
SunStarhey guys; ur certificate is expired00:19
Unit193So it is, I'd guess zequence would be the one to poke, but he'd have to file with rt I'd guess.00:25
shish_morning all04:50
shish_can I bother with noob questions04:50
shish_morning VanHelsing04:55
holsteinshish_: ask04:59
shish_so I just installed ubuntu studio on a partition on my Ubuntu machine05:00
holsteinubuntustudio *is* ubuntu, basically05:00
holsteinyou can dual boot, if you prefer, however05:00
shish_and sometimes when I start the system doesn't sort out the sound correctly05:01
shish_i have dual booted cause I wanted to seperate the music stuff from work stuff05:01
shish_i have a USB to guitar jack cable and JACK doesn't work correctly05:01
shish_Ardour doesn't work , Audacity does but not with monitoring the sound05:02
holsteinardour "doesnt work"05:02
holsteinstart JACK first05:02
shish_i setup JACK with the USB as input and the system sound as output05:02
shish_Ardour still uses the webcam mic as in input05:03
holsteini think you mean, "i have a USB guitar jack that the vendor has not supplied me with linux support, and it doesnt work well with JACK", correct?05:03
shish_I ran lspci and lsusb from the console and the inputs in JACK are correct05:03
holsteinshish_: dont split JACK into 2 cards like that05:03
holsteinthat is no stable, or easy to maintain05:04
shish_but if I leave everything on default then JACK uses the webcam mic05:04
holsteinwhats the other option? the USB jack that doest work?05:05
shish_i have gotten to work before, about a year ago but without Ubuntu STudio on a different Ubuntu machine05:06
holsteinits EOL05:07
holsteinbut, if it works, and you are dual booting, and you dont need the repos, use it05:07
shish_is there another audio router , an alternative to JACK?05:08
holsteinshish_: likely05:09
holsteinshish_: probably with support for 3 devices ;)05:09
holsteinshish_: JACK is what you want in linux05:09
ubottuFor information on professional audio tools in Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/ProAudioIntro05:09
holsteinshish_: /join #opensourcemusicians05:09
holsteintry and keep it simple05:09
holsteintry and elaborate about how ardour is "not working"05:09
holsteintry #ardour05:10
damo22how do i make pulseaudio output to jack?09:05
damo22i just installed the pulseaudio-module-jack09:06
damo22got it09:17
tim__is this where i can ask questions?09:34
ariefapa ada yang dari indonesia?16:39
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia16:40
ariefsepiii di channel #ubuntu-id16:44
=== neo is now known as neo-casio
neo-casiohello all!17:32
neo-casioI'm installing ubuntu studio right now17:32
neo-casioI got an external USB card (mobilepre) and got excited about using it with my casio keyboard17:32
neo-casiostudio's low latency support is what I really want to check out17:33
neo-casioinstallation done, so I'm rebooting17:38
neo-casiocatch ya later :-)17:39

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