
Max_Tither> Hello, I have a qt question for playing an online audio stream using the ubuntu sdk00:09
Max_Tither Is there anyone who could assist me?00:09
Max_Tither Does qml out of the box support playing the stream, or do I have to add the c++ module?00:10
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dholbachgood morning06:44
AskUbuntuHow to write cloud-specific application upon ubuntu cloud infrastructure? | http://askubuntu.com/q/32020507:52
dpmmorning all08:01
JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Get Out of the Dog House Day! :-D08:32
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oSoMoNtmoenicke: hey, I’m trying to debug an issue in the notes-app, can you explain what exactly happens when the OSK is swiped away while a QML item has active focus?10:33
tmoenickeoSoMoN: it removed focus from the item10:37
oSoMoNtmoenicke: so basically it just does "item.focus = false", right?10:38
tmoenickeoSoMoN: inputItem->setFocus(false);10:38
oSoMoNtmoenicke: ok, thanks10:39
tmoenickeoSoMoN: while we probably should use the runtime-property system of Qt10:39
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=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-app-devel to: http://developer.ubuntu.com | App development on Ubuntu: how to do it & how to make it better | HackDays! http://bit.ly/12Ux0vM | Mon 16th July is Calculator App HackDay! http://bit.ly/1agnlBJ | Calculator App Bugs: http://bit.ly/1dziMSW | Calculator App Blueprint: http://bit.ly/11Q8RIB
Laneymonday 16th july?11:24
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timpLaney: planning ahead for 2018 :)11:30
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oSoMoNtmoenicke: could you please have a look at bug #1201400 and advise?12:05
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1201400 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Swiping away the OSK doesn’t remove focus from the current TextField/TextArea" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120140012:05
dpmhi gusch, when you've got some time, do you think you could look at some of the merge proposals from the Weather guys? -> https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-weather-app/+activereviews12:27
guschdpm: ok - I put it on my list12:28
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renatotimp, Kaleo , I am having problems with the page stack element, I am not sure if is a bug on page stack or if I am doing something wrong13:41
renatotimp, Kaleo the problem is that: I have a listview in my first page, then you can scroll the list and click into a item, this will cause a page.push with a new page13:42
renatoafter that the user can pop the page and go back to the listview, but the problem is that the list view is not scrolled to the last position anymore13:42
renatoit resets to the top13:42
renatotimp, Kaleo , any idea what is happening ?13:43
timprenato: hmm. I wonder whether the initial page is destroyed and re-created by the stack13:54
timprenato: the initial page, do you create it as a Page somewhere, or is it a Component?13:55
renatotimp, is a qml file: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("../ContactEdit/ContactEditor.qml"),14:00
renato                                   {model: contactsModel, contact: newContact})14:00
renatotimp, I will try reproduce the problem is a small example14:00
renatomaybe I am doing something wrong14:00
timprenato: I think you are doing it correct.14:03
timprenato: one sec, let me check something14:03
timprenato: if you pass the page by url, it is destroyed when it is not active, and re-created when it becomes active again.14:04
renatotimp, why?14:05
timprenato: you can try to add a ContactEditor { id: editor; visible: false } somewhere, and have a pageStack.push(editor) instead. Then it should not be destroyed when you push a new page14:05
renatotimp, this is so much memory consume :D14:05
timprenato: there is some code there that used to be used in Tabs as well as PageStack, but not anymore.14:08
timprenato: I think it makes sense now only to destroy that page when it is popped, not when another is pushed14:08
timpneed to give it a bit more thought14:08
timprenato: you can create a bug for it14:09
timpI thought there already was, but I cannot find it. perhaps it was in a deprecated project14:09
renatotimp, strange, the bug only appears if the page has title14:13
renatotimp, I do not think that the page is re-created, the method: Component.onCreated. is called once14:14
timponly if the page has a title?14:16
timpthat *is* weird14:16
renatotimp, I have a small example here14:19
renatoI will attach that on the bug14:19
timprenato: ok, thanks14:19
renatotimp, do you think that you can fix that soon/14:20
timprenato: how important is it? if it is critical, this week14:21
timprenato: I'm working on something else now, I'll check your bug after I finish that, probably tomorrow, is that soon enough?14:22
timprenato: please assign the bug to me and mark it as "New" so I don't miss it tomorrow14:23
oSoMoNgusch: would you have a minute to review this one-liner? https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/transparent-header/+merge/17471614:23
renatotimp, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/120145214:30
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1201452 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "[pageStack] PageStack does not save page state" [Undecided,New]14:30
renatoyou can test removing the header14:30
renatotimp, btw I have another bug, related with the page header14:30
renatoin my case some pages has headers and others not14:30
renatobug is impossible to do it today,14:31
renatobecause the space to header is always there14:31
AskUbuntuBad color of backgroundColor in a MainView when fixed to "#F1E1A3" | http://askubuntu.com/q/32029214:32
dholbachJamesTait, are app categories part of the meta data?14:37
dholbachJamesTait, something like http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-archive.html#s-subsections?14:40
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WebbyITmy contribution to today's hack day : https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/ubuntu-calculator-app/1198873/+merge/174788 :)15:13
balloonsWebbyIT, how's everything going? I saw you pinged me while I was offline.. Anything I can help with?15:17
WebbyIThi balloons: we have some problems with this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/120069915:17
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1200699 in Ubuntu Clock App "Initial jenkins autopilot test failures" [Undecided,Incomplete]15:17
WebbyITballoons: on our machine test works without problem15:18
WebbyITballoons: so we are we are stuck in making new merge15:18
balloonsWebbyIT, we can override it, but if it's just going to keep failing that's not going to work so well ;-(15:19
balloonsso my guess is WebbyIT there might be a packaging issue with it.. Let's investigate shall we?15:19
WebbyITballoons: yes, we have to investagate. popey suggested to repair it, not to override it15:20
balloonsWebbyIT, what I mean to say is, the environment might be different between your local machine and the server because the clock app isn't asking for a dependency it needs to run15:20
WebbyITballoons: ok, how can we find which is the problem?15:21
balloonsWebbyIT, well i'll look at the test. can you list out what you believe are the dependencies for the clock app? Look at the debian control file vs how it's packaged in the ppa, etc15:21
WebbyITthe dependency15:21
balloonsif we look at the test readout we can see how the enviroment is setup and what it installs15:22
balloonswe'll compare that with what is needed and see what's missing15:22
balloonsnik90, if your around ^^15:22
WebbyITballoons: ok. Unfortunately I have port 8080 blocked, so I can't see Jenkins result. I'm going to watch dependecies15:23
JamesTaitdholbach, they will be, yes, we just need to figure out the details.15:23
dholbachJamesTait, are you in touch with anyone about this?15:23
WebbyITballoons: nik90 said me that he is free only in the evening, because he have an internship15:23
balloonsWebbyIT, ok :-)15:24
nik90_officeballoons: pong15:24
JamesTaitdholbach, we're getting the information from Software Centre, but it's kind of awkward to index it.  I've had a chat with matiasb about it before, he was kind enough to explain the current format.15:25
balloonsnik90_office, ahh, no worries.. just wanted to let you know WebbyIT and myself where trying to solve the autopilot jenkins issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/120069915:26
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1200699 in Ubuntu Clock App "Initial jenkins autopilot test failures" [Undecided,Incomplete]15:26
dholbachJamesTait, and for click packages?15:26
JamesTaitdholbach, that is for Click Pacakges. :)15:26
nik90_officeballoons: ah thnx. It was weird that jenkins fails at the very step. I saw the video taken by the jenkins machine15:26
dholbachbut you don't get info from software center about click packages?15:27
balloonsWebbyIT, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5877786/15:27
dholbachor am I missing something15:27
nik90_officeballoons: it does not start the app properly which is also why the test fails right at the begnning15:27
balloonsnik90_office, yes that makes me very suspect it's a dependency issue15:27
nik90_officeah ok15:27
JamesTaitdholbach, the index requests for Click Packges come from Software Centre Agent.  IIUC, the events are fired when the package is published in Software Centre - but that may be a misunderstanding on my part.15:29
nik90_officeballoons: that does mean that the debian/control file needs to be edited with the required packages needed for running autopilot tests?15:29
JamesTaitdholbach, the important thing from our (Click Package Index) point of view is that Software Centre Agent sends us the metadata to index.  What goes on in the background isn't really important to us.15:29
dholbachJamesTait, aha, ok, that was a misunderstanding from my part then15:30
balloonsnik90_office, yes that's exactly what that means15:30
dholbachJamesTait, sounds good15:30
nik90_officeballoons: I will be home in another 2 hours. I hope to talk more about that and perhaps even fix the dependency issue.15:30
balloonsWebbyIT, nik90_office I see this being installed as part of setup for the clock app now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5877786/15:30
dholbachJamesTait, so maybe we just need to finalise the plans there - Rick Spencer brought up categories earlier and asked if we were planning to demo something about it15:30
balloonsnik90_office, sure thing..15:31
mhall119dpm: http://mhall119.com/2013/07/ubuntu-calculator-app-hackfest/15:31
WebbyITballoons: I have to try to install it on a clean system and see if I can run it15:31
JamesTaitdholbach, yeah, it's high on my list of priorities now we've got all the bits talking to each other. :)15:31
* dholbach hugs JamesTait15:32
nik90_officeWebbyIT: As I said I broke my 13.10 setup. So will be reinstalling. Perfect opportunity for me to test this15:33
WebbyITnik90_office: good :) however, I found a friend of Italian Loco with a clean Saucy, now he try it15:35
nik90_officeWebbyIT: ah awesome :-)15:36
=== Guest4246 is now known as bobweaver
dpmKaleo, did the gradient work landed in saucy?15:36
nik90_officedpm: yes it did15:37
nik90_officedpm: I already have a work in progress branch for review15:37
dpmthanks nik90_office (and Kaleo!)15:37
WebbyITballoons: which PPA are installed on Jenksins? s ppa:ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/daily ?15:37
guschdpm: I approved https://code.launchpad.net/~martin-borho/ubuntu-weather-app/settings-in-a-sheet/+merge/173312 (and linked the bug)15:38
guschdpm: but not top approved it15:38
guschdpm: but won't have the time to do more reviews today (will continue tomorrow)15:39
balloonsWebbyIT, no ppa's are installed.. so all dependencies must be declared15:41
WebbyITballoons: I'm sorry, wrong expression: from which PPA Jenkins takes dependecies?15:42
balloonsWebbyIT, I mean the ubuntu-sdk-team ppa is installed and the qt5 ppa is installed, but the coreapps-drivers are not15:43
balloonsWebbyIT, does that make sense?15:43
WebbyITballoons: yes, ok, thanks :)15:44
balloonsWebbyIT, then the source is downloaded and a package is built and installed locally using the dependencies defined in the control file15:44
dpmthanks gusch!15:45
jononik90, hey, is the gradient branch on LP somewhere?15:48
jonocurious to check it out15:48
balloonsjono, he's not around for about 2 more hours.. not sure if someone else knows :-)15:53
mhall119jono: the gradient branch of clock or the SDK?15:53
WebbyITjono: the branch with the gradient for clock is here: https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/apply-visual-design-colors15:54
WebbyITballoons, nik90: PaoloRotolo is my friend with a clean installation of Saucy, and he says that he have no problem to install clock-app15:58
PaoloRotoloHi all :)15:59
balloonsWebbyIT, yes I'm sure he didn't.. but he's not installing it the same way jenkins is15:59
dpmhey PaoloRotolo, long time no see. How are you? :-)15:59
balloonshello PaoloRotolo15:59
balloonsWebbyIT, jenkins is building it from source in a clean chroot.. does that make sense?15:59
PaoloRotoloHi dpm :D Fine, thanks!15:59
PaoloRotolohi balloons16:00
WebbyITballoons: ok, so we have to try to do a chroot?16:00
nik90|officejono: yes it is on LP. You can find it at https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/apply-visual-design-colors/+merge/17460916:01
jonothanks nik9016:01
jonothanks nik90|office16:01
nik90|officejono: however it is top secret. So no public screenshot yet if you will :D16:02
jononik90|office, np :-)16:02
balloonsWebbyIT, I think we should be able to fix it once nik90 is home again.. So give it a couple hours. If not, we'll dig in further16:02
WebbyITballoons: ok, thanks16:02
balloonsWebbyIT, thank you!16:02
balloonsWebbyIT, don't want to slow you down in anyway :-)16:03
WebbyITballoons: BTW, during the we I did some autopilot tests, can we check them together? :)16:03
balloonsWebbyIT, yes I can review any test you need ;-)16:04
WebbyITballoons: thanks very much :) This one is for clock: add run and delete a prese: https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/ubuntu-clock-app/start_preset_autopilot16:05
jonomhall119, call?16:05
jononik90, awesome work!16:05
jonolooks beautiful16:05
PaoloRotoloPlease, do you know why I got this "this qml file contains features wich are not supported by qt quick designer" when I enter in the Design tab in Ubuntu SDK?16:21
balloonsWebbyIT, I'll review over the next hour and land my comments :-)16:22
WebbyITballoons: ok, thanks :)16:23
bobweaverPaoloRotolo,  seems like that error tells you why it is not working because it is not pluged in16:23
PaoloRotolobobweaver, sorry, I didn't got it... This is the error: http://img547.imageshack.us/img547/7956/7xbd.png. But I can't read the yellow text :D16:25
bobweaverPaoloRotolo,  maybe you would like to look at qmlExporter for gimp and photoshop to get you started. thouigh it just gets you started with a framework and makes for fast work between designers and devlopers.  Example I am a backend dev I do alot of c++ and QML and whatever.  I am not good with gimp or photoshop but others are.  So if Designers would use that for mockups then it would make the devs life a16:25
bobweaverlot easier and faster, Sadly this goes un-noticed everyday16:25
PaoloRotolobobweaver, cool, thanks a lot!16:26
bobweaverPaoloRotolo,  again it is not that great it could use some work(qmlExporter that is ) But it will get all your icons and artwork sorted for you and make a small framework for you to start using.  TBH i never use the designer in QtCreator.16:28
bobweaverPaoloRotolo,  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Hgo9CWV40016:29
balloonsWebbyIT, reviewed and approved16:49
WebbyITballoons: wow!16:50
WebbyITballoons: thank you :)16:51
dpmballoons, do you have any ideas why https://code.launchpad.net/~qqworini/ubuntu-rssreader-app/pre-alpha-release/+merge/174616 failed?16:55
balloonsdpm, ugh..16:55
balloonswe spent alot of time friday with the rss reader AP tests16:56
mhall119dpm: hey, are all of the core apps setup for translation in Launchpad and able to export .pot files?17:02
balloonsso dpm I can look at this later if needed, but if it's an enviroment issue you can speak with fginther about it17:03
dpmmhall119, they should be all set up for translation in LP, but not all of them are internationalized. You can see the ones that are internationalized here on the left: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone-coreapps17:08
dpmI've documented the process to set up translations in LP, but I haven't yet finished the docs on internationalizing the code:17:08
nik90morning everyone :-)17:09
dpmhi fginther, thanks for joining. balloons and I were wondering if you'd know why this merge failed: https://code.launchpad.net/~qqworini/ubuntu-rssreader-app/pre-alpha-release/+merge/17461617:09
dpmhey nik90 :)17:09
nik90hi dpm17:10
nik90Kaleo: ping17:10
mhall119dpm: ok, we should focus on getting the rest of them internationalize as part of the month-4 milestone17:10
nik90kalikiana: ping17:10
dpmmhall119, seems doable. Internationalizing them is not hard at all, it's just hard to document it in a way other people can do it :)17:11
mhall119dpm: do you know if we can internationalize dates and numbers in QML?  Or just strings17:11
nik90mhall119: for dates and number you should use qt.locale()17:12
nik90I did it for the clock app17:12
dpmmhall119, we can internationalize dates and numbers. We do it on Clock and calendar17:12
dpmyeah :)17:12
mhall119thanks nik9017:12
nik90mhall119: there is also a sample sdk app called locale17:12
nik90showing how to do it17:12
mhall119cool, I'll look into doing that for calculator17:12
nik90dpm: I read your mail regarding the pagestack in a tab.17:13
nik90dpm: Should I wait until the bug is resolved or go ahead and use it in the clock app?17:13
fgintherdpm, balloons, I see the problem in jenkis (not sure why it's broken) but I can work around it17:14
dpmnik90, I'll play the devil's advocate and say you should use it and this will give us more chances to get the bug fixed soon :)17:16
nik90dpm: hehe ok :-)17:17
mhall119hmmm, might be harder than I thought17:23
nik90dpm: Could you invite WebbyIT to the thursday's design meetings as well?17:25
nik90I can query you his email address17:25
nik90The same for the friday irc meeting as well17:25
WebbyITdpm: would be great :)17:26
dpmnik90, absolutely. If you've got it handy and you could give it to me, that'd be great. Otherwise I'll find it out from Launchpad17:26
nik90dpm: sent17:26
dpmmhall119, what are you trying to do? If it's about internationalizing the numbers in the calculator app, there is some code in clock we could reuse. I remember I filed a bug about it, but I can't remember if it was a hard one to fix or not17:27
nik90mhall119: essentially it is just Number(num).toLocaleString(Qt.locale(), "f", 0)17:28
nik90in the clock app, I put this statement inside a function which I call whenever I need it17:28
nik90I pass the number as a parameter to this function17:28
nik90mhall119: I formulated that code after looking through the qml/qt docs17:28
dpmWebbyIT, done, you should have now received an invite to both meetings17:29
nik90mhall119: If you like to see the context, the function is declared in common/ClockUtils.js and it is used throughout the app17:31
WebbyITdpm: yes, receveid, thanks :) Unfortunately this thursday  I'll go on holiday, and I'll return on the beginning on August!17:31
mhall119dpm: nik90: it's about formatting the date in the calculation history17:32
WebbyITdpm: anyhow, I'll try to follow IRC meeting from phone!17:32
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1184101 in Ubuntu Calculator App "Time strings need to be internationalized" [Low,Triaged]17:32
dpmWebbyIT, ok, cool17:32
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mhall119fginther: is having some issue with a zip file17:35
mhall119any idea what that's about?17:35
fginthermhall119, I can work around it. I've seen that issue before, but can't recall how I fixed it17:36
mhall119thanks fginther17:37
dpmnik90, did you find out if it's ok to use gsettings-qt from the clock app to read e.g. the user's time zone?18:44
dpmah, seb128 is not around, he'd been good to ask about this18:44
nik90dpm: I did ask seb128 about this.18:45
dpmah, cool, what did he say?18:45
nik90the setting app will use gsettings (atleast they do so now) to get their setting values from the system18:45
nik90however he wasn't sure if it was a security issue or not18:45
nik90I guess I would need to get this clarified with the security team18:46
dpmok, let me see if I can follow up on this, thanks!18:46
nik90sure. thnx18:46
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elopiohello. Is somebody from the calendar around?19:47
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nik90Kaleo: Have a question regarding Theme.palette20:47
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