
wrsthowdy Omnifrog|laptop00:05
Omnifrog|laptophi wrst00:05
wrsthow are you doing?00:05
Omnifrog|laptopstill dealing with floody aftermath but otherwise great!00:08
Omnifrog|laptop7 trees down in places that they need to be removed from :\00:09
Omnifrog|laptopthe driveway is a mess00:09
Unit193We had a bit of water in the basement, smells ever so nice...00:10
Omnifrog|laptopyeah, I still had standing water in the garage untill today00:11
Omnifrog|laptopnow all thats lest is a few bags of kitty litter and 3 box fans set on high00:11
wrstOmnifrog|laptop: that stinks :/00:33
Omnifrog|laptopwell, frequent shopvac and squeegees kept the standing water level to a minimum but cardboard boxes are like sponges00:46
wrstyes and we all store stuff in those sponges00:50
Omnifrog|laptopcoulda been worse though01:33
Omnifrog|laptopSNACK TIME!!!!!!! [link] http://i.imgur.com/ Zj1nMBA.jpg03:54
wrsthowdy chris4585 and crazyq23:16
chris4585hey wrst23:21
wrsthow you doing?23:21
chris4585alright, tired, just got home from work, had to stock a fresh DG store23:21
chris4585and will be doing that until tuesday23:22
wrstnot working nearly that hard :)23:31
wrstbeen a little sick this week so got to take it pretty easy today23:31
chris4585ah, hope you feel better soon23:50
wrstoh I do, much better just draggy23:58

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