaj: I've split that into two numbered steps; better?08:41
Noskcajthanks. i hope it helps someone other than me08:41
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=== HandheldPenguin` is now known as handheldpenguin
Snow-Manyay, ipv6 is working again for us.archive.ubuntu.com12:52
Snow-Manoh, err, for *some of the systems its working again... :(12:53
Snow-Man::13 is working, but ::14 isn't..12:53
Snow-Manargh, no, that's not it.  The systems behind *security.ubuntu.com* that aren't the same ones behind us.archive are working12:55
Snow-Mansooo, no improvement.12:55
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
=== cmagina-away is now known as cmagina
=== cmagina is now known as cmagina-away
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=== ssweeny` is now known as ssweeny
gotwigwhere is the channel for ubuntu app development20:58
cjwatsongotwig: #ubuntu-app-devel, as mentioned in the topic of this channel.23:22
gotwigcjwatson: yeah.. thanks for not ignoring me23:22
cjwatsonIt's a weekend; quick replies would be unusual.23:23

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