
=== benmoose is now known as SonikkuAmerica
studio-user477could you help me to install wine in ubuntu19:00
studio-user477is any body there19:01
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu19:01
Unit193sudo apt-get install wine.19:02
Unit193(No dot in the command.)19:02
Unit193But, but, but....19:02
kksafakhi, i have a aministrator account with passwort and i set a another account without passwort. but my desctop opened directly to administrator. why?22:53
kksafakhi, i have a aministrator account with passwort and i set a another account without passwort. but my desctop opened directly to administrator. why?22:54
GridCubekksafak, patience, do no repeat yourself so fast22:55
GridCubekksafak, also check this and do the oposite http://askubuntu.com/questions/51086/how-do-i-enable-auto-login-in-lightdm22:56
kksafaki have not the lock/unlock button23:07
GridCubekksafak, no thats for ubuntu, check the rest of the comments that explain how to do that on no-unity guis23:09
kksafakall my settings is correct, and i see it active but dont work23:10
GridCubekksafak, in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf there is a line that says "autologin" just comment it or remove it, no autologin no more23:11
GridCubekksafak, just comment the autologin lines23:13
GridCubealso kksafak do not paste text directly to the channel, use pastebin23:14
kksafakok... how must be the lines?23:15
GridCubenot autologin, just remove those lines, cut them and paste them to a backup file somewhere23:22
GridCubeif it says autologin it will autologin, don use autologin and it wont autologin23:22
kksafakwhat happened if i do anything wrong?23:24
GridCubeyou wont be able to log in23:26
GridCuberemoving just the lines that say "autologin" wont do any harm23:26
GridCubeand i mean "just"23:26
kksafakalso i change this line "autologin-session=lightdm-autologin" to "autologin-session=lightdm-just"23:27
GridCubeyes, all of them23:29
GridCubejust make sure this remains: greeter-session=lightdm-gtk-greeter23:29
GridCubeand user-session=xubuntu too23:30
kksafaki cant not change, i become this: "failed to save document"23:31
GridCubeyes, its a protected file, open it wit gksu "TEXTEDITORYOULIKE" /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf23:35
GridCubeinstead of "TEXTEDITORYOULIKE" use the name of the text editor you like23:35

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