
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
mfischWe don't need LP bugs to merge new versions do we? Or is thee a policy02:41
Noskcajmfisch, i think it's if it's a different person doing it.02:45
mfischNoskcaj: different from the maintainer?02:45
Noskcajthe ubuntu maintainer02:52
mfischand if the maintainer is just "Ubuntu developers" I think it's fair game without a bug02:53
NoskcajI'd agree02:55
Noskcajhello Logan_02:55
Logan_Hi Jackson.02:56
mfischThanks Noskcaj02:57
NoskcajI've merged the latest version of backuppc from debian. what do i need to attach to the bug other than the new tarball02:57
Noskcajno problem mfisch02:57
Noskcajbug 120102902:58
ubottubug 1201029 in backuppc (Ubuntu) "Please merge backuppc 3.2.1-5.1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120102902:58
Logan_Noskcaj: Did you read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Merging?03:17
NoskcajYeah, the debdiff link is broken and the only page on the wiki is outdated03:24
micahgmfisch: the bugs serve 2 purposes, to allow sponsors to gain sponsorship and to notify someone that you're working on the merge, if you're the TIL person, a bug shouldn't be needed03:25
mfischmicahg: sorry, TIL? I can only think of the reddit meaning03:26
micahgtouched it last03:27
Logan_TIL that TIL means "touched it last" in Ubuntu. :P03:27
* Logan_ waves to Micah.03:27
mfischLogan_: perfect03:27
mfischTIL in this case is seb03:28
mfischbut it's been out of sync since mid-June, so I don't think seb is going to work on it03:28
micahgmfisch: it's still good to ask unless it's marked on merges.ubuntu.com as free to take03:29
Logan_micahg: Hey, do you know the situation with charybdis?03:30
Logan_3.4.2-1 has been in unstable for 12 days, and $ syncpackage --force charybdis returns:03:30
mfischmicahg: okay, I'll ping seb03:30
Logan_syncpackage: Error: Debian version 3.4.2-1 has not been picked up by LP yet. Please try again later.03:30
Logan_It's not there. :(03:31
micahgLogan_: file a request on answers.launchpad.net/launchpad03:31
micahgor ask in #launchpad03:32
mfischmicahg: are ubuntu branches in lp updated directly after a dput or is manual work required with bzr (I assume automatic)?03:35
Logan_The former.03:35
micahgwith a slight time delay03:35
Logan_You can push to Bazaar as well, but it really doesn't do much.03:36
Logan_The package importer does all of the commits for you.03:36
mfischin my last upload, upstream was bzr03:36
mfischso I pushed there and dput but did not push to the source package branch in lp03:36
micahgmfisch: check here for importer issues: http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/03:36
micahgbugs go here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/udd/+filebug03:37
Logan_And they will never be looked at.03:41
* Logan_ hides.03:41
mfischI looked at one once03:41
mfischfor a package merge I was interested in, I could not make any sense of it03:41
obounaimHi everybody09:19
=== Guest11889 is now known as Lutin
Logan_How does one go about joining ~ubuntu-sponsors?15:52
iulianLogan_: Ask the admins to add you.15:59
Logan_kees: Are you around?16:00
=== gallth is now known as Dr_Who
=== Rh0nda is now known as Rhonda
TheLordOfTimei assume it's impossible to get a "new" package that didn't exist previously into 13.04 directly while skipping over currentDevelRelease?20:19
iulianTheLordOfTime: Right.20:50
TheLordOfTimeiulian:  that's what I thought21:07
TheLordOfTimeiulian:  any way to figure out why something doesn't show in the archives, then?>21:07
TheLordOfTime(in the off chance it was removed how do i figure that one out)21:07
jbichaTheLordOfTime: if it was in Ubuntu, it would have a page like https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-express and you can click the top right link to see its publishing history21:22
Logan_Every single package is failing at UDD...21:23
* Logan_ sighs.21:23
TheLordOfTimejbicha:  yeah i'm curious because one person is reporting their installer calling for `finish-install` and it's missing, so...21:23
TheLordOfTime(in raring)21:24
TheLordOfTimeor rather "when they're installing with jigdo"21:25
Logan_Hey Jeremy. :)21:26

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