
jsonperlwho wants to help a noob debug a problem server from sysstat information :)00:07
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:08
jsonperlPatrickdk whats up!00:10
jsonperlI'm back with data00:10
jsonperlSo I have a problem where my machine (many servers) crawls to a stop and stops functioning. CPU usage drops precipitously00:11
jsonperlI do happen to see a spike in runq-sz during the same time, but thats the only interesting thing i've noticed00:12
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:12
jsonperlsysstat data can be found at http://pastebin.com/bgPJxqJ300:20
jsonperlthe problem starts occuring after19:17:0000:20
Patrickdkdefently not a swap issue00:24
Patrickdkno disk issue, no memory issue00:24
Patrickdkyou will need to use strace to find the real issue00:25
Patrickdkit's a simple programming issue00:25
PatrickdkI would bet your hitting a mutex lock in the kernel00:25
Patrickdklikely to do when your freeing a bunch of memory at once00:26
Patrickdkmaybe try using jemalloc?00:26
PatrickdkI would think that would show up under %sys cpu usage though00:28
Patrickdkmaybe you just have a funny workload though, like packets from the network stop flowing for a second or two, so the cpu load drops off00:28
Patrickdkbut if it's cause at that point in time, you killed a process, I would try jemalloc and see how it affects it00:29
Patrickdkwon't hurt to try00:29
jsonperlwe do free a lot of memory when a "world" shuts down00:30
jsonperland when a single server reboots, it frees several "worlds" at the same time00:31
PatrickdkI'm not sure how jemalloc deals with freeing memory, it's more made to deal with fragmented small allocations and to be fast00:31
Patrickdkso it might help, cause it probably frees a large chunk, instead of the many smaller chunks your current malloc does00:32
jsonperli can def look into integrating that00:32
Patrickdkno real intergration needed00:32
Patrickdkjust install it, and set it00:32
jsonperlhow would i take advantage of it?00:32
Patrickdkgoogle :)00:32
Patrickdklots of people use it with different programs, like java, mysql, ...00:33
jsonperllooking now00:33
jsonperlwhat gives you that impression from the data btw00:34
Patrickdkonly that you said, you had a memory leak00:34
Patrickdkand you kill the program00:34
Patrickdksince nothing else looks to be an issue, defently not swap/disk00:34
Patrickdkso based on, you know how your thing works, is the only clue I'm going by00:35
PatrickdkI'm more used to having issues allocating, memory, than freeing it though00:35
jsonperlthe spiked runq-sz is unconcerning?00:35
jsonperlwell it restarts and everybody reconnects00:36
Patrickdkwhere is that?00:36
jsonperlso it's a bit of both00:36
jsonperltake a look starting here: 07:17:04 PM        17       462      2.74      4.45      4.64         000:37
PatrickdkI don't know where here is00:37
Patrickdkwhat pastbin line00:37
jsonperlIt deallocates a lot of memory, and then quickly allocates a bunch of memory00:37
jsonperlline 519, sorry00:38
Patrickdkya, that is an issue00:38
jsonperlso is that my guy00:38
Patrickdk10-20 programs want to run, but they can't00:38
jsonperlsounds like my problem00:38
Patrickdkwhy is loadavg-1 still at 1 though00:39
jsonperlim learning all this as I go, i'll go look that up00:39
Patrickdkhmm, your using threads00:42
jsonperlwhats a typical cause for a high runq, or is it way too broad a topic?00:42
Patrickdkthat is probably why it shows up that way00:42
Patrickdkprobably a locking issue inside your program then00:42
jsonperlwe're built upon eventmachine... it defaults to a threadpool of 20 threads00:42
jsonperlits strange that one process would bork the whole system though00:43
Patrickdkit's not00:43
Patrickdkthink of it this way00:43
Patrickdkone thread does something, but it says, nothing else can do anything till it's done00:43
Patrickdkthen cpu, and everything else will go low00:43
Patrickdktill it says, everything else can start again00:43
Patrickdkthat is how mutex locks work00:43
jsonperlbut outside of the process?00:44
Patrickdkyou need them, so your threads don't keep writing over each other00:44
Patrickdkwho said this was outside?00:44
jsonperlsure... we def have some mutex locking goin on00:44
jsonperli have 14 processesing running00:44
jsonperland each on a single core at that (ruby)00:44
Patrickdkhmm, only see 5 normally wanting to run I guess00:45
PatrickdkI just am not all that sure how linux reports threads vs processes all the time, as I normally don't care00:45
Patrickdkwell, it's over me00:46
jsonperlme 2 :)00:46
PatrickdkI would still have to say a mutex lock, just would be more a kernel one then00:46
jsonperli have a lot of angry players :D00:46
jsonperlok, well thanks for the help Patrick00:46
Patrickdkstrace should show exactly what is going on when it happens00:46
Patrickdkbut still, if it's when a restart happens, and likely a memory issue00:46
Patrickdkgive jemalloc a try00:46
Patrickdkeven if it doesn't fix it, it might help otherwise00:47
jsonperlthat basically overrides the default malloc?00:47
Patrickdkoh, what is your tcp window size set to?00:47
PatrickdkI don't think it is closing all those tcp sessions00:47
Patrickdklooks like that happens fast00:48
Patrickdksee lines 935 to 937?00:48
Patrickdkdo you have that for the earlier timeframe?00:48
Patrickdkoh I found it00:49
jsonperlyep, whats up with those lines00:50
jsonperlneed me to pull any other data?00:51
Patrickdkwell, people are saying those numbers are better00:51
Patrickdkbut it just looks inversed00:51
Patrickdk<1 process running00:51
Patrickdkand context switchs dropping00:51
Patrickdkso expected00:51
Patrickdkshowing same issue, in reverse00:51
Patrickdkoh wait00:52
Patrickdkmaybe not00:52
Patrickdkwhat is your entropy?00:53
jsonperltcp settings?00:53
jsonperlim not sure what you're asking00:54
Patrickdkdo this00:54
Patrickdkwatch -n 1 cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail00:54
Patrickdkand see what it shows00:54
Patrickdkand see what it says when your cpu goes to 0 again00:55
jsonperlha, may be a while00:55
Patrickdkwhat does it normally show?00:55
jsonperlit's really sporadic00:55
Patrickdkthat isn't good00:56
Patrickdkyou want to keep it >200000:56
jsonperlwhat am i looking at00:56
Patrickdkhow many random bits of info linux has ready to use00:56
Patrickdkit uses it for everything00:56
Patrickdkso if it drops too low, things can get held up00:56
Patrickdklike, forking/starting a program00:57
Patrickdkmaking a tcp connection00:57
Patrickdkgenerally >500 is good, but I perfer some safety00:58
Patrickdkand around 100 is the lowest it allows it to get00:58
jsonperlso i'm looking at another server i have with basically nothing running on it and it's solidly in the 140s00:58
Patrickdkwell, if nothing is happening, it might not be causing enough random events to fill it00:59
Patrickdkthe worst things for it, is vm's00:59
Patrickdkthey never fill the entropy pool00:59
jsonperlthere is a TON happening on that other server00:59
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jsonperlLike all processors working at at least 50%00:59
Patrickdknothing running != 50% cpu load01:00
jsonperlno the original one we were talking about01:00
jsonperlThe running game server01:00
jsonperlwith hundreds of players01:00
Patrickdkya, the game server is low?01:00
Patrickdkquick fix to see if that is the issue01:01
Patrickdkapt-get install rng-tools01:01
Patrickdkand edit /etc/default/rng-tools to something like: http://pastebin.com/PLD39DN501:01
Patrickdkthat is *not* recommended, but it will keep the pool full, so you can tell if that corrects the issue or not01:02
Patrickdkthose are the only two things I can say01:03
Patrickdkkeep the entropy pool fuller, and try out jemalloc01:03
jsonperlso you're no longer concerned about tcp issues?01:04
jsonperlwe do drop, and reconnect a bunch of connections01:04
jsonperla bunch = up to 50 at a time01:04
GH0Is anyone familiar with adding drivers to CUPS samba shared printers? I seem to be having issues that I just can't get around, and I am thinking it is due to the drivers I am using, but I don't know of any suitable ones.01:04
GH0I was following this: https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Samba_as_a_print_server#Uploading_printer_drivers_for_Point.27n.27Print_driver_installation and that is where I am stuck at. I have the "Add" button, but, no matter what driver I choose, PS, PCL5, or PCL6 it fails.01:06
jsonperlPatrickdk reading about jemalloc now, thanks for the suggestion01:10
jsonperlPatrickdk libjemalloc1 ?01:28
Madkissam I correct to assume that a direct upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 is supported?05:51
Madkissaw. screw it let's just do it.05:54
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Senor /quit07:52
sabanhow to add domain mydomain.com search mydomain.com to resolv.conf in 12.04?07:56
melmothsaban, i put "dns-search mydomain.com" in /etc/network/interfaces07:57
Bert_2 Hi, I'm moving over a dreadful windows server setup to a more efficient linux-based machine. I have been able to move over everything but I'm having a slight issue on the gateway-part (I'm not very skilled in the networking-side of system administration). The new server is supposed to do DHCP, basic firewalling, on-the-fly virusscanning (if possible and efficient) and most prominently bandwidth throttling. For dhcp I can use dhcp3, to block some ports08:22
Bert_2I can use iptables/netfilter and for the virusscanning part I should be fine with clamav, if my research is right. The only thing I'm having a hard time with is the bandwidth throttling. Can someone give me a few pointers or names to search for? Basically I want to limit the amount one MAC-address/IP can use to 50Kbps downstream, except for a select group of vital machines.08:22
etyuioa question ?08:51
etyuioi got list of server name on file sometime the same server name appear 2 times sometime appear only one time : i m looking for a command that can filter and count the number of the server in one time08:52
melmothetyuio, what about sort |uniq|wc -l ?09:01
sabanhi. i have problem with my bind server here is the log http://pastebin.com/0WfxbHSR09:01
sabanits a fresh install09:01
melmoth /etc/bind/named.conf: permission denied who is trying to start bind ?09:02
etyuiothat work also melmoth sort | uniq09:04
etyuiowc -l what'doing ?09:04
melmothcounting the line09:05
etyuiounfortunately it not counting properly09:05
etyuiowhat is the difference between nl and wc -l ?09:05
melmothi dont know nl09:06
etyuiosort file |uniq|wc -l  and sort file |uniq|nl not having the same result09:06
etyuionormal or not ?09:07
melmothyeah, nl is outputing the file content as well, wc -l just counting09:07
etyuiowhy i don't get the same result for both command ?09:07
sabanim trying to run bind as root09:08
sabanroot@mail:/etc/bind# /etc/init.d/bind9 start09:09
melmoththen may be wrong permission on the file, or may be an apparmor thingy (wich i know nothing about)09:09
melmothbut the problem is about permission reading this file09:09
sabanwell its a fresh install. and first thing is i remove apparmor like i always do. i checked permissions on files and everything looks ok http://pastebin.com/YagmBZHj09:10
etyuioi got 3 different result09:10
etyuiouniq file | nl & sort file |uniq|nl & sort file |uniq|wc -l09:10
etyuiowhich one is correct ?09:10
Bert_2etyuio: wc -l counts the newline character, while nl counts the number of lines in the file, I think09:16
Bert_2but I think this is more of a question for #bash09:17
melmothetyuio, you dont wanna use uniq on a unsorted list09:18
melmoth(if i unerstand correclty)09:18
koolhead17ola melmoth09:18
melmothhola senior koolhead1709:18
jamespageyolanda, feedback on squid3 merge in MP09:24
yolandajamespage, about the patches, i already did what you suggested09:40
yolandabut i keep finding the same problem09:40
rbasakjamespage: would you like me to look at removing dh_strip from bug 1200255 or do you want to work on that?09:57
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1200255 in golang "go get ... fails with SIGILL on armhf" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120025509:57
jamespagerbasak, yes please - that would be helpful09:57
jamespagerbasak, reviewing zuls quantum->neutron rename09:57
jamespagezul, whats the current plan re sqlalchemy?10:24
koolhead17TeTeT: hello there10:25
TeTeTkoolhead17: hey koolhead, how's life in India?10:26
koolhead17TeTeT: not bad at all. You tell me how is Germany treating you :D10:27
koolhead17jamespage: hey there, what magic zul is planning with sqlalchemy :)10:27
jamespagekoolhead17, no idea - but we need a plan for saucy10:28
jamespageeverything is broken right now10:28
TeTeTkoolhead17: ready for vacation in August :)10:29
koolhead17jamespage: I would love to see things in place in cloud archive 4 precise. We already had disucussion in mailinglist about basic install guide release dates and all10:29
jamespagekoolhead17, Ca for havana might be OK-ish right now10:30
jamespageit still has the old sqlalchemy10:30
jamespagenew one is stuck in proposed for saucy right now10:31
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jamespageyolanda, how did you create the branch for the merge? still trying to figure out your patches issue10:48
yolandajamespage, i merged from lp:ubuntu/squid310:49
yolandamerged the debian one10:49
yolandacommited and pushed10:49
jamespageyolanda, meh - its gone away now10:50
yolandajamespage, i retried again10:50
yolandajamespage, but i'm not sure now about the diff output. It shows a diff with .quilt_patches, for example, and i see the same in my branch and in ubuntu/squid310:52
jamespageyolanda, yeah - ignore that for the time being10:53
yolandatake a look at the new MP then, i also explained the changelog with more detail10:54
yolandajamespage, so when i push a branch, it should be always pushed with the patches applied?10:54
yolandaok, maybe was that then10:54
jamespageyolanda, hmm - can I suggest that you use the previous merge changelog in full10:55
yolandajamespage, what do you mean?10:55
jamespageyolanda, 3.1.20-1ubuntu1 contains a full list of all delta between Debian/Ubuntu10:56
jamespageyour current merge proposal does10:56
yolandaah, i paste the same contents?10:56
jamespagewhen I do a merge - I start with the previous merge contents and check it off10:56
jamespageto see if its still needed or not10:56
yolandaoh ok10:56
jamespageI also look at the subsequent changes in Ubuntu and detail those as well if still applicable10:57
jamespageso its really a copy/paste exercise in the changelog entry10:57
yolandai paste them and i add my autopkg delta10:57
yolandagreat to know10:57
jamespageyolanda, it makes it alot easier for a reviewer that way as well10:57
yolandaok, i'll do it like that10:59
yolandado you know about that entry? Add transitional dummy packages11:00
yolandait doesn't apply i think, but what packages are these?11:01
jamespageyolanda, they where the squid and squid-common packages at the bottom of the ubuntu control file11:02
yolandaok, the dropped ones11:02
jamespagethey can be dropped now as the migration happened in 12.0411:02
jamespageyolanda, can you also sync the build-depends line with the Debian one - its different right now and does not need to be11:03
jamespageyolanda, you also managed to drop "    - Added Suggests on winbindd for NTLM authentication"11:03
jamespagewhich was applied in Debian since last merge11:03
yolandajamespage, should i tell something about that drop in my changelog? it comes from Debian directly11:06
jamespageyolanda, you should not drop it11:07
yolandaok, pushed that11:14
yolandadifficult one11:14
jibelyolanda, I fixed autopkgtest that was wrongly behaving with squid3. Now the testsuite terminates normally but is still failing on amd6412:04
yolandajibel, which error?12:11
jibelyolanda,  AssertionError: Could not find "Directory" in test_ftp_proxy12:18
yolandamm, i think it's a case problem. The original test had only the check for "irectory"12:19
yolandai'll fix it, i'm just building an MP for squid right now, so i'll integrate it12:19
yolandajamespage: https://code.launchpad.net/~yolanda.robla/ubuntu/saucy/libnss-ldap/debian_merge/+merge/17499312:31
Davieyjamespage / zul: Looks like we need a newer kombu and amqp NEW packaged.12:40
zulDaviey:  wtf?12:41
Davieyzul: see http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2013-July/011452.html ?12:44
zulDaviey:  thats old...http://paste.ubuntu.com/5880713/ ;)12:47
zul2.5.12 is the latest and greatest12:47
Davieyzul: ca.archive.ubuntu.com looks whacky to me12:48
Davieyzul: it's not part of the cloud archive, tho right?12:49
zulDaviey:  it is i think12:49
zulDaviey:  it isnt12:50
ertuiuhello there13:07
ertuiuthis is my file13:08
ertuiui would like add dotgouv at the end of the file13:09
ertuiuwhat to do ?13:09
ertuiudon't care about that file13:11
ertuiuit is just an example13:11
Piciertuiu: use adduser to add users to your system.13:11
ertuiudo you get my question ?13:11
ertuiui simply would like to add dotgouv at the end of each line13:12
PiciIf you just want to append text to the end of a file, you can do something like echo "Sample Text" >> /path/to/file13:12
ertuiuyou still not understand my question13:14
ertuiui would like to apend text to the end of each line13:14
Picioh. Sorry.13:14
ertuiunot end of the file13:14
Picised 's/$/words/g' /path/to/file   (use -i to save it to the file instead of printing to stdout)13:15
ertuiuyou are absolutly correct13:19
ertuiubut the problem is there different type of data on that file13:20
ertuiuaccording to the data i want to append the correct words13:20
ertuiuhow to do ?13:20
ertuiufirst do you get ? Pici13:22
hachreits getting much more complicated then13:23
hachreyou'll need to make a loop and check each line for the data13:23
hachreand then rewrite it iwth the new word appeneded into a new file and replace it13:23
hachreask in #bash I guess13:23
ertuiuthis is my file http://paste.ubuntu.com/5880799/13:24
ertuiufor example13:24
ertuiuif serverone i want that it append .fr13:24
ertuiuif servertwo i want that it append .com13:25
ertuiuif serverthree i want that it append .de13:25
ertuiuhow to do ?13:25
melmothertuiu,i would say,  learn bash+sef+awk or learn python.13:26
melmothor perl (but it s so XXth century)13:26
RoyKperl rocks (tm)13:29
hachreertuiu: you want this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5880817/13:30
RoyKertuiu: python has grown more popular than perl the latest years, and is easy to learn - try that ;)13:31
zuljamespage:  nova is almost building for me now13:45
jamespageyolanda, squid3 uploaded - thanks13:47
yolandajamespage, even with the "Directory" patch?13:47
yolandaproblems with case in ftp tests13:48
jamespageyolanda, I just pulled13:48
yolandaso it should be there, yes13:48
jamespagethere was a changelog entry for it13:48
yolandai'm just continuing fixing merges, adding the lp bug and creating MP instead of debdiff13:49
jamespageyolanda, OK - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/squid3/3.3.4-1ubuntu1/+build/479919613:56
jamespageso as expected squid3 went into dep-wait sate as libecap is not in main13:56
jamespageyolanda, so can you file the MIR bug for that please13:57
yolandajamespage, i filed the bug for libecap already13:57
jamespageyolanda, wonderful?13:57
jamespagesorry - that should have been wonderful! bug ref?13:57
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1200173 in libecap "[MIR] libecap" [Undecided,New]13:57
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jamespageyolanda, brilliant - thanks!14:01
* jamespage sits back and lets yolanda get on with it14:01
yolandajamespage, once it's assigned, what's the process for it? just wait?14:02
jamespageyolanda, yep14:02
=== cmagina-away is now known as cmagina
RoyKon lucid, how can I change the default pastebin target?14:27
ogra_man pastebinit ?14:28
RoyKdidn't say anything about changing defaults14:28
ogra_hmm, it should talk about pastebinit.xml at the bottom14:28
ogra_though probably it is to old14:29
SonikkuAmericaRoyK: Use the -b option, as follows: [ pastebinit -b http://paste.kde.org/ ] (just an example)14:29
SonikkuAmericaRoyK: (I mean, who'd want headless server output in the KDE pastebin, but that's how it's done)14:29
RoyKogra_: didn't say anything about that14:29
RoyKanyway - does this disk look healtyh to you? I'm not sure... http://paste.ubuntu.com/5881016/14:30
ogra_thats the raring manpage14:30
ogra_i thought lucid was able to do that too14:30
ogra_might be wrong though14:30
RoyKogra_: seems it works - thanks14:32
RoyKogra_: probably just missing from the manual14:32
ogra_blame stgraber14:32
stgraberhaha, yeah, don't count on me to keep man pages up to date, it's already a miracle there's one ;)14:33
RoyKanyway - what do you think of that disk? it's not a big problem if it crashes, it's in a mirror after all, but some of those counters were pretty wierd14:33
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zuljamespage:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/120182814:42
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1201828 in nova "Nova test suite with sqlalchemy >= 0.7.9" [High,New]14:42
rbasakjamespage: disabling dh_strip in golang fixes bug 1200255. My fix is https://launchpadlibrarian.net/145094227/saucy.debdiff. What do you think?15:14
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1200255 in golang "go get ... fails with SIGILL on armhf" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120025515:14
zuljamespage/roaksoax: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/nova/nova-sqlalchemy/+merge/17504215:17
smbhallyn, You might be the man that has the secret runes to get the upstream git version of libvirt compiling on ubuntu. What an annoying experience just to make sure some patches compile before submitting them... ;-P15:46
zuljamespage/hallyn: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/cinder/cinder-ftbfs-j16/+merge/17505015:48
hallynsmb: zul has been doing the libvirt merges lately.  but I assume you're saying latest upstream git has problems that 1.0.6 does not?15:54
smbhallyn, Seems to be known. At least I finally found a patch of yours to avoid tests breaking for gnutls and ignoring selinux seemed to make it do something without error at least.15:56
smbI suppose I will take this as "successful"...15:58
jamespagerbasak, does that do the trick?15:58
rbasakjamespage: yes, it seems to work.15:59
jamespagerbasak, well proof is in the pudding and everything :-)16:00
zuljamespage/roaksoax: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/python-ceilometerclient/readme/+merge/17505616:01
rbasakjamespage: do you want me to upload that fix? Also, what is our interaction with Debian for golang? We're with -0ubuntu versioning?16:01
rbasakAre we upstream of them?16:01
jamespagerbasak, no16:02
jamespagewe where for about two days16:02
jamespageand then 1.1.1-3 landed into unstable16:03
jamespageI'd pushed a couple of bugs back prior to that landing based on my initial testing16:03
jamespagerbasak, but I'd prefer it was uploaded and then fed back to debian - we can always re-sync16:03
hallynzul: not sure why yo pointed that cinder merge to me?16:04
rbasakjamespage: OK - I'll upload and file a Debian bug.16:04
zulhallyn:  dont you want to do a review16:04
hallynsmb: that very vaguely rings a bell (gnutls).  do we not have it upstream?16:04
jamespagerbasak, Michael has been pretty responsive to my feedback16:04
hallynzul: ok16:04
zulhallyn:  misfire :)16:04
zuljamespage:  sorry https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/cinder/cinder-ftbfs-j16/+merge/17505016:05
smbhallyn, The thread there seemed like them not wanting it everywhere but only on specific tests, you having done a lot of individual additions and then maybe just given up. (http://web.archiveorange.com/archive/v/8XiUWvec9X8NdzlDXPtK)16:07
hallynlet me sing you a tune, ...16:09
hallyn(yeah sounds familiar)16:09
smbzul, Btw, as hallyn said you touched it last... (not completely true) and not sure you saw me earlier... I would be looking for a libvirt sponsor... :)16:12
zulsmb:  sure16:13
zuljust point your stuff so i can get it16:13
smbzul, In the usual place in the dead tree... I mean chinstrap:~smb/4review16:14
zulsmb:  cool ill have a look this afternoon16:15
smbzul, cheers... dammit and I nearly missed the meeting again... :-P16:16
zulsmb:  its ok ;)16:16
smbzul, Yeah, saw I am still early enough :)16:16
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jamespageadam_g, roaksoax: do we make tests for all redux charms prior to proposing or not?16:34
adam_gjamespage, what tests are you talking about?16:37
jamespageadam_g, charm unit tests16:37
jamespageI think16:37
* jamespage shrugs16:37
jamespagejust looking at you cinder stuff for steering on that16:37
adam_gjamespage, ive been writing them with the charm. i'd prefer we have them as a requirement of merging16:38
jamespageadam_g, I agree - but I think that makes EOW a strech esp as h2 is out thursday16:38
adam_gjamespage, oh, right16:38
adam_gjamespage, are we expecting to actually merge this stuff to upstream charms this week, or have them done + ready for review?16:39
adam_gjamespage, im worried if we punt on unittests now, they wont get done. :)16:39
jamespagenah - done and ready for review16:39
jamespageadam_g, I 100% agree16:39
adam_gjamespage, i kinda went overboard with tests in cinder, mostly as an exercise in TDD charming. i think at least test coverage of the basic relation cases should be doable.16:40
jamespageadam_g, I think once I get up to speed on approach they will come a bit faster (like they do in charm-helpers now)16:42
Madkisshi adam_g, pleasure to read you once again :)16:42
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adam_gMadkiss, o/16:45
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zuljamespage:  btw alembic doesnt work with sqlalchemy 0.8 yet16:50
jamespageoh great16:50
roaksoaxjamespage: i do really don't mind having the unittests before merging them, the only problem that I see is that it will delay the charmwork. But Ideally, it would be great to get them out there for people to test too, so we can have some feedback and identify issues that we might have missed16:51
jamespageunit tests before merge; adam_g, roaksoax: how about we get them all staged ready for testing under ~openstack-charmers16:51
jamespagewe can cross the board test with juju-core as well then early next week16:52
adam_gjamespage, sounds good. ill be looking at kapil's pyjuju + juju-core deployer work hopefully today and cwill set up a jenkins job to do deployment testing with specified charm branches + juju implmenetation16:53
jamespageadam_g, ack16:56
roaksoaxsounds good16:56
adam_gjamespage, also i need to get back to your reviews from last week wrt having this stuff actually land in lp:charm-helpers.16:57
zuladam_g: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/nova/nova-sqlalchemy/+merge/17504217:00
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Monotokohey, I've just got an abuse report on our mail server from AOL... sent from a customer that isn't ours17:19
Monotokothrough our mail server17:19
Monotokoslightly concerned...17:19
patdk-wkas you should be17:32
patdk-wkwhy are you forwarding/relaying spam?17:33
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zuladam_g:  can you have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/nova/nova-sqlalchemy/+merge/17504218:35
zuladam_g:  and https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/cinder/cinder-ftbfs-j16/+merge/17505018:36
adam_gzul, done. pleaes add some information to the patch header of that sqlalechmy patch18:45
adam_gzul, we have too many patches to tests with no context as to why we need them, and end up carrying them indefinitely18:46
zuladam_g:  cool thanks18:46
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
zuladam_g:  http://people.canonical.com/~chucks/ca/19:28
vlad_starkovQuestion: Having RAID1 on 12.04 I just found out that sdb is failed now. But `ls /dev/ | grep sdb` shows only sdb, but it should show sdb sdb1 sdb2. Anyone know what's going on?19:29
Davieyzul: can you review https://code.launchpad.net/~hopem/ubuntu/raring/python-eventlet/lp1199037 please?19:30
zulDaviey: is this for the SRU?19:31
Davieyzul: yes19:31
zulchangelog needs some work19:32
Davieyzul: https://code.launchpad.net/~hopem/ubuntu/raring/python-eventlet/lp1199037/+merge/17510719:32
Davieyzul: I haven't looked.. :)19:32
zulDaviey:  heh ok19:32
Davieyzul: if it's just a little bit of polish, can you fixer it up for dosaboy_ please?19:33
Davieyi don't really want to look at it until it's in the queue19:34
zulDaviey:  sure i commented in the merge proposal19:34
* zul goes back to fixing neutron19:35
adam_gzul, +119:41
zuladam_g:  cool thanks19:42
adam_gzul, can you please start adding descriptions or commit messages to packaging merge proposals? i'd like to start using tarmac locally to merge them for me, but it requires at least a description in the MP19:42
zuladam_g:  sure19:42
Davieyadam_g: it always bugs me that it doesn't default to using the commit msg if none provided.19:52
lifelessDaviey: who would be good to ping about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/1201938 ?19:53
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1201938 in libvirt "excessive memory use from libvirtd" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:53
adam_gDaviey, ya. well, the commit message in MP != the message(s) to bzr commit -m as i've recently learned19:53
lifelessDaviey: I just filed it, but having done so pleia2 immediately said she's run into it too, so it may have a nontrivial set of affected folks19:54
Davieylifeless: Ugh, reproducer seems kinda abstract :)19:59
Davieylifeless: Can you provide more data on what you are doing?  Clearly pleia2 and yourself are doing something similar19:59
DavieySeems to not affect every libvirt user, or we'd see more of it.20:00
vlad_starkovQuestion: Can faulty power supply unit be cause of SATA HDD failure?20:01
Davieylifeless: Interestingly, are you only using py3?20:01
lifelessDaviey: so I didn't realise I was seeing this for ages; what I saw was virt-manager going 'waah I lost my qemu:// connection'20:01
Davieyvlad_starkov: faulty power can cause all kinda whacky things.. but probably not.20:01
lifelessDaviey: then upstart would restart libvirt, and the kvm processes aren't affected20:02
lifelessDaviey: w.r.t. livbirt I have no idea; my own scripts are py2 still20:02
vlad_starkovDaviey: I just got one of 2 hdds failure in RAID1. And I can't see smartctl output of the failed HDD.20:03
Davieylifeless: Hmm, i am interested that the apport hooks failed.20:03
Davieyhallyn_: I suspect there isn't much we can do for bug 1201938 without more data.. but if you could take a quick look, that would be super.. (note, that the apport failed for some odd reason)20:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1201938 in libvirt "excessive memory use from libvirtd" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120193820:04
lifelessDaviey: sudo ls /var/crash/20:05
lifelessDaviey: nada in there.20:05
DavieyHow odd :/20:06
hallyn_lifeless: have you seen this on >1 box?20:08
hallyn_lifeless: could you do an 'apport-collect 1201938' and see if it'll at least post things like libvirt config and df?20:09
lifelesshallyn_: yes, one box for me and one-box for pleia220:09
Davieylifeless: What are you actually using libvirt for?  Related to openstack?20:10
adam_gFWIW, just checked some nova-compute + 13.04 systems that been up and exercising libvirt for ~40 days, and they look fine:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5882018/20:10
hallyn_lifeless: are you by chance using lots of rbd storage?20:11
lifelessDaviey: hallyn_ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/1201938/comments/720:13
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1201938 in libvirt "excessive memory use from libvirtd" [Undecided,New]20:13
lifeless(answering in the bug for future-us to read)20:13
hallyn_lifeless: i'll go ahead and set up a reproducer.  i do see a few patches upstream - most for memory leaks in error paths, but not all of them are obviously so.20:15
hallyn_adam_g: you don't connect to those with virt-manager though right?20:15
hallyn_I assume that's the trigger20:16
lifelessadam_g: hallyn_: it could be as simple as 'have a virt-manage qemu:// connection open for days'20:18
hallyn_yup, just need to set up a raring vm to test in20:20
hallyn_like there's a memory leak in the generic virnetclient.c.20:22
lifelessactuallly I guess its qemu+system:// or whatever.20:24
lifelessthe default virt-manager connection20:24
lifelesspleia2: hallyn_ thinks it may be a memory leak in the daemon20:32
lifeless08:22 < hallyn_> like there's a memory leak in the generic virnetclient.c.20:32
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sabanwhat should be the problem? http://pastebin.com/BQtEBC3N21:10
ikoniait's not the right way to restart networking21:10
ikoniaits been moved to an upstart job21:10
sabanhuh whats the right way?21:16
sabanim been doing this for long time :P21:16
ikoniause the "service" command21:16
sabanwith 12.04 a lot of changes for networking... tnx21:23
jsonperlPatrickdk you around?21:53
Patrickdknot anymore, since you did a privmsg21:53
jsonperli'm an irc n00b… i don't know etiquette, is that rude?21:54
Patrickdkif you where not asked, yes21:54
jsonperlHere's some strace output from a server under load (simulated) http://pastebin.com/Sy9A6ZzH21:54
jsonperlI suspect the futex calls may be noise from the parent processs…. Each process manages a threadpool of 20 worker threads, so maybe thats them waiting21:55
jsonperlAnything look interesting?21:55
ikoniathat does not looks like a strace21:55
jsonperlstrace -c -f -p21:55
Patrickdkit is some profile21:56
jsonperlis there a preferred format?21:56
Patrickdkthe perered format is something like, strace -p xxxx21:57
Patrickdkthe issue is, you need to show the relevent parts, as that is going dump gigs of data21:57
jsonperlcounts are not interesting huH?21:58
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Patrickdkcounts don't mean anything, except if you want to speed up your application21:58
Patrickdklocate what is slowing it down21:58
jsonperlwhich I do21:58
Patrickdkwe are looking to fix a problem, not optimize it21:58
Patrickdkbut if we want to take what it says, and assume you did it correctly21:59
Patrickdkfutex, fast userspace mutex, issue21:59
jsonperllots of errors right?21:59
Patrickdkso, your threads are blocking21:59
Patrickdkwhere is the errors? that only shows what was called21:59
jsonperlin the errors column22:00
Patrickdkso you likely still have a mutex issue22:00
Patrickdkno idea what the errors column means, and probably doesn't mean anything22:00
Patrickdkif futex has like a timeout option, it will return an error then22:00
Patrickdkbut that is *perfectly* normal22:00
jsonperlSo you feel its blocking just because of time spent?22:00
Patrickdkthat would defently cause cpu load to go down22:01
jsonperlThat may be standard for ruby22:01
Patrickdkdunno, I don't know you application, I can only guess :)22:01
jsonperli think the futexes are probably ok22:03
jsonperlit's likely the server waiting for a request22:03
Patrickdknormally that is poll22:03
jsonperlit's a reactor22:03
jsonperlwith a bunch of running threads, if that helps visualize it22:03
Patrickdknot really, I don't do games :)22:04
jsonperllotta web servers use reactors as well22:04
Patrickdknormally programs are made in 2 ways22:04
Patrickdksomething single threaded, that works on a poll/select loop22:05
Patrickdkthough lots of those get broken into threads for the work these days, they pass off the handle22:06
Patrickdkor a state engine, event based thing22:06
Patrickdkyou have threads and polls, so likely your working in like an apache worker format22:06
Patrickdkone process to handle connection setup, then it passes it off, or forks a thread to handle it22:07
jsonperlthink of it as one single threaded loop22:07
jsonperlthat just runs fast as hell and does no blocking IO22:07
jsonperland it has a pool of worker threads that are pre-spawned that it passes async work to22:08
jsonperlwith the result to be delivered back to the main reactor thread22:08
Patrickdkhmm, the whole point of poll, is to block22:08
Patrickdkbut the question still is, what is the futex (mutex lock) blocking on?22:09
Patrickdkthat is the only way to make it faster22:09
Patrickdkbut that profiling doesn't tell us22:09
Patrickdkif that futex is a normal thing22:09
Patrickdkor only happens during the *slow down*22:09
jsonperlthat was a normal run22:10
jsonperlno slow down22:10
jsonperlwhich doesn't mean it isn't an issue...22:10
jsonperlit may just mean that it doesn't actually gunk up the works at this load level22:10
Patrickdkok, so we know what a normal profile looks like22:11
Patrickdknow the issue, and it won't be easy22:11
Patrickdkis to compare it to one that is having an issue22:11
Patrickdkand to make sure the strace is on the right one, during that issue22:12
jsonperli installed jemalloc on one of the machines btw, to see if that helps22:13
jsonperli can't find a whole lot of info on it… seems like i just install it and go22:14
jsonperlno configuration needed22:14
Patrickdkit has to be configured22:14
Patrickdklsof -n | grep jemalloc22:14
Patrickdkthen it's not using it22:15
jsonperlis there a configuration resource you can point me to? I didn't find anything22:15
Patrickdknote the export LD_PRELOAD22:15
Patrickdkadd that to your programs startup script22:16
jsonperlah, ok22:16
jsonperlnow that's in prod… i cannot touch it :)22:16
jsonperli'll give that a shot on the staging environment22:16
jsonperlthanks for the link22:18
jsonperlPatrickdk I'm not seeing the so in lib after the install22:27
jsonperlnever mind22:28
jsonperli'm a dummy22:28
Patrickdkya, whoever made that package for jemalloc did not do a good job22:29
jsonperlit installed at least22:30
jsonperllets see if she runs22:30
jsonperli can always just build it if it doesn't cut it22:31
jsonperlone more thing to add to build scripts :)22:31
Patrickdkno, it's fine, it's just missing the .so symlink and stuff22:31
jsonperlERROR: ld.so: object '/usr/lib/jemalloc.so.1' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.22:32
Patrickdkso if it got upgraded, it would need manual fuzzing with again22:32
Patrickdkwrong location22:32
Patrickdkand it's not called that22:32
jsonperl# ls /usr/lib/libjemalloc.so.1  => /usr/lib/libjemalloc.so.122:33
Patrickdkwell, that isn't what you posted up there22:34
jsonperlthat is totally true haha22:34
jsonperlawesome, she's a runnin22:35
jsonperlit does not segfault… so that's certainly something22:35
Patrickdkyou checked with lsof?22:35
jsonperlruby      19356       root  mem       REG      252,0   108100    7344276 /usr/lib/libjemalloc.so.122:37
jsonperlsounds like if memory allocation is or is not the problem22:38
jsonperljemalloc makes more sense for these servers...22:38
jsonperlfrom the bit i've read about it22:38
PatrickdkI've recently had some servers come to a grinding crawl lately, cause of that22:40
Patrickdkbut in my case atleast, it was extreemly high cpu usage22:40
jsonperlbecause of jemalloc huh?22:40
jsonperland switching back to native fixed it?22:41
Patrickdkno, cause of not using it22:41
jsonperlah, i c22:41
jsonperlwe do a tremendous amount of memory manipulation22:41
jsonperlfrom a lot of threads22:41
jsonperlwhat kind of servers are you managing?22:41
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jsonperlok here goes… i put half of the servers on jemalloc22:46
sabanok this resolfconf is... idk what were they thinking but i want to like in old days to edit resolv.conf and that resolvconf would not overwritte it? how to do it? i did resolvconf --disable-updates with no luck22:54
Patrickdkjust delete /etc/resolv.conf22:55
Patrickdkand make your own22:55
Patrickdkbut why not just do it the correct way, using /etc/network/interfaces22:55
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sabanbecouse the correct way is just getting changed every release.. and i lost 1 hour just for networking. i did with interfaces but got stuck on how to put domain and search in it :/22:58
Patrickdkif you lost time cause of it, it's cause you did not read the release notes, that came out almost 2 years ago23:00
Patrickdkthere is a very specific reason there are release notes, so people like you would read them, and NOT have issues23:00
sabanPatrickdk: you are right.23:02
* Patrickdk has nothing to do with ubuntu23:03
jsonperlwow strace is HEAVY...23:03
jsonperli love that no matter how hard i try, i just cannot make a machine exhibit the problem23:08
jsonperlproduction only23:08
Patrickdknormally how a locking issue works23:08
Patrickdkit has to be timed just perfect23:08
jsonperli've written simulated players23:09
jsonperlthat do just about EVERYTHING that a real player does23:09
Patrickdkhad a nfs kernel issue, went in aug23:09
Patrickdkbut not a single person had an issue till and of dec23:09
jsonperli have all 8 procs PEGGED23:09
jsonperli'd be fine with a rarely seen issue :)23:09
Patrickdkno, at end of dec, I hit the issue multible times a day23:10
Patrickdkeach time, the server would panic and reboot23:10
jsonperlaiight Patrickdk thanks for the help again, enough banging my head for now…23:33

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