
=== vibhavp_ is now known as vibhavp
=== vibhavp_ is now known as vibhavp
joseare we having ubuntu for watches soon?03:32
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elfymorning dholbach06:44
dholbachgood morning06:44
dholbachhi elfy06:44
dholbachdpm, did you spot the new language on http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/? :-D08:52
dpmdholbach, yeah, I saw your post, awesome! :-)08:52
popeydholbach: who is responsible for the touch porting guide?08:52
popey(morning btw)08:52
dpmhey popey08:52
dholbachpopey, rsalveti and sergiusens want to update it this week08:52
popeyok, thanks08:54
popeyis there wifi at oscon?13:39
* popey doesn't like the idea of not being in touch when on a stand ☻13:40
dholbachdpm, hmmm... did my mail to ubuntu-translators reach the list?13:45
dpmdholbach, hm, it should have, I don't see it in the moderation queue, and I set up the list to auto-approve @canonical.com and @ubuntu.com addresses13:56
dholbachI was just surprised I couldn't find it on https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-translators/2013-July/thread.html13:57
dpmyeah, I can't see it either13:57
dpmthat's really weird13:58
dpmI really haven't seen in in the moderation queue13:58
dholbachdid you get it in your inbox?14:01
dholbachFrom: Daniel Holbach <daniel.holbach...ubuntu.com>14:02
dholbachTo: Ubuntu Translators <ubuntu-translators@lists.ubuntu.com>14:02
dholbachSubject: Ubuntu Packaging Guide - needs help with translations/reviews14:02
dholbachI'll ask in the translators channel14:26
dpmdholbach, I got this one in my inbox: "Ubuntu Packaging Guide - needs help with translations/reviews"14:59
dholbachok cool14:59
* dholbach hugs dpm14:59
* dpm hugs dholbach back ;)14:59
jcastro"If you try to contact me and I can't answer, it's just because I'm helping to build an awesome and free phone. Call again in October."16:58
balloonsjcastro, new voicemail message?17:35
jcastrojust saw some guy post that on G+, made me chuckle17:38
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balloonshttps://test.ubuntu-discourse.org down jcastro ? I thought tuesday was patch day18:34
jcastrothere's no s18:35
jcastrojust http18:35
jcastroif you're on FFx you might need to clear your cache18:35
marcoceppiballoons: patch days are potentially every day now during late night UTC time19:05
marcoceppibut it's not currently being patched19:05
balloonsFF ftw.. what happened to https?19:06
bkerensajono: if you would like I can do the CLS group photo this year... I got a really nice DSLR :)19:07
jcastroballoons: if you logged out you couldn't log in, we had some kind of http->https loop going on with SSO, etc.19:10
jcastroballoons: but for about 2 days it was SPDY enabled with the ssl stuff. <nice>19:10
balloonsok.. I miss it is all ;-)19:11
jcastroyeah it's pretty nice19:15
jcastroballoons: non of the SPDY stuff is in main, so chances of it being on prod on an ubuntu site any time soon is not high19:43
jonobkerensa, saw the cam, sounds great!19:45
bkerensajcastro: is local provider available?19:46
bkerensajcastro: one week left you have :)19:46
jcastroit's not till like next month man19:46
bkerensaso it wont be ready by OSCON?19:46
jcastroI wish19:46
jcastrojono: I can go early if you want19:49
bkerensawow HBO asking Google to take down results for a open source media player19:51
jonojcastro, gonna need to start at 1pm19:52
jcastro... from the Fun Palace19:53
jonosorry jcastro, today is slammed, need every minute19:53
bkerensajcastro: So you going to stop by the coffee shop John McAfee works at in Portland?19:54
jcastrodoes that guy need to work?19:54
jcastroafter seeing the video I would like want to hang out with that guy19:54
jcastroI anticipate the following thing happening at ocson19:54
jcastrome. dcamp. beer19:55
bkerensaapparently he bought his girlfriend a coffee company hence why he lived in Latin America19:55
bkerensaand so now he has a shop here too19:55
jcastroaround ~45 min we start to argue about metal19:55
jcastrobacon mumbles something about how we have the same conversation every year19:55
jcastrowe end up walking to puppet labs for a party, and it's full.19:55
jcastrowe stagger somewhere else.19:55
jcastrothat's my plan for oscon in a nutshell19:55
* bkerensa will never go to a PuppetLabs Oscon party again19:55
bkerensaits always too packed19:55
marcoceppicouple of years, juju oscon party20:20
jcastropleia2: bkerensa: are either of you logging intake to your fitbit account?20:35
jcastroseems like there's 2897343 services that do that20:35
pleia2nope, because I am lazy20:35
bkerensajcastro: ^ pleia2 answered for me20:43
bkerensajcastro: its to tedious... I tried it for awhile but unless its down consistently ugh20:43
bkerensajcastro / pleia2 / jono: which fitbits do you all have? I just got the Flex to replace my Zip20:45
jonobkerensa, Fitbit One20:45
bkerensajono: do you wear it to sleep?20:45
jonobkerensa, nope20:45
jonosorry, can't chat now, in deadline mode20:45
pleia2bkerensa: One, don't wear it to sleep20:45
bkerensapleia2: I guess its a good thing :P my dashboard keeps shaming me for only getting 5 hours of sleep20:47

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