
* dejello blinks00:30
=== Aww- is now known as EvilAww
jonathashi! i'm wanting to get involved on ubuntu touch.. can someone tell me, what part is poorer??02:06
jonathaslike development, test, QA, documentation..02:06
AskUbuntuWhen might we expect a 32G image for the Nexus 7? | http://askubuntu.com/q/31977402:22
NoskcajHow hard would it be to port ubuntu touch to a generic ebay tablet?02:41
wilee-nileeSo on a nexus 7 the 13.04 or 13.10 image, I have not followed the default releases.02:58
=== Namidairo`bnc is now known as Namidairo
AskUbuntuRemote X ? new efficent client | http://askubuntu.com/q/31980204:40
Lucky__is there anyone online?06:09
Lucky__i have a couple of questions...06:09
Lucky__firstly has the ubuntu team released a rom with a working cellular radio?06:10
AskUbuntuQuery about cellular radio | http://askubuntu.com/q/31983106:16
houseofbeanHey everyone.  Really tempted to flash my Nexus 4 with Ubuntu Touch.   So I'll try to test programs and stuff.  Well, that will be my intention06:18
Lucky__could someone please reply i've been trying to find a rom with a working cellular radio and haven't been too lucky...06:26
timppawhat is the current status of email client?08:22
timppawiki page does not tell much about it08:28
timppaUm, just installed the email client, not much to say about it. That's the one thing I really miss when using ubuntut touch08:47
sanHi Guys09:04
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Guest35144Hi Guys ned one help09:06
popeyogra_: 20130714 looks good on mako10:14
ogra_popey, great, on grouper and maguro too10:39
ogra_... marked10:39
flo__anyone else  noticed that? the app content is still visible behind the tab title when scrolling down.. in the weather app, for example.11:40
flo__but I guess it's a general SDK problem because I'm seeing the same in my own app when I test it on my desktop11:40
nik90flo__: do you mean that the tab is not above the content?11:41
* flo__ takes a screenshot11:41
nik90timppa: The development for the email client has just been recently restarted. Expect more features in the near future11:42
flo__nik90, does this link work? https://www.dropbox.com/s/n8s2amaiyrd4sxa/bug.png11:43
nik90flo__: yup works. I see the issue.11:44
nik90flo__: since when did you start seeing this issue?11:44
flo__I first noticed it yesterday iirc11:44
nik90hmm that is really weird.11:45
flo__it's not a problem in most apps because the tab header goes away when you scroll down11:45
nik90I don't see it on the clock app as of 5 mins ago :). Will test the weather app now11:45
flo__I use "flickable: null;" on Pages in my app, maybe weather does the same?11:46
nik90flo__: yup issue confirmed!11:49
nik90flo__: Would you mind reporting a bug about this on the weather app project?11:49
nik90I can confirm it and also add the ubuntu-ui-toolkit project to be affected by this.11:49
flo__okay, I will report a bug, thanks for confirming :)11:50
* ogra_ blames dortmund :P11:52
ogra_i see something similar with the browser if the activities are open sometimes11:53
ogra_(also only very recently)11:53
nik90ogra_: then it is definitely a sdk bug.11:55
flo__ogra_, heh. London is broken as well! ;P11:55
ogra_kassel works :)11:55
nik90ogra_: is the browser app called ubuntu-browser-app on launchpad?11:57
ogra_ah, no, i lied ... strange11:57
ogra_it did work before11:57
nik90ogra_: ah ok np.11:58
ogra_nik90, i think itr is webbrowser-app11:58
flo__btw, is dynamically changing the Tab "page" property supposed to work? It causes problems since the tab header doesn't reappear after changing the page, even if the new page is not tall enough to be scrolled at all (and so it's impossible to make the tab header visible again)12:06
nik90flo__: what do you mean dynamically changing the tab page?12:11
flo__like this: xyzTab.page = somePage;12:11
nik90not sure12:12
=== jo-erlend_ is now known as jo-erlend
robertbuhrenhi there, according to this link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices/Nexus , mobile data is not working on the nexus devices, where can i find the state of this issue?12:38
popeyrobertbuhren: we're updating that page12:58
popeymobile data does work12:58
robertbuhrenpopey: nice!13:00
popeywe've got a more up to date spreadsheet, will make it public and update the wiki tomorrow13:01
robertbuhrenanother question: Ubuntu for Android and Ubuntu Touch are unrelated? i didn't quite understand what Ubuntu for Android actually is...13:02
popeyUbuntu for Android is not currently released13:02
popeyStill under development13:02
popeyUbuntu for Android is for people who want android on their phone and an ubuntu desktop when docked13:02
robertbuhrencan i use ubuntu touch in docked mode too?13:03
popeynot yet, the plan is for convergence in 14.0413:04
nik90popey: ping13:06
popeynik90: pong13:07
nik90popey: hi, how is your weekend :) ?13:08
popeyhot ☻13:08
nik90popey: The clock app autopilot tests are failing right at the start in the jenkins machine. It is identical to other core app tests.13:08
nik90popey: and hence they are preventing any merges into trunk.13:08
popeyi think i saw mhall119 mention that earlier13:08
nik90popey: seemingly the autopilot pass very well on my machine13:09
popeygot an example ?13:09
nik90Here is a bug report submitted by fginther https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/120069913:10
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1200699 in Ubuntu Clock App "Initial jenkins autopilot test failures" [Undecided,New]13:10
nik90looking at the error, the jenkins is not even able to open the app through autopilot13:10
nik90Can I get your permission to ask baloons and fginther to disable jenkins autopilot tests for the clock app alone?13:11
nik90Because of this, I am unable to merge any of my branches into trunk this weekend and until this is fixed.13:11
popeyhmm, would be better to get this fixed.13:11
nik90ok. In that case I will talk to baloons tomorrow evening to get the issue fixed.13:12
popeybecause tbh if neither of them are around to disable jenkins then that's not going to get done..13:13
popeyand if they _are_ around, I'd rather they fixed jenkins ☻13:13
nik90We have 3 more autopilot tests written by WebbyIT, so our autopilot test framework is growing :)13:14
WebbyITpopey: I confirm that is a Jenkins problem. Locally tests work very well :)13:16
jules_I'm trying to dualboot ubuntu with multirom. When I try to boot ubuntu it simply reboots and I return to the multirom selction screen13:31
jules_Any help would be appreciated13:31
=== Jim_Lahey is now known as Guest24853
robertbuhrenis there an overview of which parts or ubuntu touch are opensource and which are not?14:06
ogra_robertbuhren, everything except the binary android drivers14:08
robertbuhrendo i have to have any "account" or something in order to use ubuntu touch? like android is pretty useless without an google account14:09
ogra_well, currently you dont, but there are no paid apps yet either ...14:10
ogra_i would suspect as soon as any kind payment stuff lands you will also need some kind of account14:10
robertbuhrentoo bad14:11
ogra_(but well, it's open, you can indeed do your own spin that doesnt involve such stuff)14:11
ogra_well, how else would you solve payment issues ?14:11
robertbuhreni wouldn't have a problem with the payment part, but in andorid you need an account for free apps too14:12
ogra_you need some kind of secure system that can be associated with the payment data (credid card stuf or whatever)14:12
robertbuhreni'd be happy if i just need an account for non-free apps14:12
flo__robertbuhren, right now you can install apps anonymously via apt-get. But the number of apps is very limited right now, the apt-get way doesn't scale well. Not sure what the plans are for click packages and an "app store"..14:13
ogra_flo__, that will very likely change before end of the month14:14
flo__ogra_, wow. exciting :)14:14
ogra_click packages are on their way ... as is the readonly filesystem implementation14:14
RoTeclike using your ubuntu one account for the software center? that might be practical14:14
ogra_as soon as we go readonly, apt will be disabled on default installs (you will have to enable developer mode to get a rw filesysteem and apt)14:15
ogra_RoTec, i think something along the lines is planned14:15
flo__I see, sounds reasonable14:17
=== dejello is now known as sans|dejello
sans|dejellopsshhh, tried that last night and it didn't go through :P14:25
=== sans|dejello is now known as dejello
=== Namidairo is now known as Namidairo`bnc
=== Guest24853 is now known as bobweaver
bobweaverping ogra_15:22
bobweaverQUESTION: how to avoid name space collisions in QtQuick.Contols and Ubuntu.Components say like the Element Button? Just do a #import Ubuntu.Components 0.1 as Ubuntu     ?   the Ubuntu.Button{}  instead of just Button so that the controls will pick it up >?15:30
bobweaverNM that works but it is kinda a pain15:36
popeybobweaver: probably a question for #ubuntu-app-devel when the sdk guys wake up tomorrow ☻15:59
bobweaverthanks popey  yeah I figured it out just wondering what others would do.  thanks for responding :)15:59
Mekalhi all just now i installed ubuntu on my nexus 4 but i m not able to connect the wifi please help16:21
popeyMekal: which image did you flash?16:22
popeyi.e. look in ~/Downloads/phablet-flash - what's the most recent directory under there, might be ubuntu-touch/ under there16:22
RobbyFI thought it was just me - I did 20130714, on galaxy nexus16:23
RobbyFprobably was me, I did it all as root16:23
popeyworks fine here with that image16:24
RobbyFI'm going to reflash16:24
popeyhmm, the shell is glitchy, it was fine when i flashed it, now it's locking up, can't quite see why16:25
popeywill take a look in a bit16:25
RobbyFI've got to step out, wife wants to go to costco. :-(16:26
* popey is bbq'ing16:26
popeyso will look after that16:26
RobbyFI was going to do ribs, going to get some steak instead16:26
Mekal1 min plz looking16:27
MekalI flashed this saucy-preinstalled-boot-armhf+mako.img16:28
MekalI am able to detect wifi16:30
Mekalbut after giving password it connects for a while and than disconnect in few min16:31
Mekaland every time i need to give password seems it not able to save wifi passwords16:31
Mekalpopey ??16:33
popeyi will take a look in a bit16:33
popeycan't look right now16:34
mhall119robertbuhren: Ubuntu Touch itself doesn't require an account with any specific service16:53
mhall119but you'll likely have multiple accounts from multiple services to use various apps16:53
mhall119our Online Accounts framework makes this easy both for the user and the developer16:53
mhall119I currently have my Google, Facebook, Twitter and Flickr accounts registered on my Nexus716:53
robertbuhrenmhall119: i don't use any of these services and i don't intend to do so, but it's good to know that ubuntu touch dosn't enforce the user to register17:03
ReedHello? is there anybody here who could help me with a problem on ubuntu touch?17:14
Mekalhi all just now i installed ubuntu on my nexus 4 but i m not able to connect the wifi please help17:14
ReedI'm having the same problem Mekal.17:15
ReedIts because we don't have root access.17:15
ReedI installed it an it never gave me root access...17:15
Mekalany idea how to get root access?17:16
ReedNope. Thats why i'm here :L17:16
Mekalwithout wifi and 3g it's waste to install ubuntu in my newly purchased nexus 417:17
ReedI'm doing it on a 717:18
ReedSo I can have an open system.17:18
Reedbrb, going to ask my foster dad if he can figure out how.17:18
RoTechave you guys tried adb root?17:26
mhall119adb shell should drop you to the Ubuntu commandline as root17:32
RoTecmhall119: quick question: is the wiki up to date? if not, is anyone gonna update it?17:34
lessentHi all!! I wonder that how can i restore my original android version after I installed ubuntu touch if I would like to get android back?17:35
RoTeclessent: look at wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install at the bottom17:37
=== trench_ is now known as TrenchClone
lessentRoTec, how can I find my official android image? I use Sony Xperia s android 4.1.217:49
TrenchCloneLessent, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices/nozomi17:50
lessentIs it ubuntu-touch for Xperia or android for Xperia?17:50
TrenchCloneThat's the ubuntu-touch package for the Xperia S.17:52
RoTeclessent: that's ubuntu touch. I'm doing a quick google search. you could do the same17:52
lessentI could not find anything about official Sony android image. It s why asked it..17:54
RoTecthey rolled out the image via OTA sometime in june I think. there might be an image of it somewhere on the internet if not on sony's site17:55
lessentIt would be but I didn't find. So sorry about my idiot brain :) I just wanted to ask if u know how I can get official image.. If there s a user of Xperia s, it would be better.17:58
RoTecI actually am an xperia s user (apart from 4 other devices) but I have cyanogenmod on it17:59
TrenchCloneYou could probably find an image via google just looking for xperia s standard image with root.18:01
TrenchCloneBut that's probably the closest you'll get.18:01
RoTeci think you can get one at sony.com you'd have to look under support. you have to register an account and you might get an image there. trying it out right now18:02
lessentOk.. Thank.. I 'll check out right now!18:04
RoTeclessent: alright I have it. gotta download the pc companion from sony's site. and connect the phone. it'll probably tell you it needs an update and do it. easy-peasy18:05
RoTectell me what happens. I'm curious :D18:08
RoTeclessent: an if that doesn't work I have found the easiest method from sony: flash tool! reverts anything to stock http://developer.sonymobile.com/2012/12/06/new-flash-tool-from-sony-for-unlocked-xperia-smartphones-video-beta-download/18:15
RoTeclessent: actually don't waste time with the other stuff I said. use the flash tool directly. fool proof18:19
dejelloIs it tomorrow yet?  :P18:55
rob_wis that important ?18:56
RoTectill the next release?in that case something around 8 hours from now18:57
RoTecif I'm not mistaken18:58
dejelloI'm still not being patient in waiting for updated porting and such info18:58
=== dejello is now known as dejello|afk
RoTeci know that feel :D19:01
robertbuhreni'm trying to install ubuntu touch on my nexus, but it fails with "Error while executing adb shell df -h'"19:18
robertbuhrenwhen i try to execute "adb shell df -h" it gives me "-h, no such file or directoy"19:18
robertbuhreni have a feeling that this is because of my busybox installation on my nexus?19:19
lotuspsychjedoes the 180 flip mean that ubuntu tablets will be released sooner, or isnt that the case?19:28
=== Gh0sT is now known as mahabal
=== mahabal is now known as Gh0sT
=== Gh0sT is now known as mahabal
annerajbAre there any irc channel for porting help?19:32
RoTechello :)19:32
RoTecyou could google that. I have no idea19:34
popeyrobertbuhren: works here19:35
popeyannerajb: this is the right channel, but maybe ask during UTC afternoon19:36
popeyrobertbuhren: what prompt does "adb shell" return?19:38
robertbuhren"shell@android:/ $"19:39
popeyso thats not the flipped image19:39
popeythats what you see with our most recent images19:40
popeyfor the last week or more19:40
annerajbthx popey ill keep trying to fix it myself but eventually ill have to ask some questions.19:40
robertbuhrenpopey: that's what i should see IF ubuntu touch was installed, right?19:42
robertbuhrenbut i'm trying to do the switch from andorid to ubuntu touch19:45
popeyand the guide on our website isnt working?19:47
robertbuhrennot yet, but i guess i did something wrong19:48
RoTec installing with the zip files directly maybe?19:48
popeyare you using Ubuntu on your desktop?19:49
popeyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install#Manual_Installation should work19:49
robertbuhreni'll give that a try19:49
annerajbwhen running the ubuntu_chroot shell command I get a "su: cannot determine your user name".19:57
popeyyou dont need to run ubuntu_chroot in the flipped image19:57
popeyannerajb: where are you seeing instructions which require you to run that?19:58
Justin____Hi there, I just installed ubuntu touch on my Nexus 4 , everything looks nice but i cannot connect to any wifi network. Any ideas ? Thanks19:59
annerajbJustin____: I believe the wireless network must be unsecured.19:59
* popey removes it from that page19:59
Justin____Oh really ? shoot i cannot change that19:59
popeymy nexus 4 is connected to a secure wireless network20:00
popeyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5875218/  <- my nexus 420:00
* annerajb goes to put password to his wireless again20:00
Justin____on mine I input the password but it fails to connect :s20:01
popeytop - 20:02:46 up 10:00,  0 users,  load average: 14.29, 11.70, 10.7420:02
popeythat doesn't look good20:02
kenshiroHi, will Ubuntu Touch have an "use only 3g networks" option? . Android has it but in a hidden menu. It's important as 2g networks are a security hole, vulnerable to "man in the middle" attacks20:03
popeykenshiro: never heard of that, got a link?20:03
kenshiropopey searching, there are lot of in google, just search "2g networks security"20:04
kenshiropopey I'm searching one for you20:05
nhainesSo I was poking around the Touch pages on the Ubuntu wiki and I can't seem to find instructions for installing Ubuntu Touch on an emulator (despite the fact that it's mentioned quite a bit on the mailing list).20:06
nhainesTherefore I thought I'd ask in here if anyone has any tips?20:06
kenshiropopey www.cs.stevens.edu/~swetzel/publications/gsm.pdf‎20:06
hashLABHello, I've just installed the latest Saucy daily build for my nexus 4 (mako) from here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/current/ . But I can't connect to my (WPA2 secured) wifi network.20:06
hashLABIs this just a bug? or NYI?20:07
Justin____Same problem here20:07
popeynhaines: i dont think we have any documentation for that20:07
Justin____maybe we need a reboot20:07
popeynhaines: would love for someone to do so, I think it's been attempted20:07
kenshiropopey this one: http://www.cs.stevens.edu/~swetzel/publications/gsm.pdf20:07
popeyhashLAB: seems like a bug, can you file it? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-touch-preview/+filebug20:08
nhainespopey: thank you for that!  Do you know if they're using QEMU or one of the Android emulators?  If I get it running I can write documentation.  :)20:08
robertbuhrenarg, now my mobile is not reckognized in recovery mode at alll....20:09
nik90popey: If you like see colorful clock app, try out https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/apply-visual-design-colors/+merge/174609 :-)20:09
popeynhaines: i think they've tried the android emulator20:09
nik90popey: But it is a top secret. so no public screenshot :D20:09
popeynik90: will do when my device charges, it's dead20:09
nhainespopey: okay.  Since I hate to sacrifice my Galaxy Nexus (Ubuntu Touch is sooo beautiful but I need GPS navigation!) I'll set aside some time for it today.  I've been itching to try it out again recently.20:10
robertbuhrenis it normal that in reovery mode, the andorid logo is shown with a red warning sign?20:11
popeynik90: oooh! that looks niiice!20:11
popeynhaines: that would be awesome..20:11
popeynhaines: cdesai did some work on it I believe20:11
popeyrobertbuhren: i dont see that20:11
annerajbpopey: when I connect thru adb shell i get root@android:/ # and it dosnt appear to be chrooted and seems more like a busybox. Any ideas why that may be happening?20:12
popeyannerajb: ahh, the porting guide is based on the non-flipped image...20:14
popeymight want to wait for an update to the guide for flipped images20:14
annerajbwhat does this flipped non flipped talk means I read it on the change notes but I am not sure what it means.20:15
popeynon-flipped = boot android kernel, run ubuntu in a container20:15
popeyflipped = boot ubuntu kernel, run android in a container20:15
annerajbhmm will the process of installing a flipped image be install a ubuntu-bootstrap and after that install saucy? or is the install procedure a little bit different? popey20:17
nhainesannerajb: the install process is identical.20:19
nhainesIt just refers to how the image is built.20:19
annerajbok i am trying to pinpoint why my image is not flipped. I have a old bootstrap which may be a android kernel instead of a ubuntu kernel.  so that may explain why i open adb shell and it's not flipped.20:20
annerajbNow i have to figure out where to get a bootstrap for my image that's flipped.20:20
popeyyour image isnt flipped because the porting guide hasn't been updated I think20:20
popeyI'll speak to the guys tomorrow and see if we can get it updated20:21
annerajbwell i still have to build a new boot strap right? or is the only difference on the installation steps of the image?20:22
popeysorry, i'm not familiar with the porting guide much20:23
annerajball right thanks for the help thought20:24
robertbuhrenhi there, i'm failing to install ubuntu touch with the "manual" way... i can do a "adb push ... /sdcard/autodeploy.zip" when the phone is booted, but i can't issue any adb commands when booted in the recovery command, any suggestions?21:21
popeyso you have done adb push, then if you "adb reboot recovery" what happens?21:22
robertbuhrenit reboots and a android logo with a red triangle is shown21:22
robertbuhrenlike this: http://cdn.howtogeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/android-recovery-mode.jpg21:23
popeywhat device?21:23
robertbuhrengalaxy nexus21:23
popeywhich file did you push?21:23
popeychecked the md5sum?21:24
robertbuhrenpopey: the manual says i should do adb push while in recovery mode?21:25
popeythats what i do21:25
robertbuhrenthere's the problem, while in recovery mode, i can't access my devices via adb21:26
popeywhat did the phone have on it previously?21:27
robertbuhrenandroid 4.2.221:27
robertbuhreni just installed a factory image21:27
popeywhich one?21:27
popeywhich codename21:28
x10can I install ubuntu touch on Sony Ercisson Xperia X10?21:48
x10answer please21:50
popeyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices is it listed there?21:52
x10let me check21:53
x10not listed21:54
x10so I cant use this, yes?21:54
popeyIf someone ports it you can21:54
Noskcajx10, you could try porting it yourself...21:54
NoskcajCan someone have a look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I.MX#Linux I think this would be easier to port than most21:55
x10checking... thanks21:56
robertbuhrenpopey: it finally worked...21:57
robertbuhreni could use phablet-flash21:57
x10how can I do this?21:57
popeyrobertbuhren: great21:58
robertbuhrenpopey: afaik wifi and cellular should work, righ?21:59
x10how can I do port ubuntu touch to my X10?22:00
x10how can I do port ubuntu touch to my X10?22:03
Noskcajx10, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting22:04
Noskcajthen ask here, the mailing list or xda developers for help22:04
popeyyup robertbuhren22:09
* popey beds22:09
robertbuhrentoo bad it doesn't :/ thanks anyways, i'll have to sleep now too22:10
galaxy-nexus-n00I can't get wifi to connect, any way to view logs etc?23:21
firsttime-ubutouhowto get wlan working?23:30
firsttime-ubutouim running on gnex maguro23:32
=== scott is now known as Guest14344
crockethello guys23:53
Guest14344Hello, everyone. I just started back working on porting a samsung fascinate. It used to compile fine. Now i get "make: *** No rule to make target `/home/scott/android/system/out/target/product/fascinatemtd/ubuntu-boot.img', needed by `/home/scott/android/system/out/target/product/fascinatemtd/obj/PACKAGING/target_files_intermediates/cm_fascinatemtd-target_files-eng.scott.zip'.  Stop.' I've been through all the patches on the Tou23:56
Guest14344ch/Porting to check that I did them right. I did. It used to compile about a month ago. Any ideas?23:56
NoskcajGuest14344, If no one answers here, try the mailing list of the xda-developers forum23:57

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