
pitticould someone please mark colord as "autopkgtest known broken" so that it stops holding back packages (like the last systemd with fixed keymaps)?05:16
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infinitypitti: Sure.  Is someone going to fix the test?07:56
infinitypitti: Anyhow, that colord version's test is ignored for now.07:57
pittiinfinity: thanks; I talked about it with RAOF, yes08:06
RAOFpitti, infinity: Aha. It's the libcolorhug test that fails, in libgusb. Probably needs an actual usb device available. I've fixed this locally, and will upload once it's all tested to work.08:08
RAOFWhile I happen to be logged in to the testing VM :)08:08
pittiRAOF: nice!08:09
pittiRAOF: i. e. skip the test if there's no device available?08:09
RAOFThe first cut is to just not run the colorhug tests :)08:10
RAOFThen I'll work out precisely why it fails08:10
darkxstanychance someone could take a look at mozjs17? (in new queue). this is quite an important package for ubuntu GNOME...08:12
xnoxLaney: thanks, that makes so much sense now!08:30
LaneyI didn't know that the importer relied on being in core-dev either08:31
Laney(thought that ~ubuntu-branches conferred the required permissions)08:32
Laneyxnox: so is it possible to retry them?08:32
xnoxLaney: well, I don't see ebook in failures any more.08:34
xnoxpitti: can you reject https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/natty/eglibc/natty-201306242138/+merge/171220 ? i'm trying to get eglibc import up to date as per infinity's request (based on uploads only) and I don't need history from the proposed branch.08:35
pittixnox: done08:35
xnoxpitti: thanks.08:36
Laneyah, maybe they did get done already08:36
xnoxLaney: how did the error looked like? is it still on: http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/#analysis08:36
Laney401 unauthorised, so no08:36
Laneywhat about the latest set of failures?08:37
xnoxLaney: yeah, don't see that one. i just thought expired from core-dev will make that error the top one, rather quickly. The rest seem to be the "normal" failures.08:40
maxbThe importer needs to be in core-dev for those official package branches which are not owned by ~ubuntu-branches, IIUC08:44
Laneythat can happen?08:45
xnoxLaney: yeah, branches can be blessed to be lp:ubuntu/package.08:45
maxbyes, officialness is a separate pointer/flag/thing08:45
Laneyhow can I query it?08:46
maxbI'm not sure that was a good idea, as the importer's support for co-operating with humans pushing to the same branches isn't very good08:47
infinityjamespage: Did you meant to drop my armhf fix from golang by syncing instead of merging?08:47
maxbThe simplest way is to look which branches have the lp:ubuntu/... style names08:47
jamespageinfinity, no - I did not08:47
* jamespage berates himself08:48
jamespageinfinity, I'll fix that up right now08:48
infinityjamespage: Ta.08:48
jamespageinfinity, thankyou for pointing out my oversight08:48
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infinitycjwatson: FWIW, regenerating jigdo bits with jigdo-file seems to be a non-starter, as I can't sort out a way to make jigdo-file do the same --exclude magic we do via mkisofs/libjte.11:26
infinitycjwatson: So, newly-generated jigdo bits include boot/* which is suboptimal.11:27
infinitycjwatson: The path of least reistance here might just be to drop *{jigdo,template} from raring-server (I double-checked, and no other alternates referenced the unreleased finish-install version, so this only affects 4 images)11:27
cjwatsontools/jigdo_create doesn't work?  I thought that's what we used before we had jte ...11:28
infinityOh, hrm.  Am I to assume from that that if I explicitly feed it a file list, it'll skip anything not in it (ie: the inverse of an exclude)?11:30
cjwatsonI think so ...11:31
cjwatsonIt's been a long time11:31
infinityThough, I'd need to tear apart the ISOs and get file lists, then.  Fun.11:32
infinityOh, I guess I could just use .list11:32
* infinity tries harder.11:38
infinitycjwatson: Ah-ha, feeding it a file list and *not* pointing it at the mirror seems to be the secret.11:45
cjwatsonAh, good11:47
infinityOh man, screw you mkisofs, for not outputting your file list in lexical order.11:51
infinityBecause I wanted to diff this by hand, I really did.11:51
* infinity wonders why all his templates got bigger, and wonders futher if he should care...12:29
infinityProbably just differences between jigdo and libjte.12:29
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cjwatsonwould appreciate binary NEW review of click; tight deadlines here16:02
infinitycjwatson: I'll look at it after our call.16:02
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infinitycjwatson: Looks sane, accepted.16:19
infinitycjwatson: And bumped the powerpc build.16:19
cjwatsonah, that doesn't matter16:21
cjwatsonqueue'll clear soon enough :)16:21
cjwatsonbut thanks16:21
TheLordOfTimeinfinity:  thanks for the fast response to that bug and fixing that user's problem :)16:26
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Ursinhainfinity, slangasek, sorry, I got a kernel panic16:35
slangasekUrsinha: 'sok, you disappeared right as we were all wrapping up anyway :)16:36
Ursinhaah, ok then, have to investigate what happened here16:37
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bdmurraycould somebody sru release apt from precise-proposed?  I'd do it but I did the verification.19:14
infinitybdmurray: Done.19:32
bdmurraywgrant: would you mind reviewing https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/copy-set-phase/+merge/170775?20:14

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