
airurandonot as polished as I would have liked but it is done.23:13
zmoylanlooks quite professional23:15
airurandowe will see what happens tomorrow evening23:15
airurandothanks zmoylan23:15
zmoylanonline irc thingy?23:15
airurando If you could hop into the #ubuntu-meeting channel on irc.freenode.net tomorrow evening (Tuesday 16 Jul 13 at 9pm Irish time). Our application will be third up for consideration.  If you can join the channel please voice your support for our Team when we are up.23:16
airurandopretty please :-)23:16
zmoylani'll be there.  not much travel to muck me up :-)23:17
airurandoif you could critically review the application and check the links I'd really appreciate it.23:18
* airurando is knackered23:18
zmoylanwill do so now...23:18
zmoylanis identi.ca not shutdown yet?23:19
zmoylanah, it's the new pump.io thingy23:20
airurandostill working the last I checked23:22
airurandobut the dent push to twitter stopped working a while ago23:23
zmoylanthat's twitter killing api 1.0 a few weeks back.   a ton of clients died that day :-(23:24
airurandohate that23:25
zmoylanif only the open source brigage would focus on a working system pump.io or diaspora would do nicely23:25
airurandoI'm away to bed.  Up for work again in 5 hours.23:28
airurandonn zmoylan23:28
airurandotalk to you tomorrow23:28

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