
Riddellmanchicken: jontheenchidna and apol but neither are here just now00:03
manchickenRiddell: That doesn't help me :)00:05
manchickenRiddell: I'm trying to figure out what dbus is doing with this, but I'm not familiar with dbus.00:06
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1194501] [ 4.8 Linaro regression] ICE on gcc-4.8 building kde4libs @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1194501 (by Scott Kitterman)01:30
Riddellgood morning Kubuntu07:26
NoskcajMaybe you should setup kubotu so it says hello back. ;)07:29
kubotuhi, Noskcaj!07:29
BluesKajHiyas all11:23
lordievaderGood afternoon.11:35
shadeslayerScottK: regarding copy-package, a suite is the release name?13:38
shadeslayeror the suite is 'main'13:38
shadeslayerah nvm13:40
shadeslayeryofel: copy-package -p kubuntu-ppa --ppa-name staging -d ubuntu -s quantal -c main --to-ppa kubuntu-ppa --to-ppa-name=beta -n doesn't seem to work :/13:47
shadeslayeryofel: why that's a fun error code13:49
shadeslayerfor those who don't know, he's running XMir and the error code that copy-package spits out is "Cannot connect to X Server"13:50
shadeslayeryofel: no way to specify all packages?13:55
yofeldidn't see one13:55
shadeslayerwhere's kopy-package? was it removed?13:56
yofelkopypackages is in kubuntu-dev-tools13:56
shadeslayeryofel: is it just me or did libkipi 4.10.4 not get released?14:45
yofelshould be at 4.10.214:46
yofel4.10.4 was saucy-only14:46
shadeslayeryofel: I see kde4libs 4.10.4 in raring?14:50
yofelwhat does kdelibs have to do with libkipi?14:50
shadeslayerno, I'm saying that did not get uploaded with the rest of KDE SC?14:51
shadeslayeryofel: why?14:53
yofel0 changes since .214:53
shadeslayeryofel: just seemed a bit weird to me due to version mismatch14:54
Riddellshadeslayer: there's some magic in the backport script to check if anything actually got changed14:55
shadeslayerjust not sure if that's a good idea, you have to keep track of why that package wasn't uploaded14:55
yofelkubuntu-initial-upload's --sru mode checks for diff, any code and translation changes automatically mark a package for update, for the rest the script stops and shows you the diff14:57
yofelif there's no diff at all the package is skipped14:57
moray33_Can I make here some suggestions about packages I think should be includede in next versions of Kubuntu? And a couple of configurations.15:48
shadeslayeryofel: your kdevelop fix is waiting on armjf15:49
shadeslayerokteta even15:50
shadeslayermoray33_: sure15:50
shadeslayermoray33_: we'll take them into consideration depending on licensing, disk size, and if it's worthwhile to have them15:51
* apachelogger_ notes that the mailing list may be more appropriate15:51
moray33_icedtea-plugin, p7zip-full, kdeplasma-addons, unrar-free, sweeper, kde-config-grub2. Also, it would be nice kdegraphics-thumbnailers, kffmpegthumbnailer, kde-thumbnailer-openoffice and having those previous enabled in Dolphin. having double click in dolphin, and the Kubuntu icon the app launcher (I know this is not important but it would make Kubuntu less generic). Last, but not least, having the UFW KControl Module at least 15:52
moray33_available in the repositories...15:52
shadeslayericedtea-plugin : java? not sure 15:52
shadeslayerkdeplasma-addons is too bug15:52
shadeslayerkffmpegthumbnailer uses ffmpeg probably, so can't be shipped afaik15:53
apachelogger_more importantly we don't have thumbnailing on by default15:53
shadeslayertrue ^^15:53
shadeslayerbbiab, need to switch rooms15:53
apachelogger_moray33_: what's the rationale for sweeper?15:54
moray33_I think it's handy to have a cleaner15:55
moray33_it's not the most important thing, though15:55
moray33_icedtea-plugin should be a dependency of open-jre at least. Some users can install java but when trying to use it in a browser they can't (it happened to me)15:56
apachelogger_grub2 we actually had on the ISO for a while, not sure why it got dropped but I seem to recall it having issues and blasting the user's config into oblivion15:56
moray33_buy maybe it's not up to you15:56
apachelogger_or perhaps it was decided that messing with your grub config is not something we encourage people to do15:56
apachelogger_yeah, icdetea-plugin may actually be a candidate for on-the-fly installation15:57
moray33_can you do something about it?15:58
apachelogger_in some capacity (that is to say: for rekonq we can)15:58
moray33_it couldn't be masked as dependency of open-jre?15:59
apachelogger_terribly unlikley, we are not maintaining the openjdk  package though so I wouldn't really know16:00
moray33_sould I file a bug asking for it then?16:01
moray33_ok, I'll do it later16:02
apachelogger_or try to find someone in #ubuntu-devel to discuss that with16:02
moray33_what about the rest of the suggestions?16:03
shadeslayermoray33_: we have Kubuntu Developer summit on Monday16:06
apachelogger_double click and kubuntu icon are not going to happen. we have a pending task to investigate UFW UI options for 13.10. unrar/p7 IIRC have legal implications (again on-the-fly installation may be an option)16:06
shadeslayermaybe you can join us and discuss?16:06
apachelogger_thumbnailing in dolphin is also not going to happen (previously discusseD)16:06
moray33_how does it goes (Kubuntu Developer summit)?16:08
moray33_why not double click?16:08
moray33_and Kubuntu icon?16:08
apachelogger_double click: upstream design/experience decision (i.e. KDE) and many times over discussed there16:09
apachelogger_kubuntu icon: many times discussed... result is that you use a KDE product so the KDE branding ought to be preserved16:09
moray33_Ok, I don't agree with the decission about the double click, but I think I can't do anything about it16:10
moray33_and the UFW KControl Module?16:10
moray33_is this from two years ago? why UFW KControl Module has shitty UI? I've always liked it. And it's better than having nothing...16:15
moray33_of from past may?16:16
apachelogger_what do I know, that's why there is a task for it....16:16
apachelogger_there are no open ports by default, so a firewall actually has next to no value on a standard setup16:17
moray33_yes, but it you want to install it, you don't have any Qt/KDE in the repositories. You have to install gufw or compile kcm-ufw.16:21
apachelogger_ah, packaging, yeah I guess that would be an optionj16:22
apachelogger_assuming it works and is maintained16:22
moray33_works for me16:23
moray33_so, will you take in consideration make it available in the repositories?16:27
apachelogger_moray33_: yah16:34
moray33_great! by the way, I just remembered something16:35
shadeslayeryofel:  marble-plugins : Depends: libqextserialport1 (>= 1.2.0~beta2) but it is not installable16:36
shadeslayer!info libqextserialport116:37
ubottulibqextserialport1 (source: qextserialport): interface to serial ports for Qt-based apps - development files. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.2.0~rc1-2build1 (raring), package size 27 kB, installed size 96 kB16:37
shadeslayer!info libqextserialport1 raring16:37
yofelit should be in backports16:37
shadeslayersomeone needs to do a release announcement btw16:39
shadeslayer4.10.90 for quantal16:39
shadeslayerneeds kubuntu-ppa/beta and kubuntu-ppa/backports16:40
moray33_I filed a bug sometime ago about jockey-kde not showing number versions but they said jockey-kde is not maintained and you can handle privative drivers from software-properties... I think it's wrong, I know in software-properties-gtk you can, but I don't have that tab in the kde version...16:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1078379 in jockey (Ubuntu) "Jockey-KDE doesn't show drivers versions" [Undecided,Invalid]16:42
yofelshadeslayer: yay, kdevelop fixed at least20:45
shadeslayerright :)20:56
RiddellKubuntu champagne at Akademy https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-xvFwDx8QDr0/UeFHDpVZf5I/AAAAAAAAOtg/X2tsUhpo4ho/w843-h562-no/IMG_6625_v1.JPG22:49
ScottKWho's the angry guy on the right?22:50
Riddellthat is the awesome yofel!22:51
ScottKThen who's the one in the middle?22:54
Riddellah that's vHanda, not directly kubuntu then22:58
ScottKBut he hangs out here, so we'll take him.23:01
Riddellespecially since he's now the award winning vHanda 23:03
vHandaheh. I did run Kubuntu for 2-3 years23:03
vHandawell, maybe just 223:03

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