
* elky reads -irc01:17
elkywow... charming01:17
lotuspsychjehi to all02:22
lotuspsychjeseems like the !mir trigger does an automatic antiflood in #ubuntu02:22
lotuspsychje<lotuspsychje> !mir | Dave7702:22
lotuspsychje<ubottu> Dave77: Mir is the next-generation display server currently under development by Canonical and Ubuntu. It's slated for inclusion in Ubuntu 14.04. For more information on it, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mir/Spec . For code, see https://launchpad.net/mir02:22
lotuspsychje* FloodBot1 zet modus op -j #ubuntu02:22
lotuspsychje* FloodBot1 zet modus op -q #ubuntu $~a02:22
lotuspsychjejust letting you know02:23
=== Guest46086 is now known as jpds
PriceyRight, I'm interested.11:32
PriceyNow taking bets on "using a different operating system", "included the quote marks when pasting" etc. etc.11:33
ikoniacome on, we all know it's going to be RHEL11:33
Pricey"installed samba from source"11:33
ikoniahence why he was reading a web page that said use /etc/init.d11:33
ikoniaI'm still betting on RHEL/Fedora.....11:34
PriceyWell that's a disappointing conclusion.11:45
ikoniawhich one ?11:45
ikoniaI'm dissappointed with most at the moment11:46
k1lnot that bongo spammer again :/12:36
DJonesThey've not been around for a while, maybe they've been on holiday for a couple of weeks12:41
k1lor they are bored again12:42
=== h00k_ is now known as h00k
Pici"well, this ikonia person said I should ask in #ubuntu-offtopic"16:57
ikoniathat can't happen16:57
ikoniaplease don't say that can happen....16:57
PiciI'm joking.16:57
ikoniaI know I know16:57
ikoniayes, hopefully16:57
ikoniapeople are just too quick to dump people into #ubuntu-channel16:58
ikonia#ubuntu-$something doesn't have to serve everything,16:58
ikoniavery annoying as MonkeyDust is always dumping people in #ubuntu-offtopic for everything not-ubuntu-support16:58
LjLconsidering there is/was "Ubuntu for Android", which may or may not have spawned Ubuntu Touch, which recently had a "180 flip" according to articles by becoming an Ubuntu environment with an Android sandbox in it, instead of an Android environment with an Ubuntu sandbox in it... i can see how people could be confused.17:30
ikoniaif it said "ubuntu touch" or "ubuntu on arm/android" rather than "I am running android" I'd agree17:32
LjLwell most people are running Android before they install Ubuntu Touch on their Android thingie; also, he was asking how to install fastboot on his *Ubuntu PC*, which is explained at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install#Flashing_the_device17:34
ikoniaI see where you are coming from, but when you dig a little deeper....17:34
ikoniaand that's what I wanted the others to do before pointing him off to channels17:34
ikoniabut I do see what you are saying17:34
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from jonathanlopez)18:05
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from JonathanLopez)21:02
ubottuwilee-nilee called the ops in #ubuntu (JonathanLopez)21:03
k1l_seems we have a new spam/flood script21:05

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