
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kilosmorning geeky peeps06:35
nlsthznmorning all07:25
Kiloshi nlsthzn 07:42
nlsthznanybody remember the car advert where the lady sais the car is nice and the guy starts raving over the word "nice" ... think it was nissan micra or something ... could be wrong?07:42
Kilossudo add-apt-repository ppa:birdie-team/daily07:42
Kilosthats for the twit peeps07:42
Kilosnope sorry07:42
Kiloshi refusenik 07:49
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za08:10
Kilosif you need any linux or ubuntu help feel free to ask08:11
Kilosthis is our official help channel08:11
Kilosyou can also hang here and help others08:12
Kilosinetpro, we birdie werk op kde ook08:17
refusenikI noticed that there's an IRC meet on Monday08:30
refusenikthere's also a JoziLUG meetup at the same time08:30
Kilosyip here at 19.3008:31
refusenikbut I'll stick around in this chatroom08:31
Kiloseveryone is welcome to our meetings08:31
refusenikwould anyone in ubuntu-za like to give an Ubuntu presentation to a Joburg user group?08:31
Kiloswe have quite a few guys in the jhb area so ask at the meeting if no one answers you today08:32
Kilosor you can ask in our mailing list as well08:33
refusenikI signed up for the mailing list08:43
Kilosok just mail and ask if anyone is available to give a presentation08:47
Kilosalso anyone can download ubuntu and burn to dvd or use a flash to boot from and install it alongside an existing windows OS08:55
Kilosor even try it out from the boot media as well08:55
Kilosand even from live media one can get here and ask for help08:56
Kilosnlsthzn, what are you using today or you at work?09:07
nlsthzn@home on win 809:09
Kilosactually they are improving09:10
Kilos7 aint bad09:10
nlsthznI installed a start button replacement for win 8 and now it is basically the same as win 7 plus some under the hood improvements09:11
Kilosoh my have they removed the start button?09:14
Kiloseverything worked from there09:14
nlsthznyou have not seen all the funky tiles?09:14
nlsthznthe one that has everyone up in arms :p09:15
Kiloshavent seen 8 at all09:15
nlsthznah ok... well it has changed :p same idea as Unity, same interface on desktop/tablet/phone09:18
Kilosyou will need to know all of them hey if going for another job09:21
nlsthznhaha... depends on the job09:29
Kilosthere cant be many out there where no ms is involved09:32
nlsthznas long as you can use office applications then you should be good to go09:54
Kilosoffice is for clever peeps10:12
CantideKilos, so sorry :p10:18
Cantidei sometimes open xchat and forget i've opened it -.-10:19
Cantidehello :)10:19
Kiloshi Cantide 10:19
Cantidelast night i was on a skype chat for 4 hours10:19
Cantideso i pretty much forgot about irc10:19
Kilosnever forget irc. ubuntu was built on irc10:19
Cantidemeeting tomorrow night?10:20
Kilosand here is where we gonna see how you doing in korea10:20
Cantidetrue that  :p10:20
Kilosyip at 19.3010:20
Cantidecool :)10:20
Cantidei should be here10:20
Kiloshey you going to jhb soon hey10:21
Kilosyou wanna give an ubuntu presentation to a user group10:21
Cantidew.. whaaaaa?10:22
Kilosyou can practise your lecturing skills10:22
Cantidei'd have to prepare well for that >.<10:22
Kiloswell if you are interested speak to refusenik 10:23
Cantidei'll only have 3 days up there10:23
Cantideso it depends >.<10:24
Cantidemy primary objective is sorting out my documents10:24
Kiloswell it cant take more than an hour methinks10:24
Cantidealso, i don't speak Afrikaans :p10:24
Kilosmaybe in the evening when doc places are closed10:24
Cantidemight be a bit out of place in JHB haha10:24
Kilosjhb is english10:25
Kilospta is afrikaans10:25
Cantidei'll give it some thought10:25
Kilosgood man10:25
Kiloshi georgelappies 10:25
georgelappieshi Kilos, how are you doing today?10:26
Kilosgood ty and you?10:26
Kiloshi superfly 14:21
inetproahh refusenik is @JoziLUG on twitter?14:39
inetprogood afternoon Kilos14:39
Kiloshi inetpro 14:39
inetproKilos: birdie is not in the repos yet and I see no screenshots so it gets a -1 from me14:45
Kilosmaaz birdie ++14:46
inetproactually I just found it's home page at http://www.ivonunes.net/birdie/ and after seeing the screenshot it still get's a -114:47
inetprowritten in Gtk14:48
inetproKilos: does it have a counter in the task bar?14:48
Kilosbut it works on unity and kde when nothing else does14:49
Kilosto count what14:49
inetproto tell me the number of unread tweets14:49
Kilosi dunno i havent looked for all the funny things you do14:50
inetproin that case 'm not even bothring to try it14:50
Kilosthey are developing it all the time so maybe your input on suggestions might help them14:53
inetproit's not a kde app14:53
Kilosdont always expect everything to just work14:53
Kilosits a linux app14:53
inetproKilos: there are plenty of them14:54
inetproand many are even in the official repos14:54
Kilosthat work with twitter?14:54
Kilosand show a counter in the task bar?14:55
Kilosoh and dont even start making excuses, meeting tomorrow night and youve missed to many14:56
Kilosinetpro, ^^14:56
inetproKilos: hmm... 14:56
KilosMaaz, hmm...14:56
Maazhmm... is often used to try make others believe one is actually thinking14:56
Kilosi see we have 87 followers14:58
inetproKilos: ok maybe not a lot of twitter clients in the repos, we have moved backwards in life15:01
Kilosi cant find one that works apart from  birdie15:02
inetproI remember seeing a number of choices back when I found choqok15:02
Kilosi dont remember what choqok looked like so dunn what birdie is missing15:03
inetprosadly this is what typically happens with open source projects15:03
inetprodevelopers are very active until everything works perfectly, so they move on to the next challenge 15:04
Kilosmaybe a few suggestions to the birdie dev guys can help them make a better product15:05
inetproKilos: choqok is not yet completely dead 15:06
inetprothe developers just need some time to get back on track15:06
Kiloscan it tweet?15:06
inetprounfortunately not at this stage15:06
Kilosso whats the alternative? to go online to twitter?15:07
Kilosor use birdie of course15:07
inetprowell I get by with the twitter web interface and partly with tweetdeck on me mobile phone15:08
inetproand if I want to waste a bit of time I use the tweetdeck web interface15:08
Kilostweetdeck an android app?15:08
inetproKilos: the tweetdeck android app is slightly broken as well15:09
inetprothe search function no longer works15:09
Kiloswhat do you search for15:10
Kilosi see birdie has a search button15:10
inetprofor serious monitoring of tweets nothing beats tweetdeck, at least not what I have seen15:10
Kilosits a browser that gotta stay online all the time15:11
inetprochoqok beats everything else for staying up to date on your casual stream15:12
inetprothat is when it worked15:12
* inetpro wonders whether anyone here has tried smuxi15:15
Kilosja whatever that is15:15
inetprohttps://www.smuxi.org/ irssi-inspired, flexible, user-friendly and cross-platform IRC client for sophisticated users, targeting the GNOME deskto15:16
Kilosi see it here somewhere but didnt do what i thought it could so removed15:16
Kilosim happy with xchat and konversation15:17
inetprothe difference is that smuxi seems to also support the new twitter api15:18
Kilosinetpro, do you know anyone up here that would like to do the presentation for refusenik 15:26
inetproKilos: no15:26
inetprowe're not a LUG15:27
Kilosa ubuntu presentation15:28
Kilosto pull lug guys to us15:28
inetprowe don't want to do that15:28
Kiloslike we got Vince-0 and smileyborg15:28
inetprothere's nothing wrong with LUGs15:29
inetproand anybody is free to be in a LUG as well as in ubuntu-za15:29
KilosShortly after the release of 0.8.9 Smuxi users reported issues with Twitter.15:29
Kilosyou see inetpro ^^15:38
inetproTwitter fixes: Twitter made some changes to their API which broke the Twitter support of Smuxi 0.8. This was taken care of and also a few other issues were solved allowing Smuxi 0.8.9 to work smoothly with Twitter again.15:39
Kiloshavent found how to get twitter in it yet15:40
inetproKilos: what version did you install?15:41
Kilosthe one in 12.04 repos15:41
inetprohmm... 15:42
inetprolatest is 0.8.1115:42
inetpronot sure whether it's worth trying it15:44
Kilosi have
Kilosits not too bad but then will need to see if sound worksa15:44
milesMaaz: hi15:45
* Maaz waves to miles15:45
inetproKilos: how many peeps are present on average in our meetings?15:46
Kiloslots dont sign in15:46
Kilosmaybe 10 active or a few more15:47
inetpro@JoziLUG asking on twitter15:47
Kilostell him to come here15:48
Kilosi havent got twitter going in smuxi yet and looks like no sound alerts15:49
Kilosbut there are always the 30 or more peeps that are here they just lurk though15:49
Kiloshi Guest2137 15:59
Kilosi cant get new smuxi to download16:01
Kiloswhat am i missing16:01
inetproKilos: sorry, can't help with that and I would not try an installation like that16:03
inetproonly install from repositories if you don't want trouble16:04
inetprounless you know what you are doing16:04
Kilosi see now its a ppa you gotta add apt16:04
inetproeven then, untrusted PPAs can break things16:05
Kiloshehe i have a remastersys dvd16:05
inetproand what does that help?16:05
Kilosi can reinstall and not do it again16:06
inetpromiles: and now?16:22
milesgot the new one working16:23
milesnow trying to get twitter to allow it16:23
mileswhat a schlep16:32
inetproKilos: it is for sophisticated users after all16:34
inetproyou seem to be getting there16:34
Kilosit dont wanna accept /pin pin from twitter16:35
Kilossays unknown command16:35
Kilossays unknown command close twitter and start again16:36
Kilosi give up for today16:37
Kiloshi Squirm 16:39
Kilosi wish they'd fix the pidgin twitter api16:39
Kilosyo Cantide 16:39
Cantidehello '-'/16:39
KilosMaaz, coffee on17:47
* Maaz puts the kettle on17:47
KilosMaaz, hot17:47
MaazCome on Kilos How many peeps do you know that make coffee with cold water twit!17:47
inetproMaaz: coffee please17:49
Maazinetpro: Sure17:49
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and inetpro!17:51
KilosMaaz, ty17:52
MaazYou are welcome Kilos17:52
inetproMaaz: dankie17:52
MaazGroot plesier inetpro my vriend17:52
* inetpro wonders whether any working cli based twitter clients are left since the latest API changes17:52
nuvolariinetpro: bitlbee seems ok still18:08
nuvolarihmm, I can't remember how I connected my bitlbee to twitter18:08
inetpronuvolari: interesting18:09
inetproI remember bitlbee18:10
Kiloslo nuvolari 18:17
inetpronuvolari: are you actively using bitlbee?18:24
Kiloshaha i can even get it to start18:24
Kilosand i hate twitter anyway so why im sukkeling i dunno18:27
Kilosmust be old age18:27
Kilosnuvolari, has forgotten irc is open there18:28
Kilosmore old age18:28
Kiloshave a good day at work tomorrow all of you18:36
Kilossleep tight18:36
nuvolariinetpro: well, it's in my IRC client all the time :P Using it to connect to gtalk accounts as well19:24
nuvolariha! :P19:31
nuvolariinetpro: http://www.bitlbee.org/img/comic_3.0.png 19:31
Squirmbed time me thinkss21:09
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za

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