
jonathasHi, someone tests ubuntu?04:34
jonathasusing virtualbox04:35
jibelgood morning07:08
DanChapmanGood Morning all :-)08:37
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DanChapmanMorning jibel, on friday i added a test for eye-of-gnome to the autopilot ubuntu apps production branch. But it hasn't run over the weekend. Does it need to be manually added to the build params or something?09:50
jibelDanChapman, good morning, I added eog to the list of tests to run and started a new build.09:58
DanChapmanjibel, thats great. Thank you :-)09:59
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asacgema: is there known infrastructure bustage of maguro?12:45
asachttp://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/2986/ ?12:45
gemaasac: when you see a job with a image id with a question mark ?12:56
gemaasac: it is normally infrastructure related12:56
gemaasac: it means that jobs run but there was nothing there afterwards, not even to determine what image was run12:57
ckinggema, have we no power consumption results for july? http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/power/hardware/arch/i386/12:57
gemaasac: so the dashboard takes a guess and adds a question mark12:57
asacah so this one has it12:57
asacthats good info12:57
gemacking: we've been trying to move stuff to puts and had some disconnected time12:58
asaclet me set up VPN again (lost it a few weeks ago it seems)12:58
ckinggema, any ETA on when it will be back on-line, it's > 3 weeks now w/o data12:59
gemacking: let me get you one12:59
ckinggema, thanks13:00
WebbyITballoons: Hi. I did some autopilot test for clock app during the weekend, but first we have to resolve this issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1200699 When you have time, can you check? Thanks :)13:10
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1200699 in Ubuntu Clock App "Initial jenkins autopilot test failures" [Undecided,Incomplete]13:10
jibelDanChapman, eog tests are good, still 1 failure with firefox https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-ubuntu-applications/13:11
DanChapmanjibel, awesome! yeah the firefox test is a real pain as we can't introspect it. I'll speak with balloons about removing that one test as it does a google search anyway so two diff search's maybe overkill13:12
balloonsDanChapman, yea, nothing wrong with keeping the firefox test as stupid simple as possible. It can only be a basic test because it won't introspect14:16
DanChapmanballoons, hello! ok I will get that failing one removed then :-)14:32
balloonsDanChapman, :-)14:33
knomehello people14:33
knomeballoons, how's the thinkwork re: dropping test case names going? we ready to take action?14:33
balloonsknome, ohh what action did you have in mind? My resolution was to let status quo be the same but only merge new things with them removed14:34
knomedo another big push with them revomed14:34
knomebecause people will continue looking for examples14:34
balloonsknome, ahh.. I would accept a commit that did such a thing14:41
knomeok, i'll get a merge proposal in today14:42
balloonshow's the UI changes going? is stgraber freeing up as expected?14:42
knomeumm, i though he said jul 2*14:43
knomeso you'd have to ask him, i can't see into the future regarding his calendar ;)14:43
balloonsyea, it was the end of july.. just seeing if everything is still on target for that or not :-)14:43
knomeso test case names and test case id's14:43
knomeare we on the same page?14:43
balloonsknome, well let's check quickly14:44
balloonsexample test incoming14:44
knomesure :)14:44
knomeactually, while i'm at it14:45
balloonswhat would you change that to?14:45
knomewe should remove "tests" from all the testcase titles/filenames14:45
knomei would remove the lines beginning with Test-case name: gnometerminal14:45
knomesome of the hardware tests have semi-interesting ID's14:48
knomeCase ID: hwn-00114:48
knomewhich i suppose in this case translates to "hardware: wireless networking"14:48
knomei'm wondering if those id's are actually used instead of the test case titles14:49
balloonsmm the hardware tests? they are less groomed than the others14:51
balloonsit's possible you could find some slightly different and older methods in them14:51
knomewell i went through them when i did the last huge commit14:52
knomeso they shouldn't - except the things outside <dl>'s14:53
balloonsright.. I know jackson went through them as well14:53
balloonsbut it's *possible* :-)14:53
knomei mean, the only rationale i can think of *for* any test case name/id is the order of the tests14:54
knome(think: you must have had test #2 ran before this)14:54
knomeor, in a bug report, or a channel discussion, or test result comment: "bug #123456 appeared when running test #3"14:55
ubot5bug 123456 in xine-lib (Ubuntu) "podcast crashes amarok" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12345614:55
knomenot that!14:55
balloonsknome, breaking up the tests as we have, with descriptions works.. and having a way to refer to the individual test inside is helpful14:56
balloonsbut I don't want to confuse people with the weird old wiki syntax we used at one time14:57
knomeso do you think test case names should be kept anyway?14:57
knomethere is a solution...14:57
balloonsthat's just a bit silly.. what's your thought?14:57
knomewe could make all the tests require a header.14:58
knomelike: <h2>This test tests that... blah blah</h2>14:58
knomethen, with js, go through all the <h2>-elements and prefix them with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 ...14:58
knomeif a user had no js enabled browser, or their browser wouldn't support js (which would be weird), they would see the headers without the numbers14:59
knomebut they would still be able to know which test was which number by counting14:59
knome(if they had to)14:59
balloonsthat's reasonably sane.. most should have a basic description before the test14:59
balloonshmm.. so you auto number them14:59
knomewe can just look for all <dl>'s in the document and add a new element before them15:00
knomeso we wouldn't be requiring a header15:00
balloonsright right15:00
elfyI hope this isn't change for changes sake15:02
knomeelfy, you think i would propose something like that?15:02
elfynot normally no :)15:02
knomethis is a change for the sake of making the markup even easier15:03
knomeand reducing the things people need to remember15:03
elfythat's good15:03
elfythough I'm not sure people need to remember much15:04
knomeno.. my problem with the testcase names is that people keep asking what they should insert there, and there's a ton of conventions around15:04
knomestgraber, hey!15:05
SergioMeneseshi everybody15:07
SergioMenesesknome, elfy \o15:07
knomehello SergioMeneses15:07
SergioMenesesknome, how's everything?15:08
balloonshello SergioMeneses :-)15:09
knomestgraber, do you think you could get to one simple thing ASAP, probably before your sprint... adding the "if all actions..." -paragraph after each test automatically do people doing testcases do not need to maintain that15:09
SergioMenesesballoons, hey! :)15:09
* SergioMeneses hugs balloons 15:09
knomeSergioMeneses, fine! trying to make the lives of testcase contributors easier15:09
SergioMenesesknome, that sounds pretty nice, and what do yo have on mind?15:10
elfySergioMeneses: hi15:10
knomeSergioMeneses, see the backlog ;)15:10
* balloons hugs SergioMeneses back15:10
balloonsIt's going quite well. My inlaws have been visiting for over 2 weeks, but they just left this morning15:10
balloonsit's quiet in the house again, but a bit somber15:10
knomeballoons, hehe, congratulations!15:10
elfylucky you balloons - it was always party time for me when mine left :)15:11
SergioMenesesballoons, :O15:11
balloonsDanChapman, have you been able to meet up with vausdevan on the nautilus testcase and others?15:11
balloonselfy, I have pretty good inlaws tbh :-)15:11
elfyalways good that15:11
knomeballoons, i'm fine with my inlaws as well, but i can't say i'm not relieved when the leave :)15:11
knomeballoons, though i can say the same about my own parents ;)15:12
DanChapmanballoons, I havn't as of yet still waiting on him to ping me about a date/time that's good for him15:12
DanChapmanI did see on the mailing list that he was having troubles with unity & saucy15:13
balloonsknome, yea i'm a little relieved, but also a bit sad..15:14
balloonsthey live quite far away.. anyways ;-p15:14
balloonsDanChapman, hmm, I might try emailing him again.. Another question for you DanChapman :-) Have you found it useful to use the search function francis showed us last month @ the hackfest for gtk apps?15:15
balloonslet me find the snippet15:15
balloonsDanChapman, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5711368/15:16
DanChapmanballoons i have found it useful in places but it only finds the first object in the tree. So say you have 2 GtkEntry widgets one in main window and one in dialog both with same name. You wil only ever be able to get the main window widget. But for simple searches yeah it does help15:20
DanChapmanI tend to get_properties() then print them throughout the test. Makes an interesting bit of reading ;_P15:21
DanChapmanballoons, and cool about emailing him. Be good to get nautilus done :-)15:26
elopioballoons: ping. Do you know how we can add a pep8 check to the bot that runs the pre-merge tests?15:26
balloonselopio, the autopilot bot?15:27
balloonsDanChapman, :-)15:28
elopioballoons: It's called autopilot too?15:28
DanChapmanballoons, i just looked at that link? You've extended the one francis showed :-) ill have to try that one15:29
balloonselopio, lol.. bad word choice. when you say pre-merge tests, do you mean the tests from here?
balloonsDanChapman, ohh did I, lol? I remember messing with it a bit yes, but .../15:29
elopioballoons: yes. It would be great if the MP doesn't land if there are static errors.15:30
balloonselopio, the man to talk to about that is fginther :-)15:31
elopiogreat. Thanks balloons.15:31
balloonselopio, ty :-p15:31
knomebbl. balloons, ping me if you have further thoughts, i will need to reconsider the name/id thing myself :)15:32
balloonsknome, ok.. yea, I guess there was more discussion than I thought!15:33
fgintherelopio, we have a pep8/pyflakes checker we can add. Which project needs it?15:34
fgintherelopio, or does it need to only be pep8?15:34
elopiofginther: it would be great to have it on all the core apps.15:35
elopiopep8 and pyflakes. But first we need to make them compliant.15:36
elopiofginther: if I fix the current errors, then can I ping you to enable the checkers?15:37
fgintherelopio, Ok, just let me know how you would like to proceed.15:37
fgintherelopio, yes15:37
elopiofginther: thanks!15:37
stgraberknome: sorry, not sure I understand what you mean15:49
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SergioMenesesballoons, did you edit the Audacity testcase?16:41
SergioMeneseschilicuil, \o16:41
balloonsSergioMeneses, what do you mena edit?>16:43
SergioMenesesif you made changes before publish it16:45
chilicuilSergioMeneses: \o! long time to see my friend16:45
balloonsSergioMeneses, ohh I very well may have16:46
balloonsI fix spelling and formatting before merging things16:46
balloonschilicuil, and SergioMeneses at the same time.. A rare treat :-)16:47
SergioMeneseschilicuil, I've been too busy with my new job16:47
SergioMenesesballoons, perfect! I shall check it as soon as possible ;)16:47
chilicuilballoons: =)!, SergioMeneses yep, I've been busy too lately =/16:48
SergioMenesesballoons, aaaah... everybody say this is rare now16:48
SergioMeneseschilicuil, I'm playing with Bacula :)16:48
balloonsSergioMeneses, lol.. well it's just nice to have you both. Summertime is busier time for us here, but of course it's winter for you right SergioMeneses ?16:49
SergioMenesesballoons, no... we dont have winter here16:49
* SergioMeneses sad16:50
balloonsSergioMeneses, lol.. what do you mean no winter? Aka, it's always warm?16:50
* balloons likes warm!16:50
SergioMenesesballoons, yes.... only sun and some clouds16:51
balloonsI like that kind of "winter"16:51
* SergioMeneses says to balloons winter is coming16:51
elopiofginther: ping. can you enable the checks for ubuntu-filemanager-app, please?16:51
elopiobut only check the tests/autopilot folder.16:52
SergioMenesesballoons, =/ I would rather snow16:52
balloonselopio, I owe him a runthrough of all the core apps that can be turned on..16:52
balloonsheh, if you want to or have time to do it, I'd appreciate it.. it's on the list, but I'm backlogged as usual :-)16:52
balloonsSergioMeneses, yes, I get that. but it's not all it's cracked up to be.. So :-)16:52
elopioballoons: I'm not sure what you are talking about. I'm talking about the static checks.16:52
balloonselopio, ohh.. nvm then16:53
elopioballoons: but I can help, sure. I just need a better explanation of what you have just said.16:53
balloonselopio, basically we want to gate commits for all the core apps whose autopilot tests pass right now16:53
balloonswhen we first turned it on not all of them ran properly, etc, so only a couple are gated16:54
balloonsmore should be able to be gated now16:54
elopioballoons: got it. Where can I see the apps currently enabled?16:55
fgintherelopio, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cupstream2distro-maintainers/cupstream2distro-config/trunk/view/head:/stacks/phablet/ubuntu-touch-coreapps.cfg17:08
fgintherelopio, the projects with a "generic-mediumtests listed in the" configuration have the UI tests enabled.17:09
elopiofginther: cool. What does it mean template: False?17:11
fgintherelopio, It means that the generic-mediumtests is a pre-existing job and not generated from a template. cupstream2distro-config is what we use to auto-generate jenkins jobs. It's a little hard to make real sense of the cfg files without being a familar with the project itself.17:13
elopiofginther: yes, it's hard to read. For now, I17:14
elopio'll just ask you to update them.17:14
fgintherelopio, that's the idea. I maintain that file :-)17:14
elopioawesome :)17:15
fgintherelopio, but if you want a quick answer as to what projects are enabled, that's where you can look if I'm not around17:15
elopiofginther: for ubuntu-filemanager-app the autopilot tests are failing. But can we just run the static tests?17:22
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
WebbyITballoons: I wrote also two tests for calculator: https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/ubuntu-calculator-app/1188703 Maybe the delete test has to be rewrite if patch for bug #1198873 is accepted, but now it working17:35
ubot5bug 1198873 in Ubuntu Calculator App "[Calculator app] Need to add confirmation when deleting a calculation" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119887317:35
fgintherelopio, the autopilot tests are not enabled for ubuntu-filemanager-app17:42
fgintherelopio, 'not enabled' in jenkins that is17:42
fgintherelopio, are the static tests build as part of package build?17:45
elopiofginther: currently, they are not part of anything.17:46
elopioI'm not sure where to add them.17:46
fgintherelopio, most projects add them debian/rules so that they are always executed when the package is built17:47
elopiofginther: do you know a project I can take as an example for that?17:47
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fgintherelopio, I'll look for one17:48
fgintherelopio, do you have a launchpad branch with these tests?17:53
elopiofginther: no. Currently I'm just running the pep8 command.17:54
DanChapmanballoons, this final test doing manual partitioning for ubiquity is getting really hacky. I am getting 'object does not have any positional attributes' for nearly every object on the partition dialog and its basically boiled down to keyboard nav now and its horrible and fails LOTS!. Is it needed or will the current tests i.e default install, LVM and LVM with encrypt /home be enough?17:55
fgintherelopio, Oh, I miss-understood. I thought you had some unit-tests that you wanted to run.17:55
fgintherI've enabled the pep8/pyflakes check for ubuntu-filemanager-app. It runs as a post-build pbuilder hook.17:55
elopiofginther: cool. Is that pre-merge or post-merge?17:56
elopiothanks. I'll let you know when the others are compliant.17:56
fgintherelopio, thank you!17:57
balloonsDanChapman, manual partitioning.. it would be REALLY nice to have it. Perhaps xnox can shed light as to why it's not working17:57
balloonsDanChapman, did you speak with jibel at all this morning? I can setup a time for you to meet.. if you make it friendly enough of a time, I can be there too, to talk about running these ubiquity tests17:57
DanChapmanballoons, yeah i thought it would be really good to have. I'll get a list together then and will send it xnox's way see what he can do.18:02
balloonsDanChapman, we find bugs in manual partitioning more than other things, so :-)18:03
balloonsDanChapman, yep.. it's SO nice to have the developer here and handy to answer questions in this case18:03
DanChapmanballoons, I spoke to jibel briefly this morn about eog on jenkins. But yeah if you could arrange a time for us all to meet that would be great :-)18:04
balloonsDanChapman, can - do.. Can you meet between 1300 UTC and say 1500 UTC or so?18:07
balloonsI think that's the easiest time for me and jibel to meet18:07
asacdoanac: can you check that http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/20130715.2/ is in testing?18:09
DanChapmanballoons, yeah between then is good for me :-)18:09
asacdoanac: e.g. hasw been picked up by utah18:09
asacwas just produced a few minutes ago18:10
asacin the hope that we get new smoke results18:10
balloonsxeranas, hello18:11
xeranasballoons: I believe https://bugs.launchpad.net/sudoku-app/+bug/1195886 is already covered. At least what I see when I run test18:11
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1195886 in Sudoku App "Autopilot Testcase Needed: test 'clear' button" [Undecided,New]18:11
balloonsmm.. xeranas your right!18:12
balloonsI was just going through everything to make sure the status was correct, thanks for pointing this out ;-)18:12
xeranasno problem, still there are some places where I need learn18:13
balloonsxeranas, I'm always here to help :-)18:14
xeranastest_sudoku.py have some lines with 'lambda', not sure why we need it. It is better way to calling methods in autopilot?18:16
balloonsxeranas, good question18:18
balloonsso in order to use the eventually keyword in an assert you need to have a function18:18
balloonsso for example, if I want to assert that eventually a label changes, I can't simply assert that the label will equal "blah" eventually18:18
balloonsthe label won't change.18:18
balloonsinstead I can use lambda to make it a function, which grabs the label value18:19
balloonsso what will happen is the code will continually poll that lambda function (which grabs the value) until it "eventually" make my assert true18:19
xeranasah, it defines variable at run time18:20
balloonsetc, etc18:20
balloonsit's pythonic stuff.. I'm not the best authority on python, but :-)18:20
balloonsso we use those to be able to pass a function for our assert call with eventually in it18:21
xeranasballoons: I played bit with autopilot vis tool and find it very useful. However in time when I tried find e.g. those cells where user can enter numbers I was unable to. Now I see writen test for new button and it was used object name "blockgrid"18:31
balloonsxeranas, for sudoku touch?18:31
balloonsxeranas, gotcha.. they are in the vis tool, you can see me find them in the video. Umm, basically look at the pages themselves18:31
balloonsI'd have to fire up the vis tool but you learn how Qt apps lay out there objects18:32
balloonsI found it using the vis tool, then went a looked at the qml quickly to understand things18:32
balloonsbut if you ever get stuck, feel free to ask me, or even the developers themselves as they wrote it so they should know :-)18:33
balloonsxeranas, sometimes it can be confusing though, I certainly understand that18:33
xeranasIs it normal that objectName value field is blank?18:36
balloonsxeranas, unless you've defined it, yes18:37
doanacasac: they are in the queue and running18:43
asacdoanac: awesome... what do you think is ETA beforfe i see stuff on dash?18:44
asac(no need to fastpath, just wonder)18:44
doanacasac: probably around the top of the next hour.18:44
doanacwe pull from jenkins every 30 minutes18:44
asacok so in 1:2018:44
doanacand most of the smoke touch jobs are done18:44
asacoh so even in 1518:44
doanacasac, yeah probably about 20 minutes18:45
asacdoanac: do you have the openvpn host at hand?18:45
doanacasac: you mean the private jenkins url or the url of the openvpn server?18:46
asacdoanac: gateway for setting up the vpn for now18:46
doanacbatuan.canonical.com :119218:47
asacdoanac: ok ... can you /msg me an example url so i can test?18:50
doanacasac: https://wiki.canonical.com/UbuntuEngineering/QA/VPN18:51
asacand still have access to inet18:51
asacnice pow 218:51
=== _salem is now known as salem_
balloonsbuonasera Letozaf_18:56
Letozaf_buonasera balloons :D18:57
Letozaf_balloons, what should we do with the rssreader app ? do you think I should try it with Xephyr ?18:58
Letozaf_balloons, or should I just wait for  fginther  to solve our problems ?18:58
fgintherLetozaf_, :-)18:59
Letozaf_fginther, :p18:59
Letozaf_fginther, if I can help someway... but it works on my box18:59
fgintherLetozaf_, I understand, It also works on my box. I have one task I'm trying to wrap up, then I'll start debugging this again. It's still possible that jenkins has some environment issue.19:00
Letozaf_fginther, oh good, so I will wait :p19:01
fgintherLetozaf_, sorry for this issues here.19:01
Letozaf_fginther, no worries I have fun, so no matter19:01
Letozaf_fginther, I like hacking :p19:02
fgintherLetozaf_, that's good! I'm sure there is lots more hacking ahead :-)19:02
Letozaf_fginther, cool :-)19:03
balloonsLetozaf_, fginther I'm going review another merge proposal then and hang tight on this :-19:03
balloonsI actually have 2 to do :-p19:03
Letozaf_balloons, ok let us know how the work19:03
Letozaf_balloons, sorry they work19:04
doanacasac: maguro results are up. the mako jobs are still queued waiting for another test to complete19:05
asacdoanac: sure?19:07
asacgrouper looks better19:08
asacdoanac: whats the easiest way to find my way from https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-touch-grouper-smoke-friends-app-autopilot/5/? to the internal stuff?19:09
doanacreplace jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com with
asacdoanac: not correct :)19:11
asacyou also have to replace https: by http:19:11
asac(for me)19:11
doanacasac: maguro jobs didn't run because the main smoke job failed:
doanaclooks like networking problems maybe19:12
doanacshould i try running it again?19:12
asacdoanac: quick questionm .. "restarting device" ... does that use the PDU?19:13
asacor does it try soft?19:13
doanacno, just a soft19:13
doanacthe phones can't use a PDU right now, because disconnecting power requires you to physically press a button19:13
doanacwe are still working on modding the devices to support that19:13
asacone sec19:13
asacso ... can we at least try to pull off something through "normal" adb19:14
asacat the end?19:14
asacseems we dont even pull of syslog19:14
asacin case ssh doesnt work19:14
asacwe have to pull something off if we can adb, but not ssh19:14
asacand let people see19:14
asacthen we can KNOW whether its really a network issue :)19:14
doanacasac: yeah, i can try and mod the job.19:15
asacand we could even report that as a "very basic smoektest"19:15
doanaci haven't looked at this job closely before.19:15
asacso yuou see: yeah, we can log int19:15
asacand yeah we saw network up there19:15
asacand yeah, we can ping the device19:15
asacmaybe the "default" woyuld at best run through normal adb alltogether?19:15
doanacasac: that's the real fix, is that "default" shouldn't have to do all the SSH stuff.19:16
asaclike for jobs that dont need to scp -r, we can just copy file with adb push19:16
doanacthis is left over from early testing paul did19:16
asacand then always get results19:16
asacright :)19:16
asacso we agree19:16
asacsounds simple enough to do default if the code is like i can imagine19:16
doanacthey really need to move over to my run_utah_phablet.py script19:16
asaci assuming merging results with utah.output19:16
asacwoudl be the hardest part19:16
asacunless there is a utah-config --merge :)19:17
asaci thknk i get a dejavu19:17
doanaclet me poke around this job and see if there's some simple updates I can add to improve. then when paul gets back we can make this work the right way19:18
asacyeah. well. at least pulling "raw syslog" at beginning and end19:18
asacshould be trivial'ish19:18
asacwith default landing later as a special job or something19:19
asacand an easy retry bot here19:21
asac!utah-rekick XXX19:21
xeranasballoons: It seems that on test_new_game_button (sudoku) there no validating that actually test if new grid with new numbers was generated. However because its random thing there exist chance that it generate same grid so probably better leave it as it is?19:23
knomestgraber, each testcase has this text at the end:  http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/270/builds/48777/testcases/1310/results19:58
knomestgraber, "If all actions..."19:58
knomestgraber, this is something we need to manually insert to the testcase text19:58
knomestgraber, can we make it appear automatically at the end of each testcase programmatically, rather than having to maintain that text in the testcaes?19:59
stgraberyeah, should be easy enough, though that'll have to wait till next week, I'm not touching the tracker this week, I've got all my work for July and most of that for August to do by EOW ;)20:00
knomesure, and you'll need to cooperate with me or balloons20:04
knomewe don't want the text appear twice..20:04
stgraberyeah, I'll Cc you on the RT once I'm done with the changes so you'll have a rough estimate (depending on how busy IS is) of when this will land20:09
knomeawesome, thanks20:13
knomealso, did you read the backlog?20:13
knomewe were considering adding a simple JS script to help with the testcase numbering20:14
knomefirstly, we want to remove test case names20:14
knomebut that also means we won't have test numbers (useful when you have many tests inside one testcase)20:15
knomethe js script would go through all <dl>'s in the markup and add an additional element that says "this is the test number N in this testcase" or sth20:15
balloonsxeranas_, I'm not sure I get your question20:21
balloonsxeranas_, you mean the test new game doesn't check for a game grid to be created? if it doesn't let's add it :-)20:21
asacdoanac: did you rekick maguro?20:28
asac(not sure if i distracted you too much :))20:28
doanacasac: let me re-kick. got distracted by something else20:34
=== elopio_ is now known as elopioo
=== elopioo is now known as elopio
asacdoanac: and maybe double check that mako is still queued/running20:36
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phillwballoons:  ping :)21:22
Noskcajballoons, who else needs adding to wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/WhoWeAre ?21:49
balloonsphillw, pong!21:55
balloonsNoskcaj, hmm21:55
balloonsNoskcaj, that's a really nice list of the regulars21:56
NoskcajIt seems to be most of the "voluntary" people covered.21:57
phillw balloonssoz, I was AFK. the area for bugs has now been updated (I know you always ignore my emails :P )21:57
phillwballoons: the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Overview/ page does not seem to be mentioned... where do you think it should be?21:59
balloonsThe activities page and the main page perhaps22:00
balloonsNoskcaj, lol, we can't force those who don't want to share to do so22:01
balloonswe could make it part of the signup process though22:01
balloonswe recommend mailing the mailing list to say hello and adding yourself to the page22:01
balloonsNoskcaj, make sense?22:01
balloonsI would support that22:01
Noskcajyep. sounds good. and it helps us monitor contributor levels22:01
Noskcaji'll work on it thisafternoon22:01
balloonsjust make sure we don't sound like it's required to be a part.. :-)22:01
phillwballoons:  I'd also support that they take the time to file a hardware profile, if they are going to say WHO they are, it does make sense to say WHO their computer(s) is/are.22:02
balloonssure indeed22:06
phillwballoons: is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cadence fully up to date?22:07
Noskcajballoons, latest from kirkland: He's always going to be too busy to help host a testdrive hackfest but is willing to answer some questions if necessary. He is willing to give someone commit privileges when they earn it.22:14
balloonsNoskcaj, ok, so perhaps you and howard can help do it then..22:14
balloonsI would wait till howard returns from london :-)22:15
balloonsbut we could schedule it now22:15
Noskcajyes and yes22:15
NoskcajI don't have time to schedule it right now (school in 5 minutes) but i'll send an email off when i'm at school22:15
balloonsphillw, umm hmm22:16
balloonsphillw, I updated the page because it had some bad links, but I'm also confused because it was showing cadence week three as this week not next22:17
Noskcajphillw, Where is that hardware profiles wiki page you made?22:19
phillwballoons: I suggest that on the Activities page, we make bugs a bit more prominent22:20
phillwNoskcaj: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Hardware22:20
balloonsphillw, I think the page is a bit better now: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Cadence/Saucy22:21
phillwIt's still a manual convert until the 'new' system comes available - but at least their profiles will not 'vanish'. That's the best I could come up with when profiles were still vanishing :/22:21
phillwballoons: we have a section on activities for bugs.... buried in the small print at 4.2 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Activities It already points to the overview page. Maybe it warrants a higher ranking?22:24
balloonsphillw, indeed.. it might be time to refresh that page again22:26
balloonssmaller and more concise is always better22:26
balloonsit always gets so long22:26
balloonsI still would like a section on running the development release.. I'm not sure what happened to that22:27
phillwit is called mission creep, and something I'm well aware of from the early days of lubuntu :D22:27
phillwballoons: give me an hour, and I'll have a draft up for you. (It's a "no brainer" for me to do the restructure, but on this occaision, you're the boss :D )22:30
balloonsphillw, feel free to edit away22:30
balloonswe can always revert easy enough, so it's no worries22:30
balloonsI appreciate the look over :-)22:30
fgintherballoons, fyi, the ubuntu-rssreader-app UI has changed and Letozaf_'s tests are completely broken as currently written (I can't figure out how to add and remove feeds with the new interface).22:37
balloonsyea, she fwd'd us that mail from joey22:37
balloonsit's ok, provided we don't issues again when we try and redo them22:38
balloonsthe calendar also has some UI work going on that will break things afaik22:38
fgintherballoons, ack22:38
phillwballoons: that is one seriously messed up page..... :: DEEP SIGH ::22:39
balloonsphillw, ty :-)22:40
phillwballoons: WTF? ... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ContributingTestcases Ooooh, some serious pruning needed!22:41
phillwdo NOT duplicate infromation!22:42
balloonsphillw, that should be the master page for thinga22:42
balloonsI'd prune activities first22:42
balloonsyour agree?22:42
phillwballoons: it's taking some what longer than my 1st estimate.... I'm just coming up for air! Wiki will be the death of me.... I forgot just how painful it is to convert a 'long' page back to the approved structure... :/23:24
phillwballoons: are you busy?23:44

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