
snap-lGood morning12:05
snap-lQuick poll: If there were a separate jobs mailing list for a certain user group that allowed recruiters to post directly to the list, would this be something you would be interested in?15:34
snap-l(assuming you were in the job market, etc)15:34
_stink_i'm sure i'd subscribe, then filter then somewhere i would never read15:40
greg-gliberationtech has a -jobs list, but it doesn't seem to have recruiters post to it, more often the list admin or people from the companies doing the hiring15:43
snap-lYeah, that's what I'm afraid of: people will either not subscribe, or they'll not read it16:12
snap-lthen again, it would get some of the traffic off of the main list. :)16:12
greg-gis this MUG?16:13
snap-lIt could be. :)16:13
greg-g(there's no traffic on ubuntu-us-mi, of course :) )16:13
snap-lYeah, there's a little traffic on that list.16:14
snap-lubuntu-us-mi that is16:15
snap-lAlso, if you ever decide to have a group called mug, or a podcast named "metal", expect folks to try to solicit you ceramic mug manufacturing, or nickel alloys.16:16
snap-lThank God I don't have an Apple Product liberation blog called Free Ipad or I'd really be in trouble.16:20
brouschsnap-l: How many jobs posts are there to MUG?16:34
snap-lWe usually get about 1-2 a month16:42
snap-lso it's not horrible traffic, but I'm wondering if we could open it up some more16:42
snap-lJust wanted to get a general sense if I was completely off-base for suggesting it16:43
brouschI think there's no point until you get a complaint from a member16:48
brouschFor GRWebDev we set up a free jobs board so people can post. Peoeple interested in the jobs can go there16:49
snap-lYeah, we've kicked that around as well16:50
greg-gI find it funny that Fx nightly plays youtube videos just fine, but chromium consistently gives me "video not available" errors17:28
snap-lWonder if it's something to do with Flash between the browsers17:30
snap-lor perhaps some privacy foo17:30
greg-gprobably option 217:32
greg-gbut duno17:32
greg-gI even have flashblock going on Fx17:32
greg-g(so, two clicks needed instead of just one)17:32
jrwrendoes chromium come with flash like chrome does?17:42
jrwrenthere ya go.17:46
greg-gdoesn't make sense, wouldn't it give me a "no flash, dur" error instead?17:48
rick_hbecause it hates you17:48
rick_hit's quite personal17:48
* greg-g nods17:48
greg-gunderstandable, I dislike it as well17:48
snap-lEvery time I think "I should learn me some Javascript" I read something like this.17:54
jrwrensnap-l: don't let that stop you. C compilers weren't compatible with each other for many years. it is still a great language.17:55
snap-lI know C doesn't guard against shit, but it seems like Javascript sets out a welcome mat over a vat of laser-sharks17:55
jrwrenjust follow Crockford style JS and all is good.17:56
rick_hjslint or bust17:57
rick_hand if it huts your feelings then man up and get over it17:57
snap-lProgramming is hard. Let's go shoppinmg17:58
jrwrenshopping is hard, lets write a database.17:59
snap-lChecking integrity is hard. Let's write MongoDB.17:59
snap-l(aside: I noticed identi.ca was having replication issues with MongoDB. Could only shake my head.))18:00
jrwrenmongodb is webscale18:00
snap-lMongoDB is a steaming pile of webscale.18:01
jrwrenTIL: debian packages nginx in both -core and -light versions.18:46
snap-lwhat's the difference between the two?18:53
jrwrenlight is not a complete set of core modules.  -full has full core modules.18:56
jrwrenoops, its -full and -light18:56
snap-lAh, ok18:57
rick_hyea, lots of optional modules but requires recompile19:31
jrwreni'll start with full, then maybe try light19:32
jrwrensince all I really need is uwsgi19:32
jrwrenwtf ubuntu - uwsgi 1.0.3, isn't that ANCIENT?!?20:47
jrwrenoh, its the LTS uwsgi.20:49
rick_hyea, pip install uwsgi ftw20:50
jrwrenactually 1.0.3 is fine :)20:56
jrwrenadn my good it is FAST20:56
jrwrennginx+uwsgi FTW20:56
rick_hyea, it's nice. I run bookie with nginx + uwsgi20:56
rick_hthough I do want to go to gunicorn20:57
jrwreni adapted http://justcramer.com/2013/06/27/serving-python-web-applications/20:57
jrwrenand WOW this is faster than I thought it would be.20:57
rick_hhttp://docs.bmark.us/en/latest/hosting.html#hosting-your-bookie-installation is the bookie docs and a little bit out of date20:57
jrwrenok i'm still in awe of how fast this is.20:57
rick_hvery cool20:58
jrwren1100 rps with running ab -n 10000 -c 10020:58
jrwrenoh, lol, that wasn't hitting the uwsgi, that was just nginx redirecting /a/b/c to /a/b/c/21:10
rick_hok, that makes more sense21:22
snap-ljrwren: nigix serves /dev/null like a bat out of hell23:12

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