
rick_harosales: thanks, I'm still curious if we can generate a user story around it though. I guess I'm asking what is "John" trying to do with the GUI when he searched for all reviewed charms in a given series?03:20
arosalesrick_h, in this context John may not to anything with the browser. He may just be looking to see what possible services he could configure from the catalog, what ideas may be generated as a result of knowing what is out there, and how he can build of it.04:32
arosalesSo from that perspective it is a pure charm browsing story04:33
arosalesgary_poster, fyi bug 1202636 created.11:32
gary_postercool thanks arosales11:32
arosalesgary_poster, sure np.11:33
gary_posternot yet arosales.  Need to coordinate with both IS and marketing.  I will let you and jcastro know more as I do.11:34
arosalesok, just wanted to be sure we were keeping an eye out to test, etc.  -thanks.11:35
frankbangary_poster: weekly call? no rush, I am there13:20
teknicogary_poster: I'm hanging out in the weekly call hangout :-)14:02
gary_posterthank you teknico, there soon14:03
antdillonHi, are we ok to use rgba values?14:03
frankbangary_poster: just pushed the updated charm, no conflicts14:05
gary_posterfrankban, awesome14:05
gary_posterantdillon, +114:05
ahasenackhi guys, nice ui, I like the new look14:07
ahasenacknow a question: the security alert icon, regarding integration with landscape14:07
ahasenackit's showing up at the bottom, nice. But not on the service boxes, like the reboot one does: http://i.imagebanana.com/img/wxcr0oux/Selection_008.png14:07
ahasenackshould it also appear in the service boxes?14:07
frankbangary_poster: aha! lint error after the merge. It would prevent to propose branches, fixing it in trunk.14:21
antdillongary_poster, I have branch with the unit status styles at lp:~ya-bo-ng/juju-gui/inspector-unit-styles14:21
antdillongary_poster, There has been no merge since I pulled that one so shouldnt have any conflicts14:21
gary_posterawesome antdillon .  hatch or I will look at it soon14:22
gary_posterfrankban, cool thank you14:23
bcsallerahasenack: We don't reserve space for both landscape icons on the service box, there is a system of priority where if the box must be restarted that takes priority currently. The inspector will indicate if both statuses are actually present 14:24
gary_posterahasenack, thanks.  if a service has both a restart and a security alert then the restart icon is drawn alone.  That's as designed.  is that the case for these?14:24
ahasenackah, right14:24
ahasenackit is14:24
ahasenacklet me resolve the reboot one then14:25
gary_posterahasenack, in that image, is lds-quickstart a local charm?  Can you take a glance at the html to see what the url is for that svg?14:26
ahasenackgary_poster: it's a local, we don't have an icon for it as far as I know14:27
ahasenacklet me check the url14:27
ahasenackgary_poster: <image class="service-icon" xlink:href="https://manage.jujucharms.com/api/2/charm/precise/lds-quickstart-61/icon.svg" width="96" height="96" transform="translate(47, 50)" id="yui_3_9_1_1_1374156380297_4442"></image>14:27
gary_posterahasenack, even if you did, we don't get icons for local charms ATM and we just realized that even the default image is not so good.14:28
gary_postercool thanks ahasenack we will improve soon :-)14:29
Makyorick_h, https://codereview.appspot.com/1151704314:32
ahasenackbscaller: gary_poster: ok, worked, reboot icon replaced by the security one14:32
gary_postercool ahasenack thanks for checking14:32
ahasenackgary_poster: is there a way to add a relation with subordinate charms in the gui?15:03
lucarick_h: spamming my email :P15:03
gary_posterahasenack, if not, bug. looking.15:03
ahasenackgary_poster: landscape-client is a subordinate, it has "registration" and "container"15:04
ahasenackgary_poster: I don't seem to be able to relate it to the ubuntu charm, for example. I think it's looking for a matching name over there, but it won't find any15:04
ahasenackI need something like "juju add-relation landscape-client:container ubuntu"15:04
ahasenackwell, "need" is a strong word, it's the example I have :)15:05
gary_posterahasenack, wfm for puppet15:05
gary_posterahasenack, these are my steps to try and dupe:15:05
ahasenackgary_poster: how, you just click15:05
gary_poster1) http://uistage.jujucharms.com:8086/15:05
gary_poster2) drag mediawiki to canvas; confirm deployment15:05
gary_poster3) search for puppet15:06
gary_poster4) drag/confirm puppet15:06
gary_poster5) click on puppet15:06
gary_poster6) choose build relation, and drag line to mediawiki and click15:06
jcastrorick_h: nice work closing them bugs. \o/15:07
gary_postersubordinate goes from 0 to 1 on link indicator15:07
ahasenackhm, some things are issing15:07
ahasenackgary_poster: I don't have that extra subordinate icon15:07
gary_posterhovering over link indicator shows line15:07
ahasenackgary_poster: is that uistage trunk?15:07
gary_posterahasenack, y, which is pretty much identical to 0.8.0 released yesterday15:07
gary_posterahasenack, did it work properly on uistage?15:08
gary_posterfor you?15:08
ahasenackgary_poster: yes, even with landscape-client15:08
gary_posterahasenack, oh!15:08
rick_hjcastro: hah, sorry for the email apsn15:09
rick_hspam that is15:09
gary_posterahasenack, um.  I can try to dupe on ec2?15:09
gary_posterwould that help?15:09
ahasenackgary_poster: I will have to look a bit deeper indeed15:09
ahasenackgot some rendering errors now15:09
ahasenackand couldn't deploy landscape-client with a new service name, the gui said it failed15:10
gary_posterahasenack, uistage, locally, both?15:10
ahasenackgary_poster: all local15:10
gary_posterahasenack, the fail would have come from juju, not us, but it could still be our fault if we are asking for the wrong thing somehow15:10
gary_posterahasenack, image of rendering error would be appreciated15:11
ahasenackgary_poster: the charm finder, what you call it, on the left15:11
ahasenackgary_poster: it's not hidden when you click on the alerts15:11
ahasenackgary_poster: so it stays above the alert text15:11
gary_posterahasenack, oh15:11
gary_posterahasenack, yeah.  alerts suck atm, sorry.  you can mostly work around it my shrinking alert with tab thing.  known suckiness15:12
ahasenackgary_poster: http://i.imagebanana.com/img/jj4pzzyj/Selection_009.png15:12
gary_posterahasenack, thanks15:12
ahasenackI'll debug this a bit better soon, make sure I'm on up-to-date trunk, etc15:12
gary_posterok ahasenack.  If you want us to try and dupe something let me know.15:13
ahasenacksure, thanks15:13
gary_posterluca replied on inspector.  like idea of keeping inspector up after deployment, though had other comments15:17
lucagary_poster: thanks, I'll change the button and work on expose and destroy, we're getting close to wrapping this up!15:20
gary_posterluca, idea of adding color sounds nice.  would it be easy for you to give us to give us modified category svgs?  If not we will do it in inkscape15:21
gary_posterluca, inspector: awesome, thanks :-)  looking great15:22
lucagary_poster: I can do it pretty quickly but wasn't sure of the size you guys needed15:22
gary_posterluca, 96x96 15:22
lucagary_poster: ok, I'll get them done and sent over15:23
gary_posterthank you luca!  depending on when we hear back from marketing, maybe it will sneak in before deploy :-)15:23
lucagary_poster: I spoke to Sian about an hour ago and she said that in all likeliness it won't launch today because MS is taking too long.15:24
gary_posterluca, not terribly surprised, given current time in UK, but uh-oh.  Would rather not launch Friday.  Maybe this is Monday after all :-P15:25
lucagary_poster: hehe yeah15:25
marcoceppiJust deployed the juju-gui from cs:~juju-gui/juju-gui, exposed, and I get a 403 error on the page15:40
marcoceppiAm I missing any steps? Or should I have used the charm store version?15:40
hatchbcsaller https://codereview.appspot.com/11526043/15:44
gary_postermarcoceppi, hi.  weird.  ...we will try to dupe.  I'm pretty sure that the charm store one works, since I tried that last night.  I'll report back as I experiment.  I'll try charm store one first, because I am more panicked if that is broken :-)15:44
gary_postermarcoceppi, I'll be using pyJuju.  what are you using?15:45
marcoceppigary_poster: had to chmod /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-juju-gui-*/charm to +x15:45
* marcoceppi opens bug15:45
gary_postermarcoceppi, huh.  thanks, digging15:45
marcoceppiif the build output was in a directory outside of the var agents it wouldn't have failed15:46
hatchjujugui I need one review on both branches https://codereview.appspot.com/11526043/  and https://codereview.appspot.com/11521043/15:57
jcastroarosales: ok I filed an IS ticket for the juju.u.c website update. It's all set to go, when we want to launch we just need to tell #is to do the ticket.16:00
jcastroarosales: I gave deej a heads up as well so responsiveness should be quick16:00
jcastrogary_poster: rick_h: ^^ FYI RT# for bus factor reasons16:00
jcastroall the links and whatnot will be going to jujucharms.com/sidebar16:00
arosalesjcastro, thanks.16:01
arosalesjcastro, that is the RT# for reference?16:01
gary_posterjcastro, cool, thank you. sidebar only?  I thought we wanted fullscreen links for intro?16:02
jcastrooh, forgot to post the actual #16:02
jcastroRT #6330416:02
jcastrogary_poster: those are the links luca gave me to use.16:02
jcastroI agree with you though, you know how much I love /fullscreen16:02
lucajcastro: gary_poster the full screen is linked to via the "browse the charm store" link16:03
lucajcastro: gary_poster it's already linked correctly and doesn't need any change16:03
gary_posterluca, ah!  ok16:03
jcastroI would like to mention that when I was changing the links the idea of putting /fullscreen instead crossed my mind many times.16:04
gary_postermarcoceppi, charm store version works with pyjuju.  I'm guessing this is a juju core compatibility issue that I'll raise to them, in addition to fixing in the gui charm.  are you using a juju core package, or built from source?16:05
marcoceppigary_poster: this is 1.11.3 built this morning16:05
gary_postercool thanks marcoceppi 16:05
marcoceppigary_poster: thank you!16:05
frankbangary_poster: the first cut of the server is ready to be reviewed: https://codereview.appspot.com/1153004316:08
gary_posterfrankban, wow, awesome :-)16:09
gary_posterfrankban, we'll review it this afternoon and have it ready for you tomorrow morning16:09
frankbangary_poster: great thanks!16:09
Makyogary_poster, http://how-bazaar.blogspot.co.nz/2013/07/stunned-by-go.html16:15
hatchjujugui lf one more review https://codereview.appspot.com/11521043/16:17
antdillongary_poster, Hi, I've done a few final tweaks to the unit indicators in the inspector on my branch16:32
antdillongary_poster, It'll be eod for me in 30 mins16:32
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
antdillonhatch, Hi, what revno did you land on trunk from my branch?16:38
antdillonhatch, Just want to check you got the latest stuff from the branch16:39
antdillonhatch, Oh looks like I just missed the ship with final tweaks when you landed my branch. Would you be able to get the latest up there sorry to be a pain16:43
jcastrogary_poster: are you guys still sprinting and colocated?17:47
gary_posterjcastro, yes17:47
jcastrogary_poster: some motivational news for you17:47
* gary_poster listens17:48
jcastrotldr; netflix had mims present Juju yesterday at their netflixcloud camp17:48
jcastrothe first one was invite only, 15 people or so17:48
hatchwooooord up!17:48
jcastrothe meetup was public, and adrian cockroft himself mentioned Juju17:48
jcastrothey got it all on video too, just waiting for it to publish17:48
hatchthat's awesome17:48
jcastro~250 at the meetup.17:49
hatchdid they all cheer afterwards? ;)17:49
jcastroso basically, the kind of people who find Netflix architecture interesting know Juju. 17:49
gary_posterheh, that's fantastic17:49
jcastroanyway mims will post a longer report17:49
jcastroit's just a nice cap to a good week man ...17:49
gary_posterdefinitely :-)17:49
gary_posterthanks for letting us know :-)17:49
jcastrohere's the best part.17:49
jcastrowe didn't ask.17:49
jcastrothey invited him to do the talk17:49
bcsallerthats great17:50
gary_posterMS heard this already, jcastro?17:50
jcastroI just got off the phone with mims17:50
jcastroso I am thinking no17:50
jcastroI was going to just link up the video as soon as it hits their youtube channel17:51
gary_posterkeep the good news coming in lead up to isle of man ;-)17:51
hatchdid he show the GUI?17:52
gary_posterMakyo, https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+filebug17:52
gary_posterMakyo, :-P https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/120277217:53
_mup_Bug #1202772: GUI charm fails to deploy successfully on Juju Core <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1202772>17:53
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
gary_posterjcsackett, https://codereview.appspot.com/11532044/18:38
Makyojujugui charm dir perm fix https://codereview.appspot.com/11540043 somewhat critical.  Relatively.  Critical-ish.18:54
gary_posterMakyo, lp:~juju-gui-charmers/charms/precise/juju-gui/trunk19:21
Makyomarcoceppi, the perms issue is fixed in the charm for core deployments, #1202772 is still open on core for at least investigation.19:26
_mup_Bug #1202772: GUI charm fails to deploy successfully on Juju Core <juju-core:New> <juju-gui:Fix Committed by makyo> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1202772>19:26
marcoceppiMakyo: thanks!19:38
gary_posterhatch, and then try out please19:53
hatchjujugui I need a single review plz  https://codereview.appspot.com/1152504420:14
Makyoprint "\n".join(map(lambda i:("%s%s"%((i%3==0 and "fizz" or ""),(i%5==0 and "buzz" or ""))) or "%d"%i, xrange(0,100)))20:22
Makyoprint "\n".join([''.join([not i%3 and 'fizz' or '',not i%5 and 'buzz' or '',i%3 and i%5 and str(i) or '']) for i in range(1,101)])20:22
gary_posterbac https://codereview.appspot.com/11530043/diff/1/server/guiserver/clients.py?column_width=8020:42
gary_posterbac https://codereview.appspot.com/11530043/diff/1/server/guiserver/clients.py?column_width=8020:42
Makyojujugui one more? https://codereview.appspot.com/1154304321:04
Makyohttp://idlewords.com/2007/04/the_alameda-weehawken_burrito_tunnel.htm v. important21:13
rick_hjcsackett: ordered21:44
jcsackettrick_h: sweet!21:44
abentleyhazmat: Hi.  We needed to expose some of the internals of deployer so that charmworld can use them.  Here's our branch that does it: https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/juju-deployer/get-flattened-deployment/+merge/17568921:46
jcsackettjujugui: https://codereview.appspot.com/1154404421:53
dpb1Hi all -- I'm deploying a local charm, and put an icon.svg in the root folder.  juju-gui is not showing it.  Should I try to reload juju-gui in some way?  This is not an official charm from the store, something under development right now.22:26

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