
philipballewWhat would cause a battery to work, but not be recognized?02:48
philipballewas in not show up in the panel or power settings?02:48
akkLaptop? Some laptop batteries (esp. Dell) have circuitry that identify them, and non brand name batteries lack that circuit.02:53
izdubarHas it been working?02:53
izdubarIs it a change- as in battery dying?02:54
izdubarhttp://sudoroom.org/wiki/Today_I_Learned What is Linux class #TIL in Oakland02:54
darthrobot[R: sudoroom.org] Title: [Today I Learned - Sudoroom.org]02:54
philipballewizdubar, akk My battery that came with the laptop died and I got a used dell brand one for free.03:01
akkIt's possible that it's not really a Dell, but a Chinese/ebay imitation that doesn't have the Dell circuitry.03:02
philipballewI'm tempted to open both up and see what the difference between them is.03:02
akkThere are a lot of those.03:02
philipballewIt says "Made in Japan", but people might lie about that...03:03
akkYeah, a lot of fake Chinese Arduinos say Made in Italy, Arduino.cc etc.03:03
izdubarSometimes power part of GUI is smoke/mirrors/duct tape too. Counterfeits exist03:03
akkThey lie.03:03
izdubarakk is *as always* correct :)03:04
akkd had a fake Dell battery (from ebay) for his Dell Mini 9 and he never figured out a way to get it recognized.03:04
akkHe contacted the seller who said it wasn't worth sending it back, they just refunded the money.03:04
akkSo he still has it, it works but doesn't show up right in battery/acpi stats.03:04
izdubar!addfact R2Pi2 akk is always correct (on major issues)03:04
EureCAizdubar: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:04
darthrobotizdubar: Error: "addfact" is not a valid command.03:04
philipballewI got the battery for free so I am not mad about much. Though having a laptop die without me knowing might be annoying.03:05
akkYou might just have to keep track of running time yourself (or use uptime or something)03:05
philipballewI might be able to use spare parts lying around to put a meeter on the battery connection to display the battery strength. I have too many parts lying around to ever find things do with...03:07
philipballewI might be able to use spare parts lying around to put a meeter on the battery connection to display the battery strength. I have too many parts lying around to ever find things do with...'"ive with it"03:08

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