
=== lool- is now known as lool
amjjawadpleia2: Hi, you there?16:34
GridCubeknome, do you have the icon for deviantART so i can update it?17:12
GridCubelderan, you said you could help, want me to send you an invitation to join as administrator?17:13
lderansure :)17:13
GridCubewhats your dA username?17:14
GridCubesounds appropriated 17:15
GridCube:) hi amerigena 17:16
amerigenaso what's going on with the screenshot gallery?17:16
GridCube:) i've resent you the intivation to be an admin on deviant art17:17
GridCubecan you please log in and accept the invitation17:18
GridCubelderan, you too17:18
amerigenaOne minute.17:18
GridCubeand if pleia2 its around her too.17:18
knomeGridCube, i'll finish it at latest tomorrow.17:19
GridCube:) great lderan 17:19
GridCube:D great17:21
GridCubeok so now you will see that if i submit an image to my gallery and propose it for xubuntu-showcase you will recieve a message in dA17:21
knomeamjjawad, what's up?17:23
amjjawadknome: Hey :)17:23
amjjawadI'm fine what about you17:24
knomei'm fine. did you have a question for pleia2? just go ahead and ask, and she'll answer when she gets back, or others can answer before that17:25
GridCubeok i've sent the image, it should be in your message boards amerigena, lderan 17:25
amerigenaYep. Just saw it.17:26
lderantest submit to xubunutu-showcase please disregard17:26
amjjawadknome: not really, just a follow up on my email that I thought to discuss over there 17:26
amjjawadknome: but that is okay, I got the point now, thanks :)17:26
GridCubeyes, you will see it needs 3 votes to pass to the xubuntu-showcase gallery17:27
amerigenaSo basically all we have to do is keep an eye on our DA accounts and look for submitted content?17:27
amerigenaGot it.17:27
GridCubeyes, but do please open the image and try to find under wich licence it was submitted17:27
lderansure thing17:28
GridCubeyou will see it at the bottom17:28
GridCubeits under cc v317:28
GridCubeso it means the submitter chosed that licence, if thats not there it shouldnt be accepted, per the rules we stated previously17:29
GridCubenow accept the submition17:29
GridCubeamerigena, :) please if you accept now it will automatically send the image to our galleries17:31
GridCubenotice that i sent the submission directly to featured, we can change that to proposed, and make submission to featured unavailable, and then move manually the ones we find particularly good to the featured gallery, we can also organize the images in folders by month and year and stuffs like that17:33
GridCubeonce amerigena accepts it ill show you how to move them around in the galleries17:33
amerigenaTrying. Where do I accept? I'm looking.17:36
GridCubeamerigena, :) in your message are, at the side, there is an orange house with the #xubuntu-showcase words alongside it17:37
GridCubeclic on it to see all the messages from xubuntu-showcase, tehre you should see the accept button17:37
amerigenaOK. Got it. Looking in the wrong area. Accepted.17:38
GridCube:) excellent17:40
GridCubenow if you go to the top you will see your deviantart name has a down arrow near it, if you hover it you will see the groups you are joined17:41
GridCubeclick in xubuntu-showcase17:41
GridCubeyou will go to http://xubuntu-showcase.deviantart.com/17:41
GridCubenow clic on the gallery tab17:41
GridCubeok so if you hover an image you should see a pencil icon poping out17:44
amjjawadknome: I'm sorry by the way if I'm asking too much but things in Xubuntu is completely different than Lubuntu and I need to get used to it :)17:45
GridCubeif you clic that pencil you will see a few options, please move my submission to the folder named 2013 - July17:45
knomeamjjawad, no problem17:45
GridCubeamerigena, i would guess its edit, yes17:45
amjjawadknome: thanks a lot :)17:45
knomeamjjawad, that's one of the reasons why "experienced" users aren't given any different treatment than totally new contributors though17:46
amjjawadknome: yes, I'm starting to figure that out :)17:46
Unit193And that's the thing to keep in mind, Lubuntu and Xubuntu have the same core, but they aren't the same.17:46
amjjawadwe used to do the opposite on Lubuntu. Anyone, can join and called official member 17:47
amjjawadUnit193: yes, from the emails that I'm reading so far, I came to find out they are totally different when it comes to the way each community runs itself :)17:47
amjjawadThis will increase my experiences and skills. I like that :)17:48
GridCubeknome, :) i've made this user http://xubmits.deviantart.com/17:49
knomeGridCube, have you checked what the deviantart terms say about shared accounts?17:49
knomeGridCube, i would think those are forbidden, since with those you can spam and abuse the system17:50
GridCubenot really, they where pretty much used a whole lot before the groups where invented17:50
knomeGridCube, and remember, we don't *have* to get all the submissions through dA17:50
GridCubeno no, thats the idea, the submissions not on dA can be uploaded there so we have them centered on one place we can easily manage17:51
GridCubeok perfect amerigena :) 17:52
GridCubelderan, can you move the submission to proposed?17:52
GridCubeamerigena, if you see in the xubuntu-showcase page you can go to the about-us page and add some information about you :317:52
knomeGridCube, i would say those can be uploaded to dA by users who have dA accounts17:53
lderandone :D17:53
knomethe TOS doesn't explicitly say that's forbidden, but i'm sure they'd tell you you can't do it if you asked17:53
GridCubeknome, :) yes, but if we get some trhough email or twitter, we can hub them to the group17:53
GridCubeknome, not really17:54
knomeGridCube, don't we have multiple moderators with dA accounts to do that?17:54
knomei'm failing to see why we need an additional account17:54
knomethe moderators are committed to working with dA and moderating the images because they are on dA and care about it17:55
knomeothers aren't, so why should they take extra effort to upload things there?17:55
GridCubeknome, well yes17:55
GridCubeP: didnt though of that17:56
GridCubeyou are right17:56
GridCubei will leave it there just in case17:57
knomere: upload to featured/proposed, feel free to do whatever makes sense in dA17:57
knomethough you might want to use the featured gallery to pick things you want to send to the website gallery next17:57
GridCubeit should go first to proposed and then moved to featured the exceptional ones17:58
GridCubeyes that17:58
GridCubewill make so proposed its the only one that people can send 17:58
knomeand thanks for going through the submission/moderation stuff with other moderators17:59
amerigenaGridCube : done17:59
GridCubelderan, :) you can add something too to the about us tab18:00
GridCubeamerigena, now you can delete the submission from the folders?18:00
GridCubeif you do that i think all the stuffs we need to know to manage the page will be covered18:00
GridCubeok :) now its food time18:02
GridCubesee you later if you have any more questions18:02
lderanokay :)18:02
knomebon appetit18:02
jjfrv8knome, I pushed a 12.04  docs revision to my branch last night but had trouble with permissions. I mentioned that in the comments.18:02
knomeok, i'll look at that18:02
knomedid you do a merge request or just pushed?18:03
jjfrv8I did a merge request after I revised the push18:03
jjfrv8it wouldn't let me push it to ...xubuntu-docs/precise, I had to send it to ...xubuntu-docs that then specify "other" in the merge request target.18:04
amerigenaGridCube : thought that I'd moved it to July 2013. It was back in Proposed. I removed it.18:04
knomejjfrv8, weird one. maybe you just need to have a different branch name than "precise"18:05
amerigenaAdios. Will keep an eye on the DA gallery.18:05
amerigenaThanks for the info. Much appreciated.18:05
knomejjfrv8, or actually... maybe you should have pushed to lp:~jjfrv8/xubuntu-18:05
knomejjfrv8, lp:~jjfrv8/xubuntu-docs/precise/branchname18:05
jjfrv8That's what I did.18:06
knomedidn't you say you tried to push to .../precise ?18:06
jjfrv8Well, I omitted the last part, I did append my branchname18:06
knomethen that's just weird.18:07
knomei can look at that later today18:07
knomealso the merge proposal18:08
jjfrv8I think the merge proposal went to the right place but let me know if not.18:08
knomeit looks like that, sure18:09
ochosimicahg: reminder: gtk-theme-config > debian! :)18:31
knomepleia2, you around?19:26
knomeor anyone with debian packaging skills ;)19:27
Unit193"Skills" I don't have, but what's up?19:29
knome12.04 docs SRU19:29
knomere: changelog19:29
knomewhat's the correct way to add the SRU version into changelog?19:30
knomeeg. does the SRU version need to be bigger than any other released version?19:36
knomein our case, stupidly 13.10-precise0.12.04.3 or sth19:37
knomeor does it just need to be bigger than what the current release in precise is?19:37
knomein that case, 12.04.319:37
Unit193Bah, really?  Oh well.  Typcially they do 13.10really12.04.3 or something like that.19:38
knomei mean anyway, does it have to be bigger than anything that's been released in between19:38
knomeor not19:39
knomeeg. just bigger than what's released in 12.0419:39
Unit193Just bigger than the last version in 12.04.19:39
knomeyou sure?19:39
knomeif that's true, should i go and poke the changelog and insert a release in between the ones that are there currently?19:40
knome(we don't seem to have *any* release that starts with 12.04...)19:40
knomeyup, it says 11.10.0 ;)19:41
Unit193It was copied forward, not even changed for the title was it?19:42
knomei've no idea.19:42
knomeprobably not...19:42
knomewell done us!19:42
knome     19:43
knomexubuntu-docs (11.10.0) oneiric; urgency=low19:43
knome  * desktop-guide/libs/global.ent, startpage/xubuntu-index.html: updated19:43
knome    for oneiric.19:43
knome -- Lionel Le Folgoc <mrpouit@ubuntu.com>   Mon, 26 Sep 2011 20:55:11 +020019:43
knomecopied from oneiric which was copied from natty19:43
Unit193Does it make sense to anyone else to map Ctrl+Esc xfce4-popup-applicationsmenu rather than the slower xfdesktop --menu ?21:00
knomeprobably, but since i'm not using that myself...21:02
Unit193I remap it myself.21:02
knomethen file a bug and send a patch or sth.21:03
Unit193(Yes, I know that I may not be normal user.) Well, I was more asking for feedback, I could easily do a patch, and fairly easily do a merge.21:03
knomeactually, there's a possible bug related to this21:05
knomein settings manager -> desktop -> tab menus, uncheck "show applications menu..." and neither of the commands pop up a menu21:06
Unit193xfce4-popup-applicationsmenu is still good mapped to Ctrl+Esc with that.21:07
knomehow is it good if that setting makes the shortcut not work?21:27
Unit193If you disable that setting, my keybind still works, not sure about default.21:31
Unit193Default does as well, but of course you can't bring up the application menu.21:31
knomebut xfce4-popup-applicationsmenu odesn't work for me if i disable that...21:32
knomeso wouldn't that mean it wouldn't work with the keybind either? ;)21:32
Unit193Works for me™21:32
knomethat's known to have regressions :P21:33
Unit193Are you on Raring?21:33
knome~$ lsb_release -a21:33
knomeDescription:Ubuntu 13.0421:34

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