
fairuzhello rakan201:24
excalibrHelo rakan03:00
fairuzexcalibr: tgh kerja keras ka03:07
excalibrtakda la bro..hari ni slow sikit..tak byk keje03:11
excalibrwhat's up fairuz 03:35
fairuzexcalibr: pening kepala buat coding keke03:58
excalibrhelo salax 06:37
salaxpong excalibr 07:10
salaxsapa2 pernah guna IPy before?07:12
salaxneed some assitance :D07:12
salaxkbyakkanya bots eh.. xpun jadi zombi heheeh07:13
excalibrpython > hyperair :P07:17
excalibr/poke salax 07:18
salax_hyperair: pernah guna IPy?07:22
=== salax_ is now known as salax
hyperairsalax: yeah07:33
hyperairipython, right?07:33
salaxhyperair: IPy module 07:45
salaxor api07:45
salaxbtw what i need to do is to read a csv file with IP address, and to seggregate whether its private ip or not07:46
salaxusing regex is much hectic - sy failed lagi pun dlm bab2 regex ni heheh07:47
excalibrsalax: mesti guna python ke07:49
salaxexcalibr: haha yes08:05
salaxexcalibr: kalau tak dah lama da gune bash jek keh308:06
hyperairip address? i guess it's not ipython then08:09
hyperairno i haven't used it.08:09
excalibr>>> ip.iptype()08:11
excalibr    'PRIVATE'08:11
salaxexcalibr: yes, module tu aku guna08:11
salaxexcalibr: not as simple as that :p08:11
excalibrsalax: uh why bro08:13

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