
pleia2got busy today with home stuff, will get to the newsletter once I manage to make+eat dinner :)04:20
pleia2we'll bullet-point blogosphere this week, not enough writers of summaries04:21
pleia2so I think it's time for me to do another call for writers04:21
josepleia2: I'm sorry for not being around too much lately, school's keeping me a bit busy (around finals now)04:40
holsteinyeah, i got slammed too04:40
holsteini'll try and be more attentive here when im just sitting around though04:41
=== jono is now known as Guest74174
dholbachgood morning06:44
* PaulW2U writes another couple of summaries but runs out of time :(06:53
pleia2PaulW2U: you can keep writing for planet if you're able06:54
pleia2I'm going to bullet-point the blogosphere ones06:54
PaulW2Upleia2: yeh, I saw that. Just a few left, the usual ones that always get left :)07:03
* pleia2 nods07:03
pleia2I'll add stats in the morning07:25
pleia2PaulW2U: thanks again :)07:25
* pleia2 sleep &07:27
=== toddyhb is now known as toddy
pleia2The new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue32521:13
Unit193Links done be good.21:18
pleia2thanks Unit19321:25

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