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CyberZooLHello fluburburbburb test01:50
SonikkuAmericaAnd flufublullubfufub to you too. How can we help you?01:52
CyberZooLi'm not in my place here I think   :-)01:52
CyberZooLBut I love Kubuntu01:52
SonikkuAmericaCyberZooL: Well you (sort of) came to the right place. We do our flublfulufblufb'ing in #kubuntu-offtopic , and our support here.01:53
CyberZooLYeah... ok... I am testing Quassel out of curiosity and because I was told it's possible to find mp3 around here... but I understand I have to connect to another server01:55
SonikkuAmericaCyberZooL: Yyyyyyyyyyyeah. (See !list)01:56
CyberZooLAnyone who work or give support to Kubuntu have my gratitude  :-)01:57
CyberZooLkudos to you all01:57
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines01:57
CyberZooLkudos to volonteers01:57
SonikkuAmericaThat's what we are (especially since Canonical disowned us)01:58
CyberZooLYeah I know a bit about that... I mean about MIR and more ( I don't quite remember... one of the maintainer lost is job and blue something pickup )02:00
CyberZooLI wonder what will happen in the future02:01
SonikkuAmericaCyberZooL: Actually, we and Ubuntu GNOME are headed for Wayland, and Lubuntu is staying with X. Xubuntu has yet to make a decision.02:04
SonikkuAmericaCyberZooL: (And, of course, Ubuntu and Edubuntu will have the Mir stack)02:04
CyberZooLMy gut feeling is that Wayland is the right choice.... beacause it is more community oriented.  But I'm no programmer.02:07
CyberZooLSame thing for QT.... I think it is better but I can't explain it..... weird02:08
Unit193(They didn't disown, they mearly stopped having a paid dev, so it's the same as all the flavors now....)02:08
SonikkuAmericaCyberZooL: The Ubuntu GNOME people had the easiest decision to make, being the only Ubuntu flavor not dependent on lightdm02:09
SonikkuAmericaUnit193: Well, yeah, that's more along the lines of it02:09
Unit193Also, I don't think this is support related anymore, and I see #kubuntu-offtopic calling. ;)02:10
CyberZooLoh sorry.. I'm not really saavy about the irc net etiquette and all... sorry for the off topic stuff02:11
SonikkuAmericaCyberZooL: It's not too high on support traffic, but yeah, we are kind of heading !ot with this02:12
CyberZooLOk Bye bye and thanks for the chatting maybe one day I'll return if I have a major problem or I'll join offtopic to do some small talk about the state of Kubuntu02:17
CyberZooLand more02:18
SonikkuAmerica:) Have a good one!02:18
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glitchdhello all03:46
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F41LOk, I've got a kubuntu 32bit install USB. I've put elilo ia32 bootloader into \EFI\BOOT, made a configuration to point at \casper\vlinuz and \casper\initrd.lz. When attempting to boot from the drive, it now appears to detect ELILO, but just gets to a black screen now, no prompt, nothing. Better than it acting like the USB drive didn't exist, but still not working. I have an IA32 intel atom with <c>05:16
F41LEFI-only BIOS. <e>05:16
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hyper_chhi there, I can't set my clock to update with ntp servers and timezones are completely off07:41
floownI can not ping my NAS and access to my shared folder with NFS, someone has an idea?08:10
ikoniafloown: icmp is blocked08:10
ikoniait's that simple08:11
floownikonia: what is icmp ?08:12
ikoniapart of the TCP stack08:12
ikoniait's not something you neeed to worry about08:12
floownhow can I fix my problem ?08:12
ikoniait's not a problem08:13
ikonianot being able to ping does not cause any problems08:13
ikoniaas you said your self you are still sharing things and it's working fine - ping is not part of that08:13
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stack3457how can I upgrade akonadi and kdepimlibs from 4.10 version to 4.11 ?.I am using kubuntu 12.0409:08
stack3457how can I upgrade 4.10 kde version to 4.10 in kubuntu 12.04??09:25
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BluesKajHiyas all11:23
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n0ydhey BluesKaj11:28
BluesKajhi n0yd11:29
n0ydHows it going?11:29
BluesKajgod , and you ?11:30
BluesKajerr good :)11:30
* BluesKaj drinks more coffee to wake up11:31
n0ydnot too bad.11:31
n0ydIm still up, ffs11:31
BluesKajworking on something ?11:32
n0ydNot especially. Just ended up getting caught up with things11:33
n0ydIts sunday, no biggie11:33
n0ydAs long as my son doesnt start bugging me for attention if I decide to take a nap later11:34
lordievaderGood afternoon.11:35
BluesKajhi lordievader11:36
lordievaderHey BluesKaj, how are you?11:36
BluesKajfine , and you?11:36
lordievaderDoing good too :)11:37
n0ydI am regretting not going to sleep now though, I am yawning :(11:37
BluesKajtried the liquorix kernel and reload ...seems quite fast , speeds up webpage loading some11:40
n0ydnice :)11:40
BluesKajor preload i guess it's called11:40
n0ydHow much ram do you have?11:40
BluesKajjust 3G11:41
n0ydoh ok, nvm then. I was gonna suggest some other minor tweaks I did, but I wouldnt do it with that much memory11:41
BluesKajthis is a 5yr old HP desktop11:41
n0ydim not sure how old mine is, about the same11:41
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n0ydBut I upgraded it to 8GB ddr311:42
n0ydSo I run a lot of /tmp and apt stuff out of ram11:42
BluesKajthis is a basic HT media server ..mainly for movies , music , pictures , etc11:43
n0ydWell, now my son is up, and my gf. Gonna go spend some time with them11:46
BluesKajwith a entry level nvidia 8400GS and m-audio cards11:47
n0ydi dont even have a nvidia card11:47
n0ydintel :-/11:47
BluesKajok , brb ...11:53
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BluesKaj!info soundkonverter12:23
ubottusoundkonverter (source: soundkonverter): audio converter frontend for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.80-1 (raring), package size 957 kB, installed size 2812 kB12:23
darkshadowhello there12:46
darkshadowwho r u??12:47
lordievaderHey darkshadow12:48
darkshadowyes i  am here12:48
lordievaderdarkshadow: We can see that ;)12:49
darkshadowok,i understand12:49
darkshadowlordiever where r u frm?12:50
lordievaderdarkshadow: Stick around long enough and you'll find out ;)12:51
darkshadownot have that much time lordiever12:51
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jalcinehuge problem, I just upgraded to sausy and 'grub-efi' refuses to install13:45
jalcineI haven't restarted yet out of fear I wouldn't be able to boot into my system13:45
Roeywhy is my time set to UTC, and how can I change it back to EDT?13:47
RoeyI see with "date" that it is set to UTC.13:48
BluesKajRoey, what OS are you on ? I see you crossposting in #ubuntu as well, the clock GUIs on unity amd kde are different13:51
RoeyI ended up running "sudo dpkg reconfigure tzdata".13:52
jalcinehuge problem, I just upgraded to sausy and 'grub-efi' refuses to install13:52
jalcineI'm getting this error when attempting to configure "grub-efi-amd64":13:52
RoeyAnd that set it back to EDT.13:52
jalcineUndefined subroutine &conffile::abs_path called at /usr/bin/ucfq line 529, <HASH> line 21.13:52
RoeyBluesKaj:  heya13:52
Roeyand that seems to have fixed it.13:52
BluesKajright click on the clock in the panel , set date and time to edt13:52
Roeythe problem began when I set (using the KDE adjust time& date control) to update auotmatically via NTP.13:52
Roeyyeah I had that set.13:52
BluesKajdon't use that auto set13:53
Roeyeven before I selected [x] Set time and date automatically, I had it set to EDT.13:53
Roeywhy not?13:53
BluesKajit's unreliable13:53
Roeywell what can I do then to keep the system updated?13:53
BluesKajjalcine, ask in ubuntu+113:54
jalcineThanks BluesKaj13:54
BluesKajRoey, if you leave auto unchecked then the clock will get it's time setting from the PC clock setting you chose when you installed the OS , as long as EDT and the internal pc claock are the same time13:56
Roeyok so that's why reconfiguring tzdata helped.13:57
BluesKajyes, I believe so13:57
RoeyBluesKaj:  thank you so much for illuminating this13:59
BluesKajthe internet time servers are becoming unreliable, but I don't know why13:59
Roeyso maybe that update reset from EDT to UTC time zone?  Didn't know that ntp servers could do that.14:02
jalcinethat option or the servers themselves?14:02
Roey(i.e. report a new time zone)14:02
jalcineI'm using ntp to manage my time14:02
BluesKajno if the time server goes down (disconnects) then the clock defaults to UTC for some reason '14:04
BluesKajthat's why i don't bother witht auto time servers14:05
BluesKajmy clock has been correct for many months since I unchecked the automatic setting14:08
jalcinewindow merge14:15
jalcinejb #ubuntu-114:16
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu.  Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support continues. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details.14:26
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on 2012-10-28, see http://ubottu.com/y/natty for details.14:29
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chachananyone in here using ubuntuone?15:18
chachanis it worth?15:18
BluesKajchachan, I tried it but dropped it , prefer Dropbox15:21
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chachanBluesKaj, I'm using Drive currently because I almost use everything with Google, but they don't have native client which sucks, so I'm looking for options...15:23
chachanBluesKaj, was the ubuntuone + KDE integration a great feature?15:23
BluesKajno chachan , it's ok , I just don't need it15:25
chachangot it15:26
moray33_is there a way to suggest applications or configurations included by default in Kubuntu?15:30
BluesKajmoray33_, do you want to suggest apps for kubuntu to be included in the the next releases ?15:34
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moray33_BluisKaj, well, a couple, and some packages I think it would very handy to have by defalut, especially for newbies15:38
BluesKajmoray33_, for example ?15:39
moray33_are you a Kubuntu mantainer of you're just curious?15:39
BluesKajif you want o suggest packages then #kubuntu-devel would be a good place to suggest , moray33_15:41
moray33_@BluisKaj ok, thanks!15:41
moray33_do you want to know anyways?15:42
moray33_icedtea-plugin, p7zip-full, kdeplasma-addons, unrar-free, sweeper, kde-config-grub2. Also, it would be nice kdegraphics-thumbnailers, kffmpegthumbnailer, kde-thumbnailer-openoffice and having those previous enabled in Dolphin. Last, but not least, having the  UFW KControl Module at least available in the repositories...15:46
moray33_having double click in dolphin, and the Kubuntu icon the app launcher (I know this is not important lol)15:46
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RedEyedRoundEyeis anyone able to help with a login screen issue? should be simple17:32
RedEyedRoundEyemy issue is that despite selecting images in the LightDM settings app, my login screen displays no account pic or background image. Just a white screen and default icon for user pic17:32
RedEyedRoundEyeThe resources are in ~/Pictures.... could an encrypted home directory be the issue?17:32
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Muffiehello all. I have a system with 2 ssds (sda & sdb), and a regular sata drive (sdc). I'm trying to install kubuntu on it, using the regular installation tool. I manually created partitions on SDC, but the installation fails with a "fatal error" saying that installation of grub on sdA! failed. I'm really glad it failed. There's no way to specify where to install grub? I want it @ sdc, and I choose the boot disk through BIOS...19:37
Muffiei "really" hope it doesn't screw up my sda boot...19:37
Muffieit's running chameleon on sda...19:38
Muffiehello all, back.19:39
Muffiehello all. I have a system with 2 ssds (sda & sdb), and a regular sata drive (sdc). I'm trying to install kubuntu on it, using the regular installation tool. I manually created partitions on SDC, but the installation fails with a "fatal error" saying that installation of grub on sdA! failed. I'm really glad it failed. There's no way to specify where to install grub? I want it @ sdc, and I choose the boot disk through BIOS...19:39
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thelionroarsChameleon doesn't use Grub2?19:39
Muffieno. it's a replacement as far as I know. But I'm choosing the OS from BIOS. Just need each disk to have it's own.19:40
Muffiebut the real point is, I was installing to sdc, WHY the installer tried to install grub on sda?19:41
thelionroarsnot sure19:41
thelionroarsbut everything else with the install worked?19:41
BluesKajMuffie, is windows installed on /dev/sda ?19:42
Muffiedon't know. said fatal crash and quit the installer19:42
MuffieBluesKaj: OSX on sda, Windows 8 on sdb19:42
MuffieAHCI motherboard used to choose bootable disk19:42
MuffieI'm lost on those19:43
BluesKajand sdc is your boot disk in the bios ?19:43
thelionroarsoh, chameleon is osx? lol, sorry, thought it was a linux distro19:43
Muffiechameleon is the grub for osx86 (as far as I know)19:43
MuffieBluesKaj: do I need to temporary set it to boot?19:43
Muffiethere's really not a way to tell the installer19:43
Muffiewhere I want it?19:43
thelionroarsI would try checking your kubuntu install from a live cd - mount it, check everything is there19:44
MuffieIm already on the live-usb19:44
Muffiethe fatal error19:44
thelionroarsif everything else is ok, getting grub to work from the live install should be easy19:44
Muffiehappened some minutes ago19:44
Muffiehow can I check it?19:44
Muffielet me find a terminal somewhere19:44
thelionroarsmount sdc19:44
BluesKajMuffie, yes, if that's where you want grub , afterwards you 'll have to sudo update-grub if you can boot either to a TTY or the kubuntu desktop19:44
thelionroarsmount your partition on sdc*19:45
Muffieok, mounting19:45
Muffie1 sec19:45
MuffieDevice Boot Start End Blocks Id System19:46
Muffie/dev/sdc1 2048 60000255 29999104 83 Linux19:46
Muffie/dev/sdc2 60000256 67999743 3999744 82 Linux swap / Solaris19:46
Muffiepartitions are there...19:46
Muffielet me mount sdc119:46
FloodBotK1Muffie: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:46
Muffieops, sorry19:46
thelionroarsno soup for you!19:46
BluesKajyes , you can run sudo grub-install /dev/sdc19:47
thelionroars^what BluesKaj said, should work19:47
Muffiewell, ok, I mounted. this is there: 0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root    32 Jul 14 16:31 initrd.img -> boot/initrd.img-3.8.0-19-generic19:48
Muffieok, let me sudo grub19:48
kubuntu_am I back?19:49
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MuffiePath `/boot/grub' is not readable by GRUB on boot. Installation is impossible. Aborting.19:49
Muffiegee. why it's complaining. let me deal with that later19:50
MuffieBluesKaj: thelionroars?19:51
BluesKajMuffie, errors ?19:51
Muffiehow grub knows if something would be readable on boot?19:51
MuffieBluesKaj: Path `/boot/grub' is not readable by GRUB on boot. Installation is impossible. Aborting.19:52
thelionroarswhat filesystem did you use?19:52
thelionroarshmm I'm not sure why its not working then19:52
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BluesKajMuffie, probly because it wants to install to the dev that's first drive in the boot sequence other than cdrom19:53
thelionroarsif the drive is specified though...19:53
Muffie2thelionroars: I think GRUB, somehow, sees in bios that sdc is not in the boot sequence. then, prevents the installation19:54
Muffie2it's really a stupid feature19:54
thelionroarsdo you have a separate /boot? you don't right19:54
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BluesKajnot really because grub will find the other OSs and add them to the grubmenu , but that has to be done from the kubuntu OS19:55
thelionroarsI wouldn't give their connection to a monkey on a rock...19:55
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Muffiewell, I disabled both ssds on bios20:10
Muffienow, the regular sata is sda20:10
Muffieits trying to install now20:11
Muffiewhat I know for sure is, the irc connection is really unstable! :)20:11
thelionroarsthat was noticeable on this end too20:13
thelionroarsthat's one way of avoiding issues, hopefully that should work20:13
Muffieyep. let's see...20:14
Muffieanyway, thank you a lot for the help20:14
Muffiewill be really nice to have a triple boot system again! :)20:14
BluesKajMuffie, I have a similar setup , so I'll be around for while longer20:15
BluesKajno ssds but 3 hdds20:15
Muffiegreat!! what do you use to manage the boot?20:15
Muffiechameleon cant handle win8 boot anymore20:16
Muffiebut I think its due to my mobo20:16
MuffieI'm new with ssds. I went to us, so, I bought this new "kit": mb, proc, memory and ssds20:16
BluesKajefi ?20:17
MuffieI mean, do you use grub to select which os to boot?20:17
Muffieeven osx?20:17
BluesKajdon't have osx20:18
Muffieah, what do you have?20:18
BluesKaj2 kubuntus 13.04 , 13.10 and W720:18
BluesKajW7 is on it's own HDD20:18
Muffieyep. still quite useful.20:19
MuffieI decided to give win8 a try20:19
Muffieso far, nothing to complain20:19
Muffieit's win7 with some bells and whistles20:19
BluesKajgrub works fine installed on the windows drive mbr which was designated as sda , so i used that20:20
Muffieand what about Kubuntu... I see that everyone is complaining about the new "trend" of user interface20:21
Muffiespecially gnome320:21
Muffiethat's the main reason I decided to make kubuntu my linux installation now20:21
Muffieto give it, back, a try20:21
BluesKajMuffie,  sorry i don't know what you mean by "new "trend" of user interface"20:23
Muffiewin 820:24
Muffiefull screen for everything20:24
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stack_here Qt.formatTime( dataSource.data["Local"]["Time"],"hh:mm:ss AP" ) how I can display utc or gmt along with time ?22:27
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