
pittiGood morning04:42
pittidarkxst: hm, we use it in saucy's debian/patches/logind_support.patch; did you disable that patch?04:43
pittidarkxst: i. e. you have to drop this patch if you update to 3.804:43
darkxstPitti, nm, it started working again after a reboot04:43
darkxstpitti, this is 3.8, so dont have that patch04:45
darkxstpitti, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5876334/04:45
pittidarkxst: but that patch works in 3.6, so the lid inhibitor works04:46
darkxstyeh its working with above patch now04:46
pittiah, good; the patch looks fine to me04:49
pittiRAOF: hey05:14
pittiRAOF: did you look at the colord autopkgtest failure?05:15
RAOFpitti: Yo!05:15
RAOFOh, it fails even when the autopkgtest bug doesn't apply?05:15
pittiRAOF: that again uses that rather misdesigned (IMHO) parallel test runner which doesn't give you any information on failure :/ so might be useful to cat the log on non-zero exit05:15
pittiRAOF: yes, you should have gotten mail about it05:15
pittiRAOF: it runs, but there is one failure05:16
RAOFHm. I don't appear to have received any mail about that.05:16
pittimaybe it was already broken before we started that mail thing05:17
pittiit's been broken for quite a while indeed05:17
RAOFOh man, that log output is entirely unhelpful, isn't it.05:21
pittiRAOF: yes, taht's what I meant with misdesigned parallel test runner05:23
RAOFpitti: Is the adt-run-tests bug that prevents me from testing the autopkgtests locally fixed yet?05:37
pittiRAOF: it's not, but you can run it with run-adt-test -sP colord05:37
pittimy run of that just finished05:37
pittimeh, there are debhelper logs from the package build, but no test suite logs?05:38
pittiso I guess one would need to run run-adt-test -skP colord and then login and run the tests manually05:39
pittiRAOF: running "make check" in the VM should work too, as the autopkgtest doesn't do anything different05:40
chrisccoulsongood morning05:40
pittihey chrisccoulson05:40
chrisccoulsonhi, pitti, how are you?05:40
RAOFpitti: I was just going to check that my "cat log on failure" works :)05:40
RAOFchrisccoulson: Yo!05:40
pittichrisccoulson: quite fine, thank you! we went climbing on the weekend, that was great05:40
chrisccoulsonpitti, are you having nice weather at the moment as well?05:41
chrisccoulsonhi RAOF!05:41
pittichrisccoulson: yes, it's been splendid for two weeks now05:41
chrisccoulsonpitti, yeah, it's been nice here as well for a change :)05:42
chrisccoulsonthe kids seem to like the nice weather too http://www.flickr.com/photos/67705534@N06/sets/72157634635880076/with/9281651263/ ;)05:45
pittichrisccoulson: hah, who doesn't05:48
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jibelgood morning07:08
didrockssalut jibel, passé un bon week-end?07:10
jibelSalut didrocks,ça a été. Principalement plage et glaces et feux d'artifice le soir avec les enfants, et toi ?07:11
didrocksbien aussi, piscine du rhône et feu d'artifice le soir ;)07:13
didrocksils viennent de refaire la piscine principale de Lyon (ouverture la semaine dernière):07:13
didrockshum, let me get an url shortner07:13
didrockshttp://goo.gl/VUMMp and http://goo.gl/XJsAQ07:14
seb128good morning desktopers07:39
seb128seems like this w.e was "upload manually stuff rather than wait for them to land through the system" days07:40
didrockssalut seb128!07:40
seb128didrocks, lut ;-)07:40
didrocksseb128: yeah, not sure what's the urgency was…07:40
seb128speaking of unity?07:40
seb128because ogra did one for powed as well, but he explaining in the changelog07:41
seb128unity, seems like it was breaking/blocking upgrades07:41
darkxstseb128, hi07:42
seb128darkxst, hey07:42
darkxstso I fixed the lid close actions, now need someone to test wacom panel07:42
didrocksseb128: interesting, they are doing transition over a week-end…07:43
didrocksseb128: I don't know why ogra_ didn't ping sil2100 to know why this important change wasn't daily release on Friday07:44
didrocksI think there are reasons like tests or failure to build…07:44
didrocksand then, using that apportunity to rant in the changelog "nice"07:44
didrocksogra_: quite disappointed about your reaction TBH07:44
seb128what stack is powed in?07:45
didrocksas long as the changes were merged back upstream, it's fine anyway (as it seems it was)07:45
didrockssil2100: hey, do you know why powerd wasn't released on Friday?07:45
sil2100didrocks: hi! hm, let me see, but I don't remember we had any stack red besides unity?07:46
seb128sil2100, indicator qa apps are atm07:46
seb128hud and webapps are yellow07:46
seb128where is powerd?07:46
sil2100It's in the platform stack, and i think it got published on Friday, but let me check07:47
didrocksplatform, let's wait for sil2100's analysis07:47
didrocksbut my bet is that the merge was after the daily (as Friday morning)07:47
didrocksnobody asked for a daily within the day07:47
didrocksand the following day, the publication was manual du to packaging changes07:47
didrocksogra_: FYI ^07:47
seb128and next day was saturday07:47
seb128do we land on w.es?07:47
didrocksogra_: the manual publication for packaging change is a requirement from the release team FYI07:48
didrocksseb128: did you read/received what I wrote?07:48
seb128didrocks, yeah, why?07:48
sil2100didrocks: seb128: the platform stack got normally released on Friday07:48
sil2100So maybe indeed the change got in later, after the daily release already07:49
didrocks1ok, let's see now07:49
didrocks109:48:30   didrocks | seb128: did you read/received what I wrote?07:49
seb128didrocks1, yes07:49
* didrocks is lagging…07:49
didrocks1sil2100: yeah, that's what I wrote07:49
=== didrocks1 is now known as didrocks
didrocksbasically, it was merged after 00 UTC07:49
didrocksnobody reask for a daily07:49
seb128the commit was on 4:40UTC on friday07:49
didrocksand the day after, it was in manual publication07:50
didrocksbecause of packaging change07:50
seb128well, next day was saturday anyway07:50
didrocksand as told:07:50
didrocks09:47:48   didrocks | ogra_: the manual publication for packaging change is a requirement from the release team FYI07:50
sil2100didrocks: btw. do we run daily-release on weekends? Since I see the publishing job got fired on Saturday, and it was manual publishing because of a packaging change07:50
seb128we don't land on w.es do we?07:50
didrockssil2100: yes we do07:50
didrocksseb128: well, we run the stacks07:50
seb128but don't sync to the archive right?07:50
didrocksbut we don't work on Saturday/Sunday to manual publish if needed07:50
didrocksif it publishes, it's getting synced to the archive07:50
seb128oh ok07:51
seb128I though we avoided landing stuff on w.e when nobody was around07:51
didrocksit's just packaging changes -> manual publication07:51
didrocksseb128: not the case anymore, on ogra_'s team request07:51
seb128makes sense07:51
seb128didrocks, thanks ;-)07:51
ogra_didrocks1, well ... i didnt ping anyone because a) nobody was around, b) could it be documented in the PPA description whom to ping (i wouldnt have known it is sil2100) c) i had simply assumed the fix would have been in after 16h and rolled a (then broken) image which we needed to fix urgently d) we have nop QA for the images atm so the broken image would have stayed on cdimage for the whole weekend07:51
didrocksbut every worked as expected07:51
didrocksyw seb128 :)07:51
didrocksogra_: daily release FAQ, I promoted that a lot, you should know the links now…07:52
ogra_oh ... and e) you explicitly said *several* times that emergency uploads would be no probelm07:52
didrocksogra_: yeah, emergency uploads is not a problem. ranting on a changelog isn't a nice behavior IMHO though07:52
ogra_dunno what you see as a rant there07:52
didrocksogra_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyRelease/FAQ#I_want_to_upload_a_change_to_a_package_under_daily_release_process07:52
didrocksagain, everything is documented on who to ping, and so on…07:53
sil2100didrocks: I'll ping you with some packaging ACKs in a moment if you don't mind...07:53
ogra_great thanks ... and no i didnt see that page before07:53
didrockssil2100: no worry07:53
didrocksogra_: waow, you are maybe the only one, people are getting tired I reference the FAQ for everything :p07:54
ogra_anyway why wasnt the MP promoted after 30h ?07:54
ogra_any idea about that ?07:54
didrocksogra_: did you read the scrollbar?07:54
* didrocks will repeat once again07:54
didrocksso, your changed was merged at 4am UTC on Friday07:55
didrocksso after 00 UTC07:55
didrocksso not on Friday dailies07:55
didrocksthen, on Saturday, the change was picked, built, tested07:55
didrocksbut it was set in manual publication mode07:55
didrocksbecause of packaging change07:55
didrockswhich is a requirement from the release team07:55
ogra_sorry, but you are a day off07:55
didrocks(to not give packaging changes upload right to upstream)07:56
didrocksI'm not07:56
ogra_it was committed on thu07:56
ogra_before 00:0007:56
ogra_wasnt in on fri07:56
didrocksrevno: 67 [merge]07:56
seb128ogra_, do we speak of http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/powerd/trunk/revision/67 ?07:56
ogra_which we noticed firday evening07:56
didrockstimestamp: Fri 2013-07-12 04:40:33 +000007:56
didrockson trunk07:56
seb128 Date: 2013-07-12 04:40:33 UTC07:56
ogra_didrocks, i approved it on thui evening07:56
ogra_and jenkins too07:56
didrocksogra_: 00 UTC is trunk07:56
didrocksogra_: daily release is only interested in trunk's state, I know nothing about the upstream merger07:57
ogra_well, so why was it not picked up by saturday then07:57
didrocksogra_: do you read? :/07:57
didrocksit was07:57
seb128ogra_, did you change the mp status?07:57
seb128ogra_, or just comment approved?07:57
didrocks9:55:28   didrocks | then, on Saturday, the change was picked, built, tested07:58
didrocks9:55:39   didrocks | but it was set in manual publication mode07:58
didrocks9:55:46   didrocks | because of packaging change07:58
didrocks9:55:51   didrocks | which is a requirement from the release team07:58
didrocks9:55:58      ogra_ | sorry, but you are a day off07:58
seb128ogra_, https://code.launchpad.net/~sforshee/powerd/fix-power-button/+merge/174203 says iicardo approved the mp on friday07:58
didrocks9:56:02   didrocks | (to not give packaging changes upload right to upstream07:58
didrocksogra_: it was picked on Saturday ^ blocked by distro rules though07:58
ogra_seb128, hmm07:58
seb128ogra_, seems like you misclicked to approve and ended up not approving it07:58
seb128then ricardo came and did it on friday07:58
ogra_seb128, i was pretty sure i did, since itz was breaking images for several days07:58
seb128well the mp is set as "Approved by: Ricardo Salveti on 2013-07-12 "07:59
didrocksnot what launchpad tells07:59
ogra_i guess LP doesnt lie07:59
ogra_funjily i have the page open here without relaod and the UI shows approved07:59
didrocksogra_: maybe the previous build failed?07:59
didrocksas I see a jenkins run in the comments showing failures08:00
ogra_hmm, the commit was changed once08:00
didrocksand so in that case you have been reverted from approve -> needs review08:00
didrocksmaybe someone pushed and reverted then08:01
didrocksbecause IIRC, the upstream merger tells something about the rejecoitn08:01
didrockslike "not the approved commit is the latest"08:01
ogra_ok, that could be it then08:01
didrocksbut so, nothing was stuck or behaving strangely apparently08:02
didrocksogra_: I have nothing opposed that someone with upload rights like you can access and force the publication if needed08:03
didrocksogra_: the only thing is that you will have to learn the jenkins' workflow (I would have prefer to have the dashboard worked on before so that you can get a better easier view)08:04
ogra_didrocks, anyway, the changelog entry wasnt a rant, please dont see it like that, asac asked me to document the issues we find with the process (it doenst say "didrocks is a sucker i upload manually because i dont like him" ... i just wanted to note down the time here and explain why i did a manual upload, dont feel attacked)08:04
seb128Laney, good morning, had a good w.e ?08:04
didrocksogra_: ok, the "approved for 30h and …" was maybe misleading08:04
ogra_well, i didnt know it was re-approved08:04
Laneyseb128: yes thank you, bit sun burned now though :P08:05
didrocksogra_: so, just tell me if you want to spend some time knowing about the system, how it works, and so that we can give you access to jenkins publication08:05
seb128that's summer for you ;-)08:05
didrockshey Laney ;)08:05
ogra_didrocks, and after all i still think a possible 24h delay is to much and binding the trigger on people is wrong, i would propose some kind of trigger button on LP for fast-pathing singel packages if needed08:06
seb128Laney, I had an excellent w.e thanks, lot of sun and fireworks (yesterday was our national day, they had fireworks on saturday and sunday nights in the big cities next here)08:06
seb128indeed ;-)08:06
didrocksogra_: yeah, we already discussed that, I can only propose a button for daily release to upstream, with status and so on, I don't know about the upstream merger and launchpad side08:07
ogra_didrocks, there are way to often cases where we quickly need to fix the images now that we're supposed to always have them usable08:07
didrocksogra_: daily release supports single component rebuild btw08:07
seb128ogra_, you can always manually upload and send a merge back for trunk08:07
ogra_waiting for the next daily is often to long in tehse cases08:07
pittihey seb12808:08
didrocksand ask our team to have that managed (not on week-end though), as per the FAQ08:08
ogra_seb128, well thats what i did (even with documenting why) and now we have an angry didrocks and a discussion08:08
pittibonjour didrocks08:08
pittihello Laney08:08
seb128pitti, salut, ça va bien ?08:08
didrocksogra_: I was more angry about the changelog that I saw as a rant TBH08:08
didrockssalut pitti!08:08
ogra_yeah, wasnt meant like that08:08
Laneymorning pitti08:08
pittiseb128: oui ! nos avons eu un bon week-end avec escalader08:09
didrocksogra_: otherwise, uploading and backporting to trunk is always possible08:09
didrocks(as you can see, since Sunday, the system for the platform stack is telling "nothing to do")08:09
seb128pitti, tu fais de l'escalade maintenant ?08:09
pittiseb128: oui, https://plus.google.com/107564545827215425270/posts/cieRV8axPSN08:10
pittiseb128: well, rope-climbing, not free-climbing08:10
seb128pitti, nice!08:11
seb128though  bit scary :p08:12
pittiseb128: nah, you are well-secured there08:15
darkxstpitti, via ferrata's?08:17
pittidarkxst: yes, indeed (that word was new to me)08:20
sil2100didrocks: can you check?
didrockssil2100: +1 for me08:21
sil2100didrocks: and another one - I guess robru knows what he's doing ;p
darkxstpitti, always want to try them, but probably might find them boring compared to real climbing!08:26
didrockssil2100: hum, I'm a little bit unconvince it shouldn't be a conflicts insteads, but anyway, webapps, that's not that bad, so +108:27
pittidarkxst: yeah, likely; but I don't do "real" climbing08:27
didrockssil2100: can you ask him to use a versionned conflicts later on?08:27
sil2100didrocks: will do, let me note that down08:27
Laneyyou probably want Replaces in that situation too08:30
darkxstpitti, you should try it someday, its pretty amazing, although probably a fair bit slower than your via ferrata adventures08:32
pittidarkxst: I've done in-door bouldering quite a few times08:32
Laneytrad leading is scary!08:32
sil2100hmmm, strange thing08:33
darkxstLaney, well that is all part of the game!08:33
LaneyI know someone who looked down to find the last three or so pieces of gear had come out, just before he had to do a blind slap around a corner08:33
Laneygot it fortunately :P08:34
sil2100I don't see any new glib2.0 pushed anywhere lately, and indicator-session FTBFS because of /usr/bin/gdbus-codegen: not found, which is provided by libglib2.0-dev08:34
darkxstLaney, I pretty sure that happens to everyone at some stage!08:35
LaneyI stick with sport and bouldering :P08:35
highvoltageDoes (or will) Unity 8 still use compiz?08:37
seb128sil2100, the issue is not that the binary is not found, it's "sh: 1 ... not found", which is the shebang, which is python08:38
seb128sil2100, you need to build-depends on python for gdbus-codegen08:38
seb128libglib-dev doesn't do it for you08:38
darkxstwe are lucky to have Mt arapiles not far away (well 4 hours drive). its probably one of the best trad climbing spots in the world for lower grades (say in the 10-20 bracket)08:38
sil2100seb128: oh! Nice catch! ;) That makes sense indeed, thanks!08:39
seb128sil2100, yw08:39
seb128sil2100, btw you already did that in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-power/12.10.6+13.10.20130628-0ubuntu108:40
seb128sil2100, so you should know about it ;-)08:40
sil2100seb128: completely forgot about that, and the error message again made me go the wrong way ;p08:41
sil2100seb128, didrocks: ^08:44
didrockssil2100: approved, thanks!08:45
sil2100Thank you ;)08:48
RAOFhighvoltage: No; it's currently using SurfaceFlinger, about to transition to Mir.08:53
=== vrruiz_ is now known as rvr
didrocksinteresting that vuds is just during feature freeze09:01
didrocksrickspencer3: hey, was that considered? ^09:01
rickspencer3didrocks, I don't know, I wasn't involved in setting that date09:02
highvoltageRAOF: cool, thanks09:02
didrockssil2100: did you work on the QA stack? It seems to be a 3 minute-fix (wrong list of packages to install)09:04
sil2100didrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/cupstream2distro-config/qa_extra_package/+merge/174672 <- can you take a lookie? ;)09:04
didrocksahah :)09:04
sil2100didrocks: ;D09:04
didrockssil2100: approved, you can deploy and run please :)09:05
didrockssil2100: on the apps stacks, it's the new qtwebkit which doesn't ship anymore private headers09:06
didrockssil2100: before sponsoring, I asked Mirv if he checked that nothing was using them, he told me it was the case, wrongly it seems :/09:06
sil2100didrocks: ah, I poked oSoMoN about that09:06
didrockssil2100: is he around? Is that normal that we are using private headers?09:06
sil2100didrocks: he didn't respond to my question on #ubuntu-touch, but I guess once he's online he should see it - I'll check what those are used for, but I would prefer him to check that too09:07
seb128didrocks, did they announce vUDS again without using the mailing lists?09:07
didrocksseb128: seems so, I read it on g+ (linked by a community better)09:08
didrockssil2100: yeah, same here, keep me posted then, I won't reexpose them until we are sure they are really needed09:08
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mlankhorstLaney: how do I try that failing sequence manually?09:38
Laneymlankhorst: don't know :(09:49
LaneyI did `apt-get install --dry-run u-boot-linaro-omap4-panda u-boot-tools pvr-omap4 xserver-xorg-video-omap-revert xserver-xorg-input-evdev-omap-revert ubuntu-desktop' and it works here ...09:49
Laneythat's the list of added packages from livecd-rootfs + ubuntu-desktop09:50
Laneymlankhorst: ah. wait....09:51
Laneymlankhorst: Stick a ^ on ubuntu-desktop09:52
mlankhorstwhat's that?09:52
LaneyTask: ubuntu-desktop instead of the package ubuntu-desktop09:52
Laneycan you reproduce it?09:54
Laneyyeah, works on shedir too09:56
LaneyJust re-read that: works as in "reproducing the brokenness works", not "installing the packages works". Yay for non-confusing sentences.10:09
mlankhorstxserver-xorg-core is part of ubuntu-desktop task10:15
sil2100didrocks: could you take a look at 2 merges?10:37
didrockssil2100: both approved10:39
sil2100Hope those are correct10:40
mlankhorstLaney: can I add something to make it not install certain packages?10:40
Laneymlankhorst: no idea10:41
didrockssil2100: I checked the diff, they are, thanks!10:45
mlankhorstLaney: well that's the real problem, unless I somehow overwrite stuff :P10:52
mlankhorsthave a replaces on xorg-server-core, evdev and omap10:53
mlankhorstbut no conflicts10:53
Laneydo you Provides: the packages?10:54
mlankhorstbut because ubuntu-desktop^ would pull in the real packages, I guess that's causing the issue10:57
mlankhorsthow does the lts cd solve it?10:57
LaneyI thought it might see that the package is already satisfied10:57
Laneymlankhorst: looks like it was seeded for precise11:10
Laneyogra_: any insights?11:10
LaneyIf you install pvr-omap4 first and then the task it's all OK11:10
ogra_i dont think we have a way to install anything earlier than other stuff11:11
ogra_at least not easily11:11
Laneyis there a way to remove the normal xorg stuff that's pulled in by the task?11:12
Laneyremove it from the list of packages being installed11:12
mlankhorsthm maybe if we remove the conflicts part11:18
mlankhorstbut that will leave you with a broken desktop if you remove it11:18
mlankhorstah well11:18
mlankhorsthm, has the nexus7 desktop kernel been removed in saucy?11:24
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
mlankhorstit's the only device I have that's touch capable11:36
mlankhorsttkamppeter_: can you test xorg-server in saucy from https://launchpad.net/~canonical-x/+archive/x-staging?field.series_filter=saucy ? (building atm)11:40
mlankhorstthat package should fix a touch bug I was hitting on my nexus7, but it probably won't fix all touch bugs remaining..11:42
mlankhorstoh and when I'm trying it I get WARNING: can not find package 'ubuntu-desktop^' in cache, ignoring11:48
mlankhorstLaney: ^11:48
mlankhorstthat line11:49
Laneyso you don't reproduce?11:49
mlankhorstI guess the schroot thing doesn't work like a real apt-get..11:49
Laney(saucy-armhf)laney@shedir:~$ apt-get install --dry-run u-boot-linaro-omap4-panda u-boot-tools pvr-omap4 xserver-xorg-video-omap-revert xserver-xorg-input-evdev-omap-revert ubuntu-desktop^11:50
LaneyNote, selecting 'xserver-xorg' for task 'ubuntu-desktop'11:50
mlankhorstLaney: what if you add xserver-xorg-core-omap-revert to that line?11:54
Laneystill broken of course11:54
Laneythat's already pulled in by deps of pvr-omap411:54
mlankhorsttried? :P11:54
Laney xserver-xorg-core-omap-revert : Conflicts: xserver-xorg-core11:55
mlankhorsthm, can I reset the schroot?11:56
Laneymlankhorst: ah, the can not find thing comes from the weird restricted apt they have there11:56
Laneydo it with --dry-run without sudo11:56
Laneyor make a chroot on your nexus11:57
mlankhorstI want to reset my schroot :S11:58
Laneydon't know what that means11:58
mlankhorstmy chroot is a pigs mest and I want to hide the evidence it ever existed :)12:02
Laneymlankhorst: remove the bad packages12:07
LaneyAlso those chroots porter are shared ;-)12:07
Laneymlankhorst: Also, for checking this stuff locally it's enough to use chdist to set up a fake apt configuration that uses armhf12:07
Laneychdist --arch=armhf create saucy-armhf http://ports.ubuntu.com saucy "main universe restricted multiverse"12:08
Laneythen chdist apt-get saucy-armhf update; chdist apt-get saucy-armhf --dry-run install pvr-omap4 ubuntu-desktop^12:09
mdeslaurseb128: if unity no longer properly handles desktop files with an absolute path for an icon, do I file a bug against unity, or would it be bamf?12:29
seb128mdeslaur, hey! not sure but I would guess bamf, check with Trevinho he knows for sure12:29
mdeslaurseb128: thanks12:29
mdeslaurTrevinho: ^ ?12:29
Trevinhomdeslaur yes...12:30
* Trevinho reading12:30
Trevinhomdeslaur: it could be a Bamf issue, but it seems unlikely...12:32
Trevinhomdeslaur: I need to check12:32
mdeslaurTrevinho: ok, can I file a bug against bamf and you can reassign it if it turns out that's not it?12:32
mlankhorstLaney: ah..12:32
Trevinhomdeslaur: the side effect is just the ? Icon12:33
mdeslaurTrevinho: yes12:33
mdeslaurTrevinho: for instance, you can install "pasaffe" and start it, and notice that the icon in the launcher is the ? one12:33
mdeslauror xdiagnose12:33
Trevinhomdeslaur: I can't check it now, but you can easily debug it using d-feet and see what contains the icon property for that app...12:34
Trevinhomdeslaur: is this a regression btw?12:34
mdeslaurTrevinho: yep, worked fine in raring12:34
Trevinhomdeslaur: I see... There have been both unity and Bamf changes in that codepath so could be both... I'll check that soon, please file a bug with both components for now...12:36
mdeslaurTrevinho: thanks. LP: #120140812:38
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1201408 in unity (Ubuntu) "No longer handles absolute path icons" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120140812:38
Trevinhomdeslaur: thank you12:38
mdeslaurTrevinho: thanks!12:39
mlankhorstLaney: meh, I guess I'll have to remove the conflicts and leave a broken desktop when any of the omap-revert packages are removed..12:40
LaneyThat'll let both x stacks be installed at the same time?12:41
mlankhorstyeah but it causes the omap-revert packages to overwrite the normal files, and on remove of the omap-revert the normal files stay gone12:42
mlankhorstuntil you manually reinstall12:42
mlankhorstbut it doesn't look like there's a better way12:42
mlankhorstI'll try it in a ppa12:44
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* sil2100 is doing lunch, but...13:09
sil2100didrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/cupstream2distro-config/add_apps_tests_to_sdk/+merge/174733 whaddayathink?13:09
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didrockssil2100: sounds like a good range of tests to me13:15
didrockssil2100: did you try deploying + running first? (to ensure the list is correct)13:15
seb128didrocks, sil2100: can you retry https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build/+build/4795420 just to see if the error is transient13:15
didrocksseb128: we got it twice IIRC, but retrying13:16
* seb128 wishes we would have a ppc porter box13:16
mlankhorsthm i should have used the x-staging ppa for the test build, would have been faster than emulated armhf builds13:16
desrtgood morning, freedom fighters!!13:22
didrocksgood morning desrt!13:22
sil2100didrocks: I did a manual test run on the AP-job13:22
sil2100Didn't redeploy, just put the parameters manually ;)13:23
seb128desrt, hey13:23
didrockssil2100: excellent! approving then m:)13:23
desrthow goes the war?13:23
sil2100seb128: I already re-ran this build twice13:23
sil2100seb128: the failure happened once again on the second run, but let's see how this one goes13:23
didrockssil2100: oh, no in fact13:23
didrockssil2100: you shouldn't list apps packages13:23
didrocks(apart from the autopilot ones)13:23
sil2100Ah, could be the same error I made some time ago?!13:24
didrockssil2100: we want to ensure it's backward compatible and working with older versions13:24
didrocksso don't change packages:13:24
didrocksfor testpackages:13:24
didrocksshare-app notes-app webbrowser-app gallery-app13:24
didrocks-> shold be -autopilot13:24
didrocksfor each of those :p13:24
sil2100hmm, but are those Apps installed on the images by default?13:25
sil2100Ah, the testpackages: will pull in all the deps?13:25
didrocksseb128: failed again13:29
didrockssil2100: ah good point, yeah, they are not installed13:29
didrockssil2100: but if you install the -autopilot ones13:29
didrocksthey will be pull as deps13:29
didrocks(no strict check needed)13:29
seb128didrocks, yeah, I noticed, I'm asking around if there is a ppc box we can access to debug13:29
didrocksok ;)13:30
seb128didrocks, otherwise what about breaking ppc a bit more and publishing even if it's broken there? ;-)13:30
didrocksseb128: it won't migrate from proposed to the release pocket13:31
seb128that's a good point :/13:32
didrocksseb128: remember, that's not the dailies blocking us :p13:32
didrocksTBH, you can maybe remove powerpc from arch:13:33
didrocksif we don't have any rdepends13:33
seb128didrocks, well, I would rather make it not fail on failing tests for ppc13:33
didrocksseb128: I was just giving a fix along the solution you were heading for :p13:33
seb128infinity is helping charles to get access to a ppc box13:34
mlankhorstweird, I'm not getting anything displayed correctly after I upgraded my nexus7 to saucy13:34
seb128let's see if we can get the test to pass first13:34
didrocksok, let's cross fingers :)13:34
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infinityseb128: Given that things failing on one arch usually point to bad C, I'd certainly prefer looking for a fix first, but yeah, disabling tests (or the arch entirely) are other options.13:37
seb128infinity, right, it's just that not having access to the hardware limits the debugging ... thanks for helping there ;-)13:38
sil2100didrocks: updated the MR!13:52
didrockssil2100: approved!13:53
Sweetsharkyoutube is down with a error 500.13:56
Sweetshark"Sorry, something went wrong. A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation. If you see them, show them this information: <some base64 encoded token>"13:56
happyaronjasoncwarner_: ping14:11
kenvandinelarsu, have you had a chance to try to figure out that lmm issue on phablet?14:50
seb128didrocks, is the problem with ppa builds and translation import still on your list? I just refresh a bunch of templates for indicators and lenses manually to fix some of the current saucy issues but we should really fix the infra this cycle...15:23
didrocksseb128: well, it's on my list to discuss with pitti15:24
didrocksseb128: but OTOH "ENOTIME"15:24
didrockstoo many demands, I have already stuff for late in the week :/15:24
seb128it's going to bite us15:24
didrocksseb128: want to help there? :)15:24
seb128right, no worry/hurry15:24
seb128didrocks, I've been doing manual uploads, that's helping in my book :p15:24
didrocksseb128: also, I have to start the settings thing15:25
didrocksseb128: well, I think we should just talk with pitti about it15:25
didrocksand see what can be done15:25
didrocksI think the fix isn't really on the daily release side15:25
pittididrocks: (in hangout ATM)15:25
didrocksor it will be hackish15:25
seb128didrocks, but sure, I can try driving discussion forward15:26
seb128I'm just unsure if that's a lp/infra/cu2d issue15:26
seb128didrocks, ok, I'm going to see what I can do, thanks15:26
seb128pitti, hey! ;-)15:26
seb128pitti, (no hurry, tomorrow works as well)15:26
seb128pitti, it's about importing translations/templates from the daily builds infrastructure, we still don't do that which means we have outdated templates/translations for everything under daily landing15:27
pittiseb128: not directly related, but FYI: wgrant enabled saucy LP exports today, so this week we can hopefully build some saucy langpacks15:32
seb128pitti, great!15:33
pittiseb128, didrocks: please remind me, do these actually build on the distro builders? (I think so)15:34
seb128pitti, yes15:34
seb128pitti, we do direct copies to the archive, including the binaries15:34
didrockspitti: yes, they do15:34
seb128pitti, that wouldn't be an option if we were not using the archive builders15:34
pittididrocks: do you happen to have a link to some build which has translations?15:34
pittiseb128: right, I figured so; just wanted to confirm15:35
didrocksseb128 has the ones he uploaded manually I think :) (I bet the scopes?)15:35
seb128didrocks, let me answer pitti's questions15:35
seb128didrocks, scopes and some indicators15:35
seb128pitti, well, just pick builds in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build15:35
pittiseb128: hm, so e. g. https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build/+build/4788475 doesn't build a translation tarball15:36
* pitti looks15:36
pittiso pkgstriptranslations is installed, but doesn't want to strip; presumably because it's "Purpose: PPA"15:37
seb128pitti, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/143969180/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-i386.unity-lens-applications_7.0.0%2B13.10.20130702-0ubuntu1_UPLOADING.txt.gz15:37
seb128 6f5c028c7d70b5f4123c53f7a6b97492772aa71f 2882 unity-lens-applications_7.0.0+13.10.20130702-0ubuntu1_i386_translations.tar.gz15:38
seb128the .changes has the tarball there?15:38
seb128that's https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build/+build/476330515:38
pittiah, then maybe gallery-app is special15:38
seb128pitti, ^ that one is an example of one of the default lenses15:38
seb128the gallery-app is in universe anyway15:38
pittiso we actually do build them already, so they are not lost15:39
pittiseb128: so it seems I just need to extend langpack-o-matic to also fetch tarballs from that PPA archive in addition15:39
seb128pitti, do you want a bug report to track that?15:46
pittiseb128: please (still in meeting)15:47
pittiseb128: against the langpack-o-matic project15:47
pittiwith above links15:47
pittidarn, PPAs don't have a getPackageUploads(), I need to discuss that with SteveK/wgrant15:50
czajkowskipitti: talk/give them lots of cake :)15:55
pitticzajkowski: ah, cake is the new beer?15:57
czajkowskiCake is always better than beer, only thing better is cake and beer :)15:58
czajkowskibut lets not go over board :)15:58
jbichaseb128: hey, do you want me to go ahead and upload the ibus stuff to the desktop ppa?16:00
seb128jbicha, hey, if you are happy with it sure16:02
seb128jbicha, I was going to have a look today or tomorrow but the day has been pretty busy again16:03
seb128pitti, https://bugs.launchpad.net/langpack-o-matic/+bug/120148516:08
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1201485 in langpack-o-matic "Need to import translations for the unity daily builds" [Undecided,New]16:08
jbichaseb128: do you want me to use the lp:~ubuntu-desktop branches for the ibus-enabled g-c-c and g-s-d or something else for now?16:10
seb128jbicha, we are moving forward with those uploads so using the official vcs seems fine16:11
seb128jbicha, do you plan to merge attente's work?16:11
seb128jbicha, e.g don't redo it16:11
seb128g-s-d should be mostly dropping the revert16:11
seb128g-c-c has some extra work16:11
jbichaseb128: yes I'm merging his stuff, I think I'll redo the ibus one though to rebase against Debian experimental now that they're looking at ibus 1.5 again16:14
seb128jbicha, works for me16:15
sil2100didrocks: who from the SRU team usually takes care of Unity SRUs?16:26
didrockssil2100: nobody in particular, just have to poke them individually16:26
didrockssil2100: did you see my MP btw?16:26
sil2100didrocks: hm, backtracking but can't find it - did you ping it to me directly?16:27
didrockson #ubuntu-touch16:27
didrockssil2100: https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/address-book-app/small-fixes/+merge/17481216:28
sil2100didrocks: approved! :)16:30
didrockssil2100: thanks!16:30
sil2100Sorry for missing that!16:30
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didrocksno worry!16:33
didrockssil2100: can you look at other non daily releasing components?16:33
didrockssil2100: I just finish unity-action-api16:33
didrockslet me enable that16:33
sil2100didrocks: I'll just wait for the unity merge to finish...16:36
didrockssil2100: hum, what's linked to that? why do we have to wait for it to finigh? (I'm talking about the components that daily_release: False)16:36
didrockssil2100: and please, my other cupstream2distro-config merge when you have time :p16:37
didrocks(still on #ubuntu-touch if you missed it)16:38
sil2100didrocks: yes yes, sooo - unity-action-api is ready already? Since I was informed that timp was to do something still16:38
didrockssil2100: hum, it's wellark working on it16:38
didrockssil2100: and he pinged me, a lot of time was taken for the soname and so on16:39
didrocksdid a bunch of changes16:39
didrocksbut should be fine now (the latest branch is merging)16:39
sil2100didrocks: I poked him last week and he said that I was to wait till this week for timp to integrate it to UITK or something16:39
sil2100But if he pinged you, this means it's all ok16:39
sil2100My notes said: "wait till next week, timp is working on integrating it to UITK"16:40
didrocksok, apparently, it's ready16:40
sil2100Ok, I'll take care of the ted-related branches, like ubuntu-geoip, unity-greeter-session-broadcast and url-dispatcher - I already made packaging reviews for those16:40
didrocksgreat :)16:41
sil2100I just need to check if tests are there and/or they are needed ;p16:41
dobeywhat's the best way to get the architecutre in debian/rules with pure dh, to use in an if statement?19:15
asacdobey: dh? dpkg-* not valid?19:47
asacguess thats rather oops :)19:47
asacand you didnt want to ask19:47
LaneyThere's something you can include19:48
dobeyasac: slangasek answered in -devel (oops was becuase i meant to ask there); was hoping for a standard variable to use, but apparently it's not always set so setting it with dpkg-architecutre output is preferred19:52
dobeythanks though :)19:52
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