[01:56] good evening... [01:57] This is the meeting channel rhernand [02:00] #startmeeting [02:00] Meeting started Mon Jul 15 02:00:32 2013 UTC. The chair is pleia2. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. [02:00] Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired [02:00] who all is here for the meeting? :) [02:00] o/ [02:01] o/ [02:01] \o [02:01] o/ [02:01] #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/13July14 [02:01] Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/13July14 - Ubuntu Wiki] [02:01] nothing on the agenda :) [02:01] Moar Geeknics [02:01] MarkDude: cool, have a date to report? [02:02] What time next month- I needs some help [02:02] Last event was full fail [02:02] Due to me [02:02] It was fun- but had smallest attendance [02:03] the link from geeknic.org you shared had a broken link to the actual info and rsvp stuff about the event :\ [02:03] so it was tricky for me to share around [02:03] Someone should organize an August picnic in Sunnyvale's Baylands Park. ;-) [02:03] eps: can you help MarkDude plan the next one? [02:04] Yay [02:04] Yes- multiple levels of fail [02:04] thanks for volunteering eps [02:04] It's probably too late to reserve Baylands. :-( [02:04] As well as links sent out that I was not aware of :D [02:05] MarkDude: yeah, it ended up being a bit confusing :) [02:05] I was confused- so Imagine it was a hassle for ithers [02:05] hehe [02:05] ok, so MarkDude needs help planning for the next geeknic [02:06] MarkDude: feel free to post to the list to ask for help too, I'll ask around and see if anyone can [02:06] Ok [02:06] I'm not available the saturdays of the 10th or 17th in august (have events) [02:06] (fosscon in philly is the 10th, woo!) [02:06] Ok, eps - lets see if we can plan it- and have you email lest once we are set [02:07] +1 FOSScon [02:07] OLPC Summit in OCTober- towards end of month, otherwise thats all I have :) [02:07] 18, 19 and 20th [02:07] cool [02:08] downtown at SFSU [02:08] grantbow: PM me your phone number so I can get you access to olpcsf stuff [02:08] k, thanks [02:08] so, CLS and OSCON next week [02:08] who all is going? [02:08] I know philipballew is going up to help with the Ubuntu booth [02:08] I'll be attending both afterall (speaking at oscon) [02:10] MarkDude: will you be there? [02:11] alright, so what else... [02:11] we've lost access to our identi.ca account for now :( they switched to a new authentication system, in doing so they reset all passwords and if you account doesn't have an email address associated with it you're locked out of your account :( [02:12] I'll keep an eye on it in case they end up finding a mechanism for us to solve this, a lot of other people are in the same position, it's not good [02:12] * MarkDude will miss his 1st OSCON in 8 years [02:12] :( [02:12] aw, bummer [02:13] Evan is reachable via Identica from last I rememebr [02:13] The only way I know of to really solve Identica issues [02:16] MarkDude: he works for identica? [02:16] if you could lend a hand here, it'd be appreciated [02:17] I think he started it [02:18] I think that's pretty much all I had team update wise [02:18] ubuntu hour last week was great :) had like 12 people and we did a keysigning! [02:19] in san francisco [02:19] nice [02:19] Yep he started it- [02:20] anyone else have anything to discuss? [02:21] Evan P, not our Evan B :-) [02:21] I'm going to be traveling during our next meeting in 2 weeks, our meetings have been pretty lean lately so we can either decide to 1) cancel it 2) someone else volunteer to announce and run it [02:22] thoughts? [02:22] I'll do it [02:22] ok, thanks grantbow :) [02:22] I got a question... I recently relocated from San Jose, CA to San Antonio,TX and there doesn't appear to be a group in this city [02:23] any recommendations? [02:23] rhernand: have you spoken with folks on the state-wide team? [02:23] try /join #ubuntu-us-tx and /topic :-) [02:23] groups in the US are organized on the state level, in texas I think they then have subteams [02:23] if one doesn't exist, you can typically propose to run an event and see who comes :) [02:24] i might have to do that... [02:24] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TexasTeam has info about parts of the team though [02:24] Title: [TexasTeam - Ubuntu Wiki] [02:24] I met with the Dallas folks once, but that was 5 years ago at this point ;) [02:26] any upcoming events to announce? [02:27] nothing out of the ordinary comes to mind - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/UserGroupContacts/Groups [02:27] Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Projects/UserGroupContacts/Groups - Ubuntu Wiki] [02:27] alright, thanks everyone :) [02:28] thanks [02:28] rhernand: lots of folks involved with event coordinating here, so if you need help planning something in your area please feel free to ask :) [02:28] #endmeeting [02:28] Meeting ended Mon Jul 15 02:28:21 2013 UTC. [02:28] Minutes: http://ihas.5cat.com/~darthrobot/ubuntu-us-ca/2013/ubuntu-us-ca.2013-07-15-02.00.moin.txt [02:28] +1 [02:29] * pleia2 back to home things [04:01] bah, I'll be on an airplane for the meeting after next too [04:01] (coming home from fosscon) === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-ca to: Welcome to the Ubuntu California Local Community (LoCo) Team! | Website: http://ubuntu-california.org (has links to mailing list, forum, and more!) | Next Meeting: July 28th | This channel is publicly logged at irclogs.ubuntu.com | We have an unlogged channel at #ubuntu-us-ca-offtopic === jono is now known as Guest74174 === mikestewart is now known as ms|afk [19:31] * bkerensa has determined the only way to beat pleia2 in steps is if he walks the entire Oregon Zoo [19:31] lol [19:31] zoo++ [19:33] pleia2: you inspired us to get a zoo membership [19:33] best investment ever :) been there two weekends in a row [19:33] yay :) [19:34] museums are ok, but zoos are fun places for getting outside and being entertained [19:34] especially when close to public transit like OR's is [19:34] Zoos are a lot more fun than museums. [19:35] Though sometimes I feel guilty about liking them (animals in prison ... even if the prisons are nicer now than they used to be). [19:36] I've liked the trend lately for zoos to adopt injured animals that can't survive in the wild (blind sea lions, bald eagles with only one wing - both at sfzoo) and working hard on breeding programs for critters endangered in the wild [19:36] I feel guilty about healthy animals in captivity too [19:37] Agreed. They're wonderful places for an injured animal. [20:14] Not sure if anyone is in the area or interested, but a few people will be meeting for keysigning tonight at 7:15pm at Peet's Coffee & Tea 4598 El Camino Real, Los Altos, CA 94022 [22:00] There was a eagle at the Oregon Zoo that was injured in the wild and they took it in