
cb_is there any db that is installed default in xubuntu 13?00:11
David-Acb_: not a proper db what I know of, but to be sure, what do you mean by db?00:12
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braincellbattlelike postgr or something00:15
braincellbattleno bigs00:17
Unit193You can easily install them...00:17
braincellbattleyeah for sure.  just wondering.  I'm on a limited connection and cant dl much.00:18
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD00:19
braincellbattletry to keep my software dl under 1MB haha.  Lots of good stuff out there still.00:19
braincellbattleloving xubuntu 13 though, good work!00:21
Unit193I'm sure the team is glad. :)00:22
SonikkuAmericaIf any of you big kahunas in Xubuntu are still here, what's the plan for display server stacking for 14.04? (Perhaps in a meeting log or a mailing list archive I could peruse?)02:06
knomeSonikkuAmerica, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings02:06
SonikkuAmericaknome: Thanks02:07
SonikkuAmericaknome: According to the meeting log, maybe Unit193 could give me a bit more detail about it. Thanks for the tip tho!02:08
Unit193The meeting log says it all, and linked to by the project lead.02:09
SonikkuAmericaUnit193: I see. :) I can't wait to see what the end result will turn, but I wish I had more hard disk space for testing stuff.02:11
SonikkuAmericaLubuntu is already a handful (lol)02:11
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Slash0megahow can i use 32 bit aplications in a 64 bit install05:05
holsteinSlash0mega: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/32bit_and_64bit#How_to_Make_32-bit_Applications_Work_on_a_64-bit_Operating_System05:07
holsteinsudo apt-get install ia32-libs05:08
Slash0megai did the sudo apt-get install ia32-libs, but it gave a error05:09
Slash0megaThe following packages have unmet dependencies:  ia32-libs : Depends: ia32-libs-multiarch but it is not installable E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. slash0mega@xubuntu:~$05:10
holsteinSlash0mega: sudo apt-get autoremove ia32-libs05:10
holsteinSlash0mega: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ia32libs05:10
Slash0megait seems to be working, thank you very much :D05:13
BillyZanei'm having a problem with thunar05:22
BillyZanei can't seem to view my network in the network tab05:22
BillyZanei am, however, able to connect to a computer on my network using a VNC05:22
BillyZanei tried killall thunar05:22
BillyZanei tried restating my computer05:22
Unit193You have gvfs-backends installed?05:23
BillyZanei'm not sure what that means05:24
BillyZanewell let me check05:24
BillyZanehow can i tell if i have something installed or not?05:25
BillyZanei see it in the repository05:25
BillyZaneuserspace virtual filesystem - backends05:26
BillyZanehowever, i don't see why i'd require this as i've been able to use thunar to access files on my network up until now05:26
BillyZanewhen i click on open location and type in the location "smb://computername/drive letter/"05:27
BillyZanei'm able to view that drive05:28
BillyZanethe problem is when i click on Browse network, i'm unable to see the computers05:28
golyi've encountered a problem08:52
golyi wanted to install xubuntu on an old pc to replace win xp08:52
golyi did it, xubuntu is installed08:52
golybut it doesnt boot08:52
golyi just get a message that an error occured while booting OS08:53
golyi had problems with computer "not seeing" linux when i did dual-boot installs08:53
golyso i manually (re?)installed grub08:53
well_laid_lawnmy guess is grub is pointed to the wrong partition for /08:54
golybut i reinstalled grub08:54
golyand now while boothing08:54
golyi see grub08:54
well_laid_lawnthe menu ?08:55
golyand i can "choose" a system08:55
golybut after i choose xubuntu08:55
well_laid_lawntry not to hit enter so much please08:55
golyit starts booting but then freezes08:55
golywait a second,  i will do it again08:55
golyso it happened again08:57
golyafter choosing ubuntu in grub menu08:57
knome!enter | goly08:58
ubottugoly: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:58
golyi got wall of text and the first one contains a message: "Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)"08:59
well_laid_lawncheck that link for a solution goly09:02
golyok, thank you09:05
golyhonestly, I didnt google THIS particular problem, but im quite fed up with all the problems I have with this unfortunate installation ;)09:06
well_laid_lawndid you md5 the iso and cd you burnt?09:09
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows09:09
well_laid_lawnbad cd burns can cause lots of issues09:10
well_laid_lawnnot the only cause of issues tho09:10
golywell_laid_lawn: yeah, i got issues with bad cd burns alredy, but I prevaied! ;) thank you for another pieces of info, I will look into it in a quarter :)09:26
well_laid_lawngoly:  goos luck :)09:30
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aguitelhow install manjaro theme ?13:10
aguitelhow install manjaro theme in xfce ? someone  know it?13:23
baizonaguitel: well, i think this is the wrong channel for it13:42
baizonaguitel: but i think you can use the github website to get the theme, then install it :)13:43
baizonaguitel: website is: http://store.steampowered.com/13:44
aguitelok i will13:44
baizonaguitel: ou well i think there is a arch pkg...13:44
baizonaguitel: if you go to: http://shimmerproject.org/, then chose 1 theme and on the right side there is "Arch Linux PKGBUILD"13:45
baizonclick there and you will be redirected to the arch pkg :)13:45
horseyfor some reason my xubuntu isn't showing any "window borders"16:32
hsnmonsterexplain more16:32
horseyrunning xfwm4 brings them back16:32
horseyno title bars are showing16:33
hsnmonstersettings >>> window manager16:34
horseyplus i can't type anything into the terminal16:34
horseyi tried it first16:34
horseyit shows nothing16:34
horseyjust a grey, blank page16:34
horseyit's odd, since i haven't installed anything in a while16:35
horseynot even updates16:35
hsnmonsterI can't get any more but try making googling16:35
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nizzahi, since when is the iso size 840MB?17:33
TheSheepnizza: what do you *really* want to ask about?17:33
nizzacan i burn such size on a DVD disk?17:33
nizzai tought that a cd-r 870 MB was needed17:34
nizzawhich are hard to get, that's i am here17:34
pleia2you said dvd, not cd, it will not fit on a cd17:35
pleia2you have to use a dvdr17:35
pleia2or use an alternate method for installing, like via usb stick17:35
Sysi(usb install ♥)17:36
nizzaok, will search just for a USB install way of doing it17:37
nizzado i need to reconsider before i try USB-install?17:37
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:38
pleia2^^ these instructions work for Xubuntu too17:39
nizzaalfa and omega c.o.o.l...17:39
nizzaam i correct that i need a fat32 file system for this on my USB-disk?17:46
nizzaext3 or 4 does not work right?17:49
pleia2nizza: you'll want to follow the instructions given above, it will reformat your drive to what it needs17:55
nizzahmm, but i am on a mac at the moment17:57
pleia2then follow the instructions for Mac OSX18:00
nizzai am trying to mount the xubuntu.iso with Disk Utility, but it says something like "no file system to activate".18:00
nizzait's weird, looks like this is another type of iso or something18:13
nizzagot it extracted with BetterZip18:32
bekksWhy dont you just loop-mount the iso using mount?18:32
nizzathen it says that it cannot work with the file system18:33
bekksIt doubt that, strongly. Whats the exact error message?18:34
nizzahdiutil mount xubuntu-13.04-desktop-amd64.iso18:34
nizzahdiutil: mount failed - Geen activeerbare bestandssystemen18:34
bekksThats not how "mount" works.18:34
bekksYou are running hdiutil, not mount.18:34
bekkssudo hdiutil is still not "mount".18:35
nizzamount xubuntu-13.04-desktop-amd64.iso18:35
nizzamount: xubuntu-13.04-desktop-amd64.iso: unknown special file or file system.18:35
bekksYou have to specify all necessary mount options, not just a relative file name.18:36
nizzaok i will fail then18:36
bekksJust read the link I just gave you.18:36
nizzaok, thank you, will try18:37
Sysiyou can just push .iso to stick using dd18:39
nizzawith dd that is too hard for me18:45
nizzai have the iso extracted, but i do not know wheater it works or not18:46
bazhangnizza, you do not extract the iso18:48
nizzafor on USB disk too?18:48
bazhangno extraction18:48
nizzaso what i have done now does not work18:49
nizzabut why is the desktop cd 840MB?18:50
nizzawhile normal it is 70018:50
bazhangyou need a dvd18:50
bazhangor usb stick18:50
nizzaok will try that18:51
nizzabut it does not mather that the size of the iso is less than the DVD?18:51
nizzahmm, well, then i will just do it that way18:52
nizzathank for all the help18:53
tigrangWhen setting a panel to auto-hide, it leaves a 3px border still. It's annoying that I can't just mouse my mouse down to the horizontal scrollbar at the bottom of the screen since it activates the panel. Is there a way to fix this20:35
w30tigrang, try a longer delay in the raising of the panel if you can live with that?20:41
tigrangw30, I have tried that, but it doesnt work, since I move the mouse down to the bottom of the screen, the mouse pointer is on the 3px border of the bottom panel and doesnt activate the scrollbar20:42
tigrangguess Ill move the bottom panel to the left if that's my only option20:42
w30tigrang, can you not allow the active window to cover the panel area?20:43
w30tigrang, you loose 30 pixels or so doing that but ....20:44
w30tigrang, if I remember right it won't cover the reserved panel area like it was open20:44
w30even though its not20:45
tigrangAre you saying to remove the auto-hide and leave the panel always open/20:46
w30I have too many desktops going to rember what panel can do what... no, just tell your panel to not let windows cover it. I think it will reserve its pop up area also20:47
tigrangSame thing20:49
w30tigrang, otherwise you have to be a good mouse driver-pilot-user20:52
tigranglol yes20:52
w30tigrang, reminds me of the handicapped user that artifical arms controlled by eyebrow movement. He slapped himself silly when he sneezed20:54
ProfElmSometimes my Xubuntu doesn't start-up with the GUI. Any advice?21:27
holsteinProfElm: try and define "sometimes".. and nail it down.. share any relevant details, such as what hardware you have, if any other normal users have the same issue, when exactly what happens and what version of xubuntu youa re using21:29
ProfElmI have a dual boot running in a Lenovo X230 laptop. It dual boots Xubuntu 64 bit & Windows 8, and I have UEFI enabled. I had to adjust the boot settings using boot-repair to allow the dual boot to work.21:32
holsteinProfElm: just?21:32
holsteinProfElm: so, you literally booted one time? and had this issue?21:32
ProfElmOften times, I'll start xubuntu and it just goes into a black screen with a cursor blinking. After some random keystrokes, I get the bash line and am able to use Xubuntu without X.21:33
ProfElmIf I login without X and use the computer, I'm able to use bash. If I try to startx, it is unable to start it and logs an error.21:33
ProfElmThis has happened maybe twice. Both after a restart.21:33
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holsteinProfElm: are you up to date with upgrades?21:34
ProfElmI'm running Xubuntu 13.04, just got the updates.21:36
bitbox_any body here able to help w "error: invald arch independent ELF magic          grub rescue>" type problems?22:05
holsteinhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair might help..22:06
bitbox_yes been there no dice22:06
holsteinbitbox_: been there? you mean, you've used the application to restore grub?22:06
bitbox_cwhat ap?22:06
bitbox_cant load anything22:07
holsteinbitbox_: the one in the link i gave.. boot repair22:07
bitbox_wont recognize cd or usb22:07
holsteinbitbox_: what wont do what?22:07
holsteinbitbox_: the machine wont boot a live CD?22:07
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI22:07
holsteinsounds like some "protection" to me. i would ask my vendor how to boot CD's22:08
bitbox_it booted them before this just fine22:09
holsteinbitbox_: before what?22:09
bitbox_ "error: invald arch independent ELF magic          grub rescue>"22:10
holsteinbitbox_: assume i have no idea when that is occuring22:10
holsteindid you install ubuntu? xubuntu? are you trying to install it?22:10
bitbox_i press power and i get that msg, nothing else22:10
holsteinbitbox_: did you install anything?22:10
holsteinbitbox_: can you get to the bios settings?22:11
bitbox_i had a dual boot sys uubuntu and win8 and i was trying to create a multisystem usb and22:11
bitbox_tried to get into bios22:11
holsteinbitbox_: bios is where i would start22:11
bitbox_strait to error22:11
bitbox_f8 right?22:12
holsteinbitbox_: sometimes i pull the batteries, and the power. try and restart everything22:12
bitbox_ok hang on22:12
holsteinbitbox_: the bios settings key are specific to your hardware22:12
holsteinbitbox_: F8 might be it, but it might not be22:12
bitbox_!bios as a command?22:13
ubottubitbox_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:13
holsteinbitbox_: i was trying to get a list of common bios keys22:13
holsteincontrol, esc.. f1, f10.. whatever22:13
holsteinits specific to your model22:13
SunStarF2, ctrl22:13
holsteincould be anything, though22:14
bitbox_its a toshiba satellite22:15
bitbox_anybody know off the cuff?22:15
holsteinbitbox_: thats still not enough information.. i had one and it was f12.. but i had a newer one that was esc22:15
holsteinbitbox_: that is google-search-able.. by model22:16
bitbox_hang on i am trying to look it up online22:16
bitbox_toshiba satellite p855-s531222:18
SunStardo a google search for the manual.   there is a manual for ur satellite and BIOS settings are described within22:18
tigrangIm havign another issue now. I have a panel with App Menu, Window Buttons, Seperator (expanding), Notification Area, Clock, Show Desktop. When I have too many windows opens the Window buttons pushes the items to the right of it off the screen22:26
bitbox_ok im in22:27
bitbox_into the bios i mean22:27
tigranglooks like it pushes it to the next workspace22:28
tigrangcan I constrain it to stay on one workspace22:28
tigrangguess it was just bugged, removed the item and re-added it22:35
bitbox_ holstein: ok i managed to get into bios22:38
w30tigrang, you sure are having panel pain. You evidently have it set to expand as needed; Set it to a static size22:56
w30tigrang, then it will put the squeeze on the tasks or open window icons22:59
tigrangi set size to 100% and unchcked autoamatically expand23:27
tigrangi had to remove the Window buttons item and re-add it23:27
w30tigrang, works  for you now?23:36
tigrangw30, yup23:39
tigrangw30, I think I'm done messing about http://i.imgur.com/ruMcaYN.png23:39

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