
=== mastershake is now known as halp
Dr_willismoses,  yes.. changeing groups.. requires a log in/out00:00
volf_Well, duh.00:00
mosesty for your help00:01
HateGrubquick question, sdc is hd2 for grub00:03
histoHateGrub: Are you installing grub manually now?00:05
histoHateGrub: where are you going to boot your efi files?00:05
notturawhy is jockey-gtk not seeing my ati sapphire 2600xt ?00:05
notturadoes that card not require fglrx, or not work with it or something ?00:05
HateGrubhisto: machine is working fine for the other 2 oses (osx and win8). Ubuntu was installed on the third hd when it was the only one enabled. When I tried to enable the other ones again, it failed.00:06
halpwhat do i do when this happens? " E: IO Error to output - fwrite (28: No space left on device)00:06
Dako300halp: delete stuff00:06
HateGrubhisto: so, I'm checking grub.cfg directly now. for instance: set root='hd0,msdos1'00:06
notturaa sudo apt-get install fglrx results in a broken system btw.00:06
histoHateGrub: do you have secure boot enabled and can describe "failed"00:06
halpapt-get remove?00:06
HateGrubhisto: this is probably wrong.00:06
histoHateGrub: not when it was the only drive00:07
Dako300IF it is removeing items on that device than go ahead.00:07
HateGrubhisto: I don't know if I have secure boot enabled. Most probably no, because Im already running osx and Win800:07
notturamaybe a better question is: does an ATI card from abotu 2007 able to use the fglrx drivers? or would one use radeon for that ?00:07
histo!ati | nottura00:07
ubottunottura: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto00:07
Dako300nottura: I would think that it is now enough to use those.00:07
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HateGrubhisto: yep, but now is disk # 3... strange, I thought that it would be considered disk 1 when I select it as boot device inside the bios00:08
HateGrubso, let me try to change it00:08
histoHateGrub: yes grub numbering starts at 0 so change it to 200:08
Dako300I have an old Dell Workstation that I ordered upgrades for. I managed to get the system to boot with 2 GPUs (the BIOS doesn't support the card natively) and I get a text prompt as normal from the second card (I run ubuntu server) but whenever I try and run startx and start lightdm, it crashes and has a sementation fault. The card I am using is an Radeon X160000:09
HateGrubhisto: and it's currently booting directly. How can I force a timeout?00:09
HateGrubhisto: a lot of ifs for the timeout, including some -1, which I would assume is the go directly, right?00:10
notturaDako300, not enough?00:10
notturayou are saying you dont think the card uses fglrx?00:10
Dako300nottura: I would think that a card from 2007 would probably use fglrx but believe me, installing it is a pain.00:11
notturait seems a dedicated ATI card would get picked up by jockey-gtk00:11
Dako300I would think so too.00:11
notturaDako300, it is not a pain usually. but maybe for an older card it is00:11
notturai will do it debian way maybe00:11
notturabut honestly i am tired of those guys00:11
histoHateGrub: You can edit the /etc/default/grub and sudo update-grub00:11
notturathanks for help00:11
Dako300I tried to install the drivers to fix my problem but that forced me to fall back on the older card.00:12
HateGrubhisto: ok, let me try that00:12
Dako300My card is not that old, it is a Radeon X1600 XT from about 200600:12
HateGrubI think I should change that to false as well00:13
microcodeUbuntu Wiki login is broken00:13
microcodethe OpenID login completes on login.ubuntu.com, but doesn't come back to wiki.ubuntu.com00:13
Dako300are you sure this is the right place to point that out?00:14
microcodedoes anyone know where best to report this issue if I'd like to get it fixed?00:14
microcodeI just don't really spend much time giving a damn about ubuntu00:14
microcodebut I need to be pointed in the right direction to correct an error00:14
volf_(he said on the Ubuntu chat room)00:14
Dako300Oh..., then I think there should be an option to contact the webmaster00:14
microcodeI'm having a difficult time finding such contact information :P00:15
histomicrocode: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpContents00:15
rbanffyDr_willis, thanks. BRB00:16
HateGrubhisto: ok, rebooting. thanks.00:16
microcodehisto: I'm looking for the webmaster in charge of it, not help on setting up MoinMoin00:16
histomicrocode: /j #ubuntu-doc00:17
histomicrocode: from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Teams00:17
histomicrocode: there is also #ubuntu-wiki which is probably more appropirate00:17
tgm4883microcode, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website00:17
Dako300I have an old Dell Workstation that I ordered upgrades for. I managed to get the system to boot with 2 GPUs (the BIOS doesn't support the card natively) and I get a text prompt as normal (I run ubuntu server) but whenever I try and run startx of start lightdm, it crashes and has a sementation fault. The card I am using is an Radeon X160000:18
microcodehisto: thanks, wasn't aware of the channel00:21
hans_henrikmicrocode, are you ignoring pms btw?00:23
microcodehans_henrik: didn't see the pms, sorry00:25
beardtre2Sometimes, all of a sudden, my computer completely hangs, and all I can do is SysRq. https://paste.sh/8QxMMyJ2#hkVGsFZIhi9S6qzoDdtgi-e7 any thoughts?00:30
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toddsirloinjrSo, what about that Ubuntu touch? Anybody try it out?00:41
Dr_willisits a work in progress. :)  it has its own channel00:43
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch00:43
Dr_willisI havent even tried it on my Nexus700:44
airtonix_suddenly today for someone reason I can't ping my resolve my local machines avahi hostname "nova.local"00:46
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* airtonix rages00:46
airtonixarggh it start working again.00:48
fire-net-corphello good afternoon someone can help me with my ubuntu 13.04 please00:52
fire-net-corphello good afternoon someone can help me with my ubuntu 13.04 please00:53
fire-net-corphello good afternoon someone can help me with my ubuntu 13.04 please00:54
mastershakedoes anybody know anything about chromebooks00:54
guestnope no one does00:54
guestinstall gentoo00:54
mastershake>inb4 install gentoo00:55
mastershake..god damn it00:55
fire-net-corpdoes anybody know anything about chromebooks00:55
fire-net-corp<guest> nope no one does00:55
fire-net-corp<guest> install gentoo00:55
fire-net-corphello good afternoon someone can help me with my ubuntu 13.04 please00:55
mastershakefire-net-corp: what happened00:56
fire-net-corptanks mastershake00:56
guestdoes anybody know anything about chromebooks00:56
fire-net-corpas I can activate my audio on my ubuntu 13.3000:57
mastershakeguest: install gentoo.00:58
fire-net-corpwhen I access all settings and the sound option appears empty00:58
fire-net-corptravez play sound00:58
badk1ttyhow about changing the unity launcher from top to bottom in 13.04?00:59
goodk1ttyinstall le gentoo xD00:59
mastershakebut first, rm -rf * in terminal.01:00
goodk1ttynow what01:00
badk1ttycute name01:01
badk1ttytoo bad we're not sitting on some cat's shoulder goodkitty01:01
guestnow what01:02
badk1ttysay what again... ah wrong movie01:03
badk1ttyhow about changing the unity launcher from side to bottom01:03
guestDoes anyone have pinguy installed?01:03
beardtreeSometimes, all of a sudden, my computer completely hangs, and all I can do is SysRq. https://paste.sh/8QxMMyJ2#hkVGsFZIhi9S6qzoDdtgi-e7 any thoughts?01:03
=== TacitBlue is now known as Tacit_AFK
SoumenHi everyone, I need some help. I have a 12.04 installtion running on my system and my hard drive is due for replacement due to some issues. I was wondering if any tools exist to make an image of my current system. I had used remastersys once long back for this, but I'm not sure if it still works01:04
badk1ttyhardlocks are mostly hardware01:04
badk1ttytry a ghosting software01:04
guestHow the fuck do I get rid of the desktop clock widget thing in Pinguy 13.04?01:04
JustAPersonAnyone have any experience with Ubuntu as a guest OS inside of VirtualBox? When I try to use VirtualBox's "Seamless mode", it displays the area around a window like this: http://i.snag.gy/VkSgj.jpg01:05
IdleOneguest: by asking the pinguyOS people and please don't swear in here01:05
guestnvm I found it :301:06
qiyonghi, how can I find ubuntu version codename in somewhere /usr/share ?01:08
mayhewIs it recommended to use the LTS-enablement stack for 12.04 LTS if your hardware works fine with the default precise stack?01:09
guest__le le01:09
Dr_willisqiyong,  its in a file in /etc/  but no idea about /usr/share/01:10
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »01:10
guestSo many people, so little c h a t .01:11
badk1ttyi was chatting no one was listening ... *pout*01:12
qiyongDr_willis: i'm not to find the current version, i want to know a list of codenames01:12
guestI actually was going to talk back but docky doesn't agree with my setup atm so it made me think XChat closed out.01:12
guestI was goodk1tty lolol01:12
Dr_willisqiyong,  not sure there is a list on a normal install.01:13
badk1ttyim still looking however it doesn't seem there are too much help in manipulating the unity launcher for 13.0401:13
badk1ttyhalf the site say download this plugin only dont tell you what flappin plugin01:14
badk1ttythat one dude said no swearin01:15
badk1ttymaybee he meant like swearin an oath then.... lol01:15
Dr_willisif you are refering to the FLASH plugin - its in the repos.. you dont download it via your browser like in windows.01:15
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash01:15
Dr_willisnot sure how that relates to 'manipulating the unity launcher' however. ;)01:15
badk1ttyno its in relation to moving that damn launcher to the bottom01:15
badk1ttyit doesn't but thanks for responding01:16
Dr_willisQuick answer is - You dont move it down to the bottom.01:16
Dr_willisIf you want a lower panel. use some other dock with the unity panel.01:16
badk1ttythats a microcrap move making something in the OS you can't manipulate01:17
Dr_willisthere USED to be some unofficial patched unity panels out there.. but they had issues, that couldbe onthe bottom01:17
Dr_willisbadk1tty,  dosent matter - thats how it is.01:17
badk1ttythat must be the site i'm on now thats what its talkin about01:17
Dr_willisthat bottom unity panel thing. may or may not work with newer releases. ive not seen it mentioned in ages01:17
Dr_willisIf i want a lower panel. I just use some dock  for the bottom and hide the left side panel01:18
badk1ttywere theres a will....01:18
badk1ttyi'll figure it out eventually01:18
badk1ttyit will comply01:19
eeecoderI hope I am going to get some help here.01:19
badk1ttyi mean the menu doesn't load any options for the bottom position however there has to be  config file for the app01:19
Dr_willisbadk1tty,  for the left side panel? its a compiz plugin.01:20
Dr_willisunity is a plugin running under compiz. and theres no option ive seen  lately to move it to the other side, or to the bottom.01:21
badk1ttythank you01:22
badk1ttyi needed the name of the plugin that dude was talkin bout01:22
=== qos|away is now known as qos
badk1ttyso just hack the plugin find the config file and edit it01:22
badk1ttyif the visual menu don't comply go around it01:23
Dr_willisi doubt if its going to be that simple01:23
=== poli_ is now known as poli
badk1ttynever underestimate the k1tty01:24
Dr_willisit is very likely the positioning is hard coded in the actual code.01:24
badk1ttywell that's not very christian of em01:24
Dr_willisdosent matter.. thats how it is.01:24
badk1ttyi don't think it's that encased01:24
Dr_willisive definatly seen a lot of settings that are hard-coded01:24
badk1ttymost nix software is opensource01:24
Dr_willisopensopurces does not mean the settings are in a 'config text file'01:25
badk1ttymaybee maybee not01:25
Dr_willisUnity./compiz uses the gconf/dconf method to store settings also01:25
badk1ttycan't be any worse than unpacking and recompiling a kernel01:25
Dr_willisyes it can.01:25
badk1ttyfind a way to win01:26
badk1ttyyour nick should be 'devils advocate' tho i appreciate the sentiment01:26
Dr_willisif you dont like the unity desktop layout/settings, use a differnt desktop.01:26
badk1ttyseriously thanks for your help01:26
badk1ttyi'll just mod it it's cool01:27
Dr_willisor as was mentioned.. run some other dock for a bottom panel thats the easy way to get a lower dock01:27
badk1ttywhat! muah do it the easy way shaaaf as if01:27
badk1tty<---------- doesn't like obtuse software01:27
Dr_willisnot sure how geometry figures into it....01:28
badk1ttyit's a metaphor silly01:29
badk1ttyyour fun to talk to01:29
badk1ttyosik! it won't let scroll back up what was the name of that plugin again please01:30
Dr_williserr.. UNITY is a plugin for Compiz.01:31
Dr_willisUnity is the ubuntu desktop01:31
badk1ttyi furgot01:31
=== BlueShark is now known as ^_^
badk1ttythanks doc01:31
otrenavHi all. I installed Ubuntu 13.04 in an iMac. I'm trying to boot from the USB with wireless keyboard. I can't seem to find a way to do this. Any ideas?01:35
=== Guest61475 is now known as MobGod
Coburnotrenav: what generation?01:36
CoburnIf it's PowerPC, it's not going to work01:36
CoburnPowerPCs apparently can't boot from USB (unless you hack open firmware or something)01:36
badk1ttythey still make powerpc's01:37
badk1ttyi thought they phased out the RISC chips in mac's01:37
Dr_willisThey did - a long time ago.01:37
Dr_willisI used to have one. ;)01:37
badk1ttyah see i was right01:37
badk1ttyRISC is still cool though01:38
CoburnI have a PowerPC G4 Mac Mini01:38
CoburnRunning Xbuntu 12.1001:38
badk1ttyold but still cool at least in my book01:38
Dr_willisI finally got rid of my old PPC imacDV. it was next to useless.01:38
CoburnWants me to update to 13.04 but no thank you01:38
otrenavCoburn: It must be 8,1 or 9,1.01:39
otrenavIt's the intel kind.01:39
CoburnMy G4 is > PowerMac10,1 MacRISC3 Power Macintosh01:40
badk1ttyeverythings the intel kind these days AMD seems to have fallen off the map01:40
CoburnI just built a new PC using AMD01:40
badk1tty"I could have been a contenda!"01:40
CoburnAMD is better with linux than Intel01:41
badk1ttyah ha right quote01:41
CoburnAMD = Better multitasking/multithreaded on *nix01:41
badk1ttyif you say so01:41
CoburnNot going to bash either party01:41
badk1ttyjust havn't used anything but old amd chips in nix01:41
Coburnotrenav: If it uses EFI to boot, then you need to use something like rEFit01:41
badk1ttywow back then i was running mandrake 801:41
badk1ttyTFC and counterstrike server01:42
CoburnI run mageia (fork of Mandriva) now on my new build01:42
otrenavI didn't install rEFit when I installed Ubuntu.01:42
otrenavBut, I'll try that.01:42
Coburnotrenav: afaik it's OS X only installer :(01:42
Dr_willisI doubt if theres much differance between AMD and Intel preformance these days01:42
badk1ttyim wiff doc on that one01:42
CoburnThe thing is, Intel may be faster, but if you look under the structure of the CPU, you'll see Intel has made "quick fixes" to compete with AMD's more thought-out structure.01:43
badk1ttywell maybee a dual MB with Xeon octa cores that one would probably walk away01:43
synergy_Do you install rEFit before you instal ubuntu with windows 8?01:43
CoburnI will say, though, Intel is CISC, AMD is RISC01:43
CoburnrEFit is just a boot manager01:43
badk1ttyamd is using risc cores on die?01:44
Dr_willisbadk1tty,  first ive heard of it... might want to verify that in #hardware01:44
badk1ttyyeah no osik doc01:44
badk1ttyi've never heard of that either01:44
badk1ttywould be interesting though01:44
Dr_willisi dont keep up with hardware much these days.   Other then my RaspberryPi.01:45
synergy_Right, I have issues with my boot manager. I keep getting the black screen when I try to get past the "try ubuntu without installing"01:45
otrenavI'm realizing that'd be a real pain. Any other ideas on how to boot an iMac (without rEFit) with Ubuntu 13.04 form a USB?01:47
nevyn11:49 < Coburn> I will say, though, Intel is CISC, AMD is RISC01:49
nevynthis is rubbish ^^01:49
Dr_willisnevyn,  ;)01:52
Dr_williswell both companies do make RISC cpus dont they. - isent ARM techincally a risc? or am i getting senile again01:53
nevynboth companies manufacture RISC and CISC cpu's01:54
nevynand the cisc cpu's tend to be a frontend on a risc execution core for both companies01:55
=== blysk is now known as KatsumeBlisk
lotuspsychjemorning to all01:59
gld1982ltdhello all. i need help with sshfs. i CAN mount sshfs shares after login, but at boot they fail. anyone know how to fix this?02:00
lotuspsychje!sshfs | gld1982ltd02:01
ubottugld1982ltd: sshfs is a !Fuse based filesystem which allows you to mount a remote system over !SSH - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHFS for instructions02:01
gld1982ltddid that02:02
Dr_willisgld1982ltd,  how are you trying to mount them at boot time?02:02
=== Zetrulator is now known as McNuggetz
Dr_willisgld1982ltd,  if your users home directory/partition encrypted?02:03
=== vibhavp_ is now known as vibhavp
Dr_williscould try mounthign them via thecommand line from /etc/rc.local perhaps   - i use sshfs, but  i have scripts to mount them when i want.02:05
Dr_willisnever used them in fstab. whats your fstab line look like?02:05
lotuspsychjegld1982ltd: maybe this can help? http://askubuntu.com/questions/154213/sshfs-mount-does-not-work-on-startup-using-fstab02:05
gld1982ltdlotuspsychje: i am sure i could make a script....but isn't fstab supposed to work?02:08
lotuspsychjegld1982ltd: note sure, never used it myself but many threads comming up on users that cant boot it by default02:09
Dave77how do I test if lightdm is configured correctly?02:10
gld1982ltdany suggestions of replacements for sshfs?02:10
allaireAnybody use monit? If you could take a look at my question I would appreciate it! http://serverfault.com/questions/523226/monit-daemonize-non-daemon-process02:10
kalakjhello everyone, i have a big problem, my laptop restarts everytime when i try to shut it down02:10
kalakji recently updated it02:10
kalakjand one problem resolved then another comes02:11
kalakjboth are annoying02:11
lotuspsychjegld1982ltd: maybe the #ubuntu-server guys might know howto?02:11
kalakjhelp me02:11
kalakji also tried, changing grub file02:12
kalakjand also installed latop-mode tools, still no progress02:12
kalakjhelp mee02:14
lotuspsychje!patience | kalakj02:14
ubottukalakj: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/02:14
lotuspsychjeDave77: you got any issues with lightdm?02:14
Dave77i'm not sure if its that or some config file but when I try startx it says 'no screens found'02:15
lotuspsychje!details | Dave7702:16
ubottuDave77: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:16
Dave77ok.. also can I install mir on ubuntu quantal?02:19
lotuspsychje!mir | Dave7702:21
ubottuDave77: Mir is the next-generation display server currently under development by Canonical and Ubuntu. It's slated for inclusion in Ubuntu 14.04. For more information on it, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mir/Spec . For code, see https://launchpad.net/mir02:21
newbie007greetings, does ubuntu support the mouse scanners, like the ones Brookstone has?02:22
gld1982ltd#ubuntu-server is dead.02:27
lotuspsychjegld1982ltd: you mean no movement at this time02:28
gld1982ltdwhat's the term?02:28
lotuspsychjere-ask your question in chat here once in a while, at other times ppl will be able to solve for sure02:29
Dave77are there any kind of system fix it utils for ubuntu?02:29
lotuspsychjeDave77: ubuntu-tweak can tweak stuff02:29
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newbie007does ubuntu support mouse scanners?02:32
airtonixlotuspsychje: tweak != fix02:32
airtonixlotuspsychje: isn't it obvious?02:33
airtonixlotuspsychje: or doesn't your irc client allow you to scroll back through previous messages02:34
wilee-nileenewbie007, I see just a few out there, and no open source references. Does not mean it wont work just no easily found info they will.02:34
Dave77would like to use linux for desktop but when something breaks can be difficult to fix02:34
* airtonix nods sagely02:34
lotuspsychjeairtonix: theres no reason to be sarcastic02:34
=== BJfreeman is now known as Guest73243
airtonixlotuspsychje: why not?02:34
=== _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman
newbie007wilee-nilee thanks, I couldnt find anything either.02:35
airtonixlotuspsychje: i thought you were being sarcastic to be honest.02:35
newbie007not sure how to determine if device XYZ is supported or not02:35
newbie007there is a list right? USB device identifies itself as some number. That number corresponds to a list in the OS02:36
wilee-nileenewbie007, I found a youtube video of home shopping, lol, and the host said just run the mouse wilee-nilee over the page, I laughed.02:36
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=== stux|away|away is now known as stux
Dr_willis'difficult to fix' often applies to other os's as well. ;)02:41
Dave77yes but on windoze are utils to fix things.. I broke my system perl on linux after trying to compile from source.. and had to start again from scratch02:49
=== vibhavp_ is now known as vibhavp
jlaI switched from an nvidia card to a radeon one without uninstalling the nvidia stuff first. Now when I log into the Ubuntu desktop I don't get a menu bar. When I log into Gnome (fallback) I get a menu bar, but I can't find02:54
jla'Hardware Manager', what is it's name to launch from a terminal?02:54
airtonixDave77: 1. if you're compiling stuff then isn't that expected 2. sudo apt-get purge thing-you-broke ?02:55
Dave77you see never.. heard of purge command..02:56
airtonixDave77: what about the man command?02:56
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airtonixDave77: also: while you will appreciate that apt-get only works on software it installs, if you compile something and make it install itself into the same place that apt-get would then i suppose : sudo apt-get install thing-you-broke --reinstall02:57
Dave77yes, but i'm not linux expert.. had a problem with libmad crashing and had to use the one from raring.. but that using that broke something else02:58
airtonixDave77: so a "fix it" program for things that apt-get has no idea about (ie you compiled it) i'm pretty sure are non existant.02:58
Dave77no i'm just saying in general for linux a fix it util.. to detect problems etc02:59
airtonixDave77: there is one, but it only works from data that follows a standard and describes how things should be: ie xdg spec, apt-get cache,  etc.03:00
airtonixDave77: it also likes to remove things it isn't supposed to.03:00
airtonixDave77: it's commonly referred to as a "system cleaner"03:01
airtonixDave77: http://www.maketecheasier.com/8-ways-to-maintain-a-clean-lean-ubuntu-machine/2008/10/0703:02
Dave77airtonix: do u know anything about dev for linux?  is it easy to make an app to play video in a window?03:03
airtonixDave77: old, but gives you an idea of what to search google for03:03
=== stux|away|away is now known as stux
airtonixDave77: also the program I was thinking of is bleachbit. just be very careful with this one03:03
Ali__plz need help03:09
Ali__hi every one03:09
varunendra!details | Ali__03:10
ubottuAli__: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."03:10
sarthorHI, I have toshiba harman kardon laptop, Core i3, Linux installed. there are control lights/touch bottons of volume, play/Pause, Wlan, that buttons lights are not turning on. While in bios or windows it remain on. HELP03:10
Ali__see this link plz
airtonixAli__: no.03:11
Coburnsarthor: do the buttons light up if you're using linux and you touch them?03:12
iBurleyAnybody know off the top of your head how to disable mouse acceleration on Ubuntu?03:13
sarthorCoburn: no, but the buttons are functioning. and the lights are off. in case I am touching or not, they remain off.03:13
CoburniBurley: this could help http://askubuntu.com/questions/26176/how-do-i-turn-off-mouse-acceleration03:14
Coburnsarthor: what is the model of your laptop?03:14
Coburnand also, may I ask why you'd want them on?03:14
sarthorCoburn: toshiba a665, I want them to work normal, like it do in Windows OS. and also I am a learner.03:16
CoburnOK. sarthor03:18
CoburnI did a quick google and found some info.03:19
CoburnI'll try to compile the info into a more easy-to-understand format, just one moment03:19
sarthorCoburn: Waiting..03:19
Coburnokay... what I see is this03:19
Coburnyour laptop's BIOS controlls the backlight keyboard03:20
Coburnnow the BIOS uses ACPI to do so. Toshiba have more or less, a habit of "breaking" the ACPI setup.03:20
CoburnFrom what I read, there's a button you can press to try to turn on the lights03:20
CoburnFn+Z ?03:21
CoburnIf people disable the ACPI, the system works as expected, but this breaks a lot of things.03:21
CoburnSince ACPI is one of the "engine components"03:21
* pionar is away: I'm busy03:21
Equinox3hi, the app menu on my unity takes all of my screen, is there any way to resize it to my liking?03:22
pionar HexChat: 2.9.5 ** OS: Linux 3.8.0-26-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Ubuntu "raring" 13.04 ** CPU: 4 x AMD A8-3520M APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics (AuthenticAMD) @ 800MHz ** RAM: Physical: 5.3GB, 70.8% free ** Disk: Total: 581.3GB, 93.5% free ** VGA: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI BeaverCreek [Radeon HD 6620G] ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HD-Audio Generic1: HDA-Intel - HD-Audio Generic03:22
pionar** Ethernet: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller ** Uptime: 3d 21h 38m 48s **03:22
sarthorCoburn: no result with Fn+Z03:22
wilee-nileeEquinox3, http://askubuntu.com/questions/68788/how-can-i-resize-the-unity-dash03:23
CoburnApparently with this, sarthor:03:23
CoburnQuote: "Have any of you guys tried booting up a windows install dvd and then pressing the keyboard backlight key on top of the keyboard? I did this and it worked for my toshiba satellite p755 s5265. You may not notice a change immediately, but after reboot into ubuntu, keyboard lights are on.03:24
CoburnI have only ubuntu and mint installed."03:24
wilee-nileeEquinox3, dconf has a bit of tweaks in general. ;)03:24
CoburnProblem is, you gotta carry around a windows disc03:24
Coburnboot -> do trick -> reboot -> use linux03:24
Equinox3thanks wilee-nilee, i'm gonna try it03:24
Coburnevery time03:24
sarthorCoburn: let me try my bootable usb, there is bootable win7 ISO inside. I can do a try.03:25
Coburnsarthor: before you do that03:25
=== helion20 is now known as mm12
mm12hey everyone03:25
Equinox3wilee-nilee: i thought those buttons were just to close the dash03:25
mm12what a good alternative to outlook for ubuntu03:26
Coburnsarthor, can you pop open a terminal and enter "ls /sys/class/backlight "03:26
Coburnmm12: Evolution...?03:26
CoburnI use Thunderbird myself03:26
wilee-nileeEquinox3, I see a hover om the top left for widgets, I use the shell so I forget.03:26
sarthorCoburn: ls /sys/class/backlight03:26
sarthoracpi_video0  intel_backlight  toshiba03:26
Coburnokay, arthor, can you do " ls /sys/class/backlight/toshiba "03:26
wilee-nileeEquinox3, Might be a tick in the unity-tweak app, not sure03:27
Equinox3wilee-nilee: i needed it resized so i could drag an app to my cairo-dock03:27
Equinox3now its done, so thanks03:27
Coburnokay, sarthor, can you do " ls /sys/class/backlight/toshiba "03:27
Coburnsorry, typoed name03:27
wilee-nileeEquinox3, I use the dock as well03:27
sarthorCoburn: ls /sys/class/backlight/toshiba03:27
sarthoractual_brightness  bl_power  brightness  device  max_brightness  power  subsystem  type  uevent03:27
Coburnnow we may be cooking with gass03:28
Equinox3wilee-nilee:  yes, it helps me alot03:28
Equinox3unity bar is auto-hidden03:28
mm12just got ubuntu its great03:28
=== dziegler_off is now known as dziegler
Coburnsarthor, can you do "sudo su" to go super user mode and then "cat /sys/class/backlight/toshiba/brightness"03:29
Equinox3mm12, wait till you run into something. ;)03:29
Coburnsudo su will require your password to go to superuser mode03:29
sarthorCoburn: cat /sys/class/backlight/toshiba/brightness03:29
mm12lik what?? lol Equinox303:29
wilee-nileeEquinox3, Unity has gotten really better, I use the shell it has some cool extensions, I occasionally run unity and wax poetic on the cuuuube03:29
Coburnsarthor: can do you do "echo 5 > /sys/class/backlight/toshiba/brightness" ?03:30
CoburnHopefully the lights will respond03:30
Equinox3wilee-nilee:  i don't exactly know what shell is03:30
sarthorI did that. no response of lights03:31
Equinox3mm12: you'll see. lol03:31
mm12ok brb03:31
sarthorCoburn: now cat /sys/class/backlight/toshiba/brightness03:31
Coburnokay, sarthor, can you do "cat /sys/class/backlight/toshiba/bl_power" ?03:31
wilee-nileeEquinox3, Ah, the gnome-shell it is gnome 3 which unity a plugin in compiz sits upon basically.03:31
CoburnThere's gotta be a magic trick around here03:31
sarthorCoburn: cat /sys/class/backlight/toshiba/bl_power03:31
Equinox3ah ok03:32
Equinox3i tried gnome shell, but it seemed to use more memory than unity, so i switched03:32
wilee-nileeIf you install the gnome-shell you get it and a fall back desktop of a psuedo gnome203:32
wilee-nileeHeh, but you know that already it seems.03:33
Equinox3ya a bit03:34
Equinox3what email client do you recommend for unity, anyone?03:34
lotuspsychje!info geary | Equinox303:35
ubottuEquinox3: geary (source: geary): email client. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3.1-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 1113 kB, installed size 4085 kB03:35
Equinox3thanks lotuspsychje03:36
Coburnsarthor: I'm out of ideas. I'd suggest trying the windows boot trick03:36
Coburnboot windows setup, wait until lights are on, hold power until PC is off, boot back up03:37
Coburnaccording to a thread, it helps03:37
_joeyhow do I enable pdf viewer in chromium? It downloads the file without rendering within the browser03:37
sarthorCoburn: you read here in the last? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1982078.html03:37
Coburn_joey: AFAIK PDF reader was disabled for security03:37
=== dziegler is now known as dziegler_off
_joeyis there a decent plugin?03:38
sarthorCoburn: it show cat /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/bl_power03:38
Coburnthat would be your screen brightness03:39
=== helion20 is now known as mm12
mm12hi all03:43
mm12getting an erro ac4f-b051 when i try to log into windows03:43
Equinox3mm12, try the windows boot cd and fix startup03:43
Equinox3dual booting win7 right?03:44
mm12no windows 803:44
mm12the only way i can into windows 8 is to go through the bios and tell it to go to windows803:45
Equinox3mm12:  i don't know about win 8 but in win7, with the boot cd, it would detect you had broken startu and will try to fix it03:46
Equinox3try if it also with win803:46
Equinox3this fixed mine03:46
mm12can i use grub03:46
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mm12hmm tells efi detected...please check options when i run grub03:47
wilee-nileemm12, at the end of the script it says this are you? "Please do not forget to make your BIOS boot on sdc (1000GB) disk"!03:48
mm12ahh ok thanks03:49
wilee-nileemm12, Heh, not sure that is the answer, uefi is more fun/terror than one should be allowed to have.03:50
=== helion20 is now known as mm12
quietonecan't get wireless working on dell inspiron/precise/ broadcom BCM431304:00
quietonebut does work with BodhiLinux04:00
wilee-nileequietone, You've seen the ubuntu broadcom wiki?04:01
quietoneif this, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2090138, then yes04:02
mm12i have a logitech webcam which software is good04:02
mm12i want to use it with skype04:03
wilee-nilee!broadcom | quietone good thread probably, but this.04:03
ubottuquietone good thread probably, but this.: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:03
whoevermm12: what do you mean , you just answerd your own question04:04
wilee-nileemaybe the same info, I'm not up on broadcom, so this is just info.04:04
quietoneyes, I skimmed that and not sure04:04
mm12Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Communicate STX04:05
whoevermm12: but you said you want to use it with skype, so do you have skype installed04:06
mm12yes i do04:06
mm12but i cant get it to work with it04:06
whoevermm12: so what is the prob04:06
mm12i want the use it so i can see the other person04:06
quietonethat page is well, confusing not sure what to do04:07
quietoneam I supposed to use that legacy stuff? or not? How do I know?04:08
whoevermm12: you don't need a webcam to see the other person, they need one to see you04:08
mm12so how do i check if my webacm is working that the question04:08
quietonethe machine is Ubuntu certified, why is it necessary to do extra stuff?04:08
whoevermm12: well what logitech do you have04:09
mm12Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Communicate STX04:09
wilee-nileequietone, certified does not mean plug and play, but that ubuntu did the voodoo they explain you do, to make all things work.04:09
whoevermm12: hold on am chekiing04:10
quietonewilee-nilee, thank you.04:11
wilee-nileequietone, Hard to follow those wiki's though at times I will admit, the channel generally has people that are up on broadcom.04:11
quietonewilee-nilee, ah. I promised to fix my partner's machine and today is the day04:12
aelmasryhi all04:13
quietonelots of hours and no progress :-(04:13
aelmasryanyone can know the solution to this problem04:13
wilee-nileequietone, Being here is the best place I think, the weekends can be a bit slow is all.04:13
aelmasryanyone can know the solution to this problem http://cairoportal.com/04:14
quietoneand i haven't even started on the touchpad problem yet! :-)04:14
aelmasryanyone can know the solution to this problem in this linke http://cairoportal.com/04:14
quietoneah, it is monday afternoon for me04:14
wilee-nileequietone, Ah, generally the busiest times are equal to US/European day and evening m-f.04:15
wilee-nileenot sure that exactly helps.04:15
quietonejust the price I pay for living in the future ...04:16
wilee-nileelol, no warping back to change it now. ;)04:16
helion20_Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Communicate STX04:16
=== helion20_ is now known as mm12
mm12Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Communicate STX04:17
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whoevermm12: gstreamer-properties  video tab, click test04:17
whoeveryou should see yourself if not you need to find the drivers for your camera04:18
aelmasrywhoever, are you see this erroe before The requested URL / was not found on this server.04:18
aelmasryanyone have solved to this error The requested URL / was not found on this server.04:18
chunkyheadI am getting this error when i try to open partitions i created in windows. sometimes i do get this, sometimes i dont, any idea why? PS: im using 13.04 and windows8 http://screencloud.net/v/qlvH04:18
aelmasrychunkyhead, r u see the error before04:19
aelmasryThe requested URL / was not found on this server.04:19
chunkyheadaelmasry, what do you mean?04:20
aelmasrysee this link http://cairoportal.com/04:20
aelmasrychunkyhead, http://cairoportal.com/04:20
chunkyheadaelmasry, what has that got to do with my problem?04:21
aelmasrywhat's problem04:21
chunkyheadaelmasry, I am getting this error when i try to open partitions i created in windows. sometimes i do get this, sometimes i dont, any idea why? PS: im using 13.04 and windows8 http://screencloud.net/v/qlvH04:21
somsipaelmasry: your virtual host is probably setup wrong, or your permissions are wrong.04:22
mm12whoever, found webacm works but why not in skype04:22
aelmasrysomsip, i think no problem with permissions04:23
aelmasrysomsip, i think no problem with permissions04:23
aelmasryand my virtual host no problem04:23
whoevermm12: i have never setup skype on linux, maybe you need to set it to /dev/vid0 in settings04:24
ss_hazechunkyhead, thats caused by sleep/hibernate regime set in windows..04:27
chunkyheadss_haze, but i always shutdown i never hibernate/sleep04:27
ss_hazethats what you think, when you use windows04:28
chunkyheadss_haze, what you say is pretty logical and make sence though.04:28
chunkyheadwhat do you mean?04:28
ss_hazewindows thinks it does locked hard drive04:28
ss_hazeor partition04:28
chunkyheadany way to maybe bypass this and get to the drive?04:29
ss_hazeturn on/off04:29
chunkyheadboot into windows again and switch off? -___-04:30
ss_hazeI don't dualboot since04:30
chunkyheadss_haze, this is shear stupidity. -_- i have to leave it upto chance for windows to free the lock on the partition. -_- i only dual boot coz i cant play games on ubuntu. :(04:31
ss_hazeread error message04:32
ss_hazeok, I'm out04:33
ss_hazenot too much time for this04:33
quietonewell I followed the instructions (I think) and still can't see my wifi (but can see the neighbors)04:34
nwidHey, I'm having a bit of an issue with ubuntu on an old macbook of mine. It keeps booting into low graphics mode. So I tried to boot to the GRUB menu (by holding shift at boot) and grub wouldn't show. Is there anyway to get to grub at all, or would it be less trouble to reinstall?04:35
quietoneoccasionally it will see my router04:35
holstein!grub | nwid04:35
ubottunwid: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub204:35
holsteinnwid: you can edit the options from there.. you can do it from tty or from the low graphics session04:36
=== jono is now known as Guest74174
aelmasryhi all04:56
aelmasryneed help plz04:57
Equinox3aelmasry: whats the problem04:57
aelmasryEquinox3, The requested URL /build.xml was not found on this server.04:58
holsteinaelmasry: what URL are you trying to open?04:58
holsteinaelmasry: what is that? your ip?04:58
aelmasrymy host04:59
holsteinaelmasry: that 404's for me04:59
somsipaelmasry: paste your virtual host file04:59
somsip!paste | aelmasry04:59
ubottuaelmasry: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:59
aelmasrythere way to remove apache and reinstall04:59
aelmasryremove apache and his files05:00
somsipaelmasry: yes, but that's the last thing to do. First thing to do is check you have setup the site correctly05:00
aelmasrysomsip, not problem with site setup05:01
aelmasrybecause his work before05:01
netlarI just got Ubuntu streaming , but not sure how to access it05:02
holsteinaelmasry: before what?05:02
aelmasrythis problem show with i try install zpanel05:02
aelmasryholstein, before install zpanel05:02
aelmasrynow i stoped zpanel05:02
leotrhello. By some reason i cannot log in using ssh (i can do it locally). What can be a reason?05:02
aelmasryand net reinstall apache05:02
aelmasrysomsip, give me way to remove apache and files and reinstall again05:03
holsteinleotr: firewall maybe05:03
somsipleotr: ssh -vvv can often give useful information05:03
holsteinaelmasry: use a package manager to remove it05:03
aelmasryhoschi, package manager in ubuntu linux05:04
=== viv`d is now known as vivid
holsteinaelmasry: correct.. open a package manager.. and remove or reinstall what you like05:05
aelmasryholstein, how05:05
aelmasryholstein, steps plz05:05
holsteinaelmasry: what did you use to install apache?05:05
holsteinaelmasry: then use apt-get05:06
=== stux is now known as stux|away|away
holsteinaelmasry: i searched "ubuntu remove apache"05:06
aelmasryholstein, i do it and try many why but nothing change05:07
holsteinaelmasry: then, that is not the issue05:08
holsteinaelmasry: i would deal with what broke it, zpanel.. where/how did you install and remove it?05:08
biggamer11anyone there?05:09
th0rbiggamer11, no05:09
holsteinbiggamer11: if you have a support question, ask.. otherwise, /join #ubuntu-offtopic for chat, please :)05:09
biggamer11ok i do have a support question, i have seemed to have locked myself out of my user account05:10
aelmasry_holstein, i need remove zpanel but i don't how05:11
holsteinbiggamer11: i would try going to tty and login, to make sure that you are not using the incorrect password05:11
biggamer11i have tried that05:11
holsteinbiggamer11: http://askubuntu.com/questions/24006/how-do-i-reset-a-lost-administrative-password05:12
Nmbr1biggamer11: reboot into recovery mode use the root shell to change your user password05:12
holsteinaelmasry_: how did you install it?05:12
aelmasry_holstein, this link http://www.zvps.co.uk/zpanelcp/ubuntu-12-0405:12
IcekittenI've got a major malfunction lol... I'm running Ubuntu currently because I have no choice really. My problem is windows vista is currently stuck in an update loop. Hopefully someone has heard of this problem05:12
Nmbr1biggamer11: just be sure you didn't encrypt your home directory. if you encrypted your home directory and change the password you will need to then recover your encrypted home directory.05:13
biggamer11i did not encrypt the home directory05:13
Nmbr1Icekitten: what does windows vista have to do with using ubuntu05:13
aeon-ltdIcekitten: they might've in #windows05:13
Nmbr1biggamer11: then you should be good to reboot to recovery mode drop to root shell and change your user password05:13
holsteinaelmasry_: why not ask them? they have a contact link http://www.zvps.co.uk/contact-us05:14
=== stux|away|away is now known as stux
aelmasry_holstein, no time05:14
biggamer11thanks so much i will try that05:14
holsteinaelmasry_: ?05:14
aelmasry_holstein, i don;t have time05:14
IcekittenI realize windows has nothing to do with Ubuntu but I do not have any idea where to go to solve my problem05:14
holsteinaelmasry_: that is unfortunate.. since they are the ones tha provide the package05:15
holsteinaelmasry_: there are no instructions?05:15
aelmasry_holstein, i try remove apache and install new by new config05:15
aelmasry_holstein, you know how05:15
Nmbr1biggamer11: if you need specifics or have issues, the steps are at http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword05:15
aelmasry_holstein, my website now dony05:15
holsteinaelmasry_: stop messing with apache.. if its zpanel that broke it05:16
somsipaelmasry: if you *really* want to do this "apt-get purge apache2" but I suspect it will not fix your issue. Be warned05:16
Nmbr1Icekitten: then you should ask your question in a room for windows or vista05:16
aelmasry_holstein, i need to restart my website again05:16
Icekittenhang on... is #windows a different chat?05:16
holsteinaelmasry_: i would read the docuemtation that came with that package05:16
Nmbr1Icekitten: yep05:16
aelmasry_holstein, i did before05:16
holsteinaelmasry_: did what?05:16
Icekittenhehe thx05:16
biggamer11all though i actully think my account got deactivated some how05:16
aelmasry_holstein, stoped include zpanel in apache05:17
holsteinaelmasry_: unfortunately, i, nor ubuntu, nor cannonical, or any volunteer here maintain zpanel, so you'll have to ask them, or read the documentation.. feel free and pastebin uninstall docs if you need help parsing the information05:18
lolcatholstein: Well, maybe they SHOULD05:18
holsteinlolcat: who should what?05:19
lolcatholstein: You, ubuntu, cannonical (maybe even spelled correctly) and any volunteer here.05:19
lolcatMaintain zpanel.05:19
th0rnow there's an idea....we could also take up auto maintenance and brain surgery05:20
brahmanaI have a Huawei E392 LTE USB modem. Ubuntu detects the device properly and I was able to create a new connection in connection manager.05:20
holsteinlolcat: you are welcome to take it to the offtopic channel and provide support.. its aelmasry_ with the issue05:20
brahmanaThe device connects successfully and I am able to access the internet05:20
brahmanaBut quite often it disconnects within a few minutes of connecting.05:20
brahmanaSingal strength is fairly good (3 out of 4 bars).05:21
lolcatholstein: Do I look like a techsupport monkey?05:21
holstein!ot | lolcat05:21
ubottulolcat: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:21
lolcat!guidelines | holstein05:22
ubottuholstein: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines05:22
brahmanaI was wondering if installing the helper application that came with the device would be of any help here.05:22
brahmanaI am a little averse to installing it as I feel the in-built support in Ubuntu is better than that application.05:23
brahmanaAny suggestions?05:23
aeon-ltdbrahmana: if it's easy to try out the app then i'd do it anyway to see if it works05:23
holsteinbrahmana: you could see about trying it from a live CD as well, so you dont break what you have05:24
brahmanaholstein: aah live CD is indeed a good idea. It is the fear of breaking the existing thing that has stopped me from trying it.05:24
aeon-ltdbrahmana: after checking stuff like physical interference05:25
brahmanaaeon-ltd: How do I check such stuff?05:25
holsteinbrahmana: sometimes, you cant get away with it, if its something that requires a reboot..05:25
aelmasry_holstein, cairoportal.com05:27
aeon-ltdbrahmana: items that may reflect radio waves such as foil, the likelihood of this stuff being the problem is very unlikely though05:27
holsteinaelmasry_: what is that, friend?05:27
aelmasry_holstein, new error after remove apache and reinstall05:28
aelmasry_holstein, this url
holsteinaelmasry_: i would remove zpanel, since that is what caused the issue05:29
=== dziegler_off is now known as dziegler
aelmasry_holstein, i will remove zpanel but i can't now05:29
aelmasry_holstein, you know this error05:29
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holsteinaelmasry_: no.. i have never seen that error.. but if installing zpanel caused the issue, that is where i would start05:30
holsteinaelmasry_: the error says to check the log..05:30
brahmanaholstein, aeon-ltd : Sorry got disconnected. The same problem which I described earlier.05:31
brahmanaI had to unplug the device and put it back. The connection name just disappears from the list of connections when I click on the network icon.05:31
aelmasry_holstein, Internal Server Error05:31
aelmasry_holstein, no zpanel05:31
aelmasry_holstein, zpanel not working05:31
brahmanaIs there a place where the network manager logs information?05:31
holsteinaelmasry_: sure, but whatever the installer did likely caused the issue05:31
dreadiscoolHello! If I mount a Ramdisk, will that mount be available after a reboot?05:33
aelmasry_holstein, try this link plz http://cairoportal.com/05:35
farbodایرانی وجود داره؟05:35
holsteinaelmasry_: i get the same error there05:35
ubottu#ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. #ubuntu-ir  برای فارسی زبانان می‌باشد که کانال رسمی گروه ایرانی اوبونتو است.05:36
holsteinfsheikh: ^05:36
fsheikhholstein: yes?05:37
holsteinfsheikh: sorry05:37
holsteinfsheikh: that was for a user who has left05:38
fsheikhholstein: no worries :-)05:38
=== dziegler is now known as dziegler_off
th0rdreadiscool, only if you add it to fstab05:39
th0rdreadiscool, but the contents will be lost on reboot I believe05:40
dreadiscoolWell, I used this command -  mount -t tmpfs -o size=256M tmpfs /tmp/ramdisk/, and now, I can't use my files anymore :(05:40
dreadiscoolHow can I unmount it?05:40
dreadiscoolThanks for the help btw05:41
aelmasry_holstein, new error67.215.244.51/phpinfo.php05:41
* Coburn flexes his wrists...05:41
* Coburn ———====≡≡≡≡≡≡D05:41
FloodBot1Coburn: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:41
* Coburn flexes his wrists...05:41
* Coburn ———====≡≡≡≡≡≡D05:41
aelmasry_holstein, are you see that before
aeon-ltdCoburn: you could at least spell shoryuken right05:42
dreadiscoolth0r, are you there?05:42
* Coburn flexes his wrists...05:42
* Coburn ———====≡≡≡≡≡≡D05:42
FloodBot1Coburn: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:42
dreadiscoolHow do I unmount a ramdisk I mounted without a reboot :305:42
aeon-ltdheheheheh :)05:42
aeon-ltddreadiscool: umount?05:42
th0rdreadiscool, you should be able to umount /tmp/ramdisk I think05:43
holsteinaelmasry_: yes05:43
Coburnbad script on my codin05:44
Coburnwhat's the correct spellign?05:44
aeon-ltdCoburn: if the last line you posted was meant to be a fireball i'm assuming you meant hadouken not shoryuken05:44
Jordan_UCoburn: The next time it happens, for whatever reason, will result in a ban.05:44
Coburnsorry again05:46
=== JKL1234- is now known as JKL|Chicago
Coburnthe script was meant to be a trigger via !<something> but I forgot a bracket05:46
=== Tacit_AFK is now known as TacitBlue
Jordan_UCoburn: You should not have any triggered responses active in #ubuntu.05:47
niocoraI'm having a problem with VLC where no files play sounds but they all play in any other program. VLC isn't muted in the sounds panel, I've tried resetting preferences soft and deleting all the prefs. But it still doesn't work. Any ideas?05:50
aeon-ltdniocora: i'm not on linux right now,  but i think under preferences/audio there is an option to choose output module, try changing them?05:53
Aelmasry__holstein, new error :)05:56
Aelmasry__holstein, need you help05:56
Aelmasry__anonymous_, hi05:57
aeon-ltdniocora: i'm not on linux right now,  but i think under preferences/audio there is an option to choose output module, try changing them?05:58
niocoraOk, I just installed the restricted extras I didn't have and restarted and now there's no sound in any program.05:58
niocoraaeon-ltd: Tried that.05:58
holsteinAelmasry__: i would /join #ubuntu-server ..i would make sure you have zpanel removed.. i have to run, so just address your clear detailed queries to the channel.. good luck!05:58
aeon-ltdniocora: latest problem - check alsamixer05:59
niocoraaeon-ltd: As in the CLI program?06:00
jellowanyone know of any encrypted cloud services ( calender , note taking , and backups ) that are cross platform and can hosted on arm ?06:00
niocoraaeon-ltd: It's open, but I'm out of my depth in here.06:00
aeon-ltdniocora: does anything show MM ? if it is a output press 'm' to unmute, if the bars are not filled press up arrow key to increase the volume06:01
jellowbeing able to host on arm is not that important , I can just compile.06:01
mehworki have php 5.4 installed in ubuntu 13.04, but i need to also run 5.3. What's an easy way to do that?06:03
niocoraaeon-ltd: What am I looking for?06:03
aeon-ltdniocora: outputs that are muted06:03
niocoraaeon-ltd: They're muted when they say MM?06:04
niocoraOnly front mic.06:04
aeon-ltdare the outputs maxed at 100?06:04
qiyongis acct useful?06:04
niocora100 92 100 and 9206:05
aeon-ltdniocora: i'm out of ideas, sorry.06:05
niocoraaeon-ltd: Should I un-install the plugins I just did that made it so that nothing works?06:06
aeon-ltdniocora: you can try yeah, if it restores sound at least you're down to one problem06:06
_joeywhat's a cool weather applet for openbox?06:07
Aelmasry__holstein, good news every think working now06:08
lenovoWow,I am new here06:08
Aelmasry__thank you holstein06:09
lenovoHow to use XChat?06:09
niocoralenovo: #freenode  If you want IRC advice.06:10
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=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
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ihackdifferentis there anybody out therrrreee!06:44
=== TacitBlue is now known as Tacit_afk
irodahello! can someone help in adding bigger resolution to my 12.04.2 LTS? I've installed it on friday, and that monitor was 16:9, and there was avaiable a good resolution. I've connected a 19" 4:3 monitor, and now it is only 1024x768. I've tired https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution - but I need more info to xrandr --newmode. (eg. xrandr --newmode "1920x1200_60.00" 193.25 1920 2056 2256 2592 1200 1203 1209 1245 -hsync +vsync)06:46
mm12how do i install skype 64 bit06:47
irodamm12, I think there is no 64 bit of that :( MS...06:50
mm12well ok then06:50
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wilee-nileemm12, here is a wiki, I believe you can download from skype as well, the repo version is supported. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype06:56
mm12thanks for that wilee-nilee06:57
bandroidxhi are the natty 11.04 repos still available?07:02
_joeyI installed xfce4-weather-plugin. How do I launch it?07:03
_joeyit's an indicator applet07:03
bandroidxi found it old-releases.ubuntu.com07:04
k1l!eol | bandroidx07:06
ubottubandroidx: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:06
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest77240
bandroidxk1l: i am using old-releases for now thanks though07:07
Guest77240how to configure nagios3 on ubuntu 12.04?07:07
k1lbandroidx: just be aware that they dont get any security related updates etc.07:07
bandroidxk1l: yeah i am aware thanks, i thought 11.04 was LTS for some reason07:08
k1lbandroidx: no, just 10.04 and 12.04 (but 10.04 only got support for the servers now)07:08
Guest77240hey thr.. how to configure nagios so that when my network is down I get an SMS07:08
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bandroidxk1l: yeah i always use 12.04 for new installs now07:09
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deckard_hello. What is the command for installing Lubuntu ?07:19
Steinarsudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop07:19
SteinarI didn't know, but took me 3 seconds to Google. No offence07:20
deckard_okay i try that07:20
k1l!lubuntu | deckard_07:20
ubottudeckard_: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.07:20
deckard_hmm, i dont find the sudo command to install on google07:23
k1ldeckard_: ?07:24
deckard_i dont want to instal lubuntu by cd or usb, i want the sudo command07:25
k1l"sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop" didnt work?07:25
deckard_ty, that is what i was looking for07:25
Neptuhej is it possible to install ubuntu in a chrome book with exynos processors?07:27
Marcus_Hi, im making a firewall with IPTables that allows only sites/IPs im using, and after disabling UDP I have trouble figuring out which UDP ports is needed for internet connection (router DNS lookup, etc etc). Anyone know?07:33
cfhowlettMarcus_, if not here, the #ubuntu-server channel might have that07:34
_joeyI run openbox. I installed xfce applet. I know xfce applets can be run in openbox. But how do I invoke the xfce applets in openbox? Thanks!07:38
zipperWhich is the best way to learn django right now?07:39
Neptuzipper, start coding07:42
Neptuzipper, read pep07:42
Neptuzipper, import this07:42
zipperNeptu I know how to code07:42
zipperNeptu in Python which is what I need since it's a lib07:42
zipperNeptu okay I'm waiting07:43
Neptuzipper, you need to code Django?07:43
NeptuI started with the youtube tutorials, pretty boring but they safe you some time in the begining07:44
Neptuafter that is a question of learning the "magic" of django since it has a lot of naming conventions07:45
zipperNeptu I want to learn a few things about django first like how to use it with postgres, using it for uploads. I wanted to use the django book but I'm afraid it might be outdated.07:46
Neptuwell the Django is a MCV so you do not need a lib to connect to it you need to create your data model and then meta magically you have all the data available.... that is one of the magic things07:47
NeptuI used if with postgres is cool07:47
Neptuwith mongo is a mess still waiting for someone to do something about that07:47
Ben64Hi. Ubuntu 12.04, HP Probook 6565b. Broadcom 4313 [14e4:4727]. The wireless worked in the livecd, but not in the install. No wireless networks are found, and it is coming up as either eth0 or eth2, not wlan007:47
Neptunever used blobs on Django and psotgres but should be supported07:47
cfhowlettBen64, might need to manually install the driver but first, plug into a hardwire and check settings for additional drivers07:48
Neptuzipper, but this not seem to be the channel to ask for Django you better try an specific channel07:48
Ben64cfhowlett: its already activated, it must have done so during install07:49
zipperBen64 have you tried running rfkill list all in terminal?07:49
Ben64no i have not07:50
Sicpyesterday I upgraded from Ubuntu 12.04 to 12.10, I had previously  canceled an upgrade midway (downloading phase), then was forced to do a "Partial upgrade", which I did07:50
Sicpand now I can start my machine just fine, with 12.10 installed07:50
Sicpbut there is no internet access. I can connect to the network just fine, but I cannot access any website or anything of the sort07:50
Ben64zipper: what am i looking for there07:50
zippertype "rfkill list all" and see if all is okay. That is the output is no no no07:50
cfhowlettI'd say your aborted/restarted partial upgrade might not have gone buttery smooth.07:51
zipperBen64  checking to see if you've turned anything off07:51
Ben64zipper: all the soft/hard blocked say "no"07:51
zipperNeptu  the django channels seem to be password protected.07:51
cfhowlettSicp, if you can get on the net but not to specific sites, that suggest DNS issues to me.  I'm no expert but ...07:51
cfhowlettSicp IIRC the default test is run a terminal and ping www.google.com07:52
Ben64eth2 disappears when i hit the hardware switch to turn off wifi07:52
Neptuzipper, is your nick registered on freenode?07:52
Ben64why isn't it wlan0?07:52
zipperNeptu I don't know I'm unable to join I don't get it. I get this:4 #django: Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services07:52
Ben64zipper: yeah, you need to register. /msg nickserv help register07:53
Neptuzipper, register yout nick nickserv07:53
irodahello! can someone help in adding bigger resolution to my 12.04.2 LTS? I've installed it on friday, and that monitor was 16:9, and there was avaiable a good resolution. I've connected a 19" 4:3 monitor, and now it is only 1024x768. I've tired https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution - but I need more info to xrandr --newmode. (eg. xrandr --newmode "1920x1200_60.00" 193.25 1920 2056 2256 2592 1200 1203 1209 1245 -hsync +vsync)07:53
zipperNeptu I honestly don't know how to do that I'll google it. Ben64 I'm sorry can't help you with your wireless issue. I'd traceroute to see where things are going wrong though,07:54
SicpI get unknown host google.com, cfhowlett07:54
zipperNeptu so you don't have a specific place you can recommend I assume?07:55
Sicpany idea, cfhowlett ?07:59
auronandace!register | zipper07:59
ubottuzipper: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode07:59
_CookieMonster_bekks: You here?08:00
nibbler_iroda: you need to compute the modeline?08:00
zipperobuttu Thanks08:01
irodanibbler_ I think yes, because I don't know how to calculate those lines, I just need a better 4:3 resolution for a 19" monitor08:01
cfhowlettSicp, yeah the negative results indicate that your DNS service isn't ... serving.  .It SHOULD default to the google DNS service.  That's as much as I can suggest, but someone in channel can  no doubt provide further guidance.08:02
_CookieMonster_Iroda: What are you having problems with ?08:02
=== chibi is now known as ChiBi_ID
nibbler_iroda: gtf x-res y-res frequency (gtf 1600 1200 60) would do that. read https://plus.google.com/+LinusTorvalds/posts/HQsCY7ErAL4 for some humor and background08:02
Sicpok I'll see what I can do08:03
_CookieMonster_Can anyone help me find out why Xorg isn't affecting my fixed resolution? http://pastebin.com/EhqSd1ga08:03
iroda_CookieMonster_ I can not select better resolution in the options, but the VGA card can do it better, just this monitor is "unknown"08:03
_CookieMonster_Iroda: That's the same problem I'm having - have you tried changing Xorg.conf?08:04
_CookieMonster_Iroda: I assume that's what you're doing now :P08:04
iroda_CookieMonster_ I don't want to config xorg.conf, otherwise it is empty now08:07
_CookieMonster_It seems like my xorg.conf isn't being picked up08:07
_CookieMonster_Iroda: Have you tried xrandr ?08:08
irodanibbler_ I'll read that post08:08
irodayeah _CookieMonster_ , but I couldn't add new mode08:08
irodalog-in-out, please wait08:08
_CookieMonster_Iroda: Did you use VGA-0 ?08:09
zipper_ubottu Server tab? I don't get it. "All the following commands should be typed in your server tab (it's probably called "Ubuntu IRC"; if you're on irssi, type « /win 1 »), so that if you mistype something, your personal information won't be shown in a public channel."???08:15
ubottuzipper_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:15
ferrhow could I use terminal that I would not need to write sudo and password everytime?08:15
zipper_ferr log in a root :D *scary music plays in background*08:16
cfhowlettferr, set up one account for daily use.  use the "sudo" account for system maintenance.08:16
tataI need similar program for Ubuntu like is windows synctoy?08:16
cfhowletttata, this is ubuntu.  no idea what synctoy is so perhaps you might explain what you want to accomplish ...08:17
mosesdoes anyone know how to fix a path issue with a fortran compiler?08:18
* cfhowlett ... fortran? FORTRAN? 08:19
ferrzipper_:  I'm logged in a root :| cfhowlett: so I need 2 accounts?08:19
tataok, I have two big folders and I want to copy from 1 to 2 only defferant files08:20
cfhowlettferr, need?  no.  but as a good practice, you set up a daily user account which has no system privileges for daily stuff.  Your admin account is specific to admin functions. Don't get them twisted.08:20
varunendratata, perhaps the most perfect tool for doing what you want is 'rsync' program. Take a look at "man rsync" (in terminal) to see how to use it.08:26
=== zipper_ is now known as urbanslug
tkingplease i installed boost library while i removed it using purge i remove it removed libre office is there a way to install it from terminal back? or how else?08:31
=== kenny180 is now known as kenny18
root-gnei have a problem08:31
ubotturoot-gne,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:32
root-gnei installed ubuntu 13.04 in dell inspiron 152508:32
root-gneand i dont have internet connection08:32
root-gnehow can i fix it08:32
cfhowlettroot-gne, you'll likely  need to do a broadcom wifi driver install.08:32
root-gnehow can i do that08:33
cfhowlettroot-gne, first, plug into a hard line network connection and check for additional drivers08:33
root-gnei dont have hard line connection08:33
cfhowlettroot-gne, see the following   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx08:33
kgalahassavarunendra, your yesterday's proposition was wonderful, i'm satisfied. thks08:33
cfhowlettroot-gne, for what it's worth, my 1545 required me to use the STA no internet access method.  2 minutes at the terminal and I had wifi.  No reboot required.08:34
kgalahassaI'm talking about screen'brightness. it's good now.08:34
varunendrakgalahassa, congrats ! :)08:35
tkingplease i installed boost library while i removed it using purge i remove it removed libre office is there a way to install it from terminal back? or how else?08:35
varunendratking, "sudo apt-get install libreoffice" ??08:37
root-gnethat with STA will must have cd install in cdrom08:38
=== cubix``355 is now known as cubix`
cfhowlettroot-gne, true indeed.  you DO have one of those right?08:39
Ben64Hi. Ubuntu 12.04, HP Probook 6565b. Broadcom 4313 [14e4:4727]. The wireless worked in the livecd, but not in the install. No wireless networks are found, and it is coming up as either eth0 or eth2, not wlan0. the driver "brcmsmac" freezes the whole computer if i try to insert that module08:39
root-gne ihave08:39
varunendraroot-gne, could you show us (preferably pastebin link) output of "lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 net" ?08:39
cfhowlettBen64, suggest you reinstall the driver  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx08:40
varunendraBen64, does "lsmod | grep wl" return an output?08:40
Ben64varunendra: yep08:43
PsyKoTicHey guys, anyone willing to help me with a GRUB2 problem I'm having?08:44
sw!ask | PsyKoTic08:44
ubottuPsyKoTic: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:44
varunendraBen64, did you try the brcmsmac driver while the sta one was installed?08:45
varunendraand how did you actually try to 'insert' it? Using "insmod" command? Ben6408:45
Ben64varunendra: tried it when it was installed, froze, removed it, then the whole thing froze on boot (I'm thinking it tried to load it on boot and died)08:46
Ben64varunendra: oh, and modprobe08:46
PsyKoTicOkay, basically I installed Windows after partitioning my 500GB HDD. After installing Ubuntu I got a "File not found: Grub rescue>" I used supergrub to boot into Ubuntu but I can't use it to boot into Windows 7. I checked the files from my Windows partition and they're still all there. Any help?08:47
zipperJust tried registering for freenode I entered: /server caht.freenode.net                                            and it returned: You may not reregister08:47
wilee-nileePsyKoTic, Are you in ubuntu now?08:47
wilee-nileePsyKoTic, Post sudo fdisk -l in a pastebin.08:48
varunendraBen64, that's quite strange for me. The brcmsmac has been a decent driver in my experience so far.08:48
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cfhowlettvarunendra, my manually installed broadcom has worked fine, that's why I suggested he reinstall08:49
Ben64its an HP if that matters... hp_wmi is loaded08:50
varunendracfhowlett, as per the lsmod | grep wl command output, they already seem to have it installed.08:50
cfhowlettvarunendra, right, right.  there were some kernel upgrades as well.  the tutorial I used was for 10.04 but worked for 12.04 as well.  However, a couple files had already been rolled into the kernel so weren't seen.  The method still worked though08:51
icekittenThis is my problem. Where is my 100GB hard drive?08:51
wilee-nileePsyKoTic, Have you tried to reload the mbr with grub?08:52
PsyKoTicNo. Could you tell me how? :)08:52
wilee-nileePsyKoTic, Run   sudo grub-install /dev/sda : sudo update-grub08:52
wasanzyany one have success installing ubuntu side ways windows 8?08:53
cfhowlettwasanzy, "besides" windows 8?  yes.08:53
varunendraBen64, brcmsmac is working fine for many users in 13.04. For 12.04, you may try this post : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2140263&p=12625996#post1262599608:53
wasanzyas in dual boot08:53
wilee-nileePsyKoTic, Windows showing in the grub-update?08:54
root-gnei dont have connection as with live cd08:54
mathnodeDoes anyone know how to skip/disable/kill-with-fire, the installer that is intiated with the mysql-server package?08:54
Ben64varunendra: well i could try to install 13.0408:54
PsyKoTicshould i just sudo apt-get update ?08:54
Ben64varunendra: this so far is a fresh 12.04 install, so nothing would be lost. i generally prefer LTS08:54
PsyKoTicBecause I can't seem to reload mbr08:54
varunendraBen64, I'd suggest you try the older version of wl first, as suggested in that post.08:55
wilee-nileePsyKoTic, copy and paste this whole command and report what happens, sudo grub-install /dev/sda : sudo update-grub08:55
wilee-nileePsyKoTic, YOu have to be in the ubuntu install.08:56
varunendraroot-gne, what is the output of "lspci -nn | grep 0280" ? Full output08:56
PsyKoTicI am wilee08:56
PsyKoTicI'm gonna try hirens boot cd08:57
=== aravind_ is now known as arvindeep
wilee-nileePsyKoTic, Try this, I just ran it it works, sudo grub-install /dev/sda && sudo update-grub09:00
wilee-nileePsyKoTic, Hirens is the last app you want.09:01
wasanzyanyone to help we with the installation? if I install windows 8 first and partition the disk, ubuntu doesn't seem to see the partition so it tries to use the entire disk which is by removing the windows 8 too09:02
ubottuwasanzy,: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI09:02
PsyKoTicWilee, it wants to install a menu.lst09:02
wilee-nileePsyKoTic, I had a : rather then ; as the and09:02
blazemorewasanzy: Try running chkdsk in Windows before installing09:02
PsyKoTicoh okay09:02
cfhowlettwasanzy, normal behavior for uefi/windows 809:02
mathnodeThe ubuntu launchpad sessions for reporting bugs are timing out.09:02
PsyKoTicSo should i reboot wilee? :D09:02
wilee-nileePsyKoTic, menu.list is grub legacy what is the ubuntu release?09:03
PsyKoTicThat's what I thought :P09:03
wilee-nileePsyKoTic, Are you sure menu .list it should install-grub should finish with no errors and the updtae-grub should show the grub list09:04
wilee-nileegrub2 boot list09:04
PsyKoTicIt looked for a menu.lst, couldn't find one and asked if I wanted one generated09:04
wasanzycfhowlett, so should I install windows 8 first or ubuntu first?09:05
PsyKoTicubuntu wasanzy09:05
wilee-nileePsyKoTic, I would have to see that, better yet you can generate a bootinfo summary with this app, just run the summary and post the urk generated.  PsyKoTic09:06
icekittenhttps://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/996520_174859249361788_1528664161_n.jpg Maybe, Ubuntu created its own drive out of nothing lmao its the only thing that makes sense09:06
PsyKoTicWhat app?09:06
wilee-nileePsyKoTic, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair09:06
PsyKoTicthanks :)09:06
cfhowlettwasanzy, your windows are still there, but you might need to jigger it a bit to get a bootable system.  Can't help with that ... perhaps in #windows09:06
wilee-nileesorry, lol09:06
=== jens is now known as Guest20905
wasanzycfhowlett: I formated the entire disk already09:07
PsyKoTicinstalling now, gonna burn to a USB09:07
PsyKoTicShould I use dd?09:07
cfhowlettwasanzy, ah, well then.  reinstall win809:07
cfhowlettwasanzy, then do your ubuntu.  use the uefi guide09:08
wasanzyoh ok09:08
PsyKoTicwilee-nilee what's the package name so I can run it?09:09
Jordan_Uwasanzy: Most likely your partition table is (or was) corrupt. You can check this by running "sudo parted -l" which will give you an error message explaining exactly whats wrong if your partition table is invalid.09:09
PsyKoTicoh shit it didn't even install09:09
PsyKoTicWilee-nilee should i make a bootinfo report09:11
mathnodeAnyone? Launchpad is timing out, so I can't submit my big (with big swear words). Can the installer be disabled for mysql-server?09:11
wilee-nileePsyKoTic, Yes just run the bootinfo summary and post the url it gives.09:11
wasanzyJordan_U, no error was reported but the partition table is gpt09:11
mathnodeoh it's apt-get -d apparently09:12
Jordan_Uwasanzy: Please pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l".09:12
timrileyI've got a problem with Ubuntu, every now and then it crashes09:13
timrileyI was hoping I could find the solution here09:13
PsyKoTicwilee-nilee : http://paste.ubuntu.com/5876829/09:14
PsyKoTicIt says Vista but it's 7 (Don't wanna look like a massive n00b) :P09:14
wilee-nileeJordan_U, Hey, would you take a look at PsyKoTic's bootinfo above,09:17
wasanzyJordan_U, http://paste.scsys.co.uk/26188009:17
kingbeastPsyKoTic, make sure you change your password when you're done09:17
wilee-nileePsyKoTic, You have as I thought from the fdisk a bit of a mixture of HD's sdb shows efi, sda does not, a bit beyond my skills.09:18
PsyKoTicYou mean my Ubuntu password?09:18
PsyKoTicah shit09:18
PsyKoTicShould i just restore MBR?09:18
woooI have made an image file of sd card. I want to read it in hex form. Is there any way to do that ?09:19
=== Guest46086 is now known as jpds
PsyKoTicOpen it in a hex editor09:19
Jordan_Uwasanzy: Could you post a screenshot of the Ubuntu installer showing the drive as unallocated?09:20
Jordan_U!screenshot | wasanzy09:20
ubottuwasanzy: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.09:20
digitalknighthi all09:21
digitalknightI am trying to install libssh2 in ubuntu 10 something09:21
digitalknightapt-get tells me that there is no package named that09:21
digitalknighthow do I solve that?09:21
Ben64varunendra: doesn't work09:21
wasanzyam currently not installing yet. I will do the reinstallation soon09:21
Ben64digitalknight: 10 what09:21
icerootdigitalknight: apt-cache search libssh2  is showing libssh2-1 here (debian)09:22
blazemoredigitalknight: Why are you trying to install libssh? And 10 what?09:22
icerootdigitalknight: so find out the correct package-name with apt-cache search09:22
digitalknighthow do I check the distro version?09:22
Jordan_Uwasanzy: You don't need to actually install, just go through the installer enough to demonstrate the problem you're having (and I'm going to leave soon).09:22
varunendraBen64, checked the current version in use? (dpkg -s bcmwl-kernel-source | grep -i version)09:22
icerootdigitalknight: cat /etc/issue09:22
digitalknightah,thanks iceroot09:23
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icerootdigitalknight: you should not use 10.04 anymore as a desktop system because it will not get security updates anymore (for the gui part)09:23
digitalknightblazemore: i need to do SSH tunneling from my app09:23
iceroot!eol | digitalknight09:23
ubottudigitalknight: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades09:23
Ben64varunendra: yeah theres some problem with it, the wl driver is non existent now09:24
digitalknighticeroot: thanks,but this is running in a VM09:24
digitalknightnot sure if I should risk the upgrade there09:24
icerootdigitalknight: and what should be the difference?09:24
icerootdigitalknight: if you use the system to surf on the internet for example or to store important data you should update09:25
digitalknighticeroot: I have a lot of servers set up currently,I just don't want to go throughout the trouble of setting them up :)09:25
digitalknightI am on a Macbook Pro09:25
icerootdigitalknight: if you use it as a server, everything is fine09:25
icerootdigitalknight: oh i am sorry that you have a macjail pro .(09:25
digitalknighticeroot: yes,primarily as a server and a dev environment09:25
digitalknighticeroot: true that, I hate mac09:26
icerootdigitalknight: the server edition is still getting sec-updates just not the desktop part09:26
digitalknighticeroot: ok,now,how do I solve this?09:26
digitalknightapt cache?09:26
iceroot!find libssh2-1 lucid09:27
ubottuFound: libssh2-1, libssh2-1-dbg, libssh2-1-dev09:27
icerootdigitalknight: sudo apt-get install libssh2-109:27
icerootdigitalknight: the package is called libssh2-1 and not libssh209:27
digitalknightoh,thanks a ton iceroot !09:27
digitalknightlet me try compiling my app again09:27
icerootdigitalknight: then maybe you want libssh2-1-dev09:28
varunendraBen64, couldn't get it. Do you mean it is not in the repositories anymore? (version
digitalknighticeroot: lt me install that as well09:28
JuanTambayanhow to create webpage?09:28
MonkeyDustJuanTambayan  echoecho.com09:29
digitalknightah,getting undefined reference errors09:30
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Ben64varunendra: its there, it installs, but doesn't work, no module available09:31
Jordan_Uwasanzy: Are you having trouble getting that screenshot?09:31
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JuanTambayanhow to create webpage?09:31
randoofHi, can I ask a very newbie question please?09:32
ubotturandoof,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:32
varunendraBen64, do you mean modprobe wl gives errors even after installing it? Could be a compilation error if so. Which kernel version you are at?09:32
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:33
Ben64varunendra: module not found, 3.5.0-23-generic09:33
MonkeyDustrandoof  so what's your question?09:33
randoofI just used the "mv" command with a trailing slash ie 'mv /home/randoof/myDir/ myDirectory' and it's disappeared, has it gone?!09:33
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/09:34
varunendraBen64, read the Edit 1 on that post then. You will need to follow the method for newer kernels as mentioned here : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2140640&p=12629619#post1262961909:35
llutzrandoof: it's "myDiretory" now, in the dir you have been in when issueing the mv-command09:35
llutzrandoof: find ~ -type d -name "myD*"09:36
randoofoh fantastic, thank you so muh09:36
JuanTambayanhow to create webpage?09:36
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Ben64varunendra: which edit?09:36
Ben64JuanTambayan: not really an ubuntu issue, look up html guides?09:37
wizrdrandoof: remember to specify the full destination path when copying or moving09:37
cfhowlettJuanTambayan, this is not a webpage creation channel ... are you asking in general or about using ubuntu specifically?09:37
wizrdunless you are certain about the location from where you issue the command09:37
llutzJuanTambayan: open an editor of your choice, type ahead. you might want to read somethink like selfhtml.org09:37
MonkeyDustJuanTambayan  type /join #html09:37
varunendraBen64, the one at the top of the post I linked to. But nevermind that, it'll just point you to the link I just posted above.09:37
digitalknighticeroot: worked,thanks a ton09:37
digitalknightand I shall try upgrading as well09:38
varunendraBen64, the edit was on the earlier post that I gave you link of.09:38
digitalknightIf it is was not a company laptop, I would have removed Mac OS and replaced it with 1309:38
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wasanzyJordan_U, No I have to install windows 8 first and then ubuntu to show u what is happening. sorry it will take little time09:47
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Beetooubuntu not discovering hardware after fresh install09:54
ikoniaBeetoo: what hardware and how is it not working ?09:54
Beetoowell during installation, the mouse the network and graphics card all work09:55
ikoniaBeetoo: can you please expand beyond "not working"09:55
Beetoobut when i reboot, i get 4:3 resolution with nothing working. not even the usb mouse09:55
ikoniaBeetoo: ok - lets approach it one thing at t atime09:56
ikoniaBeetoo: is your mouse not moving / wortking at all, or just not working as you expect ?09:56
Beetoonot moving at all09:56
ikoniaBeetoo: ok, do you know/are you capable of opening a terminal on your desktop ?09:57
Beetoothe pointer is stuck at the center. only laptop keyboard works09:57
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ikoniaBeetoo: does your laptop have a trackpad/nipple on it ?09:57
Beetooyes. but it also does not work09:57
ikoniaBeetoo: ok, so can you please open a terminal ?09:58
Beetooyes i can open terminal09:58
ikoniaBeetoo: ok, if you do "ls -la /dev/mouse" is there a device there ?09:58
Beetoono. only /dev/sda09:59
blazemoreBeetoo: Is there a keyboard shortcut on your laptop to disable the trackpad? What model of laptop do you have?09:59
ikoniaBeetoo: /dev/input ?09:59
Beetooi have sony vaio vpceb36fg09:59
Beetooits not only about mouse. the ethernet card also does not work10:00
ikoniaBeetoo: yes, buy lets do one thing at a time as I've just said10:00
blazemoreBeetoo: Check anyway, they're totally separate issues10:00
Beetoo"ip link" only lists "lo". nothing else10:00
blazemoreBeetoo: forget network for now10:00
ikoniaBeetoo: ok, bad luck you're ignored10:00
blazemoreBeetoo: Network will be a lot easier to fix once we get your mouse working, but you *must* be cooperative10:00
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Beetoobut i am not on ubuntu now as network doesn't work. so i can not currently check the commands10:02
blazemoreBeetoo: Do you have another computer you can use for IRC? or do you have a wireless network you can connect to on Ubuntu?10:02
icekittenCould someone give me the command life in Terminal to instal the adobe flash player plug-in10:03
ikonia!flash | icekitten10:03
ubottuicekitten: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash10:03
Beetoowait. i can chat from mobile10:04
icekittenThats all  great but shouldnt it be sudo-apt install... something10:05
vorlkethi i am using ubuntu 12.04 and SMART status says my DISK FAILURE IS IMMINENT with WARNING: The partition is misaligned by 3072 bytes. This may result in very poor performance. Repartitioning is suggested. Is there a way to recover the system exactly to current state without any installation?10:05
wizrdicekitten: sudo apt-get install <package>10:05
icekittenThe package name please?10:07
ikoniaicekitten: did you read the link ubottu gave you ?10:07
ikoniait gives important information10:07
ubottuicekitten,: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash10:07
icekittenI have problems with the software center... it laggs my pc so much and I hardly ever achieve anything with it and I know thereare commands to get everything from the terminal10:08
beetoo2Hey blazemore10:08
ikoniaicekitten: have you READ the link ubottu have you10:09
unitraxxHello all!10:09
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cfhowlettunitraxx, greetings10:09
icekitten*giggles* mostly ;)10:09
unitraxxQuick question : I'm installing ubuntu (13.04, doesn't matter) on an UEFI machine (disabling secure boot actually worked. lovely Asus. MSI didn't know this success.), but now I got to the point of manually partitioning! Where do I put my boot loader ? /dev/sda (default) or /dev/sda1 where my efi partition is located. (Aha I should mention that windows 8 is preinstalled.)10:11
icekittenhmmm... I'm going to read deeper but  I didnt see anything for chrome10:11
icekittenI know its integrated but it still asked me to install adobe10:11
ikonianothing is intergrated10:12
ikoniaas the document shows the name of the search and package you need10:12
unitraxxI've got 64 gigs of unallocated space. (I've got 8 Gig RAM) Do you recommend me using a swap partition?10:12
cfhowlettunitraxx, couldn't hurt10:12
icekittenFine. I'll try the software center because adobe isnt as easy as every other command lol10:14
longwuyuanraring install on mbpro-late13 = fan speed high. please help. macfanctld not doing its thing10:15
ubottulongwuyuan,: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages10:15
wizrdunitraxx: I have a swap space of 32 gb while I have 32 gb RAM. Just in case ...10:16
longwuyuancfhowlet: ??10:17
cfhowlettcfhowlett, see the link for resources.  I've only used an ihackintosh so that doesn't count10:17
unitraxxcfhowlett: did you see my first question ? (the long one :) about efi partition)10:18
cfhowlettunitraxx, yep.  again, ihackintosh.  different beast.  for mac help see the mac support pages.  most here are NOT on mac ...10:19
wizrdunitraxx: I would go gor the default option10:20
unitraxxI'm on an asus.. not a mac :)10:20
cfhowlettunitraxx, DOH!  right.  sorry.10:20
LorraHi everybody! Can anybody tell me why I have a .config and a .rpmdb directories in my root directory? (that is /.config and /.rpmdb) I've never heard about them...10:20
unitraxxIf I take the default option, will it detect the efi partition itself?10:20
ikoniaLorra: nott using ubuntu ?10:20
cfhowlettunitraxx, wizrd is right, though.  default settings usually the right thing to do.10:20
wizrdLorra: a folder or file starting with a dot is hidden10:21
Lorraikonia: I am using ubuntu10:21
ikoniaLorra: can you show me the output of uname -a please.10:21
Lorraikonia: ubuntu 12.04.210:21
unitraxxthe very default option of ubuntu is "install ubuntu alongside windows 8" and nobody picks that one either. :D10:21
Lorraikonia: Linux HeyHey 3.2.0-49-generic #75-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 18 17:39:32 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux10:21
Lorra 10:21
ikoniaLorra: the .config directory is not a problem but have you been trying to use rpm's ?10:21
cfhowlettsb4953, greetings10:22
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Lorraikonia: I don't have any rpm handling software, I only have I package which I "aliened" into a rpm before dpkg -i'ing it10:22
ikoniaLorra: there we go then10:22
Lorra*into a deb, pardon10:22
ikoniathat's the issue10:23
ikoniathat's what's created teh rpmdb10:23
irecAnyone tried running Nemo as replacement for Files in 13.04? If so, problems?10:28
blazemoreirec: I run nemo on Linux Mint 15 with no issues10:33
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irecblazemore:  As do I... I wanted some of the functionality in Ubuntu though...10:34
blazemoreirec: You could try it, it can't hurt10:34
irecbut without the problems...10:34
irecI will... thought I'd check first10:34
BluesKajHI all10:37
cfhowlettBluesKaj, greetings BK!10:38
irecblazemore:  ty10:38
BluesKajHi cfhowlett10:38
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christozgreetings people, is it possible to install ubuntu server in a vbox with 64mb or 128mb given available memory?10:40
ikoniachristoz: no10:41
MonkeyDustchristoz  server does not require a GUI, so I guess it's possible10:41
MonkeyDustok, so no10:41
ikonialook at the minimum requirements10:41
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wizrdchristoz: you can install Ubuntu server in a vbox but not with your specs10:42
christozthats not my hardware ram specs, i have 2gb RAM which are consumed by windows 8, my vga which is consuming 128mb from RAM, and i want to give the minimal amount of ram for the box to run ubuntu server with no desktop10:45
ikoniachristoz: what is the spec of the virtual machine you want to run it in10:45
christozikonia: virtualbox doc says that i need at least 512 ram for it10:47
ikoniachristoz: right...so that's what you need then10:47
blazemorechristoz: I don't understand the issue10:48
christozblazemore: ikonia: yes, but whats the minimal additional memory to be given to run ubuntu server with no desktop10:49
Dinnahcan i install SQL server 2005 in Ubuntu??10:49
ikoniachristoz: 512mb10:49
ikoniaif that's what the doc says10:49
ikoniaDinnah: no10:49
blazemoreHello snpresent10:49
cfhowlettsnpresent, greetings10:50
Dinnahikonia......i there any other database that i can use?10:50
ikoniaDinnah: mysql, postgres etc10:50
christozikonia: 512 is only for vbox machine, not with ubuntu10:50
ikoniachristoz: right, the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements10:50
christozikonia: yep, i was just asking if anyone has use it with the minimal requirements and less10:51
ActionParsnipchristoz: I suggest you run Xubuntu or Lubuntu in a virtual system10:51
ikoniachristoz: the minimum requirements meens "required" so you don't run it with "less"10:52
blazemoreActionParsnip: he wants to run server10:52
ActionParsnipblazemore: even better :)10:53
cfhowletttorocatala_, greetings10:53
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ActionParsnipchristoz: RAM requirements will depend on the use of the server, a file and print server will run fine ion 512Mb, an SQL server may struggle...and so forth10:53
Dinnahikonia.....if say i use mysql...dan switch 2 windows os....i can open the database i created with mysql in sql server?10:54
ikoniaDinnah: mysql is available in windows yes, but you can't open mysql databases in sql server10:54
DinnahIkonia....oh! yeah....tanx a lot.10:55
TorocatalaI have a laptop running last xubuntu version. The laptop has an integrated webcam. The webcam works but I wanted to know if there is any command that will showme info of the webcam on the console. I tried both lsusb and lspci and it show nothing. Thanks.10:56
snpresentand i just thought that  Dash  responds  too slow   when usr use it,10:56
christozActionParsnip: i need it for web development,  not for public use, in that case maybe i should switch back to linux, i need open ssl and wamp i'm having issues with wamp about that.10:57
unitraxxinstalled the bootloader as default, restarted, and it just boots in windows..10:57
unitraxxwhat now10:57
BluesKajTorocatala, pastebin lspci  anyway10:58
* christoz sorry for the typo10:58
TorocatalaBluesKaj, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5877076/10:59
ispirtohow can i "output" the iowait without using top10:59
ActionParsnipchristoz: should be ok, 1 user will put minimal strain on a server10:59
unitraxxif I install ubuntu alongside windows 8, both in uefi, what menu should I get to choose what to boot?10:59
unitraxxgrub or windows ?10:59
nnyk_Hi guys, please how can i copy the output of top (or terminal commands) directly to the clipboard?11:00
christozthanks for your time guys, i'll try with minimal ram and see what happens. cheers11:00
ikoniannyk_: you can't11:00
ikoniannyk_: you'd need to screen scrape it11:00
troulouliou_devhi image viewer is always crashing here in 13.04 especially with larger jpg; anybody facing this issue too ?11:01
nnyk_ikonia: hmm...okay, thanks11:01
OerHeksnnyk_, use xclip http://askubuntu.com/questions/184397/how-do-i-pipe-terminal-standard-output-stdout-to-the-clipboard11:01
unitraxxsome guide says I should've installed the boot loader on sda7 (in my case, because I installed root there.)11:03
unitraxxany comments ?11:03
ikoniaunitraxx: the boot loader belongs on the mbr11:03
unitraxxok good11:03
k1lunitraxx: the bootloader needs to go into the MBR on the device, not into a partition11:03
nnyk_OerHeks: thanks, what I was looking for. :D11:04
unitraxxso what do I have to change now to get grub or so, instead of booting into windows11:04
BluesKajTorocatala, by process of elimination it looks like this one , Unassigned class [ff00]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Device 5289 (rev 01)11:05
irecOerHeks: nice... didn't know xclip11:05
TorocatalaBluesKaj, but isn't that the WiFi card?11:05
k1lunitraxx: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows11:06
unitraxxbut I did not install windows afterwards11:06
BluesKajTorocatala, no , this one is your wifi , Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9485 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)11:06
k1lunitraxx: but you got the same problem, because you did install the bootloader into the wrong place11:07
unitraxxwhy did I install it in the wrong place ? I just picked the default option11:07
k1lunitraxx: you just told you made it into sda711:07
unitraxxI did not, that's what a guide said I should've done, but I did not11:08
OerHeksnnyk_,  irec have fun11:08
ikoniaunitraxx no you didnt11:08
ikoniaunitraxx: you just said a guide told you to put it on /dev/sda711:08
ikoniasorry, don't believe it11:08
unitraxxI found that guide afterwards :p11:08
nnyk_ikonia: xclip can do what i need...thanks11:08
ikoniaunitraxx: how many hard disks do you have /11:08
unitraxxPerhaps I should've picked the efi partition for the boot loader after all11:09
ikoniaunitraxx: ok, so if it had installed to /dev/sda as you say, it would boot into grub11:09
k1lunitraxx: anyway. since you dont see a grub at startup your grub is somewhere but not where it belongs. so use that wiki page to make it right11:09
unitraxxdoesn't it automatically look into the efi partition to boot ?11:09
unitraxxinstead of mbr11:09
Torocatalaoh, right BluesKaj, my bad11:09
unitraxxbut I'll try boot-repair11:10
BluesKajyou mean mistake , Torocatala , nothing bad about it , we all make them11:10
unitraxxI guess it can't hurt :)11:10
nnyk_OerHeks: is it just me or it seems xclip doesnt work for 'top'...?11:11
unitraxx(For the record I have installed ubuntu numerous times on non-uefi systems.)11:11
BluesKajTorocatala, in other words , I don't like that expression , it's not real english11:12
unitraxx(Oh in my bios windows and ubuntu have different boot options, never seen that before)11:13
TorocatalaBluesKaj, ok, thx, i'm not native english speaker11:13
TigmagCould anyone help me to resolve a problem? It's about an external HDD, I can't mount/open it in the file manager, it writes "not authorized".11:14
MonkeyDustTigmag  maybe change its !permissions11:15
TigmagWhere can I do that? Is there any chance to mount it from the terminal? And how.. I don't know about the commands.11:15
ActionPa1snipTigmag: what file system does it use?11:16
MonkeyDustTigmag  sudo mount /dev/blah /media11:16
TigmagI think it's NTFS, and I'm on a Crunchbang linux.11:16
ActionPa1snipTigmag: crunchbang isnt supported here11:16
TigmagOk, sorry.. Just didn't know where to ask. :)11:17
ActionPa1snipTigmag:  #crunchbang11:17
irecnnyk: I haven't tried yet but try:  top -b -n111:17
Campfirehow do i get  error report term11:17
TigmagThank you. :)11:18
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OerHeksnnyk_ i think you need the -n switch > http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/raring/man1/top.1.html11:19
Campfirewebmaster have i had any complaints11:19
prashant_123456cannot find smbd file in /etc/init.d/ using ubuntu 13.0411:20
MonkeyDustCampfire  this is the ubuntu support channel, sure you're on the right spot?11:20
g105bI've got a crontab set to run every 10 minutes, but it seems that it is only sometimes running every 20 minutes ... I'm new to using crontab, where should I start looking to find out the problem?11:20
TigmagWhat does it mean by "USB is not a block device"? (I tried 'sudo mount /dev/usb /media' Was I wrong?)11:21
ikoniaprashant_123456: its not in there any more,11:21
Campfiremy bad am i all good here11:21
ikoniaTigmag: usb is not a block device - you need a block device to mount a disk11:21
prashant_123456ikonia, so where can i find it11:21
cfhowlettCampfire, that translation program is not aiding your clarity ...11:21
ikoniaprashant_123456: what are you trying to do ?11:21
prashant_123456or i can say how to start and stop samba server11:21
k1lTigmag: for crunchbang support please ask in their supportchannel. maybe its a specific problem11:22
ikoniaprashant_123456: who told you to do that ?11:22
prashant_123456ikonia, i just want to start and stop the samab server11:22
ikoniaprashant_123456: yes, but who told you to run that command11:22
k1l!upstart | prashant_12345611:22
ubottuprashant_123456: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/11:22
k1lprashant_123456: use the service command11:23
prashant_123456ikonia, on some websites11:23
ikoniaprashant_123456: ok - so avoid that website, don't use it again, it's wrong/out of date11:23
ikoniaprashant_123456: ubuntu uses upstart, so you should access stopping/starting services via the "sudo service" command.11:23
prashant_123456k1l,  service command can u show me ?11:23
Campfirei got a gnome error i,m trying to trouble shoot some brightness applet11:24
prashant_123456ikonia, full command please11:24
Campfirefor term service whats it mean when there is a question mark next to a service11:25
ikoniaprashant_123456: come on - you need to look up the service name, it's going to be either samba/smbd or something like that11:25
Enemteei'm having problems using prop-drivers for AMD/ATI, cause they disable my soundcard's mic-port, anyone with a solution?11:25
prashant_123456ikonia, ok let me search for that11:25
Campfirei read that killing service in term only temp kills them am i correct11:26
prashant_123456nope no service like samba/smbd ikonia11:27
ikoniaprashant_123456: how are you checking ?11:27
prashant_123456sudo find / -iname smbd ikonia11:27
ikoniaprashant_123456: that's not a service - that's a file name11:28
k1lprashant_123456: http://askubuntu.com/questions/79078/how-to-restart-samba-server11:28
prashant_123456even top cant display it ikonia11:28
ikoniatop ??11:28
ikoniawhy are you looking at top11:28
fyksenHey! I just got a new laptop. Acer v7 582pg. I have just installed Ubuntu 13.04 on it. But the wireless doesnt work. The wireless card I got is: Intel Centrino Advanced-N 7260. Does anybody know how to get this working in Ubuntu?11:28
prashant_123456ikonia, for process11:28
* cfhowlett ... that's no service. (Imperial Death March tune starts)...11:28
ikoniaprashant_123456: I didn't say look for processes or file names11:29
prashant_123456ikonia,  how to find sorry for the question11:29
Priceyikonia: It isn't still "sudo service smbd stop"?11:29
ikoniaPricey: I don't know if it's smbd or samba, I don't have a machine to check11:29
ikoniahence asking prashant_123456 to check11:29
prashant_123456ikonia, ok11:30
Priceyikonia: prashant_123456: http://askubuntu.com/questions/79078/how-to-restart-samba-server suggests it was/is "sudo service smbd stop"11:30
k1li just showed a link to a askubuntu page which solves the problem :/11:30
prashant_123456Pricey, unrecognized command11:30
ikoniaprashant_123456: please show me exactly what you are typing11:31
k1lprashant_123456: which ubuntu are you on?11:31
prashant_123456sudo service smbd stop ikonia11:31
k1lprashant_123456: which ubuntu exactly?11:31
prashant_123456k1l, ubuntu 13.0411:31
ActionPa1snipprashant_123456: you can TAB complete the service names11:31
k1lprashant_123456: please pastebin the command and the output11:31
PriceyActionPa1snip: copying and pasting the above 'should' work.11:32
prashant_123456ActionPa1snip, ok let me check please11:32
prashant_123456ActionPa1snip, dont work11:32
ActionPa1snipPricey: just an fyi ;)11:32
prashant_123456k1l, ok11:32
ActionPa1snipprashant_123456: is samba installed?11:32
Enemteecome again. prop-drivers for ati/amd, no mic-sound, what's up?11:32
prashant_123456ActionPa1snip, yes11:33
ikoniaActionPa1snip: service should still be "valid" just samba as a service would not be11:33
prashant_123456ActionPa1snip, wait please i will check11:33
BluesKajprashant_123456, try sudo service smb start , withoutb the "d"11:33
prashant_123456BluesKaj, unrec service11:34
k1lprashant_123456: if you are not using ubuntu the suggestions here will not work.11:34
ActionPa1snipprashant_123456: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue11:34
BluesKajprashant_123456, inatall  smbclient11:34
PriceyBluesKaj: Why?11:35
BluesKajerr install11:35
prashant_123456k1l, wait ActionPa1snip i have to reinstall samba11:35
prashant_123456BluesKaj, k1l yes sir ActionPa1snip11:35
Campfirety for reminding me of cat command11:36
MonkeyDustCampfire  are you a comment generating bot?11:36
ikoniawhy do you have to re-install samba ?11:36
Campfireno md11:37
cfhowlettcampfire verify your humanity ... who is the US president?11:37
Campfiream i comming up as cloned or such forth11:37
Campfirestarts with a o11:38
* cfhowlett ... now considers Campfire a bot/troll suspect11:38
fyksenHey! I just got a new laptop. Acer v7 582pg. I have just installed Ubuntu 13.04 on it. But the wireless doesnt work. The wireless card I got is: Intel Centrino Advanced-N 7260. Does anybody know how to get this working in Ubuntu?11:38
Campfirewas that a way to make me say a key word11:39
ikoniaCampfire: do you need some help from the ubuntu support resources ?11:39
prashant_123456ActionPa1snip, BluesKaj k1l  yes now its working i think something was wrong with  samba package11:39
ikoniaCampfire: ok, state your question please.11:39
Campfiredoes ufw conflict with other firewalls in the usc11:40
ikoniaCampfire: yes, it will11:40
ikoniaCampfire: you should only run 1 firewall11:40
Campfirenext for aplets is there a way to check em for errors11:41
ikoniaCampfire: yes, when they crash they will give you an error11:41
Campfireok how do i pin point whats making the error11:42
ikoniawhat error ?11:42
Campfirebrightness applet11:42
ikoniathat's not an error11:42
Campfire120 or so when i boot up11:42
ikoniathat's not an error11:42
ikoniaexplain the error11:42
Campfirebrightness seems working but i have a first ubuntu screen  eroor11:43
ikoniawhat is the error, why do you think it's to do with the brightness applet11:44
Campfirewith about 200 the same bightness aplet error msgs11:44
ikoniaI'm going to stop helping now11:44
ikoniaor trying to11:44
ikoniaas you don't seem to be able to tell me the error,11:44
ikoniaI've got other things to do11:44
Campfireok sorry11:44
prashant_123456net status shares does not show anything11:45
ikoniaprashant_123456: have you setup shares and started teh samba daemon ?11:45
prashant_123456ikonia, yes i have started the daemon and configured the /etc/samba/smb.conf file and at the end of the file i have set the shares11:46
ikoniaprashant_123456: is the samba daemon running ?11:46
jactaAnyone into xubuntu and how to share a folder on network easiest way?11:46
unitraxxdid boot-repair. now I can't boot in windows11:46
prashant_123456ikonia, yes11:46
ikoniaprashant_123456: how do you know ?11:46
prashant_123456sudo service smbd start      job is already running11:47
BluesKajjacta, run sudo update-grub11:47
ikoniaprashant_123456: how are you installing samba11:47
ikoniaplease give me the exact command11:47
prashant_123456ikonia, sudo apt-get install samba11:47
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BluesKajunitraxx, sorry , sudo update-grub11:47
ikoniaprashant_123456: does ps -ef | grep smb show a samba process ?11:48
BluesKajjacta, ignore my mistaen post11:48
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Campfireone more question i think i need to move to lubuntu but all i found is server versions do you have a direct link for lubuntu for a \old  86x intel11:48
prashant_123456ikonia, yes i can see process there11:49
ikoniaprashant_123456: ok, please pastebin your smb.conf11:49
prashant_123456ikonia, yes please11:49
varunendraCampfire, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu#Torrent11:51
unitraxxBluesKaj: while the terminal echoed promising results (something like windows found, entry added) it still doesn't work :(11:51
ikoniaprashant_123456: have you restarted it after making the changes to the smb.conf11:51
unitraxxoh nvm11:51
unitraxxI just have to take another option in the list11:51
prashant_123456ikonia, yes should i restart the machine ?11:52
ikoniaprashant_123456: shouldn't need to if you've restarted the smb daemon11:52
jactaBluesKaj: Thanks anyways :P11:52
prashant_123456ikonia, yes i have stopped and then started both the daemons smbd and nmbd11:52
inkjetunitohello. did the samsung uefi bug workaround make its way into 12.04?11:52
BluesKajunitraxx, do you mean grub menu doesn't load at boot?11:52
unitraxxit does now :)11:52
prashant_123456ikonia, is my smb.conf file ok ??11:52
unitraxxbut there are multiple windows entries11:52
Campfirety va11:53
unitraxxand only one works, with has something with efi in it's name11:53
unitraxxthe windows 8 bootloader gives an error11:53
ikoniaprashant_123456: just reading11:53
prashant_123456ok ikonia11:53
ikoniaprashant_123456: looks enough to display a share11:54
BluesKajunitraxx, ok , my knowledge on W8 and it's problems is nil , so I'll have pass on this11:54
prashant_123456ikonia, i have just entered the [test] at the end of the file11:54
ikoniaprashant_123456: and restarted samba ?11:54
prashant_123456ikonia, yes after that i have restarted the samba11:54
prashant_123456ikonia, smbpasswd ??11:55
ikoniaprashant_123456: ok, so net status shares should list that share11:55
unitraxxBluesKaj: now i booted back into ubuntu, and my fan decided to go loco11:55
ikoniaprashant_123456: assuming you're not got anything like a firewall blocking the port on the local machine.11:55
prashant_123456no luck till ikonia net status shares do not show11:55
ikoniaprashant_123456: can you connect to it with smbclient11:56
vorlketwhen backing up and restoring linux system, why is it not needed to archive /proc, /sys, and /?11:56
prashant_123456can you tell me the exact command of smbclient ikonia11:57
ikoniavorlket: because they are ram11:57
prashant_123456ikonia, smbclient -L a-desktop -u11:57
prashant_123456ikonia, i think11:57
ikoniaprashant_123456: I don't have a linux box to hand to get the syntax, man smbclient should give you the info11:57
BluesKajunitraxx,  one command you might try is , sudo os-prober , then run sudo update-grub again11:57
unitraxxand does11:57
unitraxx"pointer to TMDS table invalid" ring a bell to you ? :p11:58
prashant_123456ok ikonia11:58
Campfirety varundra one more question is there a good program to deleat all hidin partitions and etc to make sure hdd really clean11:58
vorlketikonia: so those files are not on hdd but created upon boot?11:58
ikoniavorlket: that's it, yes11:58
ikoniaprashant_123456: I'll be back in 15 - need to make a phone call11:58
vorlketikonia: i see thanks!11:58
prashant_123456ikonia, ok sir11:59
=== rose is now known as rose76
dn5I updated ruby to 1.9.3 but whenever I type ruby -v in terminal it list me as older (1.8.7) version12:03
rose76help me for "makefile" now install  ? help me !12:03
unitraxxthe problem of "pointer to TMDS table invalid" still occurs, and nowhere can I find something about it12:04
Campfirety for help and patience props to the ops snd friendly help cheers12:04
rose76help me for "makefile" now install  ? help me !12:05
rose76help me for "makefile" now install  ? help me !12:05
DJones!patience | rose7612:05
ubotturose76: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/12:06
papret in calc, how to count nonempty cells? how to count cells with a particular color background? or how to count noncolored cells?12:06
achmodehas anyone ever had a problem where portable ubuntu remix disables their keyboard a little while after starting up?12:08
dn5I repaired my problem with ruby.12:08
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k1lachmode: its seems outdated and is not supported in here. we have persisten live mode12:11
vorlkethow do i do find the harddisk and boot partition numbers?:12:11
vorlket4. Type "root (hd0,6)", or whatever your harddisk + boot partition numbers are (my /boot is at /dev/sda7, which translates to hd0,6 for grub).12:11
vorlket5. Type "setup (hd0)", ot whatever your harddisk nr is.12:11
achmodek1l: can that run as application inside windows?12:11
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k1lachmode: nope. that is not supported. use vbox or some other virtualisation12:13
nb-ben_workResizing a partition with gparted is such a bad mistake...12:14
MonkeyDustnb-ben_work  you mean, ithout dataloss ?12:14
nb-ben_workno I mean it's faster to create a new partition and copy the stuff to it12:15
hdonhi all :) i have an nvidia graphics card. how can i query my system to find which version of their proprietary (ugh) graphics driver i have?12:15
papretsay i have hourly appointments and in my schedule each booked hour is colored (the color used indicates the type of appointment).... how do i count cells with background "yellow" for example? how do i count all colored cells? how do i count all noncolored (empty) cells?12:15
MonkeyDustpapret  in what scheduler?12:15
nb-ben_workhdon, run nvidia-settings12:16
nb-ben_workull probably be able to see there12:16
hdonnb-ben_work, thanks :)12:16
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ikoniaprashant_123456: I'm back12:16
ikoniaprashant_123456: sorry about that, are you still struggling ?12:16
prashant_123456ikonia, i cann see the shares from windows clients12:17
unitraxxtill what date is 13.04 supported? And will the update to the new LTS be convenient?12:17
ikoniaprashant_123456: that's great12:17
prashant_123456ikonia, but cannot access from ubuntu12:17
nb-ben_workwell, I guess I am stuck with no data now12:17
ikoniaprashant_123456: I'm wondering if that's down to a lack of netbios names12:17
nb-ben_workfor a while12:17
MonkeyDustunitraxx  13.04 support ends in january 201412:18
nb-ben_workI'll go shopping12:18
anoneehi all, about Ubuntu One, is it normal that I unselected all the folders to sync during setup, but it still syncing all the hidden directories under /home/me ?12:18
prashant_123456ikonia, net status shares cannot display anyting still but can access from windows clients12:18
unitraxxMonkeyDust: thanks :) then I don't need to worry for a while12:18
ikoniaprashant_123456: so the good thing is you know it's actually working12:18
prashant_123456ikonia, how to handle netbios or to configure12:18
prashant_123456ikonia, yes i am glad12:18
ikoniaprashant_123456: I'm wondering it its a lack of netbios resolution on the linux host that's stopping the linux host resolving shares12:18
MonkeyDustunitraxx  http://ubuntuone.com/4ayHg2YG9X77HXtehm8Mts12:19
CappyThi all, i have a little problem installing 13.04, can anyone help? It's this error: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BX22y7aC4f812:21
unitraxxoh damn, then I'll need to jump on 13.10 first :p12:21
anoneehi all, about Ubuntu One, is it normal that I unselected all the folders to sync during setup, but it still syncing all the hidden directories under /home/me ?12:22
bgardnerpapret: For your first question. you can count blanks with COUNTBLANK(), then count all and use the difference between the two to get the non-empty count.12:23
papretbgardner: thanks for the attention... what if a cell contains only color? how to count cells of a particular color, say "yellow"?12:25
bgardnerpapret: Checking on that one now, one moment.12:25
prashant_123456ikonia, so the solution12:25
ikoniaprashant_123456: a good question, first thing I'd do is check your hostname has a valid entry in the host file, make sure your server is defined in the smb.conf12:26
papretbgardner: nice of you... i am here....12:26
prashant_123456can u check the smb.conf file ?12:27
anoneehi all, about Ubuntu One, is it normal that I unselected all the folders to sync during setup, but it still syncing all the hidden directories under /home/me ?12:28
ikoniaprashant_123456: look at the wins support option, the name resolve order,12:28
ikoniaprashant_123456: this is assuming it is netbios resolution thats the problem, but I'm not sure of it to be honest12:28
prashant_123456something on the website says  use security = domain and workgroup = WORKGROUP ikonia12:30
ikoniaprashant_123456: you're not using domain authentication ?12:30
ikoniaprashant_123456: that won't stop shares being displayed or not12:30
MonkeyDustanonee  about 60 people in #ubuntuone12:30
prashant_123456ikonia, ok the solution is netbios12:31
ikoniaprashant_123456: are you sure ?12:31
anoneeMonkeyDust thank you I didn't even know that such a room exist, I didn't see it on their website.12:31
prashant_123456nope ikonia i am asking you sir12:32
ikoniaprashant_123456: well, that's my guess at this moment, but I'm not %100 certain12:32
ikoniaprashant_123456: you could try mounting one of the shares from your linux host, see if it works ok (it should) or if it gives any help in the error logs12:32
prashant_123456ikonia, ok so now i have to mount the shares right but how to please tell me the process please ikonia12:33
ikoniaprashant_123456: it's just the standard mount command, but with -t cifs or smbfs (depending on version)12:34
ikoniaprashant_123456: eg: mount -t cifs //servername/share /mnt12:34
cyberwaveI had a boyfriend named ubuntu once.  He would "play the bongos" on my ass.12:34
bgardnerpapret: Looks like there is no native way to count cells by color or style in Libreoffice.  If this is a must-have solution, you'll need to build some custom functions to get at the cell style.  See this old, but still relevant discussion: http://forum.openoffice.org/en/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=276212:36
prashant_123456no help ikonia12:37
ikoniaprashant_123456: what happened ?12:37
prashant_123456ikonia, wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on // ikonia12:38
ikoniaprashant_123456: ok - so that is a BIG help12:38
ikoniaprashant_123456: try with the fiel system smbfs12:38
prashant_123456ikonia, ok12:38
prashant_123456ikonia, unknown filesystem smbfs12:39
ikoniaprashant_123456: ok, so install the cifs module12:39
papretbgardner: ok, thank you :)12:39
prashant_123456ikonia, sudo apt-get install cifs ??12:39
ikoniaprashant_123456: you'll have to find the right package name12:40
Questwhat kind of mouse pen is recommended? whats can be the price range? any company that would be nice? I use linux. any driver issues?12:40
prashant_123456ikonia, how to do that12:41
ikoniaprashant_123456: have you got any experience in using ubuntu ?12:41
prashant_123456ikonia, cifs-utils12:41
prashant_123456ikonia, yes i have some12:41
ikoniaprashant_123456: try that pacakage, I've not got an ubuntu machine here to check12:42
ikoniaprashant_123456: ok, so searching for packages should be a basic function12:42
prashant_123456ikonia, yes12:42
prashant_123456ikonia, wait12:42
benediktseems like ubuntu has started saving my ssh passphrase to disk rather than using ssh-agent. How do I change this behaviour?12:43
ikoniabenedikt: why do you think it's saved to disk ?12:44
benediktikonia: i was only asked once, and it doesnt forget the passphrase when the X session dies.12:45
ikoniabenedikt: if you reboot does it ask you again ?12:45
benediktikonia: nope12:45
ikoniabenedikt: is it saved in gnome-keyring ?12:45
ikoniaas that's not disk12:45
benediktikonia: if it survives a reboot, then it is on disk.12:46
ikoniabenedikt: not how you are describing12:46
ikoniabenedikt: is it in gnome-keyring ?12:46
benediktikonia: i'm using xfce, so it is in whatever keyring proram it employs12:46
ikoniaI think that still uses gnome-keyring12:46
ikoniabenedikt: it asks you to "save" this key into the keyring or not it's possible you missed it/checked it12:47
benediktbut I do challenge you to keep something in memory between reboots :)12:47
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ikoniabenedikt: if it's in the keyring it should be easy to remove12:47
ikoniabenedikt: I didn't say it was in memory12:47
bgardnerbenedikt: Check ~/.gnome2/keyrings for the file login.keyring.  Move that and it should 'forget' your password.12:47
prashant_123456ikonia, after installing cifs-utils it asks for password but no luck still12:47
benedikti want it to be in the keyring as I only want to type it once per X session, but I don't want it to surivive reboots. Memory, not disk.12:48
ikoniaprashant_123456: look, you need to help me to help you - you can't just say "no luck" you need to give me information of what's happening12:48
prashant_123456ikonia, sorry for that12:48
benediktbgardner: that's very bad advice for someone that is not techincally capable of understanding it, yet wants to remove the passphrase from disk.12:48
ikoniabenedikt: it normally asks "this session" or "perminantly" or words to that effect12:48
benediktikonia: ah, thats probably what I missed12:48
Mattixis there any way to use the iPhone 5 from Ubuntu?12:48
prashant_123456ikonia, could not resolve address12:49
ikoniaprashant_123456: ok, could not resolve address......so that's telling us it's not able to see the server using that address12:49
ikoniaprashant_123456: what command exactly did youd o12:49
benediktikonia: should i make it forget the key via some GUI or just remove the keyring file like bgardner suggested?12:49
ikoniaMattix: iphone/linux - moving target, I wouldn't bother12:49
ikoniabenedikt: I'd try the gui, but I can't remember the gui's launch command12:50
ikoniais it gnome-keyring ?12:50
benediktikonia: google probably knows it12:50
XotixNeed to set permissions using chmod +a but it seems that it isn't available for me. Using ubuntu on virtual box. how can i install it?12:50
x0077BEHey guys, do you know what it means when traceroute just gives a bunch of stars?12:50
x0077BELike ****?12:50
prashant_123456ikonia, sudo mount -t cifs //a-desktop/ /mnt12:50
x0077BEI'm trying to set up a VPN and I can't tell if I'm getting blocked because of ports or what.12:50
prashant_123456ikonia, i tried ip address instead12:50
ikoniax0077BE: it means the router is not broadbasting the address12:50
Mattixikonia, what do you mean?12:50
ikoniaprashant_123456: ok, what happens when you try the IP12:50
ikoniax0077BE: traceroute doesn't test ports, so that's not going to help12:51
Mattixyou mean none here has/use an iPhone? :P12:51
x0077BEikonia: I can specify a port.12:51
x0077BEtraceroute ip -p 443 or whatever.12:51
ikoniax0077BE: not with traceroute12:51
ikoniax0077BE: shouldn't be using that for a test12:51
prashant_123456ikonia, retrying with upper case share name, mount error (6) no such device or address12:51
x0077BEikonia: 4th option.12:52
ikoniaprashant_123456: please answer the question - what happens with you use the IP12:52
x0077BEWhat would you suggest anyway?12:52
ikoniax0077BE: I'm aware of the -p option, but it's not a test12:52
ikoniax0077BE: its used for UDP - not tcp12:52
prashant_123456ikonia when i try ip address :- retrying with upper case share name, mount error (6) no such device or address12:52
robb4nHi, Im trying to make a Windows 7 USB from a .iso in latest Ubuntu. But when It tries to install GRUB bootloader it fails, I have tried dd, unetbootin, winusb and stil failing.. And I have a fresh install of latest ubuntu, anyone knows how to solve this?12:53
benediktMattix: the iphone is a propiatary and closed platform. I don't think many free software enthusiasts will use it :)12:53
ikoniaprashant_123456: is that the right IP address ?12:53
Mattixalllright. second day of use, I'm selling it -.-12:53
prashant_123456ikonia, yes i am checking the server ip address is
x0077BEikonia: What is the proper diagnostic tool for testing port connectivity?12:54
k1lrobb4n: do you want a ubuntu-usb or a windows-usb?12:54
prashant_123456ikonia, i can ping12:54
ikoniax0077BE there are many ways, a simple direct test is to telnet t the port on the remote server12:54
ikoniaprashant_123456: ok, are you running a firewall ?12:54
benediktMattix: i'm not hating, just explaining why you might find a lack of support and interest for your phone in the Linux world12:54
robb4nk1l: I want a windows-usb12:54
prashant_123456i can ssh to server and not using firewall ikonia12:54
ikoniaprashant_123456: are you %100 sure you don't have a firewall runing ?12:55
k1lrobb4n: then see the windows support how to do that.12:55
Rocketeerrobb4n have you tried the "Startup Disk Creator" built into Ubuntu?12:55
Xotixhow can i chmod +a get working on ubuntu or how can i "translate" it into something ubuntu understands?12:55
ikoniaXotix: that's the wrong syntax12:55
k1lRocketeer: that doesnt work for windows.12:55
robb4nk1l: I have done this before, many times from Linux... but I havent seen this problem before, and with all the other tools.. something is wierd :/12:56
robb4nRocketeer: same problem there :/12:56
robb4nand i have tried like 4 diffrent USB sticks aswell12:56
prashant_123456ikonia, i have installed firewall but not using it and it id disabled12:56
ikoniaprashant_123456: how are you checking that ?12:56
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k1l!away > stux|away|away12:57
ubottustux|away|away, please see my private message12:57
prashant_123456ikonia, i have gui firewall and it says it is disabled12:57
ikoniaprashant_123456: which gui ?12:57
prashant_123456gufw firewal ikonia12:57
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ikoniaprashant_123456: is there an entry in your host file for your server ip ?12:58
prashant_123456how to check ikonia12:58
Xotixikonia my book tells me I should do sudo chmod +a "www-data allow delete,write,append,file_inherit,directory_inherit" cache logs but i get invalid +a mode. It's a mac thing somehow and I don't know how i can achieve the same on ubuntu.12:58
robb4nk1l: Why would I even see windows support how to do this? when it seems it doesnt have anything to do with windows, since its stil fails on any linux.iso dist I have tried to make12:59
ikoniaprashant_123456: look in /etc/hosts - it's the first thing I asked you to check12:59
ikoniaKoma: your book is wrong12:59
ikoniaXotix: your book is wrong12:59
robb4nk1l: A fresh install of Ubuntu, and it fails to make a bootable USB12:59
prashant_123456ikonia, no entry in hosts12:59
ikoniaprashant_123456: ok, make one12:59
Xotixikonia so can you correct it? mac has +a http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man1/chmod.1.html13:00
k1lrobb4n: its a different task to make a linux-usb-system than a windows-usb-system13:00
columbI'm about to buy SSD. What kind of system optimisation  I could make to get better performance &  SSD lifetime?13:00
ikoniaXotix: why are you reading apple docs ?13:00
ikoniaXotix: you are you using mac OSX ?13:00
robb4nk1l: Yeah ofc, but now it stil fails on making a mageia, ubuntu usb bootable aswell13:00
k1lcolumb: use the discard function is fstab and use ext4. no swap needed if you have enough ram and dont want to use suspend13:01
prashant_123456ikonia, yes made it13:01
Xotixikonia was googling for ubuntu and now i know it's a mac thing, i read it to know what it does to get an idea how to do it in ubuntu but I still don't know. host win7 guest ubuntu13:01
ikoniaXotix: why are you just not reading the ubuntu docs ?13:01
ikoniaXotix: why read mac docs to learn how to do something in ubuntu, makes no sense13:01
columbk1l, but what if I do want to use suspend? Swap is still needed?13:01
Xotixikonia manpage of chmod doesn't list +a: of course it doesn't make sense, but since +a is a mac thing and the book refers to it I wanted to know what it does. So I'm looking for the equivalent thing for it in ubuntu.13:04
Komaikonia:  never written a book but if I will I'll send you a copy13:04
k1lcolumb: in case of swap to disk, yes13:04
ikoniaXotix: what do you want to actually do13:04
ikoniaKoma: thanks13:04
berryciderspiderPeople which ubuntu flavoured distro would you recommend?13:08
prashant_123456smbclient -L //A-DESKTOP/test -U root now shows the shares on ubuntu server13:08
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.13:08
ikoniaberryciderspider: it's going to come down to personal perference, try it13:08
ActionPa1snipberryciderspider: Xubuntu 12.04 for new users disliking Unity, Or Ubuntu 12.04 if you like it13:08
ikoniaprashant_123456: ok, that's better13:08
prashant_123456ikonia, yes13:09
vladinohi which bittorrent client is best ?13:10
Pici!best | vladino13:10
ubottuvladino: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.13:10
Xotixikonia I just found the solution. Needed to use setfacl. Thanks13:10
MonkeyDustvladino  deluge and transmission are popular13:10
jehangirim having serious error beeps .. is there a command that does a full system and hardware scan coz when i boot the computer it straight goes to bios and beeps13:14
jehangirhow do i check what partition table i have?13:15
ActionPa1snipjehangir: how is that an Ubuntu issue if Ubuntu neverloads?13:16
k1ljehangir: the bios beep codes refer to errors. see in the manual what is wrong13:16
ActionPa1snipjehangir: I suggest you ask ni ##hardware the beeps are the PC telling you something is wrong13:16
jehangirActionPa1snip: well the pc was running vista and dying ... i installed ubuntu and asked to replace windows ..now it beeps at boot up13:17
ActionPa1snipjehangir: the hardware guys will be able to tell you what the beeps mean13:18
jehangirActionPa1snip: im in that room i asked the question13:20
jehangirActionPa1snip: you heard of any laptops that may have hardware incomapibility with ubuntu13:22
ranticjehangir: Yes .... a lot of.13:22
jehangirshit !@#$13:22
k1ljehangir: first make sure the hardware works13:22
ranticjehangir: It's usually newer laptops though ... and support for those comes within 6-12 months.13:22
k1ljehangir: because no one wants to dig for a non existing problem when its clearly a hardware failure13:23
prashant_123456ikonia, i can now access shares need to put guest ok = yes in smb.conf file13:23
prashant_123456ikonia, thanks for the kind help i am used to arch and gentoo13:23
=== jagger|away is now known as jagger
jnhghyhow can I check what files a program/user is using while it's running a script?13:24
d__Hello everyone~I need help!13:24
ranticjehangir: What laptop doy ou own?13:24
ranticd__: Good morning, what's up/13:24
Gilligan94the ubuntu PPAs giving anyone else a 503 error?13:25
jehangirrantic: compaq cq 60-209 TU13:25
jehangirrantic: had vista on it sucked so bad i had to switch to ubuntu13:25
k1lGilligan94: maybe the PPAs are down13:25
nilsecEach time I connect a set of headphones, I have to go to the audio settings and tell Ubuntu to use those as the speakers. Is there any way to make it default such that any time I connect a new audio device it switches to that automatically?13:25
d__I'm surface pro installed Ubuntu 13.04~~~No network connection13:26
Gilligan94k1l: seems like it, do you mind running a sudo apt-get update and see if it's not just me13:26
nilsecGilligan94, I just ran apt-get update and it worked fine.13:26
=== maxx is now known as Guest70750
d__Please help me13:26
Gilligan94nilsec: hmm, might switch server13:26
k1lGilligan94: maybe that specific PPAs is down. like not anymore available13:27
Gilligan94k1l: it's just the ubuntu PPAs for me13:28
jehangird__: ??13:28
k1l!details | d__13:28
ubottud__: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:28
k1l!cn | d__13:28
ubottud__: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw13:28
Gilligan94specifically precise-backports is reporting the 50313:29
nilsecIn Ubuntu 13.04, when I connect a pair of headphones to my Thinkpad T430 (or any other device I've used running Ubuntu), Ubuntu continues to use the same audio output it was before I connected them. I expected Ubuntu to switch to the new audio output automatically. How can I ensure that it does so in the future?13:30
Gilligan94nilsec: I have this same issue with all audio devices, seems to be a running issue13:31
Gilligan94nilsec: might be worth checking if a bug report has been filed13:31
d__ I will not English, I'm sorry.13:34
d__I installed the ubuntu 13.04 on surface pro13:34
d__After entering the desktop, shows that there are three wireless network connection, but none of them available, unable to connect to the network.13:34
d__I have modified the network configuration file, now starts the system prompt: waiting up to 60 more seconds for netword configuration13:34
d__Unable to enter the desktop, you need to help. I will not English, I'm sorry.13:34
FloodBot1d__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:34
Gilligan94d__: please dont use eneter as punctuation. what do you meen it shows wireless networks but they are unavailable? how are they unavailable?13:37
Bower^Worki've been experiencing some incredible slowdowns on my ubuntu partition. i'm on the verge of just formatting it. there's seemingly no cause...i'll come back to my idle PC and finding half of the programs unresponsive and generally sluggish. is there any way to debug this issue?13:38
d__Gilligan94 Unable to enter the desktop now,thank you~13:39
luminoushello! I'm trying to have update-alternatives see my ruby1.9.3 as the selected ruby interpreter.. but update-alternatives only lists 1.9.1 out of the 1.9 series. I have _not_ installed 1.9.1, but 1.9.3 pulls in ruby1.9.1-full. what should I be doing to ensure ruby apps are using 1.9.3?13:41
saiarcot895luminous: based on "apt-cache policy ruby1.9.1", ruby1.9.1 is 1.9.313:43
luminousI'm not sure I follow13:44
luminousmy app yells at me: Gem::InstallError: nokogiri requires Ruby version >=
luminoussaiarcot895: and update-alternatives says: * 2            /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1   10        manual mode13:44
guest5426is there a trick to getting clang working on ubuntu 13.04 i386? currently it can't find system headers like iostream, stdio.h, etc13:45
Bower^Worki've been experiencing some incredible slowdowns on my ubuntu partition. i'm on the verge of just formatting it. there's seemingly no cause...i'll come back to my idle PC and finding half of the programs unresponsive and generally sluggish. is there any way to debug this issue?13:45
ScodingHello, could anyone help me setup a wireless usb adapter on my ubuntu? I'm running in circles for last 2 days13:45
Bower^Workif i don't get this sorted i'll have to do development on a windows box :(13:46
studious<Bower^Work>: how much RAM on the system and swap size13:46
jehangirhow do i run a system hardware scan?13:46
studious<Bower^Work>: you can try hdparm to tune the hdd performance13:46
Bower^Workstudious, plenty for ubuntu. it's a software issue13:46
luminousBower^Work: how are you so sure?13:46
luminousjustify that claim13:47
Bower^Workreminds me of a network hanging13:47
Bower^Worki jhave a slower PC at home that handles it fine13:47
Bower^Worknot even remotely this bad13:47
luminousbut this is the world of computers, so your memory is not so important when debugging something that vague13:47
Gilligan94Bower^Work: it doesn't sound like a software issue, you might just have incompatible hardware that needs extra drivers. try a fresh install first though13:48
luminousGilligan94: reinstall is your first suggestion??13:48
Bower^WorkGilligan94, i was worried that was the only solution. that's not an option13:48
Bower^Worki've spent enough time getting this working13:48
luminousGilligan94: this isn't windows13:48
studious<Bower^Work>: recompile the kernel to match the hardware on the system13:48
Gilligan94luminous: I don't use any windows13:48
luminouswhy don't you do more debugging to be more sure of what the problem is??13:48
saiarcot895luminous: /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1 is technically version 1.9.313:49
Bower^Workmy initial question asked how to debug this13:49
rosco_yIs Gnustep a window manager or something else?13:49
Bower^Worki have windows installed on this machine and it works fine13:49
luminoussaiarcot895: ok, so why does bundler yell at me?13:49
luminousBower^Work: windows "working" fine doesn't mean anything - windows will "work" with bad memory13:50
saiarcot895luminous: not sure, but there's a separate ruby package (version 4.9)13:50
luminousuntil you hit the right cycle..13:50
luminoussaiarcot895: my app yells at me: Gem::InstallError: nokogiri requires Ruby version >= 1.9.213:50
Bower^Workluminous, i find it hard to believe ubuntu is quite that  bad13:50
luminousBower^Work: if misconfigured, yea, or missing soemthing it needs, or having bad hardware, yea13:51
luminousbetter than windows13:51
Bower^Worki just installed from disc and installed updates13:51
bgardnerBower^Work: Have you tried memtest yet?13:51
martinrameHi, since last week I cannot print anymore on an Ricoh Aficio 220 (network print). I'm using 12.04 64bits. The message i get is "/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip failed". How can I debug the problem?.13:51
luminouswindows simply gives you the illusion of working13:51
rosco_yI love ubuntu, I'm happy to say13:51
saiarcot895luminous: what distro are you on?13:51
Bower^Worki do love ubuntu, just hate it when my programs hang :(13:51
Gilligan94luminous: windows doesn't really work with any memory, they still have that bug in their kernel13:51
luminousBower^Work: but really, you need to debug this more to be able to resolve it13:51
Bower^Workluminous, i'm all ears13:52
luminoussaiarcot895: 12.04 LTS13:52
Bower^Workluminous, what do you recommend13:52
Bower^Workluminous, keeping in mind i'm at work and don't have hours to spend on this13:52
luminousBower^Work: run htop and monitor what is going on, check logs, dmesg tell you anything?13:52
luminousBower^Work: run memtest13:52
Bower^Workthanks luminous13:53
luminousBower^Work: confirm what swap usage is like13:53
saiarcot895luminous: can you run "apt-cache policy ruby1.8" and see if that is installed?13:54
luminoussaiarcot895: it is installed, I was hoping to leave it be until I had that app working on 1.913:54
geek2076jaimerai savoir quelle image de ubuntu touch pour installer sur galaxy tab 2 10.1 p5113.   jai reussi sur mon nexus et un gars la installer sur sa tablette p511313:55
luminoussaiarcot895: I can remove it if I really have to13:55
luminousinfact, I think I tried at one point13:55
bgardner!fr | geek207613:55
ubottugeek2076: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:55
flaresi've installed ubuntu 13 and i added it to the domain when i enter with any user i try to set it as an administrator but i cant despite i unblock it using the pass admin13:55
flaressome help plz ?13:55
martinrameSince last week I cannot print anymore on an Ricoh Aficio 220 (network print). I'm using 12.04 64bits. The message i get is "/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip failed". How can I debug the problem?.13:55
saiarcot895luminous: my guess was that it's seeing the wrong ruby version13:56
saiarcot895luminous: can you run "update-alternatives --display ruby" and see if it prints out 1.9.1 or 1.8.7?13:56
luminouswell, I just removed 1.813:57
Bower^Workluminous, my swap is 255/255mb. doesn't sound good?13:57
saiarcot895luminous: at least you had no other dependencies on the old one :)13:57
luminousBower^Work: that is why your system is going to a crawl13:58
Bower^Worki wonder why it's so low13:58
luminoussaiarcot895: so I need rubygems for 1.9, is rubygems1.1 (which mentions 1.9.1) actually 1.9.313:58
luminousBower^Work: I would wonder why so much oof it is in use13:58
luminousnot why you have so little of it13:58
luminousyour system should not be swapping13:59
luminoussaiarcot895: what's with 1.9.1 == 1.9.3? or the other way around13:59
saiarcot895luminous: while the package name says 1.9.1, the actual binary is version 1.9.313:59
saiarcot895flaviocc: its //exit14:00
luminoussaiarcot895: hah. only in ubuntu :p14:00
saiarcot895luminous: well, that style is in debian too14:00
luminoussaiarcot895: ok, so only in linux.14:00
luminousapologies, I come from another planet.14:01
Bower^Workluminous, http://s23.postimg.org/bgjbu86nv/htop.png - anything look unusual?14:01
saiarcot895luminous: my guess is that since ruby 1.8 and ruby 1.9 were incompatible, they had to make separate packages for the two, and at the time of creation, ruby was 1.9.114:01
luminoussaiarcot895: sure, 1.9.1 has been noted has having terrible bugs, hence .2 and .3 releases14:01
luminousso it's fundamentally wrong to bring that confusion to the user14:01
luminousespecially with a trick like package naming14:02
luminousbut alas, we digress14:02
* luminous tests bundler14:02
luminoussaiarcot895: bah, do I need to reopen the shell or somethign? -bash: /usr/local/bin/bundle: /usr/bin/ruby1.8: bad interpreter: No such file or directory14:03
luminousupdate alternatives shows 1.9.1 correctly14:03
=== g_byers is now known as gbyers[Away]
saiarcot895luminous: wait, did you install bundler through "sudo apt-get install bundler"?14:04
luminoussaiarcot895: I don't remember14:04
luminousbut I'll look into it14:04
luminousdoesn't look like it14:05
saiarcot895luminous: that would explain the /usr/local/bin; that directory is for binaries you personally installed (outside of apt/dpkg)14:05
luminoussaiarcot895: probably through gems, I guess I need to reinstall14:05
luminousthere we go14:06
luminousthat looks better14:06
=== AgRo is now known as Guest96362
saiarcot895luminous: that's the problem14:06
luminousyes, gem install bundler helped14:06
saiarcot895luminous: rubygems (in the ubuntu repo) depends on ruby1.814:07
luminousand bundler is now reinstalling all my app's deps14:07
luminoussaiarcot895: yea, I have rubygems1.9.114:07
saiarcot895luminous: ah, ok14:07
luminoussweet, it has not errored out where it did before :D14:07
luminousnokogiri wanted 1.9.2+14:07
luminoussaiarcot895: thanks for the assistance here!14:09
luminousgreatly appreciated14:09
saiarcot895luminous: you're welcome14:09
luminousBower^Work: overall, you need to find out why your system is swapping14:09
luminousI can't really give better advice than that14:09
=== matthew_ is now known as Guest84539
luminousinspecting the details (which processes are consuming too much mem/swap) in htop should helpo14:09
Almindoris there a way to start an upstart job after an init.d job?14:12
Almindorwithout converting the init.d one first14:12
saiarcot895Bower^Work: it seems firefox is taking up 60% of your memory, and java is taking up 34%14:13
saiarcot895Bower^Work: those are the two biggest memory hogs there, so I would start with those14:13
ikoniaAlmindor: nothing is launched as a system V job anymore14:14
Almindorikonia: of course there are, init.d is still populated with quite a lot of things not present in /etc/init/14:16
ikoniathat doesn't mean it's run14:16
Plateranyone good knowledge of reaver? please pm me, i got some issue14:16
ikoniaAlmindor: system V is not installed as an init system14:16
ikoniaPlater: is this anything to do with ubuntu ?14:16
saiarcot895Bower^Work: you have 5 separate firefox windows open, with (from what I can tell about the memory usage) a lot of tabs open in each one of them14:16
Almindoron 12.04?14:16
ikoniaAlmindor: yes, system V init is not installed14:16
Almindorikonia: so my rcX dirs and init.d are there just for fun and postgresql starts itself by magic?14:17
ikoniaAlmindor: no, it's launched by upstart14:17
Almindorikonia: so "start on started postgresql" should work right?14:18
ikoniaAlmindor: depends, depends what's triggering it14:18
Almindorpsql is in rc3.d14:18
ikoniathat means nothing14:18
ikoniafrom memory there is an upstart job at the end that calls all legacy system V init jobs,14:19
ikoniabut you'll need to check that14:19
arteiroany, has problem to install pci wireless realtek 8190 ?14:19
saiarcot895Almindor: "sudo service start postgresql" might start postgresql14:19
ikoniasaiarcot895: he doesn't want to start it14:19
Almindoryeah rc.conf14:19
ikoniahe's trying to trigger a job from it's init in upstart14:19
saiarcot895ikonia: ah, ok14:19
Almindorrc.conf runs rc on runlevels14:19
Almindorso psql is actually started by rc14:20
ikoniathere we go, so it does cycle through the legacy run levels14:20
ikoniabut it's called by upstart14:20
AlmindorI guess upstart has no knowledge of individual rc jobs tho14:20
=== fought_away is now known as fought
ikoniaI would agree o that14:20
arteiroI need help, has problem to install pci wireless realtek 8190 ?14:20
servercbeHi, Good morning!  ... I CANT make my pc start from network... and I get this message:           RPL-ROM-FFC     and never get and IP14:23
saiarcot895arteiro: you might have to use Windows drivers14:23
saiarcot895arteiro: http://askubuntu.com/questions/53136/realtek-8190-wireless-doesnt-work14:23
servercbeRPL-ROM-FFC     and never get an IP14:23
servercbeany help please14:23
servercbeRPL-ROM-FFC     never get an IP    please help!14:24
ikoniaservercbe: stop repeating14:24
ikoniapeople won't reward people with help for just blindly spamming the channel14:25
servercbesorry... I it getting me crazy14:25
Piciservercbe: It sounds like you're asking about WOL via your BIOS, how is this an Ubuntu problem?14:25
arteirosaiarcot895,  thanks.14:27
=== 1JTAAC2V3 is now known as zipper
zipperWhat does reckon mean in networking?14:28
Picizipper: In what context?14:29
arteirosaiarcot895, this way worked, however ndiswrapper impossible I use the NIC mode RFMON14:30
zipperPici in nmap -sL does a passive reckon14:30
=== arteiro is now known as bumbop
Picizipper: I don't see that in any of the nmap manpages.14:31
zipperPici It might not be but what it does is a DNS resolution. That is: that it doesn't send packets directly to the IP address. It goes through the DNS server and asks it for all the hosts name.14:34
p0wn3dCan anyone explain the difference between audit and tripwire/AIDE?14:34
zipperPici anyway I've heard that word too many times just tell me what you know.14:34
=== jack is now known as Guest85536
Picizipper: If you mean 'recon', thats short for reconnaissance. 'reckon' doesn't mean anything in that context.14:36
zipperPici Okay I just heard it I didn't read it. What do you mean by recon? Please don't tell me to google it. English isn't my best language.14:37
Picizipper: its not really a computer question. It just a fancy word for survey14:39
rahuleshi, is there a command by which i can see what all drivers i can use for my wifi? It's now using the wl driver.14:39
geek2076jaimerai savoir quelle image de ubuntu touch sur galaxy tab 2 10.1 p511314:39
Pici!fr | geek207614:39
ubottugeek2076: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:39
zipperPici nice! So when -sL is called a passive recon he meant to mean like a passive scan because it's the DNS server doing the work?14:40
wasanzyhello guys, am having head pain installing ubuntu aside win 8. after installing win8, ubuntu is not seeing the partitions I created so is trying to use the entire disk. am using hp envy dv614:41
zipperPici btw hope you'll use the newly learnt info. I'm not sure where to apply it just yet but I will.14:41
geek2076jaimerai savoir quelle image de ubuntu touch sur galaxy tab 2 10.1 p511314:42
geek2076jaimerai savoir quelle image de ubuntu touch  a installer sur galaxy tab 2 10.1 p511314:43
musahow do i know if i have been hacked or been infected by viruses. I am using Ubuntu 13.04 32bit14:43
geek2076je lai fait sur nexus avec succes14:43
musai have been getting banned from Drupal.org14:43
=== peter_ is now known as Guest67029
musawhere do I ask questions? and to whom?14:44
ikonianot here14:44
geek2076quelquun peut me repondre svp14:44
auronandace!fr | geek207614:44
ubottugeek2076: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:44
rosco_yDoes anyone have anything to say about installing GNUstep on Ubuntu?14:48
auronandace!info gnustep | rosco_y14:49
ubotturosco_y: gnustep (source: meta-gnustep): User applications for the GNUstep Envireonment. In component universe, is optional. Version 7.7 (raring), package size 4 kB, installed size 28 kB14:49
rosco_yauronandace: ty--do you know, if I install it, would I be able to switch between that and gnome by selecting the sesssion type at the login prompt?14:50
auronandacerosco_y: i'd assume so14:51
rosco_yauronandace: thank you :)14:51
=== dougsko_ is now known as dougsko
Seven_Six_TwoI'm having issues with the time command. Below is the command I'm trying to do, without the quotes. I'm getting an error about --verbose not being a command.15:00
Seven_Six_Two"time --append --verbose -o time-rsync.txt sudo rsync -zrlpv --size-only --inplace /home/username/backupdir/ /media/external133/"15:00
MonkeyDustSeven_Six_Two  what is it supposed to do?15:01
Seven_Six_TwoMonkeyDust, do an rsync, and print to file how long the process took.15:01
Seven_Six_Twothe rsync works on its own, it's the time command that is giving me trouble. I've read the man page twice, and I don't see what's wrong.15:02
MonkeyDustSeven_Six_Two  better ask in the channel #bash15:02
Seven_Six_TwoMonkeyDust, time isn't a builtin15:03
Christi123hi does anyone know how to install virtualenv and where should we install it15:03
MonkeyDustSeven_Six_Two  it is15:03
MonkeyDustSeven_Six_Two  what's the output of     cat /etc/issue ?15:04
nicofsDoes anyone of you know about an open source software for an EMS control room to schedule units (current location, task, target location, ...)?15:04
Seven_Six_TwoMonkeyDust, http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Bash-Builtins.html15:05
Seven_Six_TwoMonkeyDust, Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS \n \l15:05
MonkeyDustSeven_Six_Two  i never installed time and it is there15:05
Seven_Six_TwoMonkeyDust, it's part of the default install.15:05
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
MonkeyDustSeven_Six_Two  but you just said it isnt15:06
Seven_Six_TwoMonkeyDust, no, I said it isn't a bash builtin command.15:06
PiciSeven_Six_Two: If you're using bash, you might want to take a look at this part of the time manpage: "Users of the bash shell need to use an explicit path in order to run the external time command and not the shell builtin variant."15:06
PiciSeven_Six_Two, MonkeyDust: It *is* a shell builtin, but it is also an executable. So call it explictily with /usr/bin/time so that it supports those options.15:08
Seven_Six_TwoPici, thank you very much! Why wouldn't gnu list it as builtin then? I skipped *blush* the examples part...15:08
hikenbootcan somone point me to quantal directions for changing grub timeout for when it loads15:09
cipherboyhikenboot, Check /etc/default/grub; the option you want is there. After modifying, run sudo update-grub15:10
PiciSeven_Six_Two: I don't know. I thought that was weird too.15:10
Seven_Six_TwoPici, the explicit path worked perfectly. thanks again.15:11
Seven_Six_TwoI use zsh on every box but that machine, so I might have missed it anyhow.15:12
leo-the-manicI'm using Kubuntu, it informed me a new version was released. I went to click it to see what version it was and it simply started updating. Now it says it's got 3.5 hours left, there's no cancel button, and I can't install anything else while updating15:12
leo-the-manicIs it safe to force close this upgrade thing?15:12
blazemoreleo-the-manic: No15:12
Seven_Six_Twoleo-the-manic, is it downloading or installing presently?15:13
blazemoreleo-the-manic: It told you before the upgrade that you shouldn't do anything while it's updating, and it could take a long time15:13
blazemoreleo-the-manic: And you said OK15:13
Seven_Six_Twoleo-the-manic, then no. don't stop it. and don't fiddle with it if you can help it. go have tea.15:13
leo-the-manicblazemore: I'm pretty sure I clicked the button that next to "A new version is available" and it just started going15:14
Seven_Six_Twoleo-the-manic, that's possible, just as it's possible that the button said "install now"15:14
Seven_Six_Twoerr...upgrade now15:15
leo-the-manicJust seems poorly designed. I can't really have tea for 3.5 hours but I guess that's my fault for clicking a button to try and get more info than "A new version is available"15:15
Seven_Six_TwoPici, interesting to note, the conflict between the shell builtin and the external command is mentioned in the opening paragraph of time's entry in Linux in a nutshell.15:17
rosco_yleo-the-manic: Read the Harry Potter Series15:17
leo-the-manicrosco_y: Haha xD I appreciate the help but I really should be working. But it seems I lucked out. I wanted to install coffeescript but I can install it through npm instead of apt-get15:17
rosco_yI sympothize though, it's tough when it looks like an install is hung15:18
mrvisserHey, I have an ubuntu server setup, and when I run netstat -anp | grep -e tcp -e udp, I find that there are a couple ports being listened on, but the process name is just a "dash" -15:18
mrvisserdoes anyone know what that indicates?15:18
rosco_ynupe, not-me15:19
=== _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman
BritishG4m3rHey all! I'm attempting to kill a process in Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS.  I can successfully kill the process in question but after running 'grep' again I can see a new process has appeared under a different PID running the same file. Any way I can stop this file running?15:19
SwedeMikeBritishG4m3r: what process is this?15:19
jribBritishG4m3r: be more specific15:20
BritishG4m3r1012      1195  3.0  2.1 5783520 711484 pts/8  Sl+  10:26   1:41 java -server -d64 -Xincgc -Xmx3G -jar mcpc-plus.jar nogui15:20
BritishG4m3rthat's what grep is throwing at me15:20
SwedeMikeBritishG4m3r: use ps -axjf to get process tree, kill whatever process is spawning the java process.15:21
hawaat reboot my touchpad doesnt work... but after locking and unlocking the touchpad it works. its not a big problem as the touchpad works after locking and unlocking it... however i have to do it every time i boot my ubuntu... anybody help???15:21
SwedeMikeBritishG4m3r: "ps axjf" I mean15:21
=== adamxx is now known as adamx
Seven_Six_Twoyou can also call pstree for a more visual tree as well15:22
hawaat reboot my touchpad doesnt work... but after locking and unlocking the touchpad it works. its not a big problem as the touchpad works after locking and unlocking it... however i have to do it every time i boot my ubuntu... anybody help??? couldnt find help in any forums15:23
BritishG4m3rSwedeMike: thanks a bunch, that seems to have done it15:24
Seven_Six_Two!repeat | hawa15:24
ubottuhawa: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:24
hawai tried searching it...15:25
hawadoes anybody know how do i reinstall my touchpad driver??? like a fresh installation15:27
blazemorehawa: I doubt that's the problem15:28
blazemorehawa: the driver is part of the kernel15:28
hawareally... it used to work like a charm...15:28
blazemoreWHat changed between it working, and it not working?15:28
hawai dnt quite understand what made it do so..15:28
hawait is working... bt i have to lock and unlock every time i reboot15:28
alichimanquestion all.  Installing ubuntu server 12.04 LTS for the first time.  trying to set-up LVM and was wondering if there is a way to have / be a part of the LVM.15:29
hawaonly then does that work...15:29
hikenbootcipherboy: it seems to be defaulting grub to the memtest15:29
bgardnerhawa: You said it "used to work like a charm" - when did that change?15:29
hawai dnt quite remember when did it stopped working...15:29
hawaor what made it so..15:30
BluesKajhawa, check your touchpad options is there a sessions lock/unlock option ?15:30
hawaBlueskaj... u mean in system setting???15:31
hawaits ubuntu 12.04 there's no such option there in mine..15:31
hawais there supposed to be???15:31
cipherboyhikenboot, then change your GRUB_DEFAULT command to match.15:31
BluesKajdunno hawa , I don't run unity/gnome15:32
hawaokie tnx anwy...15:32
hawawhat do i run then...15:32
BluesKajbut I assume there must be15:32
hawai am fed up of unity as well...15:33
blazemorehawa: there is a settings panel somewhere15:33
hawaany suggestion...15:33
monkwitdafunkUnity desktop enviroment is the default in the latest LTS right?15:33
hikenbootthanks I was just about to do that I changed the wrong line15:33
hawathere i settings...15:33
hawabut there is no such thing as session lock unlock15:33
cipherboyhikenboot, no problem.15:33
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SonikkuAmericamonkwitdafunk: Indeed (in Ubuntu).15:34
hawamonkwitdafunk: nice name... yes unity is default with LTS15:35
SonikkuAmericamonkwitdafunk: Kubuntu = KDE, Xubuntu = XFCE, Lubuntu = LXDE (not an LTS), Ubuntu Studio = XFCE, Edubuntu = Unity15:35
bamdadIs there any way to understand which repository a package is installed from ?15:38
Picibamdad: apt-cache policy packagename15:38
jhutchinsHow do you display the LUN number from the server it's attached to?15:39
bamdadBut it returns a list15:39
bamdadPici: there is a list of mirrors, I wanna know which mirror exactly15:39
Picibamdad: If they all have the same version number, why does it matter?15:39
bamdadI installed a package, and they behave differently15:40
bamdadthey are installed from different mirrors on 2 different servers15:40
lunmy number?15:40
blazemorelun: You're quick ;)15:41
alichimanquestion all.  Installing ubuntu server 12.04 LTS for the first time.  trying to set-up LVM and was wondering if there is a way to have / be a part of the LVM.15:41
=== root is now known as Guest95120
ikoniaalichiman: / can be part of lvm15:44
cipherboyQuestion, anyone have any decent tutorials on cross compiling?15:45
ActionPa1snip!rootirc | Guest9512015:45
ubottuGuest95120: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.15:45
ikoniacipherboy: its not something thats a strict way, the approach depends on a few things15:45
ikoniacipherboy: you'll find some good advice in ##c and ##c++15:45
alichimanhow?  you can't create the lvm partition without having root15:46
cipherboyikonia, thanks, specifically looking to try and hack apart Xcode to get a toolchain for iOS/Arm15:46
ikoniaalichiman: sorry what ?15:46
ikoniacipherboy: not really an ubuntu issue15:46
blazemorealichiman: I think you're *fundamentally* misunderstanding something here, and I'd advise avoiding doing anything to your system you don't understand15:47
blazemore!lvm | alichiman15:47
ubottualichiman: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto15:47
hrolfIs there any player which remembers the playback position for each file? I have large collection of files and they are huge files (plus more than 3 hours), so is there any player which saves the last playback position?15:47
blazemorehrolf: video files?15:47
alichimanread the http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO15:47
ikoniaalichiman: I know how to use it15:48
alichimanAnd blaze this is just a test box I'm playing with15:48
ikoniaalichiman: why don't you explain your question15:48
hrolfblazemore: No audio only.15:48
alichimanikonia.  I meant I read that article already.  Sorry15:49
blazemorehrolf: Some Googleing has uncovered Songbird has an addon called "Last Track Resume"15:49
blazemorehrolf: I know mpd does it too15:49
blazemorehrolf: In fact, since you have a specific requirement for an audio player, you'd probably get quite a lot out of mpd15:50
blazemorempd + aria15:50
blazemoreThat's what I use anyway (mpd+aria)15:50
hrolfblazemore: Songbird is a plugin for?15:51
alichimanso I am running throught the 12.04 server install and creating my partitions which I can't create an LVM without designating a root partition first15:51
hrolfblazemore: Oops. Sorry.15:51
ikoniaalichiman: of course you can15:52
ikoniaalichiman: you make the root "partition" a logical volume hanging from the lvm volume group you've created15:52
alichimanI can't.  I can't create the lvm without having the root partition existing.15:53
ikoniaalichiman: yes you can15:53
ikoniaalichiman: you actually shouldn't have a root "partition"15:53
ikoniaas root should be a logical volume15:53
K___Nvidia GeForce GTX 680 2 GB GDDR515:55
K___good card15:55
ikoniaK___: try ##hardware15:55
JyZyXELwhy doesn't Ubuntu 13 handle the situation where you install Ubuntu Desktop to a computer that doesn't support Unity?15:57
ikoniaJyZyXEL: how does it know it won't support unity ?15:57
JyZyXELit just gets stuck showing the Ubuntu wallpaper and nothing else15:57
JyZyXELikonia: because unitu_test_support crashes15:57
ikoniaJyZyXEL: a lot of it will be down to graphics vendors/drivers incompatability15:57
ikoniaJyZyXEL: that's interesting, got a bug logged for that15:58
ikonia!bug | JyZyXEL15:58
ubottuJyZyXEL: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.15:58
JyZyXELit sent the bug report15:58
JyZyXELdid you find it?15:58
ikoniaJyZyXEL: I've not looked15:58
ikoniaJyZyXEL: you need to log a bug detailing the problem, it sounds worth logging15:59
JyZyXELyou said you got a bug for it, i thought u found it15:59
ikoniaJyZyXEL: or check if there is a bug already logged and then add to it15:59
=== dziegler is now known as dziegler_off
UTAN_dev>>> Hello all. I'm running ubuntu 12.04 LTS inside VirtualBox 4.2.16 on Windows 7 64-bit. That means my GUI is Unity, right? How can I determine which window manager is running? (I'm trying to get better window management, e.g. tiling or move window to left/right half of the screen.) Thanks!15:59
hrolfblazemore: In Ario, where do I import my files? No option there.15:59
JyZyXELbut anyways after that crashes, the desktop just stays empty15:59
ikoniaJyZyXEL: get a bug logged15:59
JyZyXELyou just have the empty desktop and nothing to continue with15:59
JyZyXELhorrible user experience for my dad15:59
blazemorehrolf: You configure mpd, ario is just a client for mpd15:59
ikoniaJyZyXEL: complaining about it won't change it - log a bug16:00
JyZyXELi logged it16:00
ikoniaJyZyXEL: what is the bug ID16:00
JyZyXELit didn't tell16:00
ikoniaJyZyXEL: then you've not logged it16:00
ikoniaJyZyXEL: log a bug - or find an existing bug to append your info to16:00
hrolfblazemore: How to configure mpd?16:00
JyZyXELikonia: i used the dialog that came up16:00
hrolfblazemore: I have a folder in which there are my audio files. I want to import them all.16:00
ikoniaJyZyXEL: READ the link I sent you about logging a bug16:01
blazemorehrolf: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPD16:01
JyZyXELikonia: also it required to input a password, the installation process didn't even ask to set a root password :p16:02
blazemorehrolf: basically you edit /etc/mpd.conf16:02
ikoniaJyZyXEL: because ubuntu doesn't use a root password16:02
ikoniaJyZyXEL: this is the correct behaviour16:02
jeffkadetHello, I am very new to ubuntu (or any other linux system).  I have an IBM 570 Thinkpad with Pentium II manufactured in 1999.  I have no idea of the memory or hard drive space since I haven't used it in years and don't have the password to get into it.  I first tried Xubuntu desktop and then after more online research tired ubuntu-5.10-install-i386.  In both cases, all I get on the screen is "Operating System not found".  I appreciate any16:02
jeffkadetsuggestions.  Jeff16:02
JyZyXELso the regular user password is ok to use there16:02
ikoniaJyZyXEL: where ?16:02
JyZyXELin the bug reporting dialog16:02
ikoniaJyZyXEL: forget the bug reporting dialog - it's asking for a launchpad account16:02
hrolfblazemore: Does my files all need to be in a single folder?16:03
ikoniaJyZyXEL: READ the inforamtion I've given you and log a bug CORRECTLY16:03
ikoniaJyZyXEL: OR search for an existing bug and append the info you have to the bug16:03
JyZyXELcan the bug reporter even function like intended when the OS crashes before the desktop has even loaded?16:03
ikoniaJyZyXEL: I'm stopping discussion now as you are just ignoring what I'm telling you to do16:04
JyZyXELthats because the information in your link is for a working system16:04
ikoniaJyZyXEL: use another system to log the bug16:04
tgunryikes! I was in a folder named /play and needed to set ownership and used `cd /play' then `chown -R davec:dev .'  followed by `chmod -R g+w .' then noticed it did not set the .git folder. I used `chmod -R g+w .*' and it changed EVRYTHING under / My question, is there a app like MAcOSX to check permisions and get them back to default?16:05
ikoniaJyZyXEL: I suspect there is already a bug for this16:05
ikoniaJyZyXEL: I'd be surprised if one doesn't exist16:06
blazemorehrolf: If I were you I'd leave the default music folder alone, and just symlink your actual music library in it16:06
alichimansorry Ikonia - Got interrupted.  So When I run through the installer, I partion my disks and have three primary partitions.  Boot, Swap, and LVM.16:07
alichiman<alichiman> When I try and configure the lvm I receive a message there must be a root partition to proceed16:07
ikoniaalichiman: NO16:07
ikoniaalichiman: you don't use partitions, as I've said - 3 - 4 times to you now16:07
hrolfblazemore: How to do that?16:07
=== richard is now known as Guest68497
ActionPa1sniptgunr: i suggest you reinstall16:08
tgunrnot possible16:09
ActionPa1sniptgunr: well, your OS isnt going to work if you dont16:09
tgunrit's in TX, I'm in CA16:09
ActionPa1sniptgunr: submit a smarthands request16:09
ikoniatgunr: put everything back to root:root 775 - then lock it down16:09
ikoniatgunr: it won't be "as default" but you can reverse it applying logic16:09
ikoniaand fixing minor bugs, such as home directory, or mysql socket file permissions as they come up16:10
tgunrthats the problem, 775 root:root is not going to work for the sudoers file16:10
alichimanno clue what I was doing wrong.  got it to work now16:10
ikoniatgunr: that's why I said fix the minor issues16:10
ikoniatgunr: putting it to root:root 775 - means it's safe for root, then open up what you need to open/change to fix bugs16:10
ikoniaeg: ssh key files, sudoers, mysql socket files, home directories etc etc16:10
tgunrhmm, k, have not had this happen to me for 10+ years16:10
ActionPa1sniptgunr: could restore a backup16:11
ikoniadon't see how long it's not happened for make a difference16:11
tgunri mean, why would `chmod -R g+w .*' change the root /?16:11
ikoniatgunr: depends where you executed it from16:12
tgunrI was in /play16:12
ikoniatgunr: then it woudln't douch root16:12
ikoniaas in "/"16:12
ikoniatouch root I should say16:13
tgunrbut it did, I about crapped when i saw a stream of ./proc denial messages16:13
bgardnertgunr: It touched "/" because ".*" matches ".."16:13
ikoniatgunr: it didn't - either you where in the wrong dir or that's the wrong command16:13
ActionPa1sniptgunr: you sure you werent in / and used ./*16:13
ActionPa1snipbgardner: ahhh nice catch16:13
blazemoreWhy do people ask for help and then leave? It's so frustrating. Sorry for off-topic16:13
tgunrI'm positive, i looked at my .history file to make sure16:13
ikoniatgunr: bgardner has caught it16:14
randomaussieevening gents... i appear to have broken somehting updating my os... i nolonger can control my wifi or my wired lan... the network icon either doesnt appear at all or is greyed out. and when i double click on the greyed out icon, the error i get something about drivers not working with this version.... any pointers please16:14
ActionPa1snipblazemore: i know, or keep bleating on and not responding to info requests16:14
tgunrhmm, .. at one level down from /16:14
ikoniatgunr: yes as bgardner caught, .* would also match .. which is the same as cd ../16:15
ActionPa1sniptgunr: yes, .. is the folder above, which was '/'16:15
tgunrI'm sure I have used chmod -R nnnn . before, i know i have16:15
ikoniatgunr: yes, . is different from .*16:15
tgunri meant .*, cause * won;t change dot files16:16
ActionPa1sniptgunr: I think you need to research what globbing and so forth actually does16:16
ikoniatgunr: if that's the cause, then you made a mistake with your command/directory16:16
ActionPa1sniptgunr: * will change dot files, * is everything16:16
ZoohouseI installed Ubuntu on my laptop (used the entire disk) and now I want to install a second distro to duo boot. Do I have to format and partition my drive with logical partitions to be able to duo boot or can I partition now and install my second distro on there?16:17
tgunrregardless, seems to me linux could do with a reset permissions like OSX can16:17
ikoniatgunr: I don't see why as you can fix it just as I've shown16:17
ikoniatgunr: and it's trivial to write a script16:17
ActionPa1snipZoohouse: boot to liveCD and resize the Ext4 then install to the freed space (assuming you didnt make 4 primary partitions for Ubuntu)16:17
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tgunrYes, I can, but I'm sure to miss something16:18
ActionPa1sniptgunr: why make it, the user level aimed at for Ubuntu is new user, and users rarely go butchering their OS running commands they don't understand16:18
ikoniatgunr: then you should be careful if you are running a remote server16:18
hikenbootanyone with experience upgrading ubunt 12.04 to 13.04 where the primary use is lamp, and wordpress? does the installs work?16:18
rantichikenboot: Yes, it works fine.16:18
ActionPa1sniphikenboot: why do you want to do that? Raring support dies in January 2014...Precise is supported til April 201716:18
tgunrI usually am very careful, like i said, first time i been bitten in 10+ years16:19
hikenbootah good point16:19
ZoohouseActionPa1snip, this is what my disk looks like now: http://pastebin.com/KNX4Rs1C16:19
hikenbootok I wont I just have some speed issues when compaired with the same install on debian 6 box. maybe I need to optimize my kernel for a vm environment16:19
ActionPa1snipZoohouse: resize the sda2 then make an extended partition inside it, you can then install the other OS on logical partitions in that16:20
jaeniehi...  I'm trying to search for solution to setup xfce with multiple desktops on multiple screens, but I cannot figure out what to call it when I want each screen to have separate desktops, i mean each with its own pager.  I can do the one-big-wide-desktops across both screens.  but is there a way to split them up with the the default video drivers?16:20
jaeniewhat would that be called? (or... how to search for it? :p)16:21
b7Hello everyone. Can anyone explain why I getting the message "RTNETLINK answers: File exists Failed to bring up eth0." when I trying to do /etc/init.d/networking restart?16:21
blazemorejaenie: I actually don't think that's possible, at least with xfce16:21
b7Google gives me a links to a pages where people have this problem because of multiple gateway lines in /etc/network/interfaces file, but I have only one gateway here.16:21
ZoohouseActionPa1snip, Do I have to do anything special with Grub once I do all that?16:21
jaenieblazemore, hrm... ok :(  I thought it was, that's why i was trying it out. I have an OLD ati card and cannot get the legacy driver to compule16:21
blazemoreb7: Does that happen when you do "sudo service networking stop" followed by "sudo service networking start" ?16:21
heathdoes ubuntu 13.04 come installed with python v3?16:21
heathi'm not wanting to download 13.04 and throw it on a virtual machine to find out16:21
heather, guess i should anyway, just to verify16:21
blazemorejaenie: There probably is a window manager that can do that16:21
blazemoreheath: yes16:22
MonkeyDust!info python | heath16:22
jaenieblazemore... don't say Unity! hah16:22
ubottuheath: python (source: python-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is optional. Version 2.7.4-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 163 kB, installed size 666 kB16:22
b7blazemore, I didn't try it, because I'm connecting over SSH to this remote server. I'll try it now.16:22
blazemorejaenie: I don't believe so, but perhaps KDE?16:23
blazemoreheath: Python 3.3.116:23
blazemore!info python3 | heath16:23
ubottuheath: python3 (source: python3-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version). In component main, is important. Version 3.3.1-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 49 kB, installed size 282 kB16:23
ActionPa1snipjaenie: Unity isnt a WM16:23
rayrayhey guys, is there anyway to save settings from a live user session if there is *NO* persistence file on the usb stick?16:23
ActionPa1snipjaenie: its a shell16:23
blazemorejaenie: KDE has some really fancy advanced window management options, if anything can do per-screen desktop paging, it'll be KDE16:23
blazemorerayray: Not automatically, and not easily16:24
ActionPa1sniprayray: could mount a partition as /home on a removable magnetic storage, the settings will retain16:24
blazemorerayray: It depends what you want to save16:24
blazemoreActionPa1snip: Is that the case once it's already up and running?16:24
rayrayinstalled apps16:24
blazemorerayray: You want to install apps, then boot from the LiveUSB at some point in the future, and have those apps, and all their settings, as they were?16:25
MonkeyDustrayray  my first distro was Knoppix, I remember you could save a live session in Knoppix16:26
blazemoreSorry all I gtg home now16:26
rayrayi can't help but feel theres gotta be a way16:27
blazemorerayray: Why not just recreate the LiveUSB with persistance?16:27
rayrayi guess i gotta, i was just hoping to spare myself the work'16:27
rayraythat'll happen, huh?16:28
MonkeyDustrayray  there's this, cow mean copy on write   http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/ubuntu-linux-live-cd-save-data-desktop-information-on-usb-device.html16:29
=== jack is now known as Guest73023
rayrayi'll try it! thx.16:30
Guest73023VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 ubuntu no sound please explain the process of how to get it working new install16:30
Guest73023raring new install16:32
holstein!sound | Guest7302316:32
ubottuGuest73023: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.16:32
Guest73023there are a list of output devices16:34
lodenroguegood afternoon. I installed Ubuntu 12 a few days ago and everything is working perfectly but just now the sound starting going wonky. Everything sounds distorted (kind of like a robot voice). Any assistance with that please?16:35
holsteinlodenrogue: 12.04?16:35
Guest73023Analogue output/amplifier built-in audio, Analogue output/ No Amplifier built-in audio16:36
whoeverhi all, i am tring to get my logitech quickcam 400pro working on 12.10, can someone assist, the camera has worked previously16:36
holsteinlodenrogue: did you apply upgrades? and then it "broke"?16:36
lodenrogueyes holstein16:36
Guest73023Analogue Mono output/amplifier built-in audio16:36
lodenrogueholstein, I had applied the updates and it worked perfectly it just started going wonky now16:36
Guest73023Analogue Mono output/No amplifier built-in audio16:36
holsteinGuest73023: i usually install pavucontrol. try that16:36
holsteinlodenrogue: i would do the basics.. test with the guest account.. try the older kernel16:37
lodenrogueis there any way to reset the audio though holstein ?16:38
holsteinlodenrogue: sure .. you can reset pulse or alsa, or reboot16:39
JoTraGoMy Ubuntu 1204 on Dell Vostro would occasionally just shutdown for no apparent reason. I just discovered the Log viewer and spotted the entry that the CPU was over temp at 100Deg Cent. Can i get to the ACPI hardware monitoring interface in Ubuntu, to check more closely on this, or is there a hardware monitoring app where I could keep an eye on the CPU temp in real time?16:40
lodenroguehow do I reset pulse or alsa holstein ?16:40
Kurzahi, does anyone know where I can find g++ 4.7.x as ubuntu 10.04 package (i686). Default version which comes with build-essential is 4.3 and unfortunately I need 4.3+16:40
MonkeyDustKurza  is that 10.04 server? if not, consider upgrading16:41
Kurzait is server, yes16:41
MonkeyDustKurza  12.04 LTS has g++ 4:4.6.316:42
lodenrogueholstein, lol I just open up sound in system settings and now it's working properly again. haha16:42
holsteinlodenrogue: for pulse, i searched "ubuntu restart pulse" and found http://www.hecticgeek.com/2012/01/how-to-restart-pulseaudio-sound-server-ubuntu-linux/ which suggests "pulseaudio -k"16:43
KurzaMonkeyDust: no way, I don't want to upgrade it16:43
KurzaMonkeyDust: maybe I can compile g++ itself?16:43
MonkeyDustKurza  then try the !backports16:43
JyZyXELhow do you list the latest reported ubuntu bugs?16:43
ripthejackerI'm trying to use Amarok on Ubuntu 13.04 raring and it's crashing frequently16:43
ripthejackerI don't know it it's related but I feel it's been crashing more often after the kernel update16:44
holsteinripthejacker: you can launch it from a terminal and see if there are helpful errors. you can try removing its config file16:44
ripthejackerholstein:  shall I pastebin the error16:44
holsteinripthejacker: you can also launch the older kernel and test your theory16:44
ripthejackerholstein: I'll have to restart the pc for that right?16:45
zacarias1I'm unable to add a network printer. Neither by the GUI system settings nor by the localhost:631. The system doesn't find the printer, even though it's in the same Wi-Fi network. Any help?16:47
ripthejackerholstein: btw the error is this:16:47
holsteinripthejacker: that, meaning to test the older kernel? you can choose it from grub at boot16:47
KurzaMonkeyDust: I couldn't find any in the official ubuntu repos, do you know where I can find it or maybe link to any PPA. Thanks in advance!16:48
MonkeyDustKurza  no,but try the !backports, to get a version from a more recent repo16:49
holsteinripthejacker: from https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok-kde4/+bug/363891 apt-get install phonon-backend-xine libxine1-ffmpeg16:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 351319 in phonon-backends (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #363891 Bug 188444 – playback is unreliable and broken in Amarok and JuK using phonon gstreamer backend" [Medium,Invalid]16:49
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging16:49
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest40705
holsteinGuest73023: what i would do is get a known good audio file playing in a known good audio player, and launch pavucontrol and route16:51
X98VLC Player16:51
ikoniaX98: any chance you can converse in sentences rather than random words please ?16:51
zacarias1I'm unable to add a network printer. Neither by the GUI system settings nor by the localhost:631. The system doesn't find the printer, even though it's in the same Wi-Fi network. Any help?16:52
X98sorry for my bad English16:52
ikoniaX98: no problem16:52
holsteinzacarias1: can you ping it? or open a web interface?16:52
ripthejackerholstein: thanks I'll look into it16:52
ikoniazacarias1: does the printer have a web itnerface ?16:52
X98Even though I am form the UK !!!16:52
holsteinripthejacker: i would literally quickly install the suggested packages and test16:52
zacarias1holstein: How do I ping it?16:53
zacarias1ikonia: No, it doesn't :-(16:53
ikoniazacarias1: can you telnet to the port to test the connection ?16:53
holsteinzacarias1: i use the terminal and "ping local.ip".. ping 192.168.x.x16:53
X98Anyone know on how to install fastboot drivers on ubuntu ( I have adb set up)16:54
ikoniaX98: fastboot drivers ?16:54
ikoniaX98: what do you mean ?16:54
X98I mean the driver for fastboot on android16:54
saiarcot895X98: see #ubuntu_touch16:54
ikoniaX98: this is ubuntu support - not android16:54
zacarias1ikonia: How do I do that?16:55
X98I konw16:55
X98I Know16:55
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ikoniaX98: so why are you asking in #ubuntu ?16:55
saiarcot895X98: see #ubuntu-touch16:55
ikoniazacarias1: telnet you.printer.ip port16:55
X98I found out how to install adb here16:55
ikoniaX98: we don't support android here - neither does ubuntu-touch16:55
MonkeyDustX98  type /join #ubuntu-touch16:55
b7blazemore, service networking stop gives "stop: Unknown instance:"16:55
ikonia#android is the channel for android support16:55
ikoniaMonkeyDust: why is this anything to do with ubuntu-touch ? have I miss-read the problem ?16:56
X98I am using  android not ubuntu-touch and I'm running Ubuntu on this pc16:56
MonkeyDustX98  or rather: type /join #16:56
MonkeyDustX98  or rather: type /join #android16:56
ikoniaX98: right so it's #android you need16:56
ikoniaguys can you please think about where you are directing people off to, #ubuntu-offtopic #ubuntu-touch etc etc,16:56
ikoniathey are not dumping grounds when other channels are more appropriate16:57
Guest73023I tried| sudo aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav16:57
holsteinGuest73023: did you try using pavucontrol?16:57
Guest73023I installed it but i don't think that will run automatically16:58
Guest73023I need to find it16:58
holsteinGuest73023: when you say "it", that is "pavucontrol" ? you can find pulse audio volume control in the menu.. or launch pavucontrol.. its not something that "runs"16:59
TauNeutrinohey penguin lovers16:59
cerealanyone install windows 7 on kvm via virt manager?  it keeps asking me for drivers and i'm not certain what I should be looking for haha16:59
ikoniacereal: many times, never seen it ask for drivers17:00
ikoniacereal: what hardware does it need drivers for ?17:00
cerealhmmm wonder what i'm doing wrong then17:00
Guest73023I ran it from the terminal17:00
cereali don't know, it just says its looking for drivers17:00
zacarias1ikonia: I tried to telnet. It says "Connection refused"17:00
ikoniazacarias1: ok, so that's better than a time out, but it does mean it's rejecting your connection17:00
ikoniacereal: where does it say this, at what point ?17:01
b00b00how in bash i call to another script from a running script, but not wait the called scrit stop running (loop), and after "calling" that script, the caller script keep running forward17:01
cerealikonia, have you done 64 bit?17:01
ikoniacereal: yes,17:01
Guest73023it has alot of the same things that sound panel icon   sound settings has17:01
cerealikonia, immediately after clicking "install now"17:01
ikoniacereal: what's saying it though, the windows installer or libvirt ? can you get a screen shot17:01
cerealits the most generic screen ever, gives no hint as to what it could be :(17:01
cerealoh, yea its windows installer17:02
holsteinGuest73023: it does.. so, get an audio file playing, and see if you can route it and here it *anywhere*.. test *all* outputs17:02
cereali'll get you a screenshot hang on :D17:02
ikoniacereal: I'm wondering if you've not configured the hardware for the virtual machine correctly17:02
ozzloyhttp://pastebin.com/1ugyFmCE what's wrong with this apache config?17:02
zacarias1ikonia: I don't know why. I have two other Ubuntu-running computers in  the same network and they connect to the printer without problems17:02
ikoniacereal: eg: the E1000 device for network cards will need a driver,17:02
Guest73023I haven't been running files17:02
cerealikonia, yea possible.17:02
cereali'm not too familiar with kvm :(17:02
ikoniacereal: thats one that I know of, so I'm sure there are others17:02
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Guest73023but i have been playing youtube music videos17:02
ikoniaozzloy: looks like you're trying to bind more than one site to an IP/port, or the ports already in use17:03
ozzloyikonia, how do i not do that?17:04
holsteinGuest73023: that is why i said "known good" audio files.. you could be experiencing a flash related error, and you are troubleshooting the sound card17:04
ozzloyi'm not apache savvy17:04
ozzloyikonia, thanks for looking at it17:04
holsteinGuest73023: close the browser, and play a normal, known good audio file to test the sound, please17:04
ashishis gnome 3.8 is not supported in ubuntu12.04?17:04
=== ashish is now known as Guest41911
ikoniaozzloy: so it's set to listen on port 80, is anything already listening on 80 ?17:04
ozzloyikonia, idk, i'll check, but i would be surprised if so17:05
jribozzloy: is that proper syntax?17:05
Picijrib: it matches my ports.conf17:05
ozzloyhttp://pastebin.com/index/1ugyFmCE ikonia no, that port is open17:06
ozzloyjrib, idk?  i didn't modify the file17:06
cerealikonia, https://www.dropbox.com/s/gsag46ll2oldt68/win7_install.png17:06
ikoniathe error is in 000-default17:06
ikonianot ports.conf17:06
ozzloyjrib, i did just do an upgrade though17:06
Guest73023if it helps in output devices I do see what must be the pick up bar fluctuating like it is should be outputting sound17:06
ozzloythis is on a debian server17:06
ozzloynot ubuntu17:06
ikoniacereal: $10 says it's your network card set to E100017:06
ikoniaozzloy: then why are you asking in #ubuntu17:06
cerealok i'll look at it!17:06
jribPici, ozzloy: oh, mine looks like "Listen"17:06
whoeverneed some help with getting logitech quickcam pro 5000 working i can see it with dmesg but am getting a black screen when i try to tass it in cheese17:07
Guest41911ubuntu13.10 will support amd 4000 series graphic card?? as i downgrade from 13.04 to 12.04 because poor system performance17:07
jribPici, ozzloy: erm, that's probably something I modified... hah17:07
cerealikonia, it's set to 'hypervisor default' in virt-manager haha17:07
ozzloyjrib, is that for something that is reachable from the web?17:07
ikoniacereal: why is that funny ?17:07
cerealbecause it doesnt tell me what the default is ;)17:07
jribozzloy: no, only my localhost (which I just remembered)17:07
ikoniacereal: ok, so force it17:07
cerealany suggestions on which model ?17:07
cerealrtl8139 seems like a good guess to me17:08
ikoniacereal: as generic as possible17:08
holsteinGuest73023: downgrade, and test 13.10 with your specific hardware live *before* you install17:08
ozzloyjrib, i'll give that a shot and see what happens17:08
holsteinGuest73023: you are likely experiencing poor driver support, not poor performance17:09
cerealikonia, though i've never had windows xp or above complain about e1000 in vmware, makes me wonder17:09
saiarcot895holstein: I think you mean Guest4191117:09
Guest73023font left front right, rear right, rear rear left all 100% (0.00dB)17:09
holsteinsaiarcot895: too many guests ;)17:09
jribozzloy: ok, maybe it will give you some hints anyway.  What I said is not what you want.  Maybe try a different port (like 81 or 8080) instead17:09
holsteinGuest73023: ^^17:09
whoeveram on ubuntu 12.1017:09
saiarcot895holstein: wrong guest again17:09
holsteinsaiarcot895: :/17:10
Guest73023via82xx is listed on http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Main17:10
Guest73023sounds like you know what that means17:10
Guest41911is there is any solution for 13.04 right now or will be in 13.10?17:10
cerealikonia, yea changing it to a few of them didn't seem to help.  i'm thinking its more than just the network :(17:10
CarlFKhow do I turn off visual effects?  system settings, Appearance just gives me "Background"17:11
saiarcot895Guest41911: see holstein 's reply a few lines above17:11
zacarias1ikonia: Do you have any idea about why the connection to the printer is being rejected?17:11
saiarcot895Guest41911: basically, downgrade, and then test Ubuntu 13.10 on a live CD17:11
ikoniazacarias1: no17:11
ozzloyhttp://bghints.blogspot.com/2012/06/error-after-upgrading-apache-httpd-from.html jrib this looks promising.  i'll try that after this.  thanks for the input17:11
ikoniazacarias1: telnet to it from one of the working PC's17:11
ikoniazacarias1: it may not be a problem17:12
Guest73023do you mean 12.10 and not 13.10?17:12
zacarias1ikonia: thanks17:12
jribozzloy: ah, so you are on an old kernel?17:12
netlarI read an article that linux kernal 3.10.1 is now available for Ubuntu, but I am only on 3.8.0, why is that?17:12
ikoniahe's on debian17:12
ikoniawhich is why this should be moved to #debian17:12
cerealikonia, hmmm looks like someone on the interwebs hinted it could be a corrupt image17:14
cereali'm going to re-download it and let you know ;)17:14
ikoniacereal: image ? as in ISO image ?17:14
saiarcot895netlar: Raring will stay on the 3.8.0 kernel17:14
ikoniacereal: can't see that being the case, but maybe17:14
cereali'll give a try, but yea.17:14
netlarsaiarcot895: so that is for 13.10?17:14
saiarcot895netlar: possibly; currently, Saucy has 3.10.017:15
=== Guest73023 is now known as dang
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netlarsaiarcot895: so Ubuntu does not update the kernal until the next version of Ubuntu, just curious17:16
saiarcot895netlar: yes; typically, once a distro is released, the expectation is that the packages for that distro are stable17:16
saiarcot895netlar: if there are severe bugs or regressions, those packages can get an update17:17
cipherboyHey, where would I get the QEMU package?17:17
saiarcot895netlar: or if there is any security fix, for that matter17:17
ikoniacipherboy: the ubuntu repos17:18
cipherboyikonia, package name, sorry.17:18
ikoniacipherboy: search17:18
netlarsaiarcot895: is it better to wait a little while to upgrade after the release of a new Ubuntu version, for those updates?17:18
saiarcot895netlar: I think that's more of a personal choice17:19
cipherboyikonia, package name qemu like I thought... then why did command suggestion come back with qtemu and aqemu but not qemu?17:19
ikoniacipherboy: because there are multiple options17:19
saiarcot895netlar: the packages for that distro has been in that distro for some time, since there is a Feature Freeze period, so I would think it is mostly stable17:19
netlarsaiarcot895: Just thinking for stability purposes, besause Ubuntu is more cutting edge right?17:20
saiarcot895netlar: depends what distro you are on17:20
netlarWhat do you mean?17:20
saiarcot895netlar: there's a Long-Term Support version (Precise, 12.04), and there are other versions released every 6 months (Quantal, Raring)17:21
netlarSo the LTS verions are more stable?17:21
saiarcot895netlar: Precise, being LTS, is supported for 5 years with security fixes17:21
saiarcot895netlar: yes17:21
varunendranetlar, there are LTS releases of Ubuntu as well, which are not so 'Cutting edge', and instead focus on stability. The current LTS is 12.04, the next one will be 14.0417:21
whoeverubuntu 12.10 64 bit, need some help with logitech quickcam pro 5000. i does not seem to be working at all in chesse , but does get pickedup by dmesg. can someone assist17:21
netlarsaiarcot895: What is best way to upgrade when 14.04 comes out?17:22
ikonianetlar: it doesn't exist for over a year - so worry about it closer to the time17:22
netlarJust I heard it is better to do a clean install instead of an upgrade17:23
ikonianetlar: that's up to your opinion17:24
saiarcot895ikonia: technically, 8 months17:24
netlarikonia: that is why i am asking here17:24
saiarcot895netlar: you can either directly upgrade from Precise (LTS to LTS) or you can directly upgrade from Saucy17:24
ikonianetlar: it's YOUR opinion that matters,17:24
saiarcot895netlar: at least, that's based on what I've seen17:24
cerealikonia, yup.  it was the image.  now that I'm looking at it, appears it wasn't fully downloaded by the windows sysadmin here (really?)17:24
netlarsaiarcot895: what if I am going from 13.04 to 14.04?17:25
auronandacenetlar: 13.04 is not lts17:25
saiarcot895netlar: clean install or go from 13.04 to 13.10 and then 13.10 to 14.04, I think17:25
netlarsaiarcot895: But will I have to load all the programs again on a clean install?17:26
saiarcot895netlar: yes17:26
netlarsaiarcot895: I can just copy over my home directory?17:26
ikonianetlar: no17:27
saiarcot895ikonia: incompatibilities between versions, right?17:27
netlarOh I thought you could do that, so that all the preferences and configurations can stay the same17:27
ikoniaerr no17:27
ikoniabut your programs are not stored in your home directory17:28
ikoniaand things chagne between config files, so there is no value to using the config from your home dir17:28
netlarikonia: I am just talking about preferences not programs17:28
ikoniathe data from the home dir should be fine though17:28
ikonianetlar: the preferences may/may not work17:28
netlarikonia: wow, so all the work to set up my system now, will need to be repeated when I upgrade to 14.04?17:29
saiarcot895netlar: you could upgrade from Precise or Saucy17:29
ikonianetlar: 1.) who says you have to upgrade ? 2.) no - it's not wasted, you just need to pay attention/be aware of what's in the version you are upgrading to - hence why I'm telling you not to think about it now, as 14.04 doesn't exist17:29
OerHeksnetlar you mix things up, clean install + copy home, and upgrade17:29
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ActionParsnipNetlar: or wait for 14.04 and upgrade LTS to LTS17:30
netlarActionParsnip: I am one 13.04, so it would not be lts to lts17:31
rdemanhi all... I tried upgrading Trac... something failed... When I run from Terminal "easy_install" Ubuntu complains that Ubuntu is no longer available17:31
dingI actually installed 12.04 and then upgraded over the process of a day up to 13.04 and didn't reall;y check any of that on the way up17:31
saiarcot895netlar: then you would upgrade to Saucy when it releases and then 14.04 when it releases17:31
rdemanwhen I apt-get ionstall easy_install.. it says that easy_install is already installed!17:31
ikoniardeman: easy_install is nothing to do with ubuntu17:31
netlarsaiarcot895: I was a little scared about Mir17:31
ikoniardeman: when you look at what it does17:31
ActionParsnipNetlar : 13.04 is EOL in January 2014 but you can upgrade to 13.10 then to 14.0417:31
holsteinits that process of a day that makes me just do fresh installs17:31
rdemanikonia: well I know, but Ubuntu seems to be missing a lot of its binary files all of a sudden.. they are ther ebut cannot be executed17:32
netlarMir is going to be a real big change17:32
ikoniardeman: I doubt that very much17:32
ActionParsnipRdeman: like which files exactly?17:32
ikoniardeman: show me one that can't be executed17:32
dingI would have just installed 13.04 if I thought it would agree with the outdated video card17:32
ikoniardeman: I suspect easy_install is going to a website which no-longer contains the data, and failing17:33
saiarcot895netlar: the backend is certainly changing, but the frontend (what you see) will mostly be the same, with possibly some performance improvements17:34
netlarsaiarcot895: I am just worried that there may be some compatiblity issues with 13.1017:34
saiarcot895netlar: if Mir is in 13.10, you could download a daily ISO and run it as a Live CD17:34
saiarcot895for that matter, will Mir be in 13.1017:35
OerHekssaiarcot895, no, xMir will be in 13.04, 14.04 will have Mir17:35
netlarsaiarcot895: Oh I thought it was going to be the default17:35
ActionParsnipRdeman : what is the output of : cat /etc/issue17:35
ActionParsnipNetlar : not in kubuntu and Lubuntu17:36
netlarActionParsnip: but in the regular ubuntu17:36
saiarcot895netlar: so in 13.10, if your graphics card is able to run Mir, then it will run Mir17:36
saiarcot895netlar: otherwise, it will run the standard X17:36
ActionParsnipNetlar : keep an ear to the ground and see17:36
rdemanguys hey thanks for the pointers...17:37
rdemanI had to reinstall Python as root17:37
rdemanthat fiuxed it17:37
OerHekssaiarcot895, see this fridge story, xmir is the transit to mir. http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2013/06/27/mir-plans-in-13-10/17:37
rdemanas sudo it failed17:37
ikoniaI doubt that17:37
ActionParsnip Rdeman: sudo runs things as root17:37
holsteinrdeman: what operating system are you using?17:37
saiarcot895OerHeks, netlar: oh, I was a little inaccurate17:38
ActionParsnip Rdeman: only root can install packages17:38
ActionParsnipRdeman: what is the output of : cat /etc/issue17:38
ikoniaI'd rather see uname -a17:38
ikoniaas I suspect this is a VPS bastardized install17:38
ActionParsnipIkonia: becoming common now17:39
holsteinyup. custom-buntu17:39
ikoniaActionParsnip: been common for years, vendors make these releases, charge for support, people don't want to pay for support so expect this channel to pick up the slack for free17:39
ActionParsnipHolstein: butcherduntu17:39
rdemanI am using latest Ubuntu17:40
ActionParsnipIkonia : very true.17:40
ikoniardeman: please show me the output of "uname -a"17:40
lodenrogueHey guys. I noticed that 12.04 is the Long Term Support version. Is 12.10 also LTS?17:40
rdemanehr somehow sudo failed where a root shell fixed it17:40
saiarcot895lodenrogue: no17:40
ikonialodenrogue: no17:40
whoeverwhat happend ubuntu 12.10 64 bit, uvcvideo does not exist17:40
rdemanikonia: Linux skytrac 3.5.0-36-generic #57~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 20 15:22:35 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux17:40
ActionParsnipRdeman: can you run the commands given please17:40
ikonialooks pretty standard actually17:40
rdemanikonia: problem is fixed though, thanks! :)17:40
ikoniaI'm surprised17:40
lodenrogueThanks saiarcot895 and ikonia . What version do you guys use?17:40
ikoniardeman: it really shouldn't be fixed17:41
ikoniardeman: you shouldn't need to re-install pythong and you shouldn't need a root shell17:41
saiarcot895lodenrogue: 13.04, Raring17:41
ikoniardeman: so something is very wrong there17:41
ActionParsnipLodenrogue: 8.04 10.04 and 12.04 are all LTS. Notice a pattern ;-)17:41
lodenroguesaiarcot895, I had tried 13.04 but for some reason the mouse sensitivity and speed settings weren't responding so I uninstalled it and switched to 12.0417:42
ActionParsnipLodenrogue : 12.04 is LTS and supported til April 2017. Raring is EOL in January 201417:43
saiarcot895lodenrogue: did you try changing the Mouse and Touchpad settings in 13.04?17:43
lodenrogueyeah saiarcot895 that is where I had the problems. In 12.04 I have no problems17:44
lodenroguethanks ActionParsnip is there a way to switch between versions to try it out?17:44
ActionParsnipLodenrogue : could use a USB stick or even the liveCD17:45
lodenrogueok thanks ActionParsnip17:45
holsteinlodenrogue: live CD's are an easy way17:45
holsteinsorry, i missed that response from ActionParsnip17:46
* ActionParsnip is typing on an S3 Mini phone17:46
ubuntu-installerhi guys, i'm in trouble with the ubuntu installer17:47
ubuntu-installerdon't want to recognize a sata hd when i try to install ubuntu 13.0417:48
ubuntu-installerI see the hd on unity, can access it with nautilus but can't see it from the installer17:49
holsteinubuntu-installer: i would lanuch gparted from a live CD and look at the disk.. see if it shows there, and prepare it17:49
randomaussiehi all i dont kno wwhat i've done... but my gui cant interface with my netwrok drivers... but they are still working... can i get adive on fixing this pleawse17:49
Gilligan94randomaussie: could you please elaborate?17:49
ubuntu-installerholstein, i'm on a live ubuntu. I run gparted and, on it, all seems ok17:50
blackshirthello, someone help me .. My keyboard stroke was so laggy in terminal when i typing some command ... Help me , what i should do17:50
JonathanLopezHey guys.17:50
ubuntu-installerholstein, gparted shows a 160gb partition17:50
JonathanLopezI know that you're professional IT-dudes tryna help people.17:50
JonathanLopezbut I need serious help.17:50
JonathanLopezand this is making me hate ubuntu.17:51
JonathanLopezok so the question is:17:51
randomaussiegilligan94: umm.. well the net work is clearly working... both wired and wireless... but when i try acess the network settings they say they cant interface with the driver17:51
ActionParsnipBlackshirt: what is the output of : cat /etc/issue17:51
JonathanLopezHow can I create a virtual webcam on Linux just like Manycam does? I want that virtual webcam to display animated GIFs and so that virtual webcam SHOULD appear in the device-selection of broadcasting-websites.17:51
JonathanLopezActionParsnip; please...please...help me.17:51
holsteinubuntu-installer: the, prepare the disk there.. assuming you need to shrink a partition or whatever17:51
JonathanLopezholstein; hi.17:51
JonathanLopezyo holstein, How can I create a virtual webcam on Linux just like Manycam does? I want that virtual webcam to display animated GIFs and so that virtual webcam SHOULD appear in the device-selection of broadcasting-websites.17:52
Gilligan94randomaussie: can you access it from the terminal?17:52
holsteinJonathanLopez: ?17:52
JonathanLopezrandomaussie: How can I create a virtual webcam on Linux just like Manycam does? I want that virtual webcam to display animated GIFs and so that virtual webcam SHOULD appear in the device-selection of broadcasting-websites.17:52
ActionParsnipJonathanlopez: not something I've ever done17:52
holsteinJonathanLopez: you just ask the channel, generally, and a volunteer will help.. dont re-ask please17:52
JonathanLopezI will ask it once last time.17:52
JonathanLopezthe main question of #ubuntu is: How can I create a virtual webcam on Linux just like Manycam does? I want that virtual webcam to display animated GIFs and so that virtual webcam SHOULD appear in the device-selection of broadcasting-websites.17:52
randomaussieI can surf te net from my gui... but i can interface with the driver settings.. i dont know how to do it from terminal... i look it up hang on17:53
holsteinJonathanLopez: assume no one knows what manycam is, not wants to search it17:53
JonathanLopezI shall appreciate if anybody can help me, thanks in advance.17:53
Gilligan94JonathanLopez: you dont need to reask it we can all see the previous questions17:53
randomaussiecant interface****17:53
ubuntu-installerholstein, i've already done all I can. I can partition it, resize it, delete partition and create a new partition table. But when i launch the installer it shows no partition, hd or not partitioned space17:53
holstein!alternate | ubuntu-installer17:53
ubottuubuntu-installer: The alternate CD has been discontinued for the main Ubuntu distro, please use and report any bugs in the !LiveCD17:53
JonathanLopezhave you guys ever dealt with webcam-stuff on ubuntu?17:53
JonathanLopezany of you?17:53
holstein!patience | JonathanLopez17:53
ubottuJonathanLopez: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/17:53
blackshirtactionparsnip, i'm using 13.0417:53
holstein!mini | ubuntu-installer17:53
ubottuubuntu-installer: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:53
Gilligan94randomaussie: do you get anything from typing ifconfig in the terminal?17:54
JonathanLopez!patience | holstein17:54
ubottuholstein: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/17:54
JonathanLopezright back at'cha, holstein17:54
ActionParsnipRandomaussie: do you mean samba shares on windows?17:54
ActionParsnipBlackshirt : what is the output of the command please17:54
lodenrogueDo you guys know when 13.04 will become LTS?17:54
randomaussieno i just mean the network icon in the top right corner says it cant interface with the drivers17:54
ActionParsnipLodenrogue : never17:54
lodenrogueActionParsnip, ?17:54
holsteinlodenrogue: it doesnt.. 14.04 will be LTS.. 12.04 is LTS>. 10.04 was for the desktop17:55
lodenrogueoh so only the even numbers I get it17:55
PiciEvery 2 years.17:55
randomaussiewell an ifconfig reports everything correctly17:55
holsteinJonathanLopez: many use webcams on ubuntu.. what specfically are you trying to do? share a webcam from another machine?17:55
randomaussie'i have 2 seperate ipaddress one for each adapter17:55
lodenrogueok. So then some time around april of 2015 .17:55
ubuntu-installerholstein, sorry, but if i see it with nautilus and i can work on it, why with mini or alternate things may change?17:56
holsteinubuntu-installer: the mini iso is quite small, and will offer an alternative17:56
JonathanLopezholstein; I'll put it directly; I wanna troll people on omegle.com17:56
JonathanLopezI want a virtual-webcam to show GIFs17:56
holsteinJonathanLopez: assume i dont use omegle.com, and i dont want to search17:56
JonathanLopezlike /dev/video2 <--- i want this, to show lol.gif17:56
JonathanLopezlike a output thingy17:56
ActionParsnipLodenrogue : a release doesn’t become LTS.  It is either LTS or not.  I showed you the pattern of releases which are LTS17:56
holsteinJonathanLopez: i use "show desktop" where that is available.. otherwise, i would ask omegle for support17:56
ActionParsnipLodenrogue : April 201417:57
JonathanLopezomegle.com is a website, holstein.17:57
JonathanLopezI want to troll girls on there.17:57
JonathanLopezwith gifs.17:57
saiarcot895lodenrogue: hence, 14.04 (year.month)17:57
ActionParsnipLodenrogue : loads at the version number17:57
JonathanLopezactionparsnip; are you the leading helper-dude at #ubuntu?17:57
randomaussieActionParsnip: no i just mena configuring my adapters.. i can access everything and i have 2 ip adressed (one for each adapter) i just can configure my adapters17:58
holsteinJonathanLopez: maybe a volunteer will be intertested in assisting you with that.. i use "share desktop" from skype and google hangouts for that functionality.. i would as omegle how you are supposed to do that17:58
ActionParsnipJonathanlopez: I'm highest on launchpad17:58
JonathanLopezoh, that's interesting.17:58
holsteinJonathanLopez: this channel is not for omegle support17:58
JonathanLopezholstein, this situation makes ubuntu-users leave ubuntu.17:58
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ActionParsnipRandomaussie: sounds like you need a persistent route setting17:58
JonathanLopezI've seen many guys leaving ubuntu because linux sucks at streaming gifs thru webcam.17:59
holsteinJonathanLopez: this has nothing to do with ubuntu, however...17:59
JonathanLopezI am just refreshing your senses, holstein.17:59
holsteinJonathanLopez: i have never heard of streaming a gif through a webcam17:59
JonathanLopezsince your mind is full 0x92.17:59
randomaussieActionParsnip: i thought it was a driver thing... not a route thing17:59
b00b00can i do something like this: cat file_temp.txt |sed "s/\$VAR/`cat file_var_to_replace`/" > file.txt ?17:59
ActionParsnipRandomaussie : make sure the IPs are in different subnets17:59
holstein!ot | JonathanLopez17:59
ubottuJonathanLopez: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:59
JonathanLopezholstein, do you know v4l2loopback?17:59
holsteinJonathanLopez: i use desktop sharing for that17:59
holsteinJonathanLopez: yes.. i use that in vlc17:59
JonathanLopezyes dude18:00
JonathanLopezcan do that18:00
JonathanLopezand mplayer18:00
Pici!enter | JonathanLopez18:00
FloodBot1JonathanLopez: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:00
ubottuJonathanLopez: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:00
holsteinJonathanLopez: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=93524718:00
randomaussieActionParsnip: no they arent.. because they are both responding to the same dhcp server... and i cant access the network settings in the gui to disable one of hte adapters18:01
holsteinJonathanLopez: webcam studio is suggested http://www.ws4gl.org/webcamstudio-for-gnu-linux/download/installing-on-ubuntu18:01
JonathanLopezholstein, webcamstudio is fucked up18:01
JonathanLopezits saying "no output"18:01
holstein!language | JonathanLopez18:01
ubottuJonathanLopez: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.18:01
JonathanLopezhow can I fix that18:01
randomaussieActionParsnip: ut even when i unplug the wire for my lan and just use wireless i still cant open network seettings18:01
b00b00why i get this error: "sed: -e expression #1, char 9: unknown option to `s'" , for running this : "cat file_temp.txt |sed "s/\$VAR/`cat file_var_to_replace`/" > file.txt"18:01
JonathanLopezholstein, at the bottom, webcamstudio says "no output"18:02
ActionParsnipRandomaussie : that's why then. Which interface is used if they both go to the same network.  Having both connected doesn’t make it faster18:02
JonathanLopezhave any of you guys know webcamstudio?18:02
JonathanLopezwhy does webcamstudio say "no output"18:03
holsteinJonathanLopez: i dont need the functionality you seek in the web application you need it in, so i havent needed to do that.. this is not "webcamstudio" support either18:03
ActionParsnipJonathanlopez : nobody knows.  Try asking later18:03
holstein!info webcamstudio18:03
JonathanLopezI can't do shit on webcamstudio cause it gives me this stupid thing, "no output"18:03
ubottuPackage webcamstudio does not exist in raring18:03
randomaussieActionParsnip: wasnt anythign about making it faster.... but before i did a ubuntu update i could have them both connected/active and pick a primary device... i cant do that now.. i cant do anything networky18:03
JonathanLopezwheres the webcamstudio support channel18:03
holsteinJonathanLopez: please watch your language here, as i asked before18:03
JonathanLopezholstein; sorry18:03
Ari-YangJonathanLopez, I think it's #webcamstudio ?18:03
ActionParsnipRandomaussie : you are confusing routing so the packets go nowhere18:03
holsteinJonathanLopez: here is the link again to the webcam site http://www.ws4gl.org/18:04
clue_hthere is no #webcamstudio room i checked lol18:04
randomaussiewell i'm just using the wireless right now and i still have the same problem18:04
randomaussieActionParsnip: well i'm jst using hte wireless right now... and i still have hte problem18:04
JonathanLopezclue_h; let's travel thru the cloudy mountains of the internet.18:04
JonathanLopezand sail.18:04
Ari-YangJonathanLopez, while you wait for someone to get to you, I suggest googling, you might find a solution18:04
randomaussieActionParsnip: i have some kind of software/driver clash.. they are complaining about versions18:05
JonathanLopezme & clue-h are gonna go out for some boatsailing18:05
holstein!ot | JonathanLopez18:05
ubottuJonathanLopez: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:05
varunendrarandomaussie, what kind of complain? Do you get some error message? (sorry if you already posted, I just came back)18:06
b00b00what is the right syntax for running command in sed for replace a word like this: sed "s/\$VAR/`cat file_var_to_replace`/"18:06
clue_hJonathanLopez, do you know of a sailing sim for ubuntu 12.04 lts?18:07
varunendrab00b00, don't escape the $ if you are using double quotes.18:07
JonathanLopezyes clue_h.18:07
JonathanLopezclue_h, do you got jabber18:08
randomaussievarunedra: my gui has lost the ability to change the settings, but both network devices are still working and allowing me internet acces18:08
b00b00varunendra: my problem is it working fine on ubuntu, but not in centos... any idea?18:08
varunendrarandomaussie, do these interfaces also appear in /etc/network/interfaces file?18:08
JonathanLopezfuck you all18:09
JonathanLopezFUCK YOUUUUUUU18:09
FloodBot1JonathanLopez: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:09
varunendrab00b00, the best place to ask would be #centos then. I've no idea about it btw.18:09
JonathanLopezyour mother ass18:09
JonathanLopezfucked by me18:09
FloodBot1JonathanLopez: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:09
b00b00ok, thanks18:09
cipherboyQuestion, anyone know how to get disk status (SMART/etc) on drives which don't support SMART?18:11
randomaussievarunendra: no they dont18:11
clue_hdisk utility from the hud18:12
clue_hview smart status18:12
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cipherboyclue_h, this drive doesn't support SMART for whatever reason.18:12
OerHekscipherboy, not, same as you turn smart off, no tool can handle that18:12
varunendrarandomaussie, using the default Network Manager?18:12
whoeverhi all , weird my back usb ports work, as well as my front, but if i plug my webcam into the back usb , the webcam will not work, if i plug it into the fron usb it will work can someone assist18:13
cipherboyk, thanks, perhaps I will play with seeing if I can get fsck to check it and report back without changing.18:13
whoeveri would like to have my webcam plugged into the back18:13
randomaussievarunendra: using default everything expect i downloaded the regular gnome interface.. every change for off the distro of 13.04 was from the main servers18:13
Joe_SHi? I'm new to IRC and Ubuntu and im having trouble installing it.18:14
clue_hJoe_S, at what point does it become an issue in the installation process18:14
randomaussievarunendra: also switching back ot the default gui changes nothing18:15
Joe_SIt says *Starting mount network filesystems then *stopping mount netword firesystems then ecpid: exiting then speech-dispather disabled; edit /etc/defualt/speetch-dispatcher then * Asking all remaining prosesses terminate, sorry if thats confusing i can get a picture18:15
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whoeverthats odd my camera just doesn't like one of the usb ports i just switched the usb my phone cord was in with my webcam18:16
whoeverand it works now18:16
Joe_SIf this helps, http://gyazo.com/95ee5bc66094831ef3974a09ca77d86518:16
jaenieHello again... I've been able to install the nvidia drivers... I have separate desktops now, but the mouse will not move to the second desktop :(  the cursor, when move to the right towards "screen 1" just wraps back to the left of "screen 0"18:18
jaenieits been so frustrating... and I'm so close now!18:18
clue_hJoe_S, so youre installing ubuntu in a vm? it appears to hang at that point is this true?18:18
jaenieany ideas how to get the mouse to go to the 2nd screen?18:18
Joe_SIt also says [OK] next the text but Its cropped out.18:19
clue_hHave you considered installing ubuntu through virtualbox to see if it is an issue with the current software youre using to do this18:19
Joe_SNo, i'm going to try that.18:20
varunendrarandomaussie, please post the pastebin link to the output of : "nm-tool && cat /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf && ifconfig -a && nmcli con && nmcli nm"18:21
blackshirt!info root-system-bin18:22
ubotturoot-system-bin (source: root-system): Numerical data analysis framework - general applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.34.00-1ubuntu2 (raring), package size 52 kB, installed size 241 kB18:22
agliodbsquick question: if a service start fails on ubuntu, where does it log why it failed?18:22
clue_hagliodbs, i'd try the kern.log18:23
Joe_SOk its booting in VB.18:24
agliodbsclue_h: nothin'18:25
clue_hagliodbs, which service are we talking about18:27
Joe_SIt worked! It says try/install Ubuntu, what would you recommend?18:27
agliodbsclue_h: pgbouncer18:27
agliodbsclue_h: it'18:27
agliodbsservice pgbouncer start is exiting with success, but it's not creating a log file, and it's not running18:27
R1ckhey. anybody know if it is possible when using screen sharing (vine i think) in Ubuntu 12.04 whether it is possible to connect to a specific "monitor"? I have a dual-monitor setup, but when logging in with vnc from my 15" laptop it's very annoying to have to scroll for every little thing18:28
clue_hJoe_S, you could try it first to see what you feel and if you have enough disk space etc install.18:28
Joe_SThank you clue :)18:28
agliodbsclue_h: if a service start fails before it gets to logging to the application log, where does the reason for failure get logged?18:29
clue_hagliodbs, i have to admit im not sure but i was just looking at the man pages for that process and it is not one i have used. it seems it wont start if the configuration file is not present or incomplete, sorry i can add no more18:33
agliodbsyeah, I'd just like to get the error message so I'd know what to fix18:33
agliodbsand the linux folks wonder why admins hate "service X start"18:34
agliodbsclue_h: thanks anyway!18:34
clue_hs'all good :]18:34
usr13agliodbs: I suppose it would depend on the service itself, and how it is configured,  whether it will log anything or not.18:38
usr13agliodbs: And how it is started etc.18:38
usr13agliodbs: (It's a bit of speculation since we do not know what the service is.)18:39
agliodbsusr13: what I'm saying is that if service can't get to the point of starting the service so that it does it's own logs, there should be a centralized location where service start failures get logged18:39
agliodbsusr13: pgbouncer, I said above18:40
usr13agliodbs:  You could do:   tail -f /var/log/syslog18:43
usr13and start it and see what you see.18:43
agliodbsusr13: so if the service start failure is being logged, it should be logged to syslog?18:43
usr13agliodbs: I don't know.18:44
agliodbsusr13: nobody does, apparently.  I strongly suspect that's because the answer is "nowhere"18:44
usr13agliodbs: You might want to look at the man file18:44
usr13agliodbs: "logfile - Specifies log file. Log file is kept open so after rotation kill -HUP or on console RELOAD; should be done. Note: On Windows machines, the service must be stopped and started.18:45
usr13Default: not set.18:45
agliodbsusr13: bingo18:46
usr13agliodbs: logfile = pgbouncer.log18:46
usr13pidfile = pgbouncer.pid18:46
agliodbsusr13: wait, which logfile are you talking about?18:47
agliodbsusr13: I already figured out why pgbouncer was broken -- it was a permissions issue.  I'm just really annoyed that there was no way to find that out from the service failure18:47
usr13auth_file = users.txt18:49
usr13admin_users = someuser18:49
usr13-u user -- Switch to the given user on startup.18:50
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clue_hagliodbs, this channel may help #postgresql-apt18:53
CezarySEhello witam18:53
usr13agliodbs: If a service like "pgbouncer" has trouble starting, you could also try firing up it's scipt from a terminal and see if anything shows there.18:53
usr13agliodbs: ^^^^ Just FYI, (you already know what the problem is so.....)18:54
agliodbsusr13: like I said, I fixed the problem.  I'm just complaining about the opaqueness of upstart now.18:54
usr13agliodbs: I don't think it is a problem with upstart.18:54
usr13... I mean, because it just runs a script.18:55
DigeratiW question....my lock screen shows 24 hour time and I want it to show 12 hour time and I have set it to 12 hour in the settings18:57
usr13agliodbs: If the script is lacking in some way, the service has not been configured properly, or something to that effect, it is not upstart's job to trouble-shoot, it just runs scripts.18:57
DigeratiWany ideas?18:57
studious<DigeratiW: edit timezone18:57
usr13Try /quiit  or /leave  or /exit18:59
DigeratiWi did that studious18:59
usr13For private channel /q18:59
DigeratiWfrom the unity menu, I select the gear and in there time and date, its correct18:59
sylvesterhy all19:08
negevhi, i'm running 12.04.  my root partition shows at 100% full with 0 bytes available in df -h, but it's not because i can still write files to it19:11
negevinode usage is 1%19:11
negevtried rebooting and it's the same19:11
negevany ideas?19:11
schoppenhauernegev, did you run fsck?19:12
OerHeksnegev delete some old kernels trough softwarecenter/synaptic19:13
negevi can't run fsck while root is mounted19:13
negevOerHeks: why would old kernels cause incorrect usage to be shown?19:14
schoppenhauernegev: livecd19:14
negevthe box is remote19:14
trismDigeratiW: my guess would be it is controlled by the gnome key instead, try running dconf-editor, and changing org.gnome.desktop.interface clock-format19:14
negevand brand new, so unlikely to be corrupted19:14
lonewulf85Hello everyon I cannot boot into the normal Ubuntu 12.04 desktop. When I login I go directly to 2d HELP pleas....19:15
puddyhey all, if I'm a windows developer guy transitioning over to linux / ubuntu what should I know about working with ubuntu as a developer? Any decent resources to read from?19:16
lonewulf85puddy, You can do a google search for linux programming for beginners.19:17
lonewulf85Anyone please no other option then 2d at logon please help19:18
usr13negev: shutdown -rF    #To reboot and force filesystem check19:19
lonewulf85puddy, also if you are going to be developing programs for Ubuntu you might also want to look for as much info as you can find for .deb packages and dpkg19:19
puddyhm let me rephrase19:19
puddyi'm not going to be developing ubuntu apps per se, more like working on an ubuntu system developing web apps, so i think i need more of like a general user's guide for ubuntu that's geared towards someone who knows computers but not linux systems so well19:20
clue_hpuddy http://tldp.org/ has alot of guides19:20
usr13negev: Correction:  sudo shutdown -F now19:20
puddyoooo sweet clue_h19:21
puddythank you19:21
lonewulf85puddy, then in that case go to www.ubuntu.com download ubuntu along with wubi, I would go for the lts version the current lts is 12.04. Run the wubi file in windows and install ubuntu like a windows program then just explore ubuntu after the reboot. Get used to the look and feel of it then start with the usual html5 programming or what ever you like.19:23
puddyyeah sounds like a play lonewulf8519:23
puddyalthough i think i might install it in a vm, keep my main drive clean19:23
puddysounds like a plan*19:24
lonewulf85puddy, good luck I will be starting web design in august. :)19:24
rjdohnertHey guys how are you doing19:24
puddylonewulf85: thanks.  I do web dev for a living, but on a windows stack. Kind of want to change things up for a side project - using python on a linux stack19:24
clue_hpuddy cool ubuntu is great for using python, i never looked back19:25
lonewulf85puddy, Vmware is another great choice but I have found that with vm the ubuntu system seems to be a little slow.19:25
cipherboypuddy, however you do want to install it (personally I recommend full install, but that is me), but think about running a LAMP server.19:25
puddycipherboy: linux / apache / mysql / php ?19:26
lonewulf85puddy, I have been using Ubuntu since the first the 8.04 release I still use windows a lot mostly because I need to for my CIS class.19:26
clue_hcipherboy, did you ask about smart config for your hard drive19:28
clue_hi tried sudo hdparm -I /dev/sda on mine to view it19:28
agliodbsusr13: right, I'm just saying that I should have to play a guessing game.  there's only two places I should have to look: some centralized system log, and the application's own log.  I shouldn't have to guess where else the service failure might have been logged19:28
cipherboypuddy,  yep.19:29
cipherboyclue_h, I did, but disk didn't support it. Turns out might be a different problem with the drive, currently dding it. 28h to copy..19:29
clue_hwow, good luck with it19:29
_joeywhat happened to ia32-libs package? I cannot install it.19:31
mumpitze1_joey: well, distros are now multiarch capable so ia32libs is not needed anymore19:33
rjdohnertAny plymouth programmers in here today?19:33
_joeynot needed by whom?19:35
adamk_joey: What error are you getting?  It's definitely available in 13.04.19:35
_joeyThe commercial application depends on i32-libs19:35
_joeyIBM SPSS19:35
_joeyubuntu used to be a cool distro19:36
_joeynow, it's just getting #*%$Y$19:36
adamk_joey: If you want help, answer the question, and stop being beligerant.19:37
rjdohnertGive OS4 OpenLinux a try, its Ubuntu without all the %$%^& http://www.os4online.com19:37
mumpitze1rjdohnert: please stop doing that if you want to stay around19:37
checoimgI like Ubuntu just like it is19:38
_joeyadamk: dick-head, piss off19:38
adamkYou're saying that to the one guy who actually tried to help you...  Nice.19:39
rjdohnertWell hell, I was going to pay someone to do a Plymouth theme for me, no takers guess I'll go somehwere else.  PEACE19:40
SwervzI installed the windows fonts to ubuntu, how can i get firefox to use them?19:42
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cipherboy_joey, http://packages.ubuntu.com/raring/ia32-libs perhaps, but http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/ia32-libs for sure.19:43
cipherboySwervz, explain a bit more if you could. Firefox to use them how?19:44
ezra-sall ibm stuff is outdated, you probably are not supposed to use 13.04 with it19:45
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_joeycipherboy: thanks19:45
ezra-sif the software is supported for ubuntu at all that is19:45
cipherboy_joey, no problem19:45
SwervzAs the default font19:45
cipherboyezra-s, most of the more popular ones work, lotus notes, sametime, etc. Not sure about some of these lesser common packages.19:46
SwervzI got them from sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts19:46
ezra-scipherboy, work? you're kidding right?19:46
cipherboySwervz, so they show up say, in an office suite or Gedit for use?19:46
ezra-scipherboy, they work with lots of touching19:47
SwervzWhat is the  default font in windows19:47
cipherboyezra-s, works is a loose term.19:47
ezra-sincluding repackaging and removing dependencies, installing packages manually, etc..19:47
ezra-scipherboy, you bet :)19:47
Guerrilla_what does use secure connection SSL do19:47
Guerrilla_hide ip19:47
Guerrilla_please PM me with answer19:48
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Guerrilla_i've gotta run19:48
FloodBot1Guerrilla_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:48
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ezra-scipherboy, internally they probably already have packages for ubuntu 12.10 64 bits19:48
ezra-sbut those are not the ones you can download from ibm.com19:48
cipherboySwervz, if you go to Firefox's Preferences box (Edit->Preferences) and then go to content, you can see fonts and colors.19:49
Swervzahh thanks19:49
ezra-sGuerrilla_, what are you talking about exactly?19:49
cipherboySwervz, you could set it there from your preferences, and if you go to advanced, you can have more options there. However, this only does stuff if websites don't set a default font, so for most of the internet, you won't see any changse.19:50
lonewulf85Hello I added a ppa it froze my system then I had to boot into ubuntu-2d to get rid of the ppa and fix my system now ubuntu is not available at login only ubuntu-2d help19:50
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Swervzok thanks19:51
cipherboySwervz, However, if you really really insist on using which ever fonts you choose on webpages, you could override them all (content->advanced, and dechecking the box which says allow pages to choose their own fonts), but the web looks funny when you do that...19:51
cipherboylonewulf85, which ppa?19:51
ezra-slonewulf85, ppa source files live probably under /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ remove it and then remove the packages you installed from that ppa19:51
Swervzthese g2g D:19:51
lonewulf85cipherboy, from this link http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/11/live-wallpaper-for-ubuntu19:52
cipherboyezra-s, not sure what they have or don't internally, as I don't actually use it myself.19:52
cipherboylonewulf85, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get remove livewallpaper livewallpaper-config livewallpaper-indicator19:53
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cipherboyShould remove the packages you installed, and then upon logging out / rebooting / whatever you prefer, you should have a working system, although live wallpaper won't be installed.19:54
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lonewulf85cipherboy, Yes i did that i even ran ppa-purge19:54
cipherboyDoes it work, or still having issues?19:54
lonewulf85I can boot into the 2d but not the 3d would uninstalling then re installing graphics drivers help19:55
lonewulf85cipherboy, or maybe re doing xorg.conf19:55
cipherboyDepends, is there a reason why you can't boot into 3d (error message, drops you to 2d, or something else of the sort)?19:56
adamklonewulf85: What video card do you have?  Can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file?19:56
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lonewulf85nope just when I log in I get the 2d desktop, when trying to select i only get the 2d option.19:57
lonewulf85adamk, I have a radeon card19:57
adamklonewulf85: You installed proprietary drivers for this card?19:59
lonewulf85adamk, yes one moment for the pastebin link.19:59
lonewulf85adamk, http://pastebin.com/QLGcGSCC20:00
ambush276hey guys: i am having an issue using nttcp20:00
ambush276for some reason i am getting connection refused?20:00
adamklonewulf85: Ummm..  That's not the full log file...20:01
ambush276is there something i have to do for setup20:01
ambush276im doing nttcp -u -r ip:port20:01
adamklonewulf85: Just install pastebinit and run 'pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log'20:01
lonewulf85adamk, one moment20:02
cipherboyambush276, do you get the error trying to connect to say, a web server (ie, can you successfully connect to a known good port)?20:03
ambush276cipherboy no20:03
ambush276cipherboy im trying to connect to another nttcp listener20:03
ambush276which is running20:03
ambush276i put it in UDP mode20:03
ambush276with -u20:04
raulshrythbox seems to have problem playing last.fm , I created my account added singers yet it shows me their faces on rythmbox application20:05
raulshbut no idea how to play songs20:05
raulshwhat's the deal?20:05
cipherboyambush276, sorry, shot in the dark said nttcp was something like to act like say, telnet to be used to test tcp ports..not actually used it, sorry.20:06
ambush276no worries cipherboy20:06
ambush276i am not sure why its refusing20:06
ambush276its just throwing an error cipherboy from the beginning20:07
glitch256hello all  i am running ubuntu 13.04 and im trying to  figure out how to  set it up so that when my  phone tries to connect to xbmc  it will start xbmc20:07
ambush276like its not even trying to connect on this one box but on my other box its working fine20:07
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ambush276all i did was sudo apt-get install nttcp20:07
cipherboyHm, explain what you are trying to do, give me a moment to pull down the package and play with it.20:08
cipherboyambush276, what are you running on the partner machine? I think you need to run nttcp -i -u, no?20:10
Carrawayvague question - what's the site that has clever bash snippets that are super useful? You can vote on each code snippet … I think the colorscheme is black & green20:11
raulshno one knows what problem is with the last.fm app20:11
lonewulf85adamk, sorry it took so long but here pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log20:12
raulshevery station I tried gives me - starting radio failed. unkown error.20:12
ozzloyCarraway, http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/9024/generate-an-xkcd-936-style-4-word-password20:12
Carrawaythanks ozzloy20:13
glitch256raulsh:  i use last fm for finger printing aka song ids but unless you have a paid membership you wont get it to act as a "radio"20:13
raulshwhat do you mean glitch256 , so it's not really free yet it's publicized as free?20:13
adamklonewulf85: ? You haven't actually given us the URL...20:13
glitch256raulsh: after that i cant tell you anything20:14
glitch256you can  use it as a radio through  the browser but  to access it through a app where ever you go   yes its paid20:14
lonewulf85adamk, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5878624/ sorry20:15
glitch256sorry about all my double spacing20:15
raulshok how to listen it on browser? do I need more plugins for my browsers?20:16
glitch256no  just go to last.fm and search and play there20:16
glitch256raulsh: no  just go to last.fm and search and play there20:16
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glitch256raulsh: hope i helped20:17
raulshI'll figure out rest20:18
adamklonewulf85: Nothing in the log file really jumps out at me as being 'wrong'.  Can you run 'glxinfo | pastebinit' and give the URL?20:19
raulshbut if it was all about going to browser then I was better with myspace20:19
lonewulf85adamk, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5878648/20:20
glitch256reposting since nolonger on viewable screen " i am running ubuntu 13.04 and im trying to  figure out how to  set it up so that when my  phone tries to connect to xbmc my computer will see that its not started and  it will start xbmc20:21
adamklonewulf85: There's nothing wrong with your drivers.  Nothing to prevent unity from working in 3D.  Is gnome-shell installed?20:22
lonewulf85adamk, nope20:22
adamklonewulf85: Is unity installed?20:22
lonewulf85adamk, should it be?20:22
lonewulf85adamk, unity is20:22
lonewulf85adamk, I think let me check20:23
_joeycould someone link me to libxaw 32 bit deb package please20:23
adamklonewulf85: gnome-shell isn't needed unless you want to use it.  I'm not sure why unity would be installed, but the display manager doesn't show that as a desktop option. If you log in normally, and run 'ps ax | grep unity', is it running?20:24
glitch256adamk: unity  shows up as ubuntu desktop in the selector every thing else shows up as wht they are20:26
lonewulf85adamk, I get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/5878660/20:26
lusydoes anyone know how to add the date on the top bar next to the time in gnome?20:27
wentknweqthey guys, im trying to upgrade an encrypted release. is there any good way to stop do-release-upgrade from running grub and then letting me run it manually? also, will this work on an encrypted root install?20:27
adamklonewulf85: Is there just an "Ubuntu" session option in the launcher?20:27
lonewulf85adamk, I only get ubuntu-2d20:28
achmodewhy is ubuntu running so slow in virtualbox recently?20:29
OerHeks!find libxaw20:29
ubottuFound: libxaw-doc, libxaw7, libxaw7-dbg, libxaw7-dev, libxaw3dxft620:29
lonewulf85achmode, I find that is usually the case have you tried wubi?20:29
achmodelonewulf85: does wubi let me run ubuntu virtually?20:30
OerHeks_joey, i think libxa7 is what you want, or libxaw7-dev20:30
adamkachmode: What do you mean by "recently"?20:30
lusydoes anyone know how to add the date on the top bar next to the time in gnome desktop environment?20:30
ifaesfuhi, can you uninstall properly an application that was compiled from source to install it?20:30
cipherboyifaesfu, depends on the application, which one specifically are you talking about?20:30
achmodeadamk: Im running 13.0420:31
_joeyOerHeks: it's 64bit20:31
lonewulf85achmode, It lets you run it as a windows program but as tho you have it installed natively.20:31
_joeyon distro 6420:31
k1l_achmode: no, wubi will not do that20:31
ifaesfuin 12.04lts20:31
adamklonewulf85: Do you know what display manager you are running?20:31
lonewulf85achmode, plus if you hate it you can remove it like any windows program.20:31
k1l_achmode: but if you want to talk about speed dont use wubi20:32
MonkeyDustlonewulf85  but by hating wubi, let's hope you won't hate ubuntu20:32
adamkachmode: In VirtualBox you are not likely to get decent 3D acceleration, which Unity really needs.\20:32
OerHeks_joey then build it from source20:32
MonkeyDustachmode   but by hating wubi, let's hope you won't hate ubuntu20:32
lonewulf85adamk, It is supposed to be unity I am in unity but just the 2d version.20:32
_joeyOerHeks: the building environment is 64bit20:32
kboodulusy: Try right-clicking on the time, Selecting "Time and Date Settings" and select the "Clock" tab.  You should see it on there (at least under 12.04..should be the same on other versions but I haven't tried it).20:33
adamk_joey: Install libxaw7:i386 if you want the 32-bit version.20:33
lonewulf85MonkeyDust, yeah that is what I meant was if he does not like ubuntu then he can remove it like any windows application.20:33
adamklonewulf85: Unity is the desktop environment, not the display manager.20:33
lonewulf85adamk, I believe it is lightdm20:34
_joeyadamk: there is no libxaw7:i386 unless I am not using correct syntax with apt-get20:34
bijohow can i share ubuntu laptop's files to android phone20:34
bijovia wifi20:34
lonewulf85bijo, doe it have to be wifi?20:34
OerHeks_joey, you might need to add x86 architecture, "sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386"20:34
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bijoyes, my lap has wifi20:35
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kboodubijo: Why  not connect with a USB cable?20:35
_joeyadamk: the question was where to get libxaw7:i38620:35
bijohave no data cable now.20:35
adamk_joey: It's in the normal 13.04 repos, accessible via apt-get.  I don't know a direct URL to it.20:35
_joeyOerHeks: adding --add-architecture i386 while installing amd6420:35
xanguabijo: there is a cool app called: airdroid20:35
xanguakboodu: sometimes you don't have a usb cable at hand ;)20:36
lusykboodu, Selecting "Time and Date Settings" and select the "Clock" tab. gnome desktop environment does not make me see the date but only the time20:36
bijook. let me check20:36
OerHeks_joey, ? what makes you think that?20:36
_joeyadamk: it's not in the "nortmal" repo on my default install20:36
kboodulusy: What version of Ubuntu?20:36
adamklonewulf85: Sorry, not sure what's going on.  In lightdm, you should see an "Ubuntu" session which should drop you into Unity 3D.20:36
lonewulf85adamk, I will try to reinstall my driver and see if that helps.20:37
lusykboodu,  12.0420:38
kbooduxangua: True.  Just asking the question20:38
InsaneGeneguys, any free vpn tool for ubuntu20:38
InsaneGeneor VPN server ?20:38
bigDoggyInsaneGene openvpn20:38
kboodulusy: You should have on the Clock settings tab "Date and Month" which will show on your clock20:38
InsaneGenebigDoggy, apt-get install openvpn ??20:38
bigDoggyInsaneGene yup yup20:38
InsaneGenebigDoggy, ty20:39
lonewulf85bijo, If you have a usb cable this works grate http://www.webupd8.org/2013/01/upgrade-to-gvfs-with-mtp-support-in.html20:39
xanguakboodu: i think by gnome, lusy means gnome-shell20:39
cipherboylonewulf85, you have pastebinit installed right?20:39
cipherboyfind /usr/share/xsession | pastebinit20:40
lonewulf85cipherboy, yes i do.20:40
kbooduxangua: Thanks.  Is that correct lusy?20:40
lusygnome shell20:40
InsaneGenebigDoggy, what next do I need to have a VPN server IP or it finds one for me??20:40
kboodulusy: Have you seen this URL and will it fix your problem?  (http://askubuntu.com/questions/83597/how-do-i-show-date-next-to-time-in-the-panel-with-gnome-shell)20:41
bigDoggyInsaneGene http://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/documentation/howto.html20:41
lonewulf85cipherboy, I get this find: `/usr/share/xsession': No such file or directory You are trying to send an empty document, exiting.20:41
cipherboylonewulf85, whoops, add an s: /usr/share/xsessions20:42
cipherboymy bad20:42
_CookieMonster_Hi everyone, having problems with my xorg.conf again20:42
lonewulf85cipherboy, I got this http://paste.ubuntu.com/5878707/20:42
_CookieMonster_Screen resolution is still not being set20:43
cipherboylonewulf85, notice line 8... /usr/share/xsessions/ubuntu.desktop. You at least have the ability, somewhere, somehow, to be able run it in the sense that it should be telling the dm (lightdm) that it is installed and able to be used.20:44
cipherboyalas, have to go, bbl20:44
_CookieMonster_Is bekks here?20:44
=== cipherboy is now known as cipherboy_afk
Rarrikin1How do I find out which file in /dev corresponds to a USB drive?20:45
bigDoggyMy vps won't boot. I get to this point http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=df7xqe&s=5 ad it freezes. no detectable errors other than that (pre logging and can't get to dmesg). debconf-show -> http://sprunge.us/MAfM20:45
lusykboodu,  where can I find the tool gconf-editor20:45
kboodulusy: sudo apt-get install gconf-editor20:46
_CookieMonster_Can anyone see any flaws in this xorg.conf? http://pastebin.com/EhqSd1ga20:46
kboodulusy: Side note, apt-cache search tool will allow you to do some searching for utilities.20:46
kboodulusy: Another note - that's from the command line, if you weren't aware. ;)20:47
adamk_CookieMonster_: You are selecting a PreferredMode, but have no modeline for it....20:47
adamk_CookieMonster_: Does Xorg even see 1366x768 as an option if you have no xorg.conf file?20:48
_CookieMonster_adamk: Hi, what do you mean if I have no xorg.conf ?20:48
_CookieMonster_adamk: There's an xorg.conf in /etc/X1120:48
adamkNot sure I can make it clearer...  If you don't have an xorg.conf file on your system, does 1366x768 show up as a resolution...  By default, there is no /etc/X11/xorg.conf file on any recent version of Ubuntu.20:49
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_CookieMonster_adamk: Ah I see what you mean, no - there's no 1366x768 without xorg.conf20:49
_CookieMonster_adamk: Yesterday I was told to remove the mode line after that contradicted the vertical refresh line - so I deleted both of them20:50
adamk_CookieMonster_: OK, so to use that resolution, you need to define the modeline for it in your xorg.conf file. Ad this line in the Monitor section:20:50
adamkModeline "1368x768_60.00"   85.25  1368 1440 1576 1784  768 771 781 798 -hsync +vsync20:50
adamk_CookieMonster_: D'oh, ignore that...20:50
_CookieMonster_adamk: I was told by bekks yesterday that because the vertical refresh range was 55-75, 85.25 couldn't fit20:50
_CookieMonster_adamk: I'm resorting to xorg.conf after numerous broken systems trying to install AMD drivers for my HD 545020:51
adamk_CookieMonster_: OK, well you'll still need to put in a Modeline...20:51
_CookieMonster_adamk: I can't find any information on the ranges for the refreshes on the manufacture's website20:51
_CookieMonster_on the monitor information it's 45 V and 60 H20:52
_CookieMonster_and that's the only information the manufacture - acer - gives20:52
_CookieMonster_adamk: Should I insert the modeline you gave me?20:53
adamk_CookieMonster_: Normally all you need to generate a modeline (as I did) use the horizonal and vertical resolutions, and the refresh rate.  When I use 1366 768 60 for cvt, that modeline is what I get.20:53
adamk_CookieMonster_: You will need to adjust your preferredmode to match the name of the Modeline.20:53
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_CookieMonster_adamk: I used cvt yesterday, and like I mentioned, it contradicted another bit so I removed both20:54
_CookieMonster_adamk: What do you mean adjust the preferredmode ?20:54
adamk_CookieMonster_: See how the modeline name I gave you is different from the one in the PrefferedMode line of your xorg.conf file?20:55
adamk1366x768_60.00 vs 1368x768_60.0020:55
_CookieMonster_adamk: Yes?20:56
adamkWell they need to match.20:56
_CookieMonster_adamk: So do I just change preferredmode to modeline ?20:56
San1tyHi, Does everything in /etc/init.d get started on boot? I created a script that works but I wonder if I need to do something else to have it start on boot?20:58
adamk_CookieMonster_: The names need to match.  ie: http://pastebin.com/0N7hKigt20:58
mehworkwhat does ubuntu run better on, an intel or amd?20:58
adamk_CookieMonster_: BTW, where did you come up with that xorg.conf file?20:58
Dr_willismehwork,  You mean CPU wise? it shouldent really matter20:59
=== kboodu is now known as kboodu|afk
quadHelixSan1ty :: Depends on your run level really, if you look at /etc/rc*.d you can see what runlevels the daemons are configured for.  If you want to add your own command at startup look into rc.local21:00
_CookieMonster_adamk: It's kind of been a collaboration from several people on IRC21:00
_CookieMonster_mehwork: Depends on who you like better in reality - they both perform the same, and unless you're going to push the CPU, you won't be able to tell the difference21:02
_CookieMonster_Adamk: Does the position of the modeline matter?21:02
JonathanLopezGood morning.21:02
JonathanLopezThis is Jonathan Lopez.21:02
JonathanLopezI have discovered a 0day vulnerability in Java,21:02
adamk_CookieMonster_: It just ask to be in the Monitor section.21:02
JonathanLopezwith click-to-run bypass.21:02
JonathanLopezdo NOT install Java.a21:02
JonathanLopezat all costs.21:02
San1tyquadHelix: I was following a guide that ivolved writing a startup script and adding it to /etc/init.d, I proceeded to test /etc/init.d/teamspeak start and it works as advertised. I'm just not sure on the autostart part. is adding a line to rc.local the way? the guide mentioned something like: chkconfig --add teamspeak21:02
JonathanLopezSan1ty, shut the fuck up.21:02
FloodBot1JonathanLopez: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:02
JonathanLopeznow, yes.21:02
wilee-nilee!ops | JonathanLopez21:03
ubottuJonathanLopez: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!21:03
JonathanLopezdo NOT install Java, I have discovered a java 0day which can allow me to hack almost anybody running Java.21:03
JonathanLopezwilee-nilee; do you run java, sir?21:03
JonathanLopezmind giving me your IP? I can own you if you want.21:03
elkyJonathanLopez: please learn about responsible disclosure21:03
_CookieMonster_adamk: Sorry for wasting your time, but should this work? http://pastebin.com/QC0q72N521:03
Dr_willissounds more like random spam to me then any disclosure.21:03
wilee-nileeyep, someone missed their meds. ;)21:04
elkyDr_willis: i don't believe it for a second either21:05
adamk_CookieMonster_: Again, do you see how the modeline you have defined is 1368x768_60.00 but the one you have as PreferredMode is 1366x768_60.00?  They *have* to match like in the monitor section I pastebined above.21:05
_CookieMonster_adamk: Damn you've got good eyes. I didn't see that21:05
adamk_CookieMonster_: I've just been looking at xorg.conf files (and XF86Config files) for a very very very long time :-)21:06
_CookieMonster_adamk: Right time to give this a go.#21:06
_CookieMonster_adamk: Do you like carrots? :P21:07
adamkCan't stand them :-)21:07
_CookieMonster_adamk: You must be good at spot the difference21:07
quadHelixsanity:: IIRC chkconfig is a redhat thing.  Ubuntu uses sysv-rc-conf <service> <on|off>21:08
Agd_Scorp_CookieMonster_: Please notice that this is a #ubuntu support channel, take your general-discussions somewhere else. This is not the place for it.21:09
oO0OoHi; i accidentally ran "ufw enable" and now I cant access server via SSH; what can i do now?21:09
quadHelixsanity:: or update-rc.d21:09
Agd_Scorpo000o: run 'ufw disable'.21:09
_CookieMonster__adamk: I did sudo restart lightdm but nothing has changed :/21:09
Agd_Scorpo000o: If that doesn't work out either, I recommend that you should uninstall ufw and then restart.21:10
quadHelixsanity on a default install of ubuntu - to run teamspeak in your gui -- update-rc.d teamspeak enable 521:10
oO0OoAgd_Scorp: I dont have access!!21:10
_CookieMonster__adamk: Oh just realised further down I need to change the 6 to 8 again21:10
holsteinor just allow the ssh port through the firewall oO0Oo21:10
_CookieMonster__adamk: Try again21:10
San1tyquadHelix: Thanks a lot, I'll look into adding a command to /etc/init.d/rc.local21:10
holsteinoO0Oo: if you have locked yourself out, you'll need to ask the host or whomever is in charge of your hosting.. there is no "back door"21:11
oO0Ooholstein: Without SSH ; How?21:11
adamk_CookieMonster__: Pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file.21:11
Agd_Scorpo000o: run /etc/init.d/sshd restart21:11
holsteinoO0Oo: manually.. at the machine.. if that is not an option, then you have locked yourself out21:11
oO0Ooholstein: Oh; OK thanks21:11
Agd_Scorpholstein: Are you a computer-science student, by any chance?21:12
Agd_Scorpor have been taking IT-courses?21:12
Agd_ScorpI am just curious.21:12
holsteinAgd_Scorp: no21:12
Agd_ScorpI see.21:12
San1tyquadHelix: Can I just add "service teamspeak start" as a line to rc.local?21:12
__CookieMonster_adamk: Hmm does sudo restart lightdm work? This is my xorg.conf --> http://pastebin.com/vBGM6p0i21:12
oO0OoAgd_Scorp: can VSphere do that?21:12
holsteinAgd_Scorp: we can discuss in the offtopic channel, if needed21:13
adamk__CookieMonster_: Please do the same with /var/log/Xorg.0.log.21:13
__CookieMonster_adamk: I'm presuming I'm sudo gedit'ing that too?21:13
holsteinoO0Oo: if the host has left you a back door, then use it.. usually you can get in somehow.. it will be host specific21:13
quadHelixsanity - that is possible.  i would say best case would be to run `update-rc.d teamspeak enable 5`21:13
adamk__CookieMonster_: Just run 'pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log'.  It might require you to install pastebinit.21:13
Agd_Scorpholstein, what's the offtopic channel?21:13
oO0Ooholstein: the server is a VPS and I have VSphere panel21:14
k1l_Agd_Scorp: #ubuntu-offtopic21:14
Agd_Scorpthanks k1l_21:14
oO0Ooholstein: anyway I'll ask admin; thanks21:14
San1tyquadHelix: why is update-rc.d better then rc.local?21:14
holsteinoO0Oo: sure.. vsphere panel is not an ubuntu application.. so, again, you'll need to ask your host how to get in once you have locked yourself out.. i have seen "generate temporary access" or whatever21:15
__CookieMonster_adamk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5878802/21:15
holsteinoO0Oo: this is not specific to any or all version of ubuntu or linux.. it will be specific to your situation, and the way the host and you have it configured21:15
holsteinAgd_Scorp: #ubuntu-offtopic21:15
oO0Ooholstein: thanks21:15
Agd_ScorpI am there, holstein.21:15
CodeHakHi, what's up?21:16
quadHelixsanity - i just read update-rc.d is not stable.  I apologize.  You are correct rc.local is best bet21:16
adamk__CookieMonster_: I'm going to seriously dumb down your xorg.conf file.  It's just crazy and 99% of it isn't needed.21:16
__CookieMonster_adamk: :D21:16
hoodoowooI've just asked this question in #linux, with no love, but then I realized that ecryptfs may be more ubuntu specific.  So, I ask it here:21:17
hoodoowooIf it's not the right place, please redirect me as appropriate: I'm messing with ecryptfs on a new install of a Raring.  Problem: when I remove a user (e.g. # userdel -r joe), and add the user (# useradd joe), running "# passwd joe" returns "Permission denied; password unchanged".21:18
CodeHakYou're best of droping into recovery/terminal on boot and making the necessary changes. Then rebooting into the GUI.21:18
adamk__CookieMonster_: This should be all you need for your /etc/X11/xorg.conf : http://pastebin.com/KSKDU1tx21:18
Agd_Scorp"a warning is no error."21:18
hoodoowooLooking in auth.log (paraphrasing here):21:18
hoodoowoopasswd[10131]: pam_ecryptfs: "...NULL passphrase; nothing to do".21:18
hoodoowoopasswd[10131]: pam_unix: "... password changed ..."21:18
hoodoowoopasswd[10131]: "Error attempting to open ...joe/.ecryptfs/... for writing"21:18
San1tyquadHelix: and is adding plain text "service teamspeak start" as a line legit or do I need to write something special?21:18
hoodoowooSo, it appears that password is successfully changed, but then passwd also tries to setup ecryptfs.  Why?  If I do this same procedure for another user (say, 'testtt'), it works just fine, with no attempt to setup an ecryptfs.  Can any shed some light on this interaction for me?  Note that I remove all mentions of joe from /etc via "grep -ri joe /etc"21:18
wilee-nilee!pastebin > hoodoowoo21:19
ubottuhoodoowoo, please see my private message21:19
__CookieMonster_adamk: Wait so it's just the monitor section? You're deleting everything else?21:19
adamk__CookieMonster_: Absolutely.  Xorg autoconfigures nearly everything.  The only thing it's failing on for you is the monitor resolution, so that's the *only* thing you need to specify.21:19
CodeHakMind explaining to me what you're trying to do? Do you have a permissions fault?21:20
adamk__CookieMonster_: Having said that, back up your current xorg.conf file just in case :-)21:20
__CookieMonster_adamk: OK well here goes :D21:20
wilee-nilee!who > CodeHak21:20
ubottuCodeHak, please see my private message21:20
hoodoowoowilee-nilee: I've generally used the metric of more than 3 lines for pastebin.  This was exactly 3 lines.  If the guidelines are posted and I missed them, apologies.21:20
CodeHakWith regards to xorg, uninstall, purge the graphics driver then reinstall and regenerate xorg.21:21
CookieMonster_adamk: You are the (wo)man21:21
CookieMonster_adamk: I'm assuming it's a man :P21:21
adamkDefinitely a man.  And thanks :-)21:21
MonkeyDusthoodoowoo  i'm not familiar with it myself, but maybe this helps https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/ecryptfs.html21:22
CodeHakPain in the ass especially when moving hard drives between different machines.21:22
CookieMonster_adamk: But don't keep your hopes up too high ... last time I was here I celebrated... and then after a restart it went back to normal :(21:22
wilee-nileehoodoowoo, It is just that if you need to post errors, anything mainly other than your words description pastebin it, so you are not taking over the gui21:22
adamkCookieMonster_: Sorry you had such problems getting it working when it was something so simple.  Not everyone here is as knowledgeable with Xorg as I am :-)21:22
CookieMonster_adamk: Should I try restarting to see if this has worked21:22
adamkCookieMonster_: It'll still work but, by all means, give it a shot :-)21:22
CookieMonster_adamk: Are you on IRC quite a bit? I may need you again in the future :S21:23
quadHelixSan1ty just add the sudo service teamspeak start to rc.local21:23
adamkCookieMonster_: I'm nearly always logged in, but not always at my desk :-)21:23
CodeHakTerminal is your friend, lol. :D21:23
CookieMonster_adamk: But usually on at this time?21:23
quadHelixtest it, may not need sudo- I forget what user that runs as21:23
San1tyquadHelix: so rc.local does not get executed as root? do I need the sudo statement?21:24
CookieMonster_adamk: Who know's maybe I won't need you in the near future - which, in a good way, I hope not :P21:24
adamkCookieMonster_: This is actually a little later than usual.  Typically 8 AM till 4:30 PM EST.21:24
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adamkCookieMonster_: Sometimes a few hours later, if I'm at home.21:24
CookieMonster_adamk: Oh right that's fine, I'm on after 11AM est if i've done my conversions correctly.21:25
ambush276hey guys i had a question using nttcp. I was wondering how can i send a text message from client to server21:25
San1tyquadHelix: Googled it, I do not need sudo! Thanks you have been a great help! Do you want some bitcoin?21:25
ambush276server is running : ntcp -u -i21:25
CookieMonster_adamk: Anyway thanks so much.21:25
ambush276client is running ntcp -s MESSAGE -u IP21:25
usr13San1ty: FYI:  rc.local does get executed as root.21:25
adamkCookieMonster_: Glad to help.21:25
ambush276the client responds with two lines of formatted numbers while the server just stays blank21:25
usr13San1ty: (No sudo needed)21:25
quadHelixsanity - lol no, buy your significant other some thing nice :)21:26
Cookie_Monsteradamk: Restarted X and it works :D21:26
San1tyusr13, quadHelix: just rebooted my vm and the service got executed at startup, great success! :).21:26
usr13San1ty: Very good.21:26
Cookie_Monsteradamk: Well hopefully that's put MONTHS of broken systems to an end. Oh and also, if I upgrade to 13.04, my xorg.conf doesn't change right?21:27
adamkCookie_Monster: Correct, it will stay the same.21:28
hoodoowooMonkeyDust: thanks for the link; unfortunately that's a generic howto, which is seemingly not what I need.  I seem to have a rather specific problem.21:28
Cookie_Monsteradamk: Well I'm not planning to upgrade from 12.10 until 13.10 is out21:28
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Cookie_Monsteradamk: You've made my day :) Also can you relink me to the xorg.conf you gave21:29
MonkeyDustCookie_Monster  mind: 13.04 support ends in january 2014, you'd have to upgrade again21:32
quadHelixsan1ty : grats!21:33
Cookie_MonsterMonkeyDust: I don't intend on using 13.0421:33
gonfiis there a guide for how to configure a public dedicated ip (not local, not 192.168) in my ubuntu virtualbox guest os? (failed with google, and the guys in #vbox referred me to this channel)21:33
Cookie_MonsterMonkeyDust: I'm only going to use it to upgrade to 13.1021:33
adamkCookie_Monster: http://pastebin.com/KSKDU1tx21:33
adamkGot to go..21:33
Cookie_Monsteradamk: Never mind, found it :P Ok thanks, cya21:34
holsteingonfi: you would set it up like a normal machine on your network, with a bridged connection, so that it gets a normal 192.168.x.x ip, then forward the port through on your router21:34
gonfii have no router.21:34
gonfii have no local network, it's a single machine with a single dedicated ip, plus a separate unrelated dedicated ip for the vm. for an ftp server, so magic routing is no good cause of the 2nd connection21:35
holsteingonfi: i would get a router, it would make things simpler..21:35
CodeHakYou could bridge the main ethernet or wireless connection with the virtual box network adapter.21:35
MonkeyDustgonfi  you need a router for NATting, otherwise, use 'bridged' mode in your vbox settings, to create a bridge to the existing network21:36
holsteingonfi: this is not "magic" routing.. this is what you will need to setup manually.. you have basically a seperate machine on your nework that you need to connect to21:36
gonfiis there a guide?21:36
holsteingonfi: yes21:36
gonfii tried with a router vm a while back, and failed21:36
holsteingonfi: literaly search it.. there are *many* ways.. the easy way is with a router21:36
CodeHakHighlight both connections under network connections, right click and click bridge then run virtualbox.;)21:36
holsteingonfi: i am using it with a router right now.. you need to set up the virtualization the same or similar regardless21:37
hoodoowooMonkeyDust: here's my current hypothesis: a bug in the kernel module for ecryptfs.  After removing the user entirely and rebooting, I no longer have the issue.  I suspect it's a stale handle somewhere.21:37
gonfiby router you mean router vm?21:37
holsteingonfi: imagine you have 2 separate machine.. how do you want to translate those 2 machines on the network?21:37
holsteingonfi: i mean, a hardware device that will route the traffic for you and NAT the 2 boxes or whatever you need21:38
MonkeyDustgonfi  what are you using to connect to the internet?21:38
gonfiwell i can't tell my isp hetzner to add a device for me for a dedicated server21:38
blackshirthello, someone with tc experiences, why this happen when i execute this, # tc qdisc del dev eth021:38
blackshirtRTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument21:38
holsteinif you are literally coming out of the modem into a machine, that is what the modem is supposed to do.. just make one connection21:38
blackshirtwhat wrongs ?21:38
holsteingonfi: that is the issue... you *cant* tell your isp that. so you have to do it with a router21:39
MonkeyDustgonfi  a router translates your public IP address to several local IP addresses, that's what it's meant for21:40
gonfiyou said a hardware device. confused.21:40
holsteingonfi: correct.. a hardware router is easy, and appropriate.. you get local IPs. you give the VM a local IP,a nd forward a port through the router21:40
CodeHakA router gives you a range of ip addresses from one connection.21:40
blackshirt# tc qdisc del dev eth021:41
blackshirtRTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument21:41
gonfiyeah, that's what i have at home. but not at the isp where i have just 1 machine. so that's not an option.21:41
holsteinotherwise, you'll need to do that with your one machine, and translate manualy to the VM21:41
holsteingonfi: using a VM as a router is an option21:41
CodeHakYep bridge the connection to the virtualbox network adapter/connection.21:42
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holsteingonfi: i have not cared to set that up as its is uncessarily challening. and i always have a router laying around.. and if there is a cable sitting there, you should be able to plug it in21:42
gonfiholstein, the isp is a couple thousand km away21:42
CodeHakLol i do it with my cell 3g connection tethering/bridging the connections.21:42
holsteingonfi: mine is not here either, friend21:42
gonfii can't go there and plug a router in21:43
MonkeyDustgonfi  a router is located in your house21:43
holsteingonfi: i have a modem, i plug it into the router.. otherwise, im not following your *very* special scenario21:43
CodeHakEither cable and router or phone line with a dsl filter going to a router.21:43
gonfiscenario: have 1 dedicated machine at the isp, with 1 public ip. would like to run an ftp on an ubuntu vm on that.21:44
MonkeyDustgonfi  as i understand, you want two public IP address, right?21:44
holsteingonfi: the ISP give me a connection via coax cable.. the modem translates that to internet, and goes to my router.. my router give all the machines on my network local IP's, and translates the information to them.. i forward a port to the machine or virtual machine21:44
Dr_willisthe isp works as a vps service also?21:44
holsteingonfi: how are you connected to that internet connection?21:44
RukeladWhen I install ubuntu, will it be able to deal with an exsiting grub installation and just add its entry to it?21:44
gonfino, not home isp21:44
gonfiserver hosting isp21:44
holsteingonfi: how are you connected? physically?21:45
gonfii don't know how they connect the machine21:45
holsteingonfi: you might not be allowed to do that.. you need to ask them how they are setting things .. you might not be allowed to get out that way froma VM21:45
gonfii rent the root machine too, not just the vm21:46
gonfii am allowed.21:46
holsteingonfi: that could be alreayd a virtual machine, and might not be able to forward through whatever they have21:46
holsteingonfi: i dont care what you rent.. that can be setup in a way to block you from forwarding through like that21:46
gonfino, not a vm21:46
holsteingonfi: you said VM21:46
gonfii have host os and a couple vm's21:46
holsteingonfi: if not, then the machien is connected and getting an IP21:46
holsteingonfi: sure.. and the VM's might not have access like that.. they are not getting IP's locally.. and you miy not be allowed to do what you are trying to do21:47
holsteingonfi: you need to ask them how to get out that way, and get ports through,a nd how they expect you to do that21:47
holsteingonfi: yes, actually you do21:47
CodeHakGonfi: Your physical PC will be connected either via an ethernet cable, phone cable very old or wireless adapter.21:47
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gonfiit must be ethernet21:48
holsteingonfi: this is not ubuntu related anyways.. so try a networking channel.. the the answer is going to come from the host. and it might be "sorry, you are not able to do that here due to configuration"21:48
holsteingonfi: you have no idea, though.. it could already be virtual, and likely is21:48
gonfino, i had harddisks replaced for me21:49
gonfiand have special hardware config21:49
MonkeyDustgonfi  then start from the beginning, what's your special config or setup?21:49
holsteingonfi: then, im sure they wont mind answering your specific questions.. which can not be answered here, since we, the volunteers, have not idea how the network is setup at your host21:49
ravenis anyone using feed2imap? is the connection encrypted??21:50
gonfiok, thanks for the help, i'll see if i can get an answer there21:50
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MeeKshey guys i have a live ubuntu environment loaded up on my laptop and need to use it to burn a .iso file, how would i go about doing this?21:59
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MeeKsim not sure what tools to use21:59
holsteinMeeKs: brasero if its there21:59
holsteinMeeKs: any burner really21:59
MeeKsim guessing i need to first get ubuntu running off a usb drive to free up the optical drive21:59
OerHekssounds like a good plan22:00
holsteinMeeKs: you'll need an available optical burner, for certain22:00
MeeKsi have to use the laptop burner22:00
MeeKsso i need to get my usb drive to boot22:00
glitch256hi all is their any one that can help me register a bash script to a phone wifi connect event22:00
OerHeksDoes the target machine boot from usb?22:00
MeeKsi hope so22:01
MeeKsim not sure22:01
MeeKsdo i just restore the iso file to the usb drive?22:01
holstein!unetbootin | MeeKs is an option22:01
ubottuMeeKs is an option: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:01
OerHeksuse the usb-creator tool, it is available in your live session22:02
deadweaselhow can I tell the last few things I installed?22:02
deadweasel\12.04 lts x6422:02
clue_hsoftware center history? but i dont use it22:03
muellideadweasel: there is probabably a log in /var/log/, i.e. /var/log/dpkg.log or so.22:04
k1l_deadweasel: /var/log and then the apt logs22:04
deadweaselah, good idea.  thx. muelli22:04
AngusVFFI installed a 13.04 64-bit iso to my flashdrive using yumi. When i attempt to install, i get terminal and no other response. How do i Fix this?22:04
deadweaselthx k1l_22:04
OerHeksdeadweasel, in softwarecenter - history http://beginlinux.com/images/desktop/ubuntu/ubuntu1010_software-center1.jpg22:04
OerHeksAngusVFF, black screen and flashing cursor?22:05
AngusVFFOerHeks: yes. and lines of code22:05
OerHeks!nomodeset | AngusVFF this might help22:06
ubottuAngusVFF this might help: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter22:06
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k1l_!away > cipherboyoffline22:08
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ubottucipherboyoffline, please see my private message22:09
gloweHej all! I need some help to get my USB internet (Huawei E1750) to work22:13
AngusVFFOerHeks: When i select "install to a hard disk" it starts to load. Then when i switch away to show the status, i get "/init: line 7: can't open /dev/sr0: No medium found"22:14
pagioshello, how can i remove the passhparse for encryption when booting my laptop?22:14
gordonjcppagios: easiest way is to boot the laptop, decrypt, make a backup, and reinstall :-/22:15
pagiosreinstall what?22:15
deadweaseloh jesus, I have no idea what I installed.....   I installed SOMETHING akin to POWERMENU for windows, it's a right click 'always on top' functionality.  It broke lots of stuff.... I can't find any package that describes it...22:15
SunStarhow can i search recursively through a folder for files that contain my search tearm inside the file contents?22:16
jribSunStar: grep -R22:16
pagiosgordonjcp: full system reinstallation?!22:16
AngusVFFWhen i select "install to a hard disk" it starts to load. Then when i switch away to show the status, i get "/init: line 7: can't open /dev/sr0: No medium found". How do i fix this?22:16
SunStarthankx jrib22:17
AngusVFFI downloaded 13.04 64-bit. I used yumi to install it to my usb stick. When i select "install to a hard disk" it starts to load. Then when i switch away to show the status, i get "/init: line 7: can't open /dev/sr0: No medium found". How do i Fix this?22:18
jsonperli have a bunch of servers running with 16gb of ram available... they have a leak and when they get somewhere above 1GB, they get restarted22:18
jsonperlbut for some reason, freeing of that memory seems to make the whole machine spike in cpu usage, and slows everything WAY DOWN while it happens22:18
jsonperli was thinking maybe tuning the swappiness might be the solution, does that seem reasonable?22:19
Dr_willisAngusVFF,   you did verify the md5 of the iso file? its possible it was bad. or yumi goofed up. you could try some other tool fromt he pendrivelinux site, and double check the md5sum to verify it was a good download22:19
AngusVFFDr_willis: Ok. How do i check to make sure? Im new to linux.22:21
bpromptAngusVFF: hmm, /dev/sr0 is usually the DVD drive, something tells me you may have clicked on the wrong entry22:23
bpromptas opposed to /dev/sda or /dev/sdb or such22:24
AngusVFFbprompt: I used a USB Stick22:24
bpromptAngusVFF:    shouldn't matter, so have I :)22:24
DoktorVHello, I'm having trouble with chmod22:25
AngusVFFbprompt: Im gonna try again using unetbootin22:25
DoktorVI've downloaded Tales of Maj'Eyal, linux 64 bit version, but it won't run because the main executable doesn't have execute permission. When I try to give owner execute permission, nothing happens, even when doing sudo chmod22:28
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blue-eyesanyone know what plugin is needed to view these videos? http://science.discovery.com/tv-shows/through-the-wormhole22:29
kbooduDoktorV: What's the exact command you're using on the chmod command?22:29
DoktorVI've tried many from the tutorials - chmod u+x file, chmod 777 file, and some more I don't remember offhand22:30
clue_hblue-eyes, im watching those on youtube, are you using firefox?22:31
blue-eyesclue_h: are you watching the old episodes or this season's?22:31
clue_hseason 4, scared of going off topic though lol22:32
clue_hblue-eyes, it should work in chrome though.22:33
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blue-eyesclue_h: I didn't know this season's was on youtube. If they're not from Discovery Science, they might be pulled. I'm pretty sure the vids on their official website aren't played via youtube. Firefox and Chrome both show a message about a plugin needed.22:34
tworkinon 12.04 i did a 'useradd -m someone' and the account has almost zero settings. is there a command to plop down the system defaults like the user that the installer creates?22:34
AngusVFFbprompt: How do i make it use the usb stick?22:34
tworkinsettings i mean rc files. and something better than /bin/sh22:34
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blue-eyesI've looked at the html for the webpage and something about an .mp4 file is mentioned in at least one part.22:35
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Jagst3r15when will ubuntu be rolling release?22:35
clue_him checking it out (its working for me atm in firefox) but i have flash player22:36
k1l_Jagst3r15: no plans for that22:36
Jagst3r15I have read such22:36
Jagst3r15or they are at least considering it?22:36
blue-eyesclue_h, I have flash player installed as well. Don't know why it's not working.22:36
bpromptAngusVFF:    you download the .iso, about 700mbs, and do a raw image to the usb stick :), if you're in windows, use something like winimage, if you're in linux, I use 'dd' data dumper    " dd if=myisofile.iso of=/dev/sdb "  assuming my usb is /dev/sdb22:37
k1l_Jagst3r15: there was some ideas some months ago. but they didnt thnk its usefull22:37
Jagst3r15that is disappointing22:37
k1l_Jagst3r15: nope22:37
blue-eyesclue_h, I should mention that the ads work, but the feature vids don't play22:37
Jagst3r15for me it is22:37
Jagst3r15so im on 12.04 which i love22:38
Jagst3r15i am stuck with these outdated packages in software center?22:38
OerHeksblue-eyes, have you got restricted-extra's installed?22:38
blue-eyesOerHeks, yes I've tried that. Doesn't work.22:39
k1l_Jagst3r15: you need to make a decision if you want stable packages or the latest packages.22:39
kbooduDoktorV: have you tried sudo chmod +x filename?22:39
Jagst3r15why can't there be both -_-22:39
Dr_williseven the latest release is not always up to date.22:39
clue_hblue-eyes, hmm do you have noscript and adblock22:39
Dr_willisJagst3r15,  because ubuntu is not a rollign release.22:39
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.22:39
blue-eyesOerHeks, are you able to view the feature vids after the ad plays?22:40
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)22:40
k1l_Jagst3r15: you can have fake-rolling-release with the development releases22:40
DoktorVkboodu: I may have before, tried it again just now, nothing22:40
Jagst3r15I mean I understand22:40
Jagst3r15but some things like chromium in 12.04 are out of date like hell22:40
kbooduDoktorV: What message did you get back?22:40
Linusrolling releases arent always the latest versions22:40
Jagst3r15youd think that would be easy to keep up22:40
Dr_willisJagst3r15,  use the PPA's22:40
MeeKsim having trouble burning an iso from the ubuntu live usb22:40
DoktorVkboodu: Nothing, terminal advances to a new prompt22:40
MeeKscan anyone help me22:40
Jagst3r15isnt more of a rolling release ideal>22:41
Jagst3r15Is it just lack of man power?22:41
OerHeksblue-eyes, yes, that makes me wonder22:41
kbooduDoktorV: I hate recommending this, but can you become root (sudo su -) and try again?22:41
blue-eyesclue_h, I've allowed javascript and everything else except cookies.22:41
kboodubecoming root isn't the best thing.  But maybe you'll see some other message.22:41
tworkinJagst3r15: not if you have a dependency for which you lack the source code22:41
clue_hblue-eyes, actually i dont get to see after the intro could be because I am in the UK?22:41
k1l_Jagst3r15: that topic what is ideal is too much for this technical support channel. to discuss that topic you could join #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss22:41
Linusroot is fine just not suitable for noobs, if you know what your doing use root.22:42
blue-eyesclue_h, I don't know. I've been able to watch them on windows but not linux so far. I can only view the advertisements on linux, not the feature video.22:42
k1l_Linus: no need to be root on ubuntu22:42
Jagst3r15sorry I was just curious :)22:42
deadweaselI installed *something* that adds 'always on top' to the right click menu.  Now all right click menus open up behind the active window, also, 'always on top' does not work AT ALL.  pls help.22:43
Linusk11 and whats the diff of using sudo su?22:43
deadweasel12.04 x64 lts22:43
k1l_Linus: even not "sudo su"22:43
Linusor sudo the sudoers grants all22:43
kbooduLinus: sudo allows you to become root for only the length of the command.22:43
Linussudo su gives you root22:43
blue-eyesOerHeks, do you allow adobe flash to allow cookies and store data?22:43
k1l_Linus: "sudo -i" is the ubuntu way _if_ you need a root shell22:43
kbooduLinus: sudo su lets you become the root user when you can't use the su command (because there's no password for the root user)22:44
k1l_Linus: we know there are alot of other ways but in here we support only sudo -i22:44
OerHeksblue-eyes, yes, like standard setting.22:44
clue_hblue-eyes, id work around and use wget followed by the *.mp4 file22:44
DoktorVI tried that, then chmod +x file, nothing, no errors22:44
clue_hfor now22:44
bekkssudo su is a bad idea.22:44
blue-eyesOerHeks, I'll try that and see what happens.22:44
LinusI wasnt arguing against the Ubuntu way sorry was just giving my experience of root.22:44
bekksBetter use "sudo -i"22:44
DoktorVThen I killed that terminal.22:44
blue-eyesclue_h, If I knew how to do that I would.22:44
blue-eyesclue_h, I think their links are difficult to get the actual location22:44
kbooduDoktorV: Are there any messages in /var/log/auth.log22:44
LinusI build your kernel ffs who you talking to.... Nvidia.22:45
Linusjoke bad maybe?22:45
OerHeksblue-eyes, btw it is not a wormhole in space, but the species22:45
wilee-nilee!who > Linus22:45
k1l_!guidelines > Linus22:45
blue-eyesclue_h OerHeks It's working now22:46
clue_hblue-eyes, good job22:46
blue-eyesI allowed adobe flash to store data and now they play22:46
clue_hi'll remember that one!22:46
Jagst3r15are backports more or less stable?22:46
kevinHONGYhow do i enable the 3d effects for a window22:47
DoktorVkboodu: there are many lines like "Jul 15 17:39:40 Dragon3 sudo:  vincent : TTY=pts/3 ; PWD=/media/Games/Games/T-engine ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/chmod +x t-engine" and then, most recently, some lines referring to a su session opening then closing22:47
OerHeksJagst3r15, more stable than proposed22:47
kbooduHave you tried specifying the full path to 't-engine'?22:48
Jagst3r150erHeks so backports is a way to have updates without updating to latest release?22:48
gloweHey all! I need help getting my 3G internet to work. Can anyone guide me through it?22:48
Jagst3r15I am new to ubuntu trying to understand :)22:48
DoktorVkboodu: Yes, I tried that a few times, it didn't seem to make any difference22:48
kbooduHmm.  /media...22:48
kevinHONGYhelp anyone ?22:48
DoktorVThe game doesn't have to live on the second hard drive, I could move it to home/games22:48
Linus<Jagst3r15> Backports are the stabelest you will get. Only security patches are applied to backports and the version is kept at a certain level.22:48
kbooduDoktorV: What file system is /media/Games?22:49
kbooduIs that a NTFS or FAT32 file system?22:49
kevinHONGYhow do i get the effect for like a window22:49
DoktorVkboodu: Ah, right, that was an NTFS drive from before I wiped out Windows22:49
Linuskboodu its neither it will be ext3 or ext422:49
kevinHONGYk bye22:49
kbooduDoktorV: That's the problem.  It's not recognizing the Linux attribute.22:49
DoktorVAll right, I've moved the game to home/games and now it looks like it should work.22:50
kbooduDoktorV: You'll have to find another way to make that executable, but I don't know what it is as I haven't tried to do that.22:50
kbooduDoktorV: Good luck with your new game. ;)22:50
DoktorVThat game is small enough that it doesn't need to live on the second hard drive, fortunately22:51
DoktorVThank you for your time22:51
Linusdokortov put permenat mounts you could forget in fstab in future sounds like you didnt22:51
kbooduDoktorV: np.22:51
S_Jwget -qO- https://toolbelt.heroku.com/install-ubuntu.sh | sh // that doesnt work, im trying to get the heroku toolbelt as you can see.22:51
MkeerI recently installed Ubuntu and I find it extremely unstable... Twice in a row I left it running overnight and I come back and suddenly my computer is slow and buggy and I need to restart...22:51
OerHeksJagst3r15, yes, newer version for those who cannot wait for secure testing22:51
AngusVFFbprompt: Im looking at the status and it says "the disk contains an unclean install" i used unetbootin and yumi, and i cant figure out the issue22:52
Jagst3r15OerHeks seems like that is a good way to avoid going full rolling release22:52
Jagst3r15how come not many backports are there for 12.04?22:52
AngusVFFi checked the md5 and its ok, but i cant solve the problem22:52
wilee-nilee!details > Mkeer22:52
Mkeerwilee-nilee, I have Ubuntu-gnome (3.6) 13.04... I'm not running anything very resource intensive... 2GB RAM, 2.8Ghz core 2 duo...22:53
onekingwhat's up22:53
wilee-nileeMkeer, Hard to tell without specifics.22:54
clue_hMkeer, have you tried 12.04? i have a machine with similar stats using ubuntu-2d and it handles that ok22:55
Mkeerwilee-nilee, what do you need to know?22:55
kbooduMkeer: So what programs are you running that imply it's "slow" or "unstable"22:55
MeeKsim runninb ubuntu 13.04 from a live dvd, how can i install that onto a usb stick so i can boot ubuntu from that instead of a dvd?22:55
bpromptAngusVFF: so.... you downloaded the .iso and then?22:55
Mkeerclue_h, but most of the time it's fine... very smooth22:55
Linus<Jagst3r15> If you wanna go rolling try Gentoo. You can build on a build box but build binaries that can be installed on other machines alot quicker. On top of that create your oqn mirror and set your portage make.conf to use binary only on your live machine.  Always a kind of stable way to live with a rolling release in live or desktop22:55
AngusVFFbprompt: yes. from the website22:55
wilee-nileeMkeer, The channel needs to know exactly what is happening not vague decriptions, such as when I do this this happens.22:56
tbaratthere is one program which can do Meeks22:56
clue_hunity-2d i mean22:56
bpromptAngusVFF:   and then?22:56
MeeKsi cant seem to find it22:56
MeeKsis it in the ubuntu dock on the desktop22:56
AngusVFFbprompt: i used YUMI to get it on my usb stick, and that didnt work. then i used unetbootin and i got the same result22:56
MeeKsthanks tbarat22:57
wilee-nileetbarat, Use nicks, please you can tab complete them.22:57
MeeKsoh im on a mac i cant run that app tbarat22:57
bpromptAngusVFF:   ok.... how about using DD?22:57
Mkeerkboodu, yersterday night, I left a bunch of terminal windows (inc. VIM, python but without any code running).... I came back from work today and I opened chrome and clicking links was generally very unresponsive, videos on youtube were running much slower than usual... pressing the Super key didn't show the Overview view...22:57
AngusVFFbprompt: Im using a windows machine to do this22:57
MkeerThis is not even with Gnome 3.8, this is the relatively old 3.6 version...22:58
kbooduMkeer: Were you running top?22:58
jribMkeer: check memory and cpu usage22:58
wilee-nileetbarat, If your are dissing it us a good way to get banned. ;)22:58
Jagst3r15is there a list of web apps?22:58
wilee-nileeJagst3r15, Web appa?22:58
Mkeerkboodu, no... I tried opening the system monitor but I couldn't get to it since the Super key was not responsive...22:59
kbooduMkeer: If you can run top in a terminal session, you might see something that catches your eye and driving up CPU or Memory / Swap utilization22:59
Jagst3r15like the amazon web app thing?22:59
Jagst3r15isnt there a list of offficial ones22:59
Jagst3r15or no22:59
kbooduMkeer: You might look at a log afterwards to see if something was causing trouble, but I'm not sure which one....and it will only help you in the future.22:59
kbooduMkeer: Your description of problems (without more detail) isn't "normal" to most users of Ubuntu though.23:00
MkeerRight now I'm seeing close to 100% CPU use from update-apt-xapi...23:00
bozotrololo #debian23:00
bozotrololo #debian23:00
bozotrololo #debian23:00
FloodBot1bozo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:00
wilee-nileeJagst3r15, Might be something here, personally I turned all that off. http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/technologies/webapps/23:00
Jagst3r15wilee-nilee I am still on 12.0423:00
=== cebor is now known as Guest63377
Jagst3r15I am just looking at what they do23:01
Jagst3r15I cant even use em23:01
Linusmkeer setting up a monitoring syatem might hel nagios say23:01
kbooduMkeer: What version of Ubunut?23:01
Linus^ ignore I read your post half wat through.23:02
Mkeerkboodu, 13.04 installed with Ubuntu Gnome (3.6)23:02
vorlkethow do you identify harddisk + boot partition numbers of a partition?23:02
bpromptAngusVFF:    ok.... try reburning it with something like -> http://www.softpedia.com/get/CD-DVD-Tools/Data-CD-DVD-Burning/Win32-Disk-Imager.shtml23:02
wilee-nileeJagst3r15, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/07/how-to-install-ubuntus-new-web-apps-feature23:02
AngusVFFbprompt: i used unetbootin and yumi. I hope this works...23:03
kbooduMkeer: I'm not running 13.04, so I'm guessing.  But maybe i fyou google on update-apt-xapi, you can find something (since you point to that specific app)23:03
wilee-nileeAngusVFF, You checked the sum of the ISO?23:03
Linusvorlket sudo fdisk -l | grep /dev23:03
vorlketLinus: thanks!23:03
Linusvorlket sudo fdisk -l | grep /dev23:03
kbooduMkeer: or try update-apt-xapian-index?23:03
Mkeerkboodu, well it stopped by itself... I'm guessing it's some automatic update... I really have no evidence that this is what caused my problem23:03
Linusvorlket np my fingers are to bad they hit enter and up at the same time23:04
AngusVFFwilee-nilee: yes. it was good23:04
Linusto fat *23:04
kbooduMkeer: There seems to be some on-going problems (historically) with update-apt-xapian-index.  You might want to look into that.23:04
kbooduOr change the time(s) it runs (if you can)23:04
S_Jwhere should i put my bash scripts if i want to eb able to run them from anywhere?23:05
Linusvorlket boot should have a flag of boot but may nought but /boot is always the smallest partition usually around 100-150mb23:05
Linusnought not* (wtf?)23:06
kbooduS_J: You can add them to ~/bin/ if that exists in your .bashrc or .profile files23:06
jribS_J: ~/bin for your user, /usr/local/bin/ if you want them available system-wide (to every user)23:06
kbooduS_J: That way they will be in your path so bash can find them.  The assumption is you are using bash.23:06
danesHello, I need to recover data from a damaged hdd. I am using testdisk and I analyzed the disk. It took about 2 days and now I'm stuck. This is the screen I got after analyzing the disk: http://pastie.org/814408823:06
vorlketLinus yep23:06
danescan anyone advise what should I do next in order to recover my files?23:07
* mecool :)23:08
Linuss_j /home/yourdir mainly, if they need sudo access they will still be restricted without suodoing. You can put them anywhere you have write access to.23:08
Linusdanes try testdisk one sec23:08
Guest55405Hey. Anyone alive here?23:09
Linusdanes http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk works a treat I havent used it in ages though so cant help but they have some good guides.23:09
danesLinus: that is what I am using23:10
Guest55405Oh, folks are alive here?23:10
danesLinus: but I am stuck and I dont know what to do next. I just dont want to mess up things even more23:10
kbooduGuest55405: Do you have a qustion?  If so, just ask23:10
Guest55405kboodu: Yeah. Can I remove the Global Menu, but keep the HUD?23:11
danesLinus, I got this error Can't open filesystem. Filesystem seems damaged.23:11
kbooduGuest55405: Not sure....MAYBE someone else will have the answer.  But not sure why you'd want to...23:11
Linusdanes its been that long since Ive used it I dont want to advise. As its data recovery you usually only get one chance.23:11
=== ese is now known as esse
Guest55405kboodu: I hate the Global menu, but love the HUD23:12
Linusdanes Some advice though dont follow instructions blindly!23:13
OerHeksdanes most likely you want Rebuild BS, rebuild bootsector, as the message in line 17/18 say you need one23:13
danesLinus: I know and that is why I am asking for help23:13
danesOerHeks: I am doing it now... Will see what happens...23:14
Linusdanes what FS is it?23:15
danesLinus, ntfs? I am not sure what you are asking23:15
Linusdanes was just asking as regarding what FS you were recovering from.23:16
OerHeks1 * HPFS - NTFS23:17
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OerHeksGuest55405, yes you can undo the global menu bu Unity-tweak or like this > http://marcantoinelemieux.com/blog/posts/2013/05/12/ubuntu-12.04-12.10-13.04-removing-global-menu23:19
zx2xrandr doesn't show my second monitor , but second mirrow shows a mirrow23:19
Guest55405OerHeks: will though brake the lovely HUD23:20
zx2.. but second monitor is showing mirrow23:20
Linusis Mir in any live distros at the mo?23:20
=== kboodu is now known as kboodu|afk
Guest55405Linus: nope23:21
Guest55405Ubuntu 13.04 maybe?23:21
Guest55405Didn't see any X server there23:21
gyre007guys...I have a stupid question...how do I mount a filesystem so that the directory is owned by particular user which has RW permissions...23:22
gyre007every time I mount it into some dir which i CHOWN to some user..mount overrides the ownership to root:root23:22
Linushmm is that using wayland? Im always behind on displays as mostly use ssh apart from my desktop.23:22
Guest55405gyre007: u can set the rights when you mount the partition23:22
gyre007what are the options Guest5540523:22
gyre007I need t stick them into fstab23:23
Guest55405Linus: As I said, I didn't see any X server running on 13.0423:23
Guest55405ps aux | grep X23:23
OerHeksGuest55405, no, hud will not be affected AFAIK23:23
Guest55405gave no ouput23:23
muelligyre007: run "disks". You should be able set mount options there.23:23
gyre007muelli: this is server23:24
gyre007not desktop23:24
muelligyre007: then edit /etc/fstab23:24
Guest55405gyre007: http://www.omaroid.com/fstab-permission-masks-explained/23:24
netlarHow do I stream my Ubuntu One music?23:24
LinusUbuntu stop changing thinks so much you were perfect at 8.04 but you did resemble Debian alot more then!23:24
gyre007muelli: hah I know Im looking for the right options23:25
netlarI absolutely love 13.0423:25
muelligyre007: man mount23:25
Jagst3r15anyone own the ubuntu dell xps 13?23:26
netlarI signed up for Ubuntu's music streaming but have no idea how to play23:26
netlarthe music23:26
wilee-nileeJagst3r15, That is polling, ask your question on your problems23:27
Jagst3r15wilee-nilee :(23:27
muelli!anyone | Jagst3r1523:27
ubottuJagst3r15: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.23:27
AngusVFFIm trying to install ubuntu and i keep getting an error that says "/init: line 7: can't open /dev/sr0: no medium found". Im using a live usb stick. How do i install?23:27
muelliAngusVFF: weird. Where did you get that stick from?23:28
Linusgrey007 anything mounted in Linux will be root:root as its root that mounts it.23:28
AngusVFFIts a PNY 64GB usb flash drive23:28
wilee-nileeAngusVFF, Is this a dualboot with W8?23:28
AngusVFFwilee-nilee: No, Windows 723:29
w30Jagst3r15:  no, but I do have a Dell Inspiron Ubuntu version (old)23:29
wilee-nileeAngusVFF, Is it a uefi setup?23:29
wilee-nileewas it W8?23:29
Linusw8 winshit8?23:30
AngusVFFwilee-nilee: The Computer is Custom. and it has a uefi bios. When i go into the boot menu. the drive comes up twice. one with Uefi, and one without23:30
w30Jagst3r15: it came with Ubuntu 7 something if I remember right23:30
wilee-nilee!uefi | AngusVFF23:30
wilee-nileeLinus, keep it on topic.23:31
LinusIt was my logic to what w8 was though.23:32
wilee-nileeAngusVFF, More you might consider, honestly the IRC is bad for uefi advice I would use the UF, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214729523:32
AngusVFFok. Ive already posted on the forms23:32
Linuswile-nilee if you have worked in a noc you would know how bad labeling can be.23:32
wilee-nileeAngusVFF, Heh, bot seems broken. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI23:32
ubottuAngusVFF: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI23:33
maxbI wonder why the image is trying to anything with /dev/sr0 at all. How was the USB stick made?23:33
wilee-nileeAngusVFF, The author of that thread is who you want, make sure the header has uefi in it.23:33
=== kboodu|afk is now known as kboodu
netlarDummy me, I thought Ubuntu one Music streaming was like Pandora, opps my mistake23:33
netlarIt just streams music from your library of music23:34
maxbFor what it's worth, I've happily UEFI-booted the Ubuntu installer on various hardware23:35
wilee-nileeAngusVFF, If you get a chance run the bootrepair app from the live cd, just the bootinfo summary and include a link to its url in your thread.23:35
wilee-nileemaxb, Seems to work fine, however the manufacturers have their own tweaked versions, making it a bit tough for some.23:36
gyre007so essentially you can't change the owner of the mount point so you have to handle this stuff on the filesystem level....unless you set some umask which allows EVERYONE to write in...23:41
Linusgrey007 you could try setting 777. I had a lot of this issues with a Python script I wrote to mount a samba share and remove logs. My resoloution was allow my user NOPASSWED in sudo on the script23:44
gyre007Linus: 777 is not very secure23:44
Xaosevening all.23:44
goddarddo you think all the constant updates from Ubuntu hurt the life of your hard drive?23:44
Linussorry for caps23:45
goddardLinus: you need not apologize linux kernel creator23:45
gyre007some slightly sensitive data23:45
gyre007which should defo NOT be accessible by everyone :)23:45
cor_ris there some kind of lightweight empathy messnger?23:45
Linusgoddard no your HD writes and reads alot more than Ubuntu updates do.23:45
XaosHas anyone had this issue..... I am trying to get my wireless adapter installed but I can't.  It downloads the files needed but when it goes to install it, I get a message saying that it can't be installed.  Anyone else have this issue?23:47
goddardLinus: ok thanks23:47
Linusgoddard for?23:47
goddardLinus: i just had a drive go out after only a little less then 2 years23:47
goddardits not an SSD23:48
goddardlaptop hard drive23:48
Linusgoddard was that the one you were running testdisk on?23:48
Linusgoddard I smoke that much weed my short term memory is terrible lol, good luck with the recovery. My colleagues have had 100% recovery using it so far though!23:49
goddardLinus: its all good I backed it up before that happened23:50
goddardLinus: i am surprised you remmebered23:50
goddardi also had another instance where some files got deleted and i was trying to recover with extundelete23:51
goddardthat might be what you remember23:51
Linusgoddard So am I tbh23:51
Linusgoddard probabbly yeah23:52
netlarIs linus the linus?23:52
Linusneltlar Of course I am . Whyyou ask?23:53
netlarJust curious23:54
LinusNo Im not God23:54
netlarYou aren't?23:54
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:54
LinusTo me Linus is God23:54
XaosHas anyone had this issue..... I am trying to get my wireless adapter installed but I can't.  It downloads the files needed but when it goes to install it, I get a message saying that it can't be installed.  Anyone else have this issue?23:59

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