
CarstenGHi at all15:46
hanniehi CarstenG15:56
CarstenGHi Hannie15:56
hannieAre you busy with the manual at the moment?15:57
CarstenGIs it possible, that this channel is not anymore logged on http://irclogs.ubuntu.com?15:57
CarstenGNo, not at the moment.15:57
CarstenGWe have finished the German translation and Kevin wants to publish it.15:57
hannieah, together with the French translation probably15:58
CarstenGHe might be very busy.15:58
hanniethe channel is still logged (July 16th, 2013)15:59
CarstenGmmmh, there is no file on http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/07/16/ ...15:59
CarstenGand 15, and 14 ...16:00
CarstenGSo I thought, there is an error...16:00
hannieyou mean ubuntu-manual log16:00
hannieIn this header I see IRC logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com16:03
hannieBut you are right, there is no ubuntu-manual in the logs16:03
CarstenGYeah, on 11th, there was a log, beginning with 12th is no log...16:04
hannieYes, you are right...16:05
hannieTime to ask the boss :)16:05
CarstenGI'm missing the ChanServ in the channel...16:08
CarstenGI guess, he is responsible for logging.16:09

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