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cgrierhi BRZ folks. I need help configuring BZRTOOLS under OpenSuse. I can get as far as ./setup.py install   but the builds always fail.01:52
spivcgrier: what error do you get (perhaps pastebin them if it's more than 2 lines long)01:53
spivcgrier: a common issue is that you'll need some 'devel' packages installed (maybe called 'python-devel' on suse?)01:54
cgrierThanks I'll check for the the python devel stuff.01:57
cgrierdidn't think that would be needed.01:57
cgrierI can do the test "bzr zap -h" and it works correctly, but my build always fails with BZR: unknown command "patch"01:58
lifelesscgrier: the patch command is in bzrtools02:08
lifelesscgrier: you need to install that addon02:08
cgrierlifeless: I did unzip all the bzrtools and followed the documentation on installing, but it didn't always recognize the extra stuff during when doing a make02:23
cgrierI did the ./setup.py install02:23
cgrierwhen that didn't work I tried the "mv" to the .bazaar folder02:24
cgrierbut  I didn't really understand the "mv" approach, since it said to not copy the contents.02:25
lifelessis bzrtools listed in 'bzr plugins' ?02:26
cgrierI'll check. how do I do that?02:28
cgrierI tried bzr-explorer from the command line, but it isn't a good command (I know the package is installed)02:28
cgrierOK, duh02:32
cgrierI tried bzr plugins02:32
cgrierand bzrtools is listed02:32
cgrierif I try "test.py" it gives this response: ImportError: cannot import name bzrtools02:33
lifelesscgrier: you need to call bzrlib.plugin.load_plugins()02:58
lifelessor something like that02:58
lifelessbefore you can import plugins, I think.02:58
lifelesssorry, I'm out of date here.02:58
cgrierOK, I'll try that. need to hang up now thanks for the assist03:11
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hachrehow worried should I be that there has been no development for a year?23:32

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