
locodir-userI have some questions05:03
locodir-userany1 around?05:04
=== benmoose is now known as SonikkuAmerica
locodir-userI have a problem with edubuntu 12.0420:24
highvoltagehey locodir-user, feel free to just ask20:29
locodir-useri installed edubuntu 12.04 ltsp20:32
locodir-useri can enter the server pk20:33
locodir-userand also i can load the users i created in the server everything ok20:33
locodir-userbut when i try to conenct fron another pc i just get the wallpaper and no menus20:34
locodir-userwhen i tried live ltsp the result was the same20:34
locodir-useri can log in  wo problems20:35
highvoltagehmm, I've heard of someone having that problem before but can't remember what caused it.20:35
highvoltagestgraber: ^^^ I remember you once asked me to test for that with iso testing once, can you remember what the cause/fix was?20:35
locodir-userI guess it is not a file error because it works fine inside the server20:35
highvoltagelocodir-user: at the login screen on the ltsp machine, could you try to choose a different session? (like gnome-fallback with no effects?)20:36
locodir-useri test it in 2 different notebooks as clients but it was the same20:36
locodir-userno just the users i created20:37
locodir-userand the adm of course20:38
highvoltagelocodir-user: ok, at the login screen though, there's a button for choosing another session, check if there's a gnome-fallback one and see if it works if you select that20:38
locodir-userin the server u mean or for the clients?20:38
highvoltageon the clients20:40
locodir-userill be back in a minute20:42
locodir-userhello again21:05
locodir-usernow im writing from one of the clients thanks for the help!!!21:06
locodir-useranother question21:07
locodir-userif i have only 2gigs ram in a pentium 4   3,4  how many clients do i really can have?21:08
locodir-user5 it is possible_21:08
locodir-usersorry can I have?21:09
locodir-userrepeaet the question21:35
locodir-userhow many clients can a ltsp server have with a pentium 4 3,4 and only 2 gigs ram?21:36
locodir-user3 or 521:36

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