
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Kilosmorning all07:03
Kiloshi charl 07:03
magespawnhowdy all07:06
Kiloshi magespawn 07:13
magespawnconnection still bothering you Kilos?07:25
Kilosyeah bad again magespawn hopping fro 1 bar to 3 and back07:26
Kiloswill rev them again monday07:26
Kilosvia cell twitter and email07:26
Kilosis the signal down an adsl line and what is seen on eth cable the same?07:27
Kiloshi kbmonkey 07:30
magespawnhe kbmonkey07:35
magespawnKilos: by signal you mean? speed?07:35
Kilosno i mean what if i plug an eth cable from here into the adsl port on the router07:36
kbmonkeysignal to noise? reading you five by five Kilos 07:37
Kilosso the router thinks the signal from my pc is coming from the adsl line07:37
magespawnthe eth cable will not fit the adsl port, different jacks07:37
Kilosoh my07:37
Kilossorry i havent even looked07:38
magespawnadsl is telephone line which is rj11 and eth is rj4507:38
magespawnphone line can only have 4 lines maximum, eth is 807:39
Kilosbut is what comes down them the same protocol i think its called07:39
Kilosah ty07:40
magespawnno not really, the router contains a modem which translates the sync signal used in adsl to one used on networks07:40
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kilosah head just running for ways to make router use my 3g07:41
Kilosi cant get masquerading going07:42
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
magespawni suppose you could trick the modem into thinking that, but i think the amount of work to do that would be prohibitive07:45
Kilosty i go see07:45
Kiloshi nlsthzn 07:46
nlsthznGood morning uncle Kilos :)07:47
Kilosoh magespawn the remastersys install takes 25 mins and the dvd has 3.7g on it07:48
Kilosoh no thats kde07:48
Kilos3.2 on the unity one07:48
Kilosand the only upgrade download after rsyncing /var/cache/apt/archives/ was 25m for firefox07:50
Kilosbecause i forgot to remove ff07:51
magespawnnice Kilos07:53
magespawnhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethernet some more reading07:53
Kilosyeah remastersys works well07:53
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kilosyou getting like the pro07:53
Kiloshalf of that stuff i dont understand07:54
Kilosi still think i must get a wireless adapter for my pc that can use and external antenna and serach for a wifi connection07:56
magespawnif you want, but i am pretty sure the router should be able to do that07:56
Kilosi dont find anywhere to tell it to search07:57
Kilosit will work if i buy a supported modem the setup looks easy and it has bridging facilities inside07:58
magespawnhave a look at those bridging options, and see there if it can connect to another wifi network07:59
Kilosbut wifi would be the way to go methinks if i can find a signal where i can share with them or even pay them to use it07:59
Kilosit wants to bridge either from adsl or 3g no other options08:00
Kilosthats where the adsl questions came from08:00
magespawni will have a look at the billion routers i have here and  see whats what08:05
kbmonkeyIt is really unfortunate your dongle does not work out the box Kilos :(08:07
kbmonkeywith the router I mean08:07
Kilosyeah kbmonkey mainly frustrating actually08:08
magespawnis there a list of ones that do work?08:08
Kilos6 of them i think08:09
Kilostheyve added some more08:11
Kilosthen it shows them08:12
Kilos11 supported now08:12
* magespawn goes to read08:15
Kilosto me it seems like a good router but dunno how it would compare to others08:17
magespawni think i have a working e220 around here somewhere08:25
Kilossell it08:27
Kiloshehe you seen that olx add on tv08:27
Kilosa whole range of them. actually quite good08:28
Kiloshow much you want for it magespawn ?08:28
magespawni get most of these things for free from people who no longer use them, so i tend to pay it forward08:28
Kiloshave you got a wireless adapter as well?08:31
Kilosand i must pay something man08:31
magespawnif it is sitting here doing nothing, then why?08:34
Kiloshi georgelappies 08:39
Kilosmagespawn, yes please08:39
georgelappiesHI kILOS08:39
Kilosyou still got postage addy?08:39
magespawnsomewhere send it again anyway08:41
Kilosbox 4850708:43
Kiloshercules 08:44
Kilosshoulda pm that methinks08:45
Kilosat least let me pay the postage costs magespawn 08:46
magespawnlets see how much it is first, shouldn't be tha much08:47
Kilosaddress to cheryl du toit08:49
Kilosty so much08:50
Kiloskbmonkey, why so quiet, choked onna banana?09:07
Kiloshi Squirm 09:09
kbmonkeyno kilos lol09:15
kbmonkeyI am doing morning chores and washing 09:16
Kilosgood man09:16
kbmonkeynow I can look at some python a bit :)09:16
Kilosalternates to google reader http://is.gd/W9XBi209:18
kbmonkeyI can't be bothered to watch videos online09:18
Kilosspose the pro has found one already09:18
Kiloshe was most upset when they said google reader is closing down09:19
magespawni never really got into using google reader09:20
* magespawn is busy having a look at android courses http://is.gd/nHIlbz09:21
Squirmmy PC didn't boot this morning :/09:23
Squirmbut it seems right after a fsck09:24
magespawnhi Squirm09:25
Squirmhey magespawn 09:26
Kilosoh my Vince-0 i had to join you okes again09:56
psychicisthi Kilos 09:58
psychicisthi Vince-0 09:58
psychicisthi zeref 09:58
Kiloshi psychicist 09:58
psychicisthi kbmonkey 09:58
psychicisthi Squirm 09:58
psychicisthi Georgl 09:58
psychicistor georgelappies 09:59
psychicisthello magespawn 09:59
Kilosim sure i joined before as well10:00
georgelappieslol hi psychicist10:00
KilosVince-0, who is the owner there. i wanna ask him to unpend me10:02
magespawnhey psychicist10:03
magespawnbbl got to go out for a bit10:03
charlgood afternoon10:27
Kiloshi charl 10:28
Georglgreetings everyone10:35
Vince-0Kilos: lemme seee10:58
Kilosnot serious10:58
Kilosi mailed him10:58
Vince-0that'd be me 10:58
Kilosso you got the mail then10:59
Kilosi think it was a mail10:59
Kilosdunno what i did wrong but i ended up with another gmail account11:00
Kiloseasier than trying to actually open one11:02
Vince-0My original Gmail got hacked and replaced, couldn't get it back11:03
Vince-0now I have 2 factor auth11:03
Squirmhad my plane up in the air today, I have long, glider like wing, so, I entered a thermal13:05
Squirmand blimey I went high13:05
Kilosand a safe landing as well?13:12
Kilosapart from being able to dodge trees that jump in front of you the most important part of flying is being able to land without crashing13:18
KilosMaaz, coffee on15:00
* Maaz washes some mugs15:00
Kiloshi superfly have a cuppa15:00
superflyhi Kilos, thanks15:03
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!15:04
KilosMaaz, thanks man15:04
MaazKilos It gives me great pleasure to serve a bunch of geeks :-)15:04
inetprogood morning Kilos15:57
* nuvolari_ peeks in15:59
=== nuvolari_ is now known as nuvolari
nuvolario.O Vince-0, when did that happen?16:00
nuvolarithe what what? why the high number of ping timeouts?16:02
nuvolariI saw an announcement on g+ the other day that freenode got attacked :-/16:02
nuvolarifine. I'm note around16:04
nuvolarisweet video Squirm :>16:11
nuvolarihi oom Kilos! :)17:01
Kiloshi nuvolari how are you my man17:02
nuvolaridit gaan goed dankie en met oom?17:02
Kilosook goed dankie net vrek koud17:02
nuvolarija jissie, sommer koud hier ook17:03
nuvolarimoes nou-nou my ander top in die motor gaan haal17:03
nuvolariquite nippy here17:03
Kilosgaan dit goed by die werk?17:04
nuvolarija oom, net rof17:04
nuvolarimaar dit gaan goed17:04
Kiloskerm laat hulle nog staf kry17:04
nuvolaridie family is nou terug huistoe, so nou kan ek weer by die leer goed uitkom17:04
nuvolarija nee, weet nie wat skort nie. ons het nie genoeg hande nie, maar IT het nie nou nog positions nie :(17:05
Kiloshi Mezenir 17:06
nuvolarioom Kilos, wat het hier aangegaan?17:06
nuvolariof wat het ek gemis?17:06
Kilosag nie te veel niw die meeste van die ouens is ook vrek besig hele tyd17:07
Kilosso paar nuwe mense17:07
Kilosons vergader maandag aand ne17:07
nuvolarioh! dis goed dat hier nuwe mense is17:08
nuvolaridis reg oom17:08
nuvolariwie stoel?17:08
Kilosapie as ek reg onthou17:08
nuvolariokei koel17:08
Kilosvinnie leer nog17:08
nuvolarihy ook? ugh, tussen werk en leer het ons nie tyd vir ons self nie17:09
Kilosnee man hy leer om sy konneksie goed genoeg te kry om te stoel17:09
Kilosdie pro is maar baie skaars hier met die geskywery van sy werk17:11
nuvolari:-/ ons kort nuwe bloed17:11
Kilosdaar is n ander web designer wat hier was maar ek weet nie waar is hy nou nie17:12
Kilosgebruik ubuntu en vensters17:12
Kilosmaar die ou bloed moet nie waai nie17:12
nuvolarija, maar dit lyk my soos ons aangaan raak die ou bloed dieper in die werk17:13
Kilosjy moet die vlieg ook groet ne17:14
nuvolariis hy hier rond?17:14
Kilosja dis waar17:14
* nuvolari sets up a fly trap for superfly17:14
Kilosgoed word net duurder17:14
Kilosjulle moet ook begin programme skryf wat julle kan verkoop17:15
Kilosmaak soos mark en slaan die pitte17:15
Vince-0nuvolari: account got hacked back in the day17:19
KilosVince-0, hows your connection doing lately?17:22
Vince-0openweb has been OK17:23
Vince-0a few times recently, the G+ hangout app doesn't load first time17:24
Kilosyou changed?17:24
Kilosi saw in my new gmail account that the hang out goodie is in there and shows a phone, whats that for17:25
superflynuvolari: it doesn't work, I'm too super17:25
Kiloshee hee17:26
Vince-0Kilos: you can call phone numbers in a hangout17:31
Vince-0with google voice credit17:31
Kilosis that virtual credit like that bitcoin thing17:32
Vince-0well its google voice account credit charged in US$17:40
Vince-0not transferrable 17:40
Kilosaha ty17:40
Kiloshi Cantide you sick?17:51
Cantidehello :p17:51
Cantideno, why?17:51
Kiloswell you sneak in and say nothing17:51
Kiloshopefully the koreans will teach you a bit17:52
Kilosyou walk in to a room , bow and say ah so17:56
inetproGodmother of Unix admins Evi Nemeth presumed lost at sea http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/07/05/evi_nemeth_unix_dead/18:30
Kilosai! naand inetpro 18:31
inetprogoeienaand oom Kilos18:31
inetpro"The boat was last heard from on June 4"18:34
inetprosad story18:34
inetproShe literally wrote the book on Unix...18:35
Kilosoh inetpro i found a link about what to use in place of google reader18:35
inetproKilos: what?18:35
Kilosthere are other readers18:36
* inetpro uses https://www.newsblur.com/18:36
Kilosoh you got something18:36
* confluency uses Tiny Tiny RSS. That's something you install on your own server, though/18:36
inetprothat is pointless18:36
inetpromight as well just use Akregator18:37
inetprothen again I guess it's not entirely pointless18:37
Kilosthere are a few18:38
inetproI know18:38
Kilosalso what you doing about the tweet place18:39
inetproof those that I gave tested newsblur comes closest to google reader IMHO18:39
Kilosbirdie is growing quick18:39
inetprobirdie is not for kde18:39
Kiloscan do multiple accounts already18:39
confluencyIt's not pointless if you already have a server.18:40
inetproconfluency: true18:40
Kiloshi psychicist 18:41
Kiloshi confluency 18:41
Kilosall good ty and there18:45
nuvolarivergeet ek is nog hier ook18:52
nuvolarioh hi confluency 18:52
confluencyI'm always here; I just don't talk. ;)18:52
* nuvolari watches his typing18:53
nuvolarieyes might just catch stuff I say18:53
nuvolarieh? google reader. now there's a luxury - following up on feeds18:54
nuvolariI just end up clicking "Mark all as read" every 2 weeks :P18:54
nuvolariReddit became my latest news source, just bubbling up the most important links18:55
nuvolariI wonder how many people are in the same bot as I am. I only got upset on Google Reader's retirement as it was cool to have and it is taken away18:56
nuvolaribut now that it's gone, I don't miss it18:56
nuvolariand I don't use the alternatives as much as I did before the official kill-date :P18:56
nuvolariit's like Oxygen: you only scrambe for more when you are running out of it18:57
inetproKilos: Thunderbird also works as a twitter client18:58
Kilosi use birdie18:58
inetprojust not very intuitive 18:58
nuvolaritwitter - another luxury :P18:58
Kilosi use it for meeting announce ments18:59
KilosMaaz, announce Monthly meeting monday night guys18:59
MaazAnnouncement from Kilos! Monthly meeting monday night guys18:59
Kiloshi nlsthzn what a hiding19:01
inetproKilos: what happened?19:18
Kilosoh the stormers thumped the bulls19:18
inetpro* what a hiding19:18
inetproah, ouch19:18
nuvolaribooyah! Gauteng is weer oorbevolk. Die bulle is terug aarde toe19:21
Kilosnight all . sleep tight19:58
inetproKilos: nou al?19:58
inetprodis nog nie 23:00 nie19:58
Kilosja man dis koud hier19:58
inetprogoeie nag oom19:59
Kilosnag boetie19:59
charlCantide: just listened to http://youtu.be/hgeAmF7bgoE20:25
charlthat's world class music20:25
Cantidei just cliked20:27
Cantideclicked *20:27
Cantideand saw it's Shinee...20:27
Cantidewithout even hearing it, i don't expect much :p20:28
Cantideactually better than the last thing of theirs i saw :p20:28
Cantidethis is more my style though -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_XfXnFAUbA20:28
charlno idea, it's the first and only thing i ever heard20:29
charlof them20:29
Cantideoh, i heard one of their songs about a year or two ago, really hated it :p20:29
charlthat girl has awesome legs!20:29
charli don't know if i like all these koreans dying their hair20:30
charlare they trying to look like white people?20:31
Cantidei like them with dark hair..20:31
Cantideshe looks a bit like HyunA with that dyed hair -.-20:31
charlyeah the asians don't have the natural variation in hair colour that westerners have20:31
Cantideyes, she does have nice legs :p20:31
Cantideyes, so i think they dye it to stand out20:31
Cantidebut that colour is rather gross :p20:32
charlyeah it looks terrible on an asian20:32
Cantideah well :p20:32
Cantide민아 will never do that because i will never permit it..20:32
Cantidemaybe purple >_>20:32
charloh that 민아 she is cute20:33
charlshe is really cute !20:33
Cantidewh.. who? 'o'20:34
Cantidei was speaking about the 민아 that is mine '-';;;20:34
Cantidei doubt you've seen her 'o'20:34
Cantideunless there is something i don't know haha20:34
Cantidewhich 민아 are you speaking of/20:35
charlsorry wrong one then :P20:35
charli just googled the name assumed it's an idol/artist20:35
Cantideoh yeah, she is cute :p20:36
Cantidebut it's a different one '-';;;20:36
Cantidewouldn't want to date a singer haha20:36
charlyou got together with your korean girlfriend?20:36
charlor is it a new one?20:36
Cantidesame one20:37
Cantideit's been on and off for a few months now lol20:37
charlah i see, i thought you split up, but that's good to hear20:37
Cantidewe've split up multiple times =_=20:37
Cantideusually if that happens i'd just walk away20:37
Cantidenot sure what it is about this girl though..20:37
Cantideshe seems to enjoy the pain :p20:37
charlshame :(20:38
Cantideah, it's all good20:38
Cantidewe'll be fine once i am there20:38
Cantidethe distance is difficult for her20:38
charlthat's understandable20:38
Cantidei just hope i can get everything together in time20:39
Cantidethe visa is quite a bit of work20:39
Cantideand i only have about 2 weeks to get my docs to Korea -.-20:39
nlsthznMaaz, tell Kilos ya ya... good game stormers20:46
Maaznlsthzn: Got it, I'll tell Kilos on freenode20:46
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za

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