
gherainthas a user tayaty, mentioned a problem in #ubuntu-women with user julie_duong ?02:29
IdleOneit is being looked at02:29
elkytayaty joined that channel 3 minutes before the named user02:31
elkyand PM'd me when the named user started speaking02:31
elkyapparently trying to add credibility to the sob story of the troll you cloaked02:31
elkyif you would like, i can forward you a full list of the activity of this troll swarm in the ubuntu women channel for the 18 hours or so02:32
elkythe past*02:32
gheraintI think I'll let you handle it for now02:33
elkygheraint: if that includes avoiding cloaking 2hr old accounts, that'd be helpful02:35
elkyespecially ones claiming to be "abused" by channel ops02:37
elkyalso if you got logs from them that quote me, they've removed some lines, altered one line and added one line02:38
elkythat's just what i saw from a quick skim02:38
gheraintelky, I haven't any logs, from anyone02:39
elkythe user you cloaked used the cloak to rejoin and try pass off altered logs in a pastebin as proof of my "abuse"02:40
elkycurrently tayaty and julie_duong are sitting silently in -women. julie_duong's realname is rather obnoxious. i'm currently waiting for a reason to remove them both.02:42
gheraintelky, are you claiming that koopama == tayaty ?02:42
elkygheraint: i suspect02:42
elkybut i lack proof or activity to allow me to ban them02:42
elkyi'm certain both are connected to the last hour's trollswarm02:43
elkyactually the trollswarm started 2.5hrs ago02:44
elkyand tayaty just quit the channel02:45
gheraintaccording to tayaty, who's just quit, julie duong is someone's real name02:45
elkyyeah that's what she said02:46
elkybut she also joined this channel before julie_duong02:46
elkyso i'm curious as to how they knew to join 3m before julie did02:46
gheraintalso refered to julie_duong as a "he"02:47
elkyi refer to people by the pronoun they request, whether i believe it or not.02:47
k1l_is "linux" just trolling or is he so confused?14:31

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