
=== Logan_ is now known as GuerillaWarfare
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loolstgraber, ogra_: around?13:01
* rsalveti waves13:02
loolso notes from last week are at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/07/09/%23ubuntu-meeting.html13:03
looland I think stgraber's message sums up plans for last week: so notes: stgraber => work on the upgrader code, test/integrate the client in dailies, fix bugs on system-image; barry => fix a downloader timeout bug, update default config, update client in the archive, help mandel with packging the DL service; ogra => fixing issues with flipped, helping ports move to the new model; ondra => update recovery to make missing ubuntu_command a non-error13:03
loolIIUC, we have gpg/tar-xz support in the recovery now, basic support for ubuntu_command and we pickup cdimage builds on system-image.u.c, correct?13:03
loolstgraber: how are things looking end to end from your pov?13:04
stgraberwe don't have gpg support, but the rest is true13:04
stgrabergpg was stuck on getting the archive tarball in the recovery partition, I now have instructions from ondra for that so I'll try to get this done today/tomorrow13:05
loolthe archive tarball?13:05
stgraberbesides that, things look good. I'm now looking at patching phablet-flash to support read-only image bootstraping and I'm also looking at reducing the size of some of the delta13:05
stgraberlool: the archive-master tarball which contains the archive master keyring used to create the chain of trust13:06
loolbut wont this be part of the recovery image build?13:06
barryit's currently part of the system-image-common package13:06
stgraberwe need it in both13:07
stgraberit's fine in the Ubuntu image and that side works fine, but we now need it in the recovery partition for the upgrader13:07
stgraberI've got instructions from ondra on how to do that, just didn't get to it yet13:07
loolrsalveti: is there an existing case of taking data out of .debs and stuffing them in android (recovery) builds?13:07
loolstgraber: Ah I thought you had instructions to add them manually to the recovery13:07
loolstgraber: ok, so you'll add that to the recovery build, fine13:08
loolbarry: so you've managed to integrate with mandel's download service and it has all the features you needed?  :-)13:08
stgraberthe file itself won't ever change (unless our archive master key is compromised but then we're in a huge lot of trouble on every single Ubuntu system), so I wouldn't bother about syncing from the Ubuntu package13:09
barrylool: heh, not yet.  i'm still waiting to hear back from mandel13:09
loolbarry: ah what's the blocker?13:09
barryi don't think the packaging is done yet13:09
loolbarry: is he on leave this week?13:09
* barry checks the calendar13:09
loologra_: in the mean time, how are things going with the flipped images?13:11
looldo we have known regressions remaining?13:11
barrylool: doesn't appear to be13:11
ogra_well, races13:11
ogra_we are waiting for an upstart-android-bridge that will hook into the container13:11
loolbarry: would be good to get an update from him; would you mind pinging him + Cc:ing me?13:11
ogra_with that it will be possible to adjust our upstart jobs properly to get around the current races13:12
barrylool: i'll email (irc pings unanswered)13:12
ogra_beyond that, flipped is fine13:12
loolbarry: the other dep I think you were waiting on was design team; did we reach a conclusion on UI for OS updates?13:12
ogra_we are working on getting the ports over as well this week13:12
barrystgraber: didn't you send a ping to design team?  did you hear back from them?13:13
loolbarry: I think we should move forward and implement a basic UI for end-to-end testing; we can update it once we have the design13:13
barrylool: we do have a basic dbus api mapped out.  that's probably the next step since the u/i will have to talk to that13:14
loolbarry: like a launch icon which launches an app testing for latest update and synchronously downloads them if any13:14
barryLP: #119258513:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1192585 in Ubuntu system image "Add a dbus API" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119258513:14
stgraberbarry: I heard back from mpt that they'll try and figure out who will be working on it13:15
loolbarry: So that's a dbus api on top of a permanently running python implemented service to request e.g. "check for updates"?13:15
stgraberbarry: Steve also pinged the design team and came back to me saying that whenever we actually get blocked on this, we should just implement a basic UI and use that until they come up with a design13:15
barryit will run on demand13:15
loolstgraber, barry: I don't think we want to block on design if they don't have someone assigned already13:15
barryfair enough13:16
loolbarry: I guess python after dbus activation that exits afterwards is fine; it would really be best to switch to some C download service though for the memory consumption13:17
stgraberoh, also a quick heads up, I'm at a sprint all of next week in London, then on vacation most of the week after that (just working on Friday), then on vacation Monday->Wednesday the week after and the week after that I'll be at debconf13:17
loolstgraber: that means we need to have this switched over this week?  :-)13:17
stgraberjust means that I won't be attending the meeting for the next month ;)13:18
barrylool: yes, we definitely want the new dbus d/l service13:18
stgraberI'll still be working at least one day every week, so just make sure you're not blocked on me, if you are, let's talk this week, for anything else, I'll be reading my e-mails and replying whenever I can13:18
loolstgraber: well we seem to be almost there, just missing the final gpg validation data in the recovery and the UI to trigger it all, the bootstrap changes you're working on, and that's it -- right?13:19
loolstgraber: ideally we'd have everyone using this instead of phablet-flash this week and deal with issues next week while you're still mostly working (except on release sprint)13:19
stgraberI think so, the rest we're mostly blocked on ogra_'s team giving us the go ahead to switch everyone (would be nice not to be the only one testing those read-only images ;))13:20
loolstgraber: do we have all images available?  can we send a call for testing like today or tomorrow?13:20
barrylool: while not ideal, we can today ask people to test updates via cli13:20
stgraberwe don't have a mechanism to upgrade the recovery partition cleanly yet, so I'd prefer to have the upgrader complete before we do that13:21
stgraberwe also should run a test on all 4 devices before sending any kind of call for testing13:21
loolbarry: That's definitely better than nothing and will help switching13:21
ogra_stgraber, well, it is blocked on claick packages, we cant go readonly without them13:21
stgraberogra_: right13:21
loolbarry: would you think you could build a minimal UI to trigger the update this week?  download service can be done next week (but still we ought to ping mandel)13:22
loologra_: hmm not sure I see the link13:22
barrylool: so minimal ui first?  i can certainly take a crack at it.  there's nothing like crappy ui to motivate design to give us something better :)13:22
ogra_lool, you cant install anything on a ro device and apt will be disabled13:23
loologra_: you mean people still need to apt-get install to do stuff, so we can't run their OS install r/o?13:23
loolbarry: exactly, make it pink with cat pictures13:23
stgraberlool: without click we'd need everyone to stay in developer mode which effectively means no actual testers13:23
* barry loves pink cats13:23
ogra_the schedule was to have click packages first before we switch to a ro rootfs13:23
loolwell, maybe not with cat pictures as these tend to get too popular13:23
stgraberit's fine on my devices because I don't actually use them but I'd expect our current userbase to be annoyed not being able to use PPAs13:24
loolrsalveti, ogra_: what do people typically install?  should we prepare a recipe to either create a separate chroot under their data partition, or give instructions to deploy from bzr branches or something?13:24
ogra_well, they dont care about PPAs13:24
ogra_they all want to install apps though :)13:24
loolI don't want us to block on full blown click packges to start using OS updater13:24
loologra_: what apps?  core apps?13:25
sergiusenslool: all the community core apps, that's what they install13:25
loolcould we deliver them easily in some other way?13:25
sergiusensand the public collections13:25
ogra_lool, we have like 30 apps or so ... people install all kinds of them to help testing the app teams etc13:25
rsalvetiproblem is that without click packages people will enable dev mode right after flashing13:25
sergiusenslool: I have all of the community core ones here: http://people.canonical.com/~sergiusens/click_packages/ daily built13:25
ogra_what rsalveti said13:25
ogra_we dotn want normal users to run dev more13:26
sergiusenslool: just need to hook it up to the image builders13:26
ogra_that defeats the purpose13:26
loolrsalveti, ogra_: I understand that while we're telling people to install .debs to get core apps this will be an issue, but I'm looking for an interim option until we have click packgaes13:26
rsalvetisergiusens: what would be a feasible eta for this?13:26
sergiusensand we need cjwatson to finish the .desktop file integration or hack something in during build13:26
lool(but I'll check where we are with click in next meeting  :-)13:26
ogra_lool, we have click packages13:26
ogra_just not integrated yet13:26
ogra_and it might take another week until everything is in order13:27
rsalvetiwill cjwatson be in sprint mode next week as well?13:27
ogra_oh, right13:27
loolhe's definitely going there, but perhaps not all week13:27
ogra_and debconf13:27
ogra_he said13:27
stgraberthere are two weeks between the sprint and Debconf13:28
loolsergiusens: can we integrate the apps in the OS builds for now?13:28
loolthat's already 90% of the use cases I bet13:28
stgraberit's just that I'm personally taking most of that time on leave, cjwatson is IIRC taking the week after Debconf instead13:28
ogra_lool, that the plan for core apps atm13:28
sergiusenslool: if the image builders can see that lillypilly uri I just shared, yes we can hook it in13:28
loolstgraber: do we have instructions to reset an install from r/o to rw?13:28
stgraberlool: touch /userdata/.developer_mode13:28
sergiusenslool: and have that same hook mangle the desktop file (copy to ~phablet)13:29
ogra_sergiusens, they definitely can ... they pull from ~/ubuntu-archive already from that machine13:29
stgraberlool: or if you want to switch back to the current flipped model, then wipe all of /userdata and reflash in bootstrap mode13:29
ogra_stgraber, and reboot :P13:29
loolstgraber: ok; and one can return to system-image builds by redoing a bootstrap?13:29
stgraberogra_: or mount -o remount,rw /13:29
sergiusensogra_: ok, let me write a hook for livecd-rootfs and make sure I make no mention of the word ppa :-)13:29
ogra_stgraber, URGH13:29
ogra_stgraber, "wipe all of userdata" ?!?13:29
loolstgraber: sorry I meant the new bootstrap13:30
ogra_stgraber, it isnt enough to just remove the touched file ?13:30
ogra_(i.e. i will lose all my data)13:30
cjwatsondesktop file integration is next on my list13:30
stgraberogra_: to switch back to system-image, yes, to switch back to standard flipped, a lot more moving stuff around is involved13:30
ogra_oh, standard flipped13:30
cjwatsonI will be mostly in sprint mode next week but no doubt I'll get some click work done as well13:31
ogra_i hope to be able to drop that once we know loop works13:31
cjwatsonit's a hacking sprint more than a meeting sprint13:31
ogra_so people wouldnt have a reason to switch "back" to that :)13:31
loolcjwatson: there was a worry earlier from ogra about skipping cdimage for the new system-image.u.c touch OS images; is this a concern of yours?13:31
cjwatsonlool: Not sure I understand?13:32
ogra_lool, i simply misunderstood the plans, stgraber explained it, its all fine13:32
loolcjwatson, ogra_: alright nevermind13:32
loolOk; we're out of time, I'll try to sum up the plan13:32
ogra_cjwatson, i understood the image builds were supposed to happen on s.u.c13:32
ogra_but that was wrong, they just get moved over13:32
loolI think I'll setup some time this week with stgraber+barry to prepare a call for testers13:32
ogra_(and post processed)13:33
stgraberlool: I've been making notes for a blog post last week, though don't want to publish it until we know it can be used day to day on all 4 devices, that last thing we want is people saying that this stuff doesn't work and revert their device13:34
loolso plan for next week: * barry builds a minimal client UI + dbus API to trigger updates manually while we miss design  * barry/lool ping mandel over email on downloadservice  * stgraber finishes integration of GPG bits in recovery  * stgraber/lool/barry prep call for testing13:34
loolstgraber barry: ok; let's chat about this in a meeting for instance tomorrow where we hash out the call for testing?13:35
loolperhaps we can find a subset of people to get feedback from, and then expand13:35
loolrsalveti, sergiusens: You guys ever tried the new OS updates manually?13:35
barrysounds good13:35
rsalvetinot yet13:35
ogra_lool, we had massive infrastructure probs, build failures and asac this week13:36
stgraberlool: hopefully once I have the new flag in phablet-flash, that'll make things much simpler13:36
loolcjwatson: the click package relationship is that because people today apt-get install stuff but we're switching to read-only OS install, we really need click as a vehicle for things that need to be added to devices; we're going to preload as much as possible in the mean time13:36
sergiusenslool: only when it was a stub13:36
ogra_we're all a bit relayed with our TODOs atm13:36
loolsergiusens: I forgot an action for you to add the core apps to the OS install (if that's ok?)13:36
sergiusenslool: and the ubuntu_commands file isn't deleted so every time you go into recovery it does the demo upgrade and reboots btw ;-)13:37
loologra_: "massive infrastructure probs, build failures and asac this weel"13:37
sergiusenslool: yes, I have that in progress :-)13:37
ogra_lool, yeah :)13:37
stgrabersergiusens: yeah, I'll add an rm at the end ;)13:37
ogra_lool, all of them cause unplanned actions and delays13:37
sergiusensstgraber: +113:37
loolsounds like asac felt down on you like the plague!  :-)   asac is cracking the whip for sure, but in the right direction to fix these!  ;-)13:37
stgrabersergiusens: for now it's actually been useful for me to check what was in the generated file before it vanishes, but I think I trust barry's code now13:37
* barry exhales :)13:38
ogra_lool, well, the issue is that we suddenly have some unscheduled things to do that delay planned work13:38
loolsergiusens: does it sound possible to get the apps integrated this week before the call for testing gets out?13:38
ogra_lool, i totally agree it is good :)13:38
loolok, we're way over time13:38
loolAnything else anyone?13:38
sergiusenslool: yes, my blocker was IS and that's resolved, I jsut need to write the hook13:38
loolsergiusens: cool13:39
loolstgraber, barry, ogra_, rsalveti, sergiusens: All good?13:39
sergiusenslool: this will include all the community core apps, the canonical ones are a bit more tricky13:39
sergiusenslool: all good13:39
stgraberwe'll need some changes to initrd+lxc-android-config to make the various paths used by click writable, but I'll look into that once we actually have click working in the images13:39
ogra_lool, like we went from "get rid of PPAs soon" to get rid of PPAs *now* which means work planned for i.e. the end of the month has to be higher prio now ... etc etc13:40
* lool hugs you all in a big squeesh and closes meeting13:40
* lool waves13:40
ogra_thanks for running it13:40
barrylool: thanks13:40
loolwill setup a call for testers meeting with barry and stgraber13:40
cjwatsonlool: Yeah, understood13:43
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adam_g#startmeeting ubuntu-server-team16:00
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Jul 16 16:00:08 2013 UTC.  The chair is adam_g. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.16:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired16:00
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic:
adam_ghi all16:00
adam_g#topic Review ACTION points from previous meeting16:00
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Review ACTION points from previous meeting
adam_garosales to carry out post-meeting procedure (minutes, etc) documented at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/KnowledgeBase for meeting of 25 June16:01
adam_garosales, any update?16:01
arosalesadam_g, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/2013062516:01
adam_garosales, cool.16:02
adam_gDaviey to speak to Percona about Saucy inclusion16:02
adam_gDaviey, any update on percona in saucy?16:03
Davieyadam_g: I have emailed them16:03
arosalesadam_g, a couple of week late :-/ but finally got there.  I'll be sure to get it out to the list and blog next time I chair (apologies).16:03
Davieyawaiting response16:03
Davieyadam_g: feel free to remove that from the agenda16:03
Davieyit's inhand16:03
adam_gDaviey, ack16:04
adam_grbasak to land delta report to lp:ubuntu-reports, Daviey to deploy16:04
rbasakI've got the script ready to go, just need to integrate with lp:ubuntu-reports now16:04
adam_grbasak, cool. is there a merge proposal somewhere yet?16:05
rbasakNo - Daviey took me through the code earlier so I know what to do now. You should see one this week.16:05
adam_gi'll leave it on the agenda16:06
adam_g#ACTION rbasak to land delta report to lp:ubuntu-reports, Daviey to deploy16:06
meetingologyACTION: rbasak to land delta report to lp:ubuntu-reports, Daviey to deploy16:06
adam_gzul has willfully volunteered to review and document what is blocking server related saucy-proposed migration excuses, with joy.16:06
zulno joy...apache2 is still making its way through debian and sqlalchemy needs to be done as well16:06
Davieyfollowing -release channel, apache2 is making progress16:07
Davieyas is php5 (thanks to rbasak)16:07
adam_gok, ill leave that there as well.16:08
rbasakphp5 seems to have reverse build depends blocking migration to saucy now :-(16:08
adam_gmoving on?16:08
rbasakSome may just need rebuilds16:08
adam_g#topic Saucy Development16:09
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Saucy Development
adam_g#link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-s-tracking-bug-tasks.html#server16:09
adam_gDaviey, you want the mic for this?16:09
Davieybug 1196921 is feeling wedged16:10
ubottubug 1196921 in vim (Ubuntu Saucy) "updating packages to lua5.2 in main" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119692116:10
Davieyrrdtool is our problem16:11
DavieyDoes someone want to volunteer to look at that?16:11
Davieymight be trivial...16:11
jamespageill do it16:11
Davieyjamespage: maybe someone else? :)16:12
yolandaDaviey, if it's an easy one i can volunteer16:12
jamespageif no-one else can16:12
Davieyyolanda: Super!  Have a look at it and see what it involves?16:12
Davieybug 118363416:13
ubottubug 1183634 in cheetah (Ubuntu Saucy) "cheetah pkg does not depend on markdown, but egg requires.txt does" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118363416:13
Davieyadam_g: ^16:13
jamespagethat should be won't fix16:13
jamespageonce the MIR goes though no?16:13
adam_gDaviey, should be good. both python-markdown and python-tidylib got promoted okay to main. just need a new cheetah that Depends on them, and dropping of our patch there16:13
Davieyadam_g: super, so next upload?16:14
adam_gDaviey, yup. stuff got promoted just recently, ill propose a new cheetah package todya16:14
Davieybug 119979116:14
ubottubug 1199791 in nova (Ubuntu Saucy) "nova-compute-xcp misses nova-compute.conf" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119979116:14
Davieyzul: ^ ?16:14
Davieybug 1190038, adam_g ?16:15
ubottubug 1190038 in keystone (Ubuntu Saucy) "keystone-all fails to start: : The Keystone paste configuration file keystone-paste.ini could not be found." [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119003816:15
zulDaviey:  ugh16:15
adam_gDaviey, fix committed pending a new keystone upload16:15
Davieyrbasak: bug 1031680  ?16:16
ubottubug 1031680 in nagios-plugins (Ubuntu Raring) "check_apt always report 0 critical updates" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103168016:16
Davieyadam_g: bug 1197163 ?16:16
ubottubug 1197163 in nova (Ubuntu Saucy) "nova-xvpvncproxy installs no upstart job" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119716316:16
rbasakI've not looked at that.16:16
adam_gDaviey, fix committed pending a new nova upload16:16
Davieyrbasak: Oh, i thought you were looking at that one, sorry16:16
Davieysmoser: are you looking at bug 1031680 ?16:17
rbasakI'll add it to my list to at least look at. I can't remember if we can make progress on it or not.16:17
ubottubug 1031680 in nagios-plugins (Ubuntu Raring) "check_apt always report 0 critical updates" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103168016:17
smoserno. i wasn't. i was just saying hello.16:17
DavieyOh, everyone say hello to smoser please16:17
DavieyHello smoser.16:17
rbasakHi smoser!16:18
Davieyjamespage: bug 1170393 ?16:18
smoserhi everyone.16:18
* jamespage waits for ubottu16:18
jamespagebug 117039316:18
jamespagetap tap16:19
jamespageis this thing on16:19
Davieyjamespage: "Quantum services should be respawned by upstart if necessary"16:19
jamespageon my todo list still - want to get the neutron name change out of the way first16:19
DavieyGood thinking16:19
jamespagethere are also some new agents to enable16:19
Davieydo we have a decent transition path?16:19
zulDaviey:  its in progress16:19
jamespagezul has made a start but its pretty ugly for existing configuration16:20
Davieyjamespage: ISTR you were looking at bug 1196979 ?16:20
Davieyjamespage: ugh16:20
Daviey"[MIR] libasm4-java (b-d of jarjar)"16:20
jamespageforgot about that one16:20
* zul hopes openstack will never rename a project again16:20
jamespageI think that will probably wash through in Debian first - I'll go talk with a few folks in the debian-java team16:21
DavieyAny other issues pertinent ?16:21
jamespagezul, you got the sqlalchemy stuff stored now16:21
rbasakI'd like to flag https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apache2/+bug/1199318. I tried to target it for Saucy but apparantly I still can't do that unless I'm missing something.16:21
jamespageor is that still all held iup in proposed?16:21
Davieyrbasak: ugh, i think you need to be core to target.  How silly.16:22
ubottubug 1170393 in quantum (Ubuntu Saucy) "Quantum services should be respawned by upstart if necessary" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117039316:22
ubottubug 1196979 in ow-util-ant-tasks (Ubuntu Saucy) "[MIR] libasm4-java (b-d of jarjar)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119697916:22
jamespagerbasak, approved16:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 1199318 in apache2 (Ubuntu Saucy) "package apache2-utils 2.2.22-6ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/apport/package-hooks/apache2.py', which is also in package apache2.2-common 2.2.22-6ubuntu5" [High,Confirmed]16:22
zuljamespage:  its still held up in proposed, but nova builds with 0.7.9+ now16:22
Davieyokay, i think we should see if that one is still an issue when apache finishes it's miration/16:22
rbasakWe can wait. Although I have a suspicion the underlying cause will remain.16:23
jamespageI think it will be16:23
rbasakUnless Debian fix it first.16:23
jamespagewhat are we talking about now? apache2?16:23
jamespagethats the ubuntu apport hook16:23
jamespageso its our bug16:23
rbasakGood point.16:23
Davieyright, but i wanted to see if it is still an issue when apache2 settles down16:23
jamespagejust needs the right breaks/replaces16:23
rbasakHow'd it manage to move from -common to -utils anyway?16:24
jamespageone second - it looks like its in both?16:24
Davieylets defer it until next week, when the transition should be solved.16:24
rbasakAIUI, it was in -common before, and is in -utils now.16:24
rbasakAnd perhaps both though that's not clear.16:24
rbasakWe probably want it in -common and not -utils?16:25
Davieyi suspect it did move, and Breaks/Replaces hasn't made sure the old one is uninstalled first.16:25
roaksoaxyeah it seems to be a Breaks/Replaces issue16:25
jamespageanyway - lets let rbasak sort that one out16:25
DavieyMove on?16:26
adam_g#link  http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-saucy/group/topic-saucy-servercloud-overview.html16:26
adam_ghmm. thats a bad link16:26
DavieyO RLY16:26
Davieyfor some reason aucy was removed... *sigh*16:27
Davieyadam_g: can you update the template please?16:27
adam_gDaviey, sure16:27
Daviey[james-page] Resolve OpenSSL licensing issues with upstream: INPROGRESS <-- is that now done, jamespage ?16:28
jamespageDaviey, almost16:28
jamespagefirst part is in16:28
jamespagejust waiting for headers to appear on the relevant files16:28
jamespagemongodb MIR may prove problematic16:28
jamespageI need to catchup with jdstand but I've been a bit busy16:28
Davieyrbasak: [racb] Complete and feed arm porting work back upstream: INPROGRESS ?16:28
Davieyand the other arm work..16:29
rbasakOddly my double alignment patch doesn't seem to be needed any more. I need to double check.16:29
rbasakI very quickly spoke to Jon Masters about the other patch at Linaro Connect. It sounded like he'd be happy to get it upstreamed as-is.16:29
rbasakI need to follow up on both.16:29
Davieyoh groovy!  If that is something you can look at this week, that will help improve the blueprint completeness :)16:29
Davieyroaksoax: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/servercloud-s-openstack-charms-ha-v2 ?16:30
Davieyprogress, seems, erm, less than ideal.16:30
jamespageDaviey, we need to get the python redux out of the way first before we start adding new stuff16:31
Davieyutlemming / ivoks: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/servercloud-s-webscale .. how is that looking?16:31
Davieyjamespage: what is the current status of redux?16:31
jamespagemost shared code is now into charm-helpers trunk16:32
utlemmingDaviey: with all the cloud stuff, I haven't even had a reasonable chance to look at it16:32
jamespageglance (roaksoax) cinder (adam_g) and openstack-dashboard (me) all in flight16:32
jamespagebut looking good and working on juju-core16:32
jamespageadam_g, anything further to add?16:33
adam_gi expect the remaining python rewrites will all happen quickly with the shared code in one place and functional16:33
jamespageadam_g, agreed16:33
Davieyutlemming: would you be able to do a quick analysis by next week.. that is one work item, and may help guide the rest of the blueprint priority16:33
ivoksDaviey: uh16:33
adam_gwith nova-cloud-controller being the most time consuming16:33
jamespageI did the openstack-dashboard one in a few hours this morning16:33
utlemmingDaviey: sure, I'll take a look16:33
Davieyutlemming: thanks16:33
adam_gjamespage, cool!  i think swift-storage, nova-compute should be <2 hours easy16:33
roaksoaxDaviey: yeah i been concentrated on other things16:33
roaksoaxbut I'll get there16:33
jamespageadam_g, yeah16:33
Davieyshall we set the goal of having the redux done by EOW/16:33
ivoksDaviey: sorry, ENOTIME16:33
jamespageactually while we are discussing16:34
Davieyivoks: understood.. when do you think you will have time?16:34
Davieyivoks: or should we drop it?16:34
ivoksDaviey: drop it for 13.1016:34
* jamespage defers16:34
adam_gDaviey, i expect the nova-cloud-controller charm to take a bit longer, there are *many* duplicmate variations that need good testing.16:34
adam_gDaviey, but the others + good progress on nova-c-c should be doable this week for sure16:34
Davieyadam_g: If we set the goal, can you help identify where other people might be able to help?16:35
adam_guh s/duplicmate/deployment... but i like that new word, duplicmate16:35
DavieyIt would be super if we could get it cracked out this week16:35
jamespagemaybe without full test coverage16:35
adam_gill sync with roaksoax later to see how he is doing on glance, and we can split up the remaning few charms between jamespage, roaksoax and myself16:36
jamespageworks for me16:36
Davieyjamespage: yeah, done in principle is the target i think16:36
DavieyQA & testing next week16:36
Davieyzul: milestone h-2 this thurs, how are we looking for uploads?16:37
zulDaviey:  better than yesterday nova is building locally with sqlalchemy 0.7.916:37
Davieyzul: Are we expecting a fullu functional h-2 in saucy by eow?16:38
zulDaviey:  just trying to get people to look at them now16:38
zulneutron and neurtronclient needs to MIRed again i think dont they16:38
Davieyzul: what needs looking at?16:38
zulnova/cinder/python-ceilometerclent so far16:38
Davieyzul: I suspect neutron needs a ruber stamp, please can you reach out directly to mterry and check?16:39
zulDaviey:  yep16:39
Davieyzul: I'd really like to start getting it into UCA on Monday16:39
DavieyAny other BP stuff from anyone?16:40
Davieyadam_g: move on?16:40
jamespageone more thing BP related16:40
jamespagethe one that never show up - ceph16:40
jamespageI stuffed a interim release into https://launchpad.net/~ceph-ubuntu/+archive/edgers16:40
adam_g... the one that got away16:40
jamespagewe are getting pretty close to the dumpling release now (august)16:41
jamespageso its an early preview for testing16:41
jamespagewon't land in distro16:41
Davieyjamespage: have the BP link to hand?16:42
adam_g#topic Ubuntu Server Team Events16:42
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Ubuntu Server Team Events
adam_ganything going on?16:42
adam_gOSCON is next week. i know jorge castro will be there, i will at least be at some of the night events and BoFS16:43
DavieyThis Friday, openstack birthday being celebrated in London16:43
adam_gi believe there will be an ubuntu server related BOF @ OSCON. ill post the date next meeting16:43
adam_gmoving on?16:44
adam_g#topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (plars)16:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (plars)
psivaanothing much apart from this bug for us16:45
psivaabug #119748416:45
ubottubug 1197484 in isc-dhcp (Ubuntu) "Connection requests to saucy server VMs from a hosts fail after fresh VM installs" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119748416:45
psivaaimpacting the server smoke tests. jdstrand is working on to reproduce that outside qa lab16:46
psivaathat's all from QA16:46
adam_gpsivaa, sounds fun. thanks. let us know if theres anything we can do to help test16:46
adam_g#topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb)16:47
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb)
smbGot Xen-4.3 mostly prepared and running and starting to annoy people with sponsoring requests. Started with some libvirt updates to fix xm stack regression and support 4.3 in the xen driver. Right now wondering about how to make upgrades a bit more seamless (fix paths in xend configs add a script to convert xend persistent definitions into libxl ones for libvirt).16:47
adam_gsmb, o/16:47
smbOh and one more thing about xen 4.3: upstream dropped support for i38616:47
smbon the hypervisor. So I dropped that from building. Not sure one can16:47
smbdo more in order to give people more warning. In theory the combo of16:47
smb64bit hypervisor and 32bit dom0 and tools should work but I don't know16:47
smbhow that combo would be mapped to debian packaging..16:47
smbApart from those minor details... any questions for me?16:47
adam_gsmb, thanks for the xen update16:48
adam_g#topic Weekly Updates & Questions regarding Ubuntu ARM Server (rbasak)16:48
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Weekly Updates & Questions regarding Ubuntu ARM Server (rbasak)
adam_grbasak, anything new to report?16:49
rbasakNothing new to report, really. mongodb ARM patch status as above.16:49
rbasakI have a golang fix in hand and will upload soon.16:49
jamespageapparently stripping go binaires breaks stuff16:49
rbasakMy reading of Debian policy is that stripping is "should" not "must" so we can drop dh_strip.16:50
rbasakgolang upstream doesn't use the normal toolchain.16:50
rbasakAnd upstream don't support strip.16:50
jamespagesome binaries where already selectively excluded - we are just increasing the scope a bit16:50
rbasakThey say it breaks things. Evidently it does.16:50
adam_g#topic Open Discussion16:51
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Open Discussion
rbasakI think they might be Doing It Wrong, but I don't know enough to argue. They're upstream, it doesn't break policy so we might as well do what they say here. Given the other stuff we have to do with golang, this is trivial I think.16:51
Davieyzul, smoser, roaksoax, adam_g, matsubara: you are al rubbish16:52
zulDaviey:  thanks for the vote of confidence16:52
jamespagezul, whats 'Example'? :-)16:52
jamespagesounds interesting16:52
zuljamespage:  its my new secret project16:53
DavieyAnybody not listed that wants to add an entry, feel free!16:53
DavieyMore the merry.16:53
Davieysmoser: i take back your suck, you have done yours.16:54
smoserof course i suck.16:54
adam_gDaviey, sorry, was out Fri will get updated today16:54
zulDaviey: btw is al rubish my new name16:54
Davieysuper, thanks adam_g16:54
adam_g#topic Announce next meeting date and time16:55
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Announce next meeting date and time
adam_gnext meeting will be Tuesday July 23rd16:55
adam_gchaired by the honorable James Page16:55
roaksoaxTHE James Page!16:56
Davieysuper, thanks for chairing adam_g16:56
arosalesthanks for chairing adam_g16:56
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Jul 16 16:56:38 2013 UTC.16:56
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-07-16-16.00.moin.txt16:56
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-07-16-16.00.html16:56
jamespageta adam_g16:56
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
jsalisbury## This is the Ubuntu Kernel Team weekly status meeting.17:00
jsalisbury[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting17:00
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Jul 16 17:00:14 2013 UTC.  The chair is jsalisbury. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.17:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired17:00
jsalisbury[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Saucy17:00
jsalisbury# Meeting Etiquette17:00
jsalisbury# NOTE: '..' indicates that you are finished with your input.17:00
jsalisbury#       'o/' indicates you have something to add (please wait until you are recognized)17:00
jsalisburyRoll Call for Ubuntu Kernel Weekly Status Meeting17:00
jsalisbury[TOPIC] ARM Status (ppisati)17:01
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Status (ppisati)
ppisatinothing new to report this week17:01
jsalisbury[TOPIC] Release Metrics and Incoming Bugs (jsalisbury)17:01
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Release Metrics and Incoming Bugs (jsalisbury)
jsalisburyRelease metrics and incoming bug data can be reviewed at the following link:17:01
jsalisbury[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/kt-meeting.txt17:01
jsalisbury[TOPIC] Milestone Targeted Work Items (ogasawara)17:01
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Milestone Targeted Work Items (ogasawara)
ogasawarayeek, one sec17:02
ogasawara[LINK] https://launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel-distro-team/+upcomingwork17:02
ogasawara[LINK] http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-s/canonical-kernel-distro-team.html17:02
ogasawara|| apw       || foundations-1305-arm64-bringup || 1 work item  ||17:02
ogasawara|| ppisati   || foundations-1305-kernel        || 1 work item  ||17:02
ogasawara|| sforshee  || pm-system-policy               || 2 work items ||17:02
ogasawara|| smb       || servercloud-s-virtstack        || 3 work items ||17:02
jsalisbury[TOPIC] Status: Saucy Development Kernel (ogasawara)17:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Status: Saucy Development Kernel (ogasawara)
jsalisbury[TOPIC] Status: CVE's (bjf)17:04
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Status: CVE's (bjf)
ogasawaraOur master branch for Saucy has been rebased to v3.10.1 and uploaded.17:04
ogasawaraWe have also rebased our unstable branch to begin tracking v3.11-rc1.17:04
ogasawaraI would also like to take this time to point out that the 12.04.3 point17:04
ogasawararelease is approaching on Thurs Aug 22.  Any kernel patches needing to17:04
ogasawaraland in the 12.04.3 point release needs to be applied to our Raring17:04
ogasawarakernel tree on or before Mon July 29 in order to hit the SRU cadence17:04
ogasawarabefore the point release.  Please get any patches submitted to the17:04
ogasawaramailing list for proper review as soon as possible.17:04
ogasawaraImportant upcoming dates:17:04
ogasawaraThurs July 25 - Alpha 2 (opt in)17:04
ogasawaraThurs Aug 22 - 12.04.3 (~5 weeks)17:04
bjfThe current CVE status can be reviewed at the following link:17:05
bjf  * http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/cve/pkg/ALL-linux.html17:05
jsalisbury[TOPIC] Status: Stable, Security, and Bugfix Kernel Updates - Raring/Quantal/Precise/Lucid/Hardy (bjf/henrix/sconklin)17:05
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Status: Stable, Security, and Bugfix Kernel Updates - Raring/Quantal/Precise/Lucid/Hardy (bjf/henrix/sconklin)
bjfStatus for the main kernels, until today (July 2):17:05
bjf  *   Lucid - Bug verification17:05
bjf  * Precise - Bug verification17:05
bjf  * Quantal - Bug verification17:05
bjf  * Raring  - Bug verification17:05
bjfCurrent opened tracking bugs details:17:05
bjf  * http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/kernel-sru-workflow.html17:05
bjfFor SRUs, SRU report is a good source of information:17:05
bjf  * http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/sru-report.html17:05
jsalisbury[TOPIC] Open Discussion or Questions? Raise your hand to be recognized (o/)17:05
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Open Discussion or Questions? Raise your hand to be recognized (o/)
jsalisburyThanks everyone17:06
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Jul 16 17:06:33 2013 UTC.17:06
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-07-16-17.00.moin.txt17:06
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-07-16-17.00.html17:06
kamalthanks jsalisbury17:07
=== holmes.freenode.net changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Milestone Targeted Work Items (ogasawara)
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=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha
=== LordOfTime is now known as LordOfTime|EC2
=== vanhoof_ is now known as vanhoof
=== Guest44134 is now known as Zic
=== Neo31` is now known as Neo31-desktop
=== Neo31-desktop is now known as A7med
czajkowskicostales: SergioMeneses PabloRubianes itnet7 ping 2 mins to meeting19:58
costalesczajkowski ;)19:58
PabloRubianeshere czajkowski19:58
=== neo31 is now known as Neo31
Neo31Hello czajkowski SergioMeneses PabloRubianes itnet7 costales :)19:59
costalesHi Neo31 :)19:59
PabloRubianeshi neo3120:00
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Jul 16 20:00:40 2013 UTC.  The chair is czajkowski. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.20:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired20:00
czajkowskialoha folks and thank you all for coming to the LoCo council meeting this month20:01
czajkowski#chair costales PabloRubianes SergioMeneses itnet720:01
meetingologyCurrent chairs: PabloRubianes SergioMeneses costales czajkowski itnet720:01
costalesHi everyone! :)20:01
czajkowski#voters PabloRubianes SergioMeneses costales itnet7 czajkowski20:01
meetingologyCurrent voters: PabloRubianes SergioMeneses costales czajkowski itnet720:01
czajkowski#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/Agenda  tonights agenda20:01
czajkowski#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/Agenda20:02
czajkowskiSo this evening unless there are any objections we'll go through the list as they appear on the wiki20:02
czajkowski#topic Japanese Team reapproval20:03
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Japanese Team reapproval
czajkowskianyone here for the Japaenese team ?20:03
SergioMeneseshi guys20:03
jkbysI'm from Japanese Team20:03
czajkowskijkbys: hey there20:04
czajkowski#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JapaneseTeam/ReApprovalApplication201320:04
costalesHi jkbys and good luck! :)20:04
czajkowskiThanks for coming20:04
czajkowskinice application20:04
jkbysHi all20:04
SergioMeneseshi jkbys20:04
czajkowskiso jkbys care to just tell us a little about your team and how things are doing20:04
PabloRubianesHi jkbys20:04
czajkowskijkbys: if you'd prefer to prepare some text in a document and tranlsate it via google that is fine20:07
czajkowskiI appreicate it's also late over there20:07
czajkowskihmm maybe the connection is gone20:08
czajkowskiI dont have any questions but I do like the application and think the team is doing a great job20:08
jkbysWe continued to attend meetings, writing articles for this two years20:08
SergioMenesesjkbys, I see your wiki pretty nice and good information20:09
czajkowskiyes you have been busy.20:09
czajkowskijkbys: have you had any issues? or things the council can help with ?20:09
SergioMenesesthe magazine is awesome http://ubuntu.asciimw.jp/elem/000/000/010/10362/20:10
czajkowskicostales: PabloRubianes any other questions I think we're all ready to vote :)20:10
PabloRubianesczajkowski: I'm ok, they are working really good20:11
czajkowski#vote please vote on the reapproval of the Japanese Team.20:11
meetingologyPlease vote on: please vote on the reapproval of the Japanese Team.20:11
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)20:11
czajkowski+1 excellent work folks20:12
meetingology+1 excellent work folks received from czajkowski20:12
SergioMenesesI'm going to share an advice: more pictures for the next process20:12
PabloRubianes+1 keep the work!20:12
meetingology+1 keep the work! received from PabloRubianes20:12
jkbysthank you20:12
SergioMeneses+1 keep working20:12
meetingology+1 keep working received from SergioMeneses20:12
costalesof course +1 Keep your awesome work!! :D And thanks!20:12
meetingologyVoting ended on: please vote on the reapproval of the Japanese Team.20:12
meetingologyVotes for:3 Votes against:0 Abstentions:020:12
meetingologyMotion carried20:12
jkbysSergioMeneses: I see20:12
czajkowskiexcellent work20:13
tdr112well done20:13
SergioMenesesjkbys, :)20:13
SergioMenesescongrats guys!20:13
czajkowski#action add Japanese team to the launchpad team20:13
meetingologyACTION: add Japanese team to the launchpad team20:13
costalesCongrats Japanese Team! :D20:13
jkbysThank you all20:13
Neo31congrats jkbys20:13
elachecheCongrats Japanese Team!20:13
airurandocongrats jkbys20:13
czajkowski#topic Tunisian Team reapproval20:13
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Tunisian Team reapproval
czajkowskigood evening folks thanks for coming along20:13
Neo31I will be representing the Tunisian Team20:14
czajkowskiso who here is from the Tunisian team20:14
czajkowskiNeo31: welocme20:14
SergioMenesesNeo31, hi20:14
costalesHi Neo31 and good luck! :)20:14
Neo31I am Ahmed Sghaier, ubuntu-tn loco contact20:14
czajkowski#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TunisianTeam/ReApprovalApplication201320:14
costales6 Ubuntu Members! wow! :)20:14
czajkowskinice detailed wiki20:14
czajkowskithank you :)20:14
Neo31thank you :)20:15
czajkowskiso Neo31 just tell us a little about your team and the things you do20:15
czajkowskiany thing you've found that worked or have struggled with20:15
Neo31we do a variety of activities but mostly we concentrate on IRL events and promoting Ubuntu and FLOSS culture in the tunisian community20:15
Neo31we provide supports for the users and we do our best to contribute to ubuntu by translations etc and we run training for packaging and other sorts of contributions20:16
Neo31we have done more than 30 events since last reapproval20:16
SergioMenesesguys I think you should use more often the locoportal for your events http://loco.ubuntu.com/20:17
Neo31i also invite you to check some of the photos following the best of photos albums20:17
Neo31sure SergioMeneses20:17
czajkowskiNeo31: wow 3020:17
SergioMenesesczajkowski, an important number :)20:17
czajkowskiI think the work you are doing is amazing and having that many events shows me how active and organised you guys are20:17
czajkowskimy only comment would also to echo SergioMeneses in please use the loco team portal20:18
SergioMenesesit is an amazing work - imho20:18
czajkowskiit's the best place to showcase al the work being done by teams in real life of online and also great to have all the evnets in one place20:18
czajkowskicostales: PabloRubianes any comments20:18
costalesNo czajkowski , nice work!20:19
PabloRubianesImpressive work!20:19
costalesYou did a lot of events20:19
PabloRubianesNeo31: have any new goal in the team?20:19
Neo31it is detailed on the page that we have been able to fulfill most of our last goals20:20
costalesNeo31, What has been the most important event?20:20
czajkowskiNeo31: have you antyhing you need from the council ?20:20
Neo31now we are looking forward to improve our activities, team members and release a magazine this year20:20
czajkowskiwow :)20:21
PabloRubianesNeo31: really good!20:21
Neo31we are doing quite well until now. in case we need more assistance we will contact you20:21
czajkowski#vote please vote on the re approval of the Tunisian Team20:21
meetingologyPlease vote on: please vote on the re approval of the Tunisian Team20:21
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)20:21
costalessure! ;)20:21
czajkowski+1 well done20:21
meetingology+1 well done received from czajkowski20:21
PabloRubianes+1 impressive work!, keep the hard work20:21
meetingology+1 impressive work!, keep the hard work received from PabloRubianes20:21
costales+1 Great work! keep it! :D And thanks!20:22
meetingology+1 Great work! keep it! :D And thanks! received from costales20:22
SergioMeneses+1 excellent20:22
meetingology+1 excellent received from SergioMeneses20:22
meetingologyVoting ended on: please vote on the re approval of the Tunisian Team20:22
meetingologyVotes for:4 Votes against:0 Abstentions:020:22
meetingologyMotion carried20:22
costalesCongrats Tunisian Team!!20:22
SergioMenesescongrats guys!20:22
Neo31thank you very much :)20:22
czajkowski#action add Tunisian team to launchpad team20:22
meetingologyACTION: add Tunisian team to launchpad team20:22
tdr112great work20:22
czajkowskiNeo31: thank you for coming along!20:22
czajkowski#topic Ireland Team re approval20:22
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ireland Team re approval
elachecheThank you guys :)20:22
nizarusNeo31, lunapersa, geekette, elacheche etc... are doing a good job :) big up20:22
airurandocongrats Tunisian Team20:23
Neo31we will do our best to keep up the good work and do even better20:23
geeketteThx guys20:23
czajkowski#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/IrishTeamReApprovalApplication201320:23
czajkowskiEvening folks :) who's here from Ireland20:23
Neo31thanks to all present ubuntu-tn members :)20:23
airurandohi everyone20:23
* tdr112 Is20:23
czajkowskialso to note I won't be voting in this application :)20:23
SergioMeneseswelcome ubuntu irish team20:23
PabloRubianesWelcome to the Irish team20:23
SergioMeneseshey Laura appears in the picture jeje20:23
czajkowskithanks for coming airurando20:23
czajkowskiphotos do exist of me :)20:23
czajkowskiso airurando care to tell us how the irish team is doing ?20:24
airurandoAs our Team POC has forgotten I'll fill in20:24
airurandoWhen compared against our activity up to June 2011 the last two years have been considerably quieter in the Irish Team.20:24
czajkowskino worries20:24
airurandoHaving said that there is still some significant activity in our LoCo.20:25
SergioMenesesairurando, does your team only have 4 ubuntu members?20:25
airurandoSergioMeneses: yes I believe so.  2 former Ubuntu members appear to have let their membership lapse.20:26
czajkowskiairurando: nods so teams do go through phases of being very active to being active in various ways20:26
czajkowskithe very fact you guys care so much and are here today shows us the team is active20:27
airurandoI became an Ubuntu Member earlier thus year20:27
airurandoso net reduction is only 120:27
SergioMenesesairurando, ok20:27
airurandolots of Ubuntu hours and release parties.20:27
tdr112airurando: has startes to do a lot of work to give thw loco some much needed cpr20:27
czajkowskiairurando: so what do you think is the best thing that works for the team, is it social events or just being there to support one another?20:27
SergioMenesesyour wiki is pretty nice and a lot of information appears on it... airurando do you have some problems or ideas about your team that you want to share with us?20:28
airurandoTHe social events have worked great in the past but attendance has dwindles20:28
tdr112i think we have found it hard to get new blood20:29
airurandoAye, A lot of goodwill for the ongoing reboot effort.20:29
airurandoThe only real struggle is turning that good will into participation and acitvities.20:29
PabloRubianestdr112: many teams have that problem20:29
czajkowskinods there does seem to be interest in the team, but sometimes it's hard to get people to step up.20:29
SergioMenesestdr112, always is hard to find new blood20:29
czajkowskiBut a lot of teams find that so don't be disheartended20:30
airurandowe have had some highlights over the last two years20:30
SergioMenesesczajkowski, ++20:30
airurandowe will never get disheartened20:30
* czajkowski hugs airurando excellent 20:30
tdr112thats true only last week we had a great ubuntu hour20:31
tdr112with some guests from the usa20:31
costalestdr112, great20:31
airurandoPete and Amber Graner were in town!20:31
airurandoWe had a good chat at that Ubuntu Hour20:32
SergioMenesesairurando, awesome, maybe some day I'll join to one20:32
airurandoSergioMeneses: would love to have you over!20:32
costalesairurando, Could we help you in something?20:33
airurandocostales: not sure20:33
tdr112we would take some advice on getting new people20:33
airurandowe have held and continue to hold straight talking meetings20:33
airurandotdr112 is right.20:34
SergioMenesesI think we are ready to vote20:34
airurandothat is really what we need20:34
costalestdr112, It's complicate that point ;) A lot of teams have that problem20:34
czajkowskicostales: perhaps give an example how your team gets new people20:34
czajkowskiSergioMeneses: PabloRubianes same for you  guys :)20:34
czajkowskishare knowledge :)20:34
SergioMenesesI think I can share something in a post in these days20:35
czajkowski#action SergioMeneses to blog about how to get new members into teams20:35
meetingologyACTION: SergioMeneses to blog about how to get new members into teams20:35
czajkowskiSergioMeneses: :)20:35
czajkowskinow you won't forget20:35
SergioMenesesjeje nice try20:35
czajkowski#vote please vote on the re approval of the Irish LoCo20:36
meetingologyPlease vote on: please vote on the re approval of the Irish LoCo20:36
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)20:36
costalesI think face2face meetings generate much stronger teams and friendship20:36
SergioMenesescostales, totally agree20:36
SergioMeneses+1 excellent work!20:36
meetingology+1 excellent work! received from SergioMeneses20:36
airurandocostales: I also agree20:36
costales+1 Go Éire!! Thanks for your work!! Keep it! :D20:36
meetingology+1 Go Éire!! Thanks for your work!! Keep it! :D received from costales20:36
PabloRubianes+1 good work!20:36
meetingology+1 good work! received from PabloRubianes20:36
airurandosincere thanks to you all :-)20:37
meetingologyVoting ended on: please vote on the re approval of the Irish LoCo20:37
meetingologyVotes for:3 Votes against:0 Abstentions:020:37
meetingologyMotion carried20:37
czajkowskiwell done :)20:37
elachecheCongrats Irish Team! :D20:37
SergioMenesescongrats ubuntu Ireland team20:37
czajkowski#action czajkowski add team to Launchpad20:37
airurandothat is wonderful news20:37
meetingologyACTION: czajkowski add team to Launchpad20:37
PabloRubianescongrats to the Irish Team!!!20:37
costalesCongrats Irish Team! and thank you!20:37
* airurando is delighted!20:37
Neo31congrats Irish Team :)20:37
SergioMenesesczajkowski, PabloRubianes costales maybe we have to write a blog-post about this meeting20:37
PabloRubianesI would accept A Guinness to celebrate!20:37
czajkowskithank you all for coming20:37
SergioMenesesPabloRubianes, +1k20:37
costalesPabloRubianes, me too xD20:37
airurandothanks Neo3120:37
czajkowskiPabloRubianes: costales so which one of you will update the wiki with the mins20:38
czajkowskiI've already given SergioMeneses a task :)20:38
SergioMenesesczajkowski, :O20:38
PabloRubianesI do it at night today20:38
costalesIt's a little late for me now20:38
czajkowski#action PabloRubianes to update the wiki with the minutes and post to locoteams mailing list20:38
meetingologyACTION: PabloRubianes to update the wiki with the minutes and post to locoteams mailing list20:38
costalesI could do it tomorrow :)20:38
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Milestone Targeted Work Items (ogasawara)
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Jul 16 20:38:51 2013 UTC.20:38
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-07-16-20.00.moin.txt20:38
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-07-16-20.00.html20:38
czajkowskiThank you to all who came20:38
czajkowskiit's lovely to hear all these stories on how teams are doing across the world20:39
czajkowskisharing stories inspires us all20:39
SergioMenesesczajkowski, :')20:39
costalesThanks you czajkowski :) Great management :)20:39
czajkowskiit's going to be one of you lot one day :)20:40
costales:$ ;)20:40
airurandothank you costales, czahkowski, SergioMeneses and PabloRubianes.20:42
czajkowskiairurando: eh tab complete me :)20:42
airurandosorry just saw that20:42
zmoylanif you have tab on your keyboard20:42
zmoylan0500 in japan, that's commitment!20:43
tdr112thanks all20:43
zmoylanhope the battery lasts tdr11220:43
tdr112and cztab do visit us more often20:43
zmoylanwe'll have the tayto and red lemonade handy20:44
=== medberry is now known as med_
costalesGood bye and congrats teams :D20:54
elachechethx costales20:56
costaleselacheche, ;)20:56
=== maxb_ is now known as maxb

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