
wallyworldthumper: do you know how to kick tarmac in the balls to reset it?00:13
thumperwallyworld: sorry, no00:13
wallyworldok. ta. ffs it seems i can never just land a branch without hassle00:14
thumperI want the opposite of updateSecrets00:18
thumperI want to get some settings from the EnvironConfig00:18
thumperand put it into the local config00:18
* thumper thinks00:18
* thumper resolves to just use default hard coded port numbers00:20
thumperand allow people to override them in the config00:20
thumpertoo hard to be dynamic here00:20
* thumper does a little dance01:04
thumperwallyworld: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5879343/01:05
wallyworldthumper: \o/01:06
wallyworldas Borat would say, niiiiiiiice01:06
thumperwallyworld: now... to break it up, land it and have some tests...01:08
thumperit has been super hacky so far01:08
thumperdavecheney: local provider is working01:08
wallyworldit runs, who needs tests :-P01:08
thumperwallyworld: it is actually pretty hard to test some of this01:08
thumperas it requries root01:09
wallyworldyeah :-(01:09
thumperso test around the edges where you can01:09
thumperand have some form of live tests01:09
* thumper goes to make lunch for the minions01:12
thumperwallyworld: didn't you write a function somewhere to get the container type from a machine id?02:41
wallyworldsorry, what's the context?02:41
wallyworldi've worked on 5 branches today02:42
thumpers'ok, found it02:43
wallyworldthumper: i'm dumb. i read your question as "why didn't you write...."  and was thinking that i thought i had. clearly my brain is dying02:47
thumperyou had already02:48
* thumper enfixorates the ensure lxc bit02:49
* thumper starts teasing apart the threads of the local provider work to land bits independently02:50
thumperhmm  7 pipes unlanded already02:51
wallyworldis that all? :-P02:52
wallyworldgo on, try for 1002:52
thumperwallyworld: it probably will be by the time I've done the teasing02:52
thumperwallyworld: but IT WORKS!!!!02:52
thumperso far02:52
wallyworldthumper: so you sorted out th addrssing for local?02:53
* thumper wonders how to stress test it02:53
thumperwhat do you mean?02:53
wallyworldi thought you had to tell the containers what ip address thy could use02:53
wallyworldor make the containers to look methods not yt existing on state.machine02:54
thumperwallyworld: no, not for the local provider02:55
thumperwallyworld: the default lxc settings work fine02:55
thumperwallyworld: the problem is having the user, on the outside of the containers getting the ip addresses of the containers02:55
wallyworldah ok. so they all just use the localhost address?02:55
thumperwallyworld: instead of fucking around with lxc to get it from the outside02:56
thumperwallyworld: I want to fix it in state02:56
thumperwallyworld: no, they use a address02:56
thumperwallyworld: which is routed through bridge02:56
thumperhence my email that I sent a few minutes ago02:57
* wallyworld hits refresh02:57
* thumper waits while lbox does its thing03:18
thumperthis thing that lp does too03:18
thumper bit 1: https://codereview.appspot.com/1132104303:20
thumperbit 2: https://codereview.appspot.com/1131904403:28
=== tasdomas_afk is now known as tasdomas
thumperbit 3: https://codereview.appspot.com/1132504303:51
jamthumper: but lbox does it synchronously and less accurately. (though you do know when it has actually finished, vs async in lp)03:51
thumperhi jam03:52
thumperwhen are you off for holidays?03:52
jamthumper: my flight is tomorrow evening.03:53
jamso I'll be working some tomorrow, but maybe not a full day03:53
* thumper nods03:54
* thumper goes to make coffee and take a break03:54
thumperwill submit bit 4 RSN03:54
wallyworldjam: hi, tarmac is fooked and i don't know how to kick it in the guts04:02
jamwallyworld: can you point me to context?04:02
wallyworldjam: i approved a mp and nothing happened. the tarmac log says there was a bzr error merging (from memory, can't recall exactly), and now it appears to not ven be trying to look at any new approvals to process04:03
wallyworldi at least wanted just to kick start it again04:04
jamwallyworld: it is running, but it just keeps failing on your proposal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5879636/04:08
wallyworldjam: that timestamp is hours old04:08
jamwallyworld: UTC?04:09
wallyworldit only failed once and then stopped processing04:09
jam4 ohurs04:09
wallyworldi think it was about 4 hours ago from memory04:09
wallyworldjam: and it was the 2nd try because the first run failed some tests04:10
jamwallyworld: yeah, date says 4 hrs ago04:11
jamI don't see anything running, which is strange, cron should still be firing off tarmac every minute04:11
wallyworldyes it is weird04:11
jamwallyworld: we use "flock ...." as a way to avoid having 2 tarmac processes running concurrently (you can use crontab -l to see it). I did a lot of searching, but I didn't see any processes running flock or python.04:12
jamSo I just deleted the lock file04:12
jamand it is running now.04:12
jamIt is going for ~jtv's code04:12
wallyworldhmm. ok. i didn't realise that's what we did04:12
wallyworldmaks sense04:12
wallyworldso the error handling needs improving04:12
wallyworldto always release the lock04:13
jamwallyworld: it is the "flock" process outside of tarmac04:13
jamI didn't think we could get that wrong04:13
jamas it starts a process, and when that process dies it unlocks04:13
jamwallyworld: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5879648/04:14
jamfrom man flock04:14
jammakes me think it might have left a mongo or something running.04:14
wallyworldyeah, wouldn't be surprised04:15
jamwallyworld: --wait 3600 maybe? (so we auto-drop flock after 1 hour) not sure on that one.04:15
wallyworldan hour sounds reasonable, maybe even less04:16
wallyworldhopefully this won't happen too often04:16
jamwallyworld: so the test suite should only take 15min or so, but we might run multiple04:16
jamand I don't think flock actually kills the subprocess.04:16
jamit would just stop locking04:16
jamwallyworld: any ideas what would be non-ascii with what you submitted?04:19
jamISTR there were also nonascii patches because gcc was outputing Unicode sequences.04:19
wallyworldjam: no, that's just the thing. it worked first time, some tests failed, and i just re-approved04:20
_mup_Bug #750930: breaks on non-ascii characters in verify_command output on failure <Tarmac:In Progress by jameinel> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/750930>04:20
jamthat is my patch, which appears to still not have landed...04:20
wallyworldah, i did push up a small change04:20
wallyworldi'll check the logs04:20
wallyworldjam: is was a one line fix to add "jc." in front of IsTrue cause a trunk change while the branch was in review broke my test04:23
wallyworldso i don't see any non-ascii in there04:23
jamwallyworld: I have a feeling it could be a gcc sort of issue (gcc uses fancy quotes if your terminal is marked UTF-8)04:24
jamso maybe something with gwacl or something04:24
jamanyway, I have the patch, not sure what the issue is, unfortunately.04:24
jamI'm putting together a branch for us04:24
jambecause lp:tarmac is owned by rockstar only04:24
jamI already have a couple local-only patches, and I don't want to make that worse.04:25
jamthe local patches are just logging changes04:25
wallyworldjam: ah, there was a gofmt change in code i didn't touch. the diff in loggerhead shows "nothing" changed, so it could have been a tab04:25
wallyworldor something04:26
jamwallyworld: well a tab is still ascii04:26
jamit sounds like a build that failed04:26
thumperbit 4: https://codereview.appspot.com/1132604304:26
jamwallyworld: note that the code that failed indicated it was trying to mark the proposal as failed04:29
wallyworldhmm. ok. i'll rerun the tests04:29
wallyworldjam: just got an email - it ran and merged ok that time04:53
wallyworldi didn't change anything04:53
thumperbit 5: https://codereview.appspot.com/1132704305:10
thumperbit 6:  https://codereview.appspot.com/1132704405:16
=== tasdomas is now known as tasdomas_afk
=== tasdomas_afk is now known as tasdomas
thumperbit 7: https://codereview.appspot.com/1133004306:27
wallyworldjam: tarmac hates me. this time it appears to be stuck on my branch because i did the prereq myself. so i guess i have to repropose against trunk and adjust all the downstream branches?06:28
thumperbit 8: https://codereview.appspot.com/1133304306:34
thumperand that last one enables the local provider06:35
* thumper is done for the day06:35
thumperplz review nicely :)06:35
davecheneyis anyone able to bootstrap on ec2 ?06:43
davecheneyi'm seeing bootstrap nodes stillborn06:43
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wallyworlddavecheney: i did earlier today06:56
davecheneyjust sits there waiting for the mgo server to come up06:56
davecheneycan't see to the instance either06:56
wallyworldhmmm. not sure sorry :-(06:57
jamwallyworld: you can just propose the prereq and manually mark it merged.07:04
jamdavecheney: I was bootstrapping a lot yesterday, but I have not tried it today.07:05
davecheneyjam: wallyworld i cannot bootstrap in ap-southeast-207:34
davecheneyap-southeast-1 works07:34
davecheney-2 results in an aninstance that is running but does not repond at all on the netwokr07:35
davecheneyno ssh no nothing07:35
jamdavecheney: can you get the boot information from ec2?07:35
davecheneyoh, and it looks like destroy-environment doens't work either07:37
jamdavecheney: well if you can't read the s3 bucket, you can't destroy stuff, I think.07:37
jamIt *sounds* like an ec2 side issue, but I could certainly be wrong.07:38
davecheneyjam: get system log looks fine07:38
davecheneyjam: if it was a bucket issue, --upload-tools would have failed07:38
davecheneythey are the same bucket07:38
jamtrue enough07:38
davecheneyhang on, my ap-southeast-1 is set to raring07:42
davecheney... i wonder if I set it to precise07:42
=== tasdomas_afk is now known as tasdomas
davecheneysigh - no07:48
davecheneyit's just ap-southeast-2 is busted today07:49
rogpeppedavecheney: hiya07:50
rogpeppemornin' all07:50
davecheneyrogpeppe: howdy07:51
rogpeppedavecheney: just wondering: if you needed to reinstall your laptop ubuntu, what would you use for backup and restore? just tar?07:53
rogpeppedavecheney: my laptop is in a bad state since upgrading to 13.04 and it's possible that reinstalling might fix things07:55
davecheneyrogpeppe: i just tar up ~07:55
davecheneybut really you want to avoid all the dot files shit in ~07:55
rogpeppedavecheney: i'm just concerned that i'll lose all the stuff outside $HOME that i've accumulated over the years.07:56
davecheneyrogpeppe: ahh, i don't ever step outside $HOME for that reason07:56
rogpeppedavecheney: i'm thinking mostly of apt-get stuff07:56
rogpeppedavecheney: but i guess i can just stumble along until i find something missing, then apt-get it07:57
davecheneydpkg -l | grep ^ii07:57
rogpeppedavecheney: ah, cool. what's the significance of "ii" ?07:58
davecheneyii == installed07:59
davecheneylots of other stuff in there as turds07:59
rogpeppedavecheney: and do you know of any way i can ask for only those packages which aren't depended on by others07:59
davecheneyno, but jam or tim will know08:00
rogpeppedavecheney: something which could produce output suitable for tsort might work08:00
davecheneygoogle says debtree08:01
jamI know you can ask for rdepends I believe, but I don't know a specific way to say "give me the list of packages explicitly installed ignoring their dependencies". I know it is possible, because when you "apt-get remove" it can tell you "these packages are no longer required"08:01
jamI just don't know it.08:01
rogpeppehmm, the solution here looks plausible (though i'm sure i haven't explicitly installed *all* the 2080 packages i get when applying the first answer)08:10
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #juju-dev to: https://juju.ubuntu.com | On-call reviewer: TheMue | Bugs: 6 Critical, 79 High - https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/
TheMuerogpeppe: what problem do you have? is your system in trouble?08:11
rogpeppeTheMue: yeah, various pieces of the system are broken in weird ways08:12
rogpeppeTheMue: it's possible that it's a hardware issue08:12
rogpeppeTheMue: but i have to try a fresh install first08:12
TheMuerogpeppe: iiirgks, that really doesn't sound good08:13
TheMuerogpeppe: i had to cleanup my package list after 13.04 upgrade08:13
jamespagedavecheney, trying your no-strip suggestion now09:02
pavelguys, is juju-core 1.11.2 behavior stable today?09:16
mgzpavel:  what do you mean exactly?09:18
pavelI mean that I have weird errors all day09:19
pavelif there are no any common issue, then it's on my side09:19
mgzyeah, as far as I know we've not broken the published tools or anything of late09:20
pavelok, thanks09:20
jamwallyworld: when you're back, I figured out how flock works. It opens a file flocks it, then execs into the child process which means that all spawned processes hold open that flock until they all exit. And there was a 'mongo' running that meant the lock was permanently held.09:56
mgzo_cloexec plz09:58
jtvAnybody up for a second review?  Nothing big — just discarding an unneeded complication: https://codereview.appspot.com/1132204310:50
rogpeppejtv: looking10:51
rogpeppejtv: out of interest, what does gwacl stand for?10:57
TheMuejtv: you've got a +110:59
dimiternhey guys I need a review on the last bit of the deployer API stuff (client-side): https://codereview.appspot.com/1134204310:59
TheMuerogpeppe: i assume go windows azure cloud library (or client library)10:59
TheMuedimitern: *click*11:00
rogpeppeTheMue: ah, sounds plausible. i reckon it could do with a package doc comment...11:00
TheMuerogpeppe: yes, sounds reasonable. didn't look if there exists one11:02
jammgz: well you need it for the first process, and you can set a flag as to 'don't inherit' but I don't know what it kills when.11:05
rogpeppejtv: reviewed11:06
mgzjam: the other option is specifically when spawning mongo, to do the post-exec go through and close all file handles hack11:07
rogpeppemgz: what's the issue?11:07
jammgz: or not have the test suite crash without cleaning itself up?  :)11:07
mgzthat too :)11:08
dimiternfwereade: ping11:08
mgzrogpeppe: flock persisting when a child process spawns with an fd open11:08
jammgz: http://linux.die.net/man/1/flock11:08
jamI would consider --close, but that seems to negate the point of using flock in the first place (11:09
jam(don't let 2 tarmac processes run concurrently)11:09
rogpeppemgz: 5&- ?11:09
rogpeppemgz: if 5 is your fd11:09
jamrogpeppe: earlier today we had a submission go haywire and the bot was hung unable to process new requests for 4+ hours.11:10
rogpeppemgz: sorry, >5&-11:10
jamIt would appear because mongod was spawned by a test case, and was not stopped when the 'go test' executable exited11:10
rogpeppejam: hmm, interesting - it *should* be stopped at the end of the test11:11
jamrogpeppe: sure, but given the test suite failed via some sort of crash, some resource was not properly cleaned up11:11
jamin this case a mongo, which then had a file descriptor it inherited still open11:11
jamso while --close sounds like it might work (we want to hold open the handle for tarmac, but not for children)11:11
jamit sounds like it closes too early.11:12
rogpeppejam: could we use process groups or sessions or something related, and kill the session after go test finishes?11:12
rogpeppejam: it sounds like it might be a mistake to make gotest/mongo not hold the lock, because presumably we don't want multiple garbage mongod's accumulating11:14
jamrogpeppe: we don't, but I also don't mind *a* garbage mongod preventing us from landing anything until I come online, especially since I'm gone for 2+ weeks (2 vacation, 1 for Isle of Man)11:18
jamI guess I can just tell Martin and Wallyworld they have to deal with it :)11:18
rogpeppejam: presumably it might end up as an arbitrary number of mongods if the same issue reoccurs.11:19
jamrogpeppe: it is slightly harder to discover, but easier to diagnose when it does happen. :)11:19
rogpeppejam: in which case just {go test 200>&-} should do the job11:19
* rogpeppe hasn't done fd manipulation in sh for a while, it seems :-)11:20
jamrogpeppe: the piece that knows what verify_command to run needs to know what handle flock opend. And you can force the flock handle, but it isn't like 200 is the default.11:20
jtvrogpeppe: thanks — I think it was Go Windows Azure Client Library.11:20
jtvAnd thanks TheMue too.  :)11:21
rogpeppejam: aren't we writing both bits?11:21
jamrogpeppe: we do control both bits, they are spread far apart in terms of configuration, so if we find we have to have it we can, but I would avoid it11:22
rogpeppejam: $FLOCK_HANDLE ?11:22
jamrogpeppe: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/f497381ca4d154890227b3b35a85a985b894b471 standup11:33
jammramm: I'm in the 1:1 whenever you're ready11:58
mrammanswering questions for dimitern quickly11:58
mrammthere in a min or two11:58
TheMuedimitern: you've got a review12:20
dimiternTheMue: tyvm12:21
TheMuedimitern: yw12:21
* TheMue => lunchtime12:22
dimiternfwereade: when you can, PTAL https://codereview.appspot.com/11342043/12:25
* rogpeppe goes to lunch12:27
wallyworld__fwereade: you disappeared. i think we had sort of finished anyway12:30
dimiternwallyworld__, others: fwereade just texted me that his connection was gone haywire and he's going to lunch now12:38
fwereadejam, before I go, about the api addresses -- would it be that awful to connect to state and get api addresses from there? we should be able to assume sane/valid state info, right?12:47
jamfwereade: we have a state connection, though it is hidden behind the state.Machine we have in the code.12:48
jamwe need it to SetPassword12:48
jamso we will have a state conn12:48
jambut I'm not sure how to get it passed in.12:48
jamI can investigate12:48
fwereadejam, I feel like it ought to be possible but, yeah, I guess all the entity stuff is a little tangly, maybe it's not worth it12:49
fwereadejam, have a little look but if it's going to be costly I guess we're fine without it12:49
fwereadejam, I'm just a bit worried about what'll happen if that code lives longer than we expect it to ;)12:50
fwereaderogpeppe, bug fix LGTM, thanks12:53
fwereaderogpeppe, that was *not* how I expected that Format to work though :)12:54
fwereade(evidently ;p)12:54
jamfwereade: that isn't how anyone who doesn't read the docs closely thinks it works13:04
jamgiven it is the first time I've seen a strftime that *wasn't* %H:%M:%S based13:04
fwereadejam, yeah, and there's even mention of those %H~s etc in the docs iirc13:05
dimiternfwereade: thanks for the review13:05
jamhttp://golang.org/pkg/time/#Time.Format doesn't actually mention the % versions that I can see13:06
jamand http://code.google.com/p/go/issues/detail?id=444 clearly indicates it doesn't want strftime13:06
jamfwereade: Given the issue, is 2006 actually better?13:07
jamwhich is 113:07
jamwhat is 213:07
jamIMO you still need the docs to figure out what to pass13:07
jammaybe if you did it enough you'd remember the magic date better13:08
fwereadejam, ha, clearly my crack consumption was much higher than usual that day... I could swear I remembered looking it up13:09
fwereadejam, maybe I was an idiot and looked up strftime instead13:09
fwereadejam, that's probably it13:09
jamfwereade: right, it must use strftime syntax, I'll go track it down and use it13:10
fwereadejam, yeah, indeed13:10
fwereadejam, there's something quite neat about what they do there but it's a touch astonishing too13:11
rogpeppefwereade: i think it's only astonishing if you're used to strftime. i just wish they'd chosen a more memorable date - the y/m/d ordering is quite parochial13:14
jamfwereade: so.. s.State.APIAddresses() is actually wrong in the test suite (because it does the same "give me the default  port on all these things") s.APIInfo(c).Addrs has the correct value...13:26
jamIt doesn't matter for real world case13:26
jambut it is true that we aren't recording in State the *actual* API Info13:26
* rogpeppe wishes there was an easy way of traversing forwards through a pipeline of merge proposals13:30
jamrogpeppe: pump ?13:31
rogpeppejam: when reviewing13:31
jamor you mean web browse would link them13:31
jamLP links them together13:31
jamwell, only towards the prereq maybe13:31
rogpeppejam: does it? perhaps i've missed that.13:31
rogpeppejam: exactly (and even then it only points to the branch, not the MP, i think)13:32
jamrogpeppe: so if you go to the MP page, it has links to the branch itself, and the prerequisite branch, if you click on the branch itself, it says "1 branch depending on this one"13:32
jamwhich you can click to13:32
jamand then get to the MP from there13:32
jamso the links are there13:32
jambut not direct13:32
jamhmmm.. the "1 branch dependent on this one" takes you to the page which has the list of merges to that branch13:33
jamwhich *doesn't* include the MPs that depend on the branch13:33
jamI wonder if it was intended to do so13:33
jamrogpeppe: poke tim :)13:33
rogpeppejam: yeah, i just saw that.13:34
rogpeppejam: it looks wrong.13:34
abentleyjam: verrrrry longstanding bug.13:37
jamabentley: :)13:41
jamfwereade: https://codereview.appspot.com/11137044/ has been updated with a state.State.APIAddresses call. I wish that actually did the right thing in the test suite.13:41
jam(We don't record the API Addresses in the DB, so APIAddresses infers them from the State.Addresses that *are* recorded)13:42
jamwallyworld__: something is wrong with your branch. I'm getting: Running test command: go fmt ./... && go build ./... && go test ./...14:03
jamCommand appears to be hung. There has been no output for 900 seconds. Sending SIGTERM.14:03
jamIt is trying again right now, but other branches have been able to land I believe.14:03
rogpeppejam: ah, i see now why mongo wasn't shut down14:08
rogpeppehmm, my laptop seems to have stopped talking to its wired ethernet :(15:12
jamfwereade,  dimitern: ping about some recent timeouts on go-bot16:04
fwereadejam, oh yes?16:04
jamwe've had several failures like this one: https://code.launchpad.net/~dimitern/juju-core/070-deployer-client-facade/+merge/17497316:04
jamWhere it appears deployer tests are getting a 500ms timeout16:05
dimiternjam: yeah, i noticed16:05
jamI have the feeling Canonistack is overloaded, and go-bot is running slowly16:05
jambut I noticed the deployer code wakes up every 50ms, but doesn't do anything like StartSync in the inner loop16:05
jamfwereade: we have s.State.StartSync() at the beginning, but not in the inner loops16:06
jamthis doesn't fix everything, but I think when tests are failing they aren't cleaning up cleanly, so we have a bunch of follow on failure.16:06
fwereadejam, yeah, those all do look like timeouts while the SUT is actually doing what it should, but slowly16:07
jamfwereade: right, it is getting some of them done (like svc 0 but not svc 1)16:07
fwereadejam, StartSync in inner loops is only necessary when there's no way to tell when a triggering action has actually taken place16:08
jamnote stuff like: ok  launchpad.net/juju-core/worker/uniter365.596s16:09
jamwhich is one of the slower tests16:09
jambut 370s is super long16:09
jamtarmac was running the whole test suite in 15min16:10
jamfwereade: so I'm considering just bumping up the global LongWait (and changing the deployer code to use that value).16:10
jamBut I figured I'd bring it up for discussion.16:10
fwereadejam, yeah, I'm +1 on that -- in normal circumstances these tests pass relatively fast, but in unhappy circumstances we still want them to work16:11
fwereadeoof, yeah, I did not see that one16:11
jamfwereade: and long timeout is supposed to be the "waiting this long is a failure" not the "sleep a bit to let things progress"16:12
fwereadejam, yeah, indeed16:12
fwereadejam, rogpeppe1: how might we be getting an "unauthorized" error out of machiner?16:21
rogpeppe1fwereade: context?16:21
fwereaderogpeppe1, deploying to saucy on azure: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5880671/16:21
rogpeppe1fwereade: is machiner using the API now?16:21
rogpeppe1fwereade: (i'm presuming not)16:21
fwereaderogpeppe1, no, I don't think it actually is, which is what's baffling16:21
rogpeppe1fwereade: might line 22 etc be significant here?16:21
rogpeppe1fwereade: hmm, no16:22
rogpeppe1fwereade: that's expected16:22
fwereaderogpeppe1, I think that's normal, yeah16:22
rogpeppe1fwereade: this only happened deploying to saucy on azure?16:24
fwereaderogpeppe1, I have only seen it reported there16:24
fwereaderogpeppe1, but I have not deployed today16:25
rogpeppe1fwereade: and this is on the bootstrap machine too, right? that's very odd.16:26
rvbarogpeppe1: this is only on the bootstrap machine.  I can't deploy nodes.16:27
rogpeppe1rvba: what happens when you run juju status?16:28
=== tasdomas is now known as tasdomas_afk
rvbarogpeppe1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5881387/16:28
rogpeppe1rvba: is it possible could you give me ssh access to the bootrap machine?16:29
rvbarogpeppe1: nothing is listening on the API port: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5881394/16:29
rvbarogpeppe1: sure, just one sec.16:30
rvbarogpeppe1: launchpad id?16:30
rogpeppe1rvba: that's not surprising16:31
rvbarogpeppe1: ssh ubuntu@juju-azure-saucyy7xrrjl4h9zemnvvbaqpfqtelpm2jzjjzu375hmczp20ldz.cloudapp.net16:31
rogpeppe1rvba: as the machine agent is failing to start16:32
rogpeppe1rvba: and that's what runs the API16:32
rogpeppe1rvba: my ssh public key is:16:33
rogpeppe1ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDOjaOjVRHchF2RFCKQdgBqrIA5nOoqSprLK47l2th5I675jw+QYMIihXQaITss3hjrh3+5ITyBO41PS5rHLNGtlYUHX78p9CHNZsJqHl/z1Ub1tuMe+/5SY2MkDYzgfPtQtVsLasAIiht/5g78AMMXH3HeCKb9V9cP6/lPPq6mCMvg8TDLrPp/P2vlyukAsJYUvVgoaPDUBpedHbkMj07pDJqe4D7c0yEJ8hQo/6nS+3bh9Q1NvmVNsB1pbtk3RKONIiTAXYcjclmOljxxJnl1O50F5sOIi38vyl7Q63f6a3bXMvJEf1lnPNJKAxspIfEu8gRasny3FEsbHfrxEwVj rog@rog-x22016:33
rogpeppe1rvba: rogpeppe16:33
rogpeppe1rvba: (i think - perhaps it's rogpeppe@gmail.com; i never know what launchpad expects)16:33
rvbarogpeppe1: you should be able to login now, I've imported the key you put on lp.16:34
rogpeppe1rvba: am logged in, thanks16:34
mgzremember you can just do `ssh-import-id rogpeppe`16:34
rvbaThat's precisely what I did.16:34
rogpeppe1hmm, the agent config file looks ok, but mongo auth as that agent fails. http://paste.ubuntu.com/5881424/16:39
rogpeppe1and the log seems to indicate that the password for the MA was created correctly http://paste.ubuntu.com/5881429/16:39
rogpeppe1rvba: are you using tip?16:42
rvbarogpeppe1: yes16:42
rogpeppe1rvba: revno 1464?16:43
rvbarogpeppe1: yes16:44
rogpeppe1rvba: i'll just check to see if it works under ec216:48
rogpeppe1hmm, looks like trunk is broken against the latest version of gwacl16:49
rvbarogpeppe1: yes, we're fixing this, use gwacl's revision number 182.16:50
rogpeppe1rvba: thanks. using that.16:50
rogpeppe1rvba: hmm, seems to work ok under ec2. can you reproduce the azure behaviour?17:15
rvbarogpeppe1: yes, I've tested it ~3 times this afternoon.17:16
rvbarogpeppe1: I'll try with a raring image right now.17:20
rogpeppe1rvba: please. i'm just trying ec2 with a saucy image (assuming it can find one)17:20
rogpeppe1oh bugger, forgot to use --upload-tools. discard as unverified all my previous assertions of okayness17:22
rogpeppe1darn, "no "saucy" images in us-east-1 "17:23
rogpeppe1i've reached eod and have to stop17:24
rogpeppe1rvba: please let me know how you get on with raring17:24
rvbarogpeppe1: will do… talk to you tomorrow!  Thanks for your help.17:24
rogpeppe1rvba: no help as yet, i'm afraid17:24
rogpeppe1rvba: g'night all17:25
rvbann rogpeppe117:26
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rvbarogpeppe1: works ok on raring.17:53
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=== tasdomas_afk is now known as tasdomas
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thumpergood morning21:06
thumperfark... bikeshed much?21:19
fwereadethumper, heh, sorry, is that my reviews to which you refer?21:43
thumperfwereade: no21:44
thumperfwereade: I gather you wanted to chat?21:44
fwereadethumper, yeah, can't quite remember what about -- was it the upload-tools stuff?21:45
fwereadethumper, I don't think it needs much actual discussion really; it's settled in my mind and I'm willing to accept it in the name of expediency, because I really want a local provider soon not late21:45
thumperI'd be very surprised if it actually caused problems21:46
fwereadethumper, yeah, yuo may be right21:46
thumperbut prepared to fix the problems should they occur21:46
fwereadethumper, I still feel it's a bit unnecessarily messy21:46
fwereadethumper, however, themue's back looking at auto-sync-tools again21:47
thumperI can accept that for now21:47
* thumper nods21:47
thumperwhat is the auto-sync-tools option?21:47
fwereadethumper, and I kinda hope it'll wither naturally21:47
fwereadethumper, it's just a nicer first user experience21:47
fwereadethumper, if you can't find tools in this cloud, copy them from somewhere else21:47
thumperfwereade: hmm21:48
thumperfwereade: however the local provider should work disconnected21:48
thumperfwereade: providing that the user has the cloud image21:48
* thumper thinks21:48
thumperthe auto-update of the container may have problems21:48
thumpershould check disconnected use21:48
fwereadethumper, istm that the jujud shortcut fits better with sync-tools than with upload-tools21:49
fwereadethumper, good point21:49
wallyworld__fwereade: i'm confused by your reference to agent.conf22:20
fwereadewallyworld__, ah, sorry22:20
fwereadewallyworld__, to be compatible, we need to be able to bootstrap older code with a newer client22:21
wallyworld__and we can i think, i tested it22:21
wallyworld__ah, i tested an older client22:21
wallyworld__againgst this new code22:21
wallyworld__the new provider-state file just appends info22:21
fwereadewallyworld__, so the args are deliberately minimal, and we're expected to write additional stuff to some well-known location such that newer code can use it if it's there22:22
wallyworld__so the older struct can read it just fine22:22
fwereadewallyworld__, sure, I understand that, that's a separate issue22:22
fwereadewallyworld__, and I'm not *really* too bothered about the BootstrapState issue22:22
wallyworld__i saw hw as a natural extension to the current bootstrap state, which right now is just instance ids22:23
fwereadewallyworld__, at least the type name indicates the sanity of what you do, and I think it doesn't matter if future code overwrites it and kills the hardware info22:23
fwereadewallyworld__, because its only actual client is bootstrap22:23
wallyworld__if it is over written later it doesn't matter cause it's been used by then22:24
fwereadewallyworld__, wrt agent.Conf, that's the existing mechanism for passing extra stuff into jujud22:24
wallyworld__i went to write a separate file but it involves a fair bit of extra code for little benefit22:24
fwereadewallyworld__, I have abiding grumpiness that it was designed as a single file with heaps of arbitrary duplication22:24
wallyworld__oh ok, i didn't know that about agent.conf, sorry22:25
wallyworld__or maybe you told be and i didn't understand22:25
fwereadewallyworld__, no worries at all, it's just another of these ill-documented details22:25
fwereadewallyworld__, so if you just tack a field in there it won't make it notably worse than it is today22:26
wallyworld__but we just want to pass stuff to the first bootstrap node here, not nodes in general22:26
wallyworld__so agent.conf is to be avoided i think22:26
fwereadewallyworld__, the agent conf has *so* much totally situational crap in there already that I can't get too worked up about it22:26
wallyworld__yes, i just tack an extra field in22:27
wallyworld__which is read as part of th final machine config  process22:27
fwereadewallyworld__, it's *everything*... how to connect to *and* to serve both state and the api, and probably a few other things besides22:27
wallyworld__so given all this, are you ok with it now?22:27
fwereadewallyworld__, I'm not ok with the extra parameter to bootstrap-state, purely because it's an unnecessary compatibility break22:28
fwereadewallyworld__, I'm fine with the extra field in envrons.BootstrapState22:28
fwereadewallyworld__, (but its precarious nature should be commented and justified I think)22:29
wallyworld__oh ok, you are talking about the jujud param22:29
fwereadewallyworld__, I'm talking about both in a kind of unhelpful way22:29
fwereadewallyworld__, the jujud param is the significant one22:29
* thumper heading to take the dog to the dog park with the minions22:57
davecheneythumper: ping23:54

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