
=== Logan_ is now known as [Live]
NoskcajI've merged manpages from debian. Can someone review it please?02:29
Logan_Noskcaj: If you hit the "Propose for merging" link, it will be added to the sponsorship queue.02:31
Noskcajoops, i forgot that bit. *facepalm*02:32
NoskcajWhat's happened with the "file" package. The debian bzr branch in launchpad is two years old and the version in saucy is different to the version in the saucy bzr branch03:23
Logan_Noskcaj: The Bazaar branch is out of date. You can see all of these outdated branches at http://package-import.ubuntu.com/ .03:25
ScottKNoskcaj: These kinds of things are why, personally, I just ignore the branches and work from the actual archive.03:25
Logan_ScottK: Embrace the future! ;P03:26
ScottKI've seen the future and it's the past.03:26
Noskcajok. It seems more difficult going through the archives though, and slightly outdated03:26
Logan_Plus, bzr branch warns you if a branch is out date.03:26
ScottKUDD is umaintained now, so I don't see it getting better.03:26
Logan_Noskcaj: grab-merge is pretty simple to use.03:27
Logan_I personally use UDD wherever possible, but it's been getting more, uh, unreliable recently.03:27
* Noskcaj read documentation for grab-merge and MoM03:29
ScottKI've seen the future and it's the past.03:29
Logan_Noskcaj: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Merging is a good read for that sort of thing.03:31
=== Logan_ is now known as log
=== log is now known as Logan_
Logan_Noskcaj: Hey, are you around?04:33
NoskcajLogan_, yeah04:33
Logan_Noskcaj: Soooo. Squid3.04:34
Logan_You're just starting out with merges, right?04:34
Noskcajyeah. I attempted various things, i don't know if they worked or how to get pbuilder to work (the wiki page is far from intuitive)04:34
Logan_Okay. Here's my advice. Stay away from huge packages like that, especially with active maintainers. I tried to merge your changes, and I got a bunch of conflicts.04:35
Logan_Get yourself more comfortable with smaller merges (with fewer conflicts), and you'll gradually be able to work your way up.04:35
Noskcajok, thanks. I'd not even found the merge.ubuntu page when i did that one04:35
Logan_Even I wouldn't touch a package like that, and I've done a crapton of merges (ask anyone).04:36
Noskcajok. I'm looking at dnsmasq now. It's smaller, but i still don;t really know what i'm doing04:36
jbichaNoskcaj: yeah, you're definitely going to have to figure out how to build stuff before proposing uploads04:36
jbichamaybe https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SimpleSbuild will help, if you still have trouble getting a build environment set up, you can ask here04:36
Logan_You should always makes sure packages build locally, at least on your architecture, before you propose them.04:37
Logan_Also, I recommend this guide: http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/04:37
Logan_It's very intuitive and up-to-date when it comes to getting set up, etc. I don't mean to scare you away from this, but it gets difficult with bigger packages. You can definitely tackle smaller merges, though.04:38
NoskcajOk, thanks for all that.04:38
Logan_Please let us know in this channel if you need any help. That's what we're here for. :)04:38
Logan_I asked questions constantly when I was starting out. No regrets whatsoever.04:39
NoskcajLogan_, can ou have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu/saucy/plasma-widget-quickaccess/upstream-merge/+merge/17452905:02
NoskcajI think i've finally done one right05:02
Logan_Noskcaj: I think I've reached my quota for tonight. Going to sleep soon. However, I'll take a look when I get the chance.05:03
Noskcajok. thanks05:03
Logan_No problem/05:04
Logan_Typing is hard.05:04
NoskcajAfter running "grab-merge dnsmasq" i get a list of conflicts. how do i fix them?05:11
ScottKNoskcaj: That particular package has been worked on my by the Kubuntu team.  I would suggest asking in #kubuntu-devel for review/sponsorship.05:11
Noskcaji did last time, repeating05:11
ScottKPersonally, I'm slightly uncomfortable with it because it's not done by the same upstream as the last release.05:12
ScottKTo resolve merges, you go through the files with merges and figure out what you need/throw away.05:13
ScottK(usually it's keep ubuntu's change, drop Debian's, but sometimes it's the other way around.05:13
ScottKsometimes it's a mix of the two.)05:13
ScottKConflict resolution is a case where you really need to understand what's going on in the package.05:14
ScottKSince Ubuntu and Debian use dnsmasq somewhat differently, it may not be a great one to work on either.05:15
* ScottK is off to bed too.05:15
NoskcajScottK, ok. Any recommendations? also, how do i tell what parts of the files are the conflicts?05:15
ScottKIf you look in the files, there are conflict markers that show what's from Ubuntu and what's from Debian.05:16
=== elopio_ is now known as elopio
NoskcajIt seems something is wrong with step 4 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SimpleSbuild07:20
NoskcajIt crashes when i run sbuild-update --keygen07:21
=== lool- is now known as lool
Unit193cjwatson: Hey, so have you seen https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/898110 ?  By default it'd still show the same as it does now, it'd just be easier for users to change and show all.16:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 898110 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "please remove the "Previous Linux versions" sub-menu and display all kernels again" [Wishlist,Confirmed]16:16
TheLordOfTimeUnit193:  if you don't mind me giving my opinion, I quite like the new "Previous LInux Versions" submenu, and I like it that way because at any given time i have 6 kernels and Windows, and not having that submenu takes a *while* to get to Windows for when I need to boot to it (which is of course rare but happens)16:18
TheLordOfTimeand while it could be tweaked so it's useful16:18
TheLordOfTimesuch as adding the kernel version to the main menu of what it's going to load, i would rather have the sub menu than deal with however many entries before I get to the OS i want to boot to.16:19
Unit193TheLordOfTime: And this would leave that as default, so nothing would actually change for you.  The problem I have, is I still keep the generic kernel installed, but also have other(s), and "Ubuntu" doesn't tell me what's acually going to boot.  Changing GRUB_ENABLE_SUBMENU to false would be much, much easier and nicer, while leaving the defaults as is.16:20
Unit193TheLordOfTime: Did you look at comment 6 and the patch?16:53
cjwatsonUnit193: Perhaps somebody should send that upstream.  Our patch stack is getting a bit wobbly for me to want to add more Ubuntu-specific options (which I might later have to cope with being added upstream under different names).17:44
Unit193Awwh, dangit.  I noticed grub2 source package had quite a few patches, though.17:45
cjwatsonSure, but they aren't all equal.  I think a lot harder about ones that add new configuration surface, as a general rule.17:45
cjwatsonThe only such thing right now is GRUB_RECORDFAIL_TIMEOUT, and there was pressing reason for that since it was causing unrecoverable failures on remote headless servers.17:47
cjwatsonI won't add new configuration surface in a packaging-specific patch just because people don't like the current shape of the menu.  But you may well find grub-devel receptive.17:47
Unit193Well, for me it was more that 10_linux isn't easy to figure out, but point about new config well taken.  Thanks for giving me an answer!17:49
cjwatsonIt's got kind of complex, yes.  Another reason I get increasingly reluctant with each patch people ask for :-)17:50
Unit193Understandable, that's why I rely on others too.17:51
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh
obounaimHi everybody19:02
obounaimHow to discard the last bzr commit in order to drop the last ubuntu changes19:02
obounaimthen do a merge from Debian19:03
jtaylorso you want to sync from debian?19:03
jtaylorand drop all ubuntu changes?19:03
obounaimno I want to drop just the last ubuntu changes19:05
obounaimI want to drop the last changes in Ubuntu of "bitmeter"19:07
jtaylorthen how you do it depends on personal preference and what kind of changes there are19:07
jtaylorif they are small its often simpler to just take the debian package and readd the changes to keep from the ubuntu package with e.g. meld19:07
jbichayou can't just drop a bzr commit if you're trying to use the lp:ubuntu/bitmeter branch19:08
obounaimSo I will not be able to use UDD in this case right?19:10
jtayloryou can19:10
jtaylorbut a bzr revert might do to much19:10
jtaylorlike reverting the changelog19:10
obounaimIs it a problem to revert the changelog?19:12
jtaylorits not the end of the world (one loses it on a sync anyway) but its better to keep it19:13
jtaylorit can be very important when trying to understand the history of a merge19:14
obounaimwould please take a look in the case of bitmeter. I think reverting the changelog in this case should not be a problem19:15
jtaylorkeeping the changelog is easy, just don't use bzr revert and use patch -p1 -R on a fragment19:16
=== ssweeny` is now known as ssweeny
jtaylordo we still need any of the bitmeter changes?19:19
jtaylorbitscope is satisfied by all supported releases, jackd1 and 2 are  > 0.50 and -lm is in debian19:30
obounaimWhen making a patch do we need to modify both Makefile.am and Makefile.in ?20:10
NoskcajWhen running "mk-sbuild saucy" i get the error http://paste.ubuntu.com/5872370/ What am i doing wrong?22:13
jbichaNoskcaj: the wiki guide is a bit too complex22:20
jbichajust a guess, but maybe you should undo step 322:20
Noskcaji'll try that22:23
Noskcajjbicha, that fixed it, thanks22:48

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