
=== Guest84217 is now known as jalcine
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shrinivasanhello all05:11
shrinivasangood morning05:11
Noskcajafternoon shrinivasan 05:22
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
apacheloggeryofel: mumble doesn't wanna connect :(08:04
Riddellapachelogger: still being set up here08:06
Riddellbut the server should be up08:06
Riddellyofel: shadeslayer: ping?08:06
jussiaddress was?08:06
RiddellI can connect to kyofel.dyndns.org08:08
jussiand my mumble freezes... cant get anywhere :(08:10
Riddellwe're on the move, back in 15 mins08:11
ahoneybunhello all08:12
jussiit appears to have connected...08:13
jussibut no one is there :)08:20
Riddelljussi: not see me?08:22
Riddellahoneybun: we're still setting up08:23
jussinope, but Harald has joined08:23
ahoneybunRiddell: ok just saying hi lol08:24
jussinow I see people08:24
jussithat was Jon08:24
jussibut I guess people not seeing me ?08:24
Riddelljussi: I see you08:25
Riddellwhy can't we speak?08:25
Riddelldo we need to make a new room?08:25
jussiI mean hear me08:25
jussiRiddell: I heard you before08:25
Riddelllips don't go red08:25
jussiHarald does08:25
jussiwe can hear you08:25
jussiRiddell: !08:25
jussiyou are asking how mumble works and 4208:25
Riddelljussi: can you hear me now08:26
jussiyes 08:26
jussiyou cant hear me though... ?08:26
Riddelljussi: can you hear valorie ?08:26
apacheloggerRiddell: we can hear tecnical :P08:27
Riddellahoneybun: are you on mumble?08:28
valoriethis is amazing08:28
valorielike the 21st century08:29
ahoneybunRiddell: I don't know how to 08:30
Riddellahoneybun: install mumble08:31
Riddellconnect to kyofel.dyndns.org08:31
ahoneybunworking on that now08:31
apacheloggeryofel: mute08:32
yofelapachelogger: done08:33
yofelhi Quintasan08:36
jussibreaking up a bit...08:36
apacheloggerRiddell: jussi has08:36
jussican you hear me anymore? 08:36
Quintasansince I'm at work I can't talk but I'm going to listen08:37
ahoneybunRiddell: how do I know if you can hear me08:37
ahoneybunhey valorie 08:37
jussithe stream is getting mixed up... :(08:37
jussifades in and out08:37
Riddellahoneybun: can you hear us?08:38
QuintasanI think I can hear Harald laughing in the background08:38
jussiRiddell: stream is broken08:38
jussiits fading in and out badly08:38
ahoneybunRiddell: nope08:38
Mamarokbtw, folks, you should get a grap on vHanda today, as Nepomuk currently doesn't work with 4.1108:38
apacheloggerwhat you folks need is a guy working on multimedia08:38
apacheloggerwake up shadeslayer :P08:39
Riddellahoneybun: valorie is talking on docs08:39
Riddellahoneybun: can you hear?08:39
ahoneybunnow I can, switched to webcam 08:40
Riddellahoneybun: you can hear?08:40
apacheloggerthat's causing echo08:41
Quintasanaw shit08:41
apacheloggerreally bad08:41
QuintasanMy ears08:41
ahoneybunwhat is the push to talk08:42
agateauahoneybun: you can define it in the config dialog iirc08:42
jussiahoneybun: space usually, but configurable08:42
agateaumight be right-ctrl by default08:42
agateauoh jussi is probably right08:42
ahoneybunanyone here me>?08:43
jussiahoneybun: try again, I think I did08:44
yofelahoneybun: we hear you, but the speakers in the room don't work quite yet08:44
jussi"its  not you, its me" :P08:44
agateauirc window is broadcasted on the screen, so if we can't hear you, we can at least read you08:46
Quintasandamn echo08:46
valorieyay, ahoneybun is talkin'!08:47
valoriegood idea to id yourself when you speak08:47
apacheloggerI think working together on stuff as a group is way more fun than working on it alone; go docs *team*!08:47
apacheloggerdocbook is not awful, xml is :P08:48
QuintasanThat's agateau speaking, right?08:49
RiddellQuintasan: yesw08:49
RiddellQuintasan: yes08:49
ahoneybunvalorie: I don't like talking over people lol08:49
agateaupandoc, if you don't know it: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/08:50
agateauit even supports latex for martin :)08:51
jussiright, I got to run for a bit, back in a while08:53
jussiIll leave me connect though - no sense breaking a good thing :D08:53
apacheloggersomeone hit shadeslayer on the head for being late plz :O08:55
* Quintasan throws a brick at shade08:57
apacheloggerloadsa background noise08:57
* Quintasan throws a brick at shadeslayer08:58
apacheloggercan't hear no nothing08:58
agateauapachelogger: not much was going on. Jonathan just started talking again08:58
agateauapachelogger: can you hear valorie?08:59
valorie{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}} to all of you not here09:00
Quintasanpython is root of all evils09:05
apacheloggeralso python is awesome09:06
shadeslayerpeople are the root of all evil09:06
apacheloggervolume control and such business is upstream (KDE)!09:07
shadeslayerRiddell: ^^09:08
apacheloggerjust setup mediawiki for the docs :P09:12
soeekde 4.11 RC 1 is skipped ?09:13
agateauapachelogger: yay for that09:13
shadeslayersoee: just busy at Akademy09:14
shadeslayerI can run the script09:14
valorieit's an idea, and we've thought about it09:14
soeeshadeslayer, ok ;)09:14
valoriebut I haven't heard that we have a sysadmin for our server?09:14
valorieI'm not doing that work....09:14
shadeslayerlikewise ^^09:15
valoriethis was my issue with us having our own server09:16
valorieservers without good sysadmins soon suck09:16
apacheloggerso recurit one? :P09:19
shadeslayerrecruiting is hard09:19
shadeslayernominate yofel and be done with it09:19
kubotushadeslayer meant: "assign yofel and be done with it"09:19
david-ktprecruiting is hard, conscripting is not.09:19
* apachelogger is out of coffee :(09:21
shadeslayerI've not had coffee at all :(09:23
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apacheloggerstop whining, you were late.....09:23
Riddellahoneybun: thanks, bye!09:24
ahoneybunit was fun guys 09:25
shadeslayeryofel: I'm running the RC1 script btw09:27
apachelogger2.8 is prerelease anyway :P09:27
apacheloggerinformal test reports are impossible to triage09:31
apacheloggerlacks background and envrionmental information and whatnot09:32
apacheloggerthey basically amount to "amarok is not working"09:32
david-ktpwe should link all of these upstream...09:33
apacheloggerwhat we need is an upstream database for testing procedures and whatnot09:33
yofelshadeslayer: hm, go ahead, the reason I didn't run it was that we have no officially ACK'd tarballs09:35
shadeslayerah okay09:36
shadeslayerwe could be the first one09:36
yofelshadeslayer: ok, nvm09:36
yofelshadeslayer: mail was sent ~10h ago09:36
shadeslayerah when you say ACK'd I thought you meant "Someone who had built all the tar's and sent a email that they build fine"09:37
valorieapachelogger: I tried to test some of phonon some months ago, but I don't understand what some of the tests are or how to do them09:37
yofelshadeslayer: ah no, just ack'd by albert09:38
shadeslayerpower strips \o/09:39
shadeslayernow I can work on soprano09:40
apacheloggerUI testing needs testsuite creation upstream09:42
apacheloggerwe can do UI tests using the accessibility layer09:42
apacheloggeriff upstream had a test suite it would be rather straight forward to set up09:43
david-ktpupstream = KDE or Ubuntu?09:43
apacheloggerwell, there is one for gnome so it's more like adapting/creating tests I guess09:44
apacheloggerthing is, with the atspi accessibility magic it's trivial to do the testing, writing the tests will be an effort09:44
shadeslayeryeah, that's the whole issue09:46
apacheloggerI am in witness protection09:47
jussiIm ack09:50
jussiback even09:50
apacheloggerI am not sure he actually got anywhere09:51
jussiwhere is the agenda that Riddell is reading from ?09:52
Riddelljussi: trello09:52
apacheloggerah right09:52
shadeslayeryofel: Riddell we also have https://trello.com/board/kubuntu-developer-summit/51b0983365d452e4310026ad btw09:53
apacheloggerthat is semi-solved with recent PPA changes WRT automatic dbgsym extraction09:54
apacheloggerwe just need the space09:55
apacheloggerso start a flamewar09:55
apacheloggersay canonical is bad09:55
apacheloggerand stopping our quality09:55
Riddellapachelogger: how does automatic dbgsym get turned on?09:55
apacheloggershadeslayer: btw, it's not like we'd have more space requirement, we just needed a way to turn off -dbg extraction via pkg-kde-tools09:56
apacheloggerthe big packages have -dbg anyway, so -dbgsym would simply replace that09:56
shadeslayertrue, but that's blocking on dbgsym handling in DrKonqi?09:57
shadeslayerwe can't simply turn off the dbg packages since that would break DrKonqi09:57
apacheloggernot more than it is now :P09:58
shadeslayerhow so?09:58
apacheloggershadeslayer: right now it will not be able to debug half the packages making it fully useless :P10:04
shadeslayeri see10:04
apacheloggerreopened the board10:05
jussido you people even hear me? 10:06
apacheloggerRiddell: running for 1:13 hours in case you want to break at some point :P10:13
apacheloggeryofel: we are not the debian team :P10:13
apacheloggerjoin debian git repository10:15
apacheloggerbranch debian/fooo kubuntu/saucy etc.etc.10:15
shadeslayeryeah make sense10:15
apacheloggerwe have a faster cadence than debian10:16
apacheloggerdebian should pick from us10:16
apacheloggernot us pushing into debian10:16
apacheloggeruse the same git repo!10:16
apacheloggerproblem solved :P10:16
apacheloggerbeer \o/10:18
apacheloggerI am going to debconf10:18
apacheloggerwhat did agateau say?10:20
agateauapachelogger: asking if the other ubuntu flavors are using bzr and lp10:20
Riddellapachelogger: <agateau> are the other flavours using launchpad/bzr10:20
* apachelogger is reasonable certain that he has a video that will bring any setup to its knees :P10:28
apacheloggerif not through blur, then through disk IO :P10:28
* yofel updates qt5 in neon/kf510:28
Riddellwe don't want to know about your video collection apachelogger 10:28
apacheloggeryofel: how do you do that?10:28
yofelapachelogger: your script?10:28
apacheloggerRiddell: it's a music video10:28
apacheloggeryofel: oh, good luck :P10:29
shadeslayeryofel: can you setup the status page10:29
shadeslayerfor 4.10.9510:29
yofeloh right, need to fix it anyway10:29
shadeslayeroh and akonadi needs to be uploaded10:29
apacheloggerwhen's lunch?10:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: when I'm hungry enough10:30
apacheloggerI needs a break10:30
shadeslayerI am not hungry enough10:31
apacheloggerwe still have no 1.010:31
apacheloggerhe promised me a 1.010:31
apacheloggerbut I don't think there is one?10:32
apacheloggerif you got active-settings installed they will inject ontop of desktop10:33
apacheloggerbreaking stuff all over the place10:33
apacheloggerit's a kubuntu issue10:33
apacheloggerit's about kubuntu-settings10:33
apacheloggerread the flipping bug report :P10:33
agateauapachelogger: you marked it as wont-fix10:35
yofelshadeslayer: setup done10:35
apacheloggerwrong bug10:35
apacheloggeragateau: ^10:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1185503 in kubuntu-settings (Ubuntu) "active applies to -desktop sessions" [High,Triaged]10:35
agateauapachelogger: did you just update the trello link?10:37
BluesKajHI all10:37
agateaufor people wondering what's happening10:38
shadeslayerwe're having drinks10:38
Riddellfree beer!10:38
agateaulocal team brought us free drinks to compensate for moving the kubuntu room back and forth10:38
shadeslayerlibre cervesa \o/10:38
jussiSomeone drink one for me!10:39
apacheloggeragateau: yes :P10:39
agateaujussi: working on it10:39
BluesKajMolson Canadian pls10:39
* agateau is actually dring naranja10:39
agateauapachelogger: i expected to see a trace of the change in the card10:39
agateauapachelogger: i mean, I thought trello recorded the changes10:40
jussiwho is the guy speaking now (british accent)10:40
agateaujussi: lord edmundson10:40
agateaujussi: aka david-ktp10:40
jussiagateau: ok, thanks10:40
apacheloggeragateau: that's what comments are for I reckon10:40
david-ktpnormally I'm d_ed10:41
david-ktpI'm using a different client.. which sucks10:41
apacheloggerdavid-ktp's accent is so thick I can hardly understand anything10:41
jussinot alive? 10:41
agateauapachelogger: sure, not picking at you at all, just surprised by trello behavior10:41
agateaudavid-ktp: you're using unsupported features of said client, your fault!10:42
apacheloggeragateau: simpler that way, though I suppose timelines/history are indeed very common today10:42
jussiWork item: get ktp up to scratch :)  *cough*10:42
agateauapachelogger: yes, I guess so10:42
david-ktpjussi, sure - join us in #kde-telepathy10:42
apacheloggerlast I wanted to use ktp for IRC someone shouted at me and said it's going away and I shouldn't use it and I am stupid and stuff....10:43
david-ktpthat's exactly what I said :)10:43
jussidavid-ktp: come on, haven't I made enough bugs for you to remember me? 10:43
david-ktpand haven't I fixed enough10:43
apacheloggerthere's no such thing10:43
apacheloggerdavid-ktp's having an orgasm it seems10:44
apachelogger....ScottK is handling the card now; it is not done10:46
apacheloggeror he is supposed to anyway ^^10:46
apacheloggerplasma has update scripts!!@$!!@10:47
apacheloggeryou can fiddle with anything from an update script10:47
apacheloggerand that is the way to fix broken setups10:48
apachelogger^ \o/ ^10:48
apacheloggerfix it proper!10:48
jussiI would like that we do a reviewthe default settings  of stuff we ship - perhaps we make a list and people can volunteer to review certain apps? 10:49
apacheloggerno one reading me10:49
apacheloggergoing for a smoke10:49
Riddellapachelogger: we're here!10:49
jussiRiddell: is that something we can put on a card or so ?10:50
yofelapachelogger:I checked, but i couldn't figure out how to identify whether someone has an intentionally broken desktop or whether it's broken by the script10:51
yofelshadeslayer: any errors with 4.10.95 (patch wise etc.)?10:54
shadeslayeryofel: nope10:54
shadeslayeryofel: soprano needs doing10:54
shadeslayerthings keep interfering10:54
yofelinteresting... as I got patch failures in my daily builds o.O10:54
apacheloggeryofel: postinst script.... if previous version was broken place the update script in the path, otherwise not10:55
shadeslayerkde-baseapps  kdenetwork-strigi-analyzers  kdepim  kdepim-runtime  kde-runtime10:55
shadeslayerright, will get to those post lunch10:56
apacheloggeryofel: everyone having a deliberately broken setup will probably not have the broken settings installed, and new setups will get autofixed10:56
yofelshadeslayer: maybe just c&p the script output to the pad, then you don't have to do everything10:57
shadeslayerI closed the terminal, no script output for you10:57
apacheloggerI think the auto-select language option can be landed now10:58
apachelogger(though it has a beauty issue)10:59
apacheloggeractually, let's see if we can get rid of that10:59
shadeslayerlemme push bzr branches10:59
apacheloggerScottK: http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=clones%2Fkde-runtime%2Fsitter%2Fkubuntu.git&a=commit&h=fd29a011d8c559ff2c8fb81351141cd89f7377ef do you think that is SRU material?11:01
apacheloggerRiddell: please update the muon card plz11:02
apacheloggerit has loads of checklists: P11:02
yofelshadeslayer: my poor script summary :(11:02
shadeslayeryofel: I've posted a list of packages that need work11:02
yofelyay, thanks11:02
shadeslayerlunch \o/11:02
jussiyou arent allowed to eat lunch!!!!11:02
jussinot acceptable11:03
jussidavid-ktp: doesnt get lunch, he hasnt fixed enough ktpo bugs11:03
azeemheya, is there some information somewhere whether precise packages are planned for 4.11 and whether RC1 will be packaged?11:39
Riddellapachelogger: john layt will be here after lunch, able to say anything about locale?11:53
RiddellI see you just dropped the patch in kde-workspace11:53
apacheloggerRiddell: the patch removal is a no-brainer11:54
apacheloggerbut I can say things, whatever things may be :P11:54
yofelRiddell: FYI https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/119675211:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1196752 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Suspend only works once when using upower with logind" [Undecided,Triaged]11:56
yofelazeem: RC1 packaging is in process, the kde release team had to delay it because of akademy11:59
RiddellJontheEchidna: when is muon-discover getting its new icon? :)11:59
yofelazeem: as for 4.11, there probably will be some packages, but upstream doesn't recommend to run it on 12.04 because the base software stack is too old12:00
Riddellstarting again12:03
Riddellanyone on mumble?12:03
jussiIm herer12:03
apacheloggerhear no nothing though :P12:03
Riddellapachelogger: now?12:04
Riddellapachelogger: you have mute and defened on12:04
david-ktpmck182 and I are busy in a different room12:04
jussinot here he doesnt12:04
apacheloggerI don't I am speaking with jussi12:04
shadeslayerdavid-ktp: doing your thing12:04
apacheloggerthere we go12:04
apacheloggeror not ^^12:05
jussiwe just had a small clip12:05
Riddellcan you hear?12:05
jussi[13:49:03] <jussi> I would like that we do a reviewthe default settings  of stuff we ship - perhaps we make a list and people can volunteer to review certain apps? 12:06
apacheloggerI totally don't hear mr layt :P12:08
yofelazeem: you do hear him now?12:09
yofelerm , apachelogger^12:09
apacheloggerlanguages is not doing that right now12:09
apacheloggerI think getting it generically upstream is the longterm plan here12:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: can't you speak in Mumble?12:11
apacheloggeryes, but echo12:11
apacheloggermakes my head go wild12:11
shadeslayerapachelogger: headphones?12:12
apacheloggeryour end is producing the echo :P12:12
shadeslayerbah 12:12
apacheloggerQuintasan will do inputmethods :D12:13
Quintasanapachelogger: If it's switch to fcitx I can do it12:13
QuintasanOtherwise I can just try making sure it works12:13
apacheloggermake the KCM do im configuration12:13
jussiIf you would like testing for that kind of items, please let me know. 12:14
apacheloggerRiddell: it's because the ubuntu thing are systemlocales, whereas we have languages12:14
apachelogger\o/ frameworks5 ftw \o/12:15
apacheloggerworkspace is frozen12:16
apacheloggerruntime is not12:16
QuintasanCan has fcitx apachelogger?12:16
Riddellapachelogger: able to put your patch on reviewboard?12:16
apacheloggerQuintasan: what's that?12:17
jussiare the munich guys on irc?12:17
Quintasanapachelogger: It's not ibus, that's what I can tell you12:18
QuintasanIt's an input method selector12:18
apacheloggerQuintasan: I know nothing about that12:19
apacheloggerat all12:19
apacheloggerinput methods is a realm I do not want to know anything about either :P12:19
Quintasanapachelogger: Well, it's python(ibus) vs not python(fcitx)12:19
jussior how can we get in contact with them after this ?12:19
jussiRiddell: please ask ^ ^^ :)12:20
jussiemail would work also... ?12:23
jussiRiddell: write it down? 12:23
yofelhi hefeweiz3n12:23
apacheloggerRiddell: muenchen12:24
apacheloggerhttp://wstaw.org/m/2013/07/15/plasma-desktopZN2352.png <- awesomest silly workaround I did in 2 weeks \o/12:26
manchickenJontheEchidna: Hey man, which signal fires when sourcelist::uploadCache finishes?12:26
shadeslayeroh look, manchicken12:27
shadeslayermanchicken: did you get anywhere with dbgysm + dr konqi?12:27
manchickenshadeslayer: I'm close to done with it, just trying to figure out how to tell when the update is finished.12:27
shadeslayeris "Dr" in Dr Konqi a ref to "The Doctor"12:27
manchickenI was going to update the Trello card, but it appears I don't have write access.12:28
shadeslayermanchicken: username plz12:28
apacheloggershadeslayer: no, it's because its a doctor.............12:28
manchickenFun... touch screen input just killed my X session :)12:29
manchickenshadeslayer: I signed up using my gmail, themanchicken@gmail.com12:29
shadeslayermanchicken: need username12:29
jussiRiddell: can we talk about defaults next? 12:30
Riddelljussi: if you lead it12:30
manchickenshadeslayer: It had picked some jackass name like "michaelstemle". I don't know who'd want a name like that.12:31
manchickenLucky for me, I can change it :)12:31
shadeslayermanchicken: plz do not nuke our board12:31
shadeslayermanchicken: and welcome :)12:31
manchickenshadeslayer: Proceeding to nuke...12:31
apacheloggerjussi: I think that ulitmatley needs to be carried upstream12:32
manchickenNow that I'm an org member on trello, how do I do a thing on it?12:32
manchickenThere we go12:32
manchicken"Join Board" evidently means something.12:32
manchickenI'll assign this card to myself then?12:33
shadeslayeryes plz12:33
manchickenDone, notes added.12:35
Riddelljussi: look in /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/default/share/config/12:35
apacheloggerwe need to fix that path nesting at some point12:36
apacheloggerRiddell: most of them set general stuff were our vision diverges12:36
apacheloggermost notibly silly didyouknow and splash12:37
manchickenDo we still have a mailing list that we use?12:37
manchickenI need answers from JontheEchidna but he doesn't appear to be responding.12:37
manchickenOffline, asynchronous communication may be in order.12:37
apacheloggerit has the same rc....12:37
manchickenI wasn't sure if we'd moved off to a web forum or something.12:39
apacheloggerRiddell: I'd like to mention that this is being recorded :P12:41
apacheloggermanchicken: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kubuntu-devel12:41
manchickenapachelogger: Just subscribed.12:42
manchickenapachelogger: Do I need to be approved?12:42
manchickenI'm typing up my email right now for Jon, hopefully I can get an answer today. I'd like to finish this thing on the bus ride up to Chicago on Saturday.12:42
apacheloggerRiddell: I propose we create a kded module that displays a big error window when using xmir12:43
apacheloggershadeslayer: no12:43
apacheloggershadeslayer: no12:43
apacheloggershadeslayer: no12:43
apacheloggershadeslayer: no12:43
apacheloggernot supported means not supported12:43
apacheloggerthere is no need for apport, it is not supported12:43
shadeslayerI see12:44
shadeslayerfine with me then12:44
apacheloggeralso (at least) apport-kde is not maintained12:44
shadeslayerI just wanted to know if it was possible to just send them to XMir and if that would be viable12:44
apacheloggerso I'd stay away from it to begin with12:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: oh is it?12:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: I just thought that it was feature complete12:44
apacheloggerfeature complete != needs no maintainership :P12:45
shadeslayeryofel: didn't you try and run some script on XMir and it complained it didn't find X12:46
yofelshadeslayer: well, I did, but I couldn't reproduce that12:51
yofelso don't ask me12:51
shadeslayerafiestas_: where are you!12:52
yofelRiddell: http://community.kde.org/KDE_Core/ReleasesProposal12:53
azeemyofel: thanks - do you have any pointer about what exactly is considered problematic with 12.04?12:55
yofelazeem: graphics stack and boost library, but graphics stack we might be able to use the hardware enablement backports from ubuntu12:56
azeemyofel: ok12:56
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manchickenOkay, I've sent out the email, hopefully I can get this moving again soon.12:59
manchickenHopefully my message gets through, I sent it immediately prior to seeing the subscribe confirmation link :)13:00
manchickenDid anybody get the message I sent to kubuntu-devel yet?13:05
manchickenIf it didn't go out yet I can re-send it... but I don't want to send out a duplicate.13:05
Riddellcheck the archives13:08
manchickenAren't they only done once a day?13:08
manchickenOkay, I've gotta go, I'm hoping my message is stuck in moderation or something. I'll resend later if I don't see it.13:10
manchickenThanks guys.13:10
apacheloggerthe startup speed of plasma is a very bad joke13:12
apacheloggeryofel: that's what staging is for13:14
apacheloggereveryone should.13:14
apacheloggerso we need more stagings13:15
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Riddellapachelogger: that's what he's saying13:21
Riddellremove kubuntu-ppa/staging13:21
Riddellcreate kubuntu-ppa/backports-proposed kubuntu-ppa/updates-proposed kubuntu-ppa/beta-proposed13:21
apacheloggershadeslayer: that's their problem13:21
Riddellupload to -proposed,copy over once built to prevert archive skew13:21
Riddellis my notes13:21
apacheloggerRiddell: I think staging represents the use better :P13:21
apacheloggeris it my j-b?13:22
yofelapachelogger: well, we could make more stagings, but for me staging and proposed are essentially the same13:22
apachelogger<3 j-b <313:22
yofelso I don't particulary care about the naming13:22
Riddellj-b has arrives13:22
apacheloggerices is icecast client13:23
apacheloggerThis package depends on the binaries codecs package matching your architecture (w32codecs for i386 and w64codecs for amd64 systems).13:23
apacheloggerRiddell: that also deps w32codecs13:24
apacheloggerit probably has some additional AAC enabled13:24
apacheloggerI know, right :(13:25
apachelogger!info ices213:25
ubottuices2 (source: ices2): Ogg Vorbis streaming source for Icecast 2. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.1-13 (raring), package size 64 kB, installed size 204 kB13:25
apacheloggerRiddell: it's ices013:26
apacheloggerdeprecated by ices213:26
apacheloggerjust screw it13:26
apacheloggerno one needs that crap13:26
apacheloggercan I haz hot-j-b?13:27
apacheloggerthere is no desktop file Riddell13:28
apacheloggerso it won't show up in discover13:28
apacheloggerapp-install is useless without hot-babe and stuff13:28
apacheloggerit's a cache of desktop files essentially13:29
apacheloggerand icons13:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: it has libdvdcss.desktop13:29
apacheloggerthen we need it :P13:29
shadeslayercould move it to libdvdcss.desktop13:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: but then if you're adding the medibuntu repo, you know you have to install libdvdcss 13:30
shadeslayerwhich is an argument for not having that13:30
apacheloggernot if a user interface was there to add the repo :P13:31
apacheloggerit breaks protection13:31
apacheloggerthat is illegal in some countries13:31
apacheloggerthat's the only problem it has13:31
apacheloggerRiddell: binary blob13:32
apacheloggerone person uses it :P13:33
apacheloggerRiddell: just maintain the same package for ubuntu and debian13:39
apacheloggerRiddell: funman13:39
apacheloggerRiddell: libqapt has magic like that13:43
apacheloggersee mailing list :P13:43
apacheloggerWRT adding the repo13:43
apacheloggerj-b gone again :(13:46
apacheloggerRiddell: when's the next break?13:46
Riddellapachelogger: do we need another break?13:47
apacheloggerI need to go get more coffee :P13:47
Riddellok break time13:49
Riddellback at 16:1013:49
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apacheloggeryofel: http://wstaw.org/m/2013/07/15/plasma-desktoptZ2309.png14:14
apacheloggeralso, are we back yet?14:14
yofelapachelogger: :D14:14
Riddellapachelogger: in progress14:15
apacheloggerjust in case: I hear nothing :P14:16
Riddellapachelogger: now?14:17
apacheloggerI think kinfocenter & kickoff->computer are a given14:20
apacheloggerquestion is whether we'd want to put it in systemsettings as well14:20
apacheloggerI think windows also has it in there14:20
apacheloggerno clue where osx has it14:20
apacheloggerIMO kinfocenter actually should be removed from the seed :P14:20
apacheloggerit's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to messy14:20
apacheloggerI'd not put it in kinfocenter only14:21
apacheloggerthat's not where a user should go14:21
apacheloggerwell, it's still in the archive14:22
apacheloggerwe can put that in about-distro14:23
apacheloggeractualy the gnome version of it has the driver info as well14:23
lordievaderGood afternoon.14:25
apacheloggerhow about having a simplified kinfocenter?14:27
apacheloggerkcms are what need maintaining :P14:27
Riddellsound hard to design and maintain14:27
apacheloggerif it goes upstream all is good14:27
apacheloggerthe shell is relatively simple14:27
apacheloggerjust saying, it's an option ^^14:28
Riddell"about-distro in all three places, kinfo, system settings, kickoff computer14:28
Riddellconsider if we want to keep kinfocentre on the image"14:28
Riddellis what I've written14:28
apacheloggeryofel: http://wstaw.org/m/2013/07/15/plasma-desktopB26121.png 5 sloc, and a bash script with another 5 sloc :P14:34
yofelapachelogger: when is that opening? Right when you start drkonqi or when you try to file a bug?14:35
yofelbecause still being able to generate backtraces would be handy14:36
apacheloggerwhen the application starts14:36
apacheloggeryofel: no14:36
yofeloh, fun14:36
apacheloggernot supported14:36
apacheloggerif the application crashes at all in that envrionment it may be an xmir problem14:36
apacheloggerin which case we do not care 14:36
yofelright, but why prevent the application from running at all?14:37
yofelthere are unity users that like using e.g. kile14:37
apacheloggerit's running14:37
mikecbThis seems like a major abstraction failure...14:37
apacheloggerit just shows a window explaining the stituation14:37
yofelah ok14:37
apacheloggerafter you oked it the app starts14:38
apacheloggerif it crashes it simply goes away14:38
apacheloggeri.e. drkonqi is not even invoked14:38
apacheloggerapport or whatever can still catch it though I suppose14:38
apacheloggergdb can anyway14:38
yofelhm, so you just set KDE_DEBUG?14:39
yofel(which would be fine with me)14:39
yofelapachelogger: well, how did you disable drkonqi?14:39
apacheloggerinside kcrash.cpp14:39
apacheloggerkapplication tries to activate drkonqi, the function however first checks for xmir and if detected throws the info and refuses to activate drkonqi14:40
apacheloggerthen in the handler it checks whether drkonqi was activated and if not simply aborts handling14:41
yofelapachelogger: can that be done for help->report bug too or is there an easy way to just remove that?14:41
apacheloggeryeah needs some way for that too14:41
apacheloggerI think we want the on-startup notification14:41
apacheloggerotherwise people may experience issues and turn to the forums and people there get ??? situations14:42
apacheloggeryofel: did you actually manage to build a qt5 source?14:42
yofel#2 now, #1 FTBFS14:42
apacheloggerit may be that I did not push all of qt5 :P14:43
apacheloggerhas nothing to do with multiarch from what I saw14:43
apacheloggerI know14:44
apacheloggercause qtwebkit is shit :P14:44
apacheloggerbut frameworks doesnt require qtwebkit14:44
apacheloggerit all built fine until yofel touched stuff :P14:44
yofelveeeery funny14:44
apacheloggerI am serious14:44
apacheloggerlook at kdelibs14:44
apacheloggerbuilt until july 12 and then it failed and then it got fixed and now plasma fails :P14:45
RiddellMamarok: you wanted to look at nepomuk?14:46
apacheloggernepomuk worked last I checked14:46
apacheloggerdolphin totally knew about my prn14:46
yofelapachelogger: well, looking14:47
yofelit did fail on KF5 indeed14:47
apacheloggeryofel: \o/14:47
apacheloggeryou're probably best to handle that anyway it only confused me because I did not look at the neon tooling changes ^^14:47
MamarokRiddell: yes, please, check with vHanda, it currently doesn't work on 4.11 in Raring14:48
apacheloggershadeslayer: so what is the solution to that shipping problem?14:48
apacheloggerbut what would trigger the notification?14:48
apacheloggerwhich application that is14:49
apacheloggeralso note that I'd like to get rid of the notifications entirely14:49
apacheloggerthey should be integrated into the apps14:49
Mamarokit did work with KDE 4.10.x before14:49
RiddellMamarok: works in saucy for me in 4.1114:50
Riddelland I know it worked in raring with 4.1014:50
* yofel upgrades raring in vbox to 4.1114:50
Mamarokyes, but it doesn't with 4.11 in Raring, so something is screwd up14:50
RiddellMamarok: yofel will test but internet is slow so may take a while to upgrade14:51
Mamarokjust tell me if I need to test something14:52
Mamarokand grab vHanda, he can tell you what is wrong14:52
Mamarokas I reported it to him directly14:52
yofelhm, I'll fetch him when he runs into me14:52
Mamarokgo looking for food, you will sure find him :)14:53
yofelCMake Error at /opt/project-neon5/share/ECM/find-modules/FindKF5.cmake:123 (message):14:54
yofel  KF5: requested unknown components KI18n14:54
yofeltrying to build myself from git14:54
apacheloggeryofel: missing dep in kf5 maybe?14:56
apacheloggeror too old ECM14:56
apacheloggerheading out now14:57
* Mamarok grrmls at her video drivers crashing everytime I use a browser over a few hours14:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: dolphin15:02
shadeslayeror maybe krunner15:02
yofelMamarok: ok, vishesh says it's not his faul, aurelien confirmed that15:06
yofeland agateau just told me what's wrong15:06
Mamarokyofel: I know it is not his fault, but he knows what is wrong on your side15:06
ScottKapachelogger: re is this SRU material, I'd say so if you have a good test case.15:32
ScottKre the trello card, what one?15:32
yofelMamarok: what do you have in /usr/lib/odbc/ ? (or does that folder even exist for you?)15:42
* Mamarok checks15:43
Mamarokyofel: http://paste.kde.org/pe2f39a06/15:44
yofelagateau: you said that you had to symlink those files? ^15:45
Mamaroksymlink to what?15:45
volkanRiddell: hey Jonathan. is the mail you sent to be done in Docs?19:16
volkanI could also help with one of the topics19:17
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Riddellvolkan: yeah that's feedback about the docs from the kubuntu session today21:46
volkanRiddell: ops i forgot about that :/21:48
volkanare there any assignments yet?21:49
Riddellvolkan: check trello.com/kubuntu22:03
Riddelldocs board has the todo list22:03
Riddellvolkan: the stuff I posted today is all fresh, still to be worked on22:04
Riddellvalorie and ahoneybun would be good people to talk to about docs but they're both away just now22:04
Riddellvalorie: but mostly it's a wiki, so edit :)22:07
volkanRiddell: cool! can I also add some more items to the list? 22:10
volkanI also found that there is no link for translation.22:10
Riddellvolkan: we've not worked out translations but it'll be through launchpad I expect22:27
Riddellvolkan: but yeah do add it22:28
volkanRiddell: no i mean the direction to wikipage wiki.kubuntu.org/Translations22:28
Riddellvolkan: oh that should be added to the contributions section?22:30
volkani think so :?22:44
volkanRiddell: ^22:44
Riddellvolkan: <valorie > oh ah22:48
Riddell(I think she's drunk)22:48
Riddellvolkan: but yeah I think it should be in https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuDocs/GettingInvolved22:48
Riddellpointing to upstream and launchpad as best needed22:48
volkanRiddell: here is the original link, i mistyped before: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Translations23:01
apacheloggerScottK: the standing SRU for more software card23:31

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