
AskUbuntuUndefined reference to GtkWidget | http://askubuntu.com/q/31977102:10
AskUbuntuRemote X ? new efficent client | http://askubuntu.com/q/31980204:40
=== jo-erlend_ is now known as jo-erlend
=== Jim_Lahey is now known as Guest24853
=== odra is now known as odraencode
=== Guest24853 is now known as bobweaver
chopsuei3join #android-dev20:54
Max_TitherHello, I have a qt question for playing an online audio stream using the ubuntu sdk23:22
Max_TitherIs there anyone who could assist me?23:22
Max_TitherDoes qml out of the box support playing the stream, or do I have to add the c++ module?23:23
Max_TitherLuke_1 Do you know anything about c++, the ubuntu sdk, and qml?23:31

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