
mhall119no, not yet, let me put that on my todo list for tomorrow00:02
Chocantomhall119: No sorry, It's not a hurry, take your time !00:04
mhall119no need to apologize Chocanto :)00:07
Chocantomhall119: Ok ok ^^00:15
AskUbuntuUbuntu Touch for Thinkpad x200 tablet | http://askubuntu.com/q/32132700:18
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DJJeffis ummmmm usb tethering possible? http://i.imgur.com/FszXfdO.png00:24
balloons_vthompson, yes you still need to assign it an objectname to image00:51
balloons_upi dpm00:51
balloons_you don't need an objectname for ubuntushape00:52
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kanwisherphatablet seems to wait for ever on "waiting for device" after it restarts the device01:25
kanwisheri can even see a device in 'adb devices'01:26
DJJefffuck ya, finally got reverse USB TETHERING to work so I can get internet on my Ubuntu Touch over USB :)01:32
DJJeffgonna make a howto/video and post it up later :)01:32
kanwisherDJJeff: very cool01:33
DJJeffonly took putting eth0 and usb0 on my ubuntu laptop into bridge mode then on my android doing netcfg rndis0 dhcp01:35
DJJeffinside of a root@android shell prompt01:36
DJJefffired up wireshark on usb0 and was able to see the DHCP DISCOVER packets01:36
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annerajb_rsalveti: i been trying to deploy the raring zip and it's running out of space on the device. should i skip installing that and just use the bootstrap i build?01:53
annerajb_also the install script dosnt fail the frecovery on a error untaring it goes along fine01:53
vthompsonballoons_, Yea, I'm still stuck.01:57
vthompsonballoons_, I have the following branch in the works if you want to give it a go: lp:~vthompson/music-app/autopilot-test-for-play-track01:58
rsalvetiannerajb: well, you need to install the ubuntu image somewhere where you have enough space at least01:59
annerajb_rsalveti: or start deleting stuff from the image till it installs :P ima look into it make sure i didnt made any mistakes and you where mentioning earlier of a test to run before installing the kernel that's in the bootstrap you remember about that?02:00
rsalvetiannerajb: sure, but seems surfaceflinger is running just fine in your env, so it should be working02:07
rsalvetiso just need to enable the kernel configs and install the ubuntu zip there02:07
annerajb_i tried to run it by hand and it seg fault. rsalveti already did the kernel changes but now the ubuntu zip is running out of space.02:07
annerajb_thought it may have been out of space without the changes i did since it's not failling when the tar command fails on the deploy script02:08
annerajb_btw rsalveti not sure if this is normal but it's using around 900mb (probably more since it never finishes extracting) does that sound about right???02:09
rsalvetiyeah, it uses a bit more than 1gb02:10
annerajb_Oo i found a 9mb log file in /var/log/02:12
annerajb_in the raring-preinstalled*.zip02:12
rsalvetiyeah, we still need to optimize that02:14
dejelloHello all02:23
crocketIt seems people are not psyched about ubuntu devices.02:31
kanwisheris there a way to enable hdmi out on the nexus 4 with ubuntu02:36
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johny___i have a nexus 7, whoi is the correct dist, for this nexus?05:41
wilee-nileejohny___, YOU can install the touch or saucy05:47
wilee-nileeas far as what this channel is orientated with05:47
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oSoMoNmzanetti: ping07:12
dholbachgood morning07:29
rickspencer3hi dholbach07:30
rickspencer3btw, I'm back in Berlin today :)07:30
sil2100gusch: hello! I see some updates on the bug #120220107:30
ubot5bug 1202201 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Share dialog does not appear with latest SDK" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120220107:30
sil2100gusch: it seems that simply the way things are done changed, so I guess gallery-app will have to be modified instead?07:31
dholbachhi rickspencer307:31
guschsil2100: in the works https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-no-album-share/+merge/17527507:32
guschsil2100: but jenkins coudn't land it yesterday07:32
sil2100Jenkins is a b*tch lately07:32
sil2100Since my other branch can't land as well, because of: ERROR:pbuilderjenkins:Error during build execution07:33
sil2100Whatever that means07:33
sil2100Need to poke QA07:33
rickspencer3gema, ^07:34
guschsil2100: if hope that now jenkins has a low load, I'm more lucky ...07:34
* gema has been poked and is looking at it07:35
gemajibel: sil2100 is having autolanding issues, could you or didrocks look into that?07:40
didrocksgema: what is autolanding?07:41
gemadidrocks: that's what I was wondering :P07:41
didrocksgema: we told to not use those terms, upstream merger or daily release07:41
gemadidrocks: ack, then I need to go back to my dash guys and undo a comment I made yesterday07:41
gemadidrocks: he is having problems with upstream merger, I guess?07:41
didrocksgema: I think he's talking about upstream merger, which is managed by your team FYI ;)07:41
sil2100Errors like these07:42
didrocksgema: yeah, it's your/fghinter's team07:42
gemadidrocks: understood07:42
didrocksgema: to come back to terminology, do you mind working with fghinter to remove all the terms of "ci" or "autolanding" from jenkins jobs and docs?07:44
gemasil2100: I have heard of that error yesterday, we changed martin's key for a differnt one and some builds have been giving problems07:44
didrocksgema: people are confused and we never know if they are talking about usptream merging or daily release07:44
gemasil2100: (you can see it if you search on the console for "error")07:44
didrocks(or even image build sometimes)07:44
gemasil2100: I am going to have to wait for fginther to come online later to fix (or some of the other folks in the US)07:45
gemasil2100: but it is an easy one to fix, if I am reading the log right07:45
gemasil2100: sorry about that07:45
gemadidrocks: no wonder, I am confused as well07:46
gemadidrocks: I am starting to gain an understanding, though07:46
didrocksgema: from my side, I've already done this cleanup, so I think the upstream merger one is the one remaining to clean07:46
didrocksgema: then, it will take time for people to change their terminology, but with patience and repetition… :p07:47
gemadidrocks: it is going to help that we put the right terminology on the dash we are landing this week07:47
gemaI am going to make sure of that in today's meeting07:47
didrocksgema: I hope so :)07:47
gemadidrocks: so your stuff (landing on the distro) is daily release, right?07:48
didrocksgema: exactly07:48
gemadidrocks: ack07:48
didrocksgema: distro or "feature ppa"07:48
didrocksbut yeah, called daily release :)07:48
gemadidrocks: ok, it makes sense07:49
gemaautolanding was an overloaded term, that's the problem07:49
didrocksas CI07:50
didrocksthat's why I kept repeating to not using them as soon as I see them being used :)07:50
sil2100gema: thanks ;) Too bad we have to wait, but good that it's fixable07:50
didrockssil2100: gema: won't that be a case of pushing to trunk to unblock the stack?07:51
rickspencer3gema, there is no other way to get sil2100 unblocked other than waiting  for 3+ hours for someone in the US?07:51
sil2100There's also gusch's branch that is a bit more important that probably fails because of the same reasons07:53
sil2100https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-no-album-share/+merge/175275 <- same thing during autolanding, the armhf lander fails07:53
didrocksasac: please ensure that fghinter is around on Monday's meeting, I see a lot of merging failures lately (and we had to push unity to trunk as well directly)07:54
gemarickspencer3: right now there isn't , but this is only going to happen today, tomorrow we won't have this problem again07:54
sil2100didrocks: would you mind if we merge directly to gallery-app's trunk gusch's fix?07:55
rickspencer3gema, how come? there's only one person who can fix the issue?07:55
sil2100didrocks: CI jenkins said it's OK, just one of the autolanders dies07:55
didrockssil2100: same, as long as you build locally and we ensure to have a daily just after that, I'm personnaly fine with it07:55
gemarickspencer3: no, there's plenty of them, they are all in the US07:55
didrockssil2100: ok, sounds good then :)07:55
gemarickspencer3: or in NZ and already gone07:55
sil2100gusch: you want to push it to trunk or should I do it ;) We have a green light!07:55
didrocksrickspencer3: gema: FYI, we are workarounding with merging directly to trunk manually, as we did have build runs successfully first and daily release.07:56
rickspencer3didrocks,  good07:56
gemadidrocks: ack, in any case I need to fix this later today07:56
rickspencer3every day is precious07:56
didrocksgema: oh completely, please get that fixed asap :)07:56
rickspencer3we can't lose a whole day due to infrastructure issues07:56
guschsil2100: I approved (again)07:56
gemadidrocks: will do07:57
sil2100gusch: oh, not sure if that will help ;/ It'll fail on armhf again07:58
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sil2100gusch: ok, then once it fails again I'll merge directly07:58
sil2100gusch: so I'll take care of it07:58
guschsil2100: ok - thx07:58
timpis image 20130717.2 working?08:03
timpgusch: I saw the uitk bugs that showed up in gallery-app08:06
timpgusch: the toolbutton.enabled I'll check later; I guess it will be easy to fix08:06
guschtimp: the it's weired to once have the caller, and once not08:07
guschtimp: but in the CHANGES file, I didn't see that API change08:07
Saviqtimp, current is 20130716, so that's the latest "known to work"08:07
timpSaviq: do you know what is not working in 20130717.2? Or when there will be a new image that works?08:08
=== schwuk_away is now known as schwuk
timpgusch: triggered can still take a parameter (not called caller), so I didn't think the API changed. But I did not take into account that in onTriggered: you use the name of the variable08:11
timpmy mistake.. should have been in CHANGES08:12
Saviqtimp, today's image is in the works around now08:12
Saviqtimp, should be up in ~2hrs I think08:12
Saviqtimp, not sure what's (not) working in 17.2 - just flashed now to see08:13
timpSaviq: ok, thanks08:13
timpSaviq: I also flashed it just now, I need some stuff that's not yet in 071608:13
Saviqtimp, well, shell came up, so that's 90% success08:13
timpSaviq: yes, for me too :)08:13
timpgusch: ToolbarButton still has the caller parameter, but I think that can be removed as well. In PopupUtils.open(), the id of the button can now be passed directly08:15
timpgusch:  I see there is already an MR that fixes it :)08:15
Saviqtimp, everything seems to be working, not sure why it's not current08:16
Saviqogra_, popey, any reason why wasn't 17.2 promoted to current?08:16
guschtimp: yep, and using ids of the buttons directly (I like that more than using caller)08:16
timpgusch: ok, good. The code is more clear like that.08:17
ogra_Saviq, because the automatic tests didnt pass http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/08:19
Saviqogra_, ah, so that's automagic now :)08:19
timpogra_: why didn't they pass?08:19
ogra_but i'm not allowed to pull the trigger until they pass08:19
ogra_timp, i just got to the kbd, no idea :)08:20
* popey flashes it anyway to test08:20
ogra_i will too08:20
timpI don't understand http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/ . since when is 28/106 45.7%?08:21
ogra_that QA math, ask them :)08:21
timp(pass rate for maguro)08:21
rickspencer3ogra_, did I understand correctly that today's image built, but there were smoke test failures?08:21
ogra_probably different tests have different weight08:21
rickspencer3for 2013071808:21
ogra_rickspencer3, 18 is still in the press08:21
ogra_rickspencer3, thats 17.208:22
* ogra_ is happy it built, that means there should be the first click packages on it08:22
rickspencer3ogra_, ok, so we're still waiting to see if 18 passes?08:22
ogra_rickspencer3, i watch every image atm, so yes, 18 too08:23
ogra_looks like the utah dbus issues are still there :/08:23
ogra_Jul 18 01:24:30 ubuntu-phablet utah: s.Error.NoServer: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-JIoEvd8Big: Connection refused#012}}}08:23
timp17.2 seems to work for me08:24
ogra_timp, well, its an error in the test suite08:24
timpgusch: can you run gallery on the phone using the "run app on device" option in QtC?08:24
timpgusch: it tells me: sed: can't read /home/phablet/dev_tmp/gallery-app/gallery-app.desktop: No such file or directory08:25
ogra_when switching to upstart user sessions some hardcoded stuff broke08:25
timpgusch: is that caused by some cmake config issue that should create the .desktop file?08:25
guschbecause the desktop file in in  /home/phablet/dev_tmp/gallery-app/desktop/gallery-app.desktop (desktop sub dir)08:25
guschtimp: and that ;)08:26
timpI only see gallery-app.desktop.in there08:26
guschtimp: so it's the cmake issue, and the sub-dir08:26
guschtimp: I never used the QtCreator to run my app on the device08:27
timpgusch: why do you use .desktop.in? is it for the tr()?08:28
popey17.2 is painfully slow on first boot08:28
Saviqogra_, re ↑, how do I stop unity8 on the device remotely? if I try `ssh stop unity8` or `ssh "bash -ic 'stop unity8'"` it doesn't cut it08:28
guschtimp: correct - for translation08:28
popey3fps when unlocking08:28
popeyif that08:28
Saviqogra_, I generally end up with "Unknown job: unity8"08:28
timpgusch: so if you change the language after installing gallery-app, the translation is not updated?08:28
Saviqpopey, maybe it's still loading the scope data?08:29
guschtimp: that should work - but the translation there includes quite some "magic"08:29
Saviqpopey, seems to work fine here08:29
popeyits okay after a minute08:29
* Saviq flashes again08:29
guschtimp: ask oSoMoN if you need to know more about the .desktop translation08:30
Saviqgusch, timp no magic, really :)08:31
Saviqgusch, timp the .desktop file gets CMake-mangled to remove the tr() from around the fields08:31
Saviqgusch, timp, and gettext extracts it from there before that08:31
Saviqgusch, timp, the "receiving side" then uses the X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain domain to translate those strings runtime, is all the magic :)08:32
timpah, ok. sounds good :)08:32
guschtranslate those strings runtime == magic ;)08:33
seb128trying to use qtmultimedia to play a sound I get08:35
seb128defaultServiceProvider::requestService(): no service found for - "org.qt-project.qt.mediaplayer"08:35
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seb128does anyone know what that's about?08:36
JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Nelson Mandela Day! :-D08:48
Saviqseb128, I'd say you need gstreamer08:49
seb128Saviq, it's my desktop, I've gstreamer and rhythmbox and totem play ogg just fine (which is what I'm trying to play)08:49
Saviqseb128, ah08:49
ogra_cjwatson, hmm, is the click installation really so quiet ? i'm looking at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/saucy/ubuntu-touch/20130717.2/livecd-armhf.out ("Setting up click packages", nothing more)08:51
cjwatsonogra_: There's normally some output08:51
ogra_hmm, then i guess something is wrong08:51
ogra_we need a "click.manifest" :)08:52
cjwatsonogra_: There must be, since if you look at the hook it should say "Setting up $package" for each one08:52
cjwatsonogra_: So clearly nothing to do with click - it's just failing to actually call it08:52
Saviqseb128, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5886881/ works fine here, does it, for you?08:52
Saviqseb128, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5886883/ here's my set of installeds08:53
cjwatsonogra_: I don't know exactly why, but the lb_chroot_hooks step is taking a suspiciously long time compared to the previous build, so I'd suspect a timeout08:54
cjwatsoni.e. network problem08:54
asacanyone checked why mako is completely busted now?08:54
ogra_yeah, i wonder if the machine is actually reachable under the external name08:54
ogra_probably needs to say lillipilly08:55
cjwatsonThe name shouldn't matter08:55
cjwatsonIt's the same IP address either way08:55
cjwatsonYou might try archive-team.internal though; but before messing about I suggest checking with IS08:56
ogra_well, the seed mirror is people.u.c08:57
cjwatsonOh, but archive-team.internal doesn't serve user home directories08:57
ogra_so it should work08:57
cjwatsonI hope it's people.c.c, not people.u.c08:57
cjwatson(Besides, archive-team.internal will soon become a different machine)08:57
ogra_but the seeds are processed in config ... which is outside of the build chroot i think08:57
cjwatsonWhat have the seeds got to do with anything?08:57
ogra_they are pulled from people.u.c08:57
ogra_so it should work without issues08:57
cjwatsonOh, preinstalled does a germinate run08:58
cjwatsonSeeds are pulled from people.c.c, not people.u.c08:58
ogra_but in the config step08:58
cjwatsonPlease make that distinction clear in your mind as they are separate machines08:58
ogra_oh, yeah,, sorry08:58
ogra_it ususally is .... finger memory08:58
cjwatson                *.ubuntu.com)           MIRROR=http://ftpmaster.internal/ubuntu/08:58
cjwatson                                        SEEDMIRROR=http://archive-team.internal/seeds/08:59
seb128$ qmlscene sound.qml08:59
seb128defaultServiceProvider::requestService(): no service found for - "org.qt-project.qt.mediaplayer"08:59
ogra_oh, where is that08:59
cjwatsonSo in fact they are pulled from archive-team.internal, not people.c.c08:59
cjwatsontop of live-build/auto/config/08:59
Saviqseb128, do you have the QtMultimedia plugins installed?08:59
seb128Saviq, I didn't have phonon from those packages, but still the same issue after installing it08:59
Saviqseb128, hmm08:59
cjwatsonI think you need to get a firewall hole explicitly opened to people.c.c08:59
seb128Saviq, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5886905/08:59
cjwatsonarchive-team.internal is soon not going to be on lillypilly, so you cannot rely on having Sergio's home directory available from that08:59
ogra_hmm, or make /~ available08:59
cjwatsonNo, that will break soon09:00
asacsergiusens: have you checked my phablet-tools contributions?09:00
ogra_yeah, ttyped to fast :)09:00
Saviqseb128, libqt5multimedia5-plugins09:00
Saviqseb128, those are the plugins that actually talk to different backends09:00
gemaogra_: I saw you kicked the build yesterday night in the end, what status did you and andy leave the tests ?09:00
gemaogra_: everything moved to pending?09:00
ogra_gema, nope, still everything failing09:01
seb128Saviq, that fixes it, thanks!09:01
seb128Saviq, shouldn't qtdeclarative5-qtmultimedia-plugin depends on it?09:01
ogra_20130718 should come out soon (daily job)09:01
gemaogra_: yes, I see that, but are they running on the pending images?09:01
cjwatsonI mean, /~user/ is available from archive-team.internal right now - but we *will* be breaking that soon and I'll have no sympathy at all if you relied on it :-)09:01
Saviqseb128, not really09:01
ogra_lets see, the former image night have hit a race with updating utah09:01
Saviqseb128, as you could provide a different set of backends09:01
Saviqseb128, as we do on the device09:01
cjwatsonSo I think opening a firewall hole is the right answer at the moment09:01
ogra_gema, if i can belive the dashboard, they are09:02
Saviqseb128, but it should be recommended (and I do have it installed, not manually)09:02
gemaogra_: the dashboard doesn't lie (yet)09:02
gemaogra_: thanks09:02
seb128Saviq, ubuntu-ui-toolkit-examples  qtmultimedia5-examples mediaplayer-app recommends it09:02
Saviqseb128, yeah09:03
Saviqseb128, we might need to fix something there indeed09:03
seb128Saviq, should ubuntu-system-settings do the same?09:03
ogra_cjwatson, where does /seeds live on that machine ? we could probably just have another /click there09:03
seb128Saviq, seems wrong to recommends it, especially if that's wrong for the touch image09:03
Saviqseb128, yeah indeed09:03
cjwatsonWell, it's in ~ubuntu-archive/public_html/09:03
seb128Saviq, seems like we should have a virtual "qtmedia-backend" provided by libqt5multimedia5-plugins and whatever we use on touch and recommends that09:04
seb128Saviq, anyway, if that works out of the box on the touch image no big deal09:04
cjwatsonBut I'm not sure that's going to be at all convenient for you to update09:04
seb128Saviq, thanks for the help ;-)09:04
Saviqseb128, cheers09:04
cjwatsonI dunno, I guess we could create a mirror job09:04
ogra_so cant we just link the dir (or copy it) for now .... if the machines change there will be changes needed anyway and we also dont plabn to keep it in a homedir i think09:04
cjwatsonHow does Sergio update his repository at the moment?09:05
cjwatsonJust manually?09:05
ogra_hmm, good question09:05
cjwatsonHmm, click_copy.py09:06
ogra_might be cronned, i'm not sure09:06
tester56As ubuntu touch relies for drivers partly on android stuff: google has reportedly a backdoor to access phones ... will this also be part of ubuntu touch?09:06
cjwatsonNot sure of the proper arguments though09:06
asacogra_: so what happened to mako? is that completely broken now?09:07
ogra_asac, i have no idea, lets please wait for 18 to come out, it might have been that utah was upgraded in the middle of the 17.2 runs or some such09:07
ogra_i'm not sure the fixes made it in time for that image09:08
asacwhen is 1809:08
asaccan we produce one now?09:08
ogra_sat in the queue when i looked 1h ago, lets see09:08
ogra_still, server is building atm .... should be done soon09:09
pittihey all09:09
cjwatsonYeah, it's waiting to build, can't speed it up any more09:09
asaclets overclock :)09:09
asacthe panda09:09
asaccant be more flaky anyway09:10
asacpanda on 4GhZ with big gamer FAN09:10
pittiright after booting on the n4, rild permanently uses > 80% CPU and ofonod takes > 10% (no wonder it runs out of juice so quickly); that's with an unlocked SIM card; can somebody confirm?09:10
ogra_yeah, but we'll need a fridge for it then09:10
didrocksasac: I propose water cooling :)09:10
asaci guess you need both :)09:10
ogra_pitti, what takes 80% CPU ?09:10
cjwatsonhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/saucy/ubuntu-server-omap4/latest/livecd-20130718-armhf.out <- waiting for that to finish09:10
pittiogra_: rild, as I said09:10
cjwatson(the logs only mirror every hour, so don't read too much into that)09:10
* ogra_ was looking directly on cadejo09:11
pittiogra_: I was about to strace it to find out what these two actually do when I do a call, but ofono constantly spews thousands of polls, reads, and writes even when not doing (visually) anything09:12
ogra_pitti, better wait for tony, its his area of expertise ... we have a bug open for rild issues though, just trying to find it09:12
pittikilling ofonod respawns it with the same result09:12
pittiogra_: do you get the same? (mostly just looking for a confirmation here, not debugging yet)09:13
ogra_pitti, i dont have a SIOM09:13
ogra_and i only have a galaxy nexus ... they use different rilds09:14
ogra_pitti, bug 119765609:14
ubot5bug 1188404 in touch-preview-images "duplicate for #1197656 ofono between 30% and 40% CPU usage when roaming" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118840409:14
asacogra_: which fixes?09:15
ogra_asac, dbus09:15
asacogra_: ok... that might prevent installing with phablet-flash?09:15
asacjust checking because thats what we see09:15
ogra_what do you see ?09:16
ogra_and wghgat do you run exactly09:16
asacogra_: did you run phablet-flash --pending on mako on .2?09:16
ogra_asac, no mako09:16
pittiogra_: ah, thanks; I think I have something else, I'll file a bug09:16
ogra_only maguro here09:16
asacogra_: see see phablet-flash falling over on mako09:16
asacwe see09:16
ogra_popey, ^^^09:16
ogra_asac, i think popey tested yesterday evening09:17
cjwatsonDoes anyone know what IP address lillypilly might be able to use to contact the PS Jenkins? doesn't appear to work from there09:17
* ogra_ doesnt 09:17
pittiogra_: acually no, I just see more debug messages; I think it's the same, I'll try the fix09:18
pittiogra_: thanks for pointing out!09:18
asacogra_: 11:07 < ogra_> asac, i have no idea, lets please wait for 18 to come out, it might have been that utah was upgraded in the middle of the 17.2 runs  or some such09:18
asacogra_: --pending seems to download 16 image09:18
asacnot 17.209:18
asaccan this be true?09:18
asacmaybe our /pending doesnt work?09:18
ogra_ogra@chromebook:~/branches/livecd-rootfs-2.161$ get-touch-img-ver -p09:18
ogra_that script uses the same code phablet-flash uses09:19
ogra_so it should pick up 17.209:19
asacogra_: ok here i see it goes for 17.209:20
cjwatsoncdimage@nusakan:~$ ls -l cdimage/www/full/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/pending09:20
cjwatsonlrwxrwxrwx 1 cdimage cdimage 10 Jul 17 23:44 cdimage/www/full/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/pending -> 20130717.209:20
ogra_and the phablet-flash change from tonight seems to only touch test code09:20
popeyogra_: i flashed mako an hour ago09:20
ogra_popey, with 17,2 i suppose09:20
ogra_asac, fix the proxy :P09:21
asacgood point09:21
popeysound indicator is empty09:21
ogra_18 started ...09:22
ogra_popey, give it some time09:22
ogra_there is a bug open for that09:22
ogra_bug 118129909:22
ubot5bug 1181299 in touch-preview-images "Sound indicator takes a while to load, not displaying the content sometimes" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118129909:22
popey 09:23:42 up 57 min,  0 users,  load average: 1.56, 1.63, 1.5709:23
popeyis that long enough for it to appear? ☻09:23
asacogra_: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/09:31
asacgo there09:31
asacogra_: the .img fils are timestamped 16 Jul09:31
ogra_asac, i'm always there :P09:31
asacis that normal?09:31
ogra_asac, thats android stuff09:32
ogra_comes from a jankins build that runs before09:32
asacdo we run that daily?09:32
ogra_we will soon start using packages for that bit09:33
ogra_xnox is nearly there09:33
ogra_then and android buits wont be daily anymore and you might see even older dates09:34
ogra_(we could build the package daily indeed, but since it only needs rebuilds when it actually changes that would be a waste)09:35
xnoxogra_: correct. last stretch is to test if i can disable ICU from libmedia, and then it will be ready for security-team review for archive upload.09:35
xnoxogra_: well, it does at the moment still embed kernel, platform-api, hybris. so when those change, my package needs a rebuild. But the loger term plan is to combine those three at livebuild stage, to avoid this dependency triggered rebuilt.09:36
pittiogra_: yay, a tame and working ofonod now \o/09:55
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davmor2Morning all10:02
davmor2popey: tis always morning on the tinterwebz10:04
davmor2popey: is https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArLs7UPtu-hJdDZDNWliMmV1YUJ3Zk1pQlpDdGp4VFE#gid=0 actually up-to-date cause according to it the last time the phone were tested was the 12, there was no image for maguro since the 16 yet mako had one for 17.2, manta just doesn't have a build and the n7 is way back10:16
davmor2popey: or is this something that is manually meant to be updated and you're the only one doing it for the n4 ;)10:18
popeyyou can request edit access10:19
popeypat owns it10:19
popeydavmor2: what do you mean "the n7 is way back" ? you mean it's more broken?10:21
davmor2meh ignore me I saw it as 11 not 17.110:21
davmor2popey: I only gave it a cursory glance flicking between screens :)10:25
davmor2popey: odd question is there an option on the page to request write permission? if so where please10:25
popeytop right i think10:26
popeyclick share10:26
ogra_20130718 is up10:29
* ogra_ goes to watch the dashboard 10:30
davmor2ogra_: out of interest why is current looking such a mess?  Bits are the 16th and others the 12?10:32
ogra_ah, i see what you mean, probably because the android build from the 12th was good enough :)10:34
ogra_theoretically they should ahve been from the 15th for the 16th image, might be that there was a jenkins issue10:34
ogra_(weekend etc ...)10:35
* popey flashes again10:38
* ogra_ wonders when the dashboard will notice there is a new build 10:40
davmor2ogra_, popey: My pip for the photos I took got wiped is the data source not stored in home?10:41
timpDownloading http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/20130718/saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.zip10:41
timplet's see if that works :)10:41
popeydavmor2: bug 120255910:42
ubot5bug 1202559 in touch-preview-images "Welcome screen doesn't show history beyond today" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120255910:42
ogra_davmor2, no idea where thats stored ... file a bug, we definitely should preserve that data, no matter where it lives10:42
popeydavmor2: tap it to refresh it10:42
* popey filed that this morning10:42
davmor2popey: nothing10:42
popeytaken any photos today?10:43
davmor2popey: nope10:43
popeywell thats my bug then10:43
popeyit only shows what you did today10:43
popeyconfirm pls10:43
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davmor2popey: done10:46
popeyogra_: 20130718 doesn't look good. nothing on screen but top shows unity8 running... power button doesn't wake display10:46
ogra_i'll take a look once my rsync finished10:47
popeyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5887142/ is my dmesg10:49
davmor2popey, ogra_ tis working here on maguro10:49
davmor2oh hang on though I seemed to of regained the music artwork10:49
* popey reboots it10:49
davmor2ogra_: is the demo music stuff meant to be gone?10:50
popeyworks on second boot10:50
popeydavmor2: takes a while to appear (well did yesterday's image)10:50
popeyi see it here on 20130718 on mako10:50
davmor2popey: ah hang on my phablet-flash seems to of gotten 20130716 that would be why10:51
davmor2popey: is there a command to get latest?10:51
popeyphablet-flash --pending10:51
davmor2popey: ta10:51
popeygets from...... /pending10:51
asacogra_: so 18 is not good?10:52
popeyok, 20130718 is good for me on mako10:54
popeyodd that it's not showing up at http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/10:55
kalikiananot sure battery ran out, I'm suspecting because when I wanted to shut it down yesterday it was again stuck in "chargin" mode without usb cable10:57
popeykalikiana: i found unplugging/replugging the usb cable a few times "woke" the phone up10:58
kalikianapopey, I saw the it pretended to charge after unplugging, and even when I long-pressed power - I thought it might just still be shutting down and left it over night, now it's empty11:00
kalikianaI get it also stuck in "charging" sometimes after plugging in USB with it being off before11:01
kalikianaso something about that charge logic is fishy11:01
kalikianaonly adb then can fix it11:01
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ogra_asac, dunno, still 10min to rsync for me, popey seems to have no luck though11:03
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popeyogra_: it's fine.11:05
davmor2ogra_, popey: it looks fine here on the Magoru11:05
ogra_just took long at first boot as usual ?11:06
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ogra_asac, ^^^11:07
ogra_seems it is good11:07
ogra_ah, an dthere is 18 on http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/11:08
popeyyeah, just appeared11:09
davmor2hmmm that'll be a bug then,  my conversations list seems to of magically change chronological order11:09
Saviqogra_, q: any idea how to remotely call `stop unity8`? `ssh stop unity8` as well as `ssh bash -ics 'stop unity8'` come back with "unknown job: unity8"11:12
ogra_initctl stop unity811:12
ogra_as phablet user11:12
popeywill try that next time11:13
davmor2I can foresees a time when initctl stop unity8 will become ogra_ nick11:13
ogra_popey, thats a step the automatic tests do anyway11:13
ogra_if that fails, the suite fails11:13
Saviqogra_, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5887190/ :/11:13
Saviqogra_, it works when I *log in*, but not if I run a command11:14
Saviqogra_, bash -ic doesn't help either11:14
ogra_Saviq, try with ssh phablet@maguro sh -c 'initctl stop unity8'11:14
Saviqogra_, been there, done that - same thing http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5887202/11:17
Saviqogra_, we're even using "bash -ic" so that we get all the env vars11:18
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ogra_why did you add tehse quotes11:19
davmor2hmm unity8 17.8 % cpu and 20.7%mem, with init not far behind at 12.2 and mem .3 and surfacflinger 3rd with 7.9 and 5.911:19
ogra_Saviq, also really, use initctl11:19
Saviqogra_, ok, otherwise it complained that it was missing the name11:20
ogra_which name ? unity8 ?11:20
ogra_gimme a sec, my phone is just flashing11:21
Saviqogra_, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5887214/11:21
Saviqogra_, thanks11:21
ogra_i know it works with adb ... since thats what we use in the testsuite11:22
ogra_but there is no reason it shouldnt work the same via ssh11:22
ogra_adb shell sudo -u phablet -i sh -c 'initctl stop unity8'11:23
Saviqogra_, thanks, that will work, too11:24
ogra_ogra@chromebook:~$ adb shell sudo -u phablet -i sh -c 'initctl stop unity8'11:25
ogra_unity8 stop/waiting11:25
ogra_ogra@chromebook:~$ adb shell sudo -u phablet -i sh -c 'initctl start unity8'11:25
ogra_unity8 start/running, process 122711:25
ogra_yeah, that works here11:25
* ogra_ doesnt get why ssh doesnt11:25
timpwhy does image 20130718 have an old UITK version?11:29
timpold == of some days ago11:29
diwicuhm, ueventd is eating 100% CPU here11:30
mallorquinhello everybody i have one question!11:31
ogra_diwic, reboot11:32
ogra_its a race11:32
ogra_Saviq, hmm, so if you dont log in to ssh the dbus address isnt exported ... seems /etc/profile.d/ isnt processed then11:32
ogra_not sure why that would affect initctl though11:33
cjwatsontimp: It seems to have the current version in saucy11:33
cjwatsoni.e. 0.1.46+13.10.20130716-0ubuntu111:33
cjwatsontimp: 0.1.46+13.10.20130718-0ubuntu1 only *just* got copied to saucy-proposed, so will presumably land in saucy soon11:34
mallorquinI installing on nexus7 grouper, but afther install Sourcer version with adb tools " version -l " say me " Nexus 4 mako occam " its correct?11:34
timpcjwatson: ok, thanks. So it is still automatic and all I need is a little patience.11:35
ogra_Saviq, ssh phablet@maguro "sudo -u phablet -i initctl stop unity8"11:35
ogra_Saviq, that one will work11:35
ogra_(will force /etc/profile sourcing)11:35
ogra_cjwatson, any idea why ssh doesnt do that if you dont actually log in ?11:36
davmor2popey: if you do top on your phone and get the keyboard out of the way is the last entry cut in too by the bottom to the terminal?11:36
Saviqogra_, interesting11:36
didrocksogra_: once the apps migrates to the release pocket, you can maybe trigger a new image build to check the smoke tests are done11:37
user82what happened to "whosthere". is there an alternative?11:37
didrocksFYI, all AP tests we run on desktop as part of dailies pass now11:37
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user82whatsapp is a killer criteria for many people to use ubuntu touch11:37
popeydavmor2: http://popey.com/~alan/device-2013-07-18-123812.png11:38
davmor2popey: http://ubuntuone.com/0AhxMGyB95SGqxJkFa8MOQ  p.s. thanks for your screenshot script :)11:38
davmor2popey: now slide the keyboard down11:39
davmor2popey: it used to be the same for the keyboard but that looks like it got fixed11:39
ogra_didrocks, oh, which apps ?11:39
didrocksogra_: the gallery_app in particular11:39
cjwatsonogra_: /etc/profile is read for me when I "ssh localhost" in a container11:39
popeydavmor2: http://popey.com/~alan/device-2013-07-18-124002.png11:40
* popey stabs rild eating the cpu alive11:40
davmor2popey: wow that is really high11:40
mallorquinthe nexus 7 have de SO of nexus 4 ?11:41
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popeybug 118840411:41
ubot5bug 1188404 in touch-preview-images "ofono between 30% and 40% CPU usage when roaming" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118840411:41
ogra_cjwatson, ssh phablet@ "env"|grep DBUS doesnt get me the DBUS address ... logging in gives it to me ... the address is exported from an /etc/profile.d ssnippet11:41
davmor2popey: thanks so it look like it is a magoru issue only then although I might try on the n7 too11:41
popeyI can do that now11:41
cjwatsonogra_: It doesn't source /etc/profile if you supply a command11:41
cjwatsonogra_: Because then you aren't in an interactive login shell11:42
popeydavmor2: http://popey.com/~alan/device-2013-07-18-124240.png11:42
davmor2popey: ta so it look like it is just the lower res on the maguro then :)11:43
ogra_popey, i think the branch for the ofono fix is already approved, should land today11:44
ogra_come on dashboard ... do something11:44
popeyI am worried about going to the US next week.11:45
popeyDon't want my phone to go nuts over 3g11:45
ogra_yeah, ask for a salary raise in advance11:45
popeyneed to be able to reliably kill 3g roaming11:45
davmor2popey: you know the power switch on the side, that'll do it ;)11:49
om26erphablet-flash -b is just not working :/11:56
ogra_fastboot -w complaining ?11:57
om26erit downloads everything, reboots to the bootloader mode but after that it keeps on < waiting for device >11:57
ogra_i think there was a fix that didnt land yet11:57
ogra_wait for sergiuiens11:57
om26erand we just killed a phone :p11:57
ogra_you cant kill them :)11:58
om26erogra_, fastboot -w erases user data11:58
ogra_yup, but has issues doing so at times11:58
om26erogra_, it kind of for this case, since its in the lab ;)11:58
ogra_which means that sergio changed -b completely11:58
om26erkilled for the day is appropriate11:58
ogra_you need a remote power switch :)11:59
om26erwell I am still in the bootloader mode, though I don't know how to flash from here11:59
ogra_do you have console access to the machine that it is attached to ?12:00
om26erogra_, yes12:00
ogra_sudo as well ?12:00
om26erogra_, yep12:00
om26erand very high speed internet as well, we anything needs to get downloaded12:00
ogra_well, it should work to sudo fastboot flash *-recovery.img and sudo fastboot reboot12:01
ogra_sudo afstboot reboot recovery that is12:01
om26erogra_, we have adb access in recovery mode?12:01
ogra_... unless the device isnt actually in fastboot mode indeed12:02
ogra_om26er, indeed :)12:02
ogra_not in bootloader mode, but in recovery12:02
om26erogra_, it seems we cannot boot into recovery from commandline (while in fastboot mode)12:03
ogra_hmm, you should be able to12:03
* ogra_ tries locally12:03
fginthersil2100, ping12:04
ogra_om26er, oh, right, it can only reboot to bootloader or normal system ... odd12:04
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davmor2popey: daft question time, how do I add a feed to the rss reader, there doesn't seem to be an options page like there was before12:08
* om26er could flash back to android but there is still 'android debugging' disabled on first run :/12:08
ogra_om26er, there is a slightly fiddly way that could work ... pull the boot.img modify its cmdline and add "break=bottom", flash with fastboot to boot, trigger a normal boot and you should get an adb shell inside the initrd ... from there adb reboot recovery should work12:08
om26erogra_, I already rebooted :p and it showed google logo, then the battery icon on the screen and screen wen't off. Now no adb or fastboot for that device.12:11
om26erBUT I have a mako as well :p12:11
ogra_ah, sad12:11
ogra_gema, are we sure the utah dbus fixes landed yesterday ? the tests seem to still have the same dbus errors12:12
ogra_asac, ^^^12:12
om26erogra_, you means something like this: DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoServer: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-i0wV0w6JjV: Connection refused12:13
ogra_om26er, yeah12:13
om26erogra_, that happens when we restart ubuntu-touch-session during the autopilot test run12:13
ogra_the new  DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS code should have fixed that12:13
ogra_oh, why would you do that ?12:14
om26erogra_, we edit /etc/device-services to remove unity from it, then restart ubuntu-touch-session to kill unity12:14
ogra_i thought you only stop unity812:14
sergiusensogra_: wait, what?12:14
ogra_om26er, all that was fixed in quite some effort yesterday i thought12:14
sergiusensogra_: why would we restart everything now?12:15
om26erogra_, there is a merge proposal for phablet-tools pending which switches to initctl stop/start unity812:15
ogra_om26er, it should only restart unity and should have the proper session bus address12:15
ogra_restarting the whole sessuon will kill the session bus indeed and the exported address will be wrong until you re-login12:16
sergiusensom26er: utah imports the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS from the file directly, not a good idea because it's one more point of failure12:16
ogra_om26er, pending ? i thought that was in already12:16
sergiusensbetter to login12:16
om26erogra_, it was working a few days (weeks) ago due to some reason12:16
gemaogra_: I don't know12:17
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ogra_it hasnt worked since we switched to upstart sessions12:17
om26erogra_, I am reviewing and I was flashing the device with 'phablet-flash -b' for that12:17
ogra_and yesterday at least 4 people worked on getting these fixes into utah12:17
ogra_i dont get how they could not land there12:17
om26ersergiusens, phablet-flash -b does not work. tried on two devices12:17
sergiusensom26er: ? you may have a broken bootloader12:18
popeyom26er: what type of device, i can test here12:18
om26erpopey, both were maguro12:18
sergiusensbroken as incorrect12:18
popeyah, only have mako here12:18
ogra_om26er, when does utah run phablet-flash -b12:18
om26ersergiusens, the device was already running ubuntu touch12:18
ogra_i dont see that in the code12:18
sergiusensom26er: can you be more specific on how it doesn't work?12:19
om26erogra_, I don't think it does but I am talking about this MR https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/phablet-tools/test_update/+merge/175355 (where I was asked to phablet-flash -b)12:19
om26ersergiusens, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5887349/12:20
ogra_om26er, i'm talking about http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/ which blocks us since days to release an image12:20
ogra_and the code in there is supposed to have been fixed yesterday12:20
gemaogra_: om26er is talking about the same thing, I have asked him to look into some failures12:20
gemaogra_: didn't you and doanac got that fixed yesterday?12:20
sergiusensom26er: your fastboot udev rules are the cause there12:20
gemaogra_: or who were you dealing with?12:21
ogra_gema, doanac told me it worked for him in clocal tests and he was waiting for it to land in the utah main branch when i went to bed12:21
om26ersergiusens, what should I change?12:21
sergiusensom26er: gema I'm logging into that server and checking12:21
gemaogra_: ok, same he told me12:21
sergiusensom26er: need to see the id's12:21
gemasergiusens: thanks12:21
ogra_so i was expecting it to be there by now12:21
gemaogra_: me too12:21
ogra_but apparently it still fails with dbus errors12:22
ogra_and now om26er tells me there are other fixes needed than utah12:22
om26erogra_, I think in UTAH we use "phablet-test-run -n" which kills and restarts ubuntu-touch-session12:22
* ogra_ is confused12:22
gemadoanac: ping12:23
ogra_ogra@chromebook:~/branches/utah$ grep phablet-test examples/run_utah_phablet.py12:23
ogra_doesnt look like12:23
sergiusensogra_: there are two different issues being discussed here...12:23
ogra_and i also dont see code for phablet-flash -b12:23
ogra_sergiusens, phew, thanks12:24
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
sergiusensogra_: and two different infrastructures12:24
sergiusensnot sure why they are being mixed up12:24
om26erwell actually both are interlinked.12:24
ogra_yeah, ok12:24
ogra_the logs i see only use run_utah_phablet.py12:25
om26erogra_, I don't see there is any way tests can run in UTAH without phablet-test-run they might be forking it in their scripts12:25
sergiusensom26er: not really, it fails on ps-android-sandybridge for a reason totally unrelated to why it failed on utah12:25
ogra_and in these logs the dbus error occurs12:25
sergiusensom26er: they don't use phablet-test-run!!!!12:25
om26ersergiusens, i am flashing the device because I want to get that MR tested, phablet-tools need to be fixed for autopilot tests to run successfully on the device12:26
sergiusensom26er: yeah, but it is not related to utah12:26
sergiusenspeople don't know everything about all the infrastructure diffs and the case of discussion was utah12:26
gemasergiusens: every time something fails it is either "jenkins" or "utah"12:27
gemasergiusens: I agree we need to start being more specific12:27
kalikianahm is it a bug that phablet-flash apparently re-flashes even if there's no new image?12:28
kalikianait seems a little pointless12:28
ogra_gema, is there any way to know which utah version is currently running ?12:29
kalikianajust noticed in the log afterwards that it didn't use any new files but still went ahead12:29
ogra_0.14.2ubuntu1 seems to have all fixes12:29
timpkalikiana: yes it seems to re-flash for me also12:29
popeyi think that's how it's designed12:29
timpwould be nice if phablet-flash asks you what to do in that case12:30
popeybut it can't tell what version is on the device, or doesn't test that12:30
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sergiusenstimp: with image based upgrades this won't be a problem anymore12:30
sergiusensom26er: this is your problem on ps-android-sandybridge http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5887385/12:31
kalikianasergiusens, what does that mean exactly? I thought it's already an image and a separate boot loader image12:31
sergiusensom26er: if you use sudo, it works, which means missing udev rules12:32
timpsergiusens: ETA for image-based upgrades? :)12:32
sergiusenstimp: stgraber will send a call for testing on Friday (tomorrow). I'm making the mods to phablet-flash as soon as firefighting stops12:33
om26ersergiusens, so we need the udev rules updates? but how :p12:33
timpsergiusens: so soon. awesome :)12:34
ogra_ogra@chromebook:~/branches/livecd-rootfs$ adb shell cat /var/log/installer/media-info12:34
ogra_Ubuntu Saucy Salamander (development branch) - armhf (20130718)12:34
ogra_popey, it can :)12:34
sergiusenskalikiana: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ImageBasedUpgrades12:34
popeypmcgowan: can you give davmor2 access to the status spreadsheet as he has a maguro and can update for that12:36
pmcgowanpopey, sure12:36
davmor2popey: I requested it via gdocs :)  but thanks for the +1 :)12:37
sergiusensogra_: do you see any typo in this udev rules? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5887398/12:37
davmor2pmcgowan: thanks12:37
pmcgowanpopey, actually you could do it, but done12:37
popeyoh, didnt think i had ownership12:38
om26erogra_, sergiusens so UTAH was indeed using the restart ubuntu-touch-session till yesterday, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~utah/utah/dev/revision/96812:39
ogra_sergiusens, not on first sight, no12:40
pmcgowanpopey, as long as you have edit access you can share12:40
sergiusensogra_: what happens with ACTION if the device is always connected?12:40
ogra_sergiusens, note that i'm not sure if /var/run/ConsoleKit/database exists on logind machines12:40
sergiusensogra_: this is precise :-)12:40
ogra_sergiusens, it will change and add once you reboot it12:41
sergiusenssaucy is using TAG+=uaccess12:41
ogra_sergiusens, perfect12:45
pmcgowanogra_, sergiusens whats the situation with tests not running? sorry if this is redundant12:48
sergiusenspmcgowan: seems utah isn't using an updated version12:48
ogra_pmcgowan, breaking on dbus still, even though the fixes should be in12:48
sergiusens... of itself12:49
ogra_gema, who could find out which version is running on the machine (it would really help if the currently used version would be dumped into the logs)12:53
asacsergiusens: here :) ... who can review/land https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/phablet-tools/test_update/+merge/175355 ?12:53
asacseems utah would need that12:53
ogra_asac, utah doesnt use the pahblet tests12:54
ogra_it has its own12:54
asacogra_: well they use phablet-flash :)12:54
asacanyway, gema said they need it in order to make stuff better asap12:54
ogra_asac, the redundant equivalent is examples/run_utah_phablet.py in the utah branch12:54
asacso i trust here :)12:54
ogra_they use phablet-flash for flashing12:55
asacmaybe they want to move to use that instead of their own? don't know the background12:55
ogra_not for the tests ... read the logs :)12:55
asacshe said they need it12:55
sergiusensasac: the blocking on that MR is udev rules12:56
ogra_+ /usr/share/utah/examples/run_utah_phablet.py -s R32D102RPZL --results-dir /home/ubuntu/jenkins/workspace/saucy-touch-manta-smoke-gallery-app-autopilot/clientlogs --skip-install --skip-network --skip-utah -N -l /tmp/gallery-app-autopilot/master.run12:56
ogra_from https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-touch-manta-smoke-gallery-app-autopilot/10/consoleText12:56
asacsergiusens: whats that?12:56
sergiusensasac: the workstation being tested on doesn't seem to be processing the udev rules correctly12:57
ogra_asac, /usr/share/utah/examples/run_utah_phablet.py is fixed, but the machine running the tests doesnt seem to use the latest version of it12:57
ogra_thats the only issue we have with the dashboard atm12:57
ogra_phablet-tools is totally unrelated12:57
ogra_phablet-test-run is a redundant copy of run_utah_phablet.py (or the other way round, no idea which one was first) to replicate the same tests locally12:59
sergiusensom26er: gema ogra_ fixes the fastboot issue on sandybridge, there was a custom udev rule overriding the one from android-tools-fastboot12:59
ogra_oh my12:59
* sergiusens thanks udevadm monitor12:59
ogra_could we stop hacking up oour production machines ?13:00
sergiusensogra_: this predates any android-tools-fastboot udev rule existence13:01
ogra_oh, probably from nx7 desktop tests13:01
sergiusensogra_: prior ;-)13:02
ogra_prior we never had a need for such rules :)13:02
pmcgowansergiusens, ogra_ whats the bottom line, someone is fixing the test box?13:05
pmcgowandont leave me hangin13:05
ogra_pmcgowan, i'm waiting for info from gema ... we dont know which utah version is running on the machine13:05
sergiusenspmcgowan: well someone with access to it should13:05
pmcgowanwho is that someone?13:06
ogra_pmcgowan, the fixes were merged last night and it was verified they work in a local test13:06
ogra_but it doesnt seem that they reached the utah machine13:06
pmcgowanso maybe two issues? utah update and the udev rule being wrong?13:07
sergiusenspmcgowan: doanac I guess, gema would know13:07
sergiusenspmcgowan: udev rule being wrong is not a blocker13:07
ogra_the udev rule is related to phablet-test-run, not related13:07
sergiusenspmcgowan: and fixed btw (I did have access to the conflicting box)13:07
pmcgowansergiusens, you have access? so are you checking on utah?13:08
ogra_all we need it to make sure the right utah version is used for the tests13:08
pmcgowanwe should have a test for that ;)13:09
ogra_well, we should have the script just run "dpkg -l utah" as the first thing and dump that to the log13:09
ogra_we do that on pretty much every other build machine where such info is essential13:09
pmcgowanmakes sense13:10
sergiusenspmcgowan: no, no access to utah13:11
sergiusensonly logs and launchpad code13:12
ogra_pmcgowan, full in the hands of QA13:13
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pmcgowanfginther, can you assist us with this test setup13:26
oSoMoNdidrocks: hey, can you remind me again what was the problem with assets under /usr/lib*, apart from lintian complaining about it?13:26
didrocksoSoMoN: it's just duplicated data that aren't arch-specific13:27
didrocksoSoMoN: once things calm down and as I'm seeing everyone coming with their own solution, I would like to have a meeting with you, Kaleo and some other folks to ensure we decide on standard on where to install things13:27
didrocksoSoMoN: just not as long as Mir didn't land to distro please :)13:27
fgintherpmcgowan, checking13:28
oSoMoNdidrocks: ok, I’m asking because I’m refactoring the browser’s architecture, moving everything that shouldn’t be public out of the plugin and into the app (and consequently a number of QML files and assets are going to be installed under /usr/share/), and in that branch I have only one asset left for the plugin, so I was wondering if it would be acceptable to ship it under /usr/lib*? it’s only one tiny  and cute png file ;)13:28
ogra_fginther, oh, i wonder if its related to your mail :)13:28
ogra_(that utah didnt land)13:29
* ogra_ only saw the mail now13:29
didrocksoSoMoN: depends on how cute it is… :p more seriously, what's blocking it for not being in usr/share?13:29
oSoMoNdidrocks: I guess I could use robru’s trick with symlinks, but it feels overkill for one asset13:30
oSoMoNdidrocks: but nothing blocking13:30
didrocksoSoMoN: yeah, I think we should come with a better solution, keep it there for now and we'll discuss afterward how we can handle it13:30
oSoMoNdidrocks: ok13:30
fgintherogra_, I doubt utah was impacted (I don't even think we build utah in our jenkins)13:31
ogra_fginther, ok13:31
ogra_sad, that would have been so easy :)13:32
xnoxoSoMoN: there is nothing wrong with libraries shipping it's data files under /usr/lib/$package/, even at times preffered. E.g. i am sure some gnome components ship gtkbuilder (plugable) files there, similarish story with like icu transliteration tables.13:32
sergiusensoSoMoN: if it's really cute, no one would mnd13:33
oSoMoNsergiusens: that’s what I thought :)13:33
xnoxoSoMoN: also all of *.py files are under /usr/lib/ as they are python-runtime dependant, despite being mostly "arch:all" packages. Thus if the plugin is tied with ui description file, than it is preffered to ship them together in /usr/lib.13:33
fgintherogra_, sergiusens pmcgowan, can you restate the problem for jcollado?13:33
sergiusensfginther: seems the utah infra isn't updated with the version that has the fixes for touch13:34
ogra_jcollado,, fginther, the fixes to utah dont seem to have made it into production13:35
davmor2popey, pmcgowan: I've updated it and added my initials in brackets to the end  I figure it is a clean way to distinguish who has done the update but feel free to remove it if you don't want that in there13:35
oSoMoNxnox: even under arch-specific dirs, like e.g. /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ?13:35
xnoxoSoMoN: yes.13:35
oSoMoNxnox: cool, I’m all good then :)13:35
oSoMoNdidrocks: ^13:35
jcolladoogra_: So you mean that the utah package hasn't been updated in a machine? Which one?13:35
popeydavmor2: did consider that, but figured it's google docs, with history, so we can see who edited what13:36
ogra_jcollado, whatever is behind http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/13:36
xnoxoSoMoN: arguably, since I doubt that file is different between architectures you can ship it in /usr/lib/webpluginubuntuqml/plugin.qml13:36
xnoxoSoMoN: as the packages are co-installable if "clashing" files are identical md5sum =)13:36
ogra_jcollado, see the touch tests there, they still expose the same dbus errors which should be fixed13:36
xnoxoSoMoN: thus avoiding duplication if you have both armhf & amd64 plugin installed =)13:37
didrocksxnox: qml files are the same between archs13:37
didrocksxnox: and I doubt we want to ship all assets in multiple packages13:37
didrocksxnox: assets should be in usr/share/13:37
didrockswhich is the discussion here13:37
xnoxdidrocks: in general, I agree. but there can be exception.13:37
oSoMoNxnox: the issue is that the assets are expected to be in the same dir as the QML files, and the QML files should be in the same dir as the QML plugin, which is an architecture-dependent *.so13:38
xnoxoSoMoN: what are you shipping again? if it's an icon, shouldn't it be provided by the theme and/or installed into the theme?13:38
didrocksxnox: it's icons, images13:38
didrocksxnox: so I really think they should be in usr/share13:38
davmor2popey: I was thinking more that the general public could tell, but also that devs could tell so they could ask if I could reproduce something with a certain build :)13:39
oSoMoNxnox: not an icon, it’s a PNG used as a UI element13:39
didrocksxnox: btw, sil2100 is pending on your on your branch with the solution you came for include dirs yesterday :)13:39
jcolladoogra_: You're looking at results for build 20130718 for mako, maguro and manta, right?13:39
popeydavmor2: anyone can see the history13:39
didrocksoSoMoN: on other apps, there are icons :)13:39
xnoxoSoMoN: and how exactly is a PNG resolution independant? =) surely it should be SVG?13:39
ogra_jcollado, exactly,. the fixes for the failures went into utah yesterday and the errors should not occur anymore13:39
davmor2popey: ah okay, again I only use gdocs to add info so never looked into it :)13:39
davmor2removed the dm :)13:40
xnoxdidrocks: i thought, it's resolved now. one sec.13:40
jcolladoogra_: This morning om26er asked me about the version installed in the lab machine that runs those jobs and the package seems to be up to date.13:40
didrocksxnox: oh? nice :)13:40
ogra_jcollado, hmm, that is weird13:40
ogra_jcollado, 0.14.2ubuntu1 is the version we need13:40
ogra_according to the bzr branch13:41
om26erthe one on phoenix is: 0.14.2ubuntu1-r971~precise113:41
xnoxdidrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/platform-api/fix-1202309/+merge/17548213:41
oSoMoNxnox: the UITK has a mechanism to scale assets automatically depending on the value of a grid unit, and the PNG provided should cater for all our supported resolutions, despite not being resolution-independent (but I think that’s irrelevant to the current discussion)13:41
didrocksxnox: so, it's not the big "fix" and solution you wanted yesterday?13:42
ogra_om26er, hmm, the branch only has raring in the changelog, but f871 should be the good one according to bzr13:42
xnoxdidrocks: no, but it's the correct one for now. see comments https://bugs.launchpad.net/platform-api/+bug/120230913:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 1202309 in platform-api "libplatform-api-headers needs to make its headers accessible through #include <ubuntu/*.h>" [High,New]13:42
didrocksyou talked for 10 minutes how things should be versioned, I'm disappointed you didn't provide the implementation of it :p13:42
jcolladoogra_: Maybe is something related to the daily/stable PPA (0.14.2ubuntu1-r971~precise1 vs 0.14.2ubuntu1~precise1)13:42
* jcollado checks13:43
ogra_jcollado, well, r971 in bzr should be the right version13:43
ogra_do if we can trust that versioning it should be good (which doesnt explain why the identical error persists in the logs though)13:43
xnoxdidrocks: i can provide implementation for it, but the default headers will still be accesible from /usr/include/ubuntu/*.h And i'd want two versions to play with, otherwise i'd have a metapackage pointing to default implementatin out of a set of multiple implementations, where only single implementation exists at the moment.13:43
jcolladoogra_: Yes, indeed tag "0.14.2" was created for rev.971, so they should be the same pacakge.13:44
xnoxdidrocks: so post 13.10 release, I can provide/implement the versioning.13:44
* ogra_ doesnt get that 13:44
didrocksxnox: you can be sure we'll have another evolution of the API before 13.10 ;)13:44
xnoxdidrocks: oh, ok.13:44
didrocksxnox: will keep you posted then!13:45
jcolladoogra_: What I mean is that we have two different PPAs, the daily one and the stable one, but the packages each PPA right now are the same.13:45
loolcjwatson dholbach: Hey, the PK changes for Click: are these in the images already, or what's the best way to get them there?  Seems Sebastian and Richard are still discussing longer terms plans which are in a too distant future13:45
xnoxdidrocks: and upstream will continue to build both, and not remove the old one / change inline?13:45
ogra_jcollado, right, i just dont get why the tests would still fail13:45
pmcgowanjcollado, asac informs me some of your qa brothers are looking into this13:45
pmcgowanjcollado, can you try to confirm that so I am not wasting your time13:45
loolcjwatson: we were just chatting with Roberto on landing his scope to search + install clicks, and he lacks download service (Manuel on it with Barry) and the PK changes13:45
xnoxdidrocks: (or like imply ifdef magic to be able to build "old.so" and "new.so")? or use versioned symbols to include both apis, in single .so?13:46
didrocksxnox: I think that's the goal for platform-api13:46
ogra_asac, who is looking into it ?13:46
asacrfowler, waiting also for doanac to confirm the exact thing afaiui13:46
xnoxdidrocks: ok.13:47
jcolladoogra_, pmcgowan, asac: Ok, let me check with rfowler and doanac13:47
mardyseb128: hi! I need to leave soon, I won't be able to attend the SystemSettings meeting13:51
mardyseb128: OTOH, I don't have anything to report13:51
seb128mardy, hey, ok13:51
seb128mardy, I was going to ask if you had anything13:51
seb128mardy, do you plan to look at the unitymenumodel support or is that not on your list? I'm unsure who owns that one13:52
ogra_jcollado, do you have an idea where /usr/local/bin/utah-autopilot comes from ? it seems to be a wrapper around the code in question and i cant find such a file in the utah branch13:52
asacjcollado: coordinate with gema and your folks to avoid directors sending you on an overloaded road :)... just help folks like ogra etc. for now13:52
asaci guess13:52
asacbut really coordinate with yhour team13:53
jcolladoogra_: That file is created by run_utah_phablet.py to run autopilot tests just after booting13:53
jcolladoasac: Ok13:55
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jcolladoogra_: I'm going to run some tests with the device to check if I get the same problem and troubleshoot it.14:00
tvoss_sil2100, didrocks in case you haven't seen https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/platform-api/fix-120230914:01
ogra_jcollado, thanks ... btwm, theoretically all that exporting of the dbus address shouldnt be needed, "sudo -u phablet -i"  should automatically have the address in the environment14:02
didrockssil2100: do you mind taking care of this? ^ (had a quick look, I think that's good)14:02
ogra_exporting it is kind of redundant14:02
ogra_(but shouldnt do any harm)14:02
jcolladoogra_: Ok14:03
om26ercan we have bash-completion in the image, atleast till the final release.14:10
ogra_om26er, thats quite some overhead14:11
om26erogra_, its 173k only14:11
ogra_no, i mean running it14:12
popeyif om26er gets bash completion i want man pages!14:14
om26eroh man14:14
* ogra_ wants changelogs 14:14
* sergiusens wants everything to just work14:15
bobweaverwoops wrong window sorry about that14:15
mhall119ogra_: sergiusens: can one of you answer http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=43700742#post4370074214:17
stgraberogra_: hey, so you mentioned some fixes to phablet-test-run, does that mean you have a version which doesn't attempt to push stuff through /data/ubuntu on flipped?14:18
ogra_stgraber, you wish ... no14:19
ogra_stgraber, currently we try to get tests working at all14:19
om26ersergiusens, you can simplify fetch_artifact() in the MR if you want to: adb -s $ANDROID_SERIAL pull /tmp/test_results.xml $RESULTDIR14:19
sergiusensstgraber: wait, is that all you need? that's changeable in phablet-test-run14:19
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om26erelse I'll just approve now and do a MR to change that later14:19
sergiusensom26er: I'll change with stgraber's comment, I must of missed that one14:20
om26ersergiusens, in this MR or another ?14:20
sergiusensom26er: same MR14:21
sergiusensom26er: done14:21
ogra_mhall119, i think rsalveti was working on merging 4.2.214:21
stgrabersergiusens: well, that's the first problem I saw ;) After that, I'll at least need to add some code to put the device in developer mode and reboot it (so that phablet-test-run can actually write files to memory)14:21
sergiusensogra_: he is14:21
sergiusensmhall119: look for the phablet-saucy in phablet.ubuntu.com14:23
ogra_stgraber, note that you likely need to do the same changes in utah14:23
stgrabersergiusens: I also suspect all that SSH code could go away now that adbd is running on the ubuntu side but it may not be worth the effort14:23
ogra_stgraber, examples/run_utah_phablet.py in lp:utah is the equivalent to phablet-test-run14:24
ogra_(no idea why it doesnt just use phablet-test-run, i guess that would be easier)14:24
sergiusensogra_: I'm going to make one out of these14:24
stgraberogra_: ok, thanks. I'll try to get phablet-test-run working first as I can actually test that one, then I'll propose some changess against UTAH and QA can take care of it14:24
mhall119sergiusens: what the phablet-saucy?14:25
sergiusensmhall119: the git branch with the 4.2.2 changes rsalveti is working on14:27
mhall119ah, ok14:28
mathrbHello, i would like to know if there is a Windows tutorial on how to install ubuntu touch on a nexus  ?14:32
seb128is sound supposed to work on grouper?14:32
seb128things hand when I try to play a sound from qtmultimedia there14:32
cjwatsonlool: packagekit-plugin-click is in the archive, but not quite on the image yet.  Before it can land I need to upload some changes to PackageKit itself.  I hope to do this today or tomorrow (I'm trying to focus on the hook changes today).14:33
popeyseb128: no14:34
popeyseb128: bug 118786514:34
ubot5bug 1187865 in touch-preview-images "Audio doesn't work on Nexus 7" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118786514:34
seb128popey, hum, k, thanks14:34
cjwatsonlool: Oh, there's also the problem that you currently need a .pkla file for it to be useful, since apparently PolicyKit doesn't work on touch yet.  I might upload that in click as a temporary workaround14:34
sergiusensmhall119: trying to reply after 10 captcha failures14:35
ogra_write a sript for the captcha login :P14:35
popeysome people would pay good money for that14:36
* sergiusens gives up14:36
ogra_forums are so annoying14:36
popeyYes. Yes they are.14:37
mhall119sergiusens: I can reply, just let them know that it's being worked on14:37
mhall119sergiusens: I don't see a phablet-saucy on http://phablet.ubuntu.com/gitweb though, can you give me a link to pass along?14:37
sergiusensmhall119: this is my reply to the thread http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5887740/14:38
sergiusensmhall119: so phablet-saucy is a branch inside each of the git repos, e.g.; look at the heads in http://phablet.ubuntu.com/gitweb?p=CyanogenMod/android_system_core.git;a=summary14:39
mhall119cool, I'll just copy/paste and sound way smarter than I am :)14:39
mhall119thanks sergiusens14:40
kalikianameh, lucky I don't need to do too much in the phone, bash is such a pain14:40
kenvandineogra_, would it be a bad idea to flash with pending right now?14:40
ogra_kenvandine, runs fine for me14:41
kalikiananot even colors and it cannot properly handle line breaks14:41
kenvandineogra_, thanks14:41
ogra_kalikiana, through ssh it can :)14:41
ogra_thats not bashs fault14:41
mhall119kalikiana: yeah, I think it's adb that messes it up14:41
mhall119the Terminal app in the phone works fine :)14:42
kalikianaogra_, I wasted too much time re-configuring ssh after flashing…14:42
kalikianaso I use adb shell14:42
ogra_yeah, well, if i use adb i do 8% of the stuff through pipes on my lappie14:42
mhall119I wonder if adb isn't setting a good $TERM variable14:43
kalikianawhat does that mean?14:43
ogra_adb shell /system/bin/logcat -d | less14:43
ogra_for example14:43
kalikianaah. but then you get no completion14:43
mterrykatie, poke about pin unlocking14:43
ogra_that gives me the data from the phone in my local shell14:43
kalikianaI don't exactly know all the folders by heart14:43
ogra_ah, k, yeah that makes it more complicated indeed14:44
seb128popey, should the touch-preview-images bug reassigned to their correct component or should the project be kept, to have an overview, with the correct source added to the list?14:47
seb128popey, e.g should I reassign https://bugs.launchpad.net/touch-preview-images/+bug/1202279 or just do "also affect system settings"14:47
ubot5Launchpad bug 1202279 in touch-preview-images "Carrier is "Aubergine" should be "Orange"" [Undecided,New]14:47
ogra_seb128, for packages in the archive we should use the proper distro bugflow14:48
sergiusensseb128: from what I recall we were only going to log stuff there that was not in ubuntu archives yet14:48
seb128ogra_, well, I do, but I don't mind listed the project as well for tracking14:48
ogra_we need to come up with something here anyway14:48
seb128ogra_, sergiusens: thanks, I'm going to reassign14:48
ogra_like a touch tag or so14:48
loolcjwatson: ah *policy*kit, right, I was heavily confused for a sec; alright, thanks for the updates, I was just double-checking the PackageKit changes had someone looking after them, thanks a lot14:49
annerajbanybody see anything weird on this lgso of my cellphone it's not showing anything it just have a black screen. logcat > http://pastebin.com/izdcBy7X dmesg > http://pastebin.com/D5HCaBmD ps > http://pastebin.com/3jgqndLs14:51
annerajbrsalveti: morning14:53
katiemterry, hi14:53
rsalvetipitti: thanks for testing the ofono mr14:54
rsalvetiannerajb: hey, able to flash the ubuntu zip after all?14:54
annerajbyeah and with 400mb to spare on the 918gb partition14:54
rsalvetiseems it didn't start the ubuntu container from your ps list14:55
rsalvetican you use 'ubuntu_chroot shell'?14:55
mterrykatie, hi!  Are there mockups or design guidance for how the "SIM card unlock" interaction should happen?14:55
rsalvetimhall119: yeah, we hope to announce the phablet-saucy branch soon14:56
popeyseb128: thanks for re-assigning. I wasn't sure where to put that one.14:56
annerajbrsalveti: it says su cannot determine your username14:57
seb128popey, yw, good news is that we got it working using qtsystems and ofono14:57
seb128popey, so that should be fixed on tomorrow's image14:57
popeydo the roaming switches work seb128 ?14:57
popey(going to america on sunday, don't want to run up a huge bill) :D14:58
seb128popey, no, none of that panel works, we are adding a warning UI as well :p14:58
popeyah okay14:58
popeyi should find some way to block 3g14:58
katiemterry, yes14:58
katiemterry, I'll ping you a link14:58
cjwatsonlool: Do you know if there's a plan anywhere to get PolicyKit working, BTW (well, I think it kind of works but the session isn't considered active)?  I know other people have had to work around this - I saw a patch to network-manager as well14:58
rsalvetixnox: please don't disable icu, it's used by some binary blobs14:59
xnoxrsalveti: sqlite binary as well or no?15:00
xnoxrsalveti: ok. I guess then i'm done and can prepare an upload for security team to review.15:00
rsalvetibroadcom/grouper/proprietary/glgps uses libicuuc.so it seems15:01
rsalvetiprobably not15:01
ogra_cjwatson, once we use lightdm that will magically start working15:01
ogra_cjwatson, the hacked up session we have atm simply doesnt register with logind15:01
loolcjwatson: I know we want to get rid of the patches so it's on the radar, but I'm completely unable to tell you who's after it15:02
rsalvetixnox: binaries is usually fine, just concerned about libs as it might be required by the blobs15:03
cjwatsonogra_: Ah, cool15:04
katiemterry, here is the SIM PIN stuff https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1VajNkWbBH61iVixXJAmOvNGiG__GWQTMXGNOZijXWJw/edit#heading=h.y8mp9oy60bxd15:05
katiemterry, and then I also made this doc: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1FyQXYlVoGJxIVAr_2ofvZl0au1F1Xv2ek5zydr2ziaM/edit#15:05
katiewhich is an attempt to point to all SIM related UI designs15:06
mterrykatie, aha, I had seen that first link after all, just couldn't find it again15:06
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mterrykatie, where you talk about installing the SIM, you say a non clickable notification.  But what if the SIM needs to be unlocked, but is inserted during the session?15:07
annerajbrsalveti: this is the line failling in the ubuntu_chroot     exec $CHROOT $ROOT /bin/bash -c su -15:08
katiemterry, good catch15:09
katiemterry, I guess we should show the same SIM PIN prompt at this point. It can be dismissed, in which case the notification will be shown15:10
mterrykatie, so an interrupting prompt?  I guess not so bad, since user just inserted it.  not like we are interrupting a movie15:10
mterrykatie, if dismissed, they can unlock how?  remove/insert again?15:11
katiemterry, just discussing this with mpt15:12
rsalvetiannerajb: did you enable all the needed options in your kernel?15:21
katiemterry, on talking to mpt it makes sense to have an indicator that says SIM locked (that appears in the same space as SIM error)15:21
jdstrandjcollado: hey, can you restart http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/3053/security/?15:21
jdstrandjcollado: (Total count is 0, the tests didn't run)15:22
annerajbrsalveti: yes15:23
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jcolladojdstrand: Yes, I see some SSH problem in the log. I've rescheduled it.15:24
jdstrandjcollado: thanks15:24
jcolladojdstrand: No problem15:25
rsalvetiannerajb: because that's the line that starts the container itself15:26
flo__annerajb, I once had the same issue, re-flashing helped in my case (probably flashing didn't work because /data didn't have enough free storage). Not sure what the error message means or where it comes from though15:32
annerajbflo__: data shows around 300mb free but ill give it another try thanks15:34
flo__the flash process is like this: *copy tar.gz to /data   * extract tar.gz    * delete tar.gz from /data. so you will always have about ~300mb free after the flash15:35
flo__at least last time I checked :)15:35
mptkatie, mterry: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Networking?action=diff&rev2=115&rev1=11415:35
annerajbflo__: all right i was having issues earlier by running out of space on /data while extracting but this last time i flashed it didnt ran out of memory so it may have failed extracting or something like that15:36
doanacrsalveti, ogra_: I think I may see the root issue of the qa-smoke issue: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/smoke-saucy-touch-apps-mako/24/console15:38
doanacthat was our most recent run and it somehow flashed the 20130716 build15:38
doanacit should have grabbed "pending" but didn't (I think)15:39
ogra_doanac, i know there are proxy issues in lexington, pmcgowan has them if he works from the office15:39
ogra_i wonder if thats the same15:39
sergiusensdoanac: \o/15:39
doanacogra_: ah - that's interesting. because that script grabs the right image from my house15:40
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doanaclet me poke around in the lab15:40
sergiusensdoanac: can you print out the phablet-flash command output in the console?15:40
ogra_sergiusens, we use still wget, right ?15:40
sergiusensdoanac: or in a different jenkins job15:40
doanacsergiusens: yea - was going to add that as a debug today15:40
sergiusensogra_: rsync to find out what pending is and then wget15:41
ogra_i wonder if it has an option to force the proxy to update when it requests the download15:41
ogra_i wonder if rsync even gets through15:41
sergiusensogra_: well the build would fail if not15:41
sergiusensthe flash*15:41
sergiusenswget --no-cache ?15:41
ogra_if the http traffic is already proxied i dont want to know what rsync does15:41
pittirsalveti: yw, I'm happy that it stopped draining power like made :)15:42
pmcgowanyeah I could never get past that once its confused15:42
doanachmm, just ran phablet-flash by hand in the lab and it started downloading todays image. let me poke more15:42
ogra_sergiusens, that might help, i need to read the manpage :)15:42
sergiusensogra_: sends no-cache in the headers, I know that proxy servers are free to ignore it though15:42
ogra_yeah, that looks like it could help15:43
ogra_according to the description in man15:43
ogra_if the proxy IS maintaines ignores it we can probably ask IS to change that :)15:43
sergiusensrsync seems to go straight through15:44
doanacogra_, sergiusens, rsalveti: i've got the issue. the jenkins job was using a branch to run utah. I need to update it to use the released utah15:47
doanacthat's why it wasn't using --pending15:48
rsalvetidoanac: awesome15:48
doanacits a simple fix and i'll kick everything off15:48
doanacsee what happens15:48
ogra_so i wasnt actually wrong, good ... i wonder what jcollado saw then when looking on the machine for the utah version15:48
ogra_there seems to be a discrepancy15:48
doanaci think he didn't read the logs close enough to see I was executing utah from a branch and not the system pkg15:48
doanacsemi-amusing patch for the fix: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5887950/15:49
jcolladoogra_, doanac: No, I didn't see that. Which job was affected by that?15:50
rsalvetidoanac: :-)15:52
sergiusensdidrocks: question, if I have commit #1 without manual changelog entry, then commit #2 the same way, and commit #3 with a changelog entry, will daily release just use what's in commit #3 or will it aggregate?15:56
mattywhas anyone else seent this when trying to build the music-app? music-app.qml:287 Cannot assign to non-existent property "filterDirectories"15:57
didrockssergiusens: daily release just care about what's in trunk mainline (what you see with bzr log), if the commit has a change in debian/changelog, it won't list it, if the commit hasn't one, it will collect15:57
sergiusensdidrocks: if I read that correctly, it never uses it: "if the commit has a change in debian/changelog, it WON'T list it"16:00
didrockssergiusens: right16:01
sergiusensdidrocks: so the only purpose is to bump the version then, right?16:01
didrockssergiusens: or having a personal changelog if you don't like your commit message :)16:02
sergiusensdidrocks: ack16:02
didrockssergiusens: that can be useful to blame someone else for your changes (discret attribution :p)16:03
sergiusensdidrocks: yeah, my goal was to write a changelog and include what was in the previous commits in between daily releases to build up something nice, I guess that won't work16:04
didrockssergiusens: no, you needed to use #nochangelog in your previous commit message16:04
didrockssergiusens: you can cheat with adding: * Automatic snapshot from revision <rev>16:05
didrockssergiusens: where rev is the rev after the commit you don't want to list16:05
sergiusensdidrocks: cheating sounds good!16:05
didrocksare you so ashame of your commit message? :p16:05
sergiusensbut I will leave it for next time16:05
sergiusensdidrocks: no, but I wanted to rewrite with bullets and sub bullets16:06
didrocksah ok ;)16:06
popeycan someone with ubuntu touch on a device and some music confirm https://bugs.launchpad.net/music-app/+bug/1202730 ?16:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 1202730 in Ubuntu Music App "Music plays too fast on device" [Undecided,New]16:09
cjwatsonlool: I've uploaded the various pieces to get the PK plugin into the image and hopefully working by default; should be in tomorrow's images16:12
loolcjwatson: \o/  thanks16:13
loolralsina: ^16:13
loolcjwatson: I guess it should work equally on the desktop?16:13
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cjwatsonlool: Not yet, due to incompatibility with aptdaemon16:15
cjwatsonlool: It works in an LXC container16:15
cjwatsonlool: I'm not worried about this yet because convergence is not this month's target ;-)16:15
om26erpopey, could be specific to some codecs your music use, My test song plays fine16:23
ogra_or device specific16:25
WebbyITAnother countdown? :D http://www.ubuntu.com/16:26
iBelieveWebbyIT, maybe a demo of convergence???16:28
popeyom26er: mp3s?16:28
om26erpopey, yeah16:28
om26erWebbyIT, wow16:28
om26eriBelieve, do you plan to have an icon for 'Home' in file manager?16:30
iBelieveom26er, right now it lives at the top of the Places popover. Do think it should be more obvious, like in the toolbar?16:32
om26eriBelieve, the Home in places having an icon will suffice.16:35
om26eriBelieve, i don't think we need to go to home that frequently to have it in the toolbar16:35
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iBelieveom26er, okay, thanks for the input. The toolbar is already rather full, especially once I add a settings sheet and rename the the settings popover to options.16:37
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om26eriBelieve, do you have any guess, why our icons in the file manager toolbar are blurry but the one's in other apps look fine ?16:39
oSoMoNfginther: ping16:39
iBelieveom26er, the icons where? In the toolbar, or the file/folder icons, or the icons in the places popover?16:40
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om26eriBelieve, in the toolbar16:40
iBelieveom26er, do you have a screenshot? Are you on a real device?16:41
iBelieveom26er, here is what I see: http://i.imgur.com/3KgxODX.png16:41
om26eriBelieve, they look fine in your screenshot. let me upload mine16:42
iBelieveom26er, are you testing it on a phone? If so, I think I can guess what the problem is.16:43
om26eriBelieve, yep, I am on a phone16:43
om26eriBelieve, http://imagebin.org/index.php?mode=image&id=26494216:45
iBelieveom26er, my guess is that it is because of the difference in resolution. The icons I'm using are copied from the ubuntu-mobile icon theme so they don't look pixilated, but I rendered them at 16 px.16:46
om26eriBelieve, understood16:47
iBelieveom26er, if you want to file a bug (or I can), I'll try and fix it.16:47
om26eriBelieve, so you would need new icons with better resolutions ?16:47
om26eror pixels if you must16:47
iBelieveom26er, the toolkit has the great icons, but I just need to not scale them down. I'll take a look at what the other apps do.16:48
iBelieveom26er, the toolkit's icons are the right size.16:48
mhall119Calculator team meeting is starting in #ubuntu-touch-meeting16:55
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ogra_asac, http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/3052/camera-app-autopilot/17:08
ogra_doanac, seemss to work :D17:09
doanacogra_: yeah. the mako webbrowser test seems to have some test cases that hang. I'm killing them by hand now, to get the test to continue17:09
asacogra_: you rock!17:12
ogra_asac, well, doanac does all the work now :)17:12
asacogra_: but you are on it ... and that is worth gold17:12
asacogra_: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/3001/17:12
asacogra_: that list is basically all the autopilts taht should run17:13
asacso dont give in untless all those report something17:13
asaconce stuff starts to improve :)17:13
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doanacasac, ogra_: a couple of tests seemed to have gotten skipped for maguro. looked like adb didn't find the device at the time of the test17:14
doanaci'm still trying to analyze it all though17:14
ogra_sounds a bit racy17:14
asacdoanac: black box is next? :)17:16
asacjust setup once and kick off basically :)17:16
asacfor each boot17:16
asacok later17:16
doanacogra_: yeah. I think i need to put together some sort of retry logic in our jobs for adb17:16
om26erhow to check the build number ?17:21
om26erfrom the phone17:22
stgrabersergiusens: hey there, so how are things going? do you think you'll have the new --bootstrap-image code landed upstream by EOD today?17:26
rsalvetidoanac: adb usually works fine, but you shouldn't trust it 100% :-)17:26
stgraberom26er: not sure on the current flipped but with the read-only images we're working on, you'll get /etc/ubuntu-build for that17:26
om26erstgraber, thanks, just figured on flipped its /system/ubuntu_stamp17:27
stgraberom26er: is that the version of the rootfs or the android bits? both are built separately so it's hard to really have a single version number for the device17:28
om26erstgraber, right, not sure about that17:28
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sergiusensstgraber: yes I will17:32
sergiusensstgraber: om26er ubuntu_stamp is going away17:32
sergiusensom26er: stgraber /var/log/installer/media-info17:34
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rsalvetidoanac: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/3052/17:35
DJJeffdoes ubuntu touch REALLY need to be making HTTPS connections to productsearch.ubuntu.com17:35
ogra_om26er, root@ubuntu-phablet:/# cat /var/log/installer/media-info17:36
ogra_Ubuntu Saucy Salamander (development branch) - armhf (20130718)17:36
doanacrsalveti: we need to sync the dashboard with jenkins. there's some more up-to-date results now17:36
rsalvetidoanac: why do we have different test cases there? mako seems to have more than maguro17:36
rsalvetidoanac: oh, cool17:36
doanacrsalveti: the other thing - maguro had some tests fail (adb couldn't connect)17:36
doanaci'm going to kick those off again17:36
sergiusensdoanac: ogra_ rsalveti at least it looks like we are finally on track again :-)17:37
rsalvetidoanac: do you have logs for one of those?17:37
rsalvetisergiusens: right17:37
ogra_stgraber, ^^^ we already have that ... :) livecd-rootfs crates it, should i make it move to /etc/ubuntu-build ? (i thought usingg something standard that tools like apport already use would be cleverer when i implemented it)17:37
doanaci *think* i may know what's happening there.17:38
doanaci need to test, but sometimes "adb reboot" doesn't reboot fast enough, so wait-for-device comes back immediately17:38
sergiusensdoanac: yeah, that's why I have ugly sleeps in the phablet-tools code17:39
rsalvetidoanac: right, guess I had similar issues in the past as well17:39
sergiusensdoanac: can also fail right after an adb root too17:39
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ogra_sergiusens, adb root ?17:39
ogra_on flipped ?17:39
doanacsergiusens: i'll look at your sleeps and copy them to my jobs17:40
sergiusensogra_: in general17:40
rsalvetiright, we don't need adb root anymore17:40
rsalvetiso it might be with adb reboot17:40
sergiusensogra_: if adb is restarted server side it creates havoc17:40
stgraberogra_: no, ubuntu-build is something entirely different, it's a build number for the whole image (so rootfs + android + firmware + customizations), the format is also slightly different as it's YYYYMMXX instead of YYYYMMDD.X17:40
ogra_rsalveti, well, if we want to keep adb for release we should probably think about starting it unprivileged17:41
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sergiusensogra_: yeah, true17:41
sergiusensogra_: although developer mode should enable adb and nothing else17:41
doanacrsalveti: mako results are now up-to-date: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/3053/17:41
stgraberogra_: so currently the latest system-image build number for mako is 20130714 which is made of 20130718 (rootfs) and 20130718 (android), but those two may differ if some bits aren't updated in an image17:42
ogra_stgraber, hmm, so thats magic you do when repacking images ? in fact the pan was to have all these bits from one build anyway17:42
stgraberogra_: yeah, basically we generate a new version per device every time we import something, /etc/ubuntu-build is then applied ontop of that so it doesn't come from the rootfs and doesn't come from android17:43
stgraberogra_: if you look at an image in http://system-image.ubuntu.com/daily/mako/index.json ubuntu-* is the rootfs <device>-* is system.img, boot.img, recovery.img, ... and version-* is /etc/ubuntu-build17:43
sergiusensdoanac: Jul 18 16:28:52 ubuntu-phablet utah: #012RuntimeError: Unable to instantiate any backends#012X11: ImportError('No module named Xlib',)#012#012#012Ran 1 test in 6.313s#012FAILED (failures=1)17:43
sergiusenswonder why that happened17:43
ogra_stgraber, so wouldnt it be better  to use media-info and i leave a placeholder in ther that you can replace ?17:43
sergiusensrsalveti: yeah, autopilot might be on _desktop_ mode17:44
ogra_stgraber, just thinking about tools like apport that use this location by default already17:44
rsalvetidoanac: so use wait-for-device; sleep 3; wait-for-device again17:44
stgraberogra_: well, media-info is fine as it's as it'll give you the rootfs version which is what apport usually wants17:44
rsalvetidoanac: just to be sure17:44
ogra_stgraber, ah, so we leve that part as is, ok17:45
doanacrsalveti: okay.17:45
stgraberogra_: yep, they have different goals, there's definitely value in having the rootfs version being stored in a standard location on the fs17:46
sergiusensom26er: can you give this a go? https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/phablet-tools/flipped_only/+merge/17562517:46
sergiusensafter that's in I want to do a daily-release17:47
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* om26er looking17:48
rsalvetisergiusens: why are you disabling support for unflipped?17:53
rsalvetisergiusens: we don't support it for daily anymore but people might still need them17:53
sergiusensrsalveti: I already did it in the tests17:53
sergiusensrsalveti: want it to stay for network?17:53
rsalvetiright, but I think phablet-network-setup is still useful for the tagged images17:54
rsalvetiremember we don't yet have any tagged image for flipped :-)17:54
sergiusensrsalveti: ok :-/17:54
rsalvetisergiusens: I know it's a pain but we might still need to keep it a bit more17:55
rsalvetiat least until we have a tagged image for flipped17:55
ralsinacjwatson: problem! For demo purposes we want it to work on the desktop because it's what we can hook to a projector :-)17:56
ogra_rsalveti, per asac definition once the dashboard is all gree we have a tagged image every day ;)17:56
rsalvetiogra_: yeah yeah17:56
rsalvetihaha :-)17:56
rsalvetiogra_: I know they should all have enough quality, but it's still useful to tag once a month at least17:57
rsalvetiwe all love the automated tests, but that's not yet covering everything we need :-(17:57
asacrsalveti: it is quite good if all the autopilots land18:01
rsalvetiasac: sure, but that's not yet covering everything we need18:01
asacat least from a system perspective we have a bunch of building blocks then that are testing quite a lot18:01
asacapps have to go deeper; we have to chek how we can carefully craft good integration tests that test our whole featureset etc. :)18:01
asacso yeah ... once we go green we have another big batch of pilots and then platform testing etc. in the pipeline somewhere18:02
pmcgowanyeah be great to get tests hitting the platform apis18:02
rsalvetiyeah, that's the next big step18:02
asacand once all is good we just go and ensure that our daily-release testing gives more accurate confidence about what happens on our real images18:02
sergiusensrsalveti: updated https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/phablet-tools/flipped_only/+merge/17562518:05
rsalvetisergiusens: got approved already by om26er18:07
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om26ersergiusens, I was testing ;)18:07
sergiusensom26er: thanks18:08
rsalvetidoanac: hm, a lot of RLIMIT_NICE not set in the camera app autotest, let me check that18:08
rsalvetinot an issue, but hard to track the logs with them there18:08
doanacrsalveti: yeah. its been a little annoying18:09
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pmcgowanrsalveti, is the smoke dashboard up to date now or still in process?18:10
rsalvetipmcgowan: it's for maguro and mako18:11
pmcgowanrsalveti, so those are real failures now?18:11
rsalvetipmcgowan: yeah, investigating still if there's any infra related issue18:11
pmcgowanrsalveti, ok trying to test locally, takes a hile though18:11
pmcgowanand om26er is as well18:12
pmcgowanom26er, are you seeing the same failures as the smoke test?18:12
om26erpmcgowan, gallery-app worked fine for me. more apps tests running18:12
pmcgowanom26er, where does the output get logged, can I check it during the test?18:13
om26erpmcgowan, they are running outside of any jenkins job so there won't be any output to look at18:14
DJJeffNetworkManager[3566]: <warn> could not mark modem as powered: (null) The name org.ofono was not provided by any .service files18:15
pmcgowanom26er, so I ran gallery suite and got 22 fails out of 2318:15
pmcgowanwhat am I doing wrong18:15
om26erpmcgowan, how did you run ? phablet-test-run -n ?18:15
DJJeffthis error is cauing NetworkManager 100% CPU18:16
pmcgowanom26er, yes phablet-test-run -n gallery_app18:16
pmcgowanwith latest from bzr18:16
pmcgowanlatest phablet-tools18:16
om26erpmcgowan, run without -n 'phablet-test-run gallery_app' and before make sure you unlock the greeter18:16
pmcgowanom26er, trying again18:17
doanacpmcgowan: rsalveti: there's a couple of more maguro tests i'm re-running. the ones from 12:07 i think are bad18:20
rsalvetidoanac: indeed18:20
doanacmanta is in-flight. but the mediaplayer job is hung. i'm kicking that by hand18:20
pmcgowandoanac, mako tests for notes-app all failed at 12:07 as well18:22
doanacpmcgowan: okay. i'll kick that off by hand as well18:22
om26erfor camera-app 1 test failed18:23
om26er(for me)18:23
pmcgowanom26er, when the tests run, do you see the UI get events?18:23
pmcgowanI just see it start and stop the app18:23
om26erpmcgowan, that's bad, It runs fine for me. I you can see the live video as tests run18:24
pmcgowanom26er, must be missing something here18:24
pmcgowanom26er, did you initialize with the test-run -i?18:25
om26erpmcgowan, make sure you have python-ubuntu-platform-api installed on the phone18:25
om26erpmcgowan, I installed things manually18:25
pmcgowanI suspected18:25
pmcgowanom26er, I have that18:26
pmcgowanom26er, same thing bfiller_afk was seeing18:27
pmcgowanom26er, MismatchError: After 10.0 seconds test on AbstractButton.opacity failed: 0.35 is not < dbus.Double(0.0, variant_level=1)18:27
pmcgowanthey are all failing with mismatch cause nothing actually happened18:28
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davmor2pmcgowan, ogra_, popey: I'm going to try and reproduce this on .18 but I could the last few nights https://bugs.launchpad.net/touch-preview-images/+bug/120279419:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 1202794 in touch-preview-images "Maguro: Apps lens sometimes keeps scrolling" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:08
popeynot seen that19:08
popeywill try19:08
davmor2popey: you just have to keep opening and closing apps and eventually it gets stuck or scroll19:09
ogra_i havent been able to reproduce, i only had it on the completely broken shell19:14
rsalvetiogra_: I'll add back 45-binder.conf so we don't pollute the syslog much when running the autopilot tests19:16
ogra_rsalveti, ++19:16
rsalvetiwe fixed the issue when running the apps with the shell, but without the shell the limits will not be set correctly19:16
rsalvetinot automatically19:16
rsalvetiso that message will show again19:16
ogra_well, cant we set the limits in the session job ?19:16
rsalvetiwe could fix in the jobs itself, but I'd prefer to just ignore it in the image by default19:17
ogra_instead of the shell job19:17
rsalvetithat might indeed be better19:17
rsalvetiforgot we have a proper session now19:17
rsalvetilet me give that a try19:17
mhall119ogra_: rsalveti: any ETA on when we'll have a working HUD again?19:18
mfischpmcgowan: who is working on or thinking about desktop backgrounds? I'm specifically curious if we have a way to change it currently19:18
popeymfisch: hasn't Laney done something there...19:18
ogra_mhall119, probably a question for ted19:18
pmcgowanmfisch, I think thats in settings somewhere, seb128?19:19
ogra_mhall119, i have never seen the HUD from the inside :)19:19
pmcgowanunless its a gallery option19:19
mhall119ogra_: hmm, looks like ted is out al week19:20
davmor2pmcgowan, mfisch: there is something already added to settings but it is only demo by the look of it currently19:20
pmcgowanI expect thats right19:20
mfischYeah I'm planning on manipulating gsettings19:20
mfischmy manipulations this far have not produced a change19:20
rsalvetipmcgowan: bfiller_afk: which team manages the hud?19:21
rsalvetiI know ted works with it, but it's broken for ages19:21
pmcgowanrsalveti, oh thought it was fixed?19:21
mhall119pmcgowan: it was briefly, now it's broken again19:21
pmcgowanhow can that be?19:22
mhall119I think it was working on the pre-flipped images19:22
mhall119not sure if it was on the flipped or not, I can't remember19:22
rsalvetidon't we have autopilot tests for it?19:22
davmor2pmcgowan: I saw buttons a couple of weeks ago not seen them since ref hud19:22
kenvandinemhall119, the background isn't changeable yet... but there is a MP in review that supports that19:22
mhall119kenvandine: that's okay, I was interested in the answer too :)19:23
mfischglad I'm not the only one who does that19:23
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rsalvetidoanac: we run the utah autopilot tests as phablet user, right?19:26
ogra_rsalveti, yep19:27
cjwatsonralsina: I already flagged in the call that that was going to be a problem.  But you can probably manage it if you temporarily install packagekit and remove aptdaemon.19:27
doanacrsalveti: yes19:27
ralsinacjwatson: ok19:29
mfischpmcgowan: interestingly I can set the wallpaper and the settings app shows it, but not the desktop19:39
pmcgowanmfisch, makes sense, waiting on a shell fix prolly19:40
nik90om26er: ping19:46
om26ernik90, pong19:46
nik90om26er: you were discussing previously with spencer from the file manager regarding the toolbar icons19:46
nik90om26er: he scaled it to 16x16 which caused it to be blurry19:46
nik90om26er: would 32x32 be okay?19:47
nik90We plan on doing something similar for the clock app to use the official icons rather  than our own.19:47
om26erI am not sure about that since things that would look fine on a 720p phone may look blurred on high res tablets like Nexus 1019:48
om26erall in all its better than what we have19:48
nik90om26er: the problem is that the official icons are in svg format. This does not render well with qml19:48
nik90so we are forced to convert to svg.19:48
nik90should I convert them to 64x64 just to make sure?19:48
om26erpng you mean ;)19:48
nik90png yes19:49
om26er32x32 is fine I guess, till people develop a better solution19:49
nik90om26er: okay. thnx. Just cautious before I commit to trunk19:49
om26erdoes anyone know where are the sample videos that we have in phone images ?19:49
ogra_om26er, dpkg -L demo-assets-videos19:50
ogra_(on the phone obviously)19:51
mfischpmcgowan: sorry to bug you again, but who can tell me how those "launcher" icons get on the left hand side, how can I add one?19:51
seb128mfisch, once https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/unity8.background_gsettings/+merge/174958 merged you should be able to see the background change working19:52
mfischseb128: thanks19:52
seb128mfisch, I just approved it again, it failed merging today, which seems to be due to the jenkins issues19:52
pmcgowanmfisch, thats not in yet either afaik19:53
pmcgowanmfisch, need to bug Saviq19:53
mfischseb128: perhaps you know, will the "launchers" (if that's what they're still called) be controlled by the old launcher gsettings key?19:54
seb128mfisch, no idea about that, it's a question for Saviq I guess19:54
seb128but seems like it should, no reason to break compat19:54
mfischseb128: merci, I'll ping him19:55
Saviqmfisch, atm they're hardcoded, I'm afraid, we're getting closer and closer to actually reading the list from gsettings19:57
mfischoh hey Saviq19:57
ajalkaneSaviq: gsettings? No scanning of .desktop files as customary?19:58
mfischSaviq: that's all I need to know, just the mechanism, take your time ;)19:58
Saviqajalkane, not for launcher19:58
mfischajalkane: we always use gsettings for launchers19:58
mfischajalkane: you're thinking of the dash19:58
ajalkaneaah... right of course19:58
Saviqajalkane, "Installed" apps already use .desktop files - same app scope that on the desktop19:58
kentbis there a way to add a new user to my nexus 10? All I've got right now is guest19:59
ajalkaneSaviq: that's great19:59
Saviqseb128, sorry, unapproved as we never approved it ourselves :)19:59
Saviqseb128, someone from our side needs to review19:59
seb128Saviq, oh, sorry, I got confused by the jenkins crazyness20:00
seb128Saviq, I saw that kenvandine comment approved it20:00
mhall119wait a minute, do google contacts sync when using Online Accounts?20:00
seb128Saviq, so I though it was approved and got bounced back due to broken panda boards20:01
mhall119I didn't do anything, but all my contacts are in the address book20:01
seb128mhall119, they don't "sync" but they are fetched online (afaik, I'm not sure but I think it's what kenvandine said)20:02
mhall119that's cool, I wasn't expecting that to work20:03
mhall119always nice to be pleasantly surprised like that20:03
mhall119Saviq: we also have the bug again where closing the first app thumbnail puts the next app into focus instead of staying on the Apps lens20:10
ajalkanewhy does this happen:The following packages have been kept back: linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-headers-generic-pae linux-image-generic qtcreator qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin ubuntu-sdk20:11
ajalkane0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 8 not upgraded.20:12
ajalkanei can't run some apps, and perhaps it's because of this (raring if that makes difference)20:12
ogra_because they want to add or remove another package20:12
ogra_but you only run apt-get upgrade instead of apt-get dist-upgrade20:13
ajalkaneogra_: any good hint how to resolve this conundrum?20:13
Saviqmhall119, TBH I don't know it ever landed20:13
Saviqricmm, https://bugs.launchpad.net/touch-preview-images/+bug/1178288 ?20:13
nhainesHooray for `apt-get dist-upgrade`!20:13
ubot5Launchpad bug 1178288 in touch-preview-images "Closing application in dash causes focus on another application" [High,In progress]20:13
Saviqmhall119, ah, yeah it did, but is back20:13
Saviqmhall119, let me reopen20:13
ajalkaneogra_: i thought running dist-upgrade does more devious things20:13
ogra_ajalkane, apt-get upgrade will never add or remove packages, only upgrade ... if a dependency changed it will hold the depending packages back20:13
ajalkanei should run dist-upgrade? i thought that dist-upgrade would change from raring to whatever comes next20:14
ogra_so in that case you want dist-upgrade which allows removals/additions20:14
ajalkaneand sorry about lack of capital i's, keyboard does not work20:14
ajalkaneok i'll have a go20:14
ogra_the dist-upgrade will not upgrade you to the next release, no worries20:14
ogra_(unless you manually edit your sources.list to actually point to a new distro)20:15
Saviqmhall119, actually, what I think happened, is I reverted that change...20:15
Saviqor maybe that wasn't it...20:15
ajalkanethanks, sounds safe :)20:16
Saviqmhall119, yeah https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/1178288/comments/520:16
ubot5Launchpad bug 1178288 in touch-preview-images "Closing application in dash causes focus on another application" [High,In progress]20:16
Saviqricmm, you remember bug #1178288 ?20:17
Saviqricmm, I think you had a fix, even20:17
ricmmSaviq: I think I did, didnt I ?20:21
Saviqricmm, I think you did indeed20:21
ricmmlemme check20:21
mfischsergiusens: ping20:25
sergiusensmfisch: pong20:26
mfischsergiusens: hey I have some odd zip files on my phone, 2 copies of some zip files in /data/media. Is that normal?20:27
mfischsergiusens: saucy-preinstalled-touch x2 and 2 others20:27
mfischso not copies20:27
sergiusensmfisch: might be flipped vs unflipped20:28
mfischsergiusens: ah these are dated June 1920:28
mfischI should probably do a bootstrap install ;)20:29
sergiusensmfisch: one is touch and the other phablet perhaps20:29
mfischthe new files are dated yestefday20:29
mfischso just from pre-flip20:29
Saviqmfisch, btw, re: launcher, there's one tricky thing to keep in mind and solve at some point - if you dock your phone and get desktop experience, should changes to the launcher propagate between form factors? ;)20:31
mfischSaviq: interesting question20:32
* mhall119 is so happy to have working camera and audio :)20:35
mhall119Saviq: why wouldn't it propagate?20:36
mfischHas anyone else noticed that the clock in the top area and the one on the main screen don't match? Mine are off by 1 min20:39
mfischwith the screen one being 1 min slow20:39
Saviqmhall119, because you use different things on your destkop than on your phone20:40
Saviqmhall119, I'm not saying that or the other, I can see benefits to both20:41
Saviqmhall119, and disadvantages to both as well20:41
Saviqmhall119, and this is just one example20:41
Saviqmhall119, but really every single setting needs some thinking: "will it at all be useful in situation a, b, c, d"20:42
Saviq"should it be a per-device or per-screen setting"20:42
SaviqI can think of many more questions like that, that we need to answer in time for convergence20:42
mhall119Saviq: should you be able to use the same things on phone and desktop?20:48
Saviqmhall119, well, that's convergence, isn't it?20:50
Saviqmhall119, the apps should adapt, is all20:50
mhall119that's what I meant20:51
mhall119I suppose you could hide any Launcher items that done have X-Ubuntu-Touch=true20:51
Saviqmhall119, sure, but that's not even that - you *can* use the same20:51
Saviqmhall119, but you rarely do20:52
ryukafalzUbuntu Touch's messaging is based on Telepathy, right?20:52
ryukafalzIf so, you may want to watch out for this bug right here: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4764720:53
ubot5Freedesktop bug 47647 in tp-qt "Tp-qt fails to remove temp avatar file" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]20:53
ryukafalzIt's fixed, but not in a released version20:53
mhr3Saviq, https://code.launchpad.net/~mhr3/unity8/add-to-empty-lvwhp/+merge/17568220:55
DJJeffwith ofonod stopped this error goes away https://bugs.launchpad.net/touch-preview-images/+bug/120278720:56
mhall119Saviq: you rarely do right now, but we do hope to change that don't we :)20:56
ubot5Launchpad bug 1202787 in touch-preview-images "[NetworkManager] High CPU Usage" [Undecided,New]20:56
Saviqmhall119, still, I can easily imagine people asking to have them separate20:57
Saviqmhall119, like, say, an office suite20:57
Saviqwhich is the obvious overused example20:57
Saviqmhr3, thanks!20:57
Saviqmhr3, I'd rather you move the check just before the call to .first(), though20:58
Saviqto group logically, and in most cases not even reach the isEmpty()20:59
user82is there a new whatsapp client in progress? or does someone resume whosthere work20:59
mhr3Saviq, damn, you're demanding... :P pushed21:00
mhall119user82: there was a whatsapp client being written, but the company behind whatsapp asked us to stop21:00
Saviqmhr3, crap what?21:00
mhr3nothing :) pushed again :)21:01
Saviqmhr3, k;)21:01
ajalkanemhall119: there's an open source whatsapp client. Will whatsapp's asking to stop mean it can't be available in ubuntu phone store?21:06
ajalkanei'm asking because BB got that app too, but pulled it out after initially supporting it after whatsapp complained21:07
popeyajalkane: we're not promoting it21:07
=== boiko__ is now known as boiko
Andy__Hey can some one help me I erased my origibnal android 4.2.2 I installed the ubuntu touch it loaded but said error Make sure the device is connected and viewable by running 'adb devices' Ensure you have a root device, one which running 'adb root' does not return an error21:09
Andy__when I sid run abd my device didn't show21:09
Andy__Then since it didn't work I tried restarting the phone and it sticks at the google logo21:10
Andy__any solutions I just need my phoine back I don't care about the data I lost21:11
Andy__any help here?21:15
user82mhall119, what does that mean. is that legally valid?21:18
user82without whatsapp any mobile os is missing a big target audience.21:19
mhall119user82: the app was having to extract auth tokens that kept changing, without official support from WhatsApp it would have been a constant battle to keep it working21:24
user82mhall119, sucks. what did they say? "we give you more paying customers and make a free client you can make profit of" "nah stop that stuff"?21:24
user82i assume the fee they want could've been implementend, since it is for their service, and not their software?21:25
Saviqmhr3, how about http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5888875/ ?21:25
k1lhmm, that whatsapp point is very tricky imho. my girlfriend got a webos palm device that doesnt have a whatsapp client and that is a big negative. she would not buy any device now that doesnt have whatsapp :/21:28
nhainesAndy__: I suspect a first step would be to let us know what device you're running and what happens when you run 'tail -f /var/log/dmesg' and then plug it in.21:28
Andy__Well it's a android galaxy nexus21:29
mhr3Saviq, oh the header tests don't actually test just the header?21:30
mhr3anyway, pushed21:30
Saviqmhr3, header tests? there's one set of tests for a listview with section headers, another without section headers21:30
AlanBellk1l: someone was telling me about whatsapp the other day (I hadn't heard of it) it is free SMS messages or something right?21:31
mhr3:/ saucy kernel doesn't support bumblebee21:31
k1lAlanBell: yes, its a messenger for Ios and android that works over the internet21:31
mhr3Saviq, i read it as lvwph header test and lvwph section test21:31
Saviqmhr3, got it21:31
AlanBellwhy would I want that if I have thousands of texts a month and I send maybe 2/month?21:32
Saviqmhr3, so that lets you bring back diffing?21:32
k1lAlanBell: most people use that instead of sms now. because there is no fee per message but a very small fee per year for the app and most users already got a internet flat on their mobiles anyway21:32
mhr3Saviq, no that makes unity not crash when you go from empty result set to some items :)21:32
Saviqmhr3, yeah, that too ;)21:33
mhall119user82: they were most concerned about their brand and making sure any WhatsApp app looks like WhatsApp21:33
nhainesmhall119: I'd be rather happy to have LibreOffice on my Ubuntu phone.  :)  Not sure it's a good idea, of course.21:33
k1lAlanBell: that sms-flatrates are not that common.21:33
mhall119nhaines: probably not LibreOffice, but Calligra could make a small-touch-screen interface21:34
AlanBellhuh, most contracts have 5000 texts/month or something like that now21:34
nhainesmhall119: LibreOffice is already going to be installed anyway, so it makes sense to... erm... promote synergy.21:34
k1lAlanBell: no in here :/21:34
k1lAlanBell: most people i know swapped their sms-flat for a internet-flat21:35
AlanBellso is it a walled garden, all users have to have it to use it?21:36
k1lAlanBell: yes21:36
AlanBellwell that sucks21:36
k1lsame with the google hangouts21:36
user82mhall119, okay. interesting. so a control issue, they feared what could happen with the client....no interest in a contract that they could influnce development?21:36
k1lAlanBell: i dont like that, too. whatsapp was free in the first place (for android) and then raised a fee for it.21:37
user8299cents/year. for the service they provide that is quite ok. security issues aside21:37
k1lAlanBell: but as i told you, people make their decision to buy a device (or more a mobile OS) on that fact. got it whatsapp?21:38
AlanBellso it is icky closed then21:38
* AlanBell installs the thing anyway to have a look21:38
k1li know someone who got a no-touchscreen-nokia but that got whatsapp and facebook :/21:38
user82AlanBell, wahtsapp itself is not that interesting. it's the social stuff that comes with it. everybody you know uses it->you need to have it to stay in touch21:39
user82plus sending pics/location etc is sometimes handy21:39
AlanBellheh, I had never heard of it until last week, I doubt I know anyone who has it21:40
user82hahaha. talk to you later when whatsapp grabbed your contacts and scanned who has it21:40
user82i'd say 30% at least21:40
mhall119user82: they might have been interested in a contract if money was involved, but not to help an open source project no21:40
k1luser82: yep, thought the same21:40
mhall119user82: I've just been telling anybody interested in having a WhatsApp client for Ubuntu Touch to contact them and let them know, if they see enough user interest they will either work with us and open source developers or port their own21:41
user82mhall119, allright. thanks for the information! i still think there would not have been a big deal with payment in the open source software, since it is for their service21:41
sergiusensstgraber: I think I am almost done with the tool, just getting a slow download now21:41
AlanBelluser82: ok, so maybe I do know some people who have it, including my daughter!21:42
user82mhall119, funyy. i did that 5 minutes ago. very polite email, just saying i plan on using it.21:42
mhall119user82: I meant them getting paid, not them paying the developer21:42
k1lAlanBell: your daughter will either use the facebook chat or whatsapp. or both :)21:42
=== MrDHat is now known as MrDHat|afk
stgrabersergiusens: cool21:43
stgrabersergiusens: I have a big transparent squid proxy here to deal with that kind of things ;)21:43
user82mhall119, you could just have said "yearly fee will be charged as in android and 100% of it trasnferred to you". free client with paying customers. anyway do not want to keep you from anything...just wanted to have some information21:43
sergiusensstgraber: probably need to set that up, but I rarely stay at one place for too long21:44
k1lAlanBell: i would like to see some open (encrypted) messenger spread all around the world, too. but its not the case yet21:44
user82AlanBell, so you do know some, see. It is kind of peer preasure, i know some people would not sms me for fees, even some better friends. (broke students...i understand kinda). or not that often21:45
user82i restircted the location and call log access for them..do not really want then to know everything21:45
k1li only send sms to my mother who still doesnt have mobile internet. but all of the rest i send emails, hangout-chat or whatsapp.21:45
AlanBellyeah, I know some people use texts quite a bit, I tend to use my phone for the browser, google maps and ssh/irssi for IRC21:46
AlanBellI try to avoid talking to people (I turned off voicemail because it is annoying, and I often leave my phone off for days at a time)21:47
user82ha even my parents started using hangouts and whatsapp...21:47
k1lAlanBell: the problem behind that is: webos showed (besides their mad pricing plans) what a new mobile OS needs to grab users: apps!21:47
user82either apps or apples21:48
AlanBellI am quite looking forward to the Ubuntu touch stuff though, it probably does about all I need from a phoen21:48
k1lnokia did pay alot to make their windows phones cheaper than the android ones to get any customers.21:48
AskUbuntuCan I install Ubuntu desktop programs on my Nexus 4? | http://askubuntu.com/q/32164021:48
AlanBellare there any details on the javascript APIs for phone services yet? like accessing the GPS position or making calls?21:49
AlanBellI assume that there will be extensions to the API that does the laucher/notification/indicator/hud integration at the moment for phone related stuff21:51
=== Andy___ is now known as Guest15160
AlanBellthe documentation for which appears to have gone AWOL http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-12.10/javascript/uwapi-ref.html21:52
DJJeffafter that last "apt-get upgrade21:53
DJJeffit crashes after joining the Wireless AP21:53
DJJeffw00h00 progress!!!!!!21:54
SaviqAlanBell, http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-12.10/javascript/unity-webapps/21:57
SaviqAlanBell, all of the current APIs should work on touch indeed21:57
SaviqAlanBell, as for extensions - probable, nothing planned at the moment I think21:57
AlanBellSaviq: cool, how did you find that link from http://developer.ubuntu.com?21:58
SaviqAlanBell, tbh I just removed the last part of your link21:58
SaviqAlanBell, but if it can't be found - mhall119 something for you maybe?21:58
mhall119AlanBell: we're working on fixing the API links21:59
AlanBellhttp://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/platform/api/12-10/ link busted on that page then21:59
mhall119actually we're going to be doing some major renovations of developer.u.c to make it easier to find the right info21:59
AlanBellwill I be able to create webapps with gu spacing and ubuntushape objects?22:00
AlanBellit was mentioned that HTML5 apps would be first class citizens (and that is a *much* better thing for me to generate) so I am curious what I will be able to do22:02
mhall119AlanBell: ideally yes, but there's not really any way to add grid units without making non-standard changes to our browser22:02
mhall119in QML we use a javascript function that returns an actual pixel value at runtime22:03
DJJeffWIFI only tablets need OFONO removed22:03
DJJeffto work :)22:03
mhall119but you can'd add Javascript function calls to CSS22:03
AlanBellhmm, would need sass or less or something22:04
AlanBellthere is a calc() function in css that can do some stuff22:05
AlanBellyou can do width:calc(100% - 20px) for example22:05
mhall119can you have variables in CSS?22:07
mhall119if so, we can maybe do22:07
mhall119width: calc(10 * gu)22:07
AlanBellnope, not without sass or less as a preprocessor22:07
AlanBellless will run client side, so that could work22:08
AlanBellbasically it would be nice to be able to have a framework of javascript and CSS that would make a simple web page look precisely like it fits with the native app, so titles, drag up footer thing, typography, spacing pixel perfect22:14
AlanBellyeah, I think if you can put the size of a gu in the unity context object, so readable from javascript then the rest can be sorted out with less.js22:18
AlanBelland the chameleon colour reference would be nice too :)22:19
AlanBellpresume that is a thing in Ubuntu Touch?22:19
AlanBelloh and are the APIs for pushing data to the blob sizes on the home screen exposed yet/going to be web-app accessible?22:23
mfischstgraber: ping22:26
stgrabermfisch: pong22:26
mhall119AlanBell: have you seen the HTML5 theme work that daker did?  It has almost everything you just described22:30
mhall119in terms of UI anyway22:30
mhall119not APIs22:30
rsalvetijjohansen: hey, question for you, the android image (and container) sets up the nice rlimit to 40 by default, but in ubuntu the default max nice priority is set to 022:34
rsalvetijjohansen: binder contains a logic which increases the nice value depending on the message, so it can have a higher scheduler priority22:35
rsalvetijjohansen: in our case, if we don't set rlimit to something higher than 0, binder will work but complain that it could not set a custom nice value inside the binder driver22:36
rsalvetiprinting 'RLIMIT_NICE not set'22:36
rsalvetijjohansen: as we want our compat layer (which uses binder) to have the same rlimit as set by android, I added a 'limit nice 40 40' inside the ubuntu-touch-session upstart job22:37
rsalvetiso any app started by the session/shell would have a max priority compatible with binder's logic22:37
rsalvetiproblem is that the same doesn't apply when you're connected via ssh, which is how we're running our autopilot tests22:38
rsalvetiyou can see the amount of noise (errors) in https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-touch-mako-smoke-camera-app-autopilot/9/consoleFull, for example22:39
rsalvetiso first question is if it's fine for us (from ubuntu's perspective) to also set rlimit nice to 40 40 by default (soft hard), at least for the touch session22:41
rsalvetiand second is if you know a way we can set a default limit for the 'phablet' user, or even generically for the system22:41
rsalvetiseems /etc/security/limits.conf is not actually working when connecting via ssh22:42
rsalvetimdeslaur: maybe something you can help as well ^22:42
jjohansenrsalveti: /etc/security/limits.conf22:45
jjohansenrsalveti: oh hrmm, thats interesting22:46
rsalvetimaybe I'm missing something, let me try forcing it to '*'22:47
rsalvetiso it can be the default22:47
jjohansenrsalveti: Added explicit 'UsePAM yes' to /etc/ssh/sshd_config.22:48
jjohansenas for defaulting to 40 40 I don't like that22:48
rsalvetiright, that's the default value used in android22:49
jjohansenyes I get that, binders running in the container right?22:49
jjohansenwe could possibly default it for just the container22:49
rsalvetiwe don't necessarily need to set default to 40, seems anything higher than 0 would already make binder "happy", as it'll then use whatever max value it can22:49
jjohansenso android bits get 40 4022:49
rsalvetiright, but we have stuff running in ubuntu which uses binder22:50
jjohansenso why is binder complaining if its 0, what is the logic to that?22:51
rsalvetilet me get the link to the code22:52
rsalvetijjohansen: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-saucy.git;a=blob;f=drivers/staging/android/binder.c;h=85ed6cfd18038341ca607afe46e8c3a8b3cf8759;hb=refs/heads/mako22:53
rsalvetiline 516 is the function that sets up the nice values22:53
sergiusensstgraber: just noticed if ubuntu_command has a typo we go into infinite loop22:55
sergiusensreboot loop22:55
stgrabersergiusens: yep, I noticed that :)22:55
annerajbwhich repository is ubuntu_deploy.sh rsalveti ?22:56
rsalvetijjohansen: so it tries to set up to a desired nice value (seems it can even be the priority used by the other end, which can come from android), if it fails, it then tries to set up a min_nice value22:56
stgrabersergiusens: easy enough to fix, I'll just have the script moved the command file to ubuntu_command.applying as the first thing it does22:56
stgrabersergiusens: will send you a patch in a minute22:56
jjohansenrsalveti: so part of this seems to be the difference between user nice and knice values.  The knice value range from 40..122:58
jjohansenuser nice is -20..1922:58
jjohansenthat is IIRC22:58
rsalvetirlimit's nice priority is from 1..4022:58
jjohansensetting 40 for the system as a default is a no go22:59
jjohansensetting binder to 40 by default is fine22:59
rsalvetiin android 40 is default because any process can use binder22:59
rsalvetiand I don't think that this is exported to the java stack22:59
rsalvetithis I mean I don't think any app can take up to 4023:00
AlanBellmhall119: nope, not seen the theme stuff from daker, got a link?23:00
thomihmm, running phablet-test-run this morning seems to hang and do nothing. I've re-flashed the device, and updated phablet-tools. Any other ideas?23:00
sergiusensthomi: there's an unreleased update from today23:01
sergiusenscyphermox_: kenvandine can you do a daily release for phablet-tools?23:01
thomisergiusens: I'm not sure what that means, sorry23:01
mhall119AlanBell: not sure how up to date it is, but http://people.ubuntu.com/~daker/ubuntu-html5-theme/23:01
thomioh, I see23:01
sergiusensthomi: bzr branch lp:phablet-tools and use that ;-)23:01
thomiphablet-tools won't work until something gets released23:01
mhall119if you enable touch events in Chromium, you'll see more of how they work23:01
thomisergiusens: gotchya, thansk23:01
thomi*thanks even23:02
thomisergiusens: I see you're joining us in Boston?23:02
stgrabersergiusens: didn't test it, but looks right: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5889077/23:02
rsalvetijjohansen: 'phablet soft/hard nice -20' works in limits.conf (via ssh),23:02
dakermhall119: it does also work with a mouse now, not perfect but it works23:02
rsalvetijjohansen: but don't think we want that either23:02
mhall119daker: ah, thanks, is the link I gave relatively up to date?23:02
jjohansenrsalveti: nope23:03
mhall119or is there somewhere better to point people23:03
AlanBellthat is *great*23:03
AlanBellunfinished, but exactly what I was hoping for23:03
mhall119AlanBell: that's part of the Ubuntu SDK now :)23:03
jjohansenrsalveti: so are we seeing a 0 in the kernel code?23:04
rsalvetijjohansen: yes23:04
dakermhall119: i'll try to put the last update23:04
rsalvetijjohansen: when debugging here 'binder_set_nice' had 0 and -8 as values23:05
dakermhall119: there is a MR for suru-dark http://people.ubuntu.com/~daker/ubuntu-html5-theme/examples/widgets/Toggles.html23:05
mhall119daker: nice23:05
mhall119daker: how about suru-gradient?23:05
mhall119can we do that with css?23:06
dakerin the pipeline ;)23:06
mhall119you rock man!23:06
jjohansenokay, so the binder driver is broken and needs to be fixed23:06
jjohansenrsalveti: 0 is how the kernel represents no limit23:07
dakermhall119: http://i.imgur.com/DJhD8jM.png23:08
rsalvetijjohansen: don't know if there's any easy solution here, we could also just ignore the error message, as the rest of the system shold have a max limit of 023:08
rsalvetijust the android container that has 40 by default (entire container)23:08
rsalvetibut I believe in the android model that was allowed so binder could have a higher priority than the rest of the system23:09
jjohansenrsalveti: well its odd that we are seeing 0 as a nice value, we shouldn't, hrmm unless maybe realtime I am not sure how realtime priority is represented atm23:09
jjohansenright binder wants to be highest priority23:10
jjohansenbut why are we seeing 0 else where23:11
=== _salem` is now known as _salem
rsalvetijjohansen: but it seems 0 it's not 'no limit' here23:13
rsalvetiit calls set_user_nice with 023:13
rsalvetiwhich can be from -20 to 1923:13
rsalvetiisn't 0 just the default we use?23:13
jjohansenright, but 0 should be a value we see in kernel code23:14
sergiusensthomi: seems so23:15
jjohansena 0 in userspace is 20 in the kernel23:15
sergiusensstgraber: also, the checksum in the json index, is that sha256?23:15
rsalvetijjohansen: right, just looking at http://lxr.free-electrons.com/source/kernel/sched/core.c?a=mips#L365023:16
rsalvetiand in our case rlim_cur is 0 by default, which will make the binder code to call set_user_nice with 20, which just makes it to return without changing anything23:17
stgrabersergiusens: yep23:17
sergiusensgood :-)23:19
jjohansenso, I see it as binder needs patched23:20
rsalvetijjohansen: right, but what would you change there, just removing the error?23:21
rsalvetiotherwise we could change that logic to set up the nice anyway (adjusting the limits), but still not safe23:25
jjohansenrsalveti: I don't see how why the error should happen23:25
jjohansen   min_nice = 20 - current->signal->rlim[RLIMIT_NICE].rlim_cur;23:25
jjohansenis converting for kpri to user pri, so from 1..40 to -20..19, we shouldn't get a value >= 2023:25
jjohansenhrmm, no I guess actually do get 2023:26
rsalvetijjohansen: rlim_cur is 4023:26
rsalvetiops, 0 actually23:26
rsalvetibinder: nice value 0 not allowed use 20 instead23:27
jjohansenrsalveti: what is 0? rlim_cur?23:27
NoizeDoes Ubuntu for Android have it's own channel? If so, could you direct me?23:28
jjohansenah no, that message is post conversion, thats the min_nice value23:28
popeyNoize: no, it doesnt23:28
rsalvetiyeah, but for it to be 20 rlim_cur needs to be 023:28
Noizepopey, how do i contact devs for that? for like help and such?23:29
jjohansenrsalveti: okay, right I was looking at the wrong value in the message.23:30
jjohansenrsalveti: so I need to poke more as to the rlim values23:31
rsalvetijjohansen: right23:32
rsalvetijjohansen: want me to open a bug for you?23:32
jjohansenrsalveti: sure23:32
mdeslaurrsalveti: what are you setting the rlimit in limits.conf?23:37
rsalvetimdeslaur: not setting yet, was just testing if that would work in our tests23:37
mdeslaurrsalveti: nice at 1 or more should work23:38
mdeslaurso you need to set limits.conf to -20, for example to get the full range23:39
mdeslaurthe conversion is pretty stupid23:40
rsalvetiright, in our case -1 would already get rid of that error, but I also wanted to discuss what could be the proper solution23:40
mdeslaurstgraber: can you set an rlimit for a container?23:44
rsalvetimdeslaur: the android one has 40 40 by default23:44
rsalvetimdeslaur: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5889171/23:45
mdeslaurrsalveti: the android container, or android itself?23:45
rsalvetithis is from android's init23:45
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mdeslaurand you're still getting the error message?23:45
mdeslaurthat's odd23:45
stgrabermdeslaur: it may be kept per pidns, if so, yes, but I'm really not sure. Pinging hallyn about it.23:45
rsalvetimdeslaur: I'm getting that error because I'm using an app that needs binder from the ubuntu side23:46
mdeslaurrsalveti: whats PID 337 in your example, is it binder?23:46
rsalvetito talk with the service available in the android side23:46
mdeslaurrsalveti: oh, hrm23:46
rsalvetithat's android's init service23:46
mdeslaurrsalveti: are we compiling our own binder in our images?23:46
rsalvetibug 120288723:47
ubot5bug 1202887 in linux-mako (Ubuntu) "'binder: RLIMIT_NICE not set' when using binder from the ubuntu side" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120288723:47
mdeslaurrsalveti: *cough*killitwithfire*cough*23:47
rsalvetimdeslaur: binder is a kernel driver, we just use it from the ubuntu side23:47
sergiusensstgraber: we certainly want that patch, even after a successful update the ubuntu_command just stays there23:51
rsalvetijjohansen: the bug ^23:51
rsalvetialso added affects to all android kernels we use23:51
rsalvetimdeslaur: binder is heavily used by android when you need to talk with most services23:54
rsalvetimost jni code uses binder in the end, to talk with a service done in c++, for example23:54
rsalveticurrently that's used by us to play any kind of media, use camera, communicate with the app manager and so on23:55
sergiusensstgraber: rsalveti https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/phablet-tools/image_updates/+merge/17570823:55
DJJeffany fix for this http://paste.ubuntu.com/5888986/23:58

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