
racarrRAOF: You just need to switch the scheduling policy on your brain.00:00
racarrOf course, that could bring down the whole system so it's not allowed under the controlled substances act...00:00
thomiRAOF: got a second?00:03
RAOFthomi: Sure.00:10
thomiRAOF: just writing this autopilot test for u-s-c, what's the best way of determining the graphics chipset in use?00:10
thomiRAOF: also, Didier's email seemed to say that we should only be running u-s-c on intel chipsets?00:10
RAOFHow specific are we about "in use"?00:10
RAOFie: hybrid graphics, what should we report?00:11
thomiRAOF: I don't know... I guess you'd know better than me00:11
thomithe test is to determine whether we're actually running u-s-c on supported hardware00:11
RAOFglxinfo | grep renderer (in XMir) is not-terrible00:13
thomiRAOF: I guess IO could do something like run "lshw -class display" and parse the output00:13
thomiRAOF: OK, so under what situations should we be running u-s-c?00:14
RAOFEverywhere that isn't proprietary driver.00:14
RAOFOh, and not on virtual hw, or crazy old stuff like SiS.00:14
thomiRAOF: so, how do I determine "not on proprietary driver"?00:15
thomior "not on virtual hardware"?00:15
thomiI'm wondering if it's better to whitelist suppoorted hardware, or to blacklist unsupported hardware00:15
RAOFIf i915.ko, radeon.ko, or nouveau.ko are loaded.00:15
thomiahh, ok, that's much easier00:15
RAOFAcutally, that'll miss some hybrid systems.00:16
RAOFYou actually want to make sure that each VGA device in lspci | grep VGA has its associated driver loaded.00:17
RAOFSo, if there's an nvidia device in lspci | grep VGA, then nouveau.ko is loaded, itc.00:17
thomihmmmm, that sounds harder to do exhaustively00:18
RAOFlspci -vvv, parse it out, check that "Kernel driver in use: " is the right thing.00:19
thomiRAOF: OK, but presumably there's edge cases when matching device -> driver? or do we really only care about those three cases: intel, nvidia & ati?00:20
RAOFOnly those three cases.00:21
thomiok, sweet00:21
RAOFIf there's an intel VGA device (identifiable by 8088 pci id), then it must have i915 loaded; if there's an nvidia device, it must have nouveau loaded, likewise ati.00:22
thomiawesome, thanks for your help.00:22
thomiGoing to lunch now, will get this finished when I get back.00:22
=== thomi is now known as thomi|lunch
RAOFArse. This kernel is built with debug symbols, making it 700 MB, or significantly larger than my boot partition. Poot.00:24
xnox... chain-load?!00:45
xnoxboot of usb?! =)00:46
racarrRAOF: Sounds like the second reason today to switch to FreeBSD00:48
RAOFSurely GNU/Hurd!01:15
=== thomi|lunch is now known as thomi
thomiI don't suppose anyone here has a machine with a radeon graphics chipset?02:01
thomiRAOF: perhaps you have one?02:02
RAOFthomi: I do.02:02
RAOFWhat can I do for yoU?02:03
thomiRAOF: any chance you could send me the output of 'lspci -vvv' on that machine please?02:03
thomior maybe just the section for the VGA device02:03
RAOFhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5886137/ (and with -n, which you should probably use so you can match on PCIID )02:10
RAOFthomi: ^^^02:12
thomiRAOF: thanks02:14
RAOFYou'll notice this is a hybrid system, so a good test :)02:14
thomiRAOF: what's the best way to determine if xmir is running? simply "pgrep unity-system-compositor" ?02:53
thomior is there some better way that you can think of?02:54
RAOFTwo options; pgrep unity-system-compositor or grep xmir /var/log/Xorg.$(echo $DISPLAY | sed s/://g).log02:57
thomiRAOF: I don't like the log file apprach, it seems a bit fragile to me... but I'm having trouble getting pgrep to do what I want :(02:58
thomiahh yes, I remember02:58
thomipgrep cuts process names02:58
thomiso "pgrep unity-system" works, "pgrep unity-system-compositor" will never return anything :(02:58
RAOFYou could also check the args used to spawn /usr/bin/X; if they contain “-mir ”, then it's XMir.02:59
duflurobert_ancell: What's you're preferred medium? :)03:03
thomirobert_ancell: got a second?03:22
robert_ancellthomi, otp03:25
robert_ancellthomi, sure03:26
robert_ancellthomi, are you checking from inside X or outside it?03:26
thomirobert_ancell: https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/unity-system-compositor/add-autopilot-test/+merge/17544403:26
thomirobert_ancell: I'm hoping we can get didier to do the packaging for us?03:27
robert_ancellthomi, what packaging is required?03:27
thomirobert_ancell: autopilot tests are usually packaged into <appname>-autopilot03:27
thomiso in this case, unity-system-compositor-autopilot03:28
robert_ancellthomi, and that's part of the u-s-c source package? I can do that03:28
thomiawesome - I can package python modules, but packages where it's half Cmake, half python build systems confuse me03:28
robert_ancellthomi, what is an existing package I can look at?03:29
thomirobert_ancell: lp:unity8 has one03:29
thomias does lp:unity, and any of the phone apps03:30
thomiusually I'd point dh at the setup.py file in tests/autopilot, but I'm not sure how you do that in a mixed package?03:30
robert_ancellthomi, because it's all python we just make a debian/unity-system-compositor-autopilot.install file and update debian/control. I'm doing a merge now03:31
thomiawesome, thanks03:31
thomiI thought it was more complicateed than that, but OK :)03:33
robert_ancellthomi, was there a reason for unity_system_compositor over unity-system-compositor?03:38
thomirobert_ancell: yes, you can't have '-' in module names03:38
robert_ancellthomi, https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/unity-system-compositor/add-autopilot-test-packaging/+merge/17544603:44
thomiwill merge now03:45
thomirobert_ancell: OK, those changes are now in my branch. Will email the list so didrocks reviews it03:47
robert_ancellkdub, still here?04:26
robert_ancellthomi, did you want didrocks to specifically review https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/unity-system-compositor/add-autopilot-test/+merge/175444?04:42
thomirobert_ancell: yes04:42
thomirobert_ancell: Standard procedure is that his team review any packaging changes for stuff that's being daily-released04:43
robert_ancellthomi, oh, I forgot to say, you probably want to add something to the Depends line in debian/control for the test04:43
thomirobert_ancell: otherwise it's too easy to release broken packages into distro04:43
robert_ancellI'm not sure which packages it needs04:43
thomirobert_ancell: oh, good point, thanks :)04:43
robert_ancellthomi, can you add a specific review request for him? Otherwise when I review it it will not be pending on him04:43
robert_ancell(and then I'll forget and just approve it)04:44
thomidone and done04:45
RAOFI hope this doesn't hit the thermal trip point...04:59
tvoss_good morning :)05:03
RAOFGood morning05:04
* RAOF wonders if packaging thermald would be a useful way of attempting to make this laptop less likely to emergency-shutdown due to hitting the thermal trip point.05:05
dufluRAOF: What? Ubuntu doesn't already come with sane sensors monitoring?05:28
didrocksthomi: hey, still around?05:31
thomididrocks: yo yo05:31
didrocksthomi: just looking at MP ;) So I think we need another tests: if we are not on a open source driver, ensuring unity-system-compositor doesn't run05:31
didrocksthomi: of installing autopilot tests, I prefer having a setup.py and some hack in debian/rules, do you want me to propose a branch with that?05:32
thomididrocks: sure, that's trivial, one second05:32
didrocksthomi: something similar than unity8 if you want to do it (setup.py in the autopilot directory) and in debian/rules, see my call to setup.py05:32
didrocksthen dh --with python2 and build-dep on python05:33
thomididrocks: ugh, I had that initially, and robert_ancell removed it05:33
thomididrocks: can I ask you to do the packaging for me? Pretty please?05:33
didrocksthomi: sure sure, incoming!05:33
thomiI'll buy you a beer next time we meet :)05:33
didrocksheh, \o/05:33
tvoss_didrocks, for the armhf test hangs ...05:35
tvoss_did you see Stephen's mail?05:35
didrockstvoss_: hey, yeah, read it05:35
tvoss_didrocks, so one way would be for us to come up with a custom TEST macro (TEST_WITH_REQUIREMENTS) that checks if android runtime is present and disables the test if not automatically05:36
tvoss_didrocks, what do you think?05:37
didrockstvoss_: sounds the right way to me, do you have any way to tests that we are running with android? like detecting a file is present?05:38
tvoss_didrocks, we could try to resolve symbols from the platform api05:38
thomididrocks: actually, I'll make this test case test both scenarios05:38
didrocksthomi: that's fine as well, just change the name then :)05:38
tvoss_didrocks, essentially taking the cause of the error as check05:39
didrocksthomi: platform-api will tell "not on android"?05:39
didrockstvoss_: because platform-api will be installed, right, so platform-api symbols will be there05:39
tvoss_didrocks, fair point ... hmmm, we need a way to force the backend instantiation and report an error if something is missing ...05:40
didrockstvoss_: couldn't platform-api have this check?05:41
didrockslike a platform-run call to know where we are running on?05:41
didrocks(just a silly proposal :p)05:41
tvoss_didrocks, hmmm ... let me think about it for a bit05:42
didrocksthomi: ok, the longer was to readd the ppa to install libmirserver-dev ;) here we are, do you want a MP against your branch? (it's just one commit): lp:~didrocks/unity-system-compositor/autopilot-packaging-fixes05:44
thomididrocks: nah, I'll just merge it in, thanks!05:45
didrocksthomi: yw ;)05:45
thomididrocks: just finished the test as well05:45
didrocksgreat :)05:45
didrocksRAOF: hey, did you see that xorg-server is lower than distro? are you planning on updating it?05:45
didrocksRAOF: I thin I can't run the autopilot tests because of that, right?05:45
didrockshttps://launchpad.net/~mir-team/+archive/staging/+copy-packages still times out :/05:47
thomididrocks: your changes have been merged in, and the new test is pushed.05:47
didrocksthomi: excellent! looking at the testing part, you want a second review from robert_ancell I guess as well?05:47
thomididrocks: if he's still here05:48
thomididrocks: otherwise I think we're good to merge05:48
thomiwhat could possibly go wrong!? :P05:48
didrocksthomi: heh, indeed! ;)05:48
mlankhorstRAOF: pushed05:48
didrocksthomi: sounds perfect to me with those changes, +1 ;)05:49
didrocksI'm now adding it to the tests to run05:49
tvoss_didrocks, https://github.com/ros-infrastructure/buildfarm/issues/8706:10
didrockstvoss_: but, the buildds (not the virtualized builders) are now running with qmenu? Not sure of the latest, but from last news I got, they were still running on bare metal06:11
tvoss_didrocks, hmmm, good question ... checking with #is06:12
RAOFdidrocks: Yes, I was planning to update xorg-server. Just after mlankhorst pushes 1.14.2-0ubuntu1 to git :)06:13
RAOFduflu: Ubuntu *does* have sane sensors monitoring, but thermald does intel-specific tricks.06:14
mlankhorstit's all you now, stop hiding behind me :P06:15
dufluRAOF: Cool. In fact cooler the better06:15
RAOFmlankhorst: Ta06:15
didrocksRAOF: I can't copy package to the daily-build-next and next ppas :/06:15
RAOFdidrocks: I'm updating now.06:16
didrocksRAOF: I can't add the staging ppa, because different version of Mir and unity-system-compositor (with versions higher than daily-build-next/next)06:16
didrocksRAOF: do you think I should just reupload to daily-build-next them?06:16
didrocksmesa + xorg*06:16
RAOFI'm not sure what you're asking.06:18
didrocksRAOF: basically, I need mesa + xorg* copied in daily-build-next ppa06:18
didrocks(I can't add staging because of mir/unity-system-compositor version mistmatch)06:18
RAOFRight. And for that we need an xserver that's newer than the archive.06:18
didrocksRAOF: I wanted to binary copy your packages, but https://launchpad.net/~mir-team/+archive/staging/+copy-packages times out constantly for me06:18
RAOFReally? I've been happily copying packages from staging for a while.06:19
didrocksRAOF: is it timeouting for you?06:19
RAOFHow many packages are you trying to copy?06:19
didrocksRAOF: well, I can't even display https://launchpad.net/~mir-team/+archive/staging/+copy-packages06:19
RAOFdidrocks: Yes.06:20
RAOFI can happily load that page .06:20
didrocksurgh, not me, not yesterday, no today :/06:20
didrocksRAOF: hum, do you mind copying that yourself to daily-build-next?06:20
didrocksRAOF: I can add you to the team06:20
RAOFYeah, sure.06:20
didrocksthanks a bunch :)06:20
RAOFJust mesa + the X packages that you need, right?06:20
didrocksRAOF: exactly! to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build-next06:21
RAOFAnd once Mir has landed in Universe I can just add the xmir patch to our regular xserver git, and all will be well.06:22
didrocksRAOF: you need Mir to be landed in Universe? xmir depends on Mir?06:22
didrocksnot the other way around?06:22
mlankhorstRAOF: no06:23
mlankhorstRAOF: mir needs to be in main for that depends06:23
RAOFmlankhorst: Oh, yeah, quite true.06:23
RAOFdidrocks: Yes, indeed. XMir depends on libmirclient.06:23
didrocksok, which is the stable API part :)06:23
didrocksRAOF: I think Mir entering main isn't an issue, I know an archive admin who as well reviewed and fixed the packaging for Main :p06:24
RAOFFaster, laptop, faster!06:36
alf_RAOF: Are you sure you want to push your thermally challenged laptop so hard? ;)06:40
RAOFI've chocked it up, and the kernel build has finished. It's only 65℃ now :)06:41
tvoss_ffs, why does swithcing to a guest session fix the input lag issue?06:44
tvoss_s/input lag/output lag06:44
RAOFHm. Does that suggest a Mir platform?06:45
tvoss_RAOF, ?06:46
RAOFBecause that's switching surface focus.06:46
tvoss_RAOF, it does ... let me check something06:46
RAOFNotably, it *doesn't* stop X from rendering, unless Mir blocks it.06:47
tvoss_RAOF, yup06:49
RAOFDoes u-s-c block mir_surface_swap_buffers block when a surface isn't focused?06:50
tvoss_RAOF, checking exactly that06:50
tvoss_robert_ancell, ping06:51
dufluRAOF: It shouldn't block for obvious compositing reasons, but it does due to https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/118848607:06
ubot5Launchpad bug 1188486 in Mir "Unfocused apps are never visible on screen" [Medium,Triaged]07:06
tvoss_RAOF, might that be the reason that a switch to the guest session "aligns" things again?07:12
* RAOF wanders through the code while Mesa builds.07:13
duflu... it's a general problem Mir has with unfocused clients getting paused. They shouldn't get paused, obviously07:14
dufluAt least not by default07:15
tvoss_duflu, agreed, it should be a policy07:16
dholbachgood morning07:18
tvoss_woot, no more second cursor :)07:22
duflutvoss_: So now just try to VT switch to tell if you're in Mir ;)07:27
tvoss_duflu, fair :) but htop tells me I'm in mir07:27
tvoss_wow, only one cursor ... this is so mainstream07:28
dufluIt's so 20th century07:30
tvoss_duflu, exactly07:33
tvoss_duflu, my mind feels bored now ...07:33
pete-woodsmorning guys!07:33
pete-woodsI just tried running mir in a VM07:34
pete-woodsand it doesn't seem to start07:34
pete-woodsis this expected for the moment?07:34
tvoss_pete-woods, yup07:35
tvoss_pete-woods, what vm are you trying?07:35
pete-woodstvoss_: it's parallels - it has a fantastic pass-through GLX driver07:36
pete-woodsobviously I've uninstalled that for trying out Mir07:36
pete-woodsso I was expecting it to run with fbdev/llvmpipe like X11 does07:37
tvoss_pete-woods, we need a driver capable of gbm/drm/kms07:37
duflupete-woods: It is planned, but not implemented yet07:37
pete-woodstvoss_, duflu: no worries guys, is this something we'd be trying to have ready for 13.10?07:38
duflupete-woods: We will be trying yes, but I don't believe it's on the critical list07:39
tvoss_pete-woods, exactly what duflu said. The easiest way for us would be if the vm offers the required driver functionality and an XMir integration07:39
pete-woodsduflu: that's fair enough - I'm really just a very interested party here07:39
duflupete-woods: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/111890307:40
ubot5Launchpad bug 1118903 in Mir "Mir lacks a software rendering backend" [High,Triaged]07:40
tvoss_RAOF, ?07:43
RAOFSo, because threading and X is a world of pain, we push events through a pipe.07:44
* tvoss_ listens excitedly to RAOF07:45
RAOFWhich obviously happens asynchronously.07:45
RAOFBut that's ok, because we register the pipe as a general socket, and have a wakeup handler.07:46
RAOFSo, what happens is we receive the buffer on a thread. We push this through the pipe, which wakes up the server if it's not already busy...07:48
RAOFSo what I should check is whether we should *also* be registering a BlockHandler to check the pipe before the server goes into select.07:49
RAOFAlthough my understanding is that it should just immediately wake up.07:49
RAOFBut first, Zoë bath.\07:50
robert_ancelldidrocks, ah, I was looking at an out-of-date version of unity8 which didn't have setup.py07:53
robert_ancelltvoss_, hellp07:53
didrocksrobert_ancell: be on the edge! (yeah, it's something I fixed) :-)07:54
=== alan_g|EOD is now known as alan_g
tvoss_robert_ancell, you running in XMir?08:10
robert_ancelltvoss_, not this very second08:10
tvoss_robert_ancell, I've got a patched libmirserver package that disables input for the usc and the second cursor08:10
tvoss_robert_ancell, need some mileage to make sure that the lag does not show up anymore08:11
robert_ancelltvoss_, I never remember noticing the lag08:11
tvoss_robert_ancell, weird08:11
tvoss_robert_ancell, still, some mileage would be great :)08:14
robert_ancelltvoss_, email me the link08:15
tvoss_robert_ancell, the package :)08:15
robert_ancelltvoss_, just send the branch, it will be easier to compile here08:16
tvoss_robert_ancell, not a branch yet, patched the src package from the system compositor testing ppa08:16
robert_ancelltvoss_, don't you build from the branch?08:16
tvoss_robert_ancell, nope, I did an apt-get source libmirserver0 and patched the package, it's really a hack right now, would need to be handled in usc and shouldn't go into mir at all08:17
robert_ancelltvoss_, so can't you just do a bzr branch, make the change, commit and push somewhere?08:18
tvoss_robert_ancell, https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/mir/disable-input-by-default08:23
* tvoss_ notes that this is hacky and should be cleanly done in the unity-system-compositor server configuration08:23
didrocksRAOF: do you mind telling me once everything is copied so that I can run the tests?08:37
RAOFdidrocks: Sure08:37
RAOFHm. Where did my xorg-server upload disappear to?08:39
didrocksRAOF: never heard about the launchpad black hole? ;)08:42
RAOFAh. sacuy ≠ saucy :(08:42
tvoss_RAOF, :)08:42
didrocksRAOF: so close, should have worked! :-)08:42
alan_gtvoss_: ping09:11
tvoss_alan_g, grabbing coffee :) mind opening a hangout and inviting me, would like to use the ipad09:11
alan_gtvoss_: ack09:12
tvoss_alan_g, can you call again please?09:15
robert_ancelltvoss_, I'm still seeing a similar delay09:16
tvoss_robert_ancell, hmmm, is that a new issue for you? you said you haven't seen it before, right?09:16
robert_ancelltvoss_, now I try it I do remember it09:17
robert_ancellbut I tried both, and I'm not seeing any major difference09:17
RAOFdidrocks: Everything's in the PPA now; enjoy.09:18
didrocksRAOF: \o/ I'll for sure, thanks!09:18
alan_g\o/ networking and cursor now working again on my laptop10:46
katietvoss_, ping10:49
tvoss_katie, pong10:55
katietvoss_, hi. are we having our meeting in 5 mins?10:56
tvoss_katie, if you want to, yes. I still owe you a review, though. Anything urgent to discuss?10:56
katietvoss_, i do have a couple of general questions, so yes, would still like a quick chat10:57
tvoss_can you invite me to the hangout then?10:57
katiesure, thanks10:57
=== greyback is now known as greyback|lunch
alan_galf_: are you happy to top approve move-graphicsplatform-dependencies-to-graphics-less-contentious?11:28
alf_alan_g: sure,11:29
alf_alan_g: do you want me to do it?11:30
alan_galf_: that would make me happy too11:33
alan_gOh! /o\ only *wireless* and g3 networking is working. Laptop still doesn't do wired networking.11:35
=== greyback|lunch is now known as greyback
alf_alan_g: (done)11:42
* duflu wanders off dazed11:45
alan_gduflu was still up?! No wonder he's dazed11:46
alan_galf_: just looking at gl_pixel_buffer.cpp and see a runtime test "is_big_endian()" - shouldn't that be detected at compile time?11:59
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
alf_alan_g: We could, although ARM CPUs are bi-endian, but I am not sure if this is a scenario we have to care about.12:07
=== Guest70312 is now known as Debolaz
didrockskgunn: hey, around?13:13
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
kgunndidrocks: yeah13:34
didrockskgunn: so, I have a good news and a bad news :)13:35
didrockskgunn: good news is that the tests failing were finally flacky tests it seems13:35
didrocksthe bad news is that with thomi's script, we have the confirmation that mir isn't running13:35
didrockscan be a config issue, but would be better to debug with someone knowing how lightdm runs unity-system-compositor13:37
mterrykgunn, hi13:49
kgunnmterry: hey...your here :)13:49
* kgunn suffering irc ping-tsunami13:50
kgunnmterry: so didrocks having  u-s-c/mir failing to start on his autopilot daily release testing13:51
kgunnwondered if you've tinkered enough to have a look13:52
mterrycouldn't hurt...13:52
kgunndidrocks: how to get the log files off that machined?13:52
kgunndidrocks: we'd need the usual suspects in /var/log/lightdm13:53
didrockskgunn: we have them13:53
didrocksmterry: hey hey! :)13:53
didrocksmterry: one sec, just grabbing my coffee ;)13:53
kgunndidrocks: please don't scare mterry :))13:54
* mterry runs into the brush13:54
didrockskgunn: I've scared hum for many years now you know :p13:54
didrocksfirst on the OEM side, he was taking unity from my packaging13:54
didrocksI think he was scared from that date :p13:54
=== jono is now known as Guest30113
kgunndidrocks: actually i should ask...have you simply done a subsequent reboot on that machine ?13:56
kgunnbschaefer & robotfuel were seeing yesterday that13:57
kgunnon a few machines xmir wouldn't come up after initial dist-upgrade13:57
kgunnbut then after second reboot it would13:57
kgunnand then it was fine thereafter13:57
mterrydidrocks, so I see two failures,  test_running_hardware_check and a 'unity_system_compositor' test13:57
mterryOh, maybe those are the same13:58
didrocksmterry: they are, on the 2 configs :)13:58
didrockskgunn: in fact, we install the packages before lightdm starts13:59
mterrydidrocks, but I don't see the /var/log/lightdm stuff in the archive.zip file13:59
didrocksmterry: ok, so in the log, you can see
didrocksmterry: I: Archive of the container to run this test available for download from:13:59
mterryoh man, ok13:59
didrocksmterry: we can collect lightdm logs in the next run if needed14:00
didrocksmterry: this is simple config file14:00
didrockskgunn: can you tell, I'll be 5 minutes late?14:00
didrocksmterry: here, you have in archive/ all the delta from the base image14:00
didrocks(it's an overlayfs)14:00
didrocksas in the logs:14:01
didrocksI: Run archived as ubuntu_13.10_saucy_salamander_alpha_i386_20130718.1374153658.otto14:01
didrocksmterry: so you want I guess14:01
didrocksmterry: this is just a tar, untar it (for some reason, file-roller doesn't like that it's ending up with .otto)14:01
mterrydidrocks, .otto is weird, yah  :)14:01
didrocksand you should have all the delta from the base image14:01
kgunndidrocks: ack14:02
didrocksmterry: because the archive can be use to rerun the same tests on your machine14:02
didrocksit has some metatada ;)14:02
didrockswe are using lightdm from distro FYI14:03
didrockswhich is enough from what robert told14:03
kgunndidrocks: lightdm from distro...yeah14:05
kgunnit better be :) that's what his instructions say14:05
mterrydidrocks, well, I downloaded/unpacked the logs and the error we get from u-s-c is:14:26
mterryERROR: /build/buildd/mir-0.0.7+13.10.20130718ubuntu.unity.next/src/server/graphics/gbm/gbm_display_helpers.cpp(284): Throw in function int mir::graphics::gbm::helpers::DRMHelper::open_drm_device(const mir::graphics::gbm::helpers::UdevHelper&)14:26
mterryDynamic exception type: boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<std::runtime_error> >14:26
mterrystd::exception::what: Error opening DRM device14:26
mterry[boost::errinfo_errno_*] = -13, "Unknown error -13"14:26
mterrySo...  didrocks, looks like you have an unknown error.14:26
* mterry goes home14:26
didrocksmterry: thanks! that's helpful :)14:27
mterrydidrocks, more seriously, I haven't run into an error opening DRM device before14:28
didrocksjibel: do you think it's linked to lxc? ^14:28
mterryracarr, ^ is that error familiar to you?14:28
didrocksmterry: we are running in a lxc container with otto, it's working fine with acceleration for compiz & others14:29
didrocksmterry: but maybe this has influence14:29
mterrydidrocks, maybe a permission error on some udev device in the container?14:30
jibeldidrocks, it is possible, it is what I reported to thomi last week14:30
didrocksmterry: yeah, if you use more than what is used14:30
didrocksmterry: any idea what's under used?14:30
mterrydidrocks, I didn't parse that14:30
didrocksmterry: do you know exactly which udev device you need?14:31
mterrydidrocks, not exactly...  something inside /dev/drm/card[0-9] or some such, looking at code14:33
didrocksjibel: do you think we should get stgraber as well to help?14:33
jibelmterry, which job did you get this message from?14:34
didrocksjibel: 50114:35
didrocks(from the archive)14:35
mterrykdub, do you know more about the above error message? ^14:43
didrocksmterry: is is that hidden in the code?14:45
* didrocks tries to branch mir to look as well14:47
mterrydidrocks, well, it just enumerates some devices and errors out if problems14:49
mterrydidrocks, so hard to see what's the exact issue by looking at code14:49
didrocksmterry: yeah, I wonder how we can debug that, I'm sure it's lxc/udev in lxc which doesn't authorize the right dev/14:49
mterrydidrocks, build a version with better debugging?  strace it?14:50
didrocksmterry: do you want debug symbols? :)14:50
didrocksI can have that for you!14:50
mterrydidrocks, not symbols but just printfs saying what it is doing14:51
mterrybut stracing would likely be easier14:51
mterryjust insert that into the jenkins job14:51
didrocksmterry: you can get access to the machine if needed14:51
didrocksby ssh14:51
didrocksand running inside the container14:51
didrocksif that's easier than hacking the jenkins job14:51
mterryor wherever it launches u-s-c14:51
mterrydidrocks, maybe, ok14:51
jibelmterry, I need to know which device it is trying to access to to see if there are missing privileges, or apparmor blocking access, or a module mismatch, ...14:51
didrocksjibel: strace will indeed help, as mterry mentionned14:52
didrocksmterry: to run unity-system-compositor, we can do that without any X, just starting from a login prompt, right?14:53
mterrydidrocks, I think so...?14:55
mterrydidrocks, I already have ssh access?14:56
mterrywhich machine?14:56
didrocksmterry: from magners, it's ssh ubuntu@dx-autopilot-intel14:56
didrocksmterry: but we're going to restart the container with this install for you :)14:56
didrocksmterry: just need to hack to not have the tests running and the machine staying up14:57
sil2100racarr: hi!15:41
didrocksmterry: so15:44
mterrydidrocks, OK, so trying in container, we get mir running15:44
didrockswe tried to shutdown the machine15:44
mterryunlike on jenkins15:44
didrocksand just restart it15:44
didrocksmterry: well, unlike on the first attempt as well15:44
didrocksmterry: like, when you joined15:44
didrockswe restarted it15:45
didrocksand there was the error15:45
didrocksand so, the fallback was running15:45
didrocksit's just since you get it working once that now it's ok15:45
mterryMy work here is done!15:45
didrocksI didn't follow with the pings on IRC, but…15:45
didrocksdid you change anything in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/10-unity-system-compositor.conf ?15:46
mterrydidrocks, I commented my change back out15:47
didrocksyeah, that's why we see15:47
didrockscan it be a race?15:47
mterrydidrocks, but if you want to run with strace, uncomment the line in there15:47
didrocksmterry: see!15:50
didrocksmterry: just restarted15:50
didrocksit's on your plate \o/\o/\o/15:51
mterrydidrocks, OK.  Now if we restart lightdm, do we expect to see this error again?15:51
didrocksso, more seriously, seems there is a race15:51
didrocksI bet we won't15:51
didrocksmterry: want to try?15:51
mterrydidrocks, OK.  And if it fails, let's add strace, then restart.  Or will that wipe out the config change?15:51
didrocksmterry: no, that will keep the config change15:51
didrocksso yeah, let's do that :)15:51
mterryok, restart worked-ish15:52
mterrydidrocks, OK, how to restart?15:52
didrocks(I just rechecked)15:52
didrocksmterry: just shutdown (like that)15:53
didrocksthen it archives :p15:53
didrocks(my fault)15:53
didrockssee the lxc-start command15:53
sil2100racarr: (here as well) ping15:54
didrocksmterry: it's running, jibel restarts15:54
mterrydidrocks, sorry, wasn't watching byobu when that all happened :)15:55
didrocksmterry: ok, restarted15:56
didrocksso it's running again15:56
didrocksstrace should slows the start enough :/15:56
mterryok, let's see that log15:57
mterrydidrocks, it looks like it worke15:57
mterrydidrocks, so yeah, race condition?15:58
didrocksmterry: right, I'm sure strace slows it down enough :/15:58
mterrydidrocks, well...  file a bug and add a sleep 1 in meantime?  :-/15:58
didrocksmterry: like sleep && unity-system-compositor in the conffile?15:59
didrockssleep 1*15:59
racarrsil2100: Pong16:00
racarrDentist soon sorry but im around for next 30 minutes16:01
mterrydidrocks, yeah, that could work16:01
sil2100racarr: priv then!16:03
mterrydidrocks, I looked away, did the sleep work?16:06
didrocksmterry: we are trying first to see how many times it fails16:07
didrocksit's really random16:07
mterrydidrocks, hmm..  also, for testing sleep, probably better to test higher value than 1 in case that's not enough time16:07
mterrydidrocks, I'm going to grab lunch16:07
didrocksmterry: well, we need to have that merged in unity-system-compositor package as long as we don't fix the race :/16:08
didrocksso I'm afraid about the value we would put here16:08
didrockswe tried with cold cache, without any difference16:09
didrocks(it worked the first time)16:09
didrocksok, without sleep, it started 7 times on 10 trials16:13
didrockskgunn: FYI ^16:13
* kgunn read most of the scrollback16:21
* didrocks feels sorry for kgunn16:21
kgunndidrocks: so sleep seems to fix it, otherwise 70% working..."randomly"16:21
didrockskgunn: no, we are trying sleep for now16:21
kdubmterry, that error (from way up in the /sb) didn't mean anything obvious to me either16:21
didrocksand the syntax doesn't support it16:21
didrockswe are trying to have a shell calling unity-system-compositor with a sleep16:22
kgunndidrocks: so at this very moment you are testing for the reliability of sleep (e.g. u-s-c sleep 1)16:22
didrockskgunn: yeah, with no interesting value right now (we have 100% failures)16:23
kgunndidrocks: sorry still confused by your last statement "no interesting value"...what is value ? and didn't you say even w/o sleep you get 70% working ? what config is failing 100% ? (sorry if i am slow minded :)16:24
didrockskgunn: 70% working -> call with no config16:25
didrocks0% working with the sleep, but still trying16:26
kgunndidrocks: bummer16:26
kgunndidrocks: and by failure we mean...xmir doesn't launch, but rather fallsback to standalone x16:28
didrockskgunn: right16:28
kgunn(just confirming that is _still_ the failure mode)16:28
didrocksno unity-system-compositor (so no xmir) running16:28
didrockskgunn: yeah, we tested well the fallback work16:28
didrocksit's working :)16:28
didrocks(that's the bright side :p)16:28
kgunnbregma: bschaefer ^ just fyi...mterry helping, but good to know...have you seen this recently on any of your reboots ?16:29
didrockskgunn: FYI, 50% working without any sleep on another test run16:29
kgunne.g. xmir not starting but falling back to x16:29
bschaeferkgunn, with a recent update? Or the same problem as yesterday?16:30
didrockskgunn: sleep 1 seems to be a "better" value: 90% passed (on 10 runs)16:30
kgunnbschaefer: oh yeah...duh...this is identicle to robotfuel's isn't it....16:31
bregmaI have never had u-s-c fail to start on reboot on my test machine16:31
didrockskgunn: sorry, no, not the sleep 1, just no sleep but embedding it in a shell16:31
didrockstrying with sleep 1 on 10 runs now16:31
didrocksit's clearly a race anyway…16:31
bschaeferinteresting either way ...16:31
* kgunn wonders....no one ever sees this locally....wondering about kvm monitors16:31
didrockskgunn: do people notice you think?16:32
kgunndidrocks: hard to miss the giant-ass mouse missing16:32
didrockskgunn: indeed ;) but you know… at least, having a case we can reproduce the race is good16:33
kgunndidrocks: sure....its just we've had suspicions about the kvm monitors about other things16:33
didrockskgunn: hum? this is running on bare metal16:34
didrockswe are connected directly to ssh on it16:34
kgunndidrocks: oh...really, so this is a machined hooked to a normal monitor ? (or embedded lcd)16:34
didrockskgunn: we can remove the kvm daemon, but it's not in the hook at all16:34
didrockswe are in a ssh connexion directly connected to it, not using kvm16:35
kgunndidrocks: who is "We" & "it"....i guess, i'm trying to get at, is there a display phyically connected to the processor running u-s-c (or attempting to)16:36
didrockskgunn: we == jibel and I right now16:37
didrockswe are connected by ssh to the machine16:37
didrocksand start/stop lightdm16:37
didrocksthere is a display physically connected to it16:37
didrocksbut in lexington16:37
kgunndidrocks: got it...16:37
didrocksso a little bit far for us to look at it :)16:37
kgunntheory busted16:37
didrocksok, another run with sleep .116:38
didrocks-> 100% pass on 10 trials16:38
kdubwould people be ok if we had mir_init_display_info(DisplayStruct*); mir_get_display_info(DisplayStruct*); mir_destroy_display_info(DisplayStruct*); in the client api?16:38
didrockskgunn: so, to be able to move on this… what do you think we should do?16:38
kgunndidrocks: \o/ ....for sleep 1 or .1 (typo or not)16:38
didrockskgunn: sleep .1 (no typo)16:39
kgunnyou add to the u-s-c conf file right ?16:39
didrocksno, u-s-c config doesn't support && apparently :/16:40
didrocksso we call unity-system-compositor.sleep, which is a shell script, with sleep .1; unity-system-compositor16:40
didrocksand call unity-system-compositor.sleep from u-s-c conf file16:40
didrockskgunn: I just want to be able to give you one set of test results with xmir enabled16:40
didrocksnot sure if you want to go that ugly way then ^16:41
kgunndidrocks: seems there's enough proof there we know what that issue is....and it should permit more testing16:42
kgunnso that would be fine (as it shouldn't alter anything but the startup)16:42
didrockskgunn: so, you want me to MP it?16:42
kgunndidrocks: yes...i think so, we know its a dirty hack....we'll have an assoc bug to fix it16:44
kgunnnot that we have a nice repro capability16:44
kgunnbschaefer: what was the pass/fail experience you had yesterday with robotfuel ?16:45
kgunnwas it on the order of 70% ?16:45
bschaeferkgunn, you mean ChrisGagnon?16:45
bschaeferright, umm sorry was a bit confused :)16:45
kgunnbschaefer: ^16:45
bschaeferhe was hitting it pretty commonly16:46
bschaeferi never asked percentage, and I couldn't reproduce it on my machine16:46
bschaeferkgunn, I would say greater than 50% though16:46
bschaefererr greater than 50% passing16:47
kgunnbschaefer: even better16:47
kgunnbschaefer: oh...then about the same16:47
bschaeferkgunn, but he'll have a better grabs on the numbers :)16:47
bschaeferI only asked about 3-4 machines, but it seemed like he could get a failing one pretty fast16:48
kgunnbschaefer: this little work around will at least unblock him16:48
bschaeferawesome, adding that .1 sleep in?16:48
kgunnbschaefer: yep16:48
bschaeferinteresting, i remember lightdm having a racing problem before...16:48
bschaeferwhen the machine was super fast, but it could be a different issue :)16:48
kgunndidrocks: to make sure i understand....sleep 0 = 70% pass, sleep 1 = 0% pass, sleep .1 = 100% (10 runs each)16:49
didrockskgunn: between 50-70% for no sleep16:50
didrockskgunn: now, shell with sleep .1: 100% pass16:50
bschaefersounds about right (with sleep 0 that is)16:50
bschaeferdidrocks, awesome :)16:50
didrockskgunn: sleep 1: 100% as well (it was a test issue)16:50
didrocksbut let's keep .1, it's working16:50
kgunndidrocks: cool....better....that was gonna freak me out16:51
didrocksbschaefer: well, not that awesome TBH :p16:51
bschaeferdidrocks, well its an odd workaround, but still a workaround for now16:51
bschaeferand you found a way to 100% reproduce :)16:51
didrocksbschaefer: no, 30% reproduce the failure (without any sleep) :p16:51
bschaeferoo I see it was a test issue16:52
didrockskgunn: https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/unity-system-compositor/add-dirty-sleep/+merge/17563316:53
didrockskgunn: I'm opening the bug16:53
kgunndidrocks: there's one already open16:53
didrocksah, url?16:54
bschaeferwas it htis one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/xmir/+bug/120156516:54
ubot5Launchpad bug 1201565 in XMir "unity doesn't run in xmir session " [Critical,Triaged]16:54
bschaeferopps :)16:54
didrockskgunn: hum, doesn't seem to be that one16:54
didrockswe don't have unity-system-compositor running, not unity16:55
kgunnbschaefer: hmmmm, did we morph this bug on accident...are there really 2 bugs ? or did the unity problem actually go away...16:56
bschaeferkgunn, hmm IIRC, that but above was about u-s-c not running, or really just a symptom...16:57
bschaeferdidrocks, which problem were you looking at?16:57
didrocksbschaefer: unity-system-compositor doesn't run16:57
didrocksand so, we fallback to legacy X16:57
didrocksthe bug title you have is unity crashing under xmir16:57
bschaeferdidrocks, right, thats what that bug is about, as u-s-c doesn't run which was causing unity to now run...16:57
didrocksbschaefer: but xmir doesn't start even16:57
didrocksbschaefer: which is what the bug seems to be about16:58
didrocksand here, we fallback to traditional xorg16:58
bschaeferdidrocks, right, xmir wans't starting either...but you can't have xmir with u-s-c right?16:58
didrocksand unity is running16:58
bschaeferdidrocks, well I never actually saw the problem happening...it was on a VM somehwere16:58
bschaeferor a machine somewhere16:58
didrocksbschaefer: your bug is mentionning a crash in unity, which isn't the case here16:58
didrockskgunn: I would suggest keeping the bug separated and see where we can get for more clarity, thoughts?16:59
bschaeferdidrocks, right... ChrisGagnon is on lunch atm sooo he would be the one I would poke ...16:59
robotfueldidrocks: rebooting seems to help starting xmir16:59
didrocksrobotfuel: we did reboot by a set of 10 times multiple times16:59
kgunni gotta run17:00
bschaeferdidrocks, though the overall problem with that bug was u-s-c was not starting, and on a second reboot it would start...17:00
didrocksbschaefer: why is is associated with xmir then?17:00
didrocksbschaefer: xmir even doesn't start at this level17:00
bschaeferdidrocks, well what we can do, is you can open a bug up, and if we can confirm its the same we can mark it as a dup as the one you open17:00
didrocksthen, we fallback to xorg17:00
bschaeferdidrocks, right17:00
didrocksand unity start17:00
didrocksdoesn't crash17:00
bschaeferit was black screening on that bug17:00
didrocksbschaefer: yeah, sounds a good plan :)17:00
bschaeferwell actually im not sure if it was, no one actually saw a visual17:01
bschaeferdidrocks, yeah, Ill poke Chris when gets back, or Ill just take a look at it :)17:01
robotfueldidrocks: no I can try that right now though, I have a bunch of machines with it loaded.  the reboot 10 times is a good idea17:02
didrocksrobotfuel: we did that a lot and have data FYI, one sec, summarizing this17:02
didrocksmterry: bschaefer: robotfuel: kgunn: bug #120275217:04
ubot5bug 1202752 in Unity System Compositor "race when starting unity-system-compositor from lightdm" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120275217:04
kgunndidrocks: cool17:04
bschaeferdidrocks, thanks17:04
didrocksyw :)17:05
didrocksthanks to jibel as well17:05
bschaeferjibel, thanks :)17:05
bschaeferdidrocks, also, it does look a but different17:05
bschaeferdidrocks, as that error you get, wasn't showing up in the othe rbug17:05
didrocksbschaefer: isn't it? :)17:05
didrocksok, better to keep that separated17:05
bschaeferdidrocks, yup, until we can confirm that its the same, it could be somewhat related, but yeeah17:06
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robotfuel_kdub: I've found the version of checkbox we are using for ihv's, so I can run it on xmir -> http://certification-static.canonical.com/checkbox-ihv/18:46
robotfuel_wrong k18:46
robotfuel_kgunn: ^18:47
racarr back18:47
kgunnrobotfuel_: cool....kdub might like to know too :)18:47
TheDrumsHowdy, just curious, when might 0.0.7 hit the "System Compositor Testing" PPA?19:19
racarrYay ust implemented my session transaction stuff I was fantasizing about yesterday19:39
racarrand it does in fact fix the stress test19:39
kgunnTheDrums: honestly not sure, we've been laser locked on bugs for entering distro....i meet with the team in a bit, i'll see if we can bump it19:58
kgunnracarr: i thot robert_ancell fixed it ?....or were we multi-bugged19:58
TheDrumsCool, thanks.19:58
kgunnTheDrums: what exactly were you after in the latest? or what is the testing ppa lacking ?20:01
kgunnjust curious20:01
kgunn...pardon me while i reboot, brb20:02
TheDrumskgunn: Latest?  See if any crashing is fixed, or anything like that mainly.  Going to spin up a new ISO for it when it hits and trying to follow the official testing "rules" by not using staging. ;)  (The System Compositor Testing I'd hope is more likely to work, and as I can't actually test it on my hardware all I can do is see if the deps are right while generating.)20:10
racarrkgunn: Err, I think we were multibugged20:11
racarrwell, we have definitely been multibugged20:11
kgunnTheDrums: mos def....-testing PPA should totally work....its just a copy of "confirmed" synch'd packages from staging20:14
TheDrumsThat's my idea, only had it once so far where it had unmet depends.  Anywho, was just asking about it, not trying to get into anything. :)20:15
kgunnTheDrums: sure...and yeah....we screwed up about a week ago on that one :)20:15
kgunnno hiccups since20:15
kgunnanother reason for getting in distro soon....to escape the ppa madness20:16
kgunn...and rebooting again20:21
racarrLate lunch...back soon!20:50
racarrmm tacos21:01
robert_ancellbregma, so, the armhf builds are supposed to be working now?21:17
bregmarobert_ancell, as far as I know, tvoss disabled the tests so the packages build21:18
robert_ancellbregma, ok, it looks like jenkins is just behind then21:18
bregmaI'm working with an older branch so I can try to make the tests fail sanely, so I haven't verified the builds myself21:19
kdubrobert_ancell, so with the changes for ~kdub/mir/display-grouping, the client api has not changed (other than new functions) because we'll support the now-deprecated display query function21:22
kdubbut the protobuf protocol has changed21:22
kdubso the soname for the client should be the same (because there is no abi breakage), right?21:22
robert_ancellkdub, correct - I'll re-review21:23
robert_ancellsrc/client/CMakeLists.txt still has the soname bump - is that what you were just about to remove?21:24
kdubright, just pushed seconds ago21:25
robert_ancellkdub, you can't change DisplayMode in mir_protobuf.proto like that - it will break old clients21:29
robert_ancellyou either need to extend it and keep the old width, height and supported_pixel_format fields, or make a new message21:30
robert_ancellYou can rename the fields though if they have the same content as the new fields. Though it looks like width, height and supported_pixel_format no longer exist21:31
robert_ancellkdub, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5888893/ shows how you could extend DisplayInfo21:33
robert_ancellthere's a wire cost of sending the obsolete fields because they were marked 'required'21:33
robert_ancellNote the field numbers can never be reused - they form part of what goes on the wire21:34
kdubwhat about Connection going from 'optional' to 'repeated'21:44
robert_ancellkdub, that's allowed if it makes sense - an old client will take the first or last (I can't remember which) of the fields and just use that.21:46
kdubah, ok21:46
kdubwon't we break old clients eventually though and remove those fields?21:46
robert_ancellkdub, yes probably. This is a little bit artificial because in practise if probably wont matter. But we've made an API/ABI guarantee so we should get in the habit of doing it right21:47
kgunnthomi: mind a review on https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/unity-system-compositor/add-dirty-sleep/+merge/17563321:47
robert_ancellAt least we should have the fallback code and delete it once we know all clients in the wild are updated21:47
robert_ancellkdub, it will be easier to make a new message, then drop the old one in the future21:48
robert_ancell(than extend the current message)21:48
robert_ancellwe should really add the version into the connect message and reject old clients once we make that break21:48
kdubrobert_ancell, but... if a new server is running and an old client connects, the client won't work21:50
kdubeven if we preserve the right fields21:50
kdubbecause the code in the frontend is just talking in terms of the new messages21:50
robert_ancellkdub, yes, we have to populate the old fields to be backwards compatible21:50
kdubthat really complicates everything though :/21:51
robert_ancellkdub, is the old supported_pixel_format == the new pixel_format?21:54
robert_ancellkdub, rather supported_pixel_format = pixel_format[0]21:55
kdubsure, that shouldnt have changed21:55
robert_ancelland width == mode[0].horizontal_resolution?21:55
kdubright, I see what you're saying :) maybe i'm just resistant to deprecated code that has to be supported21:57
robert_ancellkdub, it's the cost of having a protocol21:57
racarrrobert_ancell: kdub: Just being nosy ;) this sounds like it may be a recurring problem over the next month21:57
racarrI wonder if we can do something like add a version to connect21:58
robert_ancellkdub, this is where it might make sense to make a new connect message21:58
racarrand then it can just fail sanely and people need to update their clients21:58
robert_ancelland we just reject the old connect message for old clients.21:58
racarrI mean obviously we can't break things all the time, but for the time being it's mostly a matter of keeping things sane21:58
racarrrather than actually having "clients int he wild"21:58
robert_ancellThe problem with the changes as you've made them is an old client will interpret the new data incorrectly21:58
robert_ancellbasically what racarr is saying :)21:59
thomikgunn: sure21:59
robert_ancellthomi, I just approved it22:00
thomiI see :)22:00
thomilooks nice a nasty hack, but *shrug* if it gets the job done :)22:00
thomiI ahve so many IRC channels I don't always see when people ping me :-/22:00
racarrthomi: Oh btw this is supposed to be22:01
racarrthe stress test fix )22:01
thomiracarr: awesome, will test locally22:01
thomidumb question: can I still run mir natively if I'm running xmir?22:01
racarrI...think so?22:02
kgunnthomi: i have run democlients while running xmir22:02
kgunnit uses the same window thos22:02
racarryou should be able to run another server22:02
kgunnso i had to ctl-c to get my unity back22:03
thomiawesome, thanks22:03
racarrbut you will need to pass -f or something22:03
racarrso they dont use the same socket file22:03
thomihmm, ok22:03
kgunnthomi: right...what racarr said...otherwise it gloms onto your active mir window22:03
racarrthen your client has to support that :p22:03
racarrwe should have an environment variable22:03
racarrmaybe we do and I forgot22:03
thomikgunn: "gloms" - technical term? :P22:04
kgunnthomi: don't think so...22:04
kgunngotta be some slang i picked up from my 15 yr old...22:04
racarryeah we dont' have an environment variable22:04
thomiracarr: so I run "mir_demo_server -f /path/to/some/nonexistent/socket" ?22:04
robert_ancellracarr, there's MIR_SERVER_FILE22:04
kgunnglom = a parasitic type use of22:04
racarrrobert_ancell: I mean one for the client library22:04
racarrthomi: Yes, or mirserver file22:04
robert_ancellracarr, ah, ok22:04
racarrit would be nice if like22:04
kdubrobert_ancell, so I guess for now, i'll just support the old messages at the same time22:04
racarrif it was set, was the socket used for22:05
* robert_ancell hates it's called --file. How vague is that?22:05
racarrclients can still specify a socket of course22:05
robert_ancellracarr, +122:05
kdubbut i think adding versioning to connect in the near future is a good plan22:05
thomirobert_ancell: --file-descriptor :)22:05
robert_ancellthomi, but it's a path!22:05
racarrrobert_ancell: mir --the-thing-that-used-to-be-export-display-equals-0=/tmp/bla22:05
thomirobert_ancell: a path to a file descriptor, right?22:05
robert_ancellmir --socket?22:06
robert_ancellthomi, no the name of a socket that will be opened by the server22:06
racarrmir --address22:06
thomioh ok22:06
robert_ancellmir --client-socket?22:06
racarrI like --socket-path22:08
robert_ancellracarr, it probably needs to be --client-socket-path because for nested Mir we'll need --parent-socket-path or similar22:09
thomiugh. Can we make ./native_compile.sh run "sudo mk-build-deps -i" at the top?22:09
thomihmm. . pity it needs sudo, and isn't installed by default I guess22:09
racarrrobert_ancell: Well, for nested mir it should have the same name as this22:09
robert_ancellI guess22:10
racarr(the parent-socket-path)22:10
robert_ancellso we can use two env variables MIR_SERVER_SOCKET_PATH and MIR_CLIENT_SOCKET_PATH22:10
thomiwhy do you need two variables? Surely they should always be the same?22:11
racarrmir on mir22:11
racarrIt's mir all the way down.22:11
thomi... and we want to do that why?22:11
racarrUnity 8?22:11
racarrthe future.22:11
thomiso.. maybe I'm being obtuse, but why is that "mir on mir", and not just "mir" ?22:12
racarrsame idea as xmir where there is a system compositor22:12
racarrand each user session runs in a22:12
racarrsession compositor22:12
thomiahh, I see22:12
racarrand you can spin between user sessions on a burning cube22:12
thomiwell... that seems very practical22:13
kdubrobert_ancell, how's this diff for the protobuf file?22:14
racarrthomi: Practically the biggest gain is that the system compositor comes up very very early in the boot process22:15
racarrand after tht its flicker free :)22:15
robert_ancellkdub, that looks good. I think the DEPRECATED should be on the display_info field, not the display_state right?22:15
robert_ancellnot the Connection message I mean22:15
robert_ancellkdub, and we just omit setting display_info in the new code? Since it's optional we can do that22:16
kdubdeprecated is on the right field, there's a diff break22:17
thomiracarr: so with your banch, the server no longer deadlocks, but it does seem to crash22:17
kdubhmm... not sure22:17
thomiracarr: and I have to restart lightdm if I want my console back :-/22:17
kdubrobert_ancell, old clients won't break (eg crash) if we don't set that field, but they won't be able to get any display information22:18
robert_ancellkdub, oh duh :)22:18
robert_ancellkdub, right, so we don't break API or ABI, but we do change behaviour. That's probably acceptable given the state of the project22:19
racarrthomi: Oh thats a shame22:35
racarrI never had a deadlock22:35
racarrI just had a crhs22:35
racarrOk well I will try out with my laptop and longer times and22:35
racarrthis definitely fixes a race though! so22:35
thomiracarr: I just built packages, will install them now and make sure I can replicate22:35
thomiI just built locally before22:36
racarrIt feels like22:36
racarrrace conditions are more prevalent in the southern hemisphere22:36
thomiracarr: yup, confirmed it crashes, but it seems to crash when mir_stress is about to exit, not half way through the run22:41
thomiracarr: let me know if there's anythign I can do to help you debug this, but I feel like your MP should be 'Needs Fixing' until I can run mir_stress without crashes - do you agree?22:42
racarrI guess my thought was merge it, because by inspection it fixes a bug22:43
racarrand it's just we have multiple bugs22:43
racarrI have an idea about a crash that could only occur when the client is actually exiting.22:43
racarrthomi: in src/server/frontend/session_mediator.cpp ~SessionMediator l6622:44
racarrright before if (session)22:44
racarrcould you add22:44
racarrstd::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(session_mutex)22:45
racarroutside the scope of the if.22:45
racarrThat may fix it! If not the most useful info would come from runnign the server with22:45
thomiracarr: that line already exists at that location22:46
thomiracarr: what about the SessionMediator dtor?22:47
thomidoes that need a lock as well?22:47
racarrthomi: That's what I meant22:47
racarrshouldn't the if (session) in ~SessionMediator be22:47
racarrat l66?22:47
thomiI saw l66 as 16622:47
racarrhaha, I was like22:47
racarroh god, I don't even know what branch is what anymore22:47
thomiok, building...22:48
racarrAh :) always feels good to get to the end of my own branch list22:54
racarreh nvm the thought vanished23:05
thomiracarr: nope, that doesn't work either23:06
racarrthe races around msh::Surface in the  session-transactions branch23:06
thomiracarr: when I do that, mir_server hangs, and mir_stress never exits23:06
racarrI feel like they have given me a lot more clarity about what the scenegraph needs to do, and whats wrong with the existing interfaces23:06
racarrbut apparently not that clear because I just completely brain dumped23:06
racarrthomi: Ok. Can you pastebin with the two env variables I sent up above23:06
thomiracarr: where does the output go?23:08
thomiracarr: got it.. trying to pastebin a 5.3MB log file :-/23:10
thomimaybe that's a bad idea :)23:10
racarrhaha oh right23:11
thomihmmm... I now have a 280KB .gz fie.. I'll email it to you23:12
racarrI..had some good times with those log files23:12
racarrI ended up adding roughly ~15 random printfs with line and thread-id23:12
racarrand added thread-id in the logs23:12
racarrand used emacs macros23:12
racarrto reorder them23:12
racarrand did that roughlly23:12
racarr100 times in a row23:12
racarrand that was tuesday23:12
thomiracarr: OK, email sent. let me know if you get it23:13
racarrthomi: got it23:14
racarrthomi: Does the file really cut off int he middle of23:15
racarrit seems to contain no information :(23:15
racarris that stderr and stdout?23:15
thomiracarr: that's stdout, and yeah, it really does cut off there23:15
racarrthomi: :( ok I will see if I can reproduce it on some of my other devices23:44
thomiracarr: ok, let me know if I can get you anything else23:44
robert_ancellracarr, what's the advantage of a transaction over a lock?23:48
robert_ancellracarr, ps, are you using emacs?23:49

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