
oixbonsoir neo31 :)01:09
neo31ahla oix :)01:09
neo31thx a lot for the testimonial the other day :) that was helpful :)01:10
oixça va bien  ?01:10
neo31yepp ca roule bien et toi ?01:10
neo31romdhanek mabrouk btw01:10
oixnta zada :) alors ? comment ça s'est passé ?01:11
neo31parfait, they asked for some details01:14
neo31but everything went fine all votes are +01:14
neo31check my cloak ;)01:14
neo31so how are you doing?01:14
neo31any interesting news?01:14
oixfor now, there is too many projects, we did an install party on june, and we think to organize something ... right now I'm working on TEDxTiziOuzou, I'm organizing it :)01:30
neo31cool, bon courage :)01:33
neo31ca sera pour quand?01:33
neo31et c koi le theme?01:33
oixça sera pour fin septembre, et le thème sera The Butterfly Effect02:03
neo31lol, nice title :)02:39
neo31what's the content is gonna be about exactly?02:39
oixd'une petite action on peut avoir de grands résultats :)02:43
neo31cool ^^ i like that :)02:44
oixin hope that i'll work :)02:51
neo31it will oix :)03:34
* neo31 is sorry for the lag!03:34

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