
=== SYCHO_IDIOT_OF_D is now known as dyson_vacuum_exp
dyson_vacuum_expgood evening!!!!00:32
amundseni'm trying to install NitruxOS icon theme in Kubuntu00:37
amundseni've followed the instructions00:38
amundsentry to find some help in Google00:38
amundsenbut no success yet ...00:38
amundsenanybody got it ?00:38
guest__nick #olll00:55
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firenetcorpbuenas tardes01:06
firenetcorpalguien me puede ayudar por favor01:06
firenetcorpme pueden ayudar con mi ubuntu 13.0401:13
SonikkuAmericafirenetcorp: Sí ... pero no puedo aquí, ve a #ubuntu-es01:13
firenetcorpy como accedo01:21
mr44hi! Is it normal when the apps like Firefox, dolphin, some wine stuff have several processes of the same names running even if i close the apps?02:54
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littlegirlHey there, I'm having a brain bubble. Can I do sudo apt-get purge pkg1 pkg2 pkg3 all on one line?04:24
littlegirlI'm finding all sorts of examples of apt-get purge with one package, but none with multiple. (:04:25
* littlegirl hugs Unit19304:25
ProjektGopherdo backwards smileys bother anyone else, or is it just me?04:39
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geomyidaehi, if I build kde-workspace, how can i install or run it's bits without installing it over my existing bits?08:38
=== cillian is now known as PsyKoTic
PsyKoTicHey guys, anyone willing to help me with a GRUB2 problem I'm having?08:43
PsyKoTicThat's for Grub not Grub2, right?09:01
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Beetoohaving network problems with kubuntu09:17
Beetooi installed kubuntu 12.04.2 but after reboot, the network is not working09:19
Beetooi can  configure network and all the devices are available in "lspci", but ping is not working for any server09:19
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chiefw0tjI'm having an issue with green screens on Dragon Player and Kamoso...has anyone else seen this? My system is a System76 Gazelle Pro, pure Intel10:18
BluesKajHI all10:37
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papret in calc, how to count nonempty cells? how to count cells with a particular color background? or how to count noncolored cells?12:07
SonikkuAmericapapret: Head for #libreoffice with that question.12:09
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papretSonikkuAmerica: yes i know.... but for some reason i always get lucky in the kubuntu channel so i gave it a shot.... :)12:12
SonikkuAmericapapret: I would've thought, however, it was the =COUNT function, but I don't use spreadsheets.12:13
papretSonikkuAmerica: yes but dont understand how to do it with the colors....12:14
SonikkuAmericapapret: Now that one's out of my reach.12:15
papreti dont use kde... in fact i am a big fan of lxde.... but i always get the feeling kde people are nice.... :)12:17
SonikkuAmericapapret: Have you tried Lubuntu?12:18
papretyes that's what i have here....12:19
papretbye :)12:25
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vladinohi which bittorrent client is best under KDE?13:10
BluesKajthere is no best , ktorrent is the default I think13:10
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lordievaderGood afternoon.14:25
SonikkuAmericaGood morning from America lordievader14:32
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lordievaderHey SonikkuAmerica, how are you?14:46
SonikkuAmericaI *am* in -offtopic you know :)14:47
lordievaderSonikkuAmerica: But you replied here ;)14:48
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ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:30
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ss_hazehello kde16:19
chachanbye unity16:20
ss_hazeI use both, periodicly16:24
ss_hazesometimes even openbox is fun16:24
ss_hazebut it's no holly war right :)16:25
ss_hazeI tried windows 8 start screen, and screen is so boring, I even missed what they implemented16:26
BluesKajI tried unity and even gave it a fighting chance , but after a few weeks I'd had enough and dumped it16:26
BluesKajsome ppl love it ...to each his own. Being an old windows guy , kde is more familiar and makes more sense to me .16:28
BluesKajsidebar panels never appealed to me16:29
ss_hazethats the problem with people who don't evolve, even if it is all a cycle somehow..16:42
ss_hazebut I really like kde panel16:43
ss_hazeit is really beuty, if you don't like to mess configuring it16:43
ss_hazeor you DO want to do it16:44
BlaXpiriti'm doing experiments with my panels16:44
BlaXpiritI think they recently added a new task manager16:44
BlaXpiritthat kinda mimicks Unity's panel16:44
BlaXpiriti moved the panel to the left side of the screen16:45
BlaXpiritvertical space is much more precious with those crazy widescreen monitors16:45
ss_hazeevery user bow down to LCD, LED industry16:46
BlaXpiritand then the idea stuck in my head16:46
BlaXpiritso i even moved the tab bar to the side in my webbrowser16:47
ss_hazebuying stocks of LED industry?16:47
ss_hazenext semester in "computer sciences" or some IT will be great, if I will get in university, which I think I can do16:49
ss_hazelast year electronics course made me think of physics, random shit how it's all one big bubble16:49
ikoniass_haze: that language is uncalled for an uncacceptable16:52
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DaskreechBlaXpirit: I just browse in full screen mode :)17:15
victor__quiet room :)17:17
DaskreechWell it's a support room so that's good I guess?17:25
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jjeronimohi kubuntu fans18:42
jjeronimoI recently enabled the desktop widget "Remember the milk", now my plasma desktop process freezes on startup18:43
jjeronimoany idea how to disable the widget?18:43
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jjeronimofixed it19:40
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daniel29how do i report a bug in the mouse driver?22:28
daniel29at least the mouse driver for my machine22:29
SonikkuAmericadaniel29: You'll file it against the X server.22:31
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.22:55
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doctorpepperhi guys !!23:38

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