
IdleOne2nd largest in the US00:26
dholbachgood morning07:17
philipballewgreetings dholbach07:18
dholbachhi philipballew07:20
dholbachjose, can we update the uonair calendar? I haven't been able to do the dev hangouts for a while now09:06
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=== balloons_ is now known as balloons
dholbachall right my friends - I'll be back Wednesday morning16:04
dholbachhave a good time without me! :)16:04
dholbachHUGS HUGS HUGS16:04
nigelbcjohnston, balloons, IdleOne, mhall119, and others: thank you for the birthday wishes16:45
nigelbI was having fun in cambridge on my birthday :)16:45
balloonsnigelb, :-p16:46
nigelbballoons: :D16:47
mhall119nigelb: sounds fun, hope it was a good trip16:49
nigelbYes, it was!16:49
nigelbThe only downside was my harddisk crashing while I was there.16:49
nigelbJust managed to install Ubuntu on a new one.16:50
balloonsnigelb, it sucls to have drives go down, but the re-install is so much saner with ubuntu isn't it :-)16:51
nigelbI was on Fedora briefly.16:51
nigelbNope, not my thing.16:52
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bkerensa"Mark Shuttleworth, the founder of Canonical, publishers of Ubuntu, has given up on the idea that Linux (which Ubuntu is based on) will ever supplant Windows, saying that if any OS will be the next big thing it's Apple's iOS or Google's Android"19:21
popeysemi-old ☻19:21
bkerensaDid Mark actually say that?19:21
popeyIn internet time19:21
popeyI dunno where they got that quote from. I have seen it repeated. he may well have said it19:22
popeybut i think dvorak is putting a *touch* of spin on it19:22
jo-erlendbkerensa, I don't think so. Think maybe he might be referring to bug #1.19:34
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119:34
jo-erlendwhat, in progress? Thought that was fixed? :)19:35
cjohnstonme too19:36
mhall119bkerensa: sounds like he was probably pointing out that mobile OS's have already out-paced Windows desktop19:36
bkerensajo-erlend: perhaps the Malaysia LoCo Team disagrees with Mark and thinks they can fix it :P19:37
jo-erlendyes, but Microsoft _doesn't_ have a majority market share anymore.19:37
jo-erlendthey only have that if you don't consider all the new forms of personal computing. But that would be silly.19:38
bkerensajo-erlend: Yes they do... As of 2013 Windows had a 81.54% market share on desktops... Microsoft never had a majority market share over mobiles so the Android/iOS bit is sort of invalid.19:40
jo-erlendwhen the bug was filed, you couldn't really consider a mobile phone equally important to a conventional PC. Now you can.19:40
bkerensajo-erlend: because it was not a talking point when bug #1 was opened19:40
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119:40
bkerensaand mobile phones existed then19:40
mhall119bkerensa: the question is whether or not bug #1 was desktops-only or personal-computers of which any meaningful definition will include tablets and smartphones19:41
jo-erlendbkerensa, yes, but that's exactly the point. Things have changed. Tempora mutantur nos et mutamur in illis.19:41
bkerensaso if Android/iOS was to be used in an arguement in closing bug #119:41
bkerensait could be said that bug #1 was invalid the whole time19:41
jo-erlendno. Why?19:41
bkerensasince Nokia had a majority market share of mobile for some time19:41
jo-erlendright, but even their smart-phones back then couldn't compete with a laptop.19:41
bkerensasure but bug #1 did not mention phones it was about desktop and server dominance19:42
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119:42
bkerensaso the bug was changed in context19:42
bkerensanot fixed19:42
jo-erlendIt is not claimed in the bug report that it was fixed by Ubuntu.19:43
bkerensait would be like jcastro opening a bug saying Puppet has a majority share of the cloud orchestration space19:43
bkerensaand then five years from now some changes to markets occur19:43
bkerensaand the context of his bug is changed and not fixed19:43
jo-erlendbut that's also irrelevant. If there's a bug in the kernel that's reported on Launchpad, it'll still be considered fixed even if it's fixed by another distro.19:43
mhall119bkerensa: it's more like somebody filing a bug that Foo is too slow, then after computing power doubles a couple times over it's no longer too slow19:43
bkerensathe bug was filed in Ubuntu19:44
bkerensaand has not been fixed in Ubuntu19:44
bkerensaUbuntu was supposed to be the fix19:44
jo-erlendbkerensa, many bugs are filed in Ubuntu and fixed elsewhere. That's not news.19:44
mhall119is there really any reason to get worked up over it?19:44
jo-erlendit stops being a bug when it doesn't bug anyone.19:44
jo-erlendso, if there was a bug in the kernel that only affected 80386 processors, for instance, that bug would be fixed the moment Linux didn't support 80386 anymore, even if the problem itself wasn't actually fixed.19:45
jcastrowe don't really compete with puppet. :p19:46
bkerensajcastro: that is true19:47
bkerensajcastro: they have local provider :P19:47
bkerensajcastro: I tease19:47
SergioMenesesjcastro, look http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/280/1766/20131186.full.pdf21:10
jcastrohey I have that dude's book!21:11

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