[00:38] cabinetguru [01:07] hi [06:56] give me a good reason to switch from Windows to Ubuntu [07:23] good morning [08:07] I have a question, How can i get Ubuntu phone for free, so i can start making programs, i got one from Firefox OS [09:05] dholbach: Is there any hangout? [09:05] fr33r1d3, I don't know which one is planned next [09:09] Ubuntu Development Hangout starting in 15 minutes, at http://ubuntuonair.com . Speakers: dholbach <--- from twitter [09:10] I'm sorry - the calendar wasn't updated :-( [09:10] I just mentioned it to jose [09:11] k np [10:29] whats this === jono is now known as Guest30113 [18:19] query