[07:51] Hi, I have a bzr repository on a server without working tree and when I run "bzr status" (or "bzr merge.." what is my original intent) I get the error "bzr: ERROR: No WorkingTree exists for..". [07:51] Shouldn't that work also for tree-less branches? [07:52] no [07:52] status reports on the tree status [07:52] it has no meaning for tree-less branches [07:52] bzr info will work [07:53] hmm, forget bzr status then, it was just a test, actually I want to merge another branch into this one [07:53] (bzr info works as expected) [07:53] well you'll need a tree :) [07:58] sounds a bit … weird, I can create a branch without working tree, shoudn't I be able to merge from the parent tree to the copy also without a tree? [07:59] no, because merge's job is to prepare an updated tree. [07:59] when you commit the merge you can push the commit to a treeless branch [08:02] Ok, so what can I do to to make the copy take all changes from another branch? Create a tree in the copy, merge, remove tree? [08:04] mlischke: either do the merge elsewhere and push the result of the merge to the branch, or checkout the branch and do the merge in the checkout. [08:05] hmm, actually, this was my first approach, I have a checkout of both branches, but that gives me a criss-cross [08:05] mlischke: for instance; if you want to do this directly on the server; bzr checkout --lightweight $(branchpath) /tmp/foo; cd /tmp/foo; bzr merge $(otherbranch); bzr commit -m "Merged otherbranch";cd ..; rm -rf foo. [08:06] ok, let me try this on the server... [08:06] Previously I only tried locally [08:06] mlischke: criss-cross merges are a result of having an ambiguous history, not of the trees [08:07] you'll get that everywhere until it's resolved. [08:07] hmm, so it wouldn't help to merge on the server? [08:07] I always have to resolve criss-cross issues? [08:08] My hope was it would be simpler to solve when doing it on the server, but if that wouldn't help I can as well go through the hassle and clean it up locally [08:14] lifeless: thanks, I see the same criss-cross merge problem on the server... [08:14] mlischke: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.dev/en/user-reference/criss-cross-help.html [08:15] yes, thanks, have read this already [08:15] and use weave, but got +50 conflicts, so I was looking for an easier approach [08:15] so yes, you will see it everywhere until its been resolved (by merging into one or the other side) [08:15] seems I have to bite the bullet [08:15] sorry yeah [08:16] this tends to happen if you merge branch A to branch B and B to A without picking up the prior merge of A to B [08:17] It was a chain like this: A -> B, A -> C, now C -> B (as preparation for a later merge back to C) [08:18] that can do it [08:18] one way you might be able to fix it [08:18] C -> B is rather C merge to B, not a branch [08:18] merge C->B with -r - and choose the revision of C right before the merge of A->C [08:18] commit that [08:19] then merge C->B without -r [08:21] thanks, will try that === r0bby is now known as robbyoconnor [11:34] Hi! I'm thinking of setting up a readonly bzr server. Is it safe to give access using bzr_ssh_path_limiter? [11:35] safe enough to, say, publish the access information publicly? [12:25] should be, you can just expose over http, which is reasonable performance for smaller repos === stub` is now known as stub [17:03] anyone know of good examples of how to do the bzrlib equivalents of status (minimally checking for changes), revert, and clean-tree? [17:11] wedgwood, I can help after lunch [17:11] beuno: much appreciated [17:12] I was just about to grab the bazaar source, but I'm nearly certain there's a more concise way [17:12] wedgwood, have you seen this? http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/Integrating_with_Bazaar [17:12] it won't have exactly what you're looking for, but it may tp you in the right direction [17:12] IIRC, what you want to operate on is the working tree [17:14] no, I hadn't seen that. It does cover the status/diff bits. I'll see if I can find the rest. [17:14] * beuno goes eat [17:15] I see WorkingTree.revert (undocumented). Looks promising. [18:01] beuno: I found everything I need. thanks for the pointer [18:19] wedgwood, w00t, np === vednis is now known as mars === iBasic is now known as BasicOSX