[03:59] attn: ubuntu gnome developers. I have a stupid yet serious question. I am getting a truckload of apport popups on 13.10. SHOULD I be reporting each and every single one? I feel like I get them even when the system is idle. [03:59] I don't want to overload the bug reporter with nonsense, but I also don't want to disregard apport if there are underlying bugs that might need eyes on them. [04:00] Just wanted to see what you guys thought so I could help to the best of my abilities. Thanks! [04:12] roasted: there's 2 kinds of pop-ups, some open launchpad.net for you to report a bug, the others go to https://errors.ubuntu.com/ where they help developers see which crashes happen most often [04:13] see also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ErrorTracker [04:14] in the future there might be a button in activity-log-manager to automatically send some of those reports which would be nicer [04:15] indeed [04:15] I just don't want you guys to be offing anything I submit if it's as irritating as spam in your email [04:15] but like I said, I hate to overlook things as an end user if it'll help. [05:28] hey [05:29] aneone here [05:29] ? [05:29] anyone * [05:42] ricotz, gtk 3.9 is really broken in VMware ;( [05:43] darkxst, huh, how so? [05:44] X is booting into low graphics mode [05:44] and then just a blank screen after that dialog. [05:48] this doesnt sound like a gtk problem too me [05:48] ricotz, it goes away as soon as I purge staging [05:50] the X logs themselves seem fine [05:51] i see, any crash reports or output in session.log [05:53] I don't get as far as logging in [05:54] what session are you trying to start? [05:54] i guess GNOME [05:56] tried both gdm and lightdm [05:59] ok, so did you at their logs? [05:59] e.g. /var/log/gdm/:0-greeter.log [06:01] gnome-session[1469]: Gdk-WARNING: gnome-session: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :0 [06:04] /var/log/gdm/:0.log ? [06:06] it was normal I believe [06:06] I will check again in a min [06:06] brb [06:28] ricotz, I just tested in a new VM and its now working [06:33] darkxst, good ;) [10:17] ricotz, what would you suggest with gnome-bluetooth api break? build gnome-shell without it for now? [10:21] darkxst, yes, you don't want to deal with bluz5 [10:22] darkxst, i am reverting two commits for that in my builds [10:28] oh right, I see [10:29] I suppose you revert commits before building git snapshots? [10:51] darkxst, in this case, yes [10:55] ok [10:57] darkxst, i thought you were looking into other source while gnome-shell/mutter doesnt even need the newer gtk afaik [11:09] to be honest I though there would be more deps on it, but at the same time, 3.8 is very buggy so... [12:54] I have ubuntu 13.04 and installed the Gnome desktop environment from the ubuntu software center, but when I go to extensions.gnome.org, I am told I don't have the latest gnome desktop installed so I can't install extensions, how can I solve that? [12:56] wasanzy, what browser do you use? [12:57] chromium [12:57] and also firefox [12:57] if I'm not mistaken, you get that error if your browser is missing the Gnome Shell Integration plugin (/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libgnome-shell-browser-plugin.so; both firefox and chromium ought to pick it up) [12:57] can you check with about:plugins that this plugin is enabled? [12:58] how can I check? [12:58] well, if it's listed somewhere on that page [12:58] on the about plugin? chromium or firefox? [12:59] both support about:plugins, IIRC [12:59] chromium definitely does (it changes the URL to chrome://plugins) [13:00] is enabled on chromium, checking firefox [13:01] okay, so it is enabled [13:02] then maybe you're trying to install an extension that wants gnome-shell 3.8? ubuntu 13.04 ships gnome-shell 3.6 [13:02] there's a PPA where you can get 3.8 [13:02] see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RaringRingtail/ReleaseNotes#Ubuntu_GNOME [13:03] (it has a link) [13:03] none of the extensions acutally allows me to install it [13:03] that is interesting [13:04] sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3 ? [13:04] FWIW I'm using ubuntu 13.04, with gnome-shell 3.8 (from that ppa, yes) [13:04] extensions work for me in chromium [13:04] ok [13:52] interestinly, after upgrading gnome, on the extensions page, no button is provided for me to install a plugin [13:55] the plugin is shipped in the distro, by the gnome-shell package [13:55] I wonder if you need to restart chromium after apt-get dist-upgrading gnome-shell... ? [13:56] I restarted the whole system [15:16] how do I get the list of extensions that are installed? [15:35] hello still not getting the extensions, how do I know the version of Gnome installed? [21:01] hello, updates is offering my an upgrade for Gnome shell: 3.8.2-1ubuntu2~raring1 installed version is: 3.8.2-1ubuntu2~raring2 is it just me, or is this actually a *downgrade*? [21:10] and should I do it? I may have triggered it by a manual apt-get update