
* thumper does a little scream01:19
thumperwallyworld_: ping01:52
thumperwallyworld_: will the world explode if I return nil for hardware characteristics in start instance?01:52
wallyworld_no, but it would be nice to have01:52
wallyworld_i think nil is ok, but not sure if an empty struct is preferred01:53
wallyworld_let me check01:53
wallyworld_nil is ok01:54
thumperwallyworld_: ok, ta01:56
thumperstabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby v03:05
* bigjools sends calm thoughts across The Ditch03:06
* thumper scratches his head03:24
thumperjam1: btw, your lxc upgrade check breaks all containers03:25
thumperjam1: we need to be smarter about them03:25
thumperjam1: I'm still working out how03:25
thumpermore stabbies03:34
thumperwallyworld_: we need public address and private address on state.Machine ASAP03:42
thumperthis is driving me crazy03:42
* thumper wonders wtf is going on here03:55
* thumper thinks04:19
wallyworld_thumper: sorry, i didn't see your message before. i'll talk to martin tonight05:38
thumperwallyworld_: sure, I felt I was all alone again05:38
wallyworld_sometimes i don't notice the irc window blink05:39
wallyworld_maybe i need two monitors05:39
thumperI'm this |..| close to getting the local provider working05:39
thumperI found a major(ish) problem though05:39
thumperwhich I'm simmering on05:39
wallyworld_which is?05:40
thumperI need the storage provider to be running on machine-0 all the time05:40
thumperand to refactor how the environment gets created05:40
thumperI want to talk to fwereade about it when he starts05:41
thumperto get his thoughts on the best way to do this05:41
wallyworld_by all the time, you mean it is kicked off when juju bootstrap is run?05:41
thumperyes, and stays running05:42
thumperso we'd have: mongod, machine-agent, storage provider05:42
thumperto deploy a charm05:42
thumperthe uniter accesses the storage of the environment05:42
thumperwhich isn't listening :)05:42
thumperor at least, isn't listening in the right place at the right time for the uniter05:43
wallyworld_i guess it was all different in py juju05:44
=== thumper is now known as thumper-afk
=== tasdomas_afk is now known as tasdomas
=== mthaddon` is now known as mthaddon
=== rvba` is now known as rvba
rogpeppemorning all!08:04
TheMuerogpeppe: heya, how have your holidays been?08:11
jam1hi rogpeppe, good to have you back08:11
rogpeppeTheMue: great thanks!08:11
=== jam1 is now known as jam
rogpeppeTheMue: we had excellent weather in Norway08:12
rogpeppejam: thanks08:12
rogpeppei've barely glanced at what's been going on while i've been away. any particularly significant mail threads/changes of direction  i should be aware of?08:13
TheMuerogpeppe: sounds good. and Norway itself?08:13
rogpeppeTheMue: really good. expensive though!08:13
rogpeppeTheMue: particularly alcohol08:14
TheMuerogpeppe: oh, didn't know. but I remember they have high taxes there.08:14
rogpeppeTheMue: yeah. beer is about 8-12 euros / 500cl08:14
TheMuerogpeppe: if it's only alcohol it doesn't hurt you. you surely never drink. :D08:15
rogpeppeTheMue: surely not08:15
rogpeppeTheMue: :-)08:15
TheMuerogpeppe: ouch, that's really expensive08:15
rogpeppeTheMue: we bought our full quota from the duty free on the way in08:15
rogpeppeTheMue: 6 bottles of wine and 8 bottles of beer :-)08:16
TheMuerogpeppe: clever08:16
rogpeppeTheMue: mandatory :-)08:16
TheMuerogpeppe: hehe, indeed08:16
TheMuerogpeppe: regarding the project everything went on fine. the first week a bit slower, as you, Dimiter and for two days me were off08:18
TheMuerogpeppe: but last week with more speed again08:18
TheMuerogpeppe: Tim and me found a bad behavior in the http package. here a request takes a Reader, but casts it into a ReadCloser and calls Close() later. this is used in the local storage. so the Seek(0, 0) when writing the fake tools fails.08:23
rogpeppeTheMue: interestin08:25
rogpeppeTheMue: i can't see that that behaviour is documented08:25
rogpeppeTheMue: it's trivial to work around though08:25
TheMuerogpeppe: Tim is working on it. he stumbled about this behavior.08:28
rogpeppeTheMue: all you need to do is pass in ioutil.NopCloser(r) to NewRequest08:28
rogpeppeTheMue: presumably this is only actually a problem when the tools writing fails and is retried?08:30
* rogpeppe goes to get some sun cream08:30
TheMuerogpeppe: the writing of the first tool file works, but the second file fails because the file is closed.08:34
* TheMue is afk for a moment, bringing his daughter to the railway station (first single longer ride)09:03
dimiternrogpeppe: hey, welcome back!09:04
rogpeppedimitern: yo!09:04
dimiternrogpeppe: good holiday?09:05
rogpeppedimitern: great thanks09:05
rogpeppedimitern: two holidays really :-)09:05
dimiternrogpeppe: awesome :)09:05
rogpeppedimitern: both in norway, but the first week we rented a cabin in the south; the second we spent in oslo09:05
dimiternrogpeppe: cool and refreshing weather i presume?09:06
rogpeppedimitern: pretty warm, particularly the second week. temp around 22-2509:06
rogpeppedimitern: first week cooler, but we were on the sea09:06
dimiternrogpeppe: oh, compared to 32-34 here is nice09:06
rogpeppedimitern: we were v lucky09:06
rogpeppedimitern: yeah, perfect09:07
rogpeppedimitern: and come back to find the garden has gone mental!09:07
rogpeppedimitern: (in a good way)09:07
dimiternrogpeppe: :)09:07
jamrogpeppe: I think the big focus last week was that upgrading 1.10 => 1.11.2 showed lots of things broken. I think William and I have managed to track them down, I have a couple patches up for review10:02
jamWe're looking to get a 1.11.3 out this week, with the hopes of it being considered a stable 1.12 with an upgrade path from 1.1010:03
rogpeppejam: i was looking at one of your patches and trying to get my head around the underlying issues10:03
jamrogpeppe: If you need to ask questions, I can give more context10:03
rogpeppejam: in particular i was trying to work out what permutations of versions/upgrading would cause the issues to be seen10:04
rogpeppejam: let me go back to the CL and have another look.10:04
fwereaderogpeppe, heyhey, welcome back!10:04
rogpeppefwereade: yo!10:04
jamrogpeppe: bootsrap with 1.10 client starting 1.10 server, upgrade using 1.11.2 (or trunk --upload-tools)10:05
jamstuff breaks10:05
jamfwereade: o/10:05
fwereadejam, heyhey10:05
rogpeppejam: ah, yes, i saw that issue, but didn't get to the bottom of it10:05
jamfwereade:  so the good and bad bits, the good is that I have: https://code.launchpad.net/~jameinel/juju-core/api-set-creds-1199915/+merge/174620 up for review wrt bug 119991510:06
jamthe bad is that the existing bug actually means only machine-0 sort-of-works after upgrade10:06
jambecause all other workers wait for the main thread to get the list of jobs from the api10:06
jambut the api can't be connected to because we didn't set the agent's password10:06
jambug #119991510:07
jamwhere did the bot go?10:07
jam_mup_: bug #119991510:07
rogpeppejam: launchpad says it's in the middle of an update10:07
fwereadejam, heh, LP doesn't want to talk to me10:08
rogpeppejam: i was just trying to look at that bug10:08
rogpeppejam: how much of these changes are temporary cruft that should go away eventually?10:08
jamrogpeppe: we generally need to come up with an answer for how we handle changing "stuff" when upgrading. Some of this will last as long as we want to be able to upgrade from 1.1010:09
jamwhich may be "short" depends on how long we support 1.1010:09
rogpeppejam: yes, i wondered that.10:09
rogpeppejam: i think we should make sure that we have comments in the code that indicates when the workaround might be removed10:10
jamrogpeppe: but generally, I don't think we've done much engineering around "binary 2.X needs these packages and this configuration that 2.X-1 didn't need, how do we configure it after upgrade" ?10:10
rogpeppejam: yeah, that's definitely something we need to think about10:11
rogpeppejam: packages are possibly easier than config10:11
jamrogpeppe: so *right* now agents have both a DB connection and an API one, so they can poke the DB connection directly to get their creds updated inside the db. At some point when we cut off direct DB access, upgrading from 1.10 will be infeasible (I think)10:13
jamrogpeppe: lp seems to be back up10:14
jamfwereade: ^^10:14
rogpeppejam: we should perhaps make it so that the upgraded version sets the API passwords appropriately so that people can get there with an intermediate upgrade10:14
jamrogpeppe: which is what my patch does10:14
rogpeppejam: ah, cool10:15
jamso you could do 1.10 => 1.12 => version-that-doesn't-have-direct-db-access10:15
fwereadejam, I'm fine saying that we only cut off direct db access for 2.0, and we only allow upgrades to 2.0 from 1.x versions that have done the requisiste juggling10:15
fwereadejam, what you said basically :)10:16
jamoddly enough on my system, "make simplify" is faster than "go fmt ./..." even though the former is passing the '-s' flag. I wonder if 'go fmt' search through the code is slower than 'find *.go'10:18
jam(1.7s vs 2.1s)10:18
rogpeppejam: i think that might be because of an outstanding issue with the go command's package matching10:25
rogpeppejam: try find . -name '*.go' | xargs gofmt -w10:26
rogpeppejam: i *thought* the issue had been fixed tho10:26
rogpeppejam: the problem was that the go command scans all directories in GOPATH anyway, even if there's a fixed prefix10:28
fwereadefrankban, dimitern: responded to https://codereview.appspot.com/11003044/11:03
fwereadefrankban, dimitern: LGTM, but I may be missing some nuance of dimitern's thoughts11:03
dimiternfwereade, frankban: will take a look again11:04
frankbanthanks fwereade and dimitern!11:06
fwereadejtv, jam: responded to https://codereview.appspot.com/11234043/11:18
jamfwereade: sure, you review all the easy ones first :)11:27
fwereadejam, apart from wallyworld's pipeline which I'm saving for after the meeting, I'm going purely by age, I thin11:28
jamfwereade, rogpeppe, dimitern, mgz, wallyworld: standup in 3 min: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/f497381ca4d154890227b3b35a85a985b894b47111:28
fwereadejam, I'm on your scary one now :)11:28
jamfwereade: doesn't mean you didn't get to easy ones first11:28
dimiternfrankban, fwereade: LGTM11:28
rogpeppejam: gimme 3 minutes while i sort a couple of things out11:54
jamrogpeppe: np11:55
jamfwereade: +1 on the separate provider section, I also worry how we get a provisioner running in each provider (or does the provisioner just run at the lowe11:58
rogpeppejam: back11:58
jamat the state server node, and just knows how to set stuff on each provisioner.)11:58
jamrogpeppe: starting11:58
fwereadejam, I am very consciously not thinking about how we fix the code for this, it's still percolating11:59
fwereadejam, I think it'll be one provisioner per provider though11:59
frankbandimitern: thanks12:14
dimiternfrankban: yw12:15
fwereadejam, I think I just understood what you were saying better12:18
fwereadejam, we'll want the manager node(s) running all the provider provisioners because I Do Not Want to spread manager nodes across clouds until someone can demonstrate that it really is sane & safe to do so12:20
jamfwereade: right12:20
jamyou have to have an instance running on each cloud you want to provision on isn't great12:20
jam(an instance running the jujud provisioner code)12:20
fwereadejam, can't get away with it forever, though, keeping all manager nodes in one cloud renders the whole env susceptible to failures of that cloud12:21
fwereadejam, not one to fix this year, though12:21
* fwereade lunch12:22
rogpeppeTheMue: just finished meeting with jam. i've got lunch now. i'll ping you after that, if that's ok.12:30
TheMuerogpeppe: it's fine with me, yes12:43
rogpeppeTheMue: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/a969ef2b58bd85872816e26fa3574a46ef3cb42813:47
fwereadejam, https://codereview.appspot.com/11137044/ reviewed13:54
jamfwereade: so the SetPassword before setting the Config thing. We are pulling the password out of the existing conf, so we can do it again13:55
jamIf we write-to-disk first, then we can't tell we need to SetPassword13:56
fwereadeif anyone's wondering where dimitern is, he's had a power cut for a while now15:46
mgzhow frustrating15:46
mgzI take it he's got phone and computer, just no internet?15:47
=== tasdomas is now known as tasdomas_afk
fwereadeI presume he has at least some power in his battery, and yeah, he texted me15:52
hazmatwhat's the recommended way of getting mongodb for dev?16:15
hazmatand testing16:15
hazmatper https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1175493 the package and ppa versions don't work16:15
_mup_Bug #1175493: Tests fail using the mongo package from raring, or ppa <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1175493>16:15
hazmatnm.. the link is in the readme16:16
Davieymgz: Is this expected? http://pb.daviey.com/wIxM/16:38
mgzDaviey: yup16:39
mgzto use --upload-tools implies you're compiling locally and want to use your own build stuff16:39
mgzarguably we want a nicer error/to hide that flag for general users16:40
mgzsee bug 113556416:40
_mup_Bug #1135564: juju bootstrap --upload-tools fails, missing dependency <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1135564>16:40
Davieymgz: http://pb.daviey.com/wP3I/16:40
Davieyright now, i feel fubared16:41
mgzDaviey: you need to follow lp:juju-core README if you actually want to do that16:41
mgzinvolves getting all the source and building it16:42
mgzprobably what you really want is not that flag, but to just specify our latest release binaries?16:42
mgzDaviey: what exactly are you trying to do?16:45
hazmatDaviey, unless your testing a branch/trunk.. this is probably what you want  $ juju sync-tools16:47
mgzfwereade: can you cast an eye over codereview.appspot.com/11284044 to see if you have any issues with the suggested model16:56
fwereademgz, sorry, just going out; I've opened a tab with it and will give it proper attention later today16:57
sidneimramm: bug #120150316:58
_mup_Bug #1201503: Add disk constraint <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1201503>16:58
sidneiwhich i believe elmo was poking  you about16:58
rogpeppefwereade: ping17:00
rogpeppefwereade: oops sorry, just saw you went out17:00
rogpepperight, that's me for the day17:43
rogpeppesee y'all tomorrow17:43
hazmatare there are any known issues that cause the test suite to just hang and spin on cpu18:10
hazmati've tried with mongo 2.2.4 from raring, and from the s3 dist of mongo 2.2.018:10
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
thumpermramm: did you want to chat at some stage?21:14
mrammthumper: sure21:15
thumpermramm: like... when?21:15
mrammI'm free now21:16
mrammand in about 2 hours21:16
thumpernow is good21:17
sidneihey thumper, i was looking at getting my feet wet with some juju-core and implement a fix for bug #1201503 but wanted some confirmation that it does make sense in the first place21:21
_mup_Bug #1201503: Add disk constraint <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1201503>21:22
thumpersidnei: hmm...21:52
thumpersidnei: I'm not entirely sure, do we have access to the amount of disk?21:52
thumpersidnei: also21:52
thumpersidnei: there are some future plans for dealing with mounting "special" block devices on cloud images21:52
thumperas this is provided by some cloud providers21:52
thumperbut out of scope for right now21:52
sidneithumper: nova flavor-list shows disk and ephemeral disk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5878931/ in prodstack there's some custom flavors with eg 2 CPUs and 10, 20, 50, 100 of disk, as if multiple variations of m1.small with only different disk size21:54
thumpersidnei: well, if you think it makes sense, and likely that someone wants to do that, then sure, maybe21:55
thumpersidnei: you may want to run it by fwereade21:55
sidneithumper: when i said it wasn't supported i got a 'dude, seriously' from elmo, so yeah. :)21:55
thumperI'll take that as a "it will be used" type thing21:56
thumperyou should write that in the bug :)21:56
sidneiit's somewhat of a workaround to https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1183831 since if instance-type was supported we'd just use that21:56
_mup_Bug #1183831: ec2 constraints missing <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1183831>21:56
sidneii guess workaround is a bad way to put it21:57
fwereadethumper, sidnei: I've been having some very interesting conversations that may be able to let us do an end-run around the problems with provider-specific constraints, and it seems that sabdfl is very keen on the direction; so while it remains a little up in the air right now, it is more likely than not that we will see movement on that front soon22:07
thumperfwereade: yeah, just reading your doc22:08
fwereadethumper, sidnei: a disk constraint is not a bad idea in itself necessarily but we'd need to be quite clear on exactly what it is and is not22:08
fwereadethumper, sidnei: and I worry about possible interactions with future plans for storage22:08
thumperyeah, the future storage thing was something I was a bit worried about too22:09
sidneiyeah, me too. it is somewhat of a blocker though for moving to juju-core, since we don't have instance-type as a forward path either.22:09
fwereadethumper, sidnei: so my inclination is to discourage and take this as an even-stronger vote for instance-type/flavor constraints22:09
fwereadesidnei, but if you had them, it would be moot, or at least very low priority?22:10
sidneieither one of them would be fine, instance-type or disk constraint22:10
sidneiinstance-type would be the less friction one since we wouldn't need to change existing scripts22:11
fwereadesidnei, all the better then, I'd rather have that too22:11
fwereadesidnei, can we sync up again on weds evening, at which point relevant plans and schedule discussions will have progressed another couple of steps?22:13
sidneisince i haven't seen the proposal, maybe im talking bullshit but would it make sense to prefix provider-specific constraints with a provider tag? as in ec2:instance-type or openstack:flavor and so on? and if you try to use those in a provider that doesn't support them they would be ignored?22:13
fwereadesidnei, openstack:flavor is IMO a big no, that was the main problem -- but canonistack:flavor seems just fine22:14
fwereadesidnei, openstack:flavor looks way more portable than it actually is22:14
sidneibecause one can define custom flavors?22:15
fwereadesidnei, but prodstack:flavor, or hp:flavor, or whatever, *do* make sense and are also *clearly* not globally portable22:15
fwereadesidnei, yeah, the vocabularies may have enough overlap to be tempting but trying too apply them too broadly will hurt like hell ;)22:15
fwereadesidnei, and hopefully in practice we'll be able to infer provider anyway, so it should actually just be "instance-type" or "flavor" in many many cases22:17
sidneiim thinking in terms of 'openstack:flavor' is a filter that gets passed through to the openstack provider without vocabulary validation; there's no 'hp' or 'prodstack' provider, and neither 'hp' or 'prodstack' are values you specify in the environments config22:17
arosalesquick 'juju init' question regarding the boiler template23:06
davecheneyarosales: shoot23:18
arosalesthe boiler template has the following for hpcloud:23:21
arosales    # Usually set via the env variable AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, but can be specified here23:21
arosalesshould that the HP_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY ?23:21
* arosales not sure if that was intentional or not, thus thought I would ping here.23:21
davecheneyarosales: probably shouldn't be anything, I don't think there is sucha var for HP23:24
davecheneyit's probably copy pasta23:24
arosalesI thought you guys did land keys for hp .. .23:24
* arosales checks env.yaml23:24
davecheneyarosales: yes, but they woukd't be called HP_*23:25
davecheneywe don't have a HP provider, we have an openstack provider23:25
arosalesah, ok.  Well that was just a comment in the boiler template23:26
arosalesthe actualy yaml key was23:26
arosalessecret-key: <secret>23:26
arosalesaccess-key: <secret>23:26
arosalesbasically the stanza http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5879146/23:27
davecheneyhmm, i see what you mean23:28
davecheneyneither is correct23:28
arosalesmarteen was trying to make it easier to get started with juju and was trying to script editing the env file and I found the keys for hp and aws to be the same.23:31
arosalesdavecheney, ok sounds like I should file a bug for follow up.23:31
arosalesdavecheney, https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/120162823:34
_mup_Bug #1201628: HP Cloud Boiler-plate (juju init) template has AWS info <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1201628>23:34
davecheneyarosales: ta23:35
wallyworldarosales: those aws keys do work for openstack23:35
wallyworldalthough the openstack ones work too23:36
arosaleswallyworld, I am guessing the key auth does work for openstack (ie hpcloud)23:36
* arosales was just wondering about the AWS comment.23:36
wallyworldkey auth does work now, or is supposed to23:36
wallyworldi haven't tested it personally23:36
arosalesI think I have seen it work23:36
arosalesbug is out there for triage accordingly23:37
* arosales grabs some dinner23:37
arosaleswallyworld, davecheney thanks for the help.23:37
wallyworldarosales: np. the AWS key is supported for ease of migration between ec2 and openstack23:37
wallyworldit looks for openstack specific env vars first23:38
* thumper beats the machine over the head with the local provider stick23:38
wallyworldbut uses the aws ones if there23:38

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