
=== elopio_ is now known as elopio
gotwigI would be interessted in improving the recipe smart scope, what can I do?10:52
gotwigis there a PPA for Ubuntu Unity 8 ?10:58
gotwigcan you please update this page11:14
gotwiga few steps are obsolete11:14
gotwigprobably also update the build file for unity 811:14
gotwigdavidcalle: hey there11:16
davidcallegotwig, hey11:17
gotwigIMHO this page contains outdated words, would be pleased for an update: http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/tutorials/scopes/writing-a-unity-scope/11:17
gotwigdavidcalle: are there anymore "lenses"? Or just scopes and master scopes?11:17
gotwigmaster scopes is the new word for lenses?11:17
gotwigdo scopes still use DBUS?11:18
davidcallegotwig, kind of. But it's hard to go away from the word "lens", since it's widely used in existing doc, code, projects... And yes, scopes still use DBus.11:19
gotwigsmart scopes do use python, is there any idea of moving them all to C?11:19
gotwigbut the new unity does not recive its data via DBUS, does it?11:20
davidcallegotwig, scopes shipped by default on the device are probably going to be all C at some point. Those on the server, can be Python.11:20
davidcallegotwig, it does11:20
gotwigdavidcalle: ehm... so I dont have to use C?11:20
gotwigwhat do you mean with "those on the server"11:21
gotwigoh, smart scopes server11:22
davidcallegotwig, if you need to be on the computer/phone/whatever, eg : if you need user data to do a search, you have to be in C to be shipped by default. If all you need for a search is the user search terms, then Python is ok, and you will be shipped on the smart scopes server.11:23
gotwigwhere does the smart scopes server run11:23
gotwigI see this is made with unity 7 in mind: http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/tutorials/scopes/writing-a-unity-scope/ does it run on unity 8 ?11:24
davidcallegotwig, here is smartscopes : https://productsearch.ubuntu.com/smartscopes/v1/search?q=foo11:25
davidcallegotwig, and yes, 7 and 811:25
gotwigdavwhy is there no unity 8 ppa11:34
gotwigdavidcalle: ^ sry11:34
davidcallegotwig, I'm not sure, but on Saucy, it's really easy to build it from source http://unity.ubuntu.com/getinvolved/development/unity8/11:37
gotwigyeah I do it right now11:37
gotwigdavidcalle: can you update the branch11:48
gotwigdavidcalle: one PPA is obsolete, so it says11:49
davidcallegotwig, are you using saucy?11:50
gotwigI just say that some of the build scripts are outdated11:50
gotwigeven the PPA says its obsolete11:50
davidcallein the branch, just run ./build --setup, then ./build and ./run, works fine here11:51
davidcalleOh I see what you mean, gotwig.11:51
davidcalle(just tried)11:51
davidcalleWell, this will be updated I guess11:52
gotwigit works for me as well11:52
gotwigjust saying some obsolete stuff gets added11:52
gotwigwould be cool to see a global search in unity 8 :311:53
gotwigunity 8 is useless for me >_>11:54
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g0twigany idea how I can use the ubuntu touch thing on my pc ? with the core apps and all that..14:23
g0twigI installed Unity 8, but the touch version for mobile phones looks better than my one :X14:23
g0twigmhall119: any idea what I have to do, when I want to develop further on the recipe smart scope for unity?15:13
g0twigI cant find the source hm15:13
mhall119g0twig: depends on whwat ruther development you mean15:14
g0twigmhall119: ehm.. adding other scopes15:18
g0twigmhall119: probably even in c... if this scope is written in c. I want to see how I can port my older python scopes to the new C api15:19
mhall119g0twig: have you read the new C tutorial?15:19
mhall119g0twig: http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/tutorials/scopes/writing-a-unity-scope/15:20
g0twigmhall119: I learn it.. yeah, and I want to apply it15:21
g0twigmhall119: when I would want to advance the recipe smart scope, what do I have to do15:22
g0twigwhere are the sources, how can I start?15:22
mhall119g0twig: the tutorial should have instructions for getting all the dependency packages15:23
mhall119then just use the Ubuntu SDK/QtCreator to start a new scope project15:23
g0twigmhall119: but what is the process of getting it actually into Ubuntu =)?15:23
mhall119oh, that....we're still working on15:23
mhall119g0twig: for now you'll just email somebody (I'll have to go through my notes to remember who) about it15:24
g0twigmhall119: do the scopes actually have to use a search api?15:24
g0twigbecause all my scopes use custom XML parsers15:24
mhall119since the recipe scope can run on the server-side, they would review your code and add it to the smart scope service15:24
mhall119g0twig: I don't think it matters much what they use as long as they work reliably15:24
g0twigmhall119: most of the smart scopes use python15:25
g0twigmhall119: why15:25
mhall119legacy, they were written before the C api was available15:26
g0twigso, these smart scopes probably are going to be rewritten?15:26
g0twigmhall119: it would be awesome to get Cooks United Ltd. into the boat..15:28
g0twigbut we cant...15:28
g0twigor at least I, cant15:28
mhall119g0twig: yeah, the goal is to re-write all the python scopes in C, eventually15:28
g0twigmhall119: do you know a good XML parser in C?15:28
g0twigI found http://www.xmlsoft.org/15:29
mhall119I'm sure there's a bunch of good XML parsers for C15:29
mhall119but I'm not a C guy, so I don't know of any off hte top of my head15:29
g0twigmhall119: I ask myself, which is the best recipe provider15:30
g0twigall in all, its probably Cooks United, at least for Europe.15:30
g0twigbut they dont have an open API, and like I said are not interessted15:30
g0twigI g2g, maybe Canonical can do something here..?15:31
g0twigAPI access if often a problem15:31
g0twighttp://www.pixelhouse.de/ they hold the Cooksunited LTD.15:32
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g0twigmhall119: have you read my other chat messages regarding API accessebility? This is IMHO a big issue with scopes ...16:50
mhall119g0twig: no, where did you send that?17:54
g0twigmhall119: ough, do you know Cooks United?17:55
g0twigmhall119: I just ask myself, which is the biggest resource for recipes17:55
g0twigmhall119: with that I want to say, the current recipe search engine is just unefficent and very very bad. Users can only see the name of the recipe, and the associated tags. Sometimes an icon, and no image for preview mode. Seriously?17:56
g0twigDo you remember my old scope? It actually was very useful17:56
g0twigkurugah: WHATS UP :D18:04
g0twigthis channel is just so... lame right now18:04
g0twigno one is talking the whole damn day.. makes me super sad18:04
kurugahso sag18:05
g0twigkurugah: are you a developer?18:05
kurugahbut no unity dev18:06
g0twigkurugah: I am Ubuntu Member and once developed scopes for unity18:06
kurugahthats nice18:07
g0twignow I wanna relearn all the new stuff...18:07
g0twigsmart scopes >_>18:07
g0twigkurugah: I am super interessted in shipping a very smart Recipe scope, you know?18:07
g0twigkurugah: its great to have all these scopes, but I am unhappy with the quality of many of these18:07
kurugahg0twig: i c18:08
kurugahwhat is bothering you about the quality18:08
g0twigthe recipes scope18:08
g0twigits sort of useless18:08
g0twigkurugah: have you used it yet?18:08
g0twigkurugah: this is my original work: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/02/hungry-new-cooking-lens-brings-recipefy-to-ubuntu18:09
g0twigit actually was easy to find the right recipes, IMHO18:09
g0twigI want to bring it back, for Unity Next18:09
kurugahnope i am trying to get my first lens going18:09
g0twigkurugah: the recipes scope.. just shows the name of the recipe, and tags.. no other info18:10
g0twigkurugah: do you find this info... interessting?18:10
g0twighow can you compare recipes in this way.. its not good18:10
g0twigsort of useless to me18:10
kurugahyou are the local bot here?18:11
g0twigkurugah: excuse me?18:11
g0twigbecause no other one here is talking?18:11
g0twigI find it kind of frustating18:11
kurugahand the topic was kind of weired18:11
g0twigwhich topic18:12
g0twigrecipes scope?18:12
g0twigno it isnt damn18:12
kurugahhaha sry again18:12
g0twigscopes are essential to unity18:12
kurugahyes i think so to18:12
kurugahcan you help get my first going?18:12
g0twigkurugah: maybe. I havent used the new API yet18:13
g0twigkurugah: you talked about a "lens"?18:13
g0twigdont you talk about "master scope"?18:13
g0twigbecause I think master scope replaces the word "lens"18:13
g0twigkurugah: which language is your scope written in18:14
kurugahpython with the quickly thingie18:14
g0twigand why?18:14
g0twigbetter learn this http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/tutorials/scopes/writing-a-unity-scope/18:14
kurugahi thought it was a quick way to get started18:14
g0twigI hate this quickly thing..18:15
kurugahok me too now18:15
kurugahcause the doku sux18:15
g0twigread this18:15
g0twigthis is the future for unity18:15
g0twigdevelopers shouldnt write python anymore18:15
g0twigI am probably also going to port my code18:16
g0twigglatzor_: sup18:16
g0twigkurugah: kind of a shame that so little people are active here in the chat...18:16
g0twigbecause unity is the base of ubuntu18:17
kurugahyeah how come?18:17
g0twigmaybe because its weekend18:17
g0twigI saw more active people during the normal work week18:17
g0twigkurugah: do you know python18:17
g0twigkurugah: what is your primary programming language of choice18:17
kurugahidk i am a web frontend guy18:18
kurugahso its js an dc#18:18
g0twigc#? ...18:19
kurugahyeah thats not by choice18:19
kurugahso what do you work in most of the time?18:20
kurugahor is the conversation over now because i outed myself?18:21
g0twigI am a poor student18:21
g0twigI take the language which I need..18:22
g0twigcurrently I program with Javascript and SP.jS18:22
g0twigSharePoint javascript..18:22
g0twigif people show me they are interessted in a better recipes scope, I am going to work on it18:22
g0twigbut it seems there is not really an interesst18:22
g0twigkurugah: which scope are you working on18:23
g0twigkurugah: what is your idea18:23
kurugahits just a self educational thingy18:23
kurugahgoogle search18:23
g0twigoh noes :D18:23
g0twigyou should do something productive18:24
g0twigtry to do the tutorial I linked you18:24
kurugahwell that wouldnt be productive either, would it18:25
g0twigyou can learn the new world order18:27
g0twigso do it ;D18:27
kurugahmaybe after i finish this one18:28
g0twigkurugah: I tell you its useless to learn the old python way, but if you want.. do it18:29
g0twigashams: hey there18:29
kurugahbtw do you know if there are any redmine scopes out there?18:30
kurugahthat would be something i want18:30
kurugahif thats even possible18:30
g0twiglike Ruby?18:32
kurugahthe project management app yeah its ruby but exposes a rest api18:33
g0twigRuby is not a very fast language18:34
g0twigkurugah: how old are you18:34
kurugahso what? i would need a lens to search for tickets and stuff it would be nice doesnt matter that redmine itself is not so fast18:34
g0twigI dont know what redmine has to do with this here18:36
g0twigyour application just has to offer a DBUS interface18:36
g0twighow old are you18:38
kurugah31 y?18:38
kurugahwhere do you the the recipies from in your thingy?18:38
g0twigoh, I am 18 years old18:41
g0twigwhere I get the recipes from?18:41
g0twigI use different providers18:41
g0twigRecipefy, recipepuppy official. Inofficial cooksunited, and chefkoch18:42
g0twigaround 300,000 recipes (with the infofficial scopes)18:42
kurugahok and these providers use dbus?18:42
g0twigI had to remove cooksunited and chefkoch support, because they wanted to nearly sue me18:42
g0twigit seems18:42
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g0twigkurugah: of course they dont use dbus. Do you know what dbus is?18:42
kurugahredmine doesnt use dbus either18:43
g0twigkurugah: how can you ask this question..18:43
kurugahi wanted to make a point18:43
g0twigkurugah: your scope talks with unity via dbus, not the sources for your data18:43
g0twighowever you get the data, is your problem18:43
kurugahyeah i know that18:45
g0twigkurugah: do you want to help me with my scope?18:47
kurugahw8 im ordering pizza18:48
g0twigphilipballew: hey19:00
g0twighggdh: hey19:00
g0twig"Notice that while the current API uses DBus, the goal is to make the execution backend transparent to scope autors, so the way to run scopes described here might change in the near future." http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/tutorials/scopes/writing-a-unity-scope/19:01
philipballewthanks for that19:03
g0twigphilipballew: for what?19:03
philipballewyou said hello...19:04
g0twigphilipballew: ^^19:04
g0twigphilipballew: how are you19:04
philipballewgodbyk, Alright! Yourself?19:04
g0twigphilipballew: not bad ;D19:05
g0twigphilipballew: I try to find a crew of scope developers...19:05
philipballewg0twig, where in the world do you live?19:05
g0twigphilipballew: the lovely Germany19:06
g0twigphilipballew: oh, you are Ubuntu Member19:06
philipballewg0twig, Oh wow. I have never been to europe. Must be nice. Also finding developers is hard19:06
philipballewand yes, I am an Ubuntu member.19:06
g0twigme too ;P19:07
g0twigphilipballew: you brang your culture to us, yaiks ;X19:07
philipballewg0twig, We try to please here in California.19:08
g0twigphilipballew: are you a scope developer19:09
philipballewg0twig, No.19:09
philipballewAre you19:09
g0twigI've been one, long time ago19:09
g0twigdoesnt that look damn tasty :D19:09
g0twigdid it for my mum19:10
philipballewg0twig, oh nice. The things we do for moms.19:11
g0twigwow, there is a Libunity debugging tool. Awesome19:12
g0twignever knew about that19:12
g0twigphilipballew: in fact I did it for myself, to get more food...19:12
g0twigfrom my mum :D19:12
g0twigwow, I found gold..19:14
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g0twigphilipballew: do you develop stuff19:18
philipballewgodbyk, not really. I would make bad stuff19:18
philipballewI'm better with people than computers19:19
g0twigphilipballew: I am not godbyk, btw.19:19
philipballewI assumed as such19:19
g0twigour developer pages are great19:22
g0twigand I am happy to see that we finally got an official SDK19:23
g0twigif anyone cares...19:36
g0twigmhall119: =) ?19:45
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