
bpotaconhi has anyone installed on a razr m yet?01:05
rsalvetiogra_: popey: anything hold us from linking 20130712.2 to current?01:08
bpotaconanyone here???01:08
bpotaconhas anyone successfully installed on a xt907 yet?01:10
dejelloI am kind of here but not....  and I don't know01:29
* dejello 01:30
dejellomerp, still can't build01:50
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AskUbuntuUbuntu for mobile phone | http://askubuntu.com/q/31949503:26
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sridherUbuntu.Components of MainView and Page are not compatible with Camera/VideoOutput. any fix ?06:49
timppais there a bug with unity in latest build?07:23
timppaIf the phone goes to "sleep" I'm not able to turn it on again from the power button07:23
timppaadb shell works ok07:23
tassadar_timppa: happens to me too on n7, probably a bug07:24
timppaok, good to know07:24
tassadar_also, when I press the power button, it does not go to sleep but just to the "lockscreen"07:24
timppaon my nexus 4 it just shuts down the display and it cannot be turned on anymore07:25
timppaon next reboot it works until I press the power button or it goes to sleep07:25
popeytimppa: its a problem with a powerd upstart script08:07
popeytimppa: adb shell, vi /etc/init/powerd.conf, add the two lines in this paste http://paste.ubuntu.com/5869063/08:08
DJJeffwhy has no one made a video on how to port ubuntu touch08:20
popeywell volunteered DJJeff !08:21
popeyogra_: we spinning a release today?08:32
timppapopey, thanks!09:09
ogra_popey, well ... https://code.launchpad.net/~sforshee/powerd/fix-power-button/+merge/174203 ... wont be different from yesterdays09:10
ogra_(that still didnt land )09:10
* ogra_ will upload powerd manually after some more coffee09:11
popeynice one09:11
timppawhat about wireless: Phone cannot connect to wifi anymore: wlan0      802-11-wireless   connecting (need authentication)09:14
timppaGPRS works09:14
timppaseems that network manager does not add wpa key to /etc/Network/system-connections/<connection> file09:30
timppaafter manually adding wpa key it works09:31
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DJJeffwlan0        no wireless extensions.09:49
DJJefftcp/ip over usb adb would be cool09:51
crocketWill ubuntu phones be the same as plain ubuntu computers?10:04
ogra_how do you mean ?10:06
ogra_the convergent device will offer you a desktop when docked .... it will still just be a phone running ubuntu-touch when not docked10:06
ogra_(though that is all 14.04 material, currently the phone is just a phone)10:07
sarobatlatest Saucy package have WiFi issues?10:08
ogra_popey, 13.1 is building now10:18
crocketogra_: Can I run OpenVPN in the background in an ubuntu phone?10:21
crocketogra_: Can I run sshd in the background?10:21
crocketA phone that's actually a linux PC.10:21
ogra_crocket, yes to both (you can already do that (ssh and vpn just work,, not different to any other ubuntu install))10:24
crocketogra_: How does an ubuntu phone control power consumption?10:24
crocketDo I have to control it manually?10:24
crocketiOS controls it by smothering background apps.10:25
ogra_it ships powerd ...10:25
ogra_every piece of hardware  is off by default unless an app requests it to be powered10:25
crocketHow does powerd work?10:25
crocketogra_: Is powerd part of a common ubuntu installation?10:28
ogra_no, thats an ubuntu-touch specific app10:28
crocketogra_: sad10:28
crocketogra_: What about laptops?10:28
ogra_it might become a desktop app in the future though10:28
crocketogra_: I'm so excited about ubuntu phones and tablets.10:29
crocketI'm so sick of iOS.10:29
crocketandroid is just a fake.10:30
crocketA real linux phone10:30
flo__ppa:phablet-team/ppa should probably have a copy of indcator-{power,datetime} for ubuntu touch, right? They exist in the daily builds PPA, but that's not enabled in images, so packages from ubuntu desktop are installed as a dependency of indicators-client10:45
ogra_daily-builds end up in the archive10:54
ogra_no need to duplicate them in a PPA10:54
WebbyIThi nik90.. what's the name of clock channel? I forgot it :-/10:56
flo__ogra_, hm, something must be broken with the repo or the sources.list ... I still don't understand why apt-get dist-upgrade installed all the gnome-control-center stuff (I see lots of "app launcher" symbols now, corresponding to control center icons, like Bluetooth or Power, but they don't work and some are missing a symbol). Also, the clock and battery icon are gone in ubuntu touch since I used apt-get autoremove, which removed the i10:58
flo__ndicator-battery and indicator-time packages.10:58
ogra_flo__, wait for a newer image, deps were broken at some point11:02
flo__ah, so I need to reflash? okay, thanks11:02
ogra_well, wait for the next image ... :)11:02
flo__sure :)11:02
ogra_cdimage should burp it up within the next 30min, once we tested it then it will become default11:03
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popeyogra_: its there11:18
* popey flashes11:19
* ogra_ syncs ... 20min ...11:20
popeyhmm, we had a page on the wiki with a table showing the status of devices.. .anyone remember the url?11:27
ogra_popey, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices/Nexus ?11:28
popeywe're moving that to a google spreadsheet, will create a link on that page11:28
popeymakes it easier to maintain11:28
popeyogra_: still getting blank screen on first boot11:31
WebbyITm-b-o: can you help me? Fixing a branch I pushed in another branch. I used bzr uncommit and bzr push --overwrite, but remains the last commit. This branch has already been approved and merged, what have I to do? Delete it?11:31
ogra_blank or google logo ?11:31
popeyblank, ubuntu up and I can adb shell in11:31
popeyjust rebooted again11:31
popeyunity8 is running, screen blank11:32
popeymeh, i'm just impatient11:32
popeyit appeared in the end11:32
ogra_the session manager changes ricmm did yesterday should speed it up a lot11:32
ogra_not sure they went into the archive yet though, i think they are still fddling with it11:32
ogra_good on mako ?11:38
* ogra_ still has 3min to go11:38
popeyyes, good on mako11:41
popeyhave mailed pat to ask him to make that public-viewable11:41
* popey flashes grouper11:43
* ogra_ flashes maguro11:45
ogra_the maguros flash process always tricks me into thinking it broke ...11:49
ogra_the moment i want to adb in it usually reboots and is done11:49
ogra_phew, powerd works at least11:51
popeygrouper is so slow to adb push11:53
ogra_yeah, but the flashing itself is a lot faster than maguro11:53
ogra_maguro looks ok11:54
ogra_hmm, does your volume control on mako also not go to zero when playing sintel ?11:55
ogra_using the HW buttons11:55
* popey tries11:58
popeyyeah, cant get it to zero11:58
ogra_it goes up and down fine ...11:58
popeyodd. sound indicator is "empty"11:59
ogra_i can get it to zero using the indicator11:59
popeybut it was there earlier11:59
popeyi tested volume buttons11:59
ogra_there is a bug open for that11:59
ogra_bug 118129912:00
ubot5bug 1181299 in touch-preview-images "Sound indicator takes a while to load, not displaying the content sometimes" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118129912:00
* ogra_ marks the image as fine12:00
ogra_sergiusens, rsalveti, new phablet-tools isnt in the PPA yet (only saucy)12:02
ogra_oh ! the browser has a history now12:04
ogra_(still no way to close tabs though)12:05
m-b-oWebbyIT: back at keyboard. One moment, will look at it. I'm a newbie to bzr too...12:12
WebbyITm-b-o: ok, thanks... I definitely find more meaningful names for my branch12:13
m-b-oWebbyIT: since the branch is already merged, you can delete it.12:32
m-b-oWebbyIT: removing a remote commit works for me, if I do a "bzr revert" after the uncommit and before the push -overwrite12:33
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WebbyITm-b-o:  with also "bzr revert" I have resolved! Thanks for the help :)13:33
mihahnHey, I have a question13:55
mihahncan you tell me what's wrong here?13:55
mihahnmake: *** Keine Regel vorhanden, um das Target »/home/mihahn/ubuntu/out/target/product/mango/ubuntu-boot.img«,    benötigt von »/home/mihahn/ubuntu/out/target/product/mango/obj/PACKAGING/target_files_intermediates/cm_mango-target_files-eng.mihahn.zip«, zu erstellen.  Schluss. make: *** Warte auf noch nicht beendete Prozesse...13:55
lithidI was hoping to try and contribute to ubuntu touch. I am not sure this is the right place to get information about it or not. Just looking for some documentation on how to contribute code for ubuntu touch.13:59
dejellomihahn: I have been having that issue, am building right now to see it if worked, but I had to add the lines from "build/core/Makefile" to my device "boot.mk" file14:08
dejelloHold on14:09
WebbyITlithid: you can start looking here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Contribute14:12
dejelloLine 450 in build/core/Makefile starts an if statement regarding boot.img files.   Line 467 brings in "ifndef BOARD_CUSTOM_BOOTIMG_MK".  My devices have this defined in the Boardconfig file (pointing to boot.mk)  I just copied the section starting with "$(INSTALLED_BOOTIMAGE_TARGET_UBUNTU): $(MKBOOTIMG) $(INTERNAL_BOOTIMAGE_FILES_UBUNTU)" to that file under the previously copied section we had there.  Not sure how you file look14:14
dejelloatm I am not sure if I can remove any of it from my device files and have it work through the build/core/Makefile..  I will try that next perhaps.14:15
dejelloand... It just finished building, time to see what's up14:17
* dejello crosses his fingers14:17
lithidWebbyIT: Thanks14:17
WebbyITlithid: and then you can ask help to dpm (who isn't online) mhall119 or popey, which are in the Community Team of Canonical and follow the Touch project14:19
g0twighey there14:44
g0twigthis device list is not very actual14:46
g0twigmhall119: hey =)15:00
mhall119hi g0twig15:02
bpotaconhi has anyone here successfully installed on a xt907?15:04
UbUnTiViTyHello people15:23
UbUnTiViTyI'm planning to buy a new mobile phone, and I plan to run Ubuntu touch on it. I have two choices: Samsung Galaxy S3 or LG Nexus 4, which is better for me??15:23
mhall119Nexus 415:26
mhall119that's one of the officially supported devices, so you'll have the best success with it15:27
UbUnTiViTyWhat about USB OTG?15:29
UbUnTiViTyYou know Nexus 4 has no sd slot, so any memory extension should be done using a USB Flash memory or the like, but will that work on it??15:29
UbUnTiViTymhall119: Thanks for your answer, but does Nexus 4 support USB On-The-Go when running Ubuntu Touch?15:31
nik90mhall119: I think the jenkins bot for both the core apps and the sdk is down :(.15:32
mhall119UbUnTiViTy: you mean accessing it over a USB cable?15:33
nik90Not mergin my MP and also no updates to saucy from the sdk trunk15:33
mhall119nik90: :/15:33
UbUnTiViTyYes mhall119 , Connecting a USB Flash using USB Cable15:33
mhall119nik90: I'll email fginther, but it might not get resolved before Monday15:33
nik90mhall119: yeah15:33
UbUnTiViTywill that work? and will USB keyboard/mouse work too?15:33
mhall119UbUnTiViTy: I don't know, I haven't tried that15:34
UbUnTiViTyok, mhall119. Thanks. I think I'll wait until someone with Nexus 4 running Ubuntu Touch tries it for me15:35
UbUnTiViTymhall119: Do you have a Nexus 4?15:36
mhall119no, I have a nexus 715:36
UbUnTiViTyAh, so Nexus 7 is a tablet, right?15:37
jo-erlendmhall119, I have a Nexus 7 myself and I've been waiting to install Ubuntu on it. (It's why I got it in the first place). How is the experience now? Is it usable for basic stuff?15:38
UbUnTiViTy+1 jo-erlend15:39
mhall119jo-erlend: it's very usable for most stuff15:40
mhall119jo-erlend: the only things that don't work yet are audio and camera15:40
mhall119but it's been my daily-use tablet for a couple months now15:41
UbUnTiViTyDoes ubuntu touch provide full desktop-ubuntu functionality?15:41
mhall119UbUnTiViTy: not yet, but the goal is to provide that when it's docked with a larger screen, keyboard and mouse15:41
UbUnTiViTyIs docking essential for that?15:42
mhall119well, the desktop mode isn't really designed for touch input on small screens15:42
UbUnTiViTyand what about the Command Line Interface? Is it as powerful as on a PC?15:42
mhall119oh yeah, command-line is pretty much identical15:42
mhall119there's even a terminal app in the default install15:42
UbUnTiViTyNice! and is it possible to apt-get any command line tool that I use on my PC?15:43
mhall119as long as it's been compiled for armhf, yes15:43
mhall119which most should be15:43
UbUnTiViTy"as long as".. and if it isnt??15:43
UbUnTiViTyWill it be possible to compile it from source?15:44
mhall119then it won't run on the ARM processor on the device15:44
mhall119UbUnTiViTy: any package in the Ubuntu archives should be re-build for armhf, so if it's not available to install it's most likely because the compile for armhf failed15:44
mhall119UbUnTiViTy: but I haven't come across anything for the command line that wasn't available15:44
UbUnTiViTyhmmm.. so you don't remember any missing packages??15:45
mhall119and I've installed all kinds of stuff15:45
UbUnTiViTywhat about aircrack?15:46
mhall119I'm not familiar with that15:46
UbUnTiViTyI see it is not available on the desktop repository, so 100% it is not available on armhf repository15:46
UbUnTiViTybut I compiled it from source on my PC, so I guess it is 'theoretically' possible to compile it on Ubuntu Touch too?15:47
mhall119theoretically yes, I've compiled stuff on the device before15:47
UbUnTiViTyGood, do you remember what you compiled?15:47
mhall119various system packages for Ubuntu Touch15:48
mhall119mostly things that had a new feature/fix in trunk that I didn't want to wait on a PPA to publish15:48
UbUnTiViTyOK.. You mentioned earlier that "camera" and "audio" are not working yet, so does that mean you CAN'T listen to music on your device??15:49
flo__UbUnTiViTy, it depends on the device. I can listen to music on my device. (though the only player I have available is 100% http-based and can't play local files, but ubuntu touch does not support http-audio-streaming yet, but with a custom fix for the streaming, audio works)15:55
mhall119UbUnTiViTy: those work on the nexus 415:56
mhall119and galaxy nexus and nexus 10 as far as I know15:56
mhall119just not hte nexus 715:56
mhall119flo__: the Music core app now support music file detection from ~/Music/ and playback15:57
UbUnTiViTySo, are there any known draw-backs on  Nexus 4?15:58
mhall119not that I know of15:58
flo__mhall119, oh, thats great. last time I tried, the "music" launcher was just a fake and nothing happened. Now it seems that launcher is gone, I should probably install the app then!15:59
UbUnTiViTyand do you have any idea about whether USB On-The-Go on Nexus 4, flo__ ?15:59
flo__UbUnTiViTy, sorry, no idea16:00
UbUnTiViTy*Whether it works or not?16:00
mhall119flo__: you'll need to install the music-app Core App16:00
mhall119from the Core Apps PPA16:00
UbUnTiViTyOk. Thanks flo__16:00
flo__mhall119, installing it right now16:00
UbUnTiViTyGuys, is there a channel for Nexus series or Nexus4 in particular?16:00
mhall119UbUnTiViTy: nope, this is the channel for all ubuntu touch related stuff16:01
UbUnTiViTyDo you guys have any suggestions about how can I be sure of USB OTG on Nexus 4 before buying it?16:02
UbUnTiViTyI know USB OTG on Nexus 4 running Android doesn't work out of the box, but what about Ubuntu Touch? That's the question!16:02
mhall119UbUnTiViTy: wait until Monday and ask in here when there is somebody who has a nexus 416:03
UbUnTiViTyMonday? Is there a schedule in this channel or something?16:04
mhall119UbUnTiViTy: not really, it's just that it's more active during the work week than on weekends16:04
UbUnTiViTyAh, I see. Here it is a workday on Sunday so sorry :)16:05
flo__somehow audio doesn't work in the music app for me.. Either the guy doing cynaogenmod development for my device changed something so it no longer works or there was a change in ubuntu or it's a glitch. oh well :)16:07
flo__W/AudioTrack( 1461): obtainBuffer timed out (is the CPU pegged?) 0x41d62580 name=0x2user=000012c0, server=00000000   hm16:09
WebbyITballoons: ping :)16:27
popeydoesn't look like USB OTG works OOTB on Ubuntu Touch16:44
dejellodoh, bbl16:53
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dejellokinda back17:20
* dejello ish?17:21
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dejello_meephm..  sort of remember some irc stuff...  :P17:36
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WebbyITHi balloons, today I have done my first autopilot. Can you check it, please? :) https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/ubuntu-calculator-app/118870318:21
flo__does anyone know about the current status of the "flipped" porting guide? I'm eager to give it a try :)18:29
AskUbuntuOffice application on ubuntu phone | http://askubuntu.com/q/31969218:30
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popeymeep indeed19:36
* dejello isn't sure what to do with these ubuntu-boot.img and ubuntu-ramdisk.img files atm >.>19:40
dejello(im)patiently waiting for porting info updates :)19:41
* flo__ too :)19:51
pinqvinso could i install ubuntu on all galaxy nexus phones?21:01
ConkerHey all, I've recently installed ubuntu touch to my Samsung Galaxy Nexus but it seems to be a older version, including a lot of bugs / broken things. Any advice as to what I'm doing wrong?21:03
pinqvincould i call whit ubntu-phone?21:16
pinqvinand are messagin system working?21:17
pinqvinan internet?21:17
flo__Conker, are you sure it's an old version? mabye those bugs are simply not fixed yet. you should be able to download the official rootfs zip file and flash it on most devices, or simple log into your device and use apt-get update && apt-get upgrade21:29
flo__http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/daily-preinstalled/20130712/ the 374M zip file21:29
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