
frankbangary_poster: morning, here is a prototype: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~juju-gui/juju-gui/server/view/head:/proto.py . would you like to have a quick call with me and teknico?13:08
gary_posterfrankban, would love to! 10 min?13:08
frankbangary_poster: sure, we are in http://tinyurl.com/emily-code13:09
rick_hjujugui jcsackett code reviews pls https://codereview.appspot.com/11348043/ (see the note that it can't land yet until charmworld is updated)14:08
rick_hhatch: http://jsbin.com/utitov/3/edit14:13
rick_hjujugui need  a second review of Huw's work under here: https://codereview.appspot.com/11352043 I had to make two updates per his old review https://codereview.appspot.com/11332043/14:35
lucagary_poster: there seems to be a bug that if you add to canvas a charm that uses a category charm icon that it doesn't show in the service block.14:36
lucagary_poster: is this a known issue?14:36
rick_hluca: yes, fix inbound14:36
rick_hwell kinda14:36
gary_posterluca, yes, but thank you!  rick_h and Makyo working on that and related issues now14:36
rick_hluca: work is in progress to update and make it work :)14:36
lucarick_h: hehe just noticed from the testing14:36
lucagary_poster: no worries :)14:36
abentleysinzui: I can has review? https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/charmworld/support-bundles/+merge/17503814:46
Makyo"has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to SVG?"14:53
abentleybenji:  lp:~abentley/charmworld/support-bundles15:04
rick_hjujugui another review please, fixes two of arosales's bugs https://codereview.appspot.com/1135504315:08
rick_hjcsackett: ^^15:08
arosalesrick_h, :-)15:12
bacrick_h: done15:16
rick_hbac: ty15:16
jcastrorick_h: I thought we were hiding the social buttons behind a share link?15:34
jcastroso we don't look like a NASCAR15:34
arosalesjcastro, 3 buttons looks decent15:38
lucajcastro: we decided not to hide them behind a share link15:39
rick_hjcastro: no, it's been redesigned15:54
rick_hgary_poster: http://rickyrosario.com/blog/converting-a-url-into-a-link-in-javascript-linkify-function/ with updates to check for ['"] around the link should owrk15:54
Makyosinzui, https://code.launchpad.net/~makyo/charmworld/icon-api/+merge/17505215:55
rick_hgary_poster: follows your idea https://codereview.appspot.com/11357045 quick change if you want to peek and make sure it's a decent first step to those bugs17:22
jcastrohey is the "box should be getting bigger when I add units" been replaced with something else?17:25
jcastroor is it a bug?17:25
jcastrothe progress bar is cool btw17:25
bcsallerprogress or status?17:27
jcsackettjujugui: i have a very tiny branch i need looked at. mostly deletions. https://codereview.appspot.com/1137004317:30
bacjcsackett: ok17:31
jcsackettthanks, bac.17:31
jcsackettcan i get one more taker?17:31
Makyojcsackett, on it.17:34
ahasenackhi guys, I just got introduced to the restart icon in juju-gui, lower right17:37
gary_posterjcastro, replaced17:37
ahasenackis that the final choice? Because I must say, it looks a lot like reload to me17:37
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
gary_posterjcastro, bug 1201860: already fixed, maybe?  Don't see what you reported when I go to http://uistage.jujucharms.com:8086/fullscreen/search/precise/node-app-7/#bws-interfaces18:29
_mup_Bug #1201860: Horizontal scroll bar if the related charm has a long string <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1201860>18:29
gary_posterellipsis now for mwe18:29
gary_posterahasenack, yeah that's been the icon since the spring.  filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1201921 for you fwiw18:31
_mup_Bug #1201921: Landscape restart link looks like browser reload <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1201921>18:31
jcastrogary_poster: yep, looks fixed here too18:34
gary_posterthanks jcastro18:37
jcastrogary_poster: am I keeping you guys busy over there? :)18:46
gary_posterjcastro, ecosystems is, and we appreciate it a lot :-)18:47
rick_hmakes the pretty prettier18:50
jcastrogary_poster: dang, I think I found a pretty serious one19:03
jcastrounless it's like this by design19:03
gary_posterjcastro, uh-oh, whatcha got19:03
jcastrobut  http://uistage.jujucharms.com:8086/fullscreen/search/precise/memcached-6/?categories=applications&text=memcached19:03
jcastroso I searched for memcached19:03
rick_hjcastro: in chrome? known bug19:03
jcastroclicking on the result should take me to memcached's page right?19:03
jcastrooh ok19:03
rick_hjcastro: yea, known bugs19:03
gary_posterjcastro, yeah, if you are on a charm and then you search for the same charm then click on the charm, then that doesn't work right now.  Rick and I have talked about it, and this will be difficult to fix.  We felt that this was enough of an edge case that it was not a showstopper.  Do you disagree?19:05
gary_posterjcastro, not super difficult to fix, but more time than I'd prefer to take before OSCON.  Fixing it is an option, but throws out schedule for the week out.19:06
jcastroWell if I know it's there I can avoid it during the charm school. :)19:06
rick_hjcastro: 120074319:07
rick_hjcastro: #1200743 that is19:07
_mup_Bug #1200743: complex search/view interactions in fullscreen fail to work <charmbrowser> <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1200743>19:07
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
jcastrodid the "doesn't deploy discourse" bug get fixed? I can't seem to find it on LP19:08
rick_hjcastro: yea, should be fixed19:10
Makyohatch, lp:~makyo/juju-gui/use-icon-api19:11
jcastrohmm, discourse icon is busted19:13
jcastrobut it's svg19:13
rick_hjcastro: linky?19:17
rick_hjcastro: so it's not reviewed. Unreviewed charms never get an icon19:18
rick_hjcastro: we don't trust people :)19:18
marcoceppirick_h: what about openvpn-as ?19:18
rick_hmarcoceppi: what about it?19:19
marcoceppirick_h: what about openvpn-as ?19:19
marcoceppirick_h: http://i.imgur.com/nhSv7vA.png19:19
marcoceppiThat's not what I see19:19
marcoceppiit has an icon and it's not rendering19:19
rick_hmarcoceppi: browser?19:20
rick_hmarcoceppi: which browser/version?19:20
marcoceppiChrome 28.0.1500.7119:20
jcastrodoesn't render here either in chrome 2819:20
rick_hmarcoceppi: so looks like maybe a cache issue according ot the room19:21
rick_hright-click the icon and choose to open in a new tab19:21
rick_hmarcoceppi: and you should see the icon19:21
arosales26.0.1410.63 also doesn't render openvpn-as-219:21
rick_hand test it in FF19:21
jcastroworks in firefox though19:21
marcoceppirick_h: doesn't work in porno-mode19:21
rick_hmarcoceppi: so the suggestion here is to force clear your cache19:21
rick_hmarcoceppi: hmm, then maybe a browser svg issue? 19:21
arosalesrick_h, in a new tab in chrome 26 I see the valid icon19:21
rick_hmarcoceppi: it works in chrome 29, FF19:22
rick_hand according to arosales 26, so I'm guessing it's a chrome 28 bug. 19:22
marcoceppirick_h: renders if I visit the URL directly. Might be a browser quirk. https://manage.jujucharms.com/api/2/charm/precise/openvpn-as-2/file/icon.svg19:22
rick_hsomeone with 28 says once htey opened it in the new tab it worked19:22
rick_hmarcoceppi: rgr19:22
marcoceppiwait, this API19:23
marcoceppiis it like psuedo api or could I throw queries against it?19:23
rick_hmarcoceppi: huh?19:23
rick_hmarcoceppi: what api are we speaking about here?19:23
marcoceppirick_h: *tear to my eye* https://manage.jujucharms.com/api/2/charm/precise/openvpn-as-2/19:23
rick_hmarcoceppi: yea, sec. I'll get you docs link19:23
marcoceppiamazing, it's like everything I've ever needed but had to branch lp to get the information19:24
rick_hmarcoceppi: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~juju-jitsu/charmworld/trunk/view/head:/docs/api.rst19:24
rick_hmarcoceppi: this is the charmworld (juju-gui data source) api we've created. It's vesioned though so watch out for changes as things progress19:24
marcoceppirick_h: and it's versioned, I could probably seriously cry19:24
rick_hmarcoceppi: so everything in the browser is working on that api19:25
rick_hmarcoceppi: hey, we've not been building houses of cards here :P 19:25
marcoceppiwhere will the permenant endpoint be once launched? jujucharms.com?19:25
rick_hmarcoceppi: manage.jujucharms.com is the permanent api endpoint19:25
rick_hjujucharms.com will be a juju gui install pointed at manage.jujucharms.com for its data19:25
marcoceppiamazing, definintely a game changed19:25
rick_hmarcoceppi: cool, hope it's useful19:25
jcastroScumbag rick, full API, no icons.19:26
marcoceppiw/e I'll take API over weird rendering issue in Chrome any day19:27
arosalesI see rick_h's point the any one could commit a crazy icon and have it load in the charm store unfiltered19:27
rick_harosales: yea, we discussed it and we decided it's nice to only have the reviewed charms have the pretty icons19:27
rick_hit helps in search results/etc19:27
marcoceppiGood guy Rick, can't help rendering issue on a specific browser, but has a full api to data19:27
arosales+1 on that rick_h 19:27
jcastroI'd rather have the icon but black and white or something19:28
jcastroI don't buy that people would take advantage of it, if that was the case people would be posting porn on github and launchpad all the time19:28
marcoceppijcastro: b+w icon would probably be more work than nessiary19:28
rick_hjcastro: yea, we've had these discussions a few times now19:29
arosalesjcastro, hey if you want your charm have an icon just get it into the charm store ;-)19:30
arosalesit not like were saying no, 19:30
arosalesjust that you need to be in the charm store19:30
jcastroyeah but our issue is pre-beta software shouldn't be in the store19:30
jcastroso we keep it in ~marcoceppi on purpose19:30
arosalesagreed, so get those reviews in and make non beta 19:31
jcastrono I mean the upstream 19:31
marcoceppiupstream is pure alpha right now19:31
marcoceppiand changing fast19:31
jcastroI guess we'll demo Liferay and something else then19:32
jcastroI don't wanna demo a non-icon19:32
marcoceppiI mean, that's too bad19:32
* arosales looking at charm review guildlines . . .19:32
arosalesjcastro, I don't see @ https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/authors-charm-policy.html19:33
arosaleswhere it states a charm will be ack'ed if upstream is still not fully GA19:33
marcoceppiarosales: jcastro we should probably head back over to #juju19:33
marcoceppileave these nice people alone :P19:33
* arosales moves to #juju :-)19:33
arosalesrick_h, gary_poster et all keep up the good work19:34
arosalesCharm Browser/Gui looking good!19:34
gary_posterthanks arosales :-)19:34
jcastroI promise no frantic voicemail this time gary_poster 19:34
jcastroI remember last time like calling Rick from the show floor19:35
gary_posterI hope not :-)19:35
rick_hjcastro: if you get a sec please check ou uistage for updates to your two bugs about the newline issues. 19:38
rick_hjcastro: one I think is fixed (description) and hte changelog we've submitted some small tweaks to, so not marked it fixed but curious if that 'helps'19:38
jcastroyeah better19:40
jcastroI think that we should do debian/changelog format for the changelog, but good enough for OSCON for now19:40
jcastroFor description I think we should trim down the descriptions since that's in the yaml and instead encourage people to put the formatting in README19:40
rick_hjcsackett: http://paste.mitechie.com/show/982/19:42
arosalesrick_h, gary_poster configuration looking better and quality tab moved to the right :-)19:53
arosalesrick_h, gary_poster: do you guys think inserting a horizontal line between config parameters would help with the readability?19:55
arosalesie http://uistage.jujucharms.com:8086/sidebar/search/precise/mysql-25/#bws-configuration has a few19:55
arosalesas does http://uistage.jujucharms.com:8086/sidebar/search/precise/mongodb-15/#bws-configuration?series=precise&text=mongodb#bws-configuration19:55
rick_h arosales not sure. I think it'd be nice if we could dedent the config name part of the display to make it easier to jump from config-key to key20:01
arosalesrick_h, ya I didn't have any super strong opinions. It just looked like it needed something to break it up, but not a biggie.20:01
rick_harosales: yea, it'll have to go through UX tbh20:02
arosalesrick_h, roger that.  What were saying earlier, make the pretty prettier 20:02
arosalessounds like one of these cases20:02
arosalescommit # landed, quality tab moved, configuration formatting fixed -- its like christmass in july20:04
rick_hjust wait until icons lands tomorrow20:05
arosaleswe should probably have a count down meter :-)20:06
jcastrohey rick_h 20:14
jcastrofor post OSCON20:14
jcastroI want `juju set juju-gui icons=true` so when I demo to people we get glorious colored icons20:14
jcastrojust an idea. :)20:14
rick_hjcastro: not going to happen. The logic is moved to the data store today and no way to force. :/20:17
rick_hjcastro: so the api won't ever show them. 20:17
marcoceppirick_h: damn20:18
rick_hmarcoceppi: jcastro when we remove the filters and stop searching for only reviewed charms it'll make more sense. 20:19
rick_hshowing icons would suck in the ^^ case20:19
marcoceppiI don't mean to back seat drive, but would it have made more sense to just not show the icon if the api says the charm wasn't reviewed? Leave it to application logic and not a hard req in the api20:20
marcoceppihaving only just learned of this magic api, I'm merely interjecting20:20
rick_hmarcoceppi: so the api has access tothe file under the files api calls20:21
rick_hmarcoceppi: but the icon api call goes through the 'should it be displayed' logic20:21
rick_hmarcoceppi: so it's not that there's no way to access the icon and we'll continue to see the icon in the manage.jujucharms.com for review purposes and such20:21
rick_hmarcoceppi: so that's why we did it this way. There's two paths to use and any apps using the icon path will get the one considered safe20:22
marcoceppirick_h: ah, okay20:22
rick_hwe did think about all this stuff, I promise. Lots of talks about it20:22
marcoceppirick_h: I seriously don't doubt that!20:22
marcoceppiIt was literally the first question that popped in my mind20:23
rick_hI completely understand. News to you guys and that sucks :(20:23
marcoceppiI already love the api though, (I could care less about icons ;)20:23
rick_hmarcoceppi: cool, abentley did a great job with the docs and implementation of that so send him a cookie if it's useful :)20:24
* marcoceppi preheats oven20:24
sinzuibac: https://code.launchpad.net/~sinzui/charmworld/stale-metadata/+merge/17512620:34
rick_hsinzui: http://staging.jujucharms.com/api/2/charm/precise/hadoop-1321:05
gary_posterrick_h, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~marcoceppi/charms/precise/discourse/trunk/view/head:/metadata.yaml21:25
rick_hjujugui https://codereview.appspot.com/11387043 eyeballs please to fix a new bug. jcsackett as well please21:36
bacrick_h: done21:41
rick_hbac: ty much21:44
marcoceppiSorry about the discourse trouble. The original repo is in github and my bi-directional lp <-> gh plugin is really touchy.21:50
rick_harosales: http://uistage.jujucharms.com:8086/precise/ceph-13/#bws-configuration little better?21:56
jcastrorick_h: much better21:59
rick_hjcastro: cool21:59
rick_hjcastro: check out uistage and drag some charms into the canvas :)21:59
rick_hjcastro: best examples are ones with category icons and such21:59
jcastrothey are like spring loaded now22:00
rick_hand icon pretty22:00
* arosales now taking a look at uistage . . .22:06
arosalesrick_h, ah, much better. Amazing what a little indentation does.22:07
arosalesrick_h, my only feedback on the configuration would be to keep the keyword bold (ie auth-supported) and unbold & italic the type (ie string)22:13
arosalesfor the http://uistage.jujucharms.com:8086/precise/ceph-13/ example22:13
rick_harosales: ah, good point. 22:14

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