
=== NomadJim_ is now known as NomadJim
=== cads is now known as maxsu
=== maxsu is now known as cads
=== VD is now known as Guest72324
vmuseranyone running geronimo3 ?11:14
golesHey guys, I'm starting a fresh ubuntu 13 64 bits server, I was wondering if someone knows about a decent guide about the basics of security that I should be aware of, (I'm not exactly a noob, but I want to cover my bases).16:04
golesI already disabled SSH password login (for instance)16:04
golesAnyone around? :D16:07
andolgoles: The most important part is really to understand the daemons you are running on the server, and have them properly configurd, to not allow more than neccesary.16:07
golesandol: I think I should be more or less ok then... will browse through https://help.ubuntu.com/13.04/serverguide/ though16:09
bitbytehey guys is there any specific setup you would suggest for dyndns on ubuntu server17:52
virusuybitbyte: what do you mean by "setup" ??18:24
bitbytelooking to setup dyndns on my server but the noip2 never updates18:25
bitbyteor dosnt run correctly18:25
bitbytea friend suggested ddclient but I'm not too sure18:25
virusuywell, i used dyndns like 6 years ago,18:25
virusuyand setup at that time seems really easy and straightforward18:26
bitbytei also need to setup irc client some one suggested athene but can't find any documentation really18:28
virusuythis is the first time that i read about that irc client18:32
bitbytefair do's it dosnt look very known18:33
bitbytewhen i checked the forums18:33
virusuybut it's an IRC client ?? or something else related with IRC ?18:35
bitbyteits an irc client18:35
bitbyteany who i gotta go18:36
virusuyoh, ok, cheers18:36
bitbytelaters man18:36
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
resnoanybody good with postfix? im needing some help.19:23
sw!ask | resno19:23
ubotturesno: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:23
resnoi didnt expect someone to be around now really19:23
* sw doesn't see opening times in the /topic.19:24
swresno: By the way, they have their own channel dedicated to support over at #postfix.19:24
resnoya, but its quiet19:24
resnojust looking to solve my issue19:24
swSo can you ask it or not?19:24
resnoheres what i got. http://pastebin.com/1e4WJBsR i am using php sending a message and then i would like the list of aliases to broadcast it out to the users19:27
ntzrmtthihu777hello, someone care to test my apache server from the outside?20:03
golesHey guys, I'm configuring a web server using nginx on ubuntu server... I was wondering about which could be a good place to store my ssl certificates? (so that they are only accessible to the nginx user)20:13
TheLordOfTimegoles:  someplace outside the web directory20:25
TheLordOfTimegoles:  most users aren't in the www-data group so ideally someUser:www-data would work, so that normal users can't see it20:26
TheLordOfTimeor www-data:www-data (if it exists on your system) can be the ownership groups20:26
TheLordOfTimeand then somewhere else outside the web root directory that is still "secure"20:26
jsonperlany reason anyone can think that occasionally all processors would drop to 0% usage for a minute or two20:29
shankstaBytescan i reinstall apache and clear all the configuration files ?20:32
swshankstaBytes: $ apt-get purge apache2; apt-get install apache220:34
golesTheLordOfTime: This is very strange though... I installed nginx and all the information that I've read says that the installation should have created dirs sites-available/sites-enabled, however in my case they where not20:34
TheLordOfTimegoles:  nginx -v20:35
TheLordOfTimepastebin the output20:35
TheLordOfTimefrom the command line20:35
TheLordOfTimeor maybe just paste the one output i forget whether it's multiline20:35
TheLordOfTimeyeah it's one line output20:35
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
golesTheLordOfTime: this is the line nginx version: nginx/1.4.120:36
shankstaBytesthe default SSL isn't working for me whats a good way to debug?20:36
shankstaBytesapache error log?20:36
shankstaBytesim just doing a testing server and i need ssl enabled20:37
shankstaBytesif i purge apache2 and apache2-common will that delete /var/www20:38
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
TheLordOfTimegoles:  which OS?20:39
TheLordOfTime12.04?  And are you using the nginx ppa20:39
golesTheLordOfTime: Ubuntu 13.04 x6420:40
golesI added the nginx repository, updated and installed using apt-get install nginx20:40
swshankstaBytes: No.20:40
TheLordOfTimegoles:  which nginx repository?  ppa:nginx/stable   ?20:41
golesTheLordOfTime: let me check that20:41
TheLordOfTimegoles:  and did you originally install the version in the Ubuntu repositories before installing the version in the nginx ppas20:41
TheLordOfTimegoles:  if in doubt it's probably the stable ppa20:43
TheLordOfTime!info nginx raring20:43
golesTheLordOfTime: I think I didn't install any other version that the one added from the repos that are specified here: http://nginx.org/en/linux_packages.html#stable20:43
ubottunginx (source: nginx): small, powerful, scalable web/proxy server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.6-1ubuntu3.2 (raring), package size 6 kB, installed size 89 kB20:43
TheLordOfTimegoles:  ehhhhhhhh20:43
TheLordOfTimegoles:  ehhhhhhhh20:44
TheLordOfTimegoles:  i can't vouch for those  packages, the nginx team maintains its own PPA for nginx...20:44
TheLordOfTimegoles:  i'm going to assume that based on the package you installed and the fact it does not include those folders it's a "bad package"20:44
TheLordOfTimei never use the nginx-provided repos for nginx i use the PPAs.20:44
TheLordOfTime... that, and i maintain the PPAs so...20:45
TheLordOfTimegoles:  sudo apt-get remove --purge nginx nginx-common20:45
TheLordOfTimegoles:  then remove the repository you added20:45
golesTheLordOfTime: what do you suggest ? (this is what I actually see in /etc/nginx https://gist.github.com/Goles/ede540f0b66f686d317d )20:45
TheLordOfTimethen do sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nginx/stable20:45
golesTheLordOfTime: ok, will do20:45
TheLordOfTimethen do sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install nginx-full20:45
TheLordOfTimegoles:  the PPA the nginx team (and coincidentally myself) maintain will add the sites-available and sites-enabled folders20:46
TheLordOfTimeper Debian20:46
TheLordOfTime...  oh damn i forgot about the migration to new libraries...20:46
* TheLordOfTime grumblesa20:46
TheLordOfTimestupid stupid stupid me.20:46
* TheLordOfTime preps an update for saucy20:46
golesTheLordOfTime: hahaha, this is the cool thing about irc :)20:47
TheLordOfTimegoles:  ehh i've been meaning to update for a recent libraries migration upstream in debian, and i forgot to apply it xD20:47
golesTheLordOfTime: lol, I see... will follow your advice... seems like add-apt-repository is not installed by default in ubuntu server...20:49
TheLordOfTimegoles:  sudo apt-get install python-software-properties21:07
golesTheLordOfTime: got it to work21:10
golesTheLordOfTime: thanks! :)21:11
TheLordOfTimegoles:  i assume the sites-available and sites-enabled folders exist now :p21:11
golesTheLordOfTime: they do! ahahaha, btw... is it a normal thing to use sudo to startup nginx?21:11
TheLordOfTimegoles: sudo service nginx stop; sudo service nginx start21:12
TheLordOfTimethat launches the master daemon process but it doesn't access anything.  the workers are www-data by default21:12
golesTheLordOfTime: great, I see... I thougth that the workers would use the 'nginx' user21:13
TheLordOfTimegoles:  nope, it uses www-data by default21:13
TheLordOfTimegoles:  when in doubt, use the PPA.21:14
TheLordOfTimei try and keep that recent21:14
TheLordOfTimebut i have to update the debian packaging on it to adapt to the latest debian upstream changes.21:14
golesTheLordOfTime: I see :) , thanks man21:14
TheLordOfTimegoles:  yeppers!21:16
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=== alamar is now known as julian
zzakanyone know a good resource for setting up procmail with postfix? ive been at it with google for hours and no luck22:49
zzakmailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail22:50
zzaklog: status=sent (delivered to command: /usr/bin/procmail)22:50
zzakbut i get no email22:50
=== julian is now known as alamar

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